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hey Siri is this such a word is volumen but we are I think we're in a different country we're not really in a different country I drove about 25 miles to get where we are today and I swear to you it's like being in Europe somewhere it's absolutely beautiful we are in Pasadena which is I think about 20 miles from Beverly Hills maybe 25 miles it's gorgeous here and we are here to see something very very special never showed you a house like this before I'm excited to see it it's a mammoth house no mammoth I don't use that word it's huge yeah it's 10,000 feet and it has a tennis court it has a batting cage it has a baseball field it has a zoo no it doesn't have a space for a zoo if I had it I'd probably put some hippos and rhinos and also crazy stuff but it's amazing and it has a flag so that reminds us we are in fact not in Europe we are still in the United States maybe that's why they have it here anyway shall we go take a look yeah I have two questions you have two questions okay fire whose car is that well I borrowed it because we're such a long way away 25 miles and 25 miles right that's 50 miles I didn't want to drive one of mine you are so nice I actually had it trailered up from Orange County Rolls Royce thank you very kindly lent me it and so so you didn't have to put 50 miles on your card they trail again no I was going 200 miles no but I didn't know where I was going I didn't know where you were taking me you arranged this all right good question all right second question second question whose watch is that it's my watch I like it miss my watch it's sparkly in that it is this is the watch that I had my eye on that sets for oh yeah a bunch of trying to beat him up on price yeah and he refused and eventually we got together and met last week in our minds did a kind of friendly negotiation type thing happen boom I bought it nobody think I love it yeah very nice it's pretty cool right we go check out this house let's go check out the house forgot that we could see that we've talked about Europe and all he does this let's just have a little look at the yard so there is a huge Drive in drive out driveway and the thing you can park like a million cars here yeah well I think seven thousand three hundred and twelve come open at the pictures there is a lot of space you did I mean you could never have a party here that you couldn't accommodate the cars on the property will will see that you drive space the people not the cars he could even have enough people it's like a it's huge let's go see and it has a little red door where's not that little but it's a red door I love it I love the styling let me put my sunglasses unless you want to carry them even thank you very much thank you obviously you got a hairbrush need to give me notice in the car knock the door you're horrible horrible all right hi nice to meet you Michael Alfonso's gunner with Hilton highly welcome nice to meet you and this is Adam he did nicely how are you nice to meet you it's me yes thank you for allowing us to see this beautiful house it looks amazing from outside absolute let me give you a quick little rundown yeah we're in the exclusive area of Chapman woods located in Pasadena California the house was custom-built in 2005 it's approximately 9,000 626 square feet with eight bedrooms nine baths some of the highlights include a tennis court swimming pool Little League field batting cages dollhouse and area for horses if someone wanted to have horses it sits on four and a half acres and we're listed currently at twelve point eight million sounds like a bargain it's a deal it's a steal the legacy estate so take a look around have any questions I'd love to answer for you fantastic well thank you so much let's take a look what should we show I don't do it why don't we go right over here why don't we start here that's a better idea right after you all right so I am assuming that this is a formal living room I did see the plans and the layout and there's all sorts of room so I don't know much technically each one is but this is fabulous oh yes the light in here is gorgeous I love the high ceilings it's got there's a name for these ceilings I'm not quite sure what that name is but there is a name pitched that'll work yeah they're pitched and it's very volumous votin volumous mhm someone's got someone got my word of the day in hey Siri is there such a word as volume and would be good until you buy yeah yes exactly yeah see you later bye sorry so this is a library how cool is this this is gorgeous automatic heritage in here Oh what do we got oh my god sure what does that say handing them no that's not an old jag is it tell us in the comments what is this what car is this [Music] how'd you know yeah [Music] I'm not my piano playing is horrible it'll sound even worse if a player there someone going let's continue we're gonna do a t-shirt that says let's continue a comment or literacy let's continue I just caught myself saying let's continue toilet you okay you don't need to see it and down the toilet here really no no covered will do outside soon let's do okay well give them a little peek but not forget this room they're in a small table in the big room could use a bigger one I think you can almost double the size of everything here but right here is eight people on this tiny little table so you could probably pop twelve people