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he's left that up i don't know i think it has an alarm on it [Music] so today we have something very special to show you we are in hidden hills where are you going adam you're way too close we're in hidden hills which is its own independent little township in calabasas which is just outside of la uh it's a gated community it's an equestrian community lots of horses in fact horses over there you see the little baby one it's actually a fully grown one but it's a miniature horse we are at howie mandel's house this is a house that he built that he was going to live in with his family and then he decided he's going to stay where he is because some of his family members moved out and he lived literally just down the street and he's going to join us hopefully that's uh that's what he he just texted so all being well we'll get howie on camera too but in the interim let's go look at this amazing house it is um see if i get this right 10 000 square feet give or take a couple of feet and it's 10.495 million dollars so 10.5 million dollars that's five bucks it's gorgeous let's go see it ready adam i'm ready i just want to apologize for being late yes uh yeah tell them why michael i'm sorry that i'm gonna be late to the shoot but um i didn't stop fully at a stoplight or a stop sign right i can see the house that's how close i am so this is my bad but unfortunately it's not well it is my fault but it's this man on the motorbike it's his fault that we're going to be late they already know why because i've already put the video at the beginning oh you have you filmed you being pulled over by the police breaking the law you reckless individual did you really i got yeah i got away with it though i told them you didn't you got chicken i told them i knew michael blakey and they're like oh god i'm so sorry here let's give you an escort so here's the front door and it's a pivot door which i always say when i see these i love them i have one ah amazing let's go inside so i don't know how to best describe this house it's modern but yet it's how would you describe this adam it's modern but it's cozy isn't it yeah it's cozy it has a very warm feeling to it like a country-esque feeling which fits in with the community here but at the same time it's it's modern so this is the entryway look at the light we see so many nice lights in these look at that light so this is the dining room probably doing this all wrong but i love this light i keep saying when i see these lights i'm going to get them and i never have i haven't done it yet but i will wow pretty right so dining room we're doing this out of out of order because normally we do the dining room in the kitchen and what have you but this is the formal living room and it has the the beams which i think are just aesthetic gives it that kind of country feel lovely fireplace in the wall and then this is the i guess this would be the cozy room right this is a cozy room off the kitchen and it's just it's beautiful i hope it shows the way we're seeing this it's really really nice a lot of speakers in the ceiling so obviously plumbed for for uh 5.1 or 7.1 security cameras tv yet but i'm assuming there's one coming and a lovely fireplace yeah this is gorgeous isn't it like a lovely entertaining space it really is so open family and friends in here it's a big house there's so much more to see i don't know if you've i've had a peek oh yeah i haven't i haven't seen anything yet the downstairs area is just fun it's really really cool we'll do outside later okay okay breakfast area which is very country-esque right and then a lovely welcoming kitchen big big area for the kitchen and these are these look like they belong in um like an old army tanker they're lovely they have even the wire in the glass what are they from i don't know they're lovely though and they're made by ralph lauren because it says so they were offering i didn't even know ralph i didn't either but look ralph lauren light do you know what this is adam yes that's what you burn your hands on that is correct okay so we have dishwasher draw microwave i'm assuming this is a fridge hello this is a fridge freezer freezer fridge i agree with that i can't argue with that so freeze it there's ice cream there's nothing in here but one pot of ice cream howie um there is what is this i'm not quite sure what this is laundry could it be the laundry room yeah look because yes laundry room for laundry room for doodles exhaust pipes to go outside i thought i was thinking like massage room you know no i mean you could well look at the towels which then it's very inviting spar us why don't you walk into the wall adam try to walk backwards here control room i thought it was the garage pantry pantry pantry pantry and then back to the dining room and then we go this way i love these sliding doors they're nice on there they're more cosmetic what is this it's a nest thermostat but it doesn't light up hold on oh do you like when you watch mmm i do this is really really really hard to find vadim yeah vadim did it risked aficionado and i want to say a big thank you to him for finding this for me and getting it at a reasonable price because they're they're outrageous so thank you verdeem at first aficionado is that a jubilee bracelet it's on it is yeah it looks like they changed it this is slightly modified bezel and the jubilee on the new ones still got the stickers on you see that oh yeah i'm leaving that on it makes it feel new am i mad so this obviously a bedroom um this is a guest bedroom or a special family member