Exploring our First Settlement! - PalWorld Multiplayer Gameplay 2024 (EP03)

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um well this is a problem Oh god um what do we do how many ping ping wetes do we have hold on hold on oh God we're going to lose everything oh no all right I think I cut it off from the rest of it oh no the roof oh God okay oh God uh okay oh God W okay now my big question did we have insurance no I forgot the insurance ah how did this happen hello everybody it's Daffy Duck 91 here from not a gamer gaming with the hubby genosis right here reconstructing our our house uh we're on episode what episode three of pal world uh and we want to say a big hello to anyone who is new new to the channel new to the series uh we feel like we've gotten a few extra fans I don't like saying fans community members um uh viewers perhaps yeah there we go okay it's like a two attach you know what I mean I'm just going to go ahead and spend one of my points into Health cuz I died so much in the last episode um oh another thing I have to do I'm squirreling really quick I want to go do this like this guy cuz apparently I was supposed to do that too enhance my player capturing or whatever done okay cool all right so obviously um uh we we're rebuilding cuz that happened working on it uh and we also need to do a few things babe we need to get to level 10 so that we can build a spring and a furnace and we need to get something that can Harvest wood for us cuz I'm having a wood issue right now oh I'd love to solve that for you but we are recording so yeah the E the deer or however you want to pronounce that is these guys dead guy here yeah the dead ones that grazed into the uh raid we just had yeah that that would be the best solution okay so since I'm level eight why don't you fix the house and I'm going to go I don't know find find one I can find an eader and do it on my own right is that a bad idea well the last one did kill you so maybe just do that but better all right I'll do that but better okay I'm off I'll be back oh babe babe yeah yeah yeah yeah can you work on some oh I'm climbing a house can you work on a storage system uh yeah yeah I mean I'm currently building storage as we speak can we label the boxes uh there are I thought there was signs maybe there wasn't I'll check uh technology but um can I ask you a question yeah you can try why would you put Windows looking into the bedrooms of the pals and and none on this side looking at this rock well I just thought maybe the divider between the two storage areas would be a little less constructive you know like hi I I'm I'm going to sleep now okay just no no that's not sleeping yeah but why would you be in the German infested pen of our animals where there's probably like feces and hair I don't okay I'm gonna go cleaning I don't know maybe cleaning is an idea cleaning is an idea like he ever cleaned a thing in his life that hurts okay just a few more don't kill it no G oh um you guys wow uh wow all of our base is kind of ran in your direction you okay over there um no I'm dead I'm in a bush just hanging out wai let me uh come over and tickle your [Music] butt all right let's just uh Zoom the position here ready oh my God what is wrong with you tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle I smack you you're gross and everyone says that I'm the crew pervert like I don't understand I'm sorry you're literally in hands and four like sorry on all fours just waiting for me no man everyone just gives me a hard time cuz I'm a woman and that's what happens when a woman speaks her mind o okay all right uh we have to disable comments in this one can I ask you a question why do I keep dying um okay I was going to say suck lus but no that's not what I want to go for um but like I played other games and I didn't die as hard I'm just dying all the time like like I said I don't know like you just need to do better okay well thanks for the advice I'm going to go find a freaking deer again okay so I fast travel to kind of the starter area because these guys I feel like I could take on and there tends to be quite a bit of eader around here but I can also maybe capture a few of these guys in order to boost my levels that's right getting a ball and I'm supposed to catch 10 of each so this would be like my second fox fox Parks called Fox Parks all right all right we need eader where oh where are you all right now that uh have the startings of a roof here the best way to go is H just build up to where you want to get put the flat roof and then the flat roof is easy to snap with the slanted roof that's always the trick um that's there seems to be a a problem with the slanted roof clicking to another slanted roof so you have to kind of build around it which is a little unfortunate all right so with that done now to get some workstations down I'm so excited to get an egg incubator guys cuz I want to hatch all these like flame eggs that I've been finding because you can get like other fire