Celebrity homes tour around Beverly Hills in a Rolls Royce Dawn!

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oh god if only I had somebody to show me around Beverly Hills and go and look at all these celebrity houses you my uber I'm your your start or concierge guide and anything else you'd like me to be for the afternoon perfect I mean I called uber black but I guess this will do so let's see all right make sure feet clean and there we go thanks sir you're very welcome hello everybody how you doing good how are you I'm well thank still a bit chilly today okay okay so we roll yeah we're uh where are we going wherever you like you're in charge of man okay be very careful with it it was expensive with $25 but that's gonna fund these people it's upside down where are these guys girls these girls not these guys guys is a universal statement nowadays it's politically incorrect - are we gonna see in gender no you can't say it's a person it's a person in a bikini there we go where are these between people all right where are we going we are here there okay so each one of these little green numbers is somebody's house is somebody's house yeah maybe it's rob reiner son daughter would be a lambo noisy thing she'd get arrested okay so how do we do this then you film it you're in charge her I'm just the driver I'm the chauffeur I'm even wearing my chauffeurs hat you like my that guy's okay let's have a look who can we find you warm enough with short smooth yeah I'll put my my heated seat on this cars perfect Christina Aguilera ah she used to live there yeah we don't want that we want people that will actually live the Halle Berry Halle Berry we should actually just drive up and down the roads she really the shops yeah let's do the shot because I think your ring that out I will in fact cruisers Tamra Dale I'll have a little peek at the shots that's good there might be debris all over the roads because today Los Angeles it's the LA Marathon how is that today yeah well it was I mean it probably still is in fact I know it still is but all of these streets were closed and signs everywhere that do not enter here do not do that because is how fast as you hear it in 24 hours and people have asked did you do it in I did it so fast nobody even knew I'd passed this morning yeah cool thank you very much cool helmet thank you for taking care of us in this wonderful city that we live in oh my oh you think it pictures our I am video video what's your name my name is officer Dibble officer Dibble I'm a huge supporter of the Beverly Hills Police Department we can get know a lot of you guys talk to sergeant Myers all the time on Instagram oh you do yeah absolutely absolutely great guy great guy are you guys off to today we're doing a little tour for everybody of Beverly Hills it's a beautiful city that we live in nice and huge thank you to guys like yourself awesome enjoy thank you all right you guys take care yourself have yourself all right coolest Police Department on the planet now here's a little bit of trivia for you the average response time and I don't know how this is possible you guys can google it the average response time for a police call to Beverly Hills PD excuse me Lamborghini for a second is 46 seconds they have police absolutely everywhere plain clothes is the most secure city they say of all cities every single entry in every store is recorded there are three thousand two hundred and something cameras across all the streets all the residential streets are camera it's amazing it's absolutely amazing and it's a privilege to live here so so look that's what we could have done we could have gone the TMZ tour so what do you know about Rodeo Drive there's some very expensive shops lots of tourists fortunately today is very quiet because like I said it was the LA Marathon and this street was closed for five hours so I'm assuming many people didn't come today but it'll be pretty to look at and we also have some clouds which is a very very rare thing for covered California Southern California we've had rain last week I think it rained two days which is shocking I was gonna say what has been whorfin yeah I didn't know what it was when I saw rose that was it's what stuff okay so here we are this is it really the entrance to what is considered one of the best shopping streets in the world I don't know if is the best it's certainly the most expensive there's everybody who's anybody on the street also your favorite person the source well one of my favorite brands is Cavalli a lot of my clothes are Cavalli and they just don't have the left-hand side and then of course you have all the iconic brands Gucci Dior Eve solar on Louboutin and there's etc etc etc and just about every major watch manufacturer has a boutique on this store but store what am I saying on this street which is very convenient I would say Cartier here chop with the roof of Cartier you'll see there's an umbrella you don't really see a whole lot but many of these boutiques have a rooftop like party area which is pretty fun chanel of course an iconic brand there's Cavalli fabulous clothing very avant-garde a little bit wild there's another store called etro as we press the Rolex and Patek Phillipe but etro is another store that has some very fun clothing that I like and of course the ice cream truck I have the ice cream I'm not quite sure what it's doing a word going yeah last about five minutes before finding Beverly Hills PD moves him away but the probably sell two ice creams in the interim nice 4:30 spider they've aged very nicely yeah that car still looks current where's the 360 not so much yeah although I think if you put new wheels on the 360 Bay they still look pretty good the older wheels on them kind of date them and there's also the big fat headlights that they have yeah 90% of cars nowadays you've got the thin xenon headlights or LED and of course Dalton Gabbana Valentino Ortega been aired I don't think I pronounced that properly but there you go will wave to