A Detailed Guide On ALL Things MACHINE GUN (+ Sentries) | Helldiver's Handbook | Helldivers 2

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how many rounds does the Gatling gun Sentry hold just how ammo efficient is the stalwart these are some of the questions will be answering in this video greetings hell divers today we're going to plunge into the world of all things machine guns I've been observing what everyone is curious about and I did notice that some people felt machine guns aren't talked about enough and are overlooked a lot that they aren't getting the same kind of love and attention as other weapons are with this video I hope to change that for the machine gun enthusiasts out there I hope this video will do justice in highlighting some of the joys and strengths the simple machine gun can bring to the table of which there will be a handful to go through so let's get it on as usual a disclaimer about the numbers you see here they are my best efforts at putting things together based on a frame by frame observation analysis and field testing imperfection is expected but I've done my best to ensure that what I present here is at least as close to the observable truth as possible with that out of the way let's start by taking a look at our bullet based sentries as of this video we currently only have the following the AMG 43 machine gun Sentry the ag16 Gatling Sentry as well as the EMG 101 HMG in placement if you go by the menu itself very little is known about the performance of these stratagems and of course this means we don't exactly know how well they perform or know how to maximize their effectiveness in the field this table here hopes to change that what you see here are some of the good to know characteristics of the Strat gems that would help you make better decisions while also giving you a look at the comparative performance between them Mac sustain fire shows you how long a Sentry or in placement can continuously fire for fire rate shows you how fast in terms of rounds per second a Sentry or imp placement can shoot total ammo shows you how much ammo is contained within the figure in Brackets is the ammo you get after getting the Sentry module upgrade which provides a 50% increase to its ammo engagement distance shows you the distance at which the Sentry will engage Targets in its line of sight penetration is the armor penetrating potential of the Sentry and finally cool down is the duration you'll need to wait in between call Downs let's start our analysis with the machine gun Sentry deploying this Sentry summons an automatic Sentry that is equipped with the same mg 43 machine gun that we have as a support weapon upon activating it provides you with 17.6 seconds of continuous medium AP fire with up to 195 rounds available a fully upgrade machine gun Sentry has 30% more ammo than our machine gun support weapon offering a decent amount of supporting fire from a pretty large distance of 73 M if you are wondering what 73 M looks like this clip should help you visualize that Sentry Northeast next if you look at the numbers of the Gatling Sentry you'll see it's a step up from the machine gun Sentry in every way and at 22.5 seconds it has a nearly 5sec longer Max sustained fire duration it fires more than twice as fast and has three times more ammo available than the machine gun and it even has the same engagement distance of 73 M looking at these numbers there's no doubt you'd reach the same thought as I did what then is the point of the machine gun Sentry especially when both these sentries also share the same 180c cooldown as it is right now there's really no good reason to ever take the machine gun Sentry over the Gatling gun before I talk about some tactics with the sentries let's very very briefly go over the HMG in placement if you look at its numbers and then look at the mg 43 machine guns profile later it's basically two machine guns duct taped together and then mounted on a lazy Susan the main advantage of the HMG imp placement is its Max sustained fire of 27.3 seconds its huge 300 round mag size allows you to fire an oppressive hail of medium AP with more Precision than the Gatling gun since you can choose where to aim of course its main weakness is that you are entirely stationary and outside of what looks to be a 100 20° Arc in front of you turning to face enemies is a very very slow process which makes you vulnerable to getting flanked moving on let's talk about a couple of Battle Tactics from the table you saw earlier I think the most useful thing to know about the sentries was its Max sustained fire duration and its engagement distance you already saw how far 73 M looks like knowing this one of the most useful things you can deploy the sentries 4 is to provide you with covering fire while taking out a nest or to cover an entry Zone from a distance preemptively because you know sentries can shoot as far as 73 M you can first Mark the distance limit to check the range of sentries can support you from this allows you to summon it in a way that gives the Sentry more space to work with and not too close to the action where it is vulnerable you can also use this knowledge to ensure that when you summon down your Sentry it doesn't immediately start shooting at something you don't want to aggro in this case best set the distance check to be about 75 M for good measure the Sentry's targeting priority is also something that needs to be considered when it comes to positioning the machine gun and Gatling Sentry will prioritize shooting at enemies it can take down with its medium AP this means if there is a charger among a bunch of f enemies it will focus on killing the F overshooting the charger it will even redirect its targeting to the enemies it can kill even if it was already shooting the charger to begin with for this reason be careful that your Sentry doesn't suddenly start shooting at you because a scavenger or Hunter managed to close the distance and get in your face you run the risk of getting shredded by your own Sentry before we move on to the support weapon section here's a short intermission fire in the hole hello there as you can see from the tables having numbers helps you picture things clearer and gives you a better sense of what to make of something if you enjoy this kind of deep analysis work consider dropping a like and subscribing if you want to see more content like this next up let's talk about the mg 43 machine gun and the stall W for this we will need the support weapon profile table this table not only adds more information about the support weapons but also Compares them side by side to give you an idea about how each of them performs against each other as mentioned earlier in the Sentry and implacement section the mg 43 machine gun is basically the same as earlier difference with the weapon is that it has a lower magazine of 150 rounds but has a higher total ammo count of 450 across three magazines it also has medium AP capability making it a very effective tool for culling many of the enemies you'll need