types that aren't around out of the eggs and I really really want to do that cuz I want to get something cool that I could ride like a mount I would love I don't know why but part of me just wants to do this entire playthrough with fire Pals just because I'm a ginger they're gingers seems right I can't find an E theer I love these guys too because as I'm walking around they're like a little torch they can light the place up I'm going to get you cuz why the hell not oh you know what yeah you're going to hurt him that's what I thought go in the ball she'll kill you I'll return her but she'd kill you if you didn't stay in the ball that's all I'm saying I'm trying to be Humane now I know there's so much to this game guys like there's you know you can almost make make like factories and all stuff like that but there's also quite a bit of animal cruelty which is interesting to me and I don't know if I'd have the heart for it you as you kill somebody I mean I don't mind so much out and about I've played a lot of Ark so if I'm out and about and you know I'm the only things I don't kill on ooh the only things I don't kill on arer dodos oh no no no okay there we go return good boy Jen might like that thing but like I don't mind if I'm out and about and one dies while I'm exploring like whatever that's the part of the game but just to like mindlessly slaughter them I don't know know if I'm I'm there all right depress though I'm going to oh I was about to say I'm going to put you out of your misery and fox barks like isn't that what you wanted mommy no dear no small settlement ooh a I don't want to explore this without Jen I'm going to unlock it though and let's go home I know we're still looking for an exit here but let's go home we're going to fast travel super quick he won't be able to fast travel here will he probably not let let's go home go to sleep and then let's take him out with us hey babe look I'm back I got you a prey want it oo I like prees because I know I stole so much from you in the last the last thingy migger I got you that you need to stop reading comments there uh a rush bore you can ride it oh I could ride it I do have another Earth type look at this no I don't no no no he wants to hug no I want him to go away he's too big what do you mean he's too big he's too big you've never complained about that before well I don't want him hanging out with the the base it's like a massive Bunny rap I'm going to bed good night well I'm going to go to bed too but he's going to be my friend well take him with him I don't want him in the base all right okay you good I'm fantastic I have an adventure for us today babe all right what would that be um I found something while I was out looking for eader I just want to put some of these Pals in my box because I don't want to carry them with me anyway found something while I was out looking for an eader and I want to take you with me to I didn't want to look at it without you because that's just love that sounds good to me all right so the place has been rebuilt looks beautiful so proud of you uh do do you have stuff to stash before we go so you're not incfort when we get out there yeah I'm going to take a second repair my stuff and cook and get food and you know be like a professional gamer all that stuff okay babe I'm making myself a common Shield right that's a good idea to have it's basically like a in a secondary health bar do you have a common Shield uh let me double check I don't yet I think I just need the material for it okay let's build two help me I got two two oh awesome now do I just pick it up or does it equip it automatically yeah it equips automatically so it is cool yeah it's like it automatically repairs itself like it's a secondary health bar that's protects your health and then it regenerates uh when you're not getting hit and I don't have to use it like it just Auto does it it automatically does it like I said it's a secondary health barar no action required okay I'm going to make a few more balls dirty uh and then I'm going to make more arrows and then I'm going to take you out on the best Advent of your life and hopefully we'll find an eader while we're out that'd be great cuz we have a wood issue all right oh that's old spot I was here looking for eader because I was like oh this is a place where eader go and then there was none oh uh yeah I see them wandering around but more towards where our well between here and the base so Midway okay we'll keep keep an eye out for them but I want to take you on a hot hot date okay do you have an objective in mind I do it's a surprise though so you have to oh just hang tight you're supposed to be following me though not leading cuz you don't really like know where we're going I'm literally following the only path in front of us but yeah continue here we go cheater cheater pumpkin eater I don't have a mount uh yeah I I love the the dir wolves um babe let's grab some more of these water things in case our Bab K is on fire again oh yeah