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ready hips so funny and hold on what about sunglasses [Music] accent hello did I do it wrong again that's perfect okay good how's it going it couldn't be better good I heard that leaf blower could shut up I was nearly going to say it's a glorious day in Beverly Hills but I'm not gonna say that because I always say that so let me think of something else to say there's some clouds in the sky today which is very unusual because it's June gloom and they will burn off by twelve o'clock it is currently 11:15 or thereabouts did you see what I'm wearing today yeah oh yeah well no yeah by the time this video comes out somebody would have one there's no they wouldn't I think that's gonna be another week left to enter oh well in that case producer Michael calm /give await you're too close enter to win the blue version of this amazing event a sapphire crystal to be on watch do I get that right yeah we are going to see a gigantic house I think it's just under 16,000 square feet forty million dollars unbelievable property in the heart of Beverly Hills brand-new never lived in and hey this is exciting so let's go see it I'm ready I miss anything wow it's so loud yeah tell everybody what's going on just in case we accidentally get someone in the video oh wait he's going on oh yeah behind the scenes no this gentleman here his name is Nathan he I hope that lawnmower thing doesn't every okay I'll be amazing be fine okay good so Nathan is filming a behind-the-scenes video of the making other producer Michael video which will go on Adam George channel but still buy my merch not his what should I press the Bell beautiful big doors lovely house lovely house hi how are you hello hello see you let me close this up for you thank you so much for having us come to see this thank you I'm al Miele with such a beast and welcome it's so nice to have you here this is a brand new construction built in 2020 nobody touches brand new and the designer is studio William Hefner and the building company is shine construction so we have seven bedrooms 13 bathrooms and fifteen thousand eight hundred square feet property and please enjoy yourselves make yourselves at home thank you it's 40 million dollars correct it's 40 million dollars correct thank you so much for letting us preview this so let's go have some fun I'm ready sir see you soon okay I am going to take this off and you stay away from me J well let's start Wow I mean goodness gracious it is vast it's just enormous absolutely enormous and so opulent so I'm assuming this is like the formal living room and the so many rooms in this house is quite a good chance that I'll get a few things wrong but I'll do my best so this is the formal living room and it's like a like a botanical garden out here and the pocket sliding doors disappear there's a pool we'll do that part shortly I just can't get over the size it's you guys I hope I hope this shows up on camera the way that I'm looking at this right now it's enormous absolutely but my places this goes through both sides very nice so this room here I know is called the gentleman's room so you'd close this off and I don't know if your cigar smoker or not come out here in the outside I personally don't smoke cigars but a bar and this is just like the gentleman's Snug area it's still inviting right it's lovely really inviting love the light yeah they everything looks so well put together everything the quality of everything it's it's really I hope you share from camera I really do it's absolutely amazing so what's that let's have a look in their toilet you think don't know yeah oh and it me how about that very nice light is on blue nice times so we should go back this way and round cos yeah main house goes that direction even the thickness of the dough this is and solid comes with a beautiful car in the driveway that's not true that's mine okay and this these are a planet covered storage you don't have to see it I like the side latch that's awesome so staircase down and we'll do the middle level first yeah then we'll go which way should we go guys it's a treat isn't it we can go whichever way we want let's go whichever way we want okay so this is an office which I think could also be a bedroom if you wanted it to be lovely bathroom light switch light both on I love these skylights that they have in it's really nicely done the quality is really super like their own mirror - that's leather yeah what sit in this chair how comfy is that back I can't sit in the chair because I'm a cable let me try stay away dad remarkably come to the earth comfy yeah it'll probably leave lines and push you back if you didn't have a shirt on which apparently you don't now all the time once I pushed in one picture one picture and I'm getting beaten up for it it had more comments anything like 3,000 comments you're surprised you shirtless in pink Crocs as I was saying elevator we won't use it right now okay and this is the formal dining room how nice everything although we're in the heart of Beverly Hills in there are streets around us you would never know it and that's just like look at the water feature out there nice yeah like just being in the middle of a garden it kind of feels outside although you're inside right dining room the doors once again they poke it away yeah not sure if they were electrical they're not electric hallway those are lights I'm going to guess they're electric and then here we have here we have another loo hello it's just a loop nice ink and here we have oh an amazing kitchen this is gorgeous isn't that pretty look at your view it's tropical looking Wow yeah this really this is your breakfast area which is also the size of a dining table right house we loved it imagine this like when you have a few friends over there cool aren't they cool yeah have you friends over you can chill on the couch people in the kitchen Wow yeah what a beautiful space okay so where my refrigerators and freezers and there they are over there okay oh so I should have guessed which was which first but now that I know this is the right one I was right with my pick love those lights too this is Oh check this out so this is I think this is