Palworld Part 1 NEW MONSTER TAMING SURVIVAL GAME! Early Access Gameplay Walkthrough

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hey what is up Heroes and welcome to power world this is a game I've been so excited about since the first trailer basically Pokémon with guns with a little survival aspect to it as well which just looks so so fun if you guys want to check it out I'll leave a link to the steam page in the description down below without further Ado let's jump right into it all right so we can create our new world pal pagas Islands that's what we call it uh multiplayer we will turn off got different difficulties got casual normal hard and Custom okay and custom settings whoa that's a lot of settings it's got power capture rate damage to Po's multiplier play a sleep HP regeneration rate there is a lot to go for enable raids oh yeah definitely death penalty drop all items drop all items except except equipment no drops and drop all items and all powers on teams that's basically like a nuzlock mode right there oo okay all right so I've customized it to my Lykan let's jump right into it finish setting up world and start the game absolutely all right here we go I'm guessing character customization is going to be next make a banging character all right uh character name FY yep that's good and body we got two types type one type two go type two skin color oh you got a lot of different skin colors you got red yellow green h blue pink like oh this is kind of cool all right uh we'll go with this and then we go co uh physique settings a little bit smaller yeah we're looking good we're looking good let's go face oh I could spend forever doing like my own custom character a this is so cool all right uh I assume I can probably put a bid on like oh no maybe not the eyes are really cool oh look SI sick right uh kind of want the cool beard I'm kind of liking that as well eye color green is good uh change eyebrow color guess we can do hair in a second let me let me do hair got lots of cool different styles as well think yeah that'll be kind of more like my oh maybe kind of like that I can change hair color oh man I reckon people going to have some fun with this Mak some really cool characters all right uh let me go back to face then we can change eyebrow color to to match just look oh dude faces right uh what to go for what to go for think we'll go with this a the eyes are so sick oh dude that's so cool kind of oh what's this one uh I'm tempted to go for this one but I think we'll just go with this now maybe no no no we we'll go with this all right uh done hair and we got voice yeah that'll do all right and uh you cannot edit your characters again after the game is started note a character re-edit feature is planned for a future update okay that's cool uh let me just double check make sure I want to keep my character like this and then we can jump into it okay yeah I think I'm set this is what I'm going to go with all right let's start game Let's jump right into it oh are they the free starters okay waking up STR on a beach oh the towers are the key the tree holds the [Applause] truth it's kind of remind me of um breath of the wild when you start off like that just waking up get a tablet fairely clothed Windswept Hills okay it's good tutorial pick up Fallen branches or hit trees to get some wood open the menu and go to the options Tab and check survival guide and open the build menu and select primitive workbench and select the build location okay so let's check the uh menus first this looks cool all right so technology at level one there's a lot oh wo there's a lot we can do got pow deck uh got Guild and options so Survival Guide so that's oh that's a lot of information got crime Tower bosses okay uh so open the technology screen from the menu and unlock pal spere where is pal feere oh here you got level two so we need um palum fragment and wood and stone that's the workbench need two wood so let's just pick up some wood first oh level three hey kind of adorable man so where do we get the wood what's this oh there's wood here unlock fast travel okay sweet quite had one technology point oh uh hi uhoh been a while since someone who didn't uh stink of pows washed up here this island is a living hell the people I came with aren't with us any longer those damn powers are at every one of them you better be careful out there they ate them oh here take some basic supplies you need to toughen up if you want to survive out there sweet got some wood some more wood uh should we just as the fast TR was here let's just set up like Camp over here and we'll just uh build this workbench uh just stick it there so X to build and hold to build nice all right so now we want to open the technology screen from the menu and unlock Power Sphere cuz we're level two we can do that all right so technology Power Sphere but we need to uh well I guess we can unlock it can't we now we're just going to make it so uh attack powers to weaken them then press rb2 for a p spere and capture okay so that's um you know the the Poké ball equivalent to this game but you have unused stat points uh should I just make a a weapon to to kill him all right select recipe wooden Club start production and hold to work now we got our club going feel so bad doing this oh God I feel so bad yeah we grew a level nice okay uh we haven't got a sphere to catch him but we got some egg uh and more wood see I I can't craft stuff I can use the technology points to unlock this so we just power box fire structures just guess unlock everything as we go can make a bow and arrow now got a bed repair kit and I can't do the cloth oh oh that's so cute man they are so cute die feel so bad doing this oh I had to be done got a repair bench and down you go all right so I think we we've got to craft the sphere but we we obviously need the fragment so let's look around see we can find it just stay passed out uh oh sh over there that could be it all right so far I feel like I'm going have a lot of fun with this game all right P spere get some berries so if we can use this to just cature power I'm going to get the cat first which is down there just keep exploring in case we can find some more stuff we got 500 health and we got a food bar just underneath it there's the power box and we're going to be building a lot of stuff so build a power box in open space a surrounding area will become your base oh okay honestly this is kind of a neat little spot to kind of set a base we can