Ranking Every Primary Weapon in Helldivers 2 | Insightful Gaming

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Welcome back Divers, recent updates in Helldivers has shaken up the primary weapons. It's been a rollercoaster folks, some favourites like the Breaker got hit with the Nerf Bat hard, while others, like the Punisher, have been buffed up and are now packing a serious punch. Plus, we've got a new kid on the block, the Sickle, adding even more spice to the mix. After clocking in almost 200 hours in this game, I was curious to see how these changes have shuffled the deck for primary weapons. And let me tell you, I was in for a few surprises. What I initially pegged as a B tier weapon totally blew my expectations out of the water. Trust me, it might surprise you too. Here at Insightful Gaming, we're all about arming you with the knowledge and strategies you need to spread the democracy. If you found this helpful, do me a solid and hit that like button and subscribe for more Helldivers content. Let's dive into it. Alright, let's jump right in with the Liberator, your very first assault rifle in the game. This rifle's like the dark horse of the starting lineup. Not flashy, but no major downsides either. It's the perfect partner for taking down those smaller annoyances. It's the just right of starting weapons, not going to blow your mind with damage, but it'll get the job done and leave you feeling pretty good about it. Ammo's plentiful and the rate of fire is spot on for keeping those pesky enemies at a comfortable distance. Firing this baby is a blast, and the reload is smooth as butter. Whether you're dealing with bots or bugs, the Liberator stands its ground. So I'm giving it a solid B tier rating. It's the reliable, steady choice that might not be the centre of attention, but definitely deserves a spot in your arsenal. You know what makes it even cooler? Teaming it up with a flamethrower for those bug battles. The combo is like peanut butter and jelly perfect together. Next, let's chat about the Knight SMG, your go-to for those up close and personal battles. Firing this baby is like hitting the turbo button. It's super fast, a tad wild to handle, but oh so satisfying. Every time you pull the trigger, it's not just about the bullets, it's about that heart-pumping sound that makes every shot feel epic. Now, diving a bit deeper, the Knight really finds its home in the close to mid-range fights. But let's be honest, when we're talking sheer damage, it's not exactly leading the charge. The power's a bit on the lighter side, and this thing has a hunger for ammo that's hard to satisfy. And the recoil? It's like trying to hold onto a bucking bronco. I'm giving it a solid C tier. It definitely has its moments of glory, making it a fun pick now and then. But when it comes to finding that reliable buddy in your arsenal, the Knight might not be the first weapon you grab. Alright, let's shift gears and dive into the explosive world of the Liberator Concussive. Think of it as the rebellious member of the explosive auto-rifle family. While it shares the name with its kin, the standard Liberator and the Liberator Penetrator, it's a whole different beast. Its fire rate is half, the recoil is 52% more than Penetrator and an eye-watering 93% more than the standard Liberator. Plus comes with a lot small magazine size. Its only benefit is that it does a small amount of pushback to the enemies. However, reality check, both its damage output and the pushback it offers are on the milder side. So where does that leave us? After taking it for a spin, I'm landing it in the D tier. Whether you're up against bugs or robots, it struggles to pack that fulfilling punch you're craving. Switching gears, let's talk about the Breaker Spray and Prey, the shotgun with insane ammo capacity. This beast allows you to let loose on bug swarms with a relentless volley of lead. It's your best friend for clearing out those lesser threats – hunters, scavengers, warriors or raiders. Even the bigger, squishier enemies like spewers and brood commanders can be taken down without breaking a sweat. They just require more bullets. Now, what really makes the Spray and Pray stand out from the standard breaker is its shot spread. This shotgun doesn't just hit a target, it covers an area, making it perfect for swarms of bugs. Its wider spread means it's less effective at medium range, as many of the pellets might not hit their intended target. it. With this in mind, I'm placing it in the C tier. It's fantastic for dealing with bugs but struggles against robots. Alright, shifting gears to a real game changer in our arsenal, the Jar Dominator. This piece of explosive wizardry stands alone in its category for now. Packing a punch that can only be described as colossal, it hits like a freight train where it counts. Whether you're facing off against the relentless warriors, sneaky stalkers, daunting brood commanders or the vile Bile Spewers, a few well-placed shots from the Jar Dominator can lay them to rest. However, it's not all smooth sailing. The Jar Dominator comes with its own beast of a recoil, making it a wild ride every time you pull the trigger. Plus, its appetite for ammo can leave you in a tight spot if you're not careful. For its sheer power and a few quirks, I'm slotting it into the B tier. It's a force to be reckoned with, especially when you play to its strengths. Switching tracks, let's dive into the Scythe, a laser gun that brings a whole new meaning to managing your heat. Instead of traditional ammo, this gun heats up as you fire. Push it too hard and you'll be swapping heatsinks faster than you can blink. But if you ease off the trigger just before it hits the red zone, you can let it cool down all by itself, giving you what feels like an infinite ammo cheat code. Sounds pretty nifty, doesn't it? But hold up, because it's not all roses. When it comes to dishing out damage, the Scythe is a bit behind the curve, especially when you