like a pantry area stuff and a little kitchen yeah and then here there is a big kitchen oh so this is a soup kitchen holy moly yeah and this must feed back to the dining room how about that yeah so you can serve your guests this actually I just saw Michael have you seen this there's a slab out here with an extra so that the help can come and park yeah this is for you kick you wish to come let's hope he'll stay here and see oh you can push semi here oh my goodness yeah you could you could easily get my car trailer you could put one two three four five six maybe seven eight card I want to get a trailer out let's see anything yeah but very clever yeah that's awesome aim a staff parking area oh please lock that back up folks struggling with the door okay okay so back into the kitchen looking out for you it's really pretty you would never know got a house next to you would you know I love these lights they're completely different each one is different you'd never think you're doing that least I wouldn't know that's really nice and those are there what do you call these bulbs Edison bulbs thank you Edison bulbs how do you know all this stuff I'm just a smart guy mate and this is like the relaxing TV area fireplace this is where you'd come hang out in an evening yeah what's one of the places you yeah cuz there somewhere so guys just to let you into a little secret we have seen the house we did a little preview of it and all of it but most of it and this in very special rooms downstairs we'll get to those shortly and upstairs there's special rooms it's an awesome house yeah and then here's an outside oh look Wow have you got G we got here after no kitchen and let's go there cuz then we need to go across to the guest house should we do that now mhm yeah I think so Warren let's good that way because I don't know how to open these doors or struggle with them okay so we are now outside the kitchen area and it's just lovely it's really lovely gorgeous BBQ area 16,000 feet so you love living space oh there's everything here everything you could imagine and some this is gorgeous yeah and there's even through here there's a little separate kind of hidden area hidden area we are in the hidden area helicopter I'm assuming this is the main door it no no around this side let's go that side well that is probably the main door but this is opens that we can go look at this from here as well by looking at me no you it's like a compound isn't it it's lovely and this tree is amazing I bet that that was here before the house I bet that was here before they probably designed all of this around the tree oh you could live in here Adam it's like a little beach house yeah it oh it's cool okay what's this called Michael I've set it on about six videos a picture remember a plastic tree remember FICA all clothes begins on earth supposedly FICA no very FICA homeworks on a FICA helped fiddly fig fiddly fake fiddle leaf fig it's a fig tree they get bedroom this is so lovely did he go in the bedroom no I didn't you didn't go in that I did did I'll go back in bathroom shower this is it's like a little mini house yeah no it is lovely okay so you want to get back in the bedroom yeah that's um look I didn't come here you know this was a fig tree there's another one in case you woke up we didn't know that okay so lovely bedroom oh yeah I really like the dark the black with the white the contrast contrast is yeah with the clean lines [Music] paradise right Claudia paradise didn't bring my sunglasses these look like you're ready for a manicure right now yeah this is so pretty really nice a fire pit can roast your marshmallows this is good for dogs as well good there's good dog pool you got a little little shallow bit here oh yeah there's a shallow little woods never has he done Oh what you doing rescuing this bee sting you yeah buddy you go tip over there you go oh that's so nice you rescued the bee don't stand on it come on saved him all right don't go back in the pool are you gonna go back in the pool I don't want it no hold on and you put him somewhere else we have a 16,000 square-foot house area sorry owns the same this is an electric cover to keep the pool clean and also keep the bees out keep the bees out keep them safe and alive we have a big shortage of bees of this here is the driveway it's a subterranean driveway which we'll show you from outside and the garage is about I don't know 16 cars or something crazy like that I love all of this outdoor space spectacular isn't it yeah and the heaters in the ceiling somebody who put a lot of thought into this and we're still outside I keep thinking I'm inside yeah this is inside okay I pour down what do you think down because then we can finish on the balcony with a view how's that I like that idea so this is quite spectacular where we're going some would call it a basement I wouldn't call it a basement I would call it the entertainment area the steps are full slabs of marble and this is not going in there I know what it is but we forgot it's a control room not anything grew so is this no those are cupboards but there is a mechanical room another one somewhat elevator gym we'll start with the mundane stuff so this is a nice room could also double up as a bed Wow skinny machine Oh silly this is lovely yeah very very nice okay so tricky beep beep beep okay what was in here oh the Garrett oh wow yeah come on in that's ice instead make sure that we don't get locked okay let's see if it locks when you go in there is a yes Michael did it do it lock let me out wait without a genuinely the second the second time wasn't me so yeah you're you're just panicking okay so tell people why you were panicking because we were locked in a garage we went to preview a house which we ended up not previewing and we got locked in a garage with a steel door with no buttons to get out there was no cell phone reception there was nobody in the house and it was terrifying and I panicked and so did Adam baby well admit to it looks like something from a movie set two four six eight who do we appreciate Michael 9 10 11 12 13 14 okay 14 cards easily that you can move around and you could probably Chrome another what four or five in here okay I