A New Beginning! - PalWorld Multiplayer Gameplay 2024 (EP 01)

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[Music] I never get tired of seeing these cuties oh yeah look up my vision that's how the game starts just like AAL view of my vagina no big deal it's my favorite thing really it's most people's favorite thing yep towers are the key something about trees we've got this tree holds truth yep cool beans been here done that it's beautiful love it walking away look at that butt oh yeah hello hello hello oh my God it's so weird seeing another person right so you just want to get rid of the demon right in the first 10 seconds just to make sure oh vagina and ass oh yeah let's go well I was just talking about my vagina I used the politically correct term I didn't say what I normally call it that is actually what you know to call actually either that or vin one of those two things my vagine okay so you want to come H lady bits lady bits um can hold on I have a problem what would that be I am so God damn short like come on uh there's no option to just height and this time uh this that's actually what happened wait come back here I want to touch you wait stop huh F oh hold to join Guild oh uh join my guild I well I haven't made a guild name hold on let me make a guild name first you just refused my application oh my god I've been refused the application to your guild all right everybody it's daavid duck 91 here with genosis from not a gamer gaming and we are in episode one of power world multiplayer all right I checked the references we can go now you may join G good yeah uh yeah you're you're in Green Oh not a gamer game that um anyway yeah we decided to do multiplayer because the insane amount of request the insane the the insanity for us to play together in this game was high do you need to get the journal too can you see this I I can and I already got it oh you suck mhm slacking off while I was getting my visin looked at by animals I had to do something while you're being your gical pals doing their thing um I don't know how we're going to play this game it's just going to be I don't know I'm I'm so it's been a while since we played a multiplayer game that wasn't killing zombies so we'll see well I have this crazy notion want to hear it what just play the goddamn game just play the game make game tolay decisions have fun you know this just look over this whole new world and punch sheep in their goddamn faces and make them do things and then make a shocked Pikachu face whenever we butcher them just like just have fun enjoy the game um okay I can do that I'm down I'm going I want to click this and then tell me if you have to click it don't touch it don't touch it did you already touch it I did not okay let me touch it first mhm okay now do you have to touch it too yes I do and I just did all right so looks like we're we're both touching things and this this will be great apparently uh later on don't please don't do this right now uh you can eventually capture this person they're only level three and apparently their name is Stacy why can't we capture her now uh because uh they're notoriously difficult to catch and yeah we wouldn't be able to do that there's no way all right Stacy we'll be back I hear her mom is going on you will be our um what do we call a lady that we trap in a closet for sexual pleasure I don't know what that's called Candice we'll keep her there we'll call her Candice no that's what you call your like Trapped in the Closet okay that's not what we call every lady oh I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing oh God I'm getting ahead of myself right well there's a tutorial uh we could follow that gather some resources and then uh maybe start up from there okay I I that was my stick my um so I guess we both have to put down a workbench um uh you know uh probably I mean they're quick to build and deconstruct so not a big deal nothing in this game is quick to build I'm just going to 5 Seconds I me come on all right I got mine done haha beat you yeah yeah bab yeah hny did you take all the what do you call it padium pal palum I can't find any I haven't picked up one that's why I made a pickaxe and I'm uh actually just harvesting them well I don't want to I usually just pick it up off the ground why you got to make me work for it uh I mean uh I don't know taking a tool made to collect it and Gathering Lots all at once doesn't sound like more work sounds like sounds like less work all right I got like 10 I don't know what your problem is all right don't go ahead of me don't catch something without me oh man watching you hit that rock so hot it's the hottest thing I think oh keep hitting it I wasn't done like God hold on I slip down and I don't have the stamina to climb back okay there we go can you hit it hit it baby if you want me to okay all right is this doing it for you tell me when you gather a stone tell me I I just I have like 9 10 and a palum frag D it Oh I thought if I stood on the rock it would like give me the stone all right I'm going to go punch a rock with my fists I mean I could give you some no I'm an independent woman if you if you say so hey babe babe yeah son babe come