stack it up against other primary weapons. To really get the most out of it, you're looking at teaming it up with a Guard Dog Rover, Laser Pistol and maybe packing a Laser Cannon for dealing with medium armour enemies. But let's be real, that's pretty much where the thrill ends. It's clear the Scythe falls short, landing it in the F tier. It's a weapon that's just begging for a buff to truly stand out and carve its niche. Shifting gears, let's dive into a weapon that might just redefine the meaning of disappointment in our gaming saga. The Diligence Counter Sniper. A weapon that not only fails to elevate your game, but actually throws in a few hurdles along the way. Yep, that's what we've got on our hands. It comes with very little ammo in a magazine compared to vanilla Diligence rifle, and only has little bit less damage than the Diligence. Overall, it is the worst version of Diligence. This weapon is practically on its knees, pleading for a buff, whether that's a damage increase or more ammo. As things stand, it's not doing anyone any favours against robots or bugs, firmly placing itself in the F tier. So unless you're looking for an extra dose of frustration, it might be wise to give the Diligence Counter Sniper a wide berth. Now let's shift our focus to the Liberator Penetrator, the assault rifle that's a real game changer when you're up against anything sporting medium armour. You're armed with 10 magazines and each one is brimming with 30 rounds. When you let loose with this rifle, it feels like a celebration. Each shot a mini explosion of victory. It doesn't matter if your targets are bugs or robots, if they're rocking medium armour, the Liberator Penetrator treats them like paper. However, it's not all smooth sailing. While it absolutely excels at shredding through medium armoured enemies, it's also kind of a glutton for ammunition. You might catch yourself emptying an entire magazine just to take down two or three of the tougher customers. But toss in a flamethrower for a bit of variety and you've got a combo that's as effective as it is entertaining. Taking everything into account, I've got to place the Liberator Penetrator comfortably in the B tier. Switching gears, let's dive into the world of the Arc Blitzer. This beast boasts unlimited ammo, which sounds like a dream come true, right? But here's where the dream hits a bit of a snag. The developers dialed its fire rate down to a crawl, arguably the slowest in the game. To be honest, it can feel like you're trying to run through mud. It kind of bogs down the whole combat experience. The damage with Arc Blitzer is monumental. It can easily take out Broodmothers or Brood Commanders. However, there's a catch, and it's not a small one, the consistency of the Arc Blitzer is like a roller coaster. It has moments where it shines brilliantly and then others where it leaves you hanging. Taking it all into account, the Arc Blitzer finds itself in the C tier for me. Now, let's shift our focus to a real standout in our armoury, the Punisher Plasma. Hot on the heels of the Scorcher, the Punisher Plasma adds another layer of explosive firepower to our line-up. The blasts from this beauty have a broad radius, decimating groups of non-armoured enemies in a single, satisfying hit. Facing off against the bugs, the Punisher Plasma shifts the tide of battle in your favour. Whether it's Scavengers or Hunters, a single shot ensures they won't be bothering you again. Warriors or Stalkers might demand a bit more firepower, around 2-3 shots. Then there are the Chargers, a few targeted hits and they're out of the fight for good. The Punisher Plasma holds its own against the Robotic Menace too, tackling everything up to Devastators without breaking a sweat. Wrapping it up, I'm slotting the Punisher Plasma into the B tier. This ranking isn't just about its raw destructive power, it's about the flair with which it delivers that power. Alright, let's take a moment to talk about the story of the Breaker shotgun. There was once a time when the Breaker was the king of the hill. This shotgun, perfect for close combat, had the rare ability to pick off enemies from afar, making it feel like you had superhero powers in your hands. Its damage was off the charts and made you feel unbeatable. Then, the unthinkable happened. The Nerf Hammer came swinging down, targeting the Breaker with a vengeance. The magazine size, already a pain point, got slashed even further, and the recoil got cranked up to 11. The damage is still there, sure, keeping the Breaker in the game for many players. It's a head-scratcher really, why the devs would zero in on the Breaker, a weapon that had found a sweet spot in terms of balance, especially when there were so many calls for buffing other weapons. Despite the nerfs, I'm giving the Breaker a B tier rating. It's not the Titan it used to be. Switching gears, let's dive into the fiery depths with the Breaker Incendiary. This is your classic fire shotgun, but with a twist that turns the heat up on your enemies. This shotgun isn't just about setting targets on fire, it brings a whole lot more to the table. The reload speed is surprisingly quick, keeping you in the action without any lulls. And when it comes to damage, it delivers, letting you clear out enemies efficiently. Its performance against bugs is where it truly shines, making it a bug exterminator's dream. And let's talk about the recoil, or rather, the lack of it. It's so smooth, you might forget you're firing a shotgun. While the incendiary effect might not change the game on its own, it's a welcomed addition to its arsenal of features. Taking all of this into account, the Breaker Incendiary lands a well-deserved spot in the A tier for me. It's not just the damage it deals, it's the overall feel of the weapon that makes it a standout choice. Now, let's shift our attention to a personal favourite of mine, the Diligence. It's a DMR-style weapon that sacrifices fire rate for an impressive boost in range