guest room i mean bedroom guest room but lovely overlooking the outside area in the pool oh look at that look hidden away in the background there that's my range river yeah i'm looking forward to getting out looking at that pool it's beautiful the just as an fyi the fence that's around it because the house is brand new for code you have to have the fence and once you buy the house if you want to take it down you can right 99.9 of people do take it down closet and a loo lights yay very nice i love that picture that's awesome very nostalgic right what does that say highway north shore as you can see that looks so california doesn't it i think it's hawaii though but it looks california it does yeah yeah look at the surfboards out the back it's like me and the z3 yeah when you think of hawaii you think more palm trees and what have you yeah but yeah nice very nice oh and i don't know if i mentioned it's a smart house everything is controlled by smart stuff um let's library yeah this is like a maybe mini office that's the garage i believe which is come on in thank you so this is a four car garage with a door on the end so you can have access either way so you can plug the cars this way or this way i've actually never seen that no i haven't well yeah because i mean you could couldn't you you could go like one two three four i mean you could probably get six if you had small cars you actually could if you did it that way yeah yeah so what a fun thought that's a good idea yeah good architect there is another bedroom another guest bedroom beautiful view and it has its own bathroom which is also very nice there's so many great pictures in here look at the taps they're fun right where's the picture oh yeah oh see i would never have thought of putting a floating astronaut over the lube but it looks really cool right fun fun and then here is a guest glue for this floor lewis toilet in british this is fun down here oh so it's not so expecting this to be a basement but it's not no no this is fully decked out i mean amazing office a bar and rumor has it you're back boozing now i mean my bloods are back to normal so i am allowed a couple but this is lovely isn't it so nice what a lovely space again lights are great and sound system everywhere oh that's such a cool idea to use this as a diffuser so to shine onyx right right onyx that's cool yeah otherwise it'd be so bright those lights it's very clever and then it has a little outside area yeah i was expecting this to be a full kind of like basement i didn't realize it was actually an outside level yeah it's a full i mean wait till you see some of the stuff in here so here's another bedroom and this picture is in every house we go in valve car valve oh that's cool what are those they do look like giant tees for golf yeah and then there's another bathroom and closet here lights light flight so there's that and i like what they've done here utilizing space to have the clothes area and then into the bathroom all in one little area for a guest which is more than adequate okay card table card table oops take a card ah i'll point to it that one there this one here yeah look at it don't show me it three of clubs one day we'll do the magic tricks lovely wine room chilled that's awesome right you ready this is cool look at this for a theater we've never seen a theater laid out like this but it's so cozy yeah this is how a theater in a house should be yeah this is gorgeous isn't it fun nice projector on the ceiling the sound i don't see any speakers but i'm assuming surely they're all behind this well the front ones need to be at the front so the front ones are behind these walls you can feel it that way very cool yeah what a lovely room right another great picture so different all the pictures are so different but they're all awesome that's my favorite so far just fun and again something you wouldn't expect and not only that it's not hung on the wall it's just balancing and you see a lot of that nowadays i think it's really cool more fun stuff here we have a gym and bricks i don't know who's sitting on that end bike but not me that does not look comfortable does it it looks like they get their enjoyment from a spin class in a different way well here's the thing i don't think this is a gym i think this is a torture chamber it is in fact a strange room howie very nice though and again security cameras of course are these bricks they're for uh doing yoga no it's a soft brick a bathroom and a shower and a seat in the shower that's deemed yeah in case you're very tired after sitting on that torching machine how many bedrooms uh let's do a count so one two three four i think six or seven yeah so beautiful beautiful back out back there that didn't come out right didn't it i explained about the fence right you did let's go in just left that up i don't know i think it has an alarm on it why do i do this with you anybody want to be a new cameraman taking resumes now give me a heart attack open that up yourself that wasn't nice hold on oh god touch the key all right so check this out look down there the neighbor has a putting green isn't that fun oh yeah you could easily put one here too so you have a little kitchen park couldn't you silent out here i mean absolutely the only thing you hear is the water going into the pool absolutely beautiful and this is an outside area cool cage light this would be nice a little tv there sit out night glass of wine fire pit going yeah divine absolutely divine what a beautiful looking house as well isn't it lovely the pool's lovely yeah just gorgeous [Applause] [Music] very pleasant