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this is touch control so if i go like this oh there we go i feel so sad for people that aren't in southern california right now although i'm really thinking about leaving the state because it's outrageous but the weather is so nice it's december and it's 72 or 73 degrees not a cloud in the sky it couldn't feel better you agree with that adam i agree it's beautiful so we are in sherman oaks which is neighbors up to beverly hills actually um and we are looking today at the most gorgeous brand new house never lived in 7 250 square feet 6.2 million dollars and it is just spectacular let's go take a look it's got one of those mega doors that i love so we walk in and this is like a let me move that little bit of dust this is i guess like uh don't know what would you call this room like a snug ah yeah i imagine this would be good for playing like games yeah like a hangout area look out the front nice high ceilings interesting piece of art on the wall that's the type of art that i can do actually do you understand it it's got i do i can interpret it it has a line and another line and a line going that way and a couple of curves and if i was going to get my design head on i would say that it matches the marble accents that they have in here it does doesn't it so everything is so cool look chucking your marble accents look at that it's fun huh isn't that fun um let's just address the elephant in the room while it's here the beep that we'll hear intermittently oh yeah so i had a quick peek around the house adam hasn't seen it yet he's late as always yeah what's the deal with you coming late i'd just like to keep you on your toes mate honestly we have a fire smoke detector issue like every minute or so it goes beep and it's quite annoying and if adam does a really good job with the editing he'll chop it out and if he doesn't then you'll hear it but we'll do our best not to capture it is that fair i'm not chopping it out only if it's really aggravating and annoying the only thing i'm cutting out if it's aggravating or annoying is you is there any good cameraman out there come on let's see the house [Music] so here is the formal dining room which is beautiful and it has a temperature controlled wine i i don't got a wine room what do you call these i've seen these in a lot of houses now wine wall wine wall yeah wine wall oh how does that work oh there we go really actually nice and holds adequate amount of wine if you think about it you go into some of these houses and it holds a thousand bottles of wine it's really a very expensive to fill that and b how do you find anything how do you know where it is so this is great and it's it's visible it's a talking point so yeah amazing floors i didn't look in here let's see what it is cupboard big cupboard okay let's go this way we'll come back here this is so pretty wait till you see this adam look at this i'll probably be blacked out i need to move don't i sideways so gorgeous comfy room living room beeping noise don't know where it comes from security system fireplace when i say security system i meant camera this camera's everywhere but check this kitchen out how nice is this isn't it lovely this is stunning and the lights are amazing and this is has some tricks to it like i say you were late so i was playing with a few things you ready for this you know how we play fridge or freezer this is touch control so if i go like this oh there we go how cool is that ah i like that isn't that amazing yeah and then it just yeah lovely right yeah brilliant absolutely brilliant um these are fun look little stars i know everything is christmas cooker that little bit more high-tech here's two more oven so there's a total of four ovens mate this house is super high-end i know i know everything about it that's the extraction system really really nice really it like this honestly this feels a lot higher quality than some of the mega million mansions i agree beautiful coffee maker thermador everything is thermador it's just done so nicely i'm assuming one of these is a dishwasher i didn't open though i guess this one yeah oh double very nice yeah just super spectacular and big one two three four five so it gives you an idea of how long this this actually is you could put another five in here if you wanted to make it a little bit cozy isn't this fabulous yeah and then there's a little breakfast area and while we're still on the the the downstairs goody stuff here is a i think that's a laundry room or a closet i'm not no it's not a laundry room i'm not sure what that is just a closet isn't it yeah broom cupboard this is an office which leads outside and i don't know if anyone can hear the lovely lawn mower that's going on out there but our house tours wouldn't be a house tours if we didn't have lawn mowers in the background isn't this pretty yeah this is very nice really really nice and a lovely outside area directly off the office and our favorite picture that's in every house yeah i don't know what that is with the staging oh we got in trouble because we didn't know who that was by the way who is it who is it i don't know is it bob marley no is it only because you're a music producer is it is it is it bob dylan and that let's talk about this piece about for a second that's a slightly disproportionate that looks like me after i've got out of the shower what's this is this a game or what uh um i think it's decoration but you could play like is that what it is yeah oh that's nice yeah so look naughts or crosses are on their edges and the other ones but you need some extra ones you need three pieces i don't know what that is okay so here is the garage with the lovely epoxy floor oh large three-car garage yeah very high ceilings you could put one of those um g550 4x4s in here that you hate you could easily fit a lift in here very large doors very high doors i mean much higher than normal so yeah you could put you could put anything in here yeah central vac system cool thank you thank you so parts of the kitchen we missed was the butler's pantry so this is the butler's