Building the World's BIGGEST Cummins Powered 🔥Flamethrower [NYE💥 EP1]

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i know what you're thinking there's no such thing as a cummins power flamethrower you photoshopped that thumbnail you buggered just for some clickbait nope nope we have a cummins powered flamethrower here we go [Music] all right guys we're gonna be honest it's not actually a flame thrower yet um what it is is a orchard sprayer so up here is an engine that creates uh pres has a pump to pressurize this tank which would then feed these two lines here and then the fan spins grabs air from the back here pulls it through it spins it it hits this little fan and comes out and then creates a a spray pattern just a line of air this way and then these nozzles spray the herbicide and pesticide and it hits the trees and keeps all the bugs from eating your fruit so if we just extend this and change the rotation of the fan it would just pull all the air through here turn these nozzles in and then it would shoot all the air out the back and if we had like a a road flare or some sort of igniter right about here we could uh light that spray and have like a we could like burn those trees so um what we need is a gearbox to change the rotation so i asked my brother if he had anything he works at a feed mill and i had a bunch of gear boxes and this is what he had and i thought this is what i needed picture we got in and out except that um it's the same rotation and i think it's like a six to one so this spins six times for one rotation of that so it'll either really slow the fan down or really speed it up and both of them are not going to work so we are going to go to vnr uh my favorite scrapyard we are going to see if we can get some i-beam or c-channel uh to kind of match this we'll just slice that we'll back that up we'll mount the um gearbox to this shaft maybe we'll unbuckle this and then when we have it kind of positioned and we know where about the offset is or if we can find the right gearbox then we can weld this back on again turn these nozzles around bam flamethrowers here we go all right back at vnr got the sena bogans running 2020 santa bogan handling all of this goodness and nobody still has bought that mustang because you should sink obscene amount of money into a generic mustang anyway we're here for some steel we got some uh angle iron here some flat bar nah not what i need though another more tubing there and oh seven bites two that's what i need awesome gonna grab the saw and uh cut some lengths off of that oh that's beautiful [Music] all right so the other end of the yard we've got um wire electrical motors clean copper rods and some random gearboxes kicking around that is wrong that's another try it's the same direction one two three too big too big but let's see if she spins opposite direction yes and let's see um all right if that's up this is off to the side that is a one oh five and a half it's excited there for a minute so we can have if our fan is if it's direct drive which it is right now then it would be spinning at say 2000 rpm with this it would be running at 11 000 rpm 12 000 rpm even at an idle at 850 it is rubbing at like 4000 rpm so but wait wait wait if i stick the other shaft in here and i reduce it from the so if i reduce it down to like six and a half to one and then bring it back up to like five and a half to one i think that would work all right throw that in the back of the truck we got ourselves a flamethrower here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i think it's coming there you go [Music] that's crazy i'm terrible hi guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] stupid business [Music] all right i got it so i think if we stick this on here like that the shafts kind of are the same height it's just over about two inches now here's the magic i think this is like six and a half to one and this is like five and a half to one so if we if we put this that's at the top spin that one that one's at the top so we keep them together that's one two so two to one so i think we'll speed it up we'll make it so that which one's the input so this is two to one so if this is coming from the machine and this is going to the fan we just run a half throttle yeah and we've got the same fan right same thing what we need is this gearbox which has just two gears touching each other and as one's turning the other one's going the opposite direction but we need it as a one to one because we don't want to speed up or slow down the fan the fan is rated at a certain rpm before the whole thing grenades and i originally got this gearbox from my brother which was off some sort of feed mill but um it's got three gears so you change the direction and then you change it again to end up the same speed so we can buy a gearbox which is like 1500 bucks two grand um i've been looking for all summer haven't been able to find any i did find this one and then i found this one at vnr so i think if we bring the speed down and then bring it back up again we're close we're just going to do that so i don't know what you think if we can weld that shaft in there i can get in there with a stick yeah you can get in there with a stick yeah bevel up that bar a bit okay i think it's tight right here and you can even tack it here too yeah so this is flying then bolted i just need a plate with a hole in the middle there's four holes in it right weld that around there and it'll bolt right up then you got your u-joint all right so i used to have a bush hog here in the weeds there's one there's the other i kind of destroyed these severely to the point that they're not very safe anymore um it's not supposed to have this all ripped apart and shredded that's the blade that poor poor bush hog but i think i can use these u-joints because a lot of these have a a slip yolk in them meaning that if you hit something heavy it doesn't do this to it it's supposed to break the shear bolts it has been off for a while so the pen still moves and we should we should let that sit for a couple days and really penetrate it just moved for 30 years it's just that easy all right so bad news the u-joints from the pto shaft are not going to be any good but luckily i got a whole bunch of garbage stuff here and the school buses use the same u-joint so they're about five inches wide um and the cups are inch inch and a half something like that transfer trucks are about six inches long so they're too big this doesn't feel like goldilocks too small too big just right here we go so the biggest problem is those little bolts kind of uh they're 12 point and they get rounded off so they're really hard to get the right size now some of you guys might be saying that you're using chrome sockets on your impact gun that's dangerous but you forget that i'm building a flamethrower cummins powerful [Music] so i got that stick that on there a little bit of wiggle get vents to weld that up nice that will get welded in there and then i'm going to machine another one on the inside and just weld that the drive shaft going through is actually splined right here so it gives us a little bit of wiggle room and vince gets to use a stick weld [Music] oh there's a fight coming there's a fight coming [Music] [Music] all right so i had trouble