A $20,000 Puzzle Box! (One of a kind)

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- After the pandemic, people started seeing these ships. We don't know what they want, we do know they look exactly like us. (glitch sound effect) I boarded one of their ships. I'm in the cargo space right now, I found, I don't know what it is, I don't know what it does but I'm sending it back in time to you. I just need you to buy-- (intense music) (beeping) (voiceover) I boarded one of their ships. I'm in the cargo space right now. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it does, but I'm sending it back in time to you. Good morning! Hello? Hello? What is this? (distorted) I boarded one of their ships. I'm in the cargo space right now. I don't know what it is. It's a box, I don't know what it does, but I'm sending it back in time to you. (murmurs) Don't tamper with it, we don't know what it does yet. I just need you to buy us a little bit of time. What the hell is going on? What was that? That was me. Huh? Did he say he wanted me to turn it on? I think he did. What's up guys? Welcome back! Super special video today. I've been teasing this throughout the YouTube platform for a couple weeks now. Special thanks to Mr. Puzzle, Pete McKinnon, EXCESSORIZE ME. and Andrei Jikh, for also including some of those glitches into their videos. They've all been leading up to this. This ladies and gentlemen, what you're looking at right now, is a puzzle that ran me about $20,000. I'm crying on the inside. Really hoping this video gets to trending, so if you wanna leave a comment, a like and then maybe create twenty other accounts that you could like this video, that would be much appreciated. This is made by a team in France called LABSTERIUM. I hit them up, I saw them on Instagram. They build props for Escape Rooms. The message I think I sent them was a puzzle that looks like it came off a spaceship and they delivered, look at this thing. This is just beautiful, weighs about fifty pounds. It's made of metal plastic and wood. This is completely custom. This is one of a kind. We have to help the future me apparently, he sent this back in time. Although, he says not to tamper with it, that would be, that wouldn't be a very fun video now would it? We're obviously gonna tamper with it. So without any further ado guys, let's just get into solving it, let's go! All right, here we go. We're gonna turn it on for the first time. (beeping) Please enter initial sequence, initialization sequence, by the way those sounds are coming from this box. I didn't add those in. How do we do that? We got a screen here. What are these things? These things are probably what's on the side here. See these buttons? We have (clicking) I pressed the buttons and nothing happened. Is the orientation right? This one, this one and this one. So maybe, I have to press them, maybe I gotta press them at the same time? What does that mean? So, this one, this one, this one? That one, that one, this one and this one? (beeping) Analyzing for fingerprints. Match found. Welcome Chris, initialization authorized. Please launch activation sequence. Okay. What's, okay. (clicking) So there's buttons lighting up here. One, two, three. (clicking) Oh, one, two. Oops, this one (murmurs) One, two, three. Okay. Oh, these one's lighting up now. Oh, one, two, three. Now, one, two, three. Did I get that right? Maybe not. One, two One, two? Did I miss one? Oh, one, two, three. Wait, one, two, three. Then I have to hurry up and look at the other side. One, two, three and then bottom one, top one, middle one, bottom one. (clicking) (beeping) Whoa! This just went (mimics beeping) and it opened up. What? Activation okay, please restore energy levels. You gotta be kidding me. This is amazing! Okay so on this side, I'm gonna have to turn this around. This is completely amazing, oh my God. Be very careful, it's actually plugged in so I can't actually unplug it here. Oh! This also came out? I feel? Oh, this is coming out here. There's like a, oh there's a mirror! There's a mirror that came out here. I'm not sure what that is. All right. So, we're gonna turn this around so you guys can see. I'm gonna move around to this side. You've got these cables here. They have, actually different lengths, I believe it looks like. Is there anything that can help me here? Maybe these flashing lights are an indicator of something? Okay, we have colors going through here. I don't know if that's just apart of the prop. So the symbols here, this one, I think the symbols are maybe similar? Are there similar symbols? Doesn't look like it, it looks like they're all kinda different. Well how do I know what goes where? Trial and error? I mean, I'm guessing here. Oh wait, this one's longer. These five, probably fit here. We have an extra cable. This mirror comes out. Why does that come out? What do we need this for? What do we need this mirror for? Maybe something's written backwards? No. Maybe it's to peek underneath? Screw here? Okay, I don't know what to do. Please restore energy levels. How are we gonna do that? How are we gonna restore energy levels? Oh, these can screw in? So this mirror comes into play somehow. I don't know how. I don't know why. Why would this mirror come into play? Does this fit in here? Boom, it does. But for no reason. Maybe it actually goes in somewhere else? Maybe