pantry and again it has one of those i'm just not used to doing it and i'm sure you don't do it like that there's a way but isn't it cool does the freezer on the bottom do the same didn't try that no you knew that already and then here is a um big old pantry yeah it's amazing isn't it it's really nice beautiful nicely done okay so behind us is the kitchen dining room back to the kitchen in this living area should we do outside now or should we do outside after let's finish it outside yeah i agree okay so then let's go and see more of the house this is one of my favorite rooms oh the theater theater how cool is this oh wow no copyright infringement there yeah this is low this is a perfect size i think for a theater room it's just what you need because i mean you could easily squish what two four six eight ten plus a couple like you get twelve fifteen people in here pretty snug comfortably without having to be individualized like in a movie theater you know commercial movie theater i think this is cozy yeah this is lovely very nicely done okay yeah because interestingly i didn't see a tv anywhere so this i guess would be where you come to watch tv that's a good point that is a good point i didn't see a tv you could either hear on the wall lou and another another bedroom this house has five bedrooms so this one is really pretty lovely shower nice granite i like the granite with the gold beading through it look at this review though wake up in the morning you're not supposed to do outside oh yeah we're coming back to outside we'll do the full whiz bang i forgot i just want to see if i can find a tv is there a tv so i mean i guess you would put it here wouldn't you yeah it's probably plumbed for a tv it is see oh there it is teleportment yeah it's all i wonder what those wires they seem to be connected to the picture but i can't imagine that they're just they're just hanging out yeah but yes that's where the tv goes folks okay nothing under there oh it's it's which one is it is it that one i don't know look at these lights i think it's that one mega cool okay so do you remember in the 90s girls used to get those stamp tattoos oh i'm not sure i want to hear this but oh no that's it you've heard it oh okay yeah like above their bums yeah is that what they look like do you have experience why are you shaking with the camera do you have experience with these what do you call them trampolines uh do you know i actually have never experienced one in the wild oh in the wild [Music] what's up so then [Music] okay so we're now upstairs and this is a like a cozy room again and then guessing i'm sure there's a tv thing behind there as well this is beautifully decorated and there's that beeping you can cut that one out is it it's that one can you reach it it's this one can you reach it i'm going to wait here until it goes off because i'm sure it's that one no you're not it is this one it is that one yeah should we do should we do the master or should we do the the normal rooms let's do the normal rooms we'll go in that one there okay okay here we go so this is a normal room it's beautiful right yeah i love these vaulted seats very large spacious airy gorgeous nice view out the back which we'll show you shortly and yeah it's very nice everything's so well done yeah look at the way the bathroom's done there's no expense spared in the way that they did things even the wall-mounted lose as opposed to the bottom things and it's very nice yeah we've seen houses twice this money and more that's not finished the same way oh yeah and it's a complete smart house and how much 6.2 more space storage more storage storage yeah tons of storage yeah california like i said i'm thinking about moving out of this state it doesn't make sense the amount of money i just paid the renewal on my cars for the registration two of my cars i don't even want to tell you how much the registrations were and that's just to be able to drive them on the roads yeah through potholes and probably the worst roads in the nation i mean they don't take care of the roads and the money that you pay for car registration is supposed to go to road maintenance but as you know the roads here aren't great let's play hot cold on price okay you tell me hot cold one thousand dollars for what the how much you pay for your renewals which wheel on which car a lot more than that both renewals together you're very hot it's it's close but that's outrageous i mean if if these two cars were registered in any other state it'd be three or four hundred bucks with a pair of them yeah here six thousand dollars wow just for the privilege of having the little sticker that says 2021 on the back of the the license plate it's crazy okay so um here we have the laundry room with no laundry in it but that's where they would go i like these do that again i missed it do you know what has one of those oh god my house no my van does it yeah yeah okay so now we go in this room i didn't come in this room actually when i was looking pencil they all have vaulted ceilings all very very nicely done they all have great bathrooms i'll let you go in the has an invisible drain walk-in closet good-sized walk-in closet for a little room i mean it's not little but it's the smallest room up here the kids room isn't it yeah yeah very nice and again everything's so nicely done everything these are all nicely built like does it have soft clothing oh of course yeah but because i'm nerdy now and i know about building drawers because i've been doing it you've done it for you then right now that this is good ply because look how straight the ply is see i don't know the first thing exactly i know but more closet space towels and what have you and then here is the master tadaa beautiful room oops careful don't trip up don't fall down i'm sure that this is where the tv goes oh yeah it is indeed lovely there's lots of goodies behind their cables and what have you isn't this pretty this is very nice don't point out there okay i was just coming this way so that wow beautiful right yeah this ceiling it's gorgeous very nice so let me show you movement