Making a CAT 3126 Bus Engine Think Like a Powerstroke | #FTreeKitty [EP10]

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okay i know you guys are jonesing for ford content so um i got some good news for you right now i don't have a reliable truck to take us anywhere it looks like the border i'm guessing i'm gonna call it you're gonna open around june july and it's still winter you might hear a lawnmower in the background but that's my neighbor he's going senile and he uses it to blow the snow off his driveway so we're still got a little bit of time but i don't have a truck so i gotta bypass the c10 and get the f350 going um because otherwise we're not gonna go anywhere this year or maybe i'll get the silver outlet going twin turbo compound p-pump 24-valve or caterpillar f-350 let's get on the caterpillar here we go [Music] [Music] scott's done all the machining on the head and on top of that we got new injectors new huey pump and new turbo this will do more than we ever needed to do okay so this is all stuff that we don't need don't harp on me for pulling apart an old ford it is a great engine it's just not gonna make me happy not near as much as a caterpillar okay so today's video is gonna be really easy we're just gonna wire the engine we just have to take this red wire give it power and this black wire there's a black wire we give that ground turn the key and fire up super easy some of these are still labeled red pending freightliner oh i'm in trouble let's get into it [Music] okay looks very daunting but it really isn't there's wire harness for the caterpillar engine itself um that plugs into the engine computer which is on the side of the cat and then there is a plug that goes to the cab of the whatever this was a school bus so i took the entire wiring harness from the school bus all the turn signals all the everything is on this and we don't need that um i do need the tcu transmission controller and that will be wired in nicely it's got its own diagnostic plug we're gonna keep all that and that's the nice thing about keeping the original setup that we had this is the engine and the transmission out of the bus with some of the parts from the uh kodiak on there but that's besides the point let's not worry about that first things that we need to do finish buttoning up everything on the engine itself so that mechanically everything is tight and it's not going to leak things like the block heater is on order there was studs on the bus that went or or sleeves that went between the exhaust manifold and here which is why they weren't tight by getting off the phone with cat they said um that this serial number did not have the sleeves on it so the threads are exposed so we can bolt the manifold tight which means that we can put the turbo tight which means that we can tighten the drain or the feed and the drain on our new turbo the fan belt assembly everything is good to go um and now we've got our radiator from flex-a-lite so this one is actually off of a 6.0 power stroke what that allowed us to do is measure our frame rails on the truck and this one fit nicely in between and is nice and tall basically is a perfect fit for this engine now this will hang out down low a little bit because it's a lot taller than the original radiator we didn't go with a 7-3 because they didn't have intercoolers i don't believe and this one will have an intercooler off of a 6-0 as well we went with one from summit that doesn't have the plastic tanks on it and this nice one from flex light also does not have the plastic tanks on it that the uh that the power strokes do the top neck is a little bit smaller than uh the top one but the bottom is the same size so i can get a radiator hose that just goes from here to here and we should be good there and what we might do because this is aluminum's get vents too we'll weld a nice elbow on it point it in the right direction and then not touch we won't weld baseball bats to our this radiator it comes with electric cooling fans which allows us to put it a lot closer and you know i'm touching but that's because i didn't weld my things far enough on my little stand here a couple other things uh our manifold i need to drill and tap the sensors for the air intake and we've got lines on order for our air compressor which is the cooling lines which will plumbed in on to the other side we did run uh the oil feed line nice and neat to oil the compressor and then my hydro boost pump that will run the hydro boost so we're going to start with the wiring harness this one making sure that all these plugs go somewhere um that goes into the computer here and then this harness will go to the dash but let's tighten up all the loose ends first once that's all bolted up we will get into the wiring here we go [Music] [Music] there's also why you send your engine off to the machine shop because scott actually decks the exhaust manifold so that they're nice and clean just a little bit of paint that's on there but um beautiful let's take a raise into that paint off [Music] [Music] okay everything bolted down 35 foot pounds to that i'm gonna pre-lube the turbo which is super critical because we will be cranking it for a while while we fill up that giant filter for the huey before it'll start i'll spin that around and then we've got everything bolted down below new o-rings and the feed should be good to go that's it get into the wiring [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay so this is all stuff that we don't need every green wire was lights uh for all the different flashers and stuff inside the that was involved