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morning hello yeah I'm good you know where we are Wow look at this I see clearly see aviation what does that mean means it's a big day it's a huge day I'm shaking that's how huge a day it is tell everyone I am going to get to see my new jet today for the very first time you're going to see it with me for the very first time it is ridiculously exciting and I don't know what to do with myself so here we go this is crazy how long in the making about a year and a quarter and this is the only one like it in the world and hopefully they let me in there you know it's me and here we go happy no but that is what ah get out of here how about this nape that is gorgeous is that wicked wait till you see inside it I am so ridiculously excited oh my god alright let's do it do it for freighter 600 oh yes [Music] it's sick it's sick little Tommy to get the floor and look at this are you oh my god I don't know what to say right this one only their one and only oh my god this is wicked it's exactly the way it's supposed to be look at this cobbler Crocker this is stunning sneaker the only one in the world example what our design team J Bieber is able to bring to them are it's absolutely amazing ever since a quick request can we kill the music yes you bet yes like that perfect Wow Wow look at this Adam look at this give me a tour this is me I am lost for the Milan bedroom this is the master bedroom this actually turns into a bed forgot how to do it push it down English bill and then it just pops open look at this oh my god it's sick I mean sick it's like you don't even want to fly it dude just gonna sit in it really is beautiful it's what what's that oh who cares about a watch last time I saw that that was inset shot yeah it was yeah only getting sucked I had to have it yeah but they don't care about that this is just sick so so airplanes do not have carbon fiber there I mean I've owned a few airplanes have been very fortunate in my life to be able to have a few our point in mine and I've always dreamed of this and it's never been possible so this man here is responsible I just show them it's our team at Embraer and our design team fantastic team this is cool this is this is this is this is so cool this is the toilet that's a vacuum cleaner that's a very kind of vacuum toilet I don't exactly know what a vacuum toilet is but it's expensive it's like an airliner right like an airline it's always used in fresh water the only airplane in this class is that right yeah unfortunately this is not carbon fiber well that's okay and this is for luggage infernal luggage Angelica Janek won't open its move that last with the right well surprise surprise Michael doesn't know how to get into something yeah there you go so this is internal luggage and then there is an external for the big luggage for the suitcases I can't believe how cool this is incredible it is dinkler you ever seen anything like this I haven't and the thing is is that I love the wood finish that they do on most of these jets but somehow this makes it look like a spaceship it's so much more modern it is your re-of airplane so I have this it's a crazy cool it's a crazy cool to put way to the seats you can move them around and they come out and you can turn have a conversation and of course they turn into there too these twos all these double Club all these club facing seats also form a bed but they ain't even in this configuration you can get four people really completely horizontal I mean these seats are just so plush they're like Rolls Royce eat jelly rolls my seats here and then they have the foot restaurant like those shoes in size a little bit trade you for that plain red noses two-way nice you don't like my shoes they much the reason I'm wearing these shoes they're actually completely custom-made Bagatelle story buddy they're made by chemical you dandy and stop it and you go online at literally haha you dandy at the UW comm you go online and you configure your shoe you can change the color of the stitching that everything is customizable so of course this is this one matches my shirt blue yellow red yellow red I can't I can't think probably let's go up front if you notice the granite of course it's it's a word we have water in the laboratory and up in the gallery we have granite flooring it's just unbelievable everything about this airplane [Music] so this is how you passengers go 9/8 something like that check that out so now you have a bed so you do that change three plus the the the sofa more people you have full all beds that was heavily have a line and it's comfortable Wow a little if you need it no mattress topper it's a perfect bed it's and those seats good you're sitting on the seat back which is amazing that is amazing can you think about the most virtual integrity Erica crazy and this is how you control the entertainment a cup put the music Arnold is going to seek sound system because of copyrights and all those so this is a map just want to either end and there's other things and DVDs movies moving that air show all the goodies let's go front this is the driver and before you hit me for that I know he's a pilot so this is cool so both sides both ends do that and here push that but I Here I am isn't it cool that's awesome yeah and then in in the galley here but these are always you help me you do this oh I should even know who did that sniffing microwave convection