build around this so I'm going to build power box but we actually need the fragment still and stone can we no oh is that stone there yes all right found some stone is that more Stone we can pick up sweet so where do we get the fragment from that is the question going to keep exploring oh that could be it down there oh look like there's lots over here okay so I think we just got to explore a little bit then we can start doing more of this tutorial stuff I'm taking this do we have to like yeah I don't know if I'll be able to break this honestly oh no I'm getting fragments is on the left okay sweet so now we can um oh that's roll how I did that roll let's go back up I'm going to start our base over here so we can just like obviously fast travel back here and be at our base right so if we craft the power box uh don't know where I want to put maybe just like this little area over here here got lots of space so we build and then hold to build think it's 10 seconds and we good all right so I can craft a let's go back to the craft bench I think maybe you can't catch the the powers of you kill them you might have to like like it says weaken them I think I just killed that cat that's why I couldn't catch it but we need bit more stone for that okay uh is any stone is that stone there I can pick up okay so I um crafted a few I'm going to go quick Max got enough materials for a few so start production let's get these done gives a few more options and we can probably catch all three the uh the powers around here then to just pick one so let's acquire them so attack powers to weaken them press okay so then access to power box and summon a power to your base use start to open your inventory and press wiely consume food to St a hunger okay so uh yeah do that great and we also grew a few levels and I was gathering materials so let's just unlock everything we can right so now that done let's go and get us some pows is there full damage uh there probably is but that wasn't the biggest drop all right let's go down here also I noticed a chest want to go and get that so if we just jump over here yeah chest over there and get it want to see if I can craft some like pickaxes and stuff oh what's that right first of all chest small power Soul okay found a note from Adventurer check the journeys from the options screen okay right let's go and catch our first pal by taking you out so we're not going to kill you to go to weaken you all right and then thr hey okay oh whoa hey so you just leveled up open your inventory and strengthen your stats oh enhance stats if I press this okay let's got HP stamina attack Defense work speed and weight okay I'm going to go a bit of weight bit of uh work speed and bit of stamina so we can go for longer so a spirit left behind by small power it can draw out hidden abilities if offered to a statue of power okay it's getting a little bit late all right so uh access the power box and summon a power to your base let's go do that create your player by capturing 30 PS okay we got a lot to do in the tutorial right so we go over here and we got missions build a wooden chest deploy a uh work power to the base so if we go put you here aha so build up your base until it reaches level seven increase your player level by capturing 30 PS and capturing okay so I think it's probably a good idea and also I saw hang on fast travel so if I so I can I have to fast travel from the base okay oh I can f from here as well okay sweet uh let's go and no items queued up so select recipe need some stone for a pickaxe it's probably best we build the tools we need uh so hold a handheld torch in hand will that just automatically get lit I'm going to make some cloth and hold to work yeah definitely got to do work speed up cuz it looks like we're going to be crafting a lot in this game so work speed is definitely be something we want to do if we got to capture five Lambos and earn some an XP bonus we have to get some um more of the fragments let's acquire them want to make one torch oh so we're getting Frozen all right so because it's night time I guess can uh what do we do what do we do how do we go like this there you go that keeps Us Alive oh wow whoa so there's the tree ah sweet this look so awesome to explore obviously we got a uh a ways to go still right uh let's go collect some Stone and some other things I just like hit you with this uh just catch one have with us nice so if I press lb summon you with me and we can just go around and you know just GA resources so if I go like oh okay go be quick I think actually if I uh let's get the fire out can I build Go technology so I want to build this protects against the cold of night requires primitive workbench to craft so if we go back I should be able to craft that now we got the cloth and then we have to worry about you obviously having the torch in us to keep us warm Al you can climb in this as well which is really great oh I've got no stamina really to do that at the moment is that R1 I think so yeah okay it's going to be a lot to learn for this game at the start but once we get into it oh man get everything built up and it's going to be so sweet so if we select recipe we got the Primitive workbench can I not unlock this oh cost two points we got no point point we need to grow a level then we can unlock it that's that's what we need to do we need Stone all right so let me uh go around collect some Stone and just get a few levels get a few fragments if we can if it comes daytime that' be a lot easier for us but I wonder if I can catch you straight away if you're asleep uh there a 43% chance I mess up okay oh okay so that's that Stone sweet all right go 85% 91% I like the mods wait come on sweet there you go so now we're level five and we can go and um let's get a bit more Stone I need to make a pickaxe that would be a good idea and I want to get you as well I'm just going to and then 100% catch rate we'll try to catch like all the new powers as well sweet all right let's go back got lots to do so uh it's a coward and work slave okay work slave right uh where's the workbench so let's wait no we need to unlock this first don't we so let's unlock that as two points get a fire bow and fire arrows there's the power deck so how many like powers are there in this game it's looking like there's a lot oh whoa have I seen one of those so 111 that's that's really cool okay so uh let's definitely make the Rope [Music] that's what we want to do first cuz then we don't have to worry about