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I'm a dinner I said tell me you stole he took I don't know [Music] and wrote something for me [Music] then he kept walking on down and I watched disappear we have a treat for you today and when I say a treat I mean a treat before I tell you what it is don't forget this is mine you can't win this one but you can win one just like it go to producer Michael calm for slash giveaway enter to win this amazing event eater beyond sapphire crystal case watch and I say in it to win it at the end but at the beginning in it to win it good luck and now let's get on with the video say where was I Adam you think we have a treat oh yeah a treat yeah is it a treat it's beyond the tree we are in Malibu this is the first time we've ever shot a home in Malibu Ginetta once again has really come through she has some amazing properties to show us this is one of the most spectacular things I've ever seen it's insane wait till you see the view from this house it's a I'll let her tell us but I think it's like 12,000 square feet and about 13 million bucks and it's crazy it's crazy so let's go take a look [Music] this is just the entry what do you think reminds me of like a Thunderbirds house it's so sprawl people aren't gonna know what Thunderbirds are Thunderbird 2 from Thunderbird 1 [Music] look I brought my long-distance car the old rent their long-range beta you nearly said the old right in two thousand miles look look look look can you believe this for you this is the front door is there a doorbell I don't want to touch the glass it looks like a hotel lobby oh let me put my let me put my mask on hold on hold on hold on safety first is a contemporary modern Malibu beach home four bedrooms six bathrooms 12,000 square feet amazing how did it thirteen point four million dollars that is really a lot less than what you think looking at this especially for the size what an amazing and it also has a guest house right I have a guest house it has massive deck space terraces beautiful pool and spa has a billiards room right I'm ready would you know thank you so much I can't wait to see the next one you shows they keep getting better one ready yet I'm ready let's go let's go this way that's right okay I'm now taking off my mask I me too do you better not okay this is just crazy look at this all bongos I don't think the cool bongos I should know that being a drummer right what are they called drums they're not drums either there is a name for these and then completely forgotten in the comments that's great brain freeze that's nice Tim Barley's no they're not Tim barley look at this the view every every way you look it's just crazy unbelievable this space is unbelievable so this is the breakfast area I guess and a couple of lounge chairs to watch TV kitchen around never been in a round kitchen now I haven't but it's designed to fit the architecture of the house you cook your food and look out that window isn't it something special and if you're doing the dishes you look at that view and there's a tennis court on this property I'm not sure well even if it isn't you can slip over the fence again God look this outdoor fireplace as well it's just it's just crazy Wow well let's continue going through the house because I don't want to spend too much time in any specific place it's so big yeah this is unbelievable it does it reminds me of like a boutique hotel it's not so boutique and well no but you know in terms of the way that it's all like all on different levels look at this table the dining table round dining table for how many two four six eight ten twelve people and a round table so that gives you an idea how big this is right one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve yeah this is the best way to do group dining I think yeah cause it's imagine 12 people sat around a long table like you need an intercom from one end to the other right yeah if you're like at one end on one side and the other end on the other you'd never talk to it I want to sit in one of these seats that I can't get over the view from everywhere all right let's continue unreal also staircase wit so this would be like a living area right yeah I guess okay how high are these ceilings Adam so you're six - so let's see so six 12 18 24 like 30 feet that's like 3 inches you're doing here ok so this obviously is something very special we ready did under uh oops cupboard that is amazing doors for a cupboard that's clever actually because you have space and it looks spectacular without being a cupboard right oh never mind what should you forget excited by the concept of a cover I'm just loving this look at the window how can you not love this and it's all glass absolute just view view view I know we've only done the kitchen and the one of the living rooms but I'm gonna say this and the dining room on the dining room I'm gonna say this is probably my favorite house we've been to yeah you haven't seen all of it yet I know I've only seen a little bit from the outside ok so here this is interesting hello hello I feel like it should be a fish in a tank so this is a gym gym so this is a Pilates machine I think yeah I know what that is that's a treadmill and and a multi gym it's just out I