A Detailed Guide On ALL Things MORTAR SENTRY! | Helldiver's Handbook | Helldivers 2

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how far can the motar sentries shoot once you learn the answer it will change your approach to using them for the better it certainly did for me greetings hell divers today we're diving in deep to thoroughly understand how our motor sentries work we'll be uncovering its true potential by broadening our understanding of them and then putting what we'll learn here into practical and tactical use as usual a disclaimer about imperfection and the expectation of some errors in my numbers I'm going to be doing a lot of these videos so I figured i' just make an actual disclaimer that can be pasted instead of having to verbalize it every time now let's get it on as of this video we currently only have two Mota sentries available to us the am12 Mota Sentry and the am23 EMS Sentry while both these centries share many similarities they also have a handful of very different variables to consider for that reason I've split them up into their own parts let's start with the Mota Sentry probably one of the top five shred gems that has a high chance of killing a fellow hell diver we'll soon learn why this is the case but first the table this table gives us more details and information about the specs and performance of the Mota Sentry the table is split between the basic performance of the Sentry on the left and the fully upgraded version on the right total ammo shows you how many shots the motor Sentry has within Salvo count is the number of shots the motor Sentry fires in a salvo Salvo interval is the time between each shot fired in a salvo Salvo duration is how long it takes to get all the shots in a salvo out while while number of shots measures how many full salvos the Sentry can get off and is essentially the number of targeting opportunities it has firing interval is the duration between each Salvo measured from when the last shot of a salvo was fired until the beginning of the next Target acquisition time shows you how long it takes for the Sentry to lock onto a Target Max sustained fire tells us for how long the Sentry is up if it continuously fires all its ammo from the moment it is summoned projectile flight time measures how long before a shell makes contact with the target area this figure is a rough average and will change slightly depending on distance and elevation cool down measures the cool down duration between summons and finally mottar downtime shows you how long you need to wait for your motar entry to be available again assuming it lives out its Max sustained fire lifespan ooo that was a lot to go through but fortunately the EMS mot shares a bunch of the same characteristics as well so I won't have to go through everything again now for the breakdown analysis to put numbers on how the motor Sentry Works in game after acquiring a Target the motor Sentry will begin firing its shells High into the air above the target this is how motad do it takes 3 seconds to get all four shots in the air and the first shell will land in about 3.5 seconds after being launched with the other three shells each coming in 1 second later in other words once the first shot of a salvo has been fired you have 3.5 seconds to keep an enemy in the area or for yourself to vacate the area and stay a good distance away for at least another 3 seconds at its best when fully upgraded the mot Sentry is capable of providing you with 30 14 and2 Salos of indirect supporting fire which lasts for 105 seconds because of how the calculations to its firing is determined you'll notice that the 50% Sentry ammo upgrade results in a slightly higher 57% increase in its Max sustained fire following this upgrade with the one that reduces all Sentry cooldowns by 10% drops your cool down from 180 seconds to 162 seconds but the cumulative impact this upgrade has along with the M1 is your motor downtime dropping considerably you only need to wait for 57 seconds or about 35% of the actual cool down to get your motor Sentry back up also you can only have one Sentry of the same type summoned by you on the field at the time so even if you get your cooldown spe before the Sentry has reached the end of its lifespan summoning a new one doesn't give you two it just causes the old one to shut down burning whatever ammo it had left next let's talk about the EMS Motas Sentry where it differs from the regular motor Sentry is that it doesn't fire in Salos but rather in individual shots this technically means has more opportunities for engagement than the motor Sentry by a pretty large amount almost twice more when fully upgraded the new variables for the EMS entry include fuse time which is the delay between the motor shell landing and detonating the reason why this is here is while the EMS Field doesn't actually cause any damage at least to yourself you can still get killed by the shell as it lands I have found this out firsthand much like the orbital EMS strike getting caught in the EMS Field depletes your stamina to zero and slows you down tremendously d driving out of the field is the fastest way to leave it static field duration shows you how long the EMS Field lasts for when you take a look at the EMS sentries firing interval of 6 seconds and its projectile flight time of 3.5 seconds enemies who are the sole focus of your EMS entry aren't getting out anytime soon speaking of firing interval the EMS Sentry has a slightly longer interval of 6 seconds compared to the motar sentri 5 this means if you want to sync up the firing times for both your motar entries always summon the EMS entry first since it takes longer to get ready to shoot you'll want the EMS to land first anyway so the regular motor shells have an easier time landing on its Target you'll also notice that the EMS Sentry has a really long Max sustained fire duration of 133 seconds which when buffed with the 10% cooldown reduction drops its down time to a mere 29 seconds the implication for having such a low downtime