getting cold I'll get this done then I think the next objective is we got to make some pickaxes pickaxe a normal Axe and then we can uh oh nice oh we looks so good H now think about it like the hair style and stuff I feel like I'm looking a bit like t zero from Demon Slayer right uh yeah we can make that so Stone pickaxe start production that's going to help acquire that got the torch uh we should make some of these how many can we make Max I'll just just the one all right uh so build up your base until it reaches level seven so how is the best way to start building base up got missions just build a wooden chest I think I'm going to can I move my um my workbench down here it's going to get annoying going up and down all the time so I can move it that would be sweet uh I don't know if this is going to work I might just have to build another one which is fine let cancel and press this it's got a lot of HP actually oh if I go yeah that's just going to take a long time let's I'll build another one be fine okay so let's go and grab some supplies and we'll catch some Lambs on the way as well so we got catch five which should be too difficult and I'm hoping they got like a big rock over here with some ore it's always good to get some more so let's start digging yeah a lot more damage now this is a lot better there go five or six or sweet okay so I'm going to go around and just get a lot of this uh fragments which we need make lots of balls I'm not sure if these like things that answer my question I was going to say I'm not sure if these things actually break I guess we want to just keep attacking it until they do get as much as we can all right let's keep smacking there going to feel like there's going to be so many Secrets as well to discover in this like Island I'm not sure if every island is going to be like um is going to be different it's going to be like generated each time you like um into the game not too sure on that oh my God okay level 33 that's why I was in the decks um you're level seven I don't think I should I think I should fight you and give it a go let's go for it oh uh let me go for my wooden club might be a littleit better for combat oh okay okay yeah that's better okay oh dodge dodge dodge it keeps coming for me go away whoa all right little bit more damage right let's throw a ball come on come on nice yeah there's no way we don't get this not that unlucky we got a new uh teammate hey and we should just get you as well got to catch you we're just not going to go for that bad boy that look so sick you don't want to attack me you do not want to attack me but the designs of the powers are really amazing looks so good yeah I'm going to just uh we we'll fight some enemies just get the experience and we'll catch the lampos nice so can I make you target that and then oh got my balls okay take you out then get some experience let's go let's kill all the animals oh I got to eat some food in as well I mean I've got plenty of time but it's best to stay healthy you know roll down the hill just keep rolling rolling rolling what just keep rolling roll oh whoa what's that that is that green thing over there it's like going towards my base like I better not destroy my base while I'm my way I mean even if I wasn't way don't have a say in it let's uh do some pickaxing so need to pick up wood pick up these fragments wait for stamina to come back go nice Stone see what is this green thing over here it's like a mushroom we can't swim right yeah we can swim there something behind the waterfall so collect and offer them to a statue of power to improve your ability to capture Powers okay anything behind here no every single time you play a game you see a waterfall you have to check behind it just in case oh there's another one there is it level 30 yeah so until I get some guns and stuff I'm not going to uh I'm not going to attempt to fight these if they start a fight with me then yeah they win I'm running I ain't going to mess with you buddy you look really cool though right uh can we pick up these like berries we can't red berries okay don't know what we'll use these for but just pick up everything we can and Club it feels so bad like killing these you're don't like killing you're just fighting them you're just you're just doing a bit of damage it's all good I feel like it's going to be a good idea to set up multiple bases as well with the uh the Fast Travel but I think where we are right now oh whoa looks so cool yeah I'm not going to go too far from where we are now here like a little oh is that a shiny found a shiny one got a train oh I haven't got any balls right uh what if I do this all right let's pick up this first I'm going to build a workbench build that here we'll make some balls now if I can that is yeah make four start production got to get that it's a big boy as well okay get these let's go beat it up oh my God strong you do 116 damage who okay going to get this very strong as well oh my God don't die 66 I mean 66 still a pretty decent chance oh you're weak now go 100% hey nice okay uh definitely put that on the team if we can I think the um the powers in this game evolve as well so we definitely want to try and get as many as we can like level them up check out the evolutions I need some can I like oh look at that little like penguin thing down there I wonder if I can like just pickaxe that some of these uh rocks to get stone quicker but let's just you ah sorry just trying to get this dude no I missed if you miss you just lose the ball wait oh is it dead I think he dead oh got be careful cuz my uh my new pal pretty no I don't think he's dead actually I think he's just going to finish off the job though kill you so you're out the way ah was like in Zelda when you hit the uh oh okay wait you hit the chickens and they all just like come after you all right nice got to be getting close to catching five oh I should eat some food um I got to feed my PWS as well all right let's get LOLs yeah so let me just check this first if I go pickaxe yeah I can do this that's good get lots and lots oh you get a palum fragrance from this as well okay so I'm carrying too much stuff so we should go back or at least uh focus on getting this little tutorial bit DB first did you just kill it yeah you killed it right uh as I'm heading back anyway I'm just going to grab some stuff right got a long way to go so I'm going to just uh unless I can do this actually can I hand stats now well that makes life a little bit easier