i'm scared what go ahead lovely hot tub go ahead you want me to go through first i do okay [Laughter] saved by the winkle pickers so where where i have my car parked there's room for i would say another seven or eight cars there and then in front of the garages another six or seven so there's no shortage of room to park cars and even the driveway coming up no it's fabulous and outside for that matter there's no shortage of parking spots so you can throw big big parties all right let's go up so this is the upper level let's save the master to last and we'll go don't we see these everywhere as well yeah do you think it's the same ones that move or do you think it's different ones i don't know this is fred and this is his wife they're obviously not endangered are they no i don't think so but they're really cute right i love my room i love these surfing pictures pictures same picture twice okay so i would never no it's not it is it is yeah look at the wave it's the same picture twice so let's see this one is number i think it's 11 of 250 what's that one this is number four of 250. okay so the limited edition of 250. i would never thought doing that but it's cool explain that picture adam what are these this picture yes i think it's a car i was just about to say it looks like a car it's got wheels let us know in the comments what is this yeah what is it so this is a jumping jack do you remember jumping jacks yeah what's the other name for that game jacked is that what it is yeah without the jumping and here is a little i like this i like this too you're too close rabbits on the wall rabbits the light's not on you have to put the light on to give the maximum effect yeah i love that dark tile that was oh don't touch things you don't have to film me doing this can't be too careful right did i mention this is a i did mention it was a horsey place you did and here is another bedroom now that is a pig it's a strange pig but it is a in fact i believe a pig what do you think is it i would say so strange i like it yeah it's definitely the girly one isn't it and we've also seen these before the furries because i sat on one and said it wasn't comfortable and you sat on it and said it was fine you remember oh no that's comfy that's like a little bean bag so what do you watch i'm just seeing your watch i know nice watch it uh it survived the diving as well it survived the diving we like that okay this is um what is it i think it's a stick in it oh not straight there we go what and this is the master lovely sitting here oh look i nearly missed this bathroom jeez this is a big bathroom wow has the same lights as over the dining room similar well same style different like this is a huge bathroom so these lights were actually in the first house that we did with danielle do you remember they were on the side of the stairs i do remember and i commented on them there too this is wonderful lovely look at that shower isn't that fabulous so two shower heads body shower and a rain head and a sprinkler just in case for fires going to have a sprinkler in the shower where's the sprinkler yeah on the roof oh never seen that in the shower before have you the ultimate protection to lose weight hold on are you being silly oh i see it it's behind i couldn't see it totally totally off i suggest you go in and do a close-up that's so strange yeah i've never seen that before because there's not a lot that can really go wrong in a shower right especially when it's fully marbleized how hard well safety first this would be the closet so oh a nice size closet this would be the man's closet because it's the big one and women will argue with me on that but i think the man should get they have bigger clothes they need more room right very nicely done and then if you keep going back you'll go into this one which is probably it's also a good size not quite as big but again very adequate right it's nice i've got a dishwasher in here as well all right lovely bathroom let's go into the bedroom bedroom did i say bedroom bedroom bad dream bedroom i like the marbles in the fireplace again really nicely done sound system 5.0 or seven point one there's two there three there and two in the walls did you see this it's beautiful lovely property and then the balcon hold on touch the handle delightful the noise you're hearing will they hear the noise it's just the pool equipment over there yeah probably not and the property goes all the way up to the top and i don't know if there's stables i don't think there's stables if there is they're hidden but it is hidden hills so maybe it's hidden stables as well what can i tell you so that's it i think have i missed anything no beautiful beautiful house uh i'm going to check with howie and see if he's going to arrive and we'll if he is i'll hang on and we'll say hi to howie um and if he isn't well then we won't but uh guys um should i sign off in case he doesn't yeah yeah do a sign off and if he comes then we'll pop it in at the end okay so hit the subscribe button hit the bell we're in it to win it i'm gonna text howie see yah
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 367,439
Rating: 4.8955398 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, howie mandel, deal or no deal, americas got talent, hidden hills, mansion, celebrity home, house tour, real estate, architecture, realtor, millionaire, billionaire, calabasas, interior design, design, lifestyles of the rich and famous, architectural digest, mtv cribs
Id: qzf_NeDB2mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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