Asmongold Hosts FIRST EVER FFXIV Transmog Competition | ft. Zepla & Rich

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this is the first ever final fantasy transmog competition now those of you who have been invited have been lucky enough to click the join group button faster than everybody else that means that i expect to have everybody here with some of the coolest and most badass armor on and we will soon be doing a dark knight only transmog competition so i can steal the best transmog in there and pretend like it was mine let's start right now with zeppo's transmog oh what wait what yeah what what what what what what [Music] what what's wrong what what's that so so can you explain what you're trying to do here um um i was uh oh [ __ ] man rich what are you laughing where's rich where's the rich yeah what is this you know what rich looks like rich looks like his parents live in a goddamn trailer and are obsessed with elvis and they dress them up like elvis for kindergarten check this out what wow that's cool like you're actually little elvis oh my god say what jojo jojo okay short yeah that's fine with me all right let's see what else we've got so first one which one do you want to start with you can pick the one that we start with uh the one i'm standing in front of right now okay the beefy boy all right so he's got that axe right there the helmet so this is like more of a primal warrior transmog this is a it's not an x then why does it look like an axe oh it doesn't it doesn't that's crazy you should know that you're that is so he's a lancer he's a dragoon yeah he's a very good yeah okay wow all right so that that looks decent i would say this is an okay looking set this is like a beast tribe transmog now from your expert opinion is this actually just a full set yeah um is he a cheating ass [ __ ] no because the chess p the chess piece is not the chess piece is from a summer event okay yeah this is not just a full set what about like there's definitely thought that went into this what's up what about the entire rest of the set i don't think any of these pieces go together i mean he's wearing a bib and a loin cloth yeah all the pieces are different they're all from different sets seriously yes which is actually really impressive holy [ __ ] what's this earring transmog wait you can actually have earring transmog so it's a joke yeah you can't wait he actually has matching earring transmogs for his character holy [ __ ] this guy's serious yeah oh my god very prepared wow all right you know what for our first ever one this is impressive i actually really like this one a lot the dragoon and where does this weapon come from uh suzaku i think you haven't gotten there yet okay all right storm blood trout okay so that's gonna happen probably in like five years whenever i get there that's okay yeah yeah great okay so this guy does look pretty [ __ ] good i would say this guy looks great i like him a lot what do you think do you have any any feedback for him feedback i think that um hey could jump it around i can't see it um i think that this works really well mostly because it's a roth car and i think the colors just match really well with the fur collar and everything like if you were not a roth guard and you did not have this fur pattern on the top it wouldn't work as well so if he was a lala fell he'd look like an idiot yeah hey no i'm talking about i agree with that i completely agree with that it's very true absolutely i think he's playing to his strengths here yeah it's cool i like i'm really happy actually don't have anything negative beastly ferocious dangerous matching very well even though all the pieces are from different places congratulations man this is a great looking set all right let's go to the next one give me one second i'm not used to all this all right the next person phantasma jones star okay so we have ourselves a dark knight here now i'm gonna be honest i think this set sucks i do i think that it sucks and you know why it sucks those leggings right there if i if i these are the same leggings from odin i'm 90 sure those are the same leggings those are the dark divinity leggings aren't they let me see here you can check i can check i'm going to check right now there it is see i'm get i'm i'm going to learn these and this looks like absolute dog [ __ ] because look at the helmet like this honestly looks like a this looks like an offshoot of power rangers that didn't even make it to nickelodeon this is terrible the only thing that's cool about this is the fact that it's a dark knight go ahead it's from ff12 yeah that's the uh that's the inspiration for it but it kind of i mean i don't really like it either and that's because i feel like the boots don't match on the breasts like the boots in the yeah the legs don't match the rest well like if you look at the legs the legs are like solid these are like leggings that were forged in like a norse anvil right these are like you know odin's leggings and then this armor is like way more ornate way more elaborate way more regal it just doesn't really work together man okay okay i think it looks good from behind let me see that's very good you guys are being you guys are being polygon count and these i'm going to give the guy a little bit of a break all right clearly what joestar here yes fantastic name by the way what joestar is trying to accomplish new world is coming out soon so he's trying to cap capture the leveling experience of new world this is a new world starting set it's very