can't do attack uh yeah now I'm good I want to finish off this thing before I before I head back let's just get five of these weapon is I got to repair my weapon that's why it's not doing too much damage no more oh quick nope okay never mind maybe I should use a different one so chickpea I was level seven as well okay they're all level seven never mind right if I just focus on letting uh the powers do the damage so I'll just hit you we got to start the fight first like that get him protect me [Music] oh he just one shot I think I just got to um yeah wait he still alive okay wait get it oh did I hit the wrong one I got a chickp I want to chickpea only got the wrong one oh it's fine it's fine yeah I'm just going have to like attacking myself we need to repair the weapon a few things while over here does it say anywhere like my weapons durability like repair the pickaxe and stuff I'm going to just want to see how long it's got left before I um leave base camp let's just uh does torch do a bit more damage maybe that's like she's yeah oh got more spars left oh my bad I feel bad burning you alive oh he doesn't he doesn't like me killing his [Music] friend get him finish him off bam such good damage all right so let me get back to my base so we can start doing some crafting and then um yeah we can continue doing what we need to do grab some stuff on the way so I'll see you guys back at the base when we've uh weedo some crafting okay so we're back at base camp let's do some stuff so we are going to build a bench here just put that there it's going make life a little bit easier right we need to build actually let's go and go technology and we'll just unlock some of this got lots we can do oh mounted torch that's going to be good to light up the uh the base oh there's the statue of power which we can unlock need 100 stone for that damn okay that's level eight that's next level right so we can't build a chest yet cuz we need is that a glider that's sick okay yeah we're definitely definitely building a glider no way I'm not building that it says um PS without beds will get stressed so I need to build some beds it's taking a while to build but this is totally worth it going to be soaring through the sky man but I think I I need to build an actual axe to just chop down some trees again cuz I got no more wood let's go like one little bit of wood around here somewhere one bit of wood yeah there you go just grab this uh [Music] bam little bit oh dude feel so bad right I do need to build some um some balls though while carrying too many items as well we need to build a chest so this what we're going to do we're going to get the axe for cutting wood definitely need that also when I said about the um the durability of the items you can see here so our pickaxe is almost down says there so that's uh where you want to look got to repair that we just remove that how do we activate the glid you get Shield get helmet accessories uh so if we go yeah let's go get some wood cuz we need to build a lot of stuff but I need to build a chest first so for chest we need how much wood do we need 14 can just do it from here actually so we'll get the chest and then I think once we get the chest I can actually start putting stuff away I'm going to go and collect a bunch of materials and I'm going to yeah can't catch anything just check when it balls this is much better there you go look at all that wood we're getting yeah we're like over encumbered but it's fine it's fine cuz it's literally just a short walk back to base so let me just um get a bunch of wood oh can I even oh you can't even move oh okay I guess the more you carry like uh yeah the slower you go can I just like eat food wait ah so we go use eat some eggs eat the eggs wait does it say take half if I go uh this and we can just discard that we don't need that still can't move ancient civilization component that seems very important don't want to throw that away got lots of meat let's just like half the meat can I move yet nope still can't move oh I guess the wood is just like very heavy I don't want to drop the wood don't want to drop the stone not dropping the money I don't mind the berries They Don't Really weigh that much it's it's the wood how much can I uh if I go take half five wood I I can always come back and get some more just got some Stone there you go I can I can I can slowly move all right I'll see you guys back at the uh the base and I can actually start crafting some stuff okay so we're back at base so if we go I think we press this and we want to go oh there's got a ranch there story wooden chest okay so let's just build that it's getting dark I want to build some torches so we can just like have some light around here uh do I build torches here got the handheld torch I we didn't unlock the mounted Torch from technology did we no we did mounted torch do that go into this bit then ah mounted to like that okay sweet so I'm going to build one of these let's just put this like too close to this facility uh let's put it behind give us a little bit of light let there be light ignite there you go right let's put some stuff in uh just going to put all this for the time being h a merchant uh oh we can't put too much stuff in right uh can I build another one probably should make a bed for the power as well build like over here trying like a nice little place that way we won't get stressed and we are done okay now you got a bed uh more missions so base upgrade so you get the base up leveled up by doing missions we need to get to level seven for the uh the base build a shy bed okay uh shorty bed we need more wood so this is our time to go and just gather a lot more materials okay we got the axe can be out in the cold it's a bit dark but it should be fine now we got lots of inventory space should we get 20 wood so we're halfway done going to get enough oh that look sick down there so much I want to explore but so we're going to just have to get this tutorial stuff done first and then we can go off I think that should be enough for a little bit got this game is so interesting so far as well like the the powers look like the monsters look really cool game play is actually it runs really smooth I'm so excited for this so let's build a another storage chest can I use the stuff that's in Storage security settings oh that's what I get for like multiplay you don't want people stealing your stuff just double checking so if I go we got a campfire as well we can make so you can use