here I want to test a multiplayer thing come come to me you're going to hit me aren't you come here no come well that's a good thing to test too but come here I want to show I want to do this first it's always hitting me I'm going to hit you right okay come here what come help me see if you can help me build this yes yes you can oh oh that's so cool isn't it I'm like a I'm your pal what no it no that don't work that depresses me slightly I'm just getting my balls ready over here well I got to don't wait wait can I access your bench too yeah I just stole your balls you're just excited about did you I did I stole two of them you [ __ ] your balls are where they belong that's all in your your mouth wow wow wow all right wait okay there seems to be one sheep for each of us okay um uh okay I guess we can uh figure this out I want the higher level one yeah I figured okay so we just oh I'm so sorry I always kill them I'm so bad so violent so bad oh this one has a this one has a a rare ability nice I like rare abilities Okay so mhm I guess I still need to catch one should we pick up our little benches uh sure just hit B then C then click well I know how to do it I've played the game I know but it's make sure that you know you know know how to do things like the smart way wow yeah all right sheepy friend me and you I'm not going to hit you as much this time just like maybe twice okay now I'm going to I'm going to throw the ball bam you dirty hor sheep bam oh son a this sheep does not want to go on my balls well I mean stop selling that one okay get in there get in you want to be part of me you know what it saw it saw me I just got a lamb ball it saw me murder one and then was like M I don't think that that's the best option for me all right I'm going to spend my stat points um you do that I don't know what I want to spend them in I don't know let's do work speed because that's a pain in the ass okay uh all right all right what are we doing we're finding a base setting up a location right I think we should kind of use our previous experience in this game because we played we both played a bit so uh go find like a nice different spot than we're used to cuz it'd be kind of boring just to build in the same old location over and over again right yes so we need somewhere flat all right where are your fluff balls I'm coming there I got one you want to get the other how do I throw it again where's the other one oh is it attacking you it's trying to now it's now it's confused okay there we go beautiful now do we have to catch you know how like one of the quests is like catch five of them yes uh I'm pretty sure that's individual do we have to catch 10 I mean five each sure yeah that's crazy I know we're going to have so many sheep so are we doing our own base or are we doing like a no different bases well uh here's the thing um I'm not sure how this is going to work multiplayer but when you put down your pal box I believe if in a guild you can only have the one depending on your level cuz uh I was playing with your sister on the server let's not talk about it right and um we weren't able to Guild up until we leveled up high enough to allow us to have two bases each like normally when you teach level 10 base level 10 you can make a second base so we had to do that before we could Guild up but we just gilded now so I'm not sure how that works we'll have to find that out okay I'm going to make some more balls before we go me too hey while I'm making things you want to have a you want to have some clothes as much as I don't want to make you clothes you're making me clothes I didn't even oh dude we don't have to spend all these engrams there you go bam bam inde yeah we can divide we can divide things a bit like if uh yeah u i can you know one of us can learn more the pal things one person can learn the other things and not have to you know do without I kind of want to see what we look like next I think you're it looks nicer than mine I want a white clothes like mine's gross and green yeah there's a bit of a I know goes through your like you know eyes right I know but it looks like I've you know washed it like a white top with the wrong color for this entire time you know what I mean you know how like when you do laundry and you wash white things with colored things and then eventually it doesn't look as white anymore that's what happened to my clothes well that's just a damn shame oh God we need to get organized here because like we don't know what we're killing or looting any of that jazz we're just gather how do you already have a bow and arrow what did when did that even happen I just made it while we were moving around doing things God I'm going to go get this lift monk then we need to find somewhere to live before it gets cold yeah that should be our next priority but then again we won't get super cold it'll just get dark cuz we have clothes now all right yeah let's start scouting a location for home because uh yeah it's going to get dark and and get that you know situat right away oh want that guy what guy this CIA here you shoot I catch you shoot I catch what or we get him killed why that is not how we're not doing this creatively is