actually would not terrible idea I wouldn't mind actually capturing them well I'm I'm trying but my thing just kills him saved it from your freaking dog he went in for like the kill I mean I think I caught it oh well I thought it was me whatever it's fine oh look babe the deer all right uh be sure to get ready to tap e to put your pal away okay okay okay okay doesn't matter who catches it cuz it's for the base right right oh hold on oh God oh God oh God oh God all right did the capture see Teamworks the DreamWork babe that's what we just have to do uh teamwork also dramatically increases how fast things die so we really got to coordinate over here here come on we're almost there oh here babe here here here I'm here here welcome to your date oh what's this oh the settlement yeah okay hold on come on I want to capture this Vixie it's always after them Vixie that's all I got to say about that yeah well let me tell you something about Vixie if you're ready to ready to listen okay all right uh vixy's ability when you put it at the ranch and dig up random items and those items include arrows and pal speres I like arrows and I like pal speres right so we put her at the ranch and uh yeah fre but isn't isn't my Flamel at the ranch right now uh yes but the ranch could hold I I don't know if there's a limit but definitely more than one oh gotcha okay what level are we right now what level am I I am 10 all right I got to get myself to 10 that reminds me I got the three shot bow and the Primitive furnace nice is that I can craft maybe I need to make the three shot bow can I do that too uh if you're level 10 yeah no I'm not I'm just w l night okay so this is my first Village I've never been here I'm going to talk to people Village Chief have you ever been attacked by an enemy and lost a pal if you have try asking the pal Merchant about it they often find lost Pals if your pal is on the market you might be able to buy it back oh my that's graphic the rain uh the Rainy poaching group is selling Pals they've poached and stolen to Merchants really what horrible people they are I just wish someone would take down their boss yeah I'm it's on my list buddy of things to do enthusiastic amateur researcher ever bump into an extraordinarily strong and big pal dirty just my speculation but it seems to be some kind of leader who controls the pal around if you could make it your Ally it would be sure it would sure be handy it's super powerful so be careful so that's kind of like your dude right yeah essentially so um I found there's a vendor over here by the way which I may want to direct your attention to where right in here oh are you making me skip other cool people that I could be these houses are so sad looking there's nothing in them a shanty town thing but yeah this guy is pretty much the one of the prominent people to speak to oh hello Merchant I've got some good items in stock can I sell if you have any precious items to sell yeah but you can't sell Pals to this guy no there's I have to talk to a pal vendor for that and there's there is one in this town oh okay but I can buy stuff from him yes I do have some money so I'm looking at buying some wheat seeds so we can start a wheat farm when it when we're able okay oh cool and milk organs what about these caps someone in the comments mention these were good to have yes uh so you you don't get a hat item right away so this will kind of get you one faster so the they're all different I guess things to them the farming hat I think cool you know cools off from heat I don't know what the other ones do I've only ever made the farming hat I think the gumos cap they mentioned in the comment I'm going to buy it they mentioned in the comments that it gives you defense or something like that I don't know like armor I bought it okay um so what would you like to see me wear nothing nothing no but seriously though if I was going to put a cap on cuz I want some benefits too what would you like to see me wear um let me just check the long eared headband long eared headband yeah I don't know I don't know what it looks like so I'm curious uh this sounds like it's going to be some sort of furry here there's a risk that I might hate it make you take it off that might happen okay all right I'm buying it because you said so should I talk to this sleeping girl uh you can talk to everybody just woke her up welcome haven't seen your face before did you come from far away must be a long journey take your time and rest up oh you can sleep here uh yeah if you're in a pinch oh okay cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool a gossiping villager all right what do you have to say ever explore a cave I've heard that caves are home to loads of unique Pals what that what's more they're even treasure troves created by Pals with an act for collecting stuff give me a shout if you spot any caves won't you okay so he's got caves that's cool just deforesting their Village here are there any more people to talk to oh right