guess a space it could be anything I will turn this into a theater would you know why not it would be cool right I guess it wouldn't just boom the whole house though like we're soundproof it's quite interesting take away the theater okay Jim yeah but you're not want to air conditioned like I'd want it sealed in an air conditioned why it's a very very large room yeah but there's many more large rooms to come and lots of doors to go outside there's doors everywhere it's hard to actually see them okay I've got to do this what are these called anyone would think it was a drummer right I don't know [Music] nevermind okay wait look at this bathroom oh let's see what we're missing here I totally missed it it is in fact a bathroom and a huge shower look at the size of this shower oh yeah you could you could walk in here wow that's fabulous everything is so large fabulous fabulous and here we have a white room I want to throw something in there there is actually the owner still lives in the property right so there are certain pieces we can't get like closets and things like that what's another closet I can't get okay it's actually a laundry room I did take a peek before you arrived it's enormous washing dryer washing washer/dryer and all sorts of other cleaning stuff check this out it's like being outside but you're inside we're in a botanical garden Wow Wow I don't know how feasible it would be but this would be really cool to actually have like a little water so it does it does have water and you can run water underneath here I was actually asking the owner earlier but it's a lot of maintenance so yeah I guess it would be nice but I don't know if it would get a bit humid and maybe a bit smelly well depends if you if you maintain it wouldn't but that's the thing is a lot of meaningless how pretty is this this is awesome look at this staircase floating staircase spectacular what is this room this is a botanical garden this room this is the entertainment room or should I say entertainment building look at the size of it I have to do this Adam you know me all right let's get one of these is how you're gonna make me a promise though well if you're gonna play I'm allowed to put in all of the you're not gonna make me chop it out if you don't hit the ball well I'm not going to play because there's no chalk what about that black key looks like it's got some chalk on no no you have to have chalk no chalk okay no chalk is you choking right sorry again a measuring board shuffleboard did it does it have shuffles so when you're in number three right here well I didn't know it was - that one doesn't count I I didn't know - I guess I threw the top one Shana hey ready okay a little bit more and one more ah okay that's good Oh too much okay we're way way too much no perfect too much damn oops crash last one yay no he scored you're the one I love the fact that it's got kind of it's a more traditional home not believe the size of this room but then they also have a lot of this like cool surf themed stuff did you see the sign on the way in there like a neon sign yes I saw that yeah yeah yeah look bar stools bar tables what a great entertaining space how many people could you put in here a couple hundred right easy easy Oh tell everybody what movie this has been in oh I've forgotten a a bunch I'll give you a billion to be bought blow yeah [Music] you're about to burst I am and something about Raymond ray Donovan ray Donovan series lots of movies lots of movies this is a full bar beyond a full bar dishwasher microwave nice maker fridge freezer look cooker sink I mean it's a piano bar is what it is yeah it is like it's a full-blown piano bar this is sensational do we want to go outside and then do the rest of the household yeah why don't we because we're down here why don't we take a look and look and go back up the main staircase can't we okay so I don't know which door how about this one and already opened that would have been burned right into the spa beautiful spa outside kitchen so there's two barbecues that I've seen there was one outside of the kitchen window I'm not going over there but I am told that's a loo and a bathroom and a shower and all of the things that you would want to have my God look at this I said gigantic pool to my goodness well they I'm sold you want to live here 13 million that's all they want for ya which I know sounds obnoxious but like think of still ahead we've seen for 13 million nothing like this Beverly Hills you get like a yeah a garden shed yeah I mean that and this could be turned into a mini of course this right here could be turned into a little electric dirtbike track another thing that I didn't mention there is a gate to get into the property than a drive that winds up what got to be quarter of a mile up yeah well there's a driveway that goes for three houses then a gate then rather draw correct correct and it splits it's incredible this is just unbelievable explain this to me why does it do that isn't this that grass that you were talking about you want it on the side of your yeah but why is it lumpy all right lumpy I'm in love with this view did I mention I like the view you did SiC the house look at this house so here's a question for you then Here I am you have a