Peter as we go by let's do that V is right up there very famous store here on the Left Harry Winston iconic diamond store and there is via radio on the left and we're very thankful for the guy that just blew the red light there's another Lambo no shortage of those in this town 12 beautiful thing about Beverly Hills it's just super car after super card love them let's see if you like super cars okay I'm a there okay there it is let's see there's people in the way but we for said license plate CBR r01 what do you think of the new is it an 8 12 super fast I like it I actually got to drive one of four five days ago DJ yeah Lister English this strictly fast would you get one I don't think so why not it's just really doesn't do that much for me maybe maybe it'll grow on me but it looks a little bits of damage okay but it is a beautiful car we are now on Beverly Boulevard which runs parallel to Rodeo just a little snippet this is MGM MGM properties very famous iconic brand they own Caesars Palace and of course the MGM movies and all the rest of it there's many streets that run parallel that have some great great stores and restaurants boom eesh I don't know but he knows the name of that one which was famous from Pretty Woman that's the the store that Julia Roberts gets thrown out of so pretty much enough of the stores let's go have a look at some of the houses and celebrities where they live this entire area is just beautiful the houses are insane that one at the top there and they can see it [Music] glasshouse so here on the the hill is the Greystone mansion which is a beautiful mansion here in Beverly Hills its iconic but has a huge history to it and I will tell you what that history is except I don't know this is one of the gates it says grey still it is privately owned it is a park and it is privately owned it is now there's a park area which is open to the public and then they have special events there now and again so approaching on the left hand side is dr. Phil's house and that is this house here very picturesque mediterranean a lot of psychology goes on in that house five one eight eight five one still fight so apparently that's christina aguillera but probably not judging by the open mailbox this is the bucket out gate to it so would you say was the average house price around here Beverly Hills is probably about 2,500 to 3,000 dollars per square foot and the average house is about 7,000 8,000 square feet and they go all the way up to 30 or 40,000 square feet so without doing the math probably 10 million 12 million dollars average yeah if you take out you know condos and the smaller properties yeah I would say 1012 million average summer a hundred million something more I know it's not a cheap area but they finished the that's a pretty car than you asked and they finished their 500 million dollar house yeah no they're still working it's probably another two years away we're just driving around here I know I live here but it's so beautiful just looking at the scenery here it really is never taken for granted okay so here we are very close to the beckham's house which you can see on the top of the hill here so this is now the gate to the Beckham's and it's a long drive way up there and I'm gonna take us for a view of the house where you can actually see the house and on the gate 11:52 fifty-four hit this one so this house here is Avril Lavigne's the way behind that trees suck engage that is Avril Lavigne's everybody lives kind of close together so we don't have to drive very far to show you lots of houses what are you looking at oh the watch this is a new new acquisition they made last week it is a Audemar offshore but it's the big one it's the 44 millimeter and it has a full diamond case baguettes on the bezel and the dial and I am very proud of it since I bought it I haven't taken it off my wrist which is about four days now so I guess tomorrow it needs to go in the bank and I'll get something else but yeah that's been pretty right yeah really nice the Landscaping's are so beautiful isn't it gorgeous I guess if the trees behind that directly flew busted design hey Superjail in the Bekins house there [Music] so yes this here is Leonard's house keys and then here on the left is letters have sex is gate never seen that before what is that a greenhouse it's the strangest hmm proceed to next gate all right let's proceed to next gate and see what we actually find in the next gate where is the next gate three miles away that's quite palatial that's all gage pretty yeah it's a shame we weren't filming that David Beckham's son I'm not quite sure of his name think it's Brooklyn visit Brooklyn that was British pastors in his m4 convertible looking very chill there's simply very famous that lives in this house and have no idea who it is because these the tour buses stop here no I slew that sectional what was it that was an old Honda Civic oh there's Japanese isn't it yeah they make because apparently they last forever the way that thing was blown and blew smoke and I expect that one's about a hundred years old [Music] joy to have wouldn't it they would I would love Ali gotta have tried flying helicopters and I didn't do very well with them it defied gravity defined everything I had ever learned about flying fixed-wing so I have six hours of instruction in the helicopter and then I gave up when you give it power it should screw self into the ground but it flies and I don't understand how it flies but it flies so it is your Lance triumph over physics it really is I mean they're they're very dangerous there's old and new the Mercedes convertible now it's just a three to eight actually three one eight even likewhat sit through whatever and they made it through on their baseball so this is Sunset Boulevard where we are now in the hearts of Beverly Hills very pretty Street very famous Street so scent runs all the way from West Hollywood down to the ocean doesn't it it does they go to watch a downtown actually was it and it doesn't all look