A Detailed Guide for ALL Things LASER! | Helldiver's Handbook | Helldivers 2

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greetings hell divers today I have a real Banger of a guide for you we'll be diving in deep and learning a lot about what makes one of the most fun and unique weapon classes in the game tick before we start a warning for those of you who are numerically allergic there will be a lot of numbers and tables going on but I've done my best to make sense of my findings here and made it so that you can use what you find here as a reference whenever you need to at the end of the video I'll share my current favorite Loadout against the terminates the laser light exterminator along with some strategy to go no matter where you end up while watching this video I'll make sure there's always something you can take away from it so let's get it on as of this video we currently have a total of four laser weapons the last five Scythe the last seven dagger the last 16 sickle and the last 98 Laser cannon support weapon laser weapons share the defining characteristic of building up heat instead of needing to reload and as long as you never burn out the heat sink and let the weapon cool down you can functionally have infinite ammo on all of them laser weapons also tend to fire a beam of concentrated energy at a location applying many ticks of damage in a very short period of time the CLE however is an exception to this as it works exactly like an assault rifle rather than a conventional laser weapon if you've picked up any of the laser weapons before you've probably seen their stats page which really doesn't tell you very much at all so me being me and a defining feature of this channel is that I like to apply numbers to things that don't normally have numbers to them to make better sense of it and in doing so I've created a couple of tables to help you you better understand how all of the laser weapons work but a little disclaimer before we get into those tables as we don't have a detailed numeric UI or a testing ground to conduct controlled experiments the numbers you see on the tables are gathered through my best efforts over many hours and rounds of field testing observations and Analysis I won't claim that these numbers here are 100% accurate but I can comfortably say that there are at least 95% of the way there not precise but good enough to provide you with an informed understanding of things this game is also beautifully intricate in that there are a number of external factors which may or may not be influencing my test we'll get to that in a bit but in the event I'm wrong about something and I wouldn't be surprised if I am I'll make amendments in my pin comment if anyone can provide me with proof now here is the first of the tables what we have here is a more detailed profile of all the laser weapons I've basically tried to fill out the missing pieces of information that we would expect to see at the minimum feel free to pause if you want to look at the tables more closely but some of the observation you can make are number one the CLE likely has the highest DPS out of all the laser weapons even more than the laser cannon if I were to guess judging by my personal experience with it number two compared to the ar23 Liberator the CLE has a 177% higher DPS output and a gigantic 86 round magazine making it the superior assault rifle by far number three all laser weapons are effective against light armor with the exception of the laser cannon which can penetrate medium armor as well this characteristic means it can damage all about the heaviest of armor making it a very flexible weapon that has unlimited ammo to tag on to this point the laser cannon can also be used to bust open bunker doors and Destroy shrier nness as well giving it even more utility outside of just killing bugs and finally all laser weapons except for the sickle deal their damage in ticks with the laser Canon seemingly having the highest at 10 ticks per second followed by the sickle 8 ticks per second and finally the dagers rather anemic five ticks per second these damage profile numbers are good for helping you put into perspective just how strong the laser weapons are relative to the other weapons in our Arsenal what is probably going to be more useful to know is this next table this table is where a good amount of time will spent filling up it details the hidden characteristics of laser weapons that we really really ought to know about Max sustained fire tells you how long you can fire your laser weapon until its heat SN Burns Out single heat SN output shows you how much damage a single heat SN can dish out before burning out this is basically its Max damage per mag equivalent total cooldown shows you roughly how long you'll need to wait if you reach 99% heat on your laser weapon cool down delay indicates how long a laser weapon needs to wait before it can begin the process of cooling down reload speed is well reload speed and finally heat efficiency measures how much time you need to spend cooling the weapon down for every second spend using it the lower the heat efficiency the better we'll talk more about heat efficiency in a bit but for now let's do a little breakdown first thing you'll probably notice is that the laser cannon has the longest sustained fire duration of 10 seconds but also has the longest total cooldown to match at 20 seconds meanwhile the sickle holds the position of having the most damage in a single heat sink at nearly 4.8k which is double that of the size rather pitiful 2.4k and it even takes the sizethe longer than the CLE to get the damage out as well a balancing factor for the sickle's powerful damage output is supposedly that it is the only laser weapon that has an intrinsic cooldown delay of 1.5 seconds unlike all other laser weapons which seemingly begin cooling down immediately after you stop firing and even then it still cools faster than the Scythe the reload speed variable indicates that you can spend the reload time to discard a heat sink and reload a new one at a fraction of the total cooldown time this is a pretty important thing to consider when using laser weapons in the higher difficulties where enemy numbers can be overwhelming I know it's easy to think that throwing a heat sink away means throwing away the future infinite ammo potential but as long as you have at least one heat sing left you technically still have that potential better to reload and get back into the fight than to die waiting for a heat SN to cool do note that reloading the laser cannons heat SN will cause you to stop moving so only do so when you aren't being chased next let's talk a little bit more about heat efficiency when we think about factors that affect our heat efficiency We No Doubt think about the environmental conditions like IC coal and intense heat the IC Co condition states that weapons fire slower and that energy based weapons cool faster the question is how much slower and how much faster well according to my tests the impact is very significant in the IC cold your weapons fire about 11% slower and because fire rate is also tied to heat buildup for our laser weapons it means we also build up heat slower you pair this with the total cooldowns being reduced by about 36% from the cold and suddenly your heat efficiency improves tremendously this is a