and damage. This beauty holds 20 rounds in each magazine and boasts an incredibly sharp scope. It's accuracy is unparalleled, turning it into a formidable adversary against robots. And the bang for your buck with each magazine is unmatched. When you stack it up against the Liberator, the Diligence clearly pulls ahead. It's ability to engage enemies from a distance gives you an advantage that can feel almost too powerful at times. You'll be picking off patrols before they even have a chance to react. For these reasons, I'm confidently placing the Diligence in the A tier. It's not just about the damage or the range, it's about how empowering it feels to land those distant precise shots. Alright, let's talk about the king of crowd control in Helldivers 2, the Punisher. After a recent update, this beast got a sweet buff to ammo capacity, and the damage per shot was also increased. Punisher now sits at the top of the charts for the highest damage per shot among primary weapons. Ants, when you shoot this, you can feel how strong it is, taking down medium armoured targets with ease. It is very strong in close range, but it is very slow. The big plus is that it doesn't just stagger enemies, it physically pushes them back, opening up the battlefield and letting you advance more aggressively. It's great against bugs, while not as effective against bots. All things considered, the strong damage and crowd control makes Punisher a solid A tier from me. Let's talk about the Slugger, which is a Punisher's sibling. They're so similar in many ways, but with a couple of key differences that really set the Slugger apart. First off, while it might seem like it packs less punch than the Punisher, don't let that fool you. It hits with some serious force. The Slugger's motto could easily be Go Big or Go Home, with its ability to blast big holes through big targets. This beast fires slug rounds that don't just knock down enemies, they obliterate them. It's fantastic against both bots and bugs, boasting a more precise range than the Punisher. Whether you're dealing with Brood Commanders on the bug side or Devastators among the robots, the Slugger's got your back. In my book, the Slugger isn't just any weapon, it's an S-tier powerhouse. It's all about delivering that high impact, satisfying gameplay, making it a must have for any serious Helldivers arsenal. So let's switch gears and dive into the Defender, arguably the best SMG in the game. It has an insane ammo capacity, range that rivals sniper rifles, very good damage and recoil so smooth you'll feel like you're shooting a breeze. You can even tag team it with a ballistic shield since Defender is a one handed weapon. Again, against the bugs, the Defender operates with lethal efficiency. Whether you're up against Hunters, Warriors or Bile Spewers, it's all in a day's work for this SMG. And let's not overlook its performance against Robots, where it continues to stand tall as an all-rounder. In my eyes, the Defender secures its spot firmly in the A-Tier and very close to being an S-Tier weapon. Now let's shift focus to a game-changer in our weapon line-up, the Sickle. This weapon practically offers unlimited ammo, thanks to its heat-based operation. Also, it has an amazing scope, truly the best you'll find in the game. It offers clarity and precision for those long-range shots, and honestly, it's the only scope that feels like it was made for serious aiming. But the Sickle isn't just a pretty face. This weapon has high damage output, lightning -fast fire rate, jaw-dropping range, and very quick reload time. And recoil? It's as if it doesn't know the meaning of the word. This weapon does even better on colder planets, cutting down bugs with ease. Whether it's hunters, warriors, stalkers, devastators, or berserkers, the Sickle handles them all without breaking a sweat. Wrapping up, the Sickle is an S-tier weapon through and through, offering a blend of power, fun, and versatility that's hard to beat. Switching gears, let's shine a spotlight on the Scorcher, arguably the masterpiece among primary weapons in the game. This powerhouse marries the long reach of a sniper with the devastating impact of a plasma shotgun, ensuring each shot lands with a boom. When it comes to bugs, the Scorcher reigns supreme, effortlessly dispatching hunters, warriors, stalkers and even the formidable Brood Commanders. And it doesn't stop there. Robots find themselves outmatched too, with devastators alongside walkers that crumble with just a couple of shots. Yet, wielding such power comes with its risks. The Scorcher's mighty explosions can backfire and can kill you, turning its strength into a potential pitfall. But let's not dwell on the negatives too much. Given its exceptional capabilities and surgical precision, the Scorcher secures a well deserved S-tier spot. Alright folks, that's a wrap for today. I've gotta say, creating this video was an absolute blast and a nice change of pace from what I usually do. I'm super curious to hear your thoughts on the primary weapons we covered, are you nodding along or do you have a different take? Drop your thoughts in the comments, I'd love to hear them. If this video hit the spot for you or you just had a good time watching, do me a solid and smash that like button. Until our paths cross again, I am wishing you an incredible week. See you in the next video.
Channel: Insightful Gaming
Views: 83,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Insightful Gaming, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 game, ign, helldivers, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 details, ps5, Stratagems Helldivers, Hell divers 2 build, liberator penetrator helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tier list weapons, helldivers 2 primary weapon tier list, Best weapons in Helldivers 2, Ranking Every Primary Weapon in Helldivers 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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