A Guide to the Flamethrower | Helldivers 2

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fire is one of the most destructive elements that humans have learned to control using fire in combat dates back thousands of years and has taken many forms so what happens when the brave scientists of super Earth try to perfect this element for use on the battlefield well we get the flamethrower this strategy has been buffed multiple times at this point with the last being another 50% increase to fire damage in general this has made it an extremely powerful weapon to take into combat so today I'll be showing you how it works it strengths of weaknesses against both factions as well as its quirks to entice you to drop the quazar cannon and try something new so let's dive right into it starting off with how it works similarly to Modern flamethrowers of normal Earth this weapon projects a stream of flammable liquid that is then ignited to create a flame this is why the flame does not eject immediately after firing first you're able to see a brief spray of this liquid before ignition begins once you have fired your first initial burst you are not interrupted by that initial spray of fuel and can quick fire which is useful to know during combat the weapon is extremely good for engagements within a medium distance as the flame itself has a range of approximately 16 M which I tested using these lovely stun plants and a ping to measure the distance each canister lasts for 12.5 seconds of continuous spray and it takes 3.75 seconds to reload the weapon afterwards one tick of fire will afflict the target with a damage over time effect that will last for 3 seconds after you start stop attacking or whenever the unit moves out of fire as flame will also set the ground it touches on fire as well but not objects the size of the fire varies from what I could see on how long you shoot at that particular spot of the ground as well as if there are any connecting Fires at its largest I recorded the time it remained at 23 seconds with the smallest lasting 13 seconds setting the grounder light is an important mechanic to utilize when using the flamethrower as it will prolong the amount of time enemies are afflicted by the damage of a Time effects which can help you wipe out holds of enemies without shooting very much make sure you watch your step though as the fire generated by this weapon will kill you very quickly due to this High Ground is your friend even if it's a small rock to stand on it will make a huge difference to your aim and ability to hit targets effectively also something great to know is that the wind in the game can blow your fire across more ground for free making the weapon even stronger on Windy missions just make sure it doesn't blow towards your teammates it would be cool to see them Implement armor that was resistant to fire in a similar way to the new Cutting Edge War Bund has armor resistance to Arc damage full fire builds would really pop off then and finally as of the time this video was posted you have to be hosting your match to get damage over time from the weapon so hopefully this bug is fixed soon anyway for now let's jump into the bread and butter area for the flamethrower termined territory when calculating time to kill numbers I observed that purely fire Affliction kills small to medium enemies which are scavengers Warriors and Hunters Troopers and Devastators and Berserkers about three times as slow as direct non-weak spot flamethrower fire which obviously includes fire Affliction damage so I'll be using that calculation across those enemies to give close approximates on fire Affliction damage for larger enemies such as B spewers Brew commanders Chargers Etc on the side of the bugs and Hulks and tanks on the side of the automatons I won't give approximate fire Affliction time to kill numbers and I'll be averaging the direct time tokill numbers I recorded for each enemy except for the larger enemies I mentioned earlier as it's difficult to guarantee purely weak spot hits against smaller more Nimble units with the weapon the method I used was to record kills on all units then inspect each clip frame by frame to see how long it took to kill and I rounded all the times measured to the first decimal for more consistency this should all give you a good idea about how strong the weapon is against each unit and it's also worth noting the numbers I give you will start to vary quite a lot once you start spreading your fire around rather than focusing on one target so termined arew this weapon absolutely excels due to the severe enemy numbers lack of range attacks as well as the generally lower Health pools starting off with the basic enemies the scavenger types they will will perish if you fire at them for literally a brief moment it's honestly comical if you find a large group of them as you can just completely exterminate them from existence it takes approximately a third of a second to kill them with direct continuous fire and roughly a second to kill them via fire Affliction alone this theme continues with the hunter type enemies taking approximately half a second to kill with continuous direct fire and 1.5 seconds via damage over time I will note though if they jump at you from a distance you may want to either switch to first person or dive backwards as the aim is a little funny when enemies are Point Blank at the end of the barrel but it's not essential as they will still cook rather quickly standard Warrior enemies will take 1 second of continuous direct fire and 3 seconds of damage over time with the hive guard variance taking 2.5 seconds when attacking front on and 1.5 seconds from behind these will also perish in approximately 4.5 seconds of damage over time as well it's not necessary to fire away from the heads as you can still cook them so if they're in a group walking towards you feel free to blast away when faced with stalkers if you can engage them at a safe distance before they're able to Gap close you'll safely be able to kill them if you blast them in the face it takes 2 seconds but if you hit their chest or main body it will take three it's not worth attacking them if they're point blank as the flamethrower does not stagger them which leaves them able to absolutely wreck you with their really powerful attacks so if they surprise you dive and equip your primary or secondary to scare them off and now we start moving onto the larger enemies here we have bios spewers which it still makes short work off when attacking headon it's able to kill them in 1.5 seconds and it's exactly the same from the side or behind although I recorded these at taking nearer to 9 seconds to perish by fire Affliction alone so I'm not sure what happens there these like to travel together in big compact packs which is really considerate of them as you can meal prep by batch cooking them all at the same time it also makes short work of brw commanders cooking them in one second of continuous Fire To The Head yep 1 second and it takes about 2 and 1/2 seconds if you attack the main body area of course if you pop their head you'll have to dodge their kamakazi and then the power of the weapon really starts to shine once you put it through its Paces against Chargers as the charger has different Health pools for the different