oven refrigerator so you can have a gourmet meal and these open wine yep let's Adam likes to see the white or stemware as your stemware like that that's amazing Nespresso machine [Music] come out that's why could barking nice books that's over somehow they're all different they're all customizable amazing and then this is storage storage credible and this is a curtain that goes over the door when the door closes from the inside we call that a thermo acoustic version so let's say you don't hear any noise and open if the doors open for a long time we can control the environment inside I'm gonna hobble in here to tight fit actually it's very easy because normally you have a yoke but I'll still I mean I mean it's cozy huh it's cozy please let the driver in back up here there's a much more elegant way of doing so so I want to explain to everybody what this airplane does and why it is the only airplane like it in its class there's nothing like this and if I sound ridiculously excited that you have no idea what this means to me getting has air appointment so would you be so kind as to explain to everybody what some of the amazing things are that it has weather forces what it's a full fiber wire in all three axes so you can explain what fly-by-wire is because they want sure instead of verb instead of just moving a point control and talk into a computer with your yoke yeah on cables and pulleys and everything else you're talking to a computer so you tell me computer I want to do 20 degrees left bank and 15 degrees and those up whatever it is you want the computer talks to the flight controls 72 times every second and asks he wants this are you giving him this and it talks back to the flight controls so in a normal airplane like one of these are any other other airplanes you see out here when you go through turbulence earlier or you're getting bounced around in your flight path the computers adjusting for that so whenever you move the stick and you point it I in a normal airplane you would be disturbed from a pipette needed to readjust this one just does it it's kind of pointless you it's pretty cool right and it will compensate for any of the adjustments in the airplane pretty much no like every single one but yeah a lot less than you would have to do in a conventional airplane the other thing that's really cool about that is it will watch out for you so as long as you don't over G it or over speed it you can do anything you want X which is the subject so if so here's your speedometer for a lack of better words your airspeed indicator in your speed tip on the left this is your altitude so when you get too slow in an airplane or you get to pulling too much back and loading up the airplane through G and through centrifugal force it will walk you out and not let you over stress the airplane it will give you a safety margin and just release some of the back pressure for you so it's impossible to do the same thing with over speed if you're in a dive and you let the throttles up if you get too fast it will task the autothrottle pull the throttles back reduce the thrust and then pick up a nose for you every place used to have what they called a barber pole you remember in the old days they had the red and white barber pole outside the barber shop and it was a do not exceed speed basically I have to get type rated on this airplane by the way you need to yes I've only ever done this up with a joystick on a computer have I fireplace like this and there's Adam will tell you I'm a little bit rusty because I took him up in a plane about two three months ago and he freaked out but he's still alive to talk about it just today's our it's a really easy transition usually you would be over here and now you're sitting just like this so so these are the throttles and these are also throttles correct so maybe explain cuz you'll do it much better than I will exactly so in a normal airplane you would throw these forward and that puts more a guess into the engine it makes you go faster through the air this one you can turn by this switch here whatever you tell the speed to do here on your top left I'm telling the computer I wanted to do 185 knots now I want to give you exact speed it's pretty cool you really just here to observe and tell it what to do right and it's a conventional airplane is just a push button away so you want to have control your throttles just disconnect or I'll throw those right here you can shut it off there or you can just overpower so intuitively what we all grew up in flying is the same plane that you're talking about just going up and flying you can do the same thing in this just your one push button the else is cool so you see these two little devices here mm-hmm it's like a mouse on the computer yeah put your camera here you see the treble and I'm moving around here well you can do the same thing so your Z this and you select whatever you want to select just the same way as you would in an amount then you select it and you choose whatever you want to do that's fun the nice thing is it gives you the option to do anything in four to five or six different ways so when you said if I want to hover over here that's enter that's enter that's enter and that's enter so I can do this in anyone any way that I want so I push enter it goes into my scratch pad and I can now paste this as a radio frequency that just went in there that was nice but I can do with anything I can