with the bus don't need that um this is everything to do with brakes because it has an odd little parking brake we've got a daytime running light module and a bunch of wires that we don't need so basically it's very straightforward where all the green ones were for the lights so we can cut all of those all the pink ones go to the fuse panel and they're either key power or battery there's that it's that simple so basically what we're left with is three sections this is coming from the engine um on a plug that will connect to what's on the engine and that is all of my gauges and my cruise control my throttle pedal and my key switch to turn everything on the other one is mostly transmission all the key power and battery power i need for the transmission and then the other harness is what's on the engine and the transmission itself just lay it right back out again we got one valve body at the back for the transmission we've got our speed sensors and then the plug at the back of the ecu and that ends up nice and neat right here this is the transmission uh tcu which will go inside and that seems pretty complicated you don't have to do any of that you can get your pin out on the ecu if you google cat 3126 ecu pin out you can figure out which wires to connect to your throttle to your cruise control which ones are battery and which ones are ignition and you can simplify that a lot but the issue that you'll run into is getting your gauges to work now i opted to not go that route and leave a bunch of the factory wiring because i want the plugs in the firewall and we've also met classic instruments um super cool company who basically built uh really unique gauges and talking to them they're able to take our old gauge cluster out of the bus figure out which wires go where take the plug from the back put it into the f-150 and put their own gauges in there to run everything looking stock so it will still look like an f-150 but we can add whatever we want including boost and egts so once we're done with this we're going to send that off to them and hopefully that works out all right so along with our flex-a-lite radiator which is fantastic because it doesn't have any of those stupid plastic tanks and their fins are actually corrugated to uh allow the air to go through and all their tubes are uh channeled so that you get much better heat dissipation we also got an upgraded intercooler this one's from summit as well this should be a perfect fit other than it's the wrong color let's see if it works oh sweet that will that left side my left closest to you will squeeze nicely between the alternator and the ac compressor and this one on the right could be a little bit lower or higher sorry but a little bend on there and we got it actually we can probably weld an elbow on that to go up a hair on a like a 45 and that'll be a perfect fit straight down and over that's awesome there we go okay so the intercooler is just kind of hanging on there with some cheap quick brackets to make it work and of course i drilled the hole in the wrong spot i think we're gonna tear into the truck um it's not on the road anyway i really wanted to fire it on this stand but uh the way everything is it's a big giant engine with a lot of expensive parts on it i don't want to risk um anything happening firing it up but i want to hear it run so um it's only logical now we pull the truck apart um we've got most of our major pieces we're gonna pull the cab in the box off of the f350 make some proper mounts we can figure out all our measurements and that what we need now and then we don't have to put the cab on and off a bunch of times let's get into it all right there she is in hibernation let's see i forget i don't know if there's a battery in it or not it is here's the fuel pump fuel tank still leaks oh look at that loyal i will not miss that 460 noise at all you know that there's a lot of stuff happening in the way of a lot of fuel being used but nothing really going on oh i know you guys are excited about this so am i and that'll be the last time okay so the tickets decent enough i could use a little touch-up paint i don't think we're gonna get too carried away with the paint but this this is kind of embarrassing this is this was all brittle i closed the tailgate at one time this whole ford thing fell off so a vs solutions i think makes a new uh tin plate for this without the indent in here and then i think we're gonna get caterpillar um cnc'd out and so that sticks out kind of the way that the platinum looks on the back i think that's a nice nice touch the battery from uh new york that was still no good um my original is the only piece i have left from my 1987 s10 this has been still has some dog food in it maybe this has served three great dogs one bad one i gotta keep that i also have this box i actually forgot what's in this box water that's not good that's not good at all i thought that was waterproof anyway i just need two sensors this one was out of the water nice that one's okay not doing anything or the rest of this was trash anyway cummins sure but as for the box itself we're basically just going to pull this off empty out the back and uh pull it off put it on a trailer and leave it outside so i can't stress this enough guys that if you are doing a project to this scale where you are taking something older and doing all the work to do a conversion in it make sure you start with a clean body um look at this uh 20 30 almost 30 year old truck and i could spin the nuts on and off by hand i made the mistake with the tahoe i did all the work to put the 4bt in it only