my ball and your ball getting involved oh they both get involved well okay uh here's the thing about uh capturing stuff like that uh when I capture it it's in it's in my pal box and we don't share pal boxes however uh when we have our own base uh we can both access the base Pals well that's going to get confusing so could I put your pals in my box oh you can yes if I put my pal in the base pal section and you pull it out you can effectively take it this is so inappropriate there's a lot of pulling out in boxes and things balls that we're talking about in today's episode wouldn't have it any other way okay base base base I don't want to be out all night babe we got to focus so that means stop capturing things and start focusing on faces I was just getting my fifth lamb ball before we leave the area well how I only got three well then maybe capture a couple lamb balls but that's fine I don't have a fancy Arrow like you do I just have my bat you should have spent your time effectively maybe you should just what is happening here suck my balls they're just going after that eader this place looks pretty flat uh flattish but it's also really close to the starting area you want to you want to set up right here I don't know I don't have an idea of where one should set up I mean this is not I mean it's all teleporting everywhere right yeah I mean the next consideration I guess would be access to nearby resources but again if you're teleporting everywhere how Cur is that and how is this not tons of resources there's Stone there's trees there's padium what else does one need well you know I've actually uh taken the liking to setting up near a mine shaft like a mine shaft if you know what I mean you mean like a dungeon yes a dungeon cuz then you can just pop into the dungeon uh gather more resources you could possibly carry and uh just step up back to your base but then again there's lots of places you can teleport that could accomplish that so all right well the only place I can think of is where I already set up base cuz that is next to like two dungeons I know I want to go somewhere different just different just want to do something different all right well find me a place to live there sir just tell me where to set up camp okay I mean technically this spot would work but it's right under the enough it's it's by the I don't think oh there's a tele no why would we move here yeah we wouldn't there's a there's a point and it's too close to a boss facility all right well next next it's getting dark and I don't have a torch all right let's uh put down a bench make a couple torches oh we can't build here we are like 10 seconds from me turning us this bus around and going back to the original place I built my base that that's how much opportunity you have to fix this just keep moving we're almost there I don't think you know where there is all right what do you think of right here um it's got iron there's no Palladium uh no well there is because look down here what am I looking at that's a cave entrance where literally the bottom of the hill it's literally so dark I see nothing okay well let's build a base right here okay and uh you'll see how awesome this place is um once uh once you once you do this be fine this is a good spot okay so we need to get organized with this whole notion how about you build the house and I'll cuz like we have to build as part of the questing stuff right uh yeah uh yes I think well no we need a bed we don't need a specifically need a house well we do need a house cuz of the bed but uh yeah we need it's not letting me build I can't put down my pal box I I already did no but I can't put mine down to get my tutorials oh really you need to no you just need to access it well access it right here oh okay hold on there we go okay access pal box and summon a pal to our base okay and did you do it too uh well I put uh I put a pal at the base there's a there's a a sheep one of the many many sheep we have is right there okay I'm starving to death okay so let's spend the night you and I I'm going to make a little place for our dudes to sleep cuz I don't want them sleeping out in the open like they have been I want to put them in a little Hut okay well I'm I'm I'm going to make us a house and you make us a house and listen listen listen listen okay listen look at me and listen I do not want all the workbenches out on the ground I don't want it don't do it to me but but that okay I don't want them inside because the pals need to access them I don't want the workbenches in that make a shed like a lean to or something not just on the ground gosh men I tell you Lord can you like rotate these up and down uh depends on what we're talking about but probably like the foundations because I feel like in your game your foundation was like lower to the ground than mine was yeah yeah you can move move it up and down how if you want a house like up here look at this yeah but how move your mouse up and down when you're placing it oh yeah okay all right I'm going to build like a little like a little thing for a little minions morning babe good morning oh my God that looks so nice is that our house well it's uh on the way but yeah just