comfortably and maybe another one in the corner this is really cool it's so different we've never done a house like this and although probably not my taste it's spectacularly got to appreciate this this is really a wild house brick listen I came on vacation right it is like being in the South of France or somewhere isn't it in like a little country manner exactly well not little it's not a little country manner its hoof in rebate very obviously this is the kitchen and this is a what is it it's a fruit tray is it I think it's a fruit bowl isn't it it's not a bowl fruit log yeah chopping board large network counter I love these beams beams with the white wood yeah rustic hmm and though these are dishwashers because I know that their dishwashers and I absolutely know that that's a fridge in the freezer because of the way it's configured I don't think we need them yeah I don't think we need to play the guessing game do that there's a Hershey bar in that all Bagel Bites presume it's a bite sized bagel pantry pantry Swiss mix I have to make one of those a little later so yeah very functional very cozy I would call this right it's well would you call it yeah I would it's definitely cozy Jesus come in the morning have you coffee play some music but also imagine if you were having a party this would be a great entertaining space got people along the bar you've got people around here this is absolutely stunning I mean seriously for the money we have not seen anything this big no in fact we have we even seen any house this big maybe yes I think we did sir a 12,000 foot house in Tarzana oh is that 12 yes isn't it yeah wine oh this is cool this is a bottle stopper stop the Dodgers does it say Dodgers yeah doesn't assert that is yes I do universally only it's this one sideways cricket so anyways create stickball yeah that's that baseball I dunno so yeah bar oh there's all sorts of things here they're shaken not stirred come on shall we continue let's continue okay here we have a bedroom and a bathroom it just feels cozy you know it really does feel wood it's not finishing stuff in there Wow look at those tiles they look like a pair of your shoes you're awful but yeah so this is just like him I would call this a bedroom would you say what you think there's any smart but I couldn't so given this is like a family house yeah this would be the type of room where like the grandmother would live you know if that's exactly right yeah or an atom well no because I know that there's somewhere outside where I live not outside but like home where you'll actually feel it's big enough floor - cool - yeah they're real wood as well real wood as opposed to what laminate stuff room it's for the naughty children is what this ring could lock them in yeah okay I did that's the kitchen this is this is the butler's pantry with another fridge drinks yeah I'm thirsty you're a drink mmm soon we're gonna be I'm taken so yeah butler's pantry let's to you on this floor there's more stuff there's more buildings and things outside this place is enormous but you know what it's enormous but it like you said it feels cozy it feels very very homely yeah you don't feel like you're in a gigantic house because the rooms are actually rooms as opposed to just massively oh yeah yeah I found a school yes well three I didn't like I be thought there was two yeah yeah this is such a single-family house is the true family house you've got 430 kids this is the place to be buried oh right wow this is enormous I've never seen a laundry room with a stool in it Garak public don't go in this side what's that doing this that because they both are let Anthony tied around the corner Ram Billa I believe the name is mm-hmm perambulate interesting technically her ambulant I don't if you heard of it it's included with the sale of the house what we said that you didn't have to be on camera we didn't mean you had to like lock yourself away in the garage this wasn't how we treat all of the Realtors I promise I promise I spied another garage oh yeah well go to that let's do it let's do upstairs upstairs bye let's not use this domain second this way we can come back through the back staircase yes oh yeah definitely more traditional spinet its modern though you know it's a traditional style it feels very modern wait should we go in here i colonial this is like a reading nook if I smoked a pipe mm-hmm this yeah glass of cognac a book deep business deals yeah I think of all the things I'm missing out on is there a fridge in any of these it's a lot gone down I don't see that's a fridge no it's too shallow no fridge but incredibly cool and yeah let's go out show people what they've got to expect so over here is the zoo I think that's like an acre and a half of potential Zul and you could put rhinos hippos elephants zebra you're not allowed crocodiles in this area I don't believe but you can have all the other I said right and I just want to point out and that is also part of the property this is the pool house which is bigger than most people's house but wait behind it in the very far distance is a tennis court that's also part and there's a baseball field which we'll get to way later amongst lots of other things should we go through here or let's go to here because there's obviously doors left my left to your left they're both the same Oh a ballet bar going yeah but what a beautiful room for a little girl though these need to be