getting this collar off it's not coming off so what it did was i cut this back and actually the nut fits perfectly inside the splines so that'll center it and then uh just just gonna weld or silent that uh it's never coming apart again and vince said he could weld anything so i'm gonna get him to weld cast to oh oh wait is that cast too oh that's okay that's no problem oh yeah that'll be fine look at that done another u-joint to the gearbox and uh we're almost there he's got both frames on there we're getting there here we go [Music] vince welding stuff he's not supposed to weld with the wrong rod [Music] that's a lot [Music] ben said he could weld anything so i told the world cast to steal [Music] so [Music] i don't think people are surprised they get texts for me like that yep he's got some chain all right so we gotta we gotta weld it together we're just gonna crank it over without starting it and uh see exactly what happens and then we'll fire it up at an idle and we won't rev it up today because we're gonna put some chain link fence around it just in case if it snaps it'll it'll break back here so it's not gonna flop around like crazy it'll it'll spin in there um and probably wrecked the tank and then that's the end of it but uh right now the tank is empty so we don't have to worry about it too too much what do we think vince well you know this is gonna either hold or not thanks for that what are you a politician running for running for running for officer buddy so i think uh because this shaft is we welded that one in a little crooked this box is going to wiggle i think this one is not bad and secured a lot better as you can as you can see here that's welded and we double we originally we put the boxes together but we have to let it move because there's a little bit of wiggle there so this will be a very very short run let's see what's going to happen all right go ahead i can feel the air there's a little bit of wiggle i i think we gave it enough wiggle though that's that's uh all the the u-joints should have tapped those in before i welded them i got a little bit of wiggle there bad it should be alright all right you want to fire it up are you ready [Music] no it's just kind of wiggling nicely the problem is the air is going this way okay so the wiggle's okay um but when i shut it off it kinked just a little bit so we gotta re we gotta brace this uh just a little bit better but not too too much we got our chain link to throw around and we'll turn these nozzles around we'll just tighten them now there's an end on both ends and i don't know exactly how that works but we're just gonna turn around anyway either way the air will the fan will probably suck that in shoot it out the back right i think so something like that sure look at that nice and easy all right so the fan kind of did push it out on an angle and we needed to make it go straight out the back right at the mustang there so uh thanks to vnr we got this little one-inch uh angle iron and where i could i bolted it through but all these are stripped on the inside so then i also welded it to this tin here this is fiberglass that's tin we'll go all the way around and then we'll take some barn board on the inside and just self tap it to the inside of this and then we're probably gonna move these to the outside here because otherwise all of this gets soaked in gas and then if we if the fan shuts off and everything's still soaked in gas and that catches fire and then and then this starts exploding and then this is a fiberglass tank that's going to catch on fire and it's going to be a whole thing so let's not let's have some fun but not turn it into a huge thing here we go all right so i got 10 all kind of around there looks pretty decent actually i could put one more piece on the bottom but i thought well if i take that and i got to put that on the inside somewhere and that actually is a lot of work so we're just going to put it back to where it was which will save us like four feet of hose as well and it's just cheaper so um we're just going to turn it into a thing you guys okay with that all right it'll aerate better and stuff as it's going through and even if it grenades itself there will be some momentum and we just shut the valves off to cut the flow and then uh that'll all be fine i did fire it up real quick uh one blade is now hitting the the thing there um and you can see sparks and stuff and it makes a lot of racket so we're definitely gonna have to rev that out until it self clearances itself um and then that'll be within spec so i'm gonna replace the bottom sheet there yet or install the bottom sheet yet and then uh when i did fire it up outside there it was dark so you couldn't really see anything but um uh the air was basically coming around the outside there and there wasn't there was like a big hollow spot in the middle so i'm going to uh put a little slice on each one of these and curl it in and then we'll put a torch holder or uh um road flare holder at the end here we might even just have to spray it and throw a yeah i don't know we'll worry about that tomorrow but um we're gonna cut it angle it in so that the air comes into one solid stream right out the middle and then collar at night here we go [Music] all right so that does it for this episode now if you're new to the channel or if you've never seen me before i don't usually do stuff like this we're just having some fun um i am kind of an intelligent person i would like to think so um but once in a while we like to just goof off and have a little bit of fun um i bought this thing because it's got a 4bt in it and that 4bt is already sold so um but before i yank it out i just wanted to have some fun with it so um you're going to have to head over to deboss garage our normal channel where we do everything on road because i did just sell this for bt and we'll we'll be putting it into an escalade so that means that this is going from off-road to on-road and you're gonna have to see what happens if we die or not on the other channel and if you are new to the channel check out some of the other videos we've got a duramax swap c10 tow truck on air ride bus frame we've got a 3126 caterpillar rebuilt that's going into um an obs f-350 we've got a full 67 gto that's very pretty that's why it's under a tarp and now a fairly pretty mustang that's under a tarp so uh definitely check out the other videos there um keep checking out on this channel as well we've got lots of heavy-duty repairs um kevin is going to be bringing his uh stagger in to get the transmission rebuilt we think um and one more thing we got a sale going on tape boss this is the little voice recorder that i invented and manufactured so we can put it on tape measure and not forget any measurements big sale going on now because we know you didn't get what you wanted for christmas anyway um thanks for watching guys remember have some fun life's short but uh um it's definitely worth living here we go i have to say that because i died tomorrow here we go
Channel: DGHD
Views: 92,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deboss garage, cummins, orchard sprayer, flamethrower, cummins flamethrower
Id: qRhc7VMFhF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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