stuff in the the inventory which is good on the storage there you go much better much better so next we need to build oursel a bed don't we shorty bed uh rotate got build it indoors with a roof okay so can I build got foundations let's build a little house so wall uh not con to a secure structure okay do I have to like build the floor first ah Foundation there you go uh I think like like right here would be nice so let's build that and wooden wall build another wall oh the timing doesn't really matter how bad is going to look we can obviously always change things up later on get one window and we need a door build need a roof okay build that and then we just put the bed in here if it fits actually that oh it does fit kind of and B yeah that's nice I like this cozy little room it's a good start of home all right so we can just uh [Music] sleep power box upgrade available let's go baby up base upgrade uh build feed box build straw power but need three of those which uh that didn't seem too difficult to build before so let's build that and another one probably should put the torch away right build this yeah I definitely think for like for the time being anyway like like we don't need to worry about attacking so we don't need to like put our attack and HP up we can just focus on stamina I think it's a good thing work or build speed and our carry weight those are the most important things to worry about all right next up we need to build a feed box do we have a feed feed box defense oh uh feed box feed walks there you go oh we need more wood all right let's go get some we get some Stone we can break these which would be nice all right let's get this the games that this is just like so nice and relaxing I think definitely when this game officially launches maybe like you know when this game even comes out like the day of watching this video I might do some streams just really fun just to chill play he so good I can't right now cuz I'm playing before us out and yeah can't uh reveal anything to you guys at the moment by the time you're watching this obviously you know the information is allowed to come out but right now it's just I'm just chilling good right and I think after we get the base up a little bit we'll start capturing some Powers we can start putting them to work not sure how the whole work thing is going to work but I'm excited to see if you seen the trailer for this game you know obviously we we get guns like rockets the powers get weapons and then like you can make them like put them all to work like just in factories oh it looks insane honestly it's so cool right so for now we need to cuz we got the stuff on us we might just build this put this like here all right and we got another upgrade so build Berry Plantation deploy a deploy a work po to the base so if I go management got a shiny one which I'm going to put on the team and then we'll put this there put these to work oh does that work I see passive skills a work slave there not sure what it's doing oh it's GA materials oh sick nice okay that's good uh Berry Plantation next which is that there going to put this uh I really love the fact that it gets um materials that's so sick so we'll go when we go capture that's probably the tutor tell you get five Lambo cuz oh he even helps me work oh sweet thank you oh yeah we're definitely going to go get like replace all the chickpeas and put them to work uh do I another one on team actually hang on yeah so let's place you put these in there and put you to work all right base upgrade again level five build a PO gear workbench a what pal gear workbench we don't have that yet so maybe we got unlock it yeah there it is so we need to grow some levels so now is probably the best time to uh make some of these can we make five what do we need we need more Stone so let's just use this get some more Stone I like you can also get the pum fragments from the stone as well here weapons damaged it's fine just going to use it until this breaks okay or not stamina would like run out before or sorry run out after uh let's can we repair sorry I saw repair before probably best just to make a new one discard so do do that production we'll build this now actually no know about say we build the the thing we need to build we can't oh you can punch it if you want Oh wrong one uh pickaxe can't carry too much all right build it now that we've uh encumbered and we'll go on a little journey so let's 18 that'll do it's going to take a little bit of time I do they help though it's so sick oh man this game is actually so awesome already I'm glad like it's like sometimes when you get excited for a game you're look in you think oh man it's going it's going to look so good but it's not going to live up to it at the moment living up to my hype love it uh right right what else do I want to do so we got 18 balls I should probably put everything away I'll keep the money just in case so we can grab some stuff on the on like on our little journey as well we know we can always fast travel back which is good so how do I oh like that oh it looks like everything think respawns as well after a day that's good to know uh let's break some of this I want to catch the lambor let's get that Quest done and I'll also catch the 30 um the 30 Powers oh what is that level 15 I think we can I think we can get this let's go for it uh all right go oh it looks so cute I'm so sorry get him get him oh my God I did so much damage I take it back I'm sorry I'm [Applause] sorry oh wrong one that 1% catch rate yep oh my God nope I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry leave me alone I'm sorry oh my god oh I land in the water oh no oh no I'm run out of stamina get up get up get up get up I can't climb up I'm going to die oh man I thought maybe I can get away with that defeat so that's what happens when you die it looks so cool oh you can drop anywhere see obviously we're going to respawn uh place oh man man that was uh yeah that was interesting I just thought maybe cuz like when we caught our uh H crates it was level uh seven I thought I got this no I did not yeah there it is I'm not I'm not going to fight you just yet it looks so cool though I do want one but the to is another one level 16 yeah yeah I'm not going to not going to go for that right let's go down there cuz that's two uh Lambo we can catch and that will make life easy for us oh you run out a lot of stamina I could like climb up that little bit like I I could have lived if I could just