rocking chairs know me yeah this is amazing Jackie jeweled bathroom with a bath I've never seen that you know you see you check with your bathroom and we have two sinks and the loo and a shower never seen a bathtub pretty cool lovely alright so notice that I haven't seen before each floor is a different would look oh yeah that's Harry Oh Harry would yes it really separates you don't realize it until you look for it yeah so there's obviously little boy's room why is blue I guess you should have been a detective I think I should yeah okay so we can uh I'm assuming it's a closet but you never know in case the laundry room we missed a room don't one on the left when we went left Oh before we go there yes in case you know what you didn't find downstairs big enough there's another one huge it was the command walking backwards tell me when to stop this must be the master oh I like this this is really nice again but the balcony yeah balcony from the fireplace and again you've got the pitched ceilings open the shutters beautiful view there's no properties to see other than your own mm-hmm they had a TV here I can tell do you see any clues Sherlock a couple just a couple nice little fireplace as well I've Michael I really like this house it's amazing it's amazing like I said it's not a house that I would live in right but oh boy do I appreciate this this is fabulous you know freestanding bathtub that's nice are you studying got to so that's a new thing as well in modern they did a modern freestanding bathtubs and this is the rustic not rustic what is it classical traditional traditional yeah all of those what's the shower like wait what yep two showerheads two one oh it's deep June one there are one on this wall [Music] tricked you Allu was it put some bats in here very nice okay let's continue continue again I must have said it 40 times continue cool let's go sick sick awesome I'm a big dude we did this we did closet closet closet closet just three more buildings we're going to see that oh look Jim and me oh there he is it's heavy gone get us one that's the one that counts I bashed myself in the face before did you see this a bunk bed I love my bunk beds did you let Chapel bottom top yeah me too yeah and the shark just in case you need some biting in the night nice really well yeah again a great room for kids but equally you could turn these into no guest bedrooms whatever I guess we're just with the size of the couch would you say this was I get kids the kids playroom almost whole hello yes kids like play area Saturday yeah because this is I guess you can bet here it could become a bedroom yeah this steps very interesting is very interesting it said well I think the reason is here is because of the different levels of the way the house is built there is a bathroom normal bathroom adequate shower shower loo and what's this who i wasn't designed for me was it isn't that cute look at this Adam this is awesome this is truly awesome this is literally that whole actually what I would do is make that into a secret door huh oh yeah and then you have your secret kid's playroom yeah this and you've seen both directions this is so cute do you know what I would have if this is my house in here would you have driving simulator the driving simulator and a beer keg of course yeah this would be a great room to just rigged up with computer stuff it's awesome it's gorgeous look they are high ceiling as well so different to anything we've ever done but just stunning so we've done the top floor we've done busy building let me down here let me green shoes everybody likes green shoes okay so we are now back by the schoolhouse so let's go say is I don't know dollhouse dollhouse you mentioned a dollhouse didn't it all right look at these trees as well do you know what also makes this area feel a lot different Beverly Hills and over there is the fact that trees yeah there's no different they're not palm trees there well I mean there are there's some up there but you get more of this sort of like English countryside feel English country this is an English manor hmm right it's like an English manor so we're gonna go to the colonial we're gonna look at the dollhouse after maybe you could look at you don't want to walk on the grass in your shoes you've already told me this yeah they're green though they're not going to change color and ship Trumpy back that would be interest no well can I can I at least run over and look at it then because I feel like we got to see what's in there it's just grass that's fine good you know I come in no all right I'll just do a quick it's very springy it's very springy grass got the view from here is lovely at the house all right let's see it's open wow it's just like a little Playhouse I mean there's nothing much to see but you stay there that's very cool in here oh this is cute man I wish I grew up in this house this is awesome I just said I wish I grew up in this house there's so much room for activities you can play soccer cricket baseball basketball swimming tennis parachuting horse riding horse riding Rhino runner riding monkey feeding my feet yeah and tons of space oh this also just to show people this goes around to the side and out oh actually look where we are we show them this oh absolutely let's show them this so look at the length of the drive I mean if I was playing golf right now that would be like a full 8-iron from here to the