Gathering resources and I put some torches out so we can see can you put some Torches by the pen look at our little pen too isn't this so much nicer than them sleeping on the ground aren't I a good pal Mommy I guess this is a come see it yeah okay all right I dig this is a nice way to go I will build a couple torches uh one right uh on the outside or just on the inside what do you think uh I'd say the outside we can also put their feed box in here and next to it we can put like their The Berry Farms cuz it all kind of goes together right the berry plantations they can go over here right uh so you have the berry plantations on just on the side here yeah because they do the berries and then they put them in the feeder and then they can eat them and sleep and it's all the same yeah I got to put a berry feeder down too I think I don't even know I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing I think when it's placed down and you're in the area I think cumulatively it just works you know it'll work oh yeah build wooden chest deploy a pal at the base so I already did that build a primitive workbench check build a shoddy bed so I have to make a bed oh uh there's a couple there's a fox attacking over here where there's like wild animals over the side and by a fox attacking is it actually attacking or did you attack the fox well after I hit it it decided to attack me so I had to defend myself Lord I'm not prepared I want to finish my stuff before we start going out and about unless you want to go out and about and leave me here but I need to get arrows and I need to do some stuff it was literally in our base location so I was just defending our property well you know what you could do that would actually be helpful let me hear it you could cook me up some food cuz I'm hungry I guess I could put down a campfire all right I need to put a bed down I'm going to go put it in our house babe where's your bed I haven't made a bed yet so do we each get our own bedrooms or should we make like a double bed a double bed yeah we got to traumatize the pals all right well mine's here I put it next to the window cuz I like the breeze M my sheep's going to build it I'm going to help it cuz it takes too [ __ ] long all right my bed's made okay I suppose I should uh put your bed down excuse me uh shy bed oh I need wood cuz someone keeps taking all my wood I I thought you liked it when I took your wood I I do but uh not when I need to use it for something else all right I need to make a feeder now for these fooligans which which I need more wood for all right babe feed boxes down the Sheep are building it I don't like this what is this why are there why why is this like that he said you didn't want the workstations on the ground so so why are they out in the middle of our base and in between our shed and our house why can't they go in the house again because it's just going up up the stairs open the door do some work open the door come down the stairs it should be all in the middle well why don't we put them like off the side off of the the pal shed here and build like a work shed the side I all the work should happen in the Nexus of the area you know no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we can't have this gross massive thing in no it looks too nice put it off here like hold on let me just I'll just I'll just do it I think my character just got aler no I'll just figure it out we're just going to move it over a little bit not a big deal oh my God just over here see and then you put it down um oh what is it overlapping with okay see just like that then we can build like a little so you want all the bases to be circling around it and not actually flow in the middle of the base how big does this thing need need to be is this big enough uh you made the floor boards weird but is it big enough uh I mean for now uh my concern is long long term well how big does it need to be okay let me say where do I where do I put a chest can I I need to put a chest down well you can put a chest like in the like I thought we were putting chests next to things I I mean I'd like to but I don't know where things are now no but we put the workbenches in here okay you follow fix the build double shed just fix fix the floorboards before I do anything else I'm I'm going to have seizure well you I can't fix them you fix them I don't know how to fix them I'm incumbered from picking up everything that was in the chest because you wanted to move it because it was too ugly and functional so just please fix the floorboards before I have a stroke what the [ __ ] is this you kidding me you kidding me right now you [ __ ] tell him elephant I can't even move any this thing is so high level there's nothing we can do actually look it's like it's can I no no it says 0% chance should I do it what do you think absolutely not it looks like it's almost dead no no no no no just FX The floorboards all right okay I don't know how to do this but I'll do it it's like I it's so hard I don't know what I'm doing the floorboards will go in the direction you're facing if they're not you can use the wheel Mouse to rotate them okay so if I face this way it'll go the right