climb up that Teensy Woody bit that's fine all right uh let going to get some of this 100% catch right for that that was oh man for me I can get lucky and just throw a ball if I can catch it stop killing me but you're I mean 50% chance why not nice hey and [Music] Bam best just like punch her yeah fist are better right now proba another club all right so that's a level so now we can unlock the thing we need to unlock which was this and that how do you get this need an ancient technology point which we don't have probably should build like a oh egg incubator like a bone arrow all right so we just got a challenge the boss at rain syndicate's Tower make sure your powers and Equipment are in top condition yeah I won't be doing that for a little bit uh I think if I attack you did I think I oh God I used the wrong thing cuz he's knocked out that's why oh okay go get him he's so big whoa okay feel that's going to work come on nice a give good one twoo let's try get oh okay went right off things are hard to cat I got lucky with the first one clearly nice so we're just going to go capture a lot of stuff and just grab a few materials on the way as well dude I want one of those but they just we'll come back obviously we'll come back so where is this like Tower Place we need to go to guess just go explore we can eventually find a tower uh I'm going to get some ore as well cuz we haven't got much or I feel we might need that later on plus some berries as well to get some of them right get 15 or a few berries just my fist I need to make a club and bow as well let's just [Music] bam such a big boy oh this is so sick nice so we get XP bonus we catch 10 just like take out some of these as well big attack look at it it reminds me of um you play genin um nlet his like big like Hydro beam it's like oh so broken that is but anyway yeah beat him up beat him up 60% come on ah a bit more 100% there you go I think it's prob a good idea to also enhance our stats got one stat point I don't know what I'm going to put in just yet I'm going to hold on to my stat points for a little bit I probably that Tower over there that's probably where we want to go right rain syndicates Tower oh I love this game I know I keep saying it but this game honestly I feel like this is going to be one of them games everyone's going to want to play especially multiplayer it's going to be sick all right look at him go just going to punch you wait no don't you get back here just going to get him don't know how I force them to attack unless I attack there you [Music] go this is the greatest game of all time oh my God that's so fun right let's go towards the beach he'll be good uh I guess I could catch some of these as well if you're going to run away I'm just not going to get you get the chickpeas so you can put them to work and you know really don't want you just release them all right uh what should we oh is that a chest okay go open that back oh it looks like it's like prob or around it meas sphere what's a meas sphere oh it's like a like an it's Comm I guess like a great ball You' probably you know say is Al so can I just like Fast R anywhere well like obviously from anywhere back cuz I don't know how I'm going to go back up if I jump down all the way who whoa be careful be careful so the stamina doesn't last too long uh oh another chest definitely worth exploring around here two P oh 460 gold coin as well that's a dead end so we probably want to start CL up come on come on do not run out of stamina can I like land here okay good my time at genin has taught me well uh I think I can probably chill on this little bit here oh okay oh that's fine that's fine that's fine right I need to try and find my way up unless is there a way to do this so if we go like this I can't just dissemble why would I want to do no don't want to do that so can I just build something to fast travel me that becomes a base unless you can just like re do want to resp spawn so I won't lose anything um no I'll try and make my way up actually so let's just do this feel I'm going to be here for a while I'm going to try one more time if it doesn't go too well I'll just cut getting back cuz I don't want to just like spend a long time just obviously stuck here go on to this I can probably make my way around yeah this is this is good this is good may we can find like a o what we got down here wait can I go in here uh oh did not want to fall down right away but it's fine it's fine yeah I don't think there's anything in here oh this is probably not the best place to to go unless there's like a way around somewhere yeah it's do to explore I think I got myself stuck all right it's fine we'll just respawn uh yeah so I'm I'm stuck in here I have to respawn just heos in oh all right it's all good I'm going just respawn back here there you go it's all good armor is damaged so we need to fix that so how do you repair stuff I can just make another one I guess but got an old bow was there like a better bow I can make old bow fire bow poison bow oh AC use The Bard did not mean to do that right so I'm going to make the power workbench while we can before I start doing more stuff let's build that and they're going to come and help so I think we'll work on getting our base to level seven I want to try and get for this video all the tutorial stuff apart from challenge the boss done we can start that for next episode so that's done so now we can base upgrade one more to go build egg incubator and build Crusher do we even the egg incubator I don't think we have cuz it's there and the C oh the crush is here so we need to get to level eight and we need a lot of stuff so facility for breaking down Stone and wood to exchange them for other materials requires power with the wateren suitability to spin the water turbine okay right let's just get rested up the sleeping like fully restore your H I think HP regen on actually so it's all good okay so I think oh no was it a um repair bench that's what I kept seeing so we need some Stone so we build a repair bench then we can actually repair our stuff instead of you know making more oh my God that just look really big for a second like what are you what are you doing all right so now we build the repair bench uh let's put this like and I can repair our stuff I love how they come to help right so now we can repair this oh we need cloth do I not have cloth in here can I make cloth yeah so I'm not going to use all but let's go for 11 get this fixed up make another club