thematic well done joe star very kindly brave say what he was doing with his set you know if this was actually a new world set this would be one of the really shitty looking sets that they added to the store to try to convince people that they're not going to add a bunch of boosts and [ __ ] later on and make them still buy the game rich how can you even rate a set when you're over there with your butt in the air like you're not even looking at a set your face probably he's sitting there watching my stream that's what he does i i picked i picked my favorite and then i offered myself to do uh gallus asunder okay all right that's fine all right this is a decent yeah this is a decent looking set i think it's okay but it just could be way better in terms of like the uh the leggings and the boots everything else is all right let's go to the next one soon so we have i think it's like uh 09 tails okay so we have ourselves so rich and i have a dungeons and dragons campaign and rich's rich's main quest is to summon the hottest succubus possible and that's literally the only thing his character wants to do i think that this is basically what rich's goal is let's be honest rich am i am i right yeah yeah wait really quick yeah just so you know how right you are look at the tail what the [ __ ] that's thick that is look at the girth oh my god fully functional appendage this is incredible all right all right so let's talk a little bit about the set so this is like kind of like a belly dancer type set i like this this is the kind of stuff that if you go to one of those like hipster clubs downtown you see a lot of people dressed like this whenever they want to pretend like they know a lot about fine art this is exactly the kind of stuff i've seen many many times in that exact place so you know what i'm okay with this i think you're giving it uh extra points because it's black and gold because it's black and gold the thing is it is black and gold and that does look good but is it my fault that there are certain colors that are just better than other colors yeah that's oh yeah i i guess yeah like yo all right it's fine okay i only have three words for this one which one classy i can see oh ratchet i give it a 10. out of what 10. oh okay all right all right i honestly i cannot say it any better than that i think rich jesus okay good job i'm proud of you the weapon looks good everything looks good colors fit together very well this is impressive let's go to the next one so this is rich's favorite this one right here this one this right here this is exactly so this is basically a tower knight transmog did you ever play demon souls zeppelin no sure played any of the dark souls names no okay no i uh before final super dana actually only played with warcraft okay so here's the thing and zeppelin you understand this because this is the sickness that plagues anyone who's ever played world of warcraft i don't know what's wrong with us but when we see big shoulder pads we cannot contain our excitement look at how big those shoulder pads are and they're spiky boys too this guy looks he looks like the guy from the alexander fight he does oh man he does he's beefy he's big he's got the big helmet look at that look he's got the beach what what the [ __ ] are those shoulders i actually really like this subtle lot okay this set looks cool he's he's playing a dark knight on top of that he's got solid black and gold armor and it reminds me of dark souls i think this is badass i really like this somebody says havel ban that idiot in chat he doesn't look anything [ __ ] like havel are you crazy or are you what what are you thinking man it's a full set wait a second it's a full set no it's not this is not a full set what do you mean so this guy's lying in my chat okay he's also using the odin gloves i like that that looks great this actually looks really badass this set makes me want to reroll the broth car it actually yeah that's a rock it's he's a row he's a daddy row okay all right all right i forgot which one is which i wrote again yeah i the hulk guys see i don't even know what their real names are i have no idea uh would you say that rowe gained some points in your mind now as a potential raise that's pretty good uh i wish roe did gain some points for me but it unfortunately has none so let's uh let let's go to the next one this one is [ __ ] amazing i love it it looks great what the [ __ ] is this what's with the face mask this is like what's with that like look at the mask this is worse than double masking he's got it over his entire face oh it's like in uh star wars when luke put the blinder on so he could hit the orbs better oh with the lightsaber i see to be in tune with the force yeah and she's a samurai isn't she and she's got one algon eye okay it's like a semi-awakened man gekko sharing god points for that all right it's not possible to have an elegant eye in the game because the eye color that represents the alligator eye is the red it's a shade of red that's not accessible to players so rich is wrong doesn't know anything about the game you should have known that rich everybody knows that everybody yeah everybody everybody knows that all right so let's see here i think this set looks okay like well we need the mask on is the mask part of the center uh i mean i think they can decide whichever one they want to do yeah okay it's part of the set that's fine so this isn't even a full set this way this is so crazy like every time i [ __ ] i i i do a wild transmog competition every