go up here and tune I can grab this and you'll watch this as a frequency so I can click enter here it will appear in my scratch pad now I can paste that wherever in the system I want to and pretty cool right that's really really cool well and each one of these screens can do a million different things you can change the configuration and they could be whatever right now this is a map of the airport it shows you the runways taxiways and you can zoom in on that and do whatever you mess with it all you want yes this is our home Airport at Melbourne we're in being white house ivona zoom all the way out or zoom all the way in to rotate wherever I want this is not where we're at otherwise we're here at Van Nuys so if I go to this Airport it will show me exactly where I am on the airport that's me and if I want to get a good closer view I can zoom in and choose my taxi route before I get me get my clearance which is which is incredibly useful because oftentimes the taxi route is harder than flying an airplane he landed a major International Airport and taxi Lima Gulf - it's insane and get lost very easily so you've got your airport page over here but you can do the same thing with this if I go betting on that will show me where I am and I can zoom in this is my moving that that's my airport chart but I can do the same thing here I can zoom all the way down this is my moving map that's to my one mile and I have the same feature here so this is kind of a tactical and this is a strategic planning tool what about safety features shell of AIESEC is that one of the main reasons I bought this airplane was because of its safety features there were way beyond any other aeroplane wavier can you mention a couple of absolutely so the first one my favorite is a emergency descent mode so if we're cruising along at 45,000 feet 35,000 feet whatever it is and we have a decompression the airplane by itself will throw the throttles back to send me to 15,000 feet turn me 90 degrees to the left and squawk 7700 and then that's the pool right and then at the bottom at 15,000 feet it would turn the other girls back on and fly me up to 250 knots until I wake up if everybody has gone to sleep and passed out through the worst right compression you've ever seen this plane will save you from so once once you hit 15,000 feet or thereabout there's no oxygen anymore and you're you're living on the system's inside the airplane and if as you say there's a catastrophic decompression or something along those lines you can't breathe anymore you don't know it you just you just out the airplane will compensate for that and bring you down to oxygen levels and it's incredible yeah all that airplanes have that but this this airplane come combined with the auto throttles will just sit there and wait for you to wake back up it hopefully right exactly if you're at 40,000 feet it takes a while to get down to 15,000 feet terribly much in a certain line it's a very very slick what's the descent rate maximum descent rate in vertical speed 4,000 feet a minute but if your in-flight will change which is what you want to do you can see upwards of 8,000 9,000 but the most I've ever seen and a phenom product was eleven thousand feet a minute really and the wiggies didn't come off no well no that was at 245 knots well what else will it do not need to do ice and so it's got the G protection so you can if I just works back on this it won't give me everything until I / G the airplane it will stop me from hurting myself over speed and will throw the throttles back and pitch me up to keep me underneath that barber pole you're talking about it's got all the terrain features so obviously every airplane has to have if you get low it'll start pinning terrain as you see here so start doing this and it will talk to you and yeah exactly and because the protection envelopes if I if I just throw the throttles forward and pitch back as much as I can it won't take me right up to the limit to the soft limit of the G because if I'm if I'm in a normal plane I have to I have to toggle between pulling up as much as I can installing the airplane and this one will not let you stall the airplane through the soft protection they'll tell everybody about strolling because most people think when you hear would stall that the engines cut out that is not the case in an airplane stalling means loss of lift so you stole the wings and then you lose lift and plane floors out the sky like a brick which is no fun especially one of these right yeah it's not very fun to talk although when you learn to fly you actually do power on stalls power off stall you learn to handle stalls every other airplane that i've flown it's like cutting with a machete this one's like a scalpel so you have so much more that's a good and now I like for me it was the easiest plane to learn how to fly but also the most fun so you have all of these screens like you said that you can manipulate so out in the front when we're taxiing around and it's low visibility you can see our FLIR camera it's actually not a flare it's three different spectrums it's the long band short band visible and then infrared it all overlays in this which you can also put in your head up superimpose this what yeah that's cool yeah you can see this image here right there no yeah you see right now if I hold my hand like that you can see there it is yeah can you see that let's say you have to move your head to