like this once you leave Beverly Hills it gets a little bit tacky so now we're heading to have a quick peek at Simon Cowell's house he's a really nice guy you know Simon quite well and super nice guy super nice guy let's go visit where he lives yeah let's do knock on the door and this right here a very cool very English looking isn't it yeah look at the doggies and they here he doesn't love his talking especially tears but look at that one it's like our dog walker left the fence yeah it's very cool than that cause with rap song yeah here's a Bugatti actually cuz a there's a big old surveillance camera obligatory to have for room see every single far and every person approaches every house I actually had 18 cameras of my house Believe It or Not 18 cameras and it they all hook up directly to the police department in the security department and also the insurance companies I insist on it because you know there's a lot of you know big houses here and like I said before 46 seconds and believe the response time is and the all of these roads they're pretty much one way in one way out so if somebody does commit a crime their court I mean it's a very foolish thing to do to try and break into a house in this town because I don't think they've ever anybody's ever done away with it there was a attempted robbery in one of the stores in Beverly Hills and they were literally in the store eating 13 or 14 seconds and as they came out the store they were arrested that's pretty impressive the right hand side at this next stop sign if you point the camera to the right you'll see the very things building and number six enormous there it is with the green warnings swing by the front of there good to see we drive through it in fact why not I say 58 spider good [Music] so we're going to take a little detour I'm just going to drive us through the entry of the Beverly Hills Hotel just so you can see it cause it's an iconic hotel very very famous and you never know who you might see walking out of here because it is a who's who it's very beautiful I've posted many pictures on Instagram underneath this little warning here because it's super pretty how you do it not stained not saying not staying on IG is something like that yeah there we go goodbye or release YouTube okay know me here I can't hide in Beverly Hills they can annoy me everywhere I go even if you are disguise I'm wearing one she's made incognito hat do you like it I love my crazy hat very income user yeah Thomas didn't recognize in very British I didn't recognize myself I put the hat on I said who is that Jackie Chen's house over here Jackie chin this house there a little bit further up we're going to see Bruce double gate huh this is the back gate to the right so this is Tom Cruise yes is toku though pretty fun they're not welcome loretta callisto oh yeah say it's the wealthiest town in the world is it really yeah while the property taxes in Beverly Hills are so expensive as well so you don't just think about the house but the actual property taxes are crazy crazy [Music] this is one of the prettiest streets has the palm trees with the thick ones and the thin ones it's featured in many many movies pretty there's many streets like this it's such an iconic like Beverly Hills scene isn't it it really is it really is it's very pretty calm lined streets gonna give you a little bit of trivia about Beverly Hills that not many people know about garbage cans are not allowed to be put out on the streets so every house has access through a back alley I'm going to drive us through one so that you can see it I never do this well aren't you glad I'm giving you the tour with my special tour guide pack okay so let's go down an alley this is where the garbage trucks go housekeepers and the like so here we go let's go in one and you'll see here's where all the garbage cans are kept so it's always very pretty and carriages with rear and rear entries into the houses Plus these garbage cans yeah exclusive to Beverly Hills if you were to look down this road here it's frightening looking but these are the backs to the mansions there's a tour bus in there [Music] [Music] all right let's see how fast this is from a stop you ought to accelerate all ponies from the stop you in sport mode think sir [Music] well as incredible that for a big old tank like this yeah that was four seconds or less she picked her skirt up and get that rig along pretty cool right check the tires a little bit as well after a place man didn't know you could do that I'd replace them once again thanks for tuning in Oh God yeah [Music] I'm ready so Adam told me I have no possess so this is a pizzazzy extra thanks for tuning in how am i doing Adam great ok club a night I'll keep going don't mind all these loud cars that surround us Ferraris and Lamborghinis little challenge car coming up when we live come on guys so loud alright let's go alright so thanks for tuning in hope you enjoyed the the little tour of Beverly Hills here please subscribe to our channel if you like it and if you don't like it subscribe anyway enter the giveaway sorry about the noise in the background so these super cars that drive around here but enter the giveaway producer Michael calm and put in an address in the US if you're overseas put in your parents name I'll let them do it for you if you're under 18 and good luck with the giveaway we'll see you soon Cheers [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 938,231
Rating: 4.8690352 out of 5
Keywords: wealth, wealthy, millionaire, billionaire, los angeles, beverly hills, rodeo drive, LA, supercar, supercars, ferrari, lamborghini, maserati, rolls royce, aston martin, bugatti, porsche, logan paul, get rich, Business advice, hustle, earn money, luxury, luxury lifestyle, music, celebrity, celebrity homes, star maps, star maps tour, beverly hills police, police, rolls royce dawn, dawn, watch collection
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 20 2018
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