If We Can Drive It, They Won't Scrap It... Lord of the Dump Bees [EP1]

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all right we're back at vnr's second yard we made a video a year ago it was a fun video it was a fun video with lots of cool stuff for sale especially that drag line we came back today to start the drag line but even we aren't moving fast enough we're moving slower than as slow as you guys are because nobody bought that stupid thing it's all your guys fault for not buying this crap before it got crushed so we blame you so we're gonna be walking through the yard and we will make the effort to try and save one or two things and you guys have to comment as to what we should say there's some dozers there's we can't buy everything and i don't think we can buy anything i don't think we can buy anything so i don't know if it leaves a yard or not but but you guys need to comment as to what needs to be saved what can we start and drive this is actually a good candidate because even though the valve cover is missing and the intake's missing i bet it would run with some ether you're just partial to c10s maybe anyway let's go see what else let's see what we can do [Music] all right so you might notice that this says episode one that's because there's an episode two and it's already live on our second channel the boss garage heavy duty by the time you finish watching this episode you'll understand why it's on the off-road channel so definitely subscribe to that channel if you haven't already besides that we've got a new line of hats available for all you guys asking for more hats and that's enough chatting let's get into it here we go all right get the caddy going new rubber set up a ramp over there brick on the steering wheel and launch it right in the middle of the pad i can't open the door i'm not strong enough oh thanks the key in it oh yeah and the lights are on yeah yeah right is there an engine is there an engine do it again bounce here try this somebody's trying to hand it try the hood latch somebody painted it nice somebody slammed it and bent the nah that's nope half a truck yeah somebody even stole five of the eight plugs or plug wires how about a good coil we can take this coil and put it on the c10 i i'd say let's keep looking all right like if you fired that up and was able to move that but the drive shafts oh the the u-joints busted yeah oh no the keys missing rich keys missing this is an air brake cleaner no no she's seized a solid that's seized i i kind of want to just cut the front end of this off hanging on the wall there's the intake hole that we need why are we just trying to start this one [Laughter] does this one seize safari oh okay sorry that's cool that's the drive shaft still attached to the axle is the steering connector i'm gonna hold it you turn it steering is connected seized look at the little frog on the wiring hey little guy and because we're in canada it will not kill you this looks good except for it's open it has a battery in it so somebody it must have been running it must have been running because yeah cause they would have taken the battery out you gonna check the ear on that battery no i'd still try it it's got a battery in it try the key oh the key's in it ah oh nothing hey hello there nothing there buddy pedals move more than i say for most of these cars is this the convertible or is the top half just separating from the bottom i'd say they're all convertibles it's a scout traveler as there's one beside it oh yeah oh yeah they're pretty cool actually this one won't run nice not fan belt and just sort of slice my hand off you can always grow another one yeah i think scout season i think goats had a problem with rust like out of all the ones here let's look at jimmy over here somebody wants this glass it's in one piece i can feel it i can feel it i believe in it yeah oh i was gonna say that jimmy might run or that's a ford that's a bronco this is the one you were gonna save yeah does it come with the chris there's bees under the handle you'd stick your hand under there everybody makes fun of me it's like deja vu because he soaked in liquor and sugar on them and the garbage juice they're just attracted to them and i end up getting stung all the time i've worked on one like this june and 2012. and this this was there an oil change eight years ago i'll try and start this isn't hers oh there's a key in it i think i'm over the weight class oh this guy oh i got a beat wow oh it hurts so much when this thing i'm not allergic no bueno he wasn't happy oh what's that rich old poor little beast on you oh does that hurt oh my god i don't like bees all right they hurt and they're angry [Music] split it had water trickling all over it for years and that thing's open it spins yeah and the bees are angry hey rich i think there's 10 on that seat on the passenger side what do you think's in here squirrels we don't get too many rats nests up here i don't think this one's a good one rich i can see the timing gears and there's no belt on them anymore the dream is gone i can't even see the engine minty [Music] it's kind of cool patina just cutting the i like this cutting the foot off of it the international carriage do your thing let's start international 220 nope see solid next i can't discus clutch because they're way ahead of everybody else's it sees there's no current what about the honda matic that was i bet this would go that was probably the best candidate in the whole yard it's still got an engine an engine with things uh it doesn't have a fan belt hold that hold the hood can you turn it with one hand oh the keys in it just make noise so the raccoons i can find the i shouldn't reach under the seat but we're gonna do it ah yeah and i it's got gears yeah i can hear the gears moving and something's happening with the clutch here i think it's manual so do i got the right key yep i'd say we put a battery in it see if it turns over yeah it's got an aftermarket deck in it from a chrysler i can take the battery out of my truck when you throw it in sure thematic i like it that's kind of cool it comes with extra mirrors in glass [Music] okay contact it like if it's in gear and it starts oh it might like run over your toe it might yeah my toe might stop it might just like get up and go okay let's see if we get it oh yeah i heard something click but nothing i keep trying yeah i'm just holding it i'm hitting every button it's not even trying to no like it's not even maybe i'll pull the choke let me let me see i got a couple wrenches maybe i can go on the alternator and see if i can turn it over otherwise i think we should just bump start it with something and just keep popping the clutch until we break it free because i bet it'll go well i got to make sure the radio works first before we do anything okay does it like the wipers or anything yeah four ways work yeah no lights dude it does light up i can hear like a clicking over here oh yeah yeah four ways are working yeah you got good good stuff let me see if i can turn that over otherwise we just bump started across the earth i