I gotta put it in backwards? That's definitely not a fit. So we have an extra cable, I don't know why we have an extra cable. We have all these. So maybe there's a clue somewhere? All these cables, they're all there except the purple one and the black one. So you have the blue, green, are those just decorative or are they made-- Okay so, oh. This is power and this is lighting. I'm thinking these lights will indicate when I've done something correctly? Maybe red for power. Lights are still flashing the same. Probably just trial and error. There are five lights. There are five lights. I don't know, I'm just kinda going off with my gut here. This one here, we've tried (murmurs) I'm hoping to see something change, either on the screen or with these lights. Man, I don't know, I'm stumped. What is this mirror for? This goes blue, down and then there's, okay so maybe we'll follow this pattern here where the first one here is blue, then it goes down to blue. Anything happening with the lights? Man oh man! The thing is, it's not giving me any indication here of anything really. Those are strictly for show, I don't think they're clues, but I could be wrong. These lights are definitely off now. Nothing is happening on the screen. There's a black wire here too. A purple one. Is there another, there's gotta be another plug somewhere for that last, oh there is one. Right here, where do I plug that into? Where do I plug that into? Maybe the power one? No. Again maybe, I'm thinking the mirror might show me a hidden plug somewhere? Let's take a gander here. We're gonna go around this thing with the mirror. I was told not to lift this thing up, so it's gonna stay where it is. Why is this plug allowing me to plug in here? Where does it go? There does not seem to be any other place for this. Those lights are still kinda flashing normally. Gotta give me some type of clue here. Wait maybe something's backwards here? (murmurs) A, B, 0, 1, 2 Okay, what we're gonna do is we're gonna plug this in every single option and I'm gonna stare at these lights to see if they change. (mysterious music) Yeah, this gives me no information. I don't like that. I don't like that at all. That's not cool. This cable is longer for a reason, I do believe it has to be plugged in somewhere. These levels as well seem redundant and they don't seem to serve any purpose other than just aesthetics. Activation, okay please restore energy levels, why are the energy levels low? How can I do that? Here we have energy. Maybe it has something to do with the symbols. Maybe the symbols fit within one another somehow. We've got cables here as well, green, yellow and black. The black seems to be going this way, I don't know if these are just aesthetic or if, cause it has all the same colors as the wires are all found in these little window panes throughout. Maybe there's something I'm missing, maybe that mirror. See, this thing seems to move right here. There's gotta be some piece here. So this is, yeah that's locked in there now isn't it? Okay, hope I didn't screw that up. What if I use this, no. There's a button here, I don't know if I'm breaking it. Whoa, that's weird. These middle buttons, I felt since the beginning that these buttons here? I could press and they have a spring. This one is empty, it's like it's broken. So I knew something was up there. Either it was unfinished or there was a reason. Okay so this one has a rod. You can have a look here. So, that's what's going on. One of them is full and one of them has an opening. On the inside, this one has a bunch of magnets. On the inside of this one? There is a place, what looks to be a place that I could put a jack in and I'm thinking, see that definitely fits in there, but how would that work? It looks like there's a place for a cable in that one too. I can't get the cable in cause there's magnets surrounding it. This hole looks bigger though. We are plugged in. Does this plug in here? I think it has to go in-or maybe it has to go in here? Why? I don't understand. Okay, we're onto something here though. We're definitely on to something. That might not actually need to fit into here. Why would there be a hole in that and not in the other one? Nothing. Here? Nothing. Nothing. Maybe I'm wrong. These magnets are opposite each other. All we need to do is find out where this plugs into. Correct? That would make so much sense if it was like, if that was a button? That would make absolute sense. But that's not a power supply. This needs to go into some sort of power supply. Why would it have a hole there? I'm legit stumped. I'm glad we found this extra thing. Where does this plug into? Okay so, what we're gonna do is we're gonna figure out the wire situation here cause we do have that black wire. I'm gonna plug these in according to this little diagram here. Doesn't go into here, for sure doesn't go into here cause that's a super tight fit. There's no connector. It's just an empty hole. I need these power levels on baby, let's go! Disappointing. The pattern on the lights go, 1, 4, 2, 5, 3. Maybe this goes, 1, 4, that would be here, 1, 4. This would be two. This would be five. Then this would be three. Nothing and that's plugged in over here? That's plugged in over here securely. Okay, they gave us a mirror, oh! It's upside down. That's why there's a mirror. So this would be the top one. So