way I'm trusting you hold on but if they don't you have to use the wheel Mouse in order to there's a God for loving lamb ball in my way it's yours well I don't know how to get rid of it no this one here this little bugger is that one yours is that what it was well now it is don't you feel silly no there happy where can I put the chest can you just build a chest wherever you want it right here right here right here in the corner along the wall along the wall yeah okay right there Jesus Christ sound good all right I got to bang out this tree that's stuck in our foundation here um there's something happening over here oh we're right next to a bandit Camp oh that's nice what nice neighbors actually that is really convenient cuz what's going to happen whenever the the camp responds what's going to happen um free experience no there is going to be a free pal in the cage for us oh I hope it's not that ugly mud thing listen I can't do anything until you put a bench down so I can build the required weapons to help you kill things over there oh I mean you can help me kill with this Bandit C but you know thank you do wa I just like what do you want me to kill it with my wooden Club that's all I can do yes absolutely that better not be an ugly mud thing in there there isn't you'll like it oh my God that is so cute it's a it's a cute uh like melty candle flame type thing I want it so bad well there you go see was weren't you glad that I just looked over here it's going to be mine I'm so excited I just had to kill four people for it so you're welcome a that's so nice look how cute I want all fire Pals I want to be like red hot okay red hot Ginger uh I mean you could actually technically make that work because you can teach your pals different abilities so yeah you might be able to make that function perfect oh my God that is like flame Bell I just want to lick its face not really cuz that would be hot I think flam Bell is how You' say that Flamel Flamel okay so here's my thinking look Focus babe There will only there won't be walls on either side so we can Traverse right through it see Traverse yeah yeah Traverse we need a we need a roof though are we going to be able to put a roof on this thing sure I I will handle it you let me take care of this roof honey okay I got to go can you put down a workbench so I can well actually let me just do because I'm more reliable absolutely that's not the word I was looking for but okay what word were you looking for uh none of your business you were looking for none I almost put this thing down backwards how goes uh making food how how goes that uh I don't know about how is it cuz I'm I'm starving I'm starving Marvin over here well there is a plantation is it being planted um no because we didn't spend any time capturing Pals that could possibly do that okay well just we're almost done we just got I just want this place functional you know give me a second I got to I found something that can volunteer to water it water things that aren't planted do you have a fox barks I I do no did you get a fox bar I told you there was a fox that was attacking our base and I defended us it's mine now yeah whatever it's fire it's supposed to be mine I get it that's fine I guess I so I'm not alled have fire well not if I don't have that specific fire one yet mhm okay there we now we have a Pang gullet all right base upgrade time now do I have to upgrade the base I just thought upgrade so like it works for both of us works for both of us nice now we can put out a fourth fou Okay cool so I'm making some arrows so I can actually help you kill stuff I'm I'm still starving which is a little unfortunate where where do you want the campfire um it should be in here too right cuz this is like where everything happens I don't even know why we have a house other than for our bed and decorate exactly you answer your own question okay well beautiful I love our little Hut with like our pal area and our work area it's going to be so beautiful I'm just going to put down some more beds cuz we're officially um over uh over capacity how quick are we going to need more sheds for Pals to sleep in um we we can make it multi multi- level like an apartment building oh my God would they go up the stairs to sleep I don't even know how put stairs in there uh it looks like nine per level they're so happy that they n per level yeah so I'll have to make it an apart building actually I'm going to I'm going to work on that that sounds like a fun idea you're supposed to be putting a roof on the crafting area uh right okay I'll get on that too all right babe I'm going to head out while you will you do that I'm going to see if I can find us something that plants okay yeah that's fine I just go down down the hill I think there's stuff down there all right I just need to make myself some arrows first okay oh I have one Health left babe I got one Health babe I got one Health um I got just one just one Health right now uh how about this just shove it your mouth you want me to shove your raw meat in my mouth absolutely swallow it please swallow it just smile when you do it oh God I'm just going to go throw up now that's usual okay down this hill you