nice view from your place I do you viewed the hills you view downtown you view all of that and the ocean with a binoculars or post go yeah let's go know in a clear day which is rare in LA cuz its smog but you can see the ocean you can't you can see like Santa Monica on you know yeah kind of Long Beach area further down yeah so would you trade that view for this view well here's the thing I like the pretty lights it Sparkle at night from a distance so having said that this is gorgeous and also every now and again you'll get an oil rig out here that will be sparkling at night for you oh yeah break an oil rig yeah Oh your rig yeah exactly I'm tanning oil rigs probably not now they don't like these little tank loads along well no they move them though don't know if they do well how do I get there is that that's a ship right yeah that's an oil tanker I probably can't see that with the camera right no probably not don't step that way cuz you'll be in the pool so you didn't answer the question what was the question Oh which review um that's a really tough question I love this I mean I love this you have to answer does that mean a movie house I do like this it's spectacular it's crazy at flicker coin so if this was closer to the humanities that you like and closer to this one in a heartbeat yeah in a happy [Music] this is so big that we haven't seen any bedroom we have not seen any bedrooms yet we've seen we've seen the gym we've seen this which is the size of I would say triple the size of the average house this area here from from the end of the garden to there has to be what 3,000 square feet yeah probably 2,500 square feet hmm Wow yeah big look at this Adam I love this staircase in fact I'm going to go very slowly and really enjoy it where do you see a stacked light step click a staircase like this you're right mate no I'm overwhelmed yeah it's doable unbelievable well I guess it's not curb appeal is it because it's inside the house but wow factor yeah total wild fight you restroom restroom I'm so busy over here and over there so yeah that's the guest house that we'll get to in a minute right yeah it has its own garden don't know what that don't point the camera just in case cupboard okay so bedroom number one oh sorry own system in here lovely it's interesting that there's carpet throughout the house we don't see a lot of that now it's a feels great on the on the feet yeah I prefer personally I prefer wooden and ceramic and OOP Fluffy's come off no flippy back on good this is a loose fluffy you need a new tie lovely balcony out here I don't know how to open this we'll find our way from somewhere else so this is Jack in Jack and Jill came up the hill to fetch a pail of water shield came down with half a crown that's an English money but not for fetching water mary had a little lamb who often was very silly she would throw him up and catch him by his lovely bedroom again sound system and wall hey this sounds really good too that breeze as well talk about ocean breeze amazing oh I do want to go out because I just noticed something that's unique okay so this balcony serves these two Jack and Jill balcony but look you can't get to the master which that would be I'm sure because here they built this like bridge non possible bridge I don't know what you call this as an apron look at this Adam this is you know this is all me this watch is nice and that I love it really nice yeah it's it's just crazy all right master let's continue could you close the blind thing whoa large this reminds me of the one in the house that we just did in an Oscar little Ohio always house yeah with the round but this is much nicer actually oh this is look at this where this is done and then boom there's your view gorgeous fireplace enormous balcony I just can't get over this this is absolutely insane and it's just not like like looking at water this is just right I mean it's almost 180 degree horizon yeah and I'm sure that'll twinkle down there this way yeah look spectacular and there are some really nice hikes as well up in these hills and actually there's a winery up here so do it yeah well you would know about that I know and a place called Malibu Cafe that is awesome I'll let the art so this is it's a bathroom open walk-in shower with the view of the ocean oh yeah you're living it hunt you Adam go on then I'll take you and a beautiful garden on the outside an addition at the botanical garden I love this it's new sea turtles doesn't come with the house I've been asked not to go in here so this is the closet and it actually goes in and wraps all the way around as I mentioned before living here is so this is definitely a more traditional home however if you were to redecorate you wouldn't have to change fixtures and fittings like you could just redecorate and make this super super modern if yes what you wanted yes without it's like the fit and finish of everything is all really nice I'm gonna point one thing out if you look on the ceiling you see these things there are sprinkler heads because why are you laughing it because every time we go to a house of sprinklers you go it's law because of the fire but wait stop not everybody seen all the video shame on you you should have seen all the videos they don't know