here where in here oh pal most interesting one hey there I've got some great Pals in stock no funny business and only legit trading guaranteed oh I can sell yes so if we're ever inclined to get some cash some extra Pals you can do it here and uh one of the funniest comments I've seen is is that hey this game actually promotes human trafficking cuz you can capture people and you come here to sell them a Gob fin that is the cutest thing I've ever seen it I saw that looks expensive what 3 5,000 it's like three grand the other I don't want I can buy those myself or capture them myself his passive skills is a Hool again I don't know if you had a cool fire one I'd be like let's sell all of our Pals to get that but otherwise yeah me me yeah you would all right so that was our date wait I got to talk to this guy with his big gun there hardly anyone around here now but before the Ryan Syndicate came many more people lived here because of them my income has really taking a hit you know if you're in trouble let me know as long as you pay I'll do anything dirty wow we can make him pay for things how do I do that I mean I don't think there's an option I think it's just him saying stuff without any all talk is what you're saying all talk okay hold on I'm going to spend some points all right so that's all I had to show you do you want to go bring the e back to base uh yeah we should get that thing logging pretty much right away okay uh I'm just going to gather a bit of ore cuz now that I you know we have the ability to build the the the furnace I think we should get some uh some tools going yeah we've got to wait till I'm level 10 but can't can't I make it ahead of time no no oh that's uh that's a good programmer decision right there okay I'm going to go home okay I'll be along shortly all right I just put our deer to work oh beautiful okay so in order to upgrade the base since I'm the one taking the lead cuz you know I'm large and in charge we need a hot spring and A Primitive furnace and I can build the hot spring but I need fluid okay uh I have fluid on me because I was capturing the water Pals while we're out okay I always need a bit of wood so yeah do you want you want to be the one to craft it or want me just put it down it doesn't matter I'll help you build it uh where do you want it um that's a good question H it's for the pals so it is I don't know it's for them to relax you know in while they're you know day of work were we thinking of building a second level could we put it up there or is that kind of crazy if it burns down that would suck it would until we're able to rebuild it as Stone so why don't we just throw it right here for now right here at an angle like right just right here okay it look it's going to look very precarious but uh oh no no no no no no yeah okay I didn't think you knew what we were getting into here um I don't know okay maybe over here next to the house right here okay like here in the shade o yeah yeah sure I would put it like right here like everyone chill can we go in it too uh you can but it doesn't do anything for us I mean you can just physically jump in but it won't do anything the whole team's here building away they're so happy they were excited look atler like I waited all day for this fuder what a jerk in his defense though he's been mining man he's got lots of stuff going on that he's a her worker yeah all right all right now the next thing is a furnace but I can't build a furnace yet I'm not a high enough level and you don't want me to build one no because I want to do it I want to okay so we're not not actually a team okay all right fair enough we are you said that I had to play at my own pace that was your saying so stop giving me crap about it then what is your next objective honey I want to fast travel back to that town and then I want to catch let's make some pow balls how many I got 10 I guess and then I want to get a level and catch some Pals while we're out he that sounds like a thing we should be doing do you think we could take on that water ice boss right now uh the chill it yes I think we could get our Fox Sparks out can we go let's go there because I want to get an egg incubator stat well let's do that then yeah it's uh not far okay take me to your leader now uh I'm I'm sure you should be aware that our daughter is absolutely obsessed with this thing I know she sent me a text messages I was like can I have a stuffy of it it I was like soon soon dear well yeah they will be looking into merchandising um if they know anything about business oh no what I meant to use my fluffy thing imig but oh you wasted it can I do I'm I don't have the saddle for it tell me when to put my dude away okay okay very soon um I would say now now now okay I'm so bad at like dodging I don't know how you do it so good ow you dirty thing you going to be okay no maybe it'll just know what's good for and it'll keep attacking me okay it's getting low okay go go for the capture there we go I just wanted a break I'm