end of the property and then it'll be a 5-iron from here to the end of the property down there so this is a batting cage right no well no this is the Little League baseball field oh the batting cages are down there okay there's a field no this is the baseball field there is no full baseball field of this Willie and there's a scoreboard so cool oh can you imagine as a kid just being like hey do you want to come over to my house and we'll play baseball like on my baseball field look it's got a scoreboard they've got a dugout where did away just have to sit on the bench dugout where their home thing is so that's where the batter sit they need the lawn person to come and fix the hole in the middle there's no aggression around Mount it's actually supposed to be a little bit higher not what I know anything about base no that's what's going out a bigot underarm got it yes yes the impressive duet another house yeah there's a kitchen there's a smile what is this oh that's shuffleboard board back you have to turn upside down I was broken so it is so the idea is where does he go that blue on the top yeah so you have to shuffle those down here right and see if you can get them to stop if it stops here you get four points three points two points at one point so much closer to the end as possible without going over exactly [Music] too much oh I love you wanna you guys are one that's not gonna make it we'll see [Music] that's what this is all of them and access straight onto the pool should we go upstairs what's it bathroom upstairs let's go upstairs I like that it's a plant no I like this I like the table with the plants on them thanks giving you ideas really got us it makes a change you know me good every day have something I'm surprised you weren't under tents foosball champion back in England why do I do this with you so hold on I tell people I'm gonna get a vintage stand up jetski that's one of my next projects yeah I told Michael and he went oh did you know that I spear a jet ski champion I'm like of course you did of court of course he's sane well at least you have me to teach you how to do it yeah whatever look at this okay when I get that Jets black-and-white TV wait when I get that jet ski yes will you do a video for my channel where we go out and you show me tricks yes as long as it's in a good nice clean body of water look after take you somewhere nice where there's no sharks ok no dolfyn yeah what are there any dolphins huh no manatees you can have goldfish and as long as it's a little bigger than a bathtub Pyramid Lake was that up to 5 1080 first board no well you probably would black-and-white TV ah that's cute look at the size of that that's like an expensive one isn't it I don't know this bucket might actually be an early color model this would be your bedroom right no the bedrooms next door there's a bedroom yeah check this yeah that's what I mean so earlier when you said so you could live in this room no this is where I wanna know if this is a full sized house yeah yeah okay so what's funny look at the size of the closet in this room yeah two bathrooms in the guest house oh here you can see the zoo oh yeah yeah now imagine having your own pet rhinoceros and some other stuff right there so that whole lot you could just yeah horses rhinos what have you all the names are four and a half acres total Hey horses are probably easier to keep them Rhino I think right now a more fun easy to keep in as well yeah did you know that more people die from hippopotamus two hippopotamus hippos well people die from those being attacked by those than any other animal yeah you knew that one of those facts they let's continue there's more buildings to see so we've seen three buildings let's continue let's let's continue we need to do sure can we do a show please yes that's what do you want p.m. let's continue you're wearing a shirt p.m. shirt I'm wearing p.m. yeah see p.m. monogram on the front and then I can't do it let me do it thing p.m. on the back wait wait wait I was too close yeah I think a mr. muscles but that's okay that's fine everybody does [Music] something else as well out of all the outfits I've ever seen you when you know I wear some ridiculous outfits this is the most ridiculous whenever you have some leaves missing branches that don't connect to anything that are randomly placed it's because your nerves are on a full arboretum are they Arboretum did you eat a dictionary I got my word of the day Arboretum for those too everything stopped for those of you that don't know what arboretum is and it was about to explain because I don't know in Albury table it's a collection of trees how do you did this because there's it's just a fax right it's a fact come on wait where you going this is a nice pool team and they got swimming lanes this is a large pool the deep as well I think how are they not lanes Michael well they're bent here's another word for you refraction refraction I like that one then they know what that means Adam is in fact right it's not bent it straight but it doesn't even look bent although we know it's not one more building and a little hot tub over there as well over there actually it's there's nothing little in everything that we're looking at including the trees I was gonna say let's do a quick 360 ready yes will do and you can narrate I'll narrate so what's that where are you that is a guest house with some good etoys in it that's