as well to help out make a bow get some arrows obviously Graphics Graphics as well look really nice everything about this game is just so sick right so we're going to fix this up repair uh press that wait what oh okay it's fully repair that's why repair we want to make a club well we should need some wood screwdriver as well so tools for repair and structures us okay that's cool I need to get a few more of these actually as well we still need to catch 16 more don't think it really matters what we get but I think depending on what level we are once we finish off the um the tutorial stuff I do want to try and catch one of those dinosaurs cuz they were really cool so yeah let me go and get some more materials and I'll see you guys when uh I have got stuff a lot of stuff ready and we can just begin another little uh Expedition okay so I've got a a lot of supplies now so we're going to build the bow uh start production build that get some arrows and we can start taking out some Powers as well got catch 30 that's what we're going to do next we're going to catch the 30 Powers get that done so I need to get some arrows that would be good uh yeah that that should be a decent amount is that oh okay do three at a time we're going do one at a time with that Circle going around we're going to be just chilling here for a very long time but I do like you get experience when you do craft stuff so that's good also the powers that also do the work get experience actually all the powers get experience which is great uh create some Hunger I should probably eat some food then we'll just finish off doing this and then we'll eat and after that we will cross some BS going uh do some stuff wait I put my food in here didn't I or I put in here there it is is right uh let's oh uh take that and then we'll just eat how do I revive a are you revived yet oh yeah it's okay that's good so we got fast travel which we don't want to fast travel to Mission which is we can't do just yet and then we got our bot which um level sink oh okay so can the poers I guess not be a higher level than us so if we did manage to catch that level 16 it would have come down to uh level what eight that's cool so I need to build a club in case I want to use one get that done what's this common Shield uh repels itself s or when not taking oh okay yeah yeah we want a shield absolutely it's going to come in handy get everything right now I just spent a little bit of time of just Gathering a lot of stone and wood which is definitely needed all right next we want to build let's get 21 power spheres and that should give us enough now to catch 30 just in case we um we mess up and we fail to capture some stuff but by the time we probably catch 16 more Powers we should get a level up which then should hopefully unlock the things we need to get the base level seven and then we'll be good all right let's get all that and let's go and uh look let's go on a little Expedition again oh this is so sweet all right and having the oh let's go um let's go over this way did I explore this bit don't explor this area here too much so we came down and I didn't really check out too much but nice and then bam that's going to make weaken them so much better sweet level nine all right uh oh just spinning now I'm going to kill you can we like do like a Zelda no we can't so like Zelda like slow motion uh shot in the air yeah 100% just going to get a bunch of things that we're probably just going to releaseing or put them to work all right the controls feel really good as well for like shooting oh there's a chest over there before we go to the Bas though we got to make sure we get like some poison arrows some uh fire arrows all that good stuff already got in this chest got a meas sphere some Stone some coin nice one can hear it still [Music] going catching things pretty quick now is so sick it kind of like was that egg that just like an egg to eat or is that like a proper I think it's just an egg to eat um if it was like Legends assus you know how quick it was to catch Pokemon in that game it's like that oh yeah let's go get this like oh we actually need a water um pow don't we for the the turbine thing we're going to build come here oh oh my God look at that oh go on go on son hey nice level 10 oh my God there's that thing again that oh my God it's got a boss HP King of the Forest yeah messing with you you can stay king for now but I'll come and get you at some point oh chest there oh uh he a bit more these things are a little bit tougher we'll get a few of these just in oh my God okay we can see the shield we got like a little blue bit nice sweet right five more to go make sure we get you was I one shot you there it was level one I thought we could probably try and get that especially if I send out a uh a pal might I might go for it actually let me just H get the 30 done first is that another one of those oh what are you hello how's it going you're new uh cancel oh you're so cute come here and some new ones hey hey think you're going get back here nice wait did it oh no got away he's not oh my God is he trying to fight me oh my God I think he wants to fight me no no no no no no you stay away you stay away I don't want to fight I want to fight the big oh that's a big bird not big compared to you is he yeah yeah you you stay away from me I don't want to fight you I really don't want to fight you ah someone was on the tutorial stuff just got get the base level seven then we are ready to go he you can I get you from here nice oh come here oh H how many arrows I got left I've got plenty nice try to get them crits and I missed oh no uh come on come on come on come on come on hey we got it sweet I want to see what this like orange light is over here before I head back I don't want to fight I don't want to fight I don't want to fight you or that just like another like fast travel point so we can fast travel back that might be a good idea what we do going forward actually like we'll get ready for our Expeditions and then we we'll just go until we find another um fast travel point oh command Powers at that okay okay there you go that's what I was trying to like figure out how to do earlier just noticed that o getting closer to the tower I'm going to get another one of these or not I'm just going to kill you oh these things are like remind me of Eevee they're like so cute oh hi uh don't tell me an outsider not that that matters to me let you're on this island why not try and catch some poers you