this would be one, this would be four. This would be two, this has to be it. 1, 4, 2, 5 and 3. (beeping) Thank you Chris, the bomb is now fully activated, what? Dead mission will occur in twenty minutes! Please enjoy this short, but fun time together. I will love you for the rest of my life. What is happening? Okay, hold on a second here. I just activated a bomb. Oh, that's why I told me not to touch it. It's literally counting down twenty minutes, here we go. What do I do? What do I do? Oh, there's a button here. It's lighting up. I'm following the sequence of the buttons. I don't know if this is what I'm supposed to do. I could be doing this for twenty minutes for all I know. This is insane by the way. I'm freaking out. Okay, why is this doing this? Are these buttons flashing here? No. These ones are flashing, they're flashing the pattern. I'm seeing if the pattern's gonna cycle back. I know what the original-the one that went like this. So, I'm seeing if this pattern reoccurs, then it's in a cycle. Do you have to put this back? I don't know what to do. What do I do? That'll teach me to forget the timer. There's sixteen minutes left. What is happening? What do I do? Doesn't seem to be a pattern. I'm gonna get a piece of paper and a pen. So that'll be, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. So we got one, three-- Okay, clearly this makes no sense. I'm not gonna waste all my time on this. I gotta figure something out. I can press these, I'll give another one minute on this before I move on. (clicking) It's like Whack-a-Mole. This is intense man, I did not expect this at all. Maybe I have to do whatever this is on this side. But mirrored. It's a risk here. Oh it was green! Okay hold on. Got it. Had to be faster. Got it. (beeping) (exclaims) Oh Chris, why are you so mean? Don't you wanna stay with me forever? Okay, gotta keep going. Boom, got it. Boom, got it. Got it whoops. No! This is really hard. What if I just look at it? Cause it would be the opposite wouldn't it? Yeah no that's way too hard Jesus. It's really difficult cause they speed up. (beeping) Okay Chris, you win. Do what you want with me. We would've been so happy. Oh my God, this thing is creepy. Was that it? I gotta keep going? Okay, I'm doing what I want with you. Why aren't you flashing anymore? What can I do? Oh, it says "bomb's inactive." Bomb's inactive, that's good. Do I have to wait another ten minutes? Whoa that was intense! What do I do? Do I unplug the bomb at this point? I don't know what to do but I have seven minutes to figure it out. I need to know. There's gotta be something more. Do I just wait out the timer? Do I wait out the timer? What would you guys do right now? Would you wait? What would you do? Cause there's nothing else to do. Do I put this back? I think I'm just gonna FaceTime him real quick. Okay timer's ticking. - [Man On FaceTime] Okay. - But the bomb's inactive. - Okay. - Is it normal? - (speaks in French) - Okay, you win. Do what you want with me, we would've been so happy. - (speaks in French) - Okay. - (speaks in French) - Okay - (speaks in French) - Okay, merci. So, I just called the boys over LABSTERIUM I've got one action left to do. Okay. Two minutes, two minutes left. I'm kinda freaking out. He says one more step. Do what you want with me. What I want is for you to stop moving. What if I just turned it off? (clicks) Did you hear that? (gasps) Oh my God. Look at that! Yes! Look at what they engraved underneath! How dope is that? Are you kidding me? This is the dopest of dope puzzle. This is the world's best puzzle. 100% hands down! They gave me a deck here, look at that deck. My heart is beating out of my chest right now. So stressed out and relieved and oh my God, amazed. How cool is that puzzle? This is the sickest thing ever! Every other puzzle I'm gonna solve from now on is gonna suck, let's be honest. LABSTERIUM, you guys are absolutely insane. Best of an Escape Room, mixed with a puzzle and technology and even this part where I had to do it quickly cause it wasn't even following a pattern, I had to do it quickly with a mirror. How cool is that, that they thought of that? Then this came out and I had to use it for the wires and wow! Blown out of the water, this is insane. What's the total solve time? Probably two hours? Three hours? Two, three hours? Wow. All right guys, where's my hat? Hot dang! I'm kind of bewildered and blown away. I kind of really wanna put this together and solve it again just because it was so amazing. If you enjoyed this video, if you didn't enjoy this video, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe I should find another profession cause this is the epitome of puzzles here. You're not gonna get a better puzzle on the internet. Thanks for watching, thanks for everything guys. Don't forget to like, subscribe, comment below what your favorite part, action was in this entire thing and I guess I'll see you in the next video. Peace.
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 5,166,215
Rating: 4.9177852 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, hardest puzzle, puzzle box, puzzle solving, impossible puzzle, 20000 puzzle, expensive puzze, puzzle master, mr puzzle, solved, solution, puzzle solution
Id: 1379SkZUx3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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