just everything's just similar you know you just gotta give it a little oh the defrost on the rear works i think she works just the horn doesn't work and that's always disappointing radio you know it's no knight rider but let me see if i can turn it over don't don't try and start i don't want to lose my finger in a fanboy she's seized if we can get it out of here and then and then push it with something and you just keep popping the clutch we can break if we but we need to clear away first we got to move a couple cars nicely out of the way there are 12's we can like try and find some wheelbarrow tires maybe that'd be kind of funny let's see if there's any fluids oh yeah just snakes come out empty no stuff in there is there oil in the engine yeah we should check that out it's like we just want to see if it turns over there's lots of snails look at that well not even yeah it's at the bottom that's all right this is actually hopeful because it's oily yeah i think we can get this going let's um see if we can fire up a dozer and just shove all these cars out of the way let me check the oil first i like how the oil cap is like connected to the thing so you can't lose it is there any way that this is a positive ground because the oh well it didn't spark well that's good either yeah i'll just hold it tight how's that see if anything happens oh look there's a start button right here off wait wait wait wait this is really cool let me put that there and i guess there okay so we're all gonna stand okay so that turns over but this belt is slipping so is there a way to tighten that belt it is loose eh let's walk through this so we don't do anything stupid this is a danger this is your throttle okay so we've got oh that's that's warm now so this is like run that looks like oh wait start oh that tight that tightens the belt doesn't it you tighten it do it doing one and i'll wiggle the belt do try that i think we're on different belts well i'm looking at the belt on this pup motor thing yeah and i'm looking at this belt behind me why don't you just try it one way and try it the other way oh it's right here you don't have the dumb side well it's like where's this where is it right you're freaking fire your face like what uh so it's in run and this is this is start okay that moves that in there okay i am on the dumb side i'm going back over there how do you tighten it is there a knob yeah there's like a starter here oh oh this is harder that's getting hot oh i do have a bar in the truck i gotta crank that up and do you got any rump at home well we tightened the belt the belt was slipping so now i think we got the belt going so we're gonna go in the start position and then on so on the bottom of that cylinder head over there oh the hole here too [Laughter] i'm not gonna light without that no yeah we have to plug those holes does this one have them this one has it too so if we close it yeah can we take that off do you need an adjustable all i brought would be today was my truck we have a pry bar it's an adjustable oh strippers stripper don't go home without your nipples boys it's like hand tight there you go this nipple looks a little small so just stick some uh pl premium in there yeah see or a bolt or a stick [Laughter] okay so this is what we're left with we found some air holes we could just up the compression by grabbing a compressor and just hook an arrow to it to either side direct injection right yeah so we can shove an old valve stem inside here and that will plug the hole and then it'll come shooting out and like somebody's going to lose an eye but that'll be interesting don't stick your eye underneath it it's going to bounce it's going to be awesome it's going to be epic that way whenever anybody asks how'd you lose your eye you're like well you got to see the video yeah so i got a lot of tape is it the right thread yeah it's right it's red do you want to make another one i'll start threading the other side yeah you figured the engineering was such top-notch that there's no need to try and do anything else this is a this is a collaboration on technology here okay i got her thread today she's good she's solid got all four oh wait what about this yeah so i'm gonna thread that back over and you jam it back in the hole oh i see yeah yeah just jam it in any random hole you find all right let me plug this in uh you got the air filter on your side i think sure that's that's this thing it's my finger yeah yeah it looks like one where does the air come in it's an oil bath i can just put like a big cloud of ether in your general direction and then crank it over i'm gonna i'm gonna unscrew it do you think there's oil in it and there is oil yeah you want the ether job yeah i definitely do i'm gonna put that back here i'm gonna sit on the tracks is that okay yeah i don't think so i don't know how to shut it off once it's running hey guys oh yeah there's an on off aaron just don't pull any levers ready yeah that's spraying a lot of ether yeah like it's not even trying no it'll go try to look it's coming out the hole on the bottom oh yeah oh yeah did you check your side does it go nothing coming on my side perfect this side didn't it should have still puffed though it should have puffed a little bit okay let me try it ready yeah take the spark plug wire off and hold it close to the ground i'm not holding then you don't get shocked hold on hold on don't do it don't die this is so scary are you ready no go for it okay [Laughter] no spark we got no spark we'll have a look is there any other wires to that coil or anything no but it's oh yeah i heard sparking wait let me put this back on don't start yeah all right one more okay this one's tricky because it's kind of buried in there no you ready what happened there no it's not turning over woof hold on yeah that switch busted maybe just arc it the solenoid's right beside you yeah but then okay all right we got her on yeah okay contact did you have spark oh i wasn't looking okay try it no no no all right no spark okay i think we'll come back with some proper tools and see if we can get this one fired up just so we can uh yeah see if the whole thing works kind of cool machine it's painted so nicely it should run it should run it looks really good episode two is already live on the boss garage heavy duty the link's in the description so check it out and check out all the videos on that channel as well here we go try again hold this yeah lick your finger touch it let's see dance monkey nothing no spark
Views: 209,935
Rating: 4.9215007 out of 5
Keywords: dump bees, cold start diesel, cold start tractor, caterpillar diesel engine, caterpillar diesel cold start, caterpillar diesel engine startup, caterpillar bulldozer startup, cold start diesel tractor, old caterpillar bulldozer startup, bulldozer, Laphonda honda, scrap yard finds, junkyard digs, junkyard dog, junkyard finds, junkyard gold, roadkill full episodes, roadkill stubby bob, dghd, deboss garage, will it run, trailer park boys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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