small table comparing the sickle under normal conditions versus that in the icy cold while it loses a bit of DPS its heat efficiency skyrockets at a heat efficiency of almost 1 the CLE is practically cooling down for as long as it should giving you over 40% more up time the io condition drops your DPS a little in exchange for a huge boost in your sustained damage output making you more effective in drawn out battles and engagements on the other hand the intense heat is the bane of all laser weapons under this condition it reads that it speeds up the heat buildup in weapons now if this were true it would reduce our maximum sustained fire meaning you can't fire your laser weapon for long as you burn out the heat sink much faster however I think either the description is wrong or the effect is wrong in my testing I have noted no change to the max sustain fire when comparing Clips frame by frame in both normal conditions and under intense heat instead what intense heat actually does right now is increase the total cooldown time for laser weapons by about 22% which results in a lower weapon uptime of about 20% now there might be another intrinsic factor that affects your heat efficiency as well however because repeated testing has shown somewhat inconsistent results what I'm about to share here is either onto something or that I've gone completely Bonkers because I've spent an unhealthy amount of time trying to verify it and that is laser weapons actually cool down faster if they are at higher Heat this is actually how cooling Works in real life where something that is very hot is able to transfer its heat into its surroundings quicker compared to when it's cooler here are a handful of tables that I've been using to observe this phenomenon notice how the heat efficiency is actually lower at lower levels of heat generated I know the numbers are marginal and in the grand scheme don't really make that much of a difference but the fact that it's fairly consistent in this case I just can't help but suspect something this is also the scientific basis of how the icy cold and intense heat conditions work the icy coal makes the difference in temperature between your surroundings and your heat sink that much wider allowing it to cool even faster on the other hand with how the intense heat conditions currently work it brings the surrounding temperature up which slows down the rate at which your heat sink can disperse the heat effectively into its surroundings all right that's all for the facts and figures you need to know about the laser weapons right now if you are still with me at this point in the video you've probably taken in a lot of information so to give you a break here's a short intermission with a clip of me and some randoms thinking about the same thing at the same time without voice coms tunnel I love it when everyone is on your game game without needing coms if you've made it this far odds are you might have enjoyed the work you've seen if you want to see more like this consider dropping a like and subscribing anyway now that we've learned pretty much everything useful that I can reasonably test about laser weapons let's put it all into practice with my favorite Loadout right now the laser light exterminator this build makes full use of the laser weapons strengths and operates in a way that covers its weaknesses by heat juggling this build is mostly meant for terminates but can be somewhat serviceable if you aim for the weak spots on automaton though I would still recommend bringing other loadouts instead our Loadout is as follows we'll want to have the sickle as our primary weapon of choice as you saw from the tables it is a very solid option that performs wonderfully for its intended purpose as a foro killer this weapon is both effective against terminates and automatons making it a real Jack of all trades weapon to have on hand for our secondary we technically don't need to take the dagger and I wouldn't really recommend it either given how weak it is relative to everything else if and when we get that data mined good grenade launcher pistol that would 100% be my secondary of choice until then use what you want for our grenades you can use what you like I love impact grenades so I'll use those now for our stret Gems we'll 100% need to take the laser cannon it is basically a beefed up Scythe that can penetrate medium armor from afar and without having to worry about ammo at any time we'll also be bringing the Scythe with us in the form of the guard dog Rover this backpack acts as a additional source of damage and can cover you while you are waiting on cooldowns or if you're engage in a different direction your remaining two stratem slots are up to you if you want to be on theme and really live the laser light dreams you have to take the orbital laser for sure while you only get three charges in a mission the orbital laser provides many tactical benefits when it comes to clearing out an objective or to hold back a breach speaking of which the orbital laser moves around the battlefield seeking enemies out but it will prioritize heavy targets like B Titans brute commanders and Chargers over the F bugs if I'm not using the orbital laser I'll usually load up on anti- Armor TR gems since between the laser cannon and the sickle anything that has medium armor and below can be dealt with already in this case I'll usually take the Expendable anti-tank Rockets and the orbital real Cannon which rounds out my build nicely however I've been playing around with the 500 kilo bomb and it's starting to grow on me for this Loadout the strategy for this build is simple juggle your heat SN cooldowns between weapons and prioritize clearing f for your team deploy Expendable anti-tank rockets and orbital real cannons on enemies as necessary when it comes to juggling heat always try to buy as much time as you can for your Laser cannon to cool down since it has the best armor penetration potential among your laser weapons if you have to burn through a heat sink on the CLE to afford more time then do so you have six extra heat sinks to burn through and a single supply drop fully restores them so don't worry about saving heat sinks while one exterminator is good two is probably best in my opinion and although very pretty to look at I wouldn't recommend having four people run this same load out since you probably be really lacking in the anti- armor department at this rate okay this was one hella long video which I hope lives up to being a great big guide to you if you've enjoyed the work and effort done here once again consider dropping a like and subscribing I plan to give every bit of our Arsenal the same Deep dive in the future and as you can see there's going to be a lot of work to be done what do you think of the laser cannon in the game I know the scythe and Dagger probably need a little more love in terms of Buffs but otherwise I think the sickle and the laser cannon are in a good place let me know what your thoughts are in the comments below thank you all for watching and I will see you in the next one over and out hell divers
Channel: Ryken XIV
Views: 70,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4GerSUUpDoY
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Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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