to deal with in a mission the major weakness of the mg- 43 however is its long reload time of 5 Seconds during which you are not able to move and must remain stationary it also has a terrible resupply efficiency of 33% meaning it only gets one magazine back from picking up a resupply brick here is the RPM comparison table to compare and see how much more DPS you'll get for switching up the RPM on your machine gun at 6:30 RPM you can sustain a continuous barrage of fire for 14.3 seconds ramping it up to 760 gives you a 20% boost to your DPS while cranking it to 900 allows you to dump your entire magazine in 10 seconds for a 43% increase in DPS compared to base when should you use the different RPM levels this is going to be entirely subjective but from my experience I tend to switch up the RPM depending on the range of Engagement if I have the distance I'll take more measured shots at 630 to be a little more precise and conserve ammo by minimizing overshooting if I'm on the move or if I'm facing down a breach I'll kick it up to 760 for more Close Quarters Firepower where accuracy matters less and needing something dead as soon as possible matters more 900 RPM is reserved for one thing in my book stalkers those bastards deserve to eat a storm of bullets at every given opportunity but these are just my thoughts you decide how you want to use the fire rates here is a summary of the mg 43's full profile moving on the stalwart has a much larg magazine size of 250 it can also carry four magazines for a total of 1,000 rounds of light AP Firepower the stats longer 5.8 second reload doesn't handicap it like the mg 43o on the move a huge Advantage for a weapon carrying this much fire power it also has a resupply efficiency of 50% allowing you to restore up to two mags worth of ammo from a single resupply brick as for its RPM comparison table the stalwarts huge magazine allows it to sustain continuous fire for an in incredible 21.4 seconds at 700 RPM it's unbelievable how long you can hold back waves of further enemies before needing to reload kicking it up to 850 RPM gives you a 21% DPS boost in exchange for sustained fire duration similarly to the mg 43 giving up some sustained fire is great if you are on the move and are engaged in close quarters ramping up the stalwarts RPM to 1150 offers you a massive 64% boost in DPS turning whatever you're aiming at mostly stalkers and brute commanders in this case into terminate cheese taking everything you've seen about the stalwart into consideration its only weaknesses are the lack of armor penetration and lower damage value when compared against the mg- 43 it's a support weapon that has lots of ammo light AP and is very efficient for dealing with waves of smaller bugs and lesser enemies exactly what you'd want in a general use primary weapon in fact there are many comments about people swearing by the stwall as an actual primary weapon in part because it was an actual primary weapon in Hell divers one so given this I've taken the Liberty of comparing the stalwart against some of our more popular Primary Weapons that function in the same capacity here's a table for that if I had to go by F I'd say the stwart is basically a very large ar23 Liberator with five times the magazine capacity it has a fire rate that sits between the Liberator and the sickle but of course can exceed it if necessary the biggest reason why you'd want to consider bringing the stalwart as a primary weapon is going to be for its combination of total ammo High Max sustain fire and combat time combat up time is a variable that measures how much time you'll spend reloading versus shooting the higher the number the more up time you have in combat and the smaller your window of being without bullets to dispense something not shown on this table is its relative ammo efficiency not counting the sickles potential for infinite ammo the starws huge magazine and deep ammo reserves means you are pretty much free to dump ammo on anything you see here's the table comparing how effective ammo supplies are for the stalwart against the other primaries the key thing to observe from this table is the comparative ammo efficiency and value you're getting from your resupply brick and ammo pickups while the starart only gets back 50% of its total magazine that 50% is worth so much more its weight in bullets you get back compared to everything else but the CLE with a single resupply brick you've got 500 rounds to spend with minimal reloading why does all of this matter because of synergy if you pair the stalwart with a resupply backpack which contains four resupply bricks between the ammo the stall already holds and all the resupply bricks on you you have a total of 3,000 rounds to spend 3,000 rounds on top of restoring up to eight grenades and stims this pairing of stratagems allows you to throw ammo conservation out the window and just have fun unleashing everything you've got into the enemy there's also a neat little interaction between the supply pack if you have an empty slot picking up a resupply brick from the resupply summon not only refills that empty slot but also provides you with the benefit from picking up the brick restoring your ammo grenades and stms as if you had used it this means the resupply backpack doubles the efficiency of all resupply bricks picked up suffice to say with just these two stratagems you won't have any problems with lightly armored enemies it's only a question of how many bullets it's going to take something you can afford to be very generous about the remainder of your Loadout should then be dedicated towards dealing with more heavily armored targets consider taking something like the SG 8s Slugger or the plus one scorcher as your primary to have something to deal with medium armored enemies the remaining two shred Jam slots should be used for anti- armor problem solving I like to have the Expendable anti-tank Rockets as well as an orbital real Cannon for surgical elimination but you use what you like all right that's it for this video I think I've done a decent job at painting a picture on how well all our machine gun things work in the game from what I've seen I think there needs to be some balancing especially for the machine gun Sentry and the HMG in placement I think considering how much better the Gatling Sentry is the cooldown of the machine gun Sentry should be reduced to at least 120 seconds down from 180 and the HMG imp placement down to 100 instead that way the lack and power output or flexibility is compensated for by uptime allowing you more opportunities for tactical deployment but what do you think what are your thoughts on the strategems covered here let me know in the comments below thank you all for watching and I will see you in the next one over and out hell divers oh
Channel: Ryken XIV
Views: 108,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tccz3X49fFk
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Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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