the side so getting close I can see it isn't that cool good fighter jet yeah and this little toy here was an extra I want to say $700,000 I'll leave doctor yeah yeah it was yeah yeah you know this is something that can save your life if you're coming into somewhere and and all sudden the weather changes and there's nowhere else to go you need this and again it's a it's a very expensive feature but it's an incredible feature it's actually the lightest cheapest and smallest one has class um usually there's a big projector that would fit just on the left side that we all hit our heads on this one the combiner which is this comb is basically a movie screen and the projector is up in this and this is all right here what that would be this big it would fit right here and like I say you would smack the head on this one modular you can put all sorts of things in here it's not just this you can put a speeds and everything else in this yeah you can see actually the entire thing is just like that it's outlined in monochrome green it's not in color sadly but not yet soon we'll get that and you can take it off by this EBS button if you push that button on the left side that will take all of the background off and you'll it's good let the broad out of hood and exactly this it's exactly as you see it here the only difference you see that you see skee you head over to the side yeah there it is the only difference is that image disappears and the vertical speed appears down here otherwise it's exactly the same then T cast is another feature all airplanes howitzer most-visited traffic collision avoidance system that tells you where other airplanes are in the sky and the transponders talk to each other sort of two planes are coming towards each other ill actually turn away from it when we'll go up one will go down won't go left one will go right let's don't be like that right exactly and it will tell you here it'll give you a little box that's red stay out of the red and then it'll take pitch up monitor vertical speed or descend whatever the resolution and the computer talking to you tells you to fix that coalition hazard this one and it will paint that for you and it jokes do you dislike the 405 traffic traffic yes that's pretty cool pretty cool very cool well excellent this is so exciting where's its little hat somebody's hat back on the hood cover not to take a look around the outside let's take a look around the outside don't tell me getting out of here before [Music] music you come out yes it's easy Ferrari Ferrari yes waiting yeah these are wingless the noisy here's the APU auxiliary power unit it's a jet it's a third jet engine basically that powers all the electronics when it's on the ground and other figments in the air certifies loud see the metal flake in the paint oh yeah right it's huge so they swing their that's fourth feet to the wingspan of the plane that is what's six seven feet tall right so good look at five or five people see how it's blended yeah it's not a straight couple yeah Playboy very loud round it says all my shoes than Japan new tires they're very expensive other they just they don't last that long because Alan really I am so excited I love everyday you like the carbon fiber I love it I love it yeah there is this is I don't know certainly do is like radar knows okay but look at the lights diesel unlike like the world up basically when you come in until and it's crazy that's the shot Carmen Internet yeah I've never seen that light the HUD heads I explained by a TBS c'mon amazing heads-up display we were just talking about it this is probably the main reason that I look for this airplane because of the safety features everything I've read all the research everything you've told me it's the safest at point out there there you can't the technology that's in this airplane you will not find an airplane below fifty million dollars and this is a 20 this has got this has got in options somewhere in the region of million dollars worth of options that's what is extremely well-equipped yeah yeah you must put the blue and then do the law those it's all kind of stripes on it that would be awesome you match the car for the jet I know right I'm not going to do that but I am gonna cut this short in now because I'm so excited I want to go play with the airplane I want to speak the camera off so guys you've no idea what it takes to do this I'm beyond thrilled yeah I mean I'm a mom on the verge of tears actually I don't know what to say anymore never seen you lost for words yeah searching so anyway he does subscribe button hit the bell you'll be seeing more of this in the future we are bar we have them we're in it to win it Michael we both want it yes he wanted today I think I do [Music] thank you I feel like I'm fond of Emily this is this it's more than just buying an aeroplane this this is the most expensive thing that I own right in my house it's crazy [Music] remove before flight [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 2,806,727
Rating: 4.8316979 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, private jet, embraer, praetor 600, jet, airplane, business jet, private plane, gulfstream, learjet, g4, g5, g650, BBJ, challenger, citation, pilot, flying, aviation, luxury, travel, celebrity, lifestyles of the rich and famous, millionaire, billionaire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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