can get extra XP for capturing up the 10 of the same kind you know you know what they say power Tamers get stronger the more poers they capture herey take this I've got high hopes for you oh sweet thank you sir and oh this is the thing we offered to the Statue which we hopefully can do in a second I say second going to f back I want to get this whatever this is oh another Journal it's getting a little bit dark although I see something that I want to pick up maybe and then we can head back that's an egg build an incubator to incubate the eggs sweet uh do I have a torch still I do think I can make that it should be fine don't I can dive in this game but I really hope there's like notot of power in the water that's going to eat me nice I do and I don't know how I'm going to get back across oh there's another green thing up there if I can get high enough I can can glide yeah I should I should be able to Glide that distance I another an egg over there I think it is nice oh my God make it make it make it make it okay that was close got two eggs so we'll make sure build two incubators common egg I might just quickly take out a few more Powers cuz we're almost level 11 as well now got change the team up oh man this is sick let got a few things just kill you real quick it's nothing personal kid [Music] but feel so bad there you go oh hi so if I go I summon this and then we can go pet feed attack aggressively nice all right let's go unlock fast travel and oh chill it oh that looks cute let's go back to our base now we got lots to do man we got lots to do so what do we need to do uh build egg incubator and build Crusher so first of all we need to unlock the stuff so egg incubator Crusher for two points got no ancient stuff so o Tundra outfit probably should like get that and that's going to be for like the tropical stuff poison arrows Stone [Music] pit that actually would be good to get right next up we build what we need to build oh God I keep pressing the wrong button going to end up wasting a lot of stuff aren't I by accident right so we've know to build the crusher the crusher just put that here for now going to take 40 seconds to buildo cuz our poers are asleep and not going to help us out but I think I can put two more PS to work actually so um we do that in a second well in 25 seconds I should say but we get this done we get the other egging comp built we'll probably build like two of those we got two eggs then that's the uh tutorial stuff done and we can start making our way to rain syndicate's Tower also got to get the uh Power we the bird power we got out the box put that on the team cuz that looks pretty good and then hopefully with like our new powers we can maybe fight that cool dinosaur thing we saw earlier right so if we put uh you on the team you need to go to work and I'll probably put these two to work probably should build some beds uh actually before we build the beds let's build the incubators we'll build what we need to build first so incubator oh that's a big boy yeah get this done we'll put the was it The Verdant egg we got but almost done the tutorial man it's nice just be a to like just chill relax get some stuff done your own time so you don't have to do the tutorial if you don't want to but that's done set egg we got this one move there you go so let's missions upgrade yeah one last one to go but build another bury Plantation build primitive furnace and build a hot spring can I even build those uh I know I can do another Berry Plantation easy but hotring hav I even seen a hot oh there it is so I need some more points I think yeah two points and what was the other thing it was a primitive furnace so get a grappling gun oh that's going to be sick okay there's so much we can do oh hello Daydream oh God Capt 10 they look sick quick uh send out you help me get it oh wait where'd it go like is it dead think it's dead we got one of them at least I didn't realize all the uh our powers from our base were just like wake up and like yo let's get the boy let's get him that's so sick can we pet oh that's so sick nice uh emotes dance oh we that's us nice uh okay what do we want to do now we are going to get ready to go and do this base so I need to get a few poison arrows will be a good idea I can get I can make one oh two so that be actually 10 arrows yeah I'm going to get like everything ready so we can go on our next Expedition and we can go find this uh syndicate's Tower oh this is so sick man this is so sick going to take a little while at least this little dude's helping me out don't know what they're doing over there but it's fine all right let's acquire that uh what else do we want to do repair bench anything need repairing I think everything's kind of fine won't mind doing that a little bit uh onto this I think if I open this one just going to put some stuff in storage I don't think I need for the time being that's going to come in handy actually that to make the ice outfit might build one more chest just to quickly uh put some more stuff in so we can just have more space [Music] uh put that that that Leever okay going to get a few more arrows uh let's go that much so after this I'll probably build a few more balls and then I think I'll be ready to go I think with that it's probably like a this is a great place to uh end this part off obviously did a lot starting off learning the game think I get a hang of it now obviously there still few few more things we need to like fully understand better but I can't make any more balls any more Stone how many balls do I have 16 is still fine actually I bring in some stuff uh return yeah let's go to sleep so I'll catch you guys next time where we are going to make our way to syndicate's Tower thank you guys for watching catch guys next time have a great day peace
Channel: HeroVoltsy
Views: 236,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld early access, palworld gameplay, palworld walkthrough, palworld review, palworld playthrough, palworld where to, palworld boss, palworld dungeon, palworld ending, palworld max level, palworld sulfer, palworld coal, palworld quartz, palworld legendary, palworld boss battle, palworld new, palworld new gameplay, palwolrd xbox, palworld steam, palworld update, palworld 2024, pokemon, pokemon gun, pokemon with guns, palworld gun
Id: hTlIy0VfSjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 54sec (5274 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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