means that if played well you can make the most of your EMS entry in key tactical engagements and then basically have it back up when you need it again in another engagement it's long-lasting presence on the battlefield can be felt easily and after using it for a handful of games especially against automatons it becomes very noticeable when it's not in play now for the key part you might have noticed one very important variable missing from both tables engagement distance if you watch my all things machine gun guide we learned how far the Gatling Sentry and the Machine Gun Sentry could fire its measured engagement distance was quite a surprise and was further than expected the motar sentries however have surprised me even more both the Mota and EMS Mota sentries have an engagement distance of 125 M yes 125 m i don't need to tell you that 125 m is a really long distance instead I'll show you just how far it is 5 minutes remaining I repeat 5 minutes remaining B fabricator Southwest 100 m taking everything you've learned about both sentries earlier and then knowing it can do all that at a range of 125 M makes you realize you've probably been using the motor Sentry pretty poorly at least in terms of positioning with the profile of the motor sentries complete this brings us to our next Point Battle Tactics and behavior the motors have a key feature of being able to engage enemies without needing line of sight as long as they are within range the motor will begin bombarding them however there is one exception to this as you saw from the clip earlier the Motas are capable of bombarding Fabricators and it appears to be the only structure it does this to but for the motor to take aim at the fabricator it needs a clear line of sight to do so as you can see here even though the motors are well within range of a fabricator because they do not have a direct line of sight they aren't doing anything why would you want a motor to Target a fabricator well there's not really a strong reason reason other than the fact that the motar will eventually destroy it if allowed to bombard it long enough the EMS motar on the other hand can't destroy the fabricator but the static field will linger around and cause any new Bots that spawn to be stunned right at the entrance it's an interesting observation but not something that is especially useful outside of testing purposes this does mean you can kind of choose what the motor aims for by making sure that the fabricator you don't want to Target is out of line of sight another behavior of the motor is its targeting priority unlike how the machine gun and Gatling Sentry will change targets to ones that it can penetrate over heavily armored ones the motor sentries tend to fixate on the Target and will keep trying to Shell it until it goes down it will Target whatever happens to come within range first and will track it as best as it can however as you can tell from the profile because it has such a long time between firing the shot and it Landing enemies that aren't stunned or slowed or walking can avoid getting shelled this makes quick moving targets like Hunters stalkers and Chargers a nightmare for M sentries to Target less so for the EMS since its static field lingers and you can lure them back into it motar sentries also either prioritize targets that are further away or are not able to pick targets that get too close to it this makes them vulnerable to enemies that can close the gap quickly and brings us to our next Point motar positioning because motar don't need direct line of sight to engage enemy units the best place you can summon it is behind cover small rocks and boulders slopes and valleys anything to keep the motor out of direct line of site will increase its odds of surviving and allow you to get the most out of its lifespan before you summon the Mota make sure to Mark out the maximum engagement distance so you know how far the motor can support you from that way you know roughly the limit and range of your Motas and can fall back to it if you are getting pushed back and know not to stay idle in an area or if you engaged in close quarters combat except for the EMS of course knowing the maximum distance of your Motas can also act as an enemy proximity trigger if your motor is still trying to Shell something you can't see that means there's an enemy at most 125 M away and it will probably be making its way over to the motor to try and take it out use this opportunity to reposition yourself to face the enemy or to escape as it approaches the motar all right that about wraps up this video learning about the m sentries and figuring out how to test them was a certainly an interesting experience initially I thought the range of Engagement was something like 70 M and then it grew to 90 M and then 100 m and then finally it reached 125 m finding that out was a timec consuming task and a surprise this new found knowledge has made me appreciate the EMS motor so much more especially against automatons with my play style of longrange support firing having just one well-placed EMS motor on the field can make sieging enemy bases or drawn out skirmishes much more manageable at higher difficulties I hope with this video I'll see more EMS sentries being deployed in the field if you've enjoyed watching this video and would love to see more content like this consider dropping a like and subscribing I really appreciate the support and love you guys gave to the all things machine gun video and it's really motivating to see people enjoy the work and effort I put into them what do you think of our motar if Arrowhead were to release more of them what other motar could we have let me know in the comments below thank you all for watching and I will see you in the next one over and out hell divers
Channel: Ryken XIV
Views: 71,616
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Id: CCrNoDoZhnM
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Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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