zones of attack on its body I tested how long it took to kill when attacking directly into its face blowing its back out from behind and when firing continuously at one of its legs they all had slightly different times to kill with the facial attack taking the longest at 10 seconds attacking it from behind took 5 Seconds to kill and on the leg 4 seconds to kill the general tactic to kill a charger is to fire at a specific leg where possible though if it's facing away from you and you can get a clear shot at its behind you can get perfectly good value from attacking it this way when you are Solo leading them to charge into big terrain enough to stop them will give you a lot of time to focus fire on a specific body part stun grenades or ears are also excellent for allowing you to Target their legs for the quickest kill when it comes to bile Titans there isn't really very much point in trying to sustain fire against them because you'll be dealing negligible damage your ammunition is better utilized Elsewhere on the battlefield so save your sanity and use something else to wipe these out before we move on to the automaton I'll just go through some top tips for fighting against the bugs for standard Warrior type enemies and Brew commanders you can fry them quickly without popping their heads by aiming for their chest area stopping them from dashing towards you in a final attempt to get you down aiming this way will also benefit you as you'll be spreading the fire across the terrain below meaning units following in their footsteps will remain afflicted by fire and will be taking a lot of indirect damage as a result and as much as it would be awesome and make complete sense you cannot destroy book Holes with the flamethrower from any angle which is a shame and finally here's my approximate time to kill charts for the flamethrower against the terminats as we can see it's an absolute monster against them with all but the bile Titan succumbing to the Flames within mere seconds we will compare this to the automatons later and with that we move over from the flamethrower ideal environment to its hell automaton territory and the tldr is just don't but anyway there are multiple reasons why this weapon isn't IDE deal here one the abundance of ranged attacks two using the flamethrower requires you to stand in a relatively vulnerable position for a prolonged period of time to pull off the most damage which will leave you completely open to ranged attacks thirdly even if you think you can take cover and wait until they're close that won't work out very well a lot of the time for instance if you have a squad of berser cers getting close to you you may not be able to take them out in time and they will absolutely mince you if they get close not to mention hulks which are a massive issue for this weapon and they will only return the favor by cooking you up if you try to attack them with it all Devastators except the normal ones will wreck you if you'll leave yourself open whilst attacking them with the flamethrower and tanks will laugh in your face but don't worry you will kill Troopers quickly that makes up for it right but you absolutely pyromaniacs out there who are willing to go through the pits of Hell by taking this weapon into battle against the Bots I tested its damage against the units so let's jump into what I found starting off with the good the flamethrower will make extremely short work of all types of Trooper units it takes but a mere 75 seconds to take them out they'll literally crumple after a moment of fire and after about 2.25 seconds of fire Affliction alone this will also outright kill troopers on scou rid ERS through the front or sometimes they will Dismount before succumbing to the Flames the weapon is particularly great at taking out the melee variants as well they love to run towards you and the rang threat from the rest is still a big issue but if you're close you'll make short work of them and that ladies and gentlemen is just about where the good news ends from here it gets much more arduous and harder to justify bringing this weapon into automaton territory we'll start with the Berserkers these units have an ungodly amount of HP and if you don't have a decent amount of ammunition left in your canister you may begin to struggle if they a few of them as it takes 3 seconds of continuous direct fire to bring one of them down which will be much longer if you're spreading your attack around to hit more than one they can also because of this endless pit of HP take a lot of damage over time from the Affliction roughly 9 entire seconds when fighting against these it's really important to make sure you don't accidentally shoot for their legs as you'll need to leverage every second against them or they will get to meley distance and destroy you all variants of the Devastator go down with relative ease in about 1.25 seconds if you blast their face and 2.75 seconds directly shooting their body of course this is as long as you don't get caught out by ranged attacks which is almost impossible to do whilst using this weapon The Shield Devastators will block the direct fire from the weapon but will still be afflicted by fire this will not save you though if you're out in front of them as it's going to take approximately 8. 2 5 Seconds to take them down with fire Affliction tanks will absolutely laugh in your face if you attempt to burn them from anywhere but their vents this makes soloing the anti- heavy tanks hard yet doable but the AA tanks impossible as they just turn too quickly if you manage to get a hold of the vent you're going to need a solid 10 seconds to burn through one which is a horrid State of Affairs tanks also do not take any fire Affliction from what I could observe so that doesn't help in the slightest and just the top it all are if you get on top to kill the vents you risk being sent to the moon for your efforts and now the all Incredible Hulks yeah the flamethrower does zero damage nada nothing you can dump as much fire into the front or back as you want they'll not feel a thing and you'll be wasting your time completely I'm not sure this is a bug or not but they're literally imperious to fire so best of luck to you diaper what you have to remember after all of this is using the flamethrower puts you in a very low mobile and vulnerable state where you're likely just going to be peppered from a distance before you pull off any reasonable damage to the things that will take it it's honestly not worth your time here's the time to kill chart regardless Troopers Scout Striders and Devastators if you can get to them safely will all die very easily every everything else is either a chure or just invulnerable to the damage so it's safe to say you should probably not take it into automatons unless you're a full-on pyromaniac here's both charts for your enjoyment drop a subscribe if you enjoyed this video and let me know in the comments which other weapons you would like covered in this way for now I'll see you in the next video a
Channel: The Wile Spice
Views: 63,688
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Keywords: FPS, Gaming, Gaming video, helldivers 2, helldivers, Arrowhead
Id: _RxaXbVrI8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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