being set on fire you just keep hitting it and I'll keep throwing the ball okay oh it's coming I would not recommend hitting it again I will not hit it again you got it you got it ah first boss kill babe one ancient technology Point okay so I'm going to go and buy the egg thing inam right and we should be careful not to bother buying the same thing like I don't need an incubator if you can craft them and you don't need the feedbag because I can craft them okay right I will I will buy the feedback so that will allow us to feed ourselves and our Party Pals without having to directly feed them on like manually that' be handy one less thing to remember okay let's find the Fast Travel and get home okay what about a lazy little okay he just started working and he's like nah oh yeah but he looks so happy look at him okay well let's be fair no matter where you were if there was a hot tub whether you worked or not that day whether you just laid down in the couch the entire day you would be in a freaking hot tub babe oh what's going on why are they all awake um maybe we're talking loud I was just going to show you the eader like fell asleep in the hot tub seems danger oh no there's a there's a bandit cap right beside us oh oh we should go there and see if there's something cute in it thingy migger well let's go okay all right it is oh it's a s I've never seen one of those it's a yeah like a little like ice type I think it's kind of fun that we have this Camp right next to our base I think that makes this a really good spot cuz the Bandit Camp respawns there's a a a dungeon at the bottom of the hill uh there's an ore node right in the camp that we constantly respawned and gathered is that it no more bad guys oh no that that oh the Gunner yeah he's right there ah they make such a fun noise when they die it like gargles his own blood all right let's see welcome to the family cutie beautiful sweet yeah that could be used to uh like be on her cooler box to keep things cold or you know just little cute pal to have around it's got M microscopic something or the others oh don't we all look at this guy look at him he's like God this is the life he's sleeping this is where he's sleeping now oh God okay let's go to bed okay and then all I have to do is put a scorching egg inside that's right and then wait however long it takes it's only says 6 minutes yep here you go uh get an item for you on the seems just a little cold the egg seems cold uh it's a scorching egg so it requires more heat if we actually just uh uh took apart this campfire it would be cold let me show you can I just no I can't do that can I see now it's well it's a little cold seems a little cold okay let me put the campfire a little closer I thought that was close enough but maybe it wasn't well maybe I should put the egg incubator in our house okay no it was 9 minutes now it's 6 it's a little cold not cold okay well 6 minutes I kind of just want to wait for it I'm going to Pal around oh come here get it pal around oh I get it so do I do anything with the Feed Bag no it automatically equips it's under your key items if you look at the bottom of your character screen there's now a slot to drop food into and it will automatically feed you and your Party Pals how do I drop food into it oh okay just Dr dry it into the slot it's like it's a food slot oh it's all gone already Jeepers Creepers yeah your pals were hungry okay I'm going to cook some more oh I keep accidentally stealing your oh I did it level 10 accidentally what it is an accident we need more than one workbench uh we will have another one shortly the high quality workbench is soon I think yeah I need one more level I can make a high quality workbench okay I'm putting down the Primitive furnace okay now you probably want more than one right um um yeah at least two would be good shocker I need more wood if you can believe it or not I'll go get some and there we go beautiful we I'm going pick up my what oh I got more minutes of egg okay I'm going to take out my fox spk and then I'm going to queue up 10 metal in each one are you just going to assign your Fox barks to it uh I just take him out he just kind of generally likes doing it it's like your one's over here baking mushrooms oh you manually assigned him no okay well this one oh we just got base level yes base level 8 now we have to build high quality workbench medieval medicine workbench and deploy a work pal to the base one of them e I'll just deploy this guy then he can smelt for us all right uh honey I'm going to go little Adventure here I need one more level and I want to go get myself another chill cuz I want one too oh don't even see you but okay have fun I wait for myeg CCH all right good luck with that good luck with that yeah I will have luck with that one minute of luck very soon he's gone isn't he yeah he's gone I'm talking to myself all right well we wait for my juicy egg to hatch I actually have two eggs which I'm really excited about I'm going to cut some trees cuz