the swimming pool that's a doll house this is a large house where people live what this is more of a large house where people live even more of the large house garage over here garage garage garage lead on Colin yeah that was a nice fight so now we're going small like it's 3/10 no there's another building didn't wish you into the building when we looked outside the garage go out here I think we've just got to go over the back of the batting cages there wasn't a building I could have sworn I saw a building okay so he opened that garage we were in there and we were looking at this carriage yeah there was no other building save to rebuild ain't nothing cage I want to get this way through the pool area please okay you don't walk on the ground okay look these roses I didn't spot those they're pretty aren't they no they're not roses are they right you can tell by the thorns real or fake real or fake fake I found something nice shower I found another garage oh you did does this work I'm gonna play that multiple times right there is it Gary yeah this must be like a lawnmower garage though because you're not gonna really bring your car around here right but what I said earlier you could in fact Park 1,000 cars here couldn't you yeah I mean this is huge to give you an idea of how big this house is you know what a regular garbage can looks like not like that okay I'm going to walk on the grass here we go you ready small step for man a giant leap for Michael Blake where's my flag what's that soil no that gets really squidgy over there moving there's bugs and stuff I wasn't dressed appropriately are you ever I have shoes for this okay Pass we're on the path batting cage what is this that looks like a little green or green house but like a rabbit's thing where you put a parabola or monkeys you could put monkeys in there it's part of a zoo as previously mentioned there's I would 100% build a little hit bike track right here through hit bike they're like this small head crossed bikes tennis court there's a full blown oh and a basketball court the basketball hoop at the end it does need a concrete walkway for access to all of these toys yeah it would be nice wouldn't it to have a clean walkway around the whole thing when you're wearing you let that frog shoes okay so explain to me what these four squares are not good I don't know not a scooby-doo I'll wait there I'm their regular no because this must be where they do this number one number wine never shows up they do some kind of I don't know pulled my guess because this is raised is that this is a mound so this is the mound and that's two so that two people can pitch but you're not going to put two P answers in the comments what are these for we don't know enough about American sports why are there for batting thing is that's fishy why are there four rubber hmm this this to me looks like there's a batting cage again so you pitch from behind that a theater machine to page it for you yeah but you can also stand behind that and bridge pitch it and then you stand here and just hoof it yeah you could also use this as a cricket bowling now yeah good if you took the end off 22 yards it's all there yes and then these here are they tball things and then I presume they're just hitting them oh yeah they I can see this is like such a weird optical illusion I don't know what a tea ball thing is so again I don't know enough about American sports but tea ball is where you have a big it's more like a softball size and it's on top of that little post kids play it younger kids no no you hit it by baseball but instead of the ball being pitched it's just you hit tea golf tee large tee ball I think again I don't know I'm gonna I'm gonna say that I don't know people can let us know yeah please let's just know it's let there's of course spotlight see look at that view through that so all of this this is all part of the property actually it's about quarter of the profit he goes so what an extraordinary property my goodness me we need to do more like this because this is cool I mean this is really cool so different unique I mean where do you find a house with baseball baseball basketball tennis monkey hutch Oh doll house what are you laughing at monkey anything like monkey I haven't needed it I'd if you have ever said that we felt but in a zoo you do see containers like this containers so I just noticed as well look at the view of the mountains up there so in the winter that will get snow on the top of it no 100% it will ya understand it's not high enough it is in the winter apparently mr. fact-checker here snow on top of the mound so they'll be rather spectacular I I don't know what else to say after that other than goodbye you know what you do hit the subscribe button hit the bell we are I don't in its win it in it to win it cheers I think I found some Squatch [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 528,330
Rating: 4.8893785 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, house tour, hilton hyland, mansion, celebrity home, mtv cribs, lifestyles of the rich and famous, luxury, real estate, design, architecture, interior design, country manor, private estate, zoo, baseball, swimming pool, millionaire, billionaire, lifetyle
Id: Z0_4xg7iP40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 44sec (2444 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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