because it didn't say it it's true you said it last time in Orange County I did yeah I think so yeah I forget that not everybody has seen your face and heard your voice for hours and hours and hours a week like I do we can't go in here your good point you can't go in here but it's another entry into a very large closet so two closets or no it's one but it it has two entries and there's no doors but it's beautifully done so now to the guest house right yes let's go to the guest house this is an elevator shaft it doesn't have an elevator in it yet it's being serviced so it's like a car I guess like a Ferrari you take the engine out for that buy view actually we're going to get an even better view from why here oh really haven't seen it but we're going to explore okay Oh another thing to mention six-car garage two four and there's another two at the front there right and I think so garden up here we're going to visit that from the guest house okay look how big everything is I mean that's a Range Rover that's the big Range Rover it's a huge car and it's lost so this is the guest house entry and this is a loo and a shower but not for use of the guest house is my understanding because the guest house is upstairs this is just for if you want to go in the garage which is here that's a two-car garage and here come on in is a four car garage oh wow nice right so much room for activities here everything is so big and grandiose right this reminds me of like a hotel because you know you you see these types of things left or right Adam left okay check this out it's like another house so this would be a living room so his people have noticed yes the owner doesn't seem to watch a lot of TV did you notice there wasn't any like main large entertainment room there was a TV in the in the kitchen with the two lounges yes and then there was a TV in the the by the piano bar yes that was it it was also one in bedroom was that in each bedroom because I even mentioned the surround sound in there they had the big flat screens mm-hmm I want to say there was one in the gym but it was highly tiny one counts it's TV I was tiny but do you not I mean there's no like entertainment area there's a huge entertainment area no no entertainment hasn't like electronic entertain electronic okay so this is a beautiful bedroom again with fabulous views this skylights awesome and and an outside outside garden which normally you would think well of course it's an outside garden Michael but this has inside gardens too yes it does a good point this is crazy this is the guest house area there's a outside dining and all sorts of stuff a little nature trail very nice bathroom oh I didn't notice but there's the kitchen area there's a microwave in the fridge so we came back out how fabulous I just noticed the deck goes across there as well well there's more rooms over here let's just check these rooms out then we'll come back on the deck because apparently it's enormous as well okay just walk straight through the office oh this is a special room my type of room oh wow massage room and some torture equipment what is that it's like a full dermatology machine well it's a cell um six don't know what it does but it looks scary Wow look at this big deck what's that it's a tub no it's the skylight isn't it from the garage and I'm not the guy who's the entry oh look I'm scared of heights amazing and this is the rooftop why check this out oh it's ridiculous so Michael I got a question for you you're going to ask me which of you do I like better no no it's just wondering can I borrow a couple couple bucks from you I'm just I got ya might need to be more than fits in your pocket I got this yeah well that's a start look at the footprint the footprint is enormous yeah oh this is the elevator shaft so the elevator which isn't currently installed goes from everywhere to here Wow you could theoretically make this into a whole roof deck too if you wanted you imagine it's just insane I mean insane what a delightful delightful house parking for 100 cars yeah and the drive is so long I don't know if you can see it from here and then here you this is like a turnaround area you could put 110 cars here easily yeah just beautiful well so peaceful you don't hear anything but a duck quacking do you hear it guys I hope you've enjoyed this house I'm in love with it Adams in love with it Adams moving in send some subscribers to the channel so he can make some money and he can buy this house is that good planet I'm down with that well it's if you just look at this side here this is the guest house take out the massage room the office it's a full-blown house yeah love it back in the window guys hit the subscribe button hit the bell we are in it to win it and we'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 428,146
Rating: 4.9173803 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, malibu, real estate, celebrity home, mansion, estate, hose tour, AD, architectural digest, movie house, blow, property, realtor, luxury home, luxury rental, lifestyles of the rich and famous, ocean view, architecture, interior design, wealth, millionaire, billionaire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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