we're in short supply of wood so the more wood we get while I wait for the eader to kind of pull its weight the better all right there's the brick that leads to the chillet and yeah this metal area right up here has me excited cuz once we get the base to level 10 we can make a second base location and I'm going to implore her just to think about you know gaming things for for just one time and put a base right in there a bunch of mining Pals a box just a bury things so they can feed themselves and just get to mine all day teleport grab the ore come back that sounds like a plan to me okay yeah that chill it respawns real fast there it is all right foxy let's go actually you know what I no I can't hold you but you're going to have to pull your weight on your own just go let them light them up incubation complete I don't know what I'm supposed to do next F hold the egg oh God guys I'm so excited it's my first baby fire thing oh okay a flim Bell okay that's fine oh I'm okay with that we got one flim Bell there we can take one with us I was hoping for something ridable but I have another one going to let you do your thing maybe the longer it takes to hatch the juicier the pal I don't know you guys let me know in the comments I'm not sure get low careful careful okay pull it back all right 145 see if I can get you a little bit lower all right that looks good to me do I have better spheres I don't we're going to have to make doal with that I'll shoot a couple more uh non aim arrows to lower the damage a bit 60 90 100% awesome and that gives us level 11 so we get a the Cheery uh perk now the good thing about mounts is that if you get a mount that has the uh runner perk uh it makes it a faster Mount fortunately I didn't get that but we'll have to just make what we have all right um back to base guys the camp wasn't it right here like does it 100% despawn like the entire buildings go away cuz wasn't it like right here I could be wrong I might be a little crazy but uh I felt like it was right there and now it's gone so I don't know I could be going a little butt nuts you know what that leads to our base right there now that I I look at it um yeah I'm not sure what the purpose of that is just like an access around the hill but there's the the dungeon right there that leads to our base location that's kind of a quick way to go random lift monk all right so how do we get down without breaking our necks you know I completely forgot that I have a wolf I can ride and I'm not being polite to not ride the wolf around wifey Pooh who does not have a mountain right now oh here we go that was nice and quick all right so now that we're level 11 I want the metal pickaxe and the metal Axe and the highquality workbench I'll wait till she can learn that before I do anything about it hi Annie hi welcome back um so I've re come Victorious as as you can uh as you can tell I can't tell do you want to see what I got in my egg well look at this chillet right here but yeah sure did I saw I have a chillet 3 minutes and I suppose you want me not to make the uh high quality workbench no wait for me just making sure you know I got to ask sometimes okay here this is what I got in my egg you ready I'm ready damn another Flamel yeah oh and you're starting another egg oh wow yes this is my second egg we're going to have so many guts up in here I just want all the guts I don't know what flamel's doing though this one's like losing her organs over here it's so funny she like goes in there and like poops one out God uh that's a everybody's hungry um I mean they must not be there's food there's no berries on the on the thing oh are they putting it somewhere else and none of these are seated planting watering oh do we not have a cedar well you're in charge of the bases for the you know what I mean I think I accidentally cooked all the berries okay well there's a yeah there's a cedar right here we at the monkey I'm going to put the berry the cooked you can give them cooked berries right they like that more uh it is more nutrition yes there okay now they can all eat all right guys that's it for episode three of pal world if you like the video give it a big fat like And subscribe to the channel and we will see you for episode 4 where Jen will constantly want to outplay me like always but keep him in line guys keep trying to be me play it little bastard bye guys [Music] bye
Channel: Not-A-Gamer Gaming
Views: 18,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld game, Multiplayer survival game, Creature collecting, Open-world adventure, Farming simulation, Shooter elements, Pal companions, Palworld release date, Pocketpair game, Action-packed gameplay, Palworld mechanics, Base building, Online multiplayer, Fantasy world, Palworld updates, Cooperative play, Gaming community, Palworld trailer, Exploration game, Palworld review, Palworld Multiplayer Playthrough
Id: r8Vkg6NFho4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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