to have the body rod away where it wasn't safe it is 100 worth it to drive down to arizona the desert texas florida montana somewhere where they don't use salt and enjoy the road trip home happy to say that we did buy the bronco it is in oregon 84 looks to be pretty clean bought at sight unseen so once the border opens up we'll uh we'll head down there and uh drive that home look at that only only jose's mud little california mud there so we'll wash that off we'll we'll paint the whole bottom of this in earlier videos we did say that we were gonna put bed liner on the bottom and we've had a lot of comments saying that it holds moisture so we will not be doing that we'll just be using a good paint and then under oiling it here we go okay the reason why i put the cat on the stand and got as far as i could as is is because the truck just takes up way too much space c10 is in the house garage now we can roll things back and forth we're going to make a stand for the cab and then we can work on the interior and that in that area and then quickly just roll it outside push it back in and out with the tractor as need be so let's get into it okay so this is california spec 460 meaning that it's got extra emission stuff on it to keep the california cancer down when we dynoed it we got 209 horsepower to the rear tires getting nine miles to the gallon there's nothing wrong with this engine other than it's just not efficient enough for the amount of power and torque that you're getting so this one is going to somebody that uh is going to swap it into an old muscle car i think whether it's growing a mustang or something i don't know there's nothing wrong with this but um it's not good for what we needed to do so don't harp on me for pulling apart an old ford um it is a great engine you're pulling the emission stuff off different cam shaft it'll make somebody very happy it's just not going to make me happy not near as much as a caterpillar here we go [Music] so so [Music] pretty straightforward on how to pull the cab drain your fluids leave your rad and everything with your front assembly two bolts down right into the chain on either side disconnect your steering inside the cab slide the bar forward anything that's on your fenders and your wheel well um pull that off obviously drain your ac and remove it from your condenser and then from your compressor the one line or just the lines that are going over top of the the firewall there uh wiring harness is plugged here but i could not get that plug off and i shattered it a bunch of places wiring harness that goes to the tail lights down below there and one plug on the firewall that ends up with it everything else is just going to get lifted off with the cab you got a ground strap into the front corner there and then to your fender here and then your starter wires go to the solenoid right here inside the cab is kind of a pain for the cab mounts there because you have to go the bolts end up straight through not like the gms where they thread into something so uh you kind of need one you need long arms to reach inside the cabin underneath uh if you're doing it by yourself so i think we can roll the thing outside a little bit because my hoist doesn't actually line up with the cab very nice and then lift the cab off here we go [Music] there's that ground strap was missing there's the other one i knew there was [Music] one oh that's nice it's so nice all right so i got really excited there for a little bit because this catalytic is bigger than my leg and i thought we could sell that to finance most of the build but she uh she's a little bit hollow yeah yeah she would have put out a good solid 198 horsepower on the dyno but because of that hollow tube she put out a decent respectable 209. anyway that's it for me for today um she's up in the air and that's good i have nowhere to put this cab so um i'm gonna roll this thing outside in the morning it's still really cold out right now i think the sun's supposed to shine tomorrow we'll lift this uh 460 out i think it gets sold potentially if not um you should buy it because you can save an old 460 because you can put it in your dream project car your dream is just different than my dream and that's okay but i'm gonna run to princess auto tomorrow in the morning grab some casters build a little frame so i can roll this cab around and then um we'll strip the rest of this frame i'm going to mock everything up put everything in place and then we'll pull back out and we'll paint the frame so i don't think we need to sand blast it um she's that's not rust uh that's just that's that was the original paint on it anyway light went out that's time for me to go to bed here we go okay so i got the scales underneath the tires here and it's not great without the cab on there and the box the front tank is empty the back tank is full we're coming in at 4 000 pounds so just just that frame and that 460 weighs more than the audi now we're going to take that 460 out and put um that monster in there but the issue is that our scales are good for 1700 pounds each so it only gives me 500 pounds per front tire are we gonna add a thousand pounds oh maybe not we'll see anyway now we can pull the 460 out and then we'll compare that to uh what it's like with the cat in it i won't do it with the cab in the box on it because i think that's too much for our scales we're good for seven thousand pounds so here we go [Music] [Music] it's actually a really good fit other than my uh pressure fitting for the fuel return on the back here i looked at uh drew man's driveway he brought his truck