said there's things that will plant for us uh I would check down that Hill yeah down hill okay come on candle dude you're with me all right roof complete and she thought I could do it yeah almost looks like a barn you know what now that I see it I kind of dig it nothing bad could happen being 45 Health trying to capture a plant pal not a not a single bad thing is going to happen to me while I eat raw meat and H around with my fire candle I don't even think I need I don't think we need like a tree one specifically like it just has to be able to to plant but I do know that the planty ones are better I kind of want to read a little bit more about this Flamel so when it starts crying this palette produces magma in place of Tears the magma that pours out of it is absorbed back into its body causing it to get hotter and hotter the more it cries the stronger it becomes so I just have to be really mean to it it does kidling handy work transporting and farming and it drops organs and oil it's kind of weird that you're dropping your own organs here I should pick some of these berries and make sure I have something to eat uh okay we're still looking for something that did that just say it did farming no no yes okay well this guy does farming I don't want to leave him let's just see if we can find somebody else who might do it all right so she's off doing things so I'm going to put down a campfire because I I need to but where to where to put it um seems I don't know putting it on a wooden foundation sounds like a bad idea in general but maybe if it's kind of central it would act as a light source so she's going to hate it so this sounds like a great idea bam all right so we don't have any berries yet um let's check the situ POR in the way situation over here so this is growing okay cool I may as well just make a second one cuz we do have additional Mouse to feed and we will get a mission for it later that looks pretty close to Center gotcha ha I know who will give me some seeds just dive in the ocean here I see that tongue licking bastard right over there he'll give me everything I need I know this gumas okay come on buddy I know you probably don't want to be in the water my poor flum Bell is like crying which is good levels are up all right Flint Bell I think I'm going to do this one on my own because you're fire and it's just going to it's just going to kill them okay capture not kill capture oh that's already feels like it's capture worthy here bam did it fend it off okay you want to go in the ball Jen will be so proud of me cuz you're going to seed you dirty [ __ ] get in the ball oh God what is wrong hold F to give up babe help me help me I'm you can save me babe can you hear me should I just give up oh okay this was a bad idea all right I see a friend over here you know I'm really partial oh I need arrows I'm really partial to the civas uh like this guy right here because uh one of their abilities let look at the party kativa cat helper while in team cat the kativa helps carry supplies increasing the players maximum capacity so it just needs to be in the party and raises your make some arrows thank you for that uh raises your um carrying weight by like 50 I think so for every one of them so I'm going to capture multiple come over here there you go have a ball awesome so right now I'm at 're what's it 500 so once this captures bam 550 that is tremendous you can have a whole party uh full of these and then go mining okay there's the infamous bag with the death happened this is fine just get up get up here we got got this all right you poor son of a thing get over here ah it's a shameful death you think we can get away with the hubby not even knowing it happened maybe possibly and I bet you those little tongue this is what I get for calling them a tongue licking bastard and also what I get for thinking it was smart to go out and get Pals when I was almost dead that was just bad call shouldn't do that again all right so we got 10 berries yield so I'm going to put half of them in here well maybe more than half and that may as well look at these guys I don't I find that so enjoyable um yeah I'm going to cook up some berries right here how many how many do I have on me three I'm just going cook up a few cuz I don't want to take them uh take them from them but you can actually cook the berries and put them in the feed box and they do provide more nutrition but it's something they don't do automatically at the journal so uh I don't think I'll be doing that long term all right found myself Zoe rin's diary that sounds interesting all right Zoe's diary there's a group that opposes ours stationed a little ways away from where we live they don't like the way we sell Pals and use weapons our group snears at them and calls them the free pal Alliance we're always fighting with them for no reason at all if I stop and think about it I bet they're not bad people if they love Pals that much I asked one of the guys who's been around a long long time about it but he said it was complicated apparently a group has been around for a long time and we've always been fighting with those FPA guys he said he doesn't know the real reason behind it but we've