detector probably not the best thing to have in the bedroom right i'm just gonna back up here and show them out here without showing them out here okay show them out here without showing them out here that's a great way of doing it so here i am i'm out here but i'm not really out here this is a big old deck isn't it yeah it's an impressive deck hold on hold on jealous if your neighbor's deck was this big no no do you think your neighbor's wife would be interested in this deck do you think your neighbor's wife you've not seen the advert have you no what are you talking about the deck stain advert from new zealand double doors into the master by the way and these nests these are nice these are i guess it's the same as might i don't know why it looks better there okay so bathroom whoa very roomy look how much room there's for activities you could play tennis yeah lou big glue you could play activities in here too whatever they might be this is this is huge why is it the show is not small either you could get lost in here go jump in there's one that's dingly dangly out of the wall we won't film the ding ding oh look at this it's the fancy one with digital stuff on it see i put it back i am now a qualified builder well done there we go lovely though right yeah if it falls back out it's not me because it was out i just put it in so this would be this would be the where are you i'm here oh filming out here smaller closet and the larger closet oh nice size closet very nice yeah god i'm pulling up to this place i did not expect it to be this big no it's deceiving from the road i mean it doesn't look small no but it certainly doesn't look as big as it actually is and it's done so well it is everything is nice down to the door handles everything is done well the lighting is fantastic i know i talked about getting the led lights in in mind but i never did have you not done it yet no because i'm thinking about seriously i'm thinking about moving i think you should what do you think i think you should you know my thoughts on it i know well you just want to do a house tour i exactly i wonder if you i want to go tour all the ones he's looking at we could do that yeah we're just waiting for this covered thing just be careful what you say on camera i said i'm thinking about it okay good because thinking about it you know you still don't own a laferrari right no but about the end lager which is twice the car so god that's my excuse that was three years ago i said that five times all right times have changed those the comments are gonna blow up times have changed that was three years ago no no they're going to blow up with you saying that the enlargo is twice the car that is much better to drive have you driven a la ferrari you can't go anywhere in that car and it's very awkward to drive the visibility is nearly non-existent the f12 the enlargo is ridiculously fast the music it plays i'm talking about the exhaust tone is by far the best car i've ever heard you've said so yourself am i right it's it's a great sounding car so so you know why would i get a laferrari where now it's old and the batteries need to be changed for a few hundred thousand dollars and they're unreliable so no thanks uh now if you guys had subscribed back then two years ago really fast that would have been a different story come on see you telling people it's their fault totally their fault get me to 10 million subscribers i will buy uh oh god what should i buy space shop i'll buy a new watch come on okay so first and foremost this is well before i go to the first and foremost this is the pre first and foremost little outside area fireplace uh and to the opposite side there's a barbecue and a little fun area there but the grass is so perfect i've never seen grass quite this perfect it does make a funny noise when you walk on it it kind of sounds what does it sound like i like fake grass yeah it sounds like fake grass but it's definitely real no it's not it's fake grass but it's beautiful isn't it it's gorgeous maintenance-free spectacular a little orchard here look how big this is the lot is about 17 000 square feet which is just over no it's not over anything it's just under half an acre so yeah beautiful yeah i mean this is a spectacular home it really is respect and you don't see it from the outside not the way you do from the inside pool is gorgeous again this is a large swimming pool much larger than your average pool that you'd find even in a big house and it has the flow over edge spa adequate for probably eight people yeah easy would you say yeah and then over here that's a very very long fire pit where you can roast your marshmallows another little undercover sitting area and then there's this this is the pool house the pool house i was looking for that word pool house there's a restroom there's a shower there's a little workout area and it's just so pretty i i just think this is a very very well-built home very well thought about and you know just great value for money and the most impressive part of all lemons oranges oranges oranges oranges whoa and there's more oranges over here i see an orchard of oranges and there's plum tree maybe it's not a plum tree they're lemons where oh yeah lemons yeah so yeah you have your own fruit supply and you can roast it i don't think you roast fruit so i hope you enjoyed this wonderful house please hit the subscribe button hit the bell share the video if you like it that certainly helps and hey we're all in it to win it see ya [Music] you
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 325,947
Rating: 4.9379497 out of 5
Keywords: best value mansion in LA, mansion, best value, LA, house tour, real estate, celebrity home, valley, sherman oaks mansion, sherman oaks real estate, LA mansions, LA mega mansion, LA homes, celebrity house tour, los angeles, most expensive homes, most expensive houses, interior design, architecture, architectural digest, producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey
Id: zF4yGdHJRpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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