over and um there was lots of room there on his truck but he also did a two or three inch body lift i kind of want to keep it stock because i really like the stance the way it is i debated on telling scott to drill this passageway straight up and down uh from here and make the fitting come out the back here and i didn't um now this fitting is here um and i could have had it up here that's that's a good uh inch and i might need that but we can we can just kind of tappy tappy right there but i'll take it out for now and drop it down the rest of the way and then see where it sits okay so the cab is leaning back just a hair so if it's sitting level then we're getting a little bit of room at the back there with the transmission but everything can still go about two inches if um i get rid of those side pieces i've got just enough room to put my radiator in the cradle right where it is and then put my intercooler my power steering cooler my transmission cooler and my ac condenser up it'll basically be touching these uh fins right here and the latch will probably be in between the radiator and the intercooler or it might drop the intercooler down here um but that should fit we gotta drop that cradle way down and other than that it'd be nice to get it um just a little bit higher at the back um but this angle is actually pretty good my u-joint should phase pretty good there but it'll likely be a two-piece drive shaft so that's not a huge issue and everything else i got pile of room so left the compressor on uh hopefully to have onboard air uh because when drew had it his steering shaft missed it so the steering box would be kind of right here um and i think it does miss it really nicely there ac all of that will probably come out um because that's all vacuum controlled and we'll probably try and use one from the f-150 or the uh f-450 in the driveway um and then we got another 2002 coming to yet other than that uh mounts to the side i have to turn the oil pan around and uh that's about it so now that i know roughly where it is i can take some measurements put them on the tape box and then we will sit the engine in the frame and basically my starting point is my my radiator support right here that's where the top of the frame is right now i need to have clearance for the front axle to move up and down and because this is two cylinders longer it sits a little farther ahead so the steering might be an issue because my steering is right there so that is probably going to be the biggest issue but for the rest um not so bad i like it all right i think i could find some casters which ones air plastic rubber small big um i'll grab the cylinder for the c10 at the same time here i think that's a two-hander [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] all right got to kind of leave this one this brace in place because that's where the shock towers kind of get their strength from to keep from wiggling around and uh the drag links for the front suspension is attached to it too so we got to kind of leave that alone we can knock these uh braces off or just amounts for the engine and if we turn the oil pan around then i think we have just enough height if we go off of uh the rad mounts there and it comes out then we're about nine inches i need about nine and a half that's pretty close so i think what we're gonna do is to spray this thing down with some degreaser let's sit outside in the sun for a little bit clean it off a little bit while i move the engine and make a stand for the cab so we can roll that ahead then we'll pick up the engine and flip over the oil pan and then drop it in place and see where we sit um steering's an issue and it's not quite centered either it's off center so that it lines up with the diff which is off uh just a little bit and that that's fine we got more room for steering an ac or the air compressor there but uh yeah here we go all right that undoubtedly was one of the most satisfying pressure washes ever um even the duck enjoyed it just because it's so clean you don't have to sand blast anything we just pop a little bit of paint on that but just to have it in such good shape it's so nice underneath all that mud so drop the fuel tanks i just wanted to have a little bit of warm sun yet to dry this off before i put it back in the shop but we'll drop the tanks um we got a new front tank that's already a diesel um only because this one's leaking and they're cheap enough and then the rear tank we're just going to put a little uh 12 volt pump in there we hold a button it'll just pump the rear tank into the front tank because the fast isn't going to like um the selector valve is going to destroy that so come on duck how are you doing eating my eating my boots i'm tying my shoelaces are you pulling my shoelace funny guy hey cam shy you camera shy still worn out for your rest what's going on where are you going where are you going public property i can videotape you if i want
Views: 392,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cat 3126 swap, cat 3126 performance upgrades, cat 3126 rebuild, cat 3126 fuel filter change, cat 3126 engine, cat 3126 heui pump replacement, cat 3126 bulletproof, cat engine bulletproof, cat engine swap, cat engine build, cat engine in ford, cat engine in truck, cat engine overhaul, cat 3126 in pickup, cat 3126 fuel pump, cat swapped pickup, cat swapped ford, cat swapped f350, cat swapped truck, cat swap into f 350, f350 cat 3126, f350 caterpillar swap, f350 cat swap
Id: EFdN72o-4gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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