been fighting so long that there's no hope of ever getting along so are you a bad guy or a good guy I'm not 100% sure this place is pretty I don't think I've been here before it's very fall right now to finish the roof these are notoriously tricky just need to snap at the right spot rotate bam there we go there's the wall there and there and I'm just going to have a flat roof for the middle uh actually I wonder if that will let us snap the rest of the roof without a problem oh wait wait wait there it is maybe that's intended I think coming to a peak is something that um let yeah there we go something that's maybe not supported I don't know either way looks looks pretty nice and obviously we're going to snuggle up the beds right beside each other as close as I can I don't have to travel very far oh wait okay how close can I get this all right that is absolutely Clos as I can get it so um looks like you could possibly slip in between so uh we might have to uh yeah maybe just shove a few pillows down there you can start cuddling that should be fine I can make it work all right now we can do a base upgrade bam level five so I can put another uh worker um yeah just another lamb ball I won't I will not be using these guys although this guy I'll be using there let's keep shoving all the balls the lamb balls in here all right uh back to work so I need to make a pal gear workbench which I should be able to do God this would have been an awesome place for a base Little Beach property oh man all these fall trees I'm not seen any meanie B beanies though sealed Realm of the Frozen wings this sounds like a bad bad bad idea let's just let's just leave that dungeon for another time and another place and another level with another man and by another man I mean like just my husband guys I'm not one of those if you know what I mean all right let's get over to The Greener pasture see if we can find something that'll do some seeding for us I've never had this much trouble getting seated in my life smuggle it right up there it looks pretty good there we go so now that we have the pale gear workbench we can look to see if there's anything um yeah I don't have any reason to use a harness cuz I don't have one of those guys now what else do I need to make I think it was um gosh what was it statue of power okay so this can go pretty much anywhere may as wellbe put it like right behind here as an inspiration to everybody all right and done now if you gather any of those lift monks you can go ahead and upgrade your capturing power y please bam oh my God babe yeah you so professionally getting all this done wasn't I though and I get to upgrade the base yet again bam oh my God right so we can put another lamb ball out look over our our lamb Workforce oh uh the little dude's lighting the Torches oh my God that's so cute what a team player uh I wasn't able to find anything that would seed um as I died when that happened mhm so yeah we also need some guys that do Gathering cuz oh is this this guy's Gathering right he's harvesting right right but we we need someone who seeds so we have someone who Waters and someone who harvests okay so I'm I'm asking you so we need a cedar yes we need a cedar cuz yeah there's uh seeding harvesting well yeah sorry Cedar water Harvest okay uh I my mission was a failure awesome so that's great I did find an egg which I I'm tempted to cook but I won't oh okay that yeah yeah hold on to that you can make it for something else later uh otherwise I'm going to go to bed I guess cuz I it was a failure a mission failure well I did get the house finished uh house looks great property looks great we've got some cool Minions this was a blast we should end the episode here though cuz I feel like we could play all day long I don't know how I feel about this roof thing oh I that's okay what I was going to do and let me show you this nice and quick uh this is where I was going to make the a apartment building so they come up here and then I'll have the uh the kind of wooden roofs and then we'll have like a second floor for the beds so you take the roof off yes take the roof off and make a second floor and then make it even taller okay sounds good um will that affect our plantations though with they're under here interestingly enough no okay all right guys that's it for episode one if you like this multiplayer Madness you know give it a big fat like subscribe to the channel and we'll see you in the next episode where I will get seated if you know what I mean well it's time to get in bed so you may be right [Music] bye [Music] a
Channel: Not-A-Gamer Gaming
Views: 54,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld game, Multiplayer survival game, Creature collecting, Open-world adventure, Farming simulation, Shooter elements, Pal companions, Palworld release date, Pocketpair game, Action-packed gameplay, Palworld mechanics, Base building, Online multiplayer, Fantasy world, Palworld updates, Cooperative play, Gaming community, Palworld trailer, Exploration game, Palworld review, Palworld Multiplayer Playthrough
Id: 4j5k0TyVbnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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