have a problem now you have a problem with it I don't know I have a problem though you have a lot a problem there's a problem Michael something's happened stand here and look that way and would you consider that you were in the center of the room huh stand where you believed the center of this room is here you think you see I think the center is about here which means that those don't line up oh I see what you mean the light Oh God like a yard and you couldn't live here could you I'm not sure I could now no well they actually are perfect the they're actually perfect if you set from here you'll see that they look at the garage door look at the buckles on the door that doesn't line up it's very close it's makes me want to be sick though where were we this way mechanical room locked locked washer dryer washer dryer washer dryer dryer washer two maids rooms okay let's do a brick how big the house is you narrate while you're in there and I'll film in here and because we'll hear your audio but they're the same so I'll be all my creative and arty so here is a bed and next to the bed is a telephone here is a door leading to a bathroom on the wall there's a television how am i doing Adam good keep going now I'm coming in here I want to see if there's any favoritism between maids very nice right it's a lovely maid's room yeah I would drop some flowers down on that wall under one of those living walls yeah it can be a fake living wall they look really good we know that okay here's where the fun begins are you ready whoo okay let's start in here oh yeah Oh check this out isn't this lovely yeah it's freezing cold in here it's nice wow it smells like Vegas how can you smell it with a muscular gateway you're smelling yourself I said let me did you smell Xavier Smith I'm over do a Vegas trip no one else oh you do yeah thank you very much e P okay so there's a pool table you know what happens when there's a pool table and let's chalk and this chalk okay before we do the pool should we do this yes okay Theatre great it comfy lovely let's eat a little cut out here to maximize that's so fun take see how was it was a comfy it looks ridiculously comfy I could be careful with my wire here so yeah oh yeah a nice oh I could live here big screen I'm gonna guess that what am i guessing that is 18 feet yes big yeah 18 feet that's this is probably the biggest screen that we've seen in a house I mean did that help no not remotely to the pool table okay to the pool table all right chalk but got these cute is so light okay I've never felt a cue like this before feel the weight of this cue it you can't play pool with that oh I think it's just for visual you do are you gonna try yeah okay good why not alright action shot if it doesn't work and comes out badly I'll cut it from the video the chalk won't even stick on the cue is it real I don't know look it okay well it's made of wood it's not a real pool table I don't think I should do this it is of course it's a real pool time no real pool tables I'm in a slate this is this is like plywood it's just let's play one yeah all right well let's see I can't do it go on good to go alright let's go oh yeah the balls definitely bounced okay so let's continue okay then we have to get this one which one you go for this one here orange okay and then after the orange one it's the blue one yeah but I missed it oh well it's not a pool table let me put this back together no one will ever know these are the strangest cues this can't weigh more than what 4 ounces yeah nothing not even four ounces sink probably one of these is a fridge mm-hmm yeah but that not was I swear I did not I would have said there was garbage here I didn't know that was a great choice great choice right made the most sense Paul Newman and here we have a breath that's why these are here okay a massage table no should we do this small bedrooms first yeah cuz I want to finish in the master okay here we have here we have what fun like kids playroom right yeah this is I love the ceilings yeah see yeah I guess if you had kids this would be where they would come play xbox and sit and do their homework right they could Gigi what's up gang call GTA yeah daughter ok shake with each other yeah we do I do I do like the beer yeah it yeah I'm glad that I'm doing a fashion inspiration to you something like that or in a furry chair Adam that's cool weird is it comfy yeah so except our sheep weird sitting it try it what about this one sitting this one see we thank you seeing it ready yeah pillow that's nice how's the bathroom she's nice lovely did you ever realized there are BMWs are the same color I hate you oh he's like too cool I know did I put those out to show you because it really does illuminate and it's a great idea I haven't seen that before that's really neat ideas yeah did we go in there no oh yeah well now we didn't go in this bedroom down here though I'm lost we went in this one we did we did but we didn't go in this one oh look at that an elephant and a pig oh no it's an elephant no it's a dog no answers in the comment like a pig cat dog I think it looks more like a cat than a dog yeah this is definitely an elephant because it's got tusks and this is a giraffe I said you're a that is a rhino Oh whose little beds had you been smaller for you could sleep in one of these beds Yeah right nice bathroom lovely so this is bedroom number C we did two downstairs yeah two maids rooms one in the middle that's three four five six if the office you could count as a bedroom period oven and then the master that we're gonna go did you count up all through the yeah no I did it and then there's the pool which is fabulous look at this not bad a little view is the skid heights so pretty it so I'm gonna be honest when I heard how much it was and we saw it from the road I was a little bit shocked I was very short but actions are very shot yeah and now that we're inside it's very private it's very private I mean it's a lot of money but it's a lot of house I mean 16,000 square feet forty million bucks Beverly Hills yeah um before we sign off I want you to talk a little bit about how much it costs to run these houses as well so give people an idea of mortgages and insurance and all that kind of thing okay so one of the things that's a great thing to bring will you take a seat and then we can take a seat let's take a seat I wish it here good a lot I love these myself see where do we start okay so buying a house like this most people would pay cash for it because the mortgage payment would be ridiculous so forty million bucks just put down 20% that's 8 million that means you're financing 32 million 32 million you'd have to do over 15 years so it's probably quarter of a million dollars a month payments mortgage on top of the mortgage you've got property tax so the way it works in Beverly Hills it's 1.5 percent of the purchase price so that would be six hundred thousand dollars a year in property tax just to the state of California just for the privilege of living yeah and then insurance probably in the region of two hundred fifty thousand year to insure it for fire theft and that's not including contents building and everything else so yeah it's expensive so what does that add up to you then well if you pay 250 a month in mortgage payment you know that's 3 million a year plus six hundred thousand ish in property tax I'm sure it was so it's three point six insurance for and then monthly upkeep your electric bill is going to be three grand a month four grand a month you got air conditioner right and keep it cool your security things we don't normally show in houses but every major house has some form of security most have a guard you don't see that we don't show that on camera if they don't have a guard they have ridiculously see well I wouldn't say complex security systems instantly wanted the police as well additional armed response that's a few hundred bucks a month well a few thousand actually so yeah it adds up it that's it very very quickly crazy so people see this top-line figure of forty million and think that's a lot but actually the real expense comes in key just keeping the place running it's like it's like a car if you buy a car for three four hundred thousand dollars it costs you a couple of grand a month yeah I'm not talking about payments I'm talking about maintenance because a service you can have something happen to one of these cars you get a bill for 50 grand 100 grand that's like oh so yeah it's very expensive the more expensive things you get the more you have to pay to maintain them so yeah pretty scary sometimes let's continue but that gives you motivation to keep working keep getting better and better so that you can continue to do the things that you want to do and everything can be scaled so it doesn't have to be anything like this I mean this is this is crazy I would never spend 40 million dollars on the house even if I could I wouldn't can't spend money on crazier things yeah okay so now we're going to the master which is an entire wing of the house I think this is like 4,000 feet okay I have a habit of tripping over carpet elevator this is another laundry room so this laundry room would be just for up here I guess upstairs laundry yeah so in we go these ceilings they're all curved pick up on the camera but you know I'm seeing it like a cutout I wonder if that light sir Oh lovely nice and that there's a light switch somewhere here suite on hallway hallway I know there's a reason for that and I don't know what it is hmm that very cool so here we are in a dark room because I can't find the light switch wow it's so cool it's so good yeah I want that show in my closet do you remember I have this surrounding that enormous mirror in the war I never thought about doing it around the actual mmm cabinet love it so this leads into a bathroom his bathroom it is indeed his bathroom how do you know it's his bathroom not her bathroom I mean we're not judging here you could have this as the lady if you wanted yeah because this is the small one so the guy always gets the short end of the stick this is beautiful beautiful beautiful master bedroom isn't it gorgeous yeah the walls are spectacular I'm not sure if this is stone or paper whatever it is it's really well done I likey overlooking the beautiful gardens double-sided fireplace another thing to mention this is a smart house recall this is a Crestron controlled house which is the best of the best obviously the ladies bathroom wow this is nice very nice his cool tub shower ladies don't normally get rain heads because they don't get like to get the hammer all the time they have ways of doing it right and then here is her closet and her closet has a 5 her closet has a balcony oh my goodness it does I think it does beautiful she the clouds are going away I said they'd be gone in an hour right they'll be completely gone in another 45 minutes okay so yes only thing I'm noticing is that window right there looks straight into the closet so if you were a bit nudie in here then they could see so what I would do to fix that problem is poke them in the eye this okay so now I think we've done it Oh haven't we yeah so let's go out here and off on the balcony got it careful spider cobweb it's so bright I'm going this way it's not as bright no it's still bright I'm going this way I want to view that here do it this way he's done there I'll stand in this corner you're too close there we go perfect say again 16,000 square feet 40 million dollars how many 40 do you need a 40 million dollars amazing amazing palatial property work hard set your goals because we're in it to win it hit the button no I did that wrong hit this subscribe button well I suppose that's a button hit the subscribe button hit the bell what else well we had a conversation there were you earlier how many trouble how about what we would do for a million subscribers oh no no no no no we're not talking about that right now yeah yeah we're not talking about that serious thought bye guys bye [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 814,888
Rating: 4.8951516 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, mansion, house tour, home, celebrity home, real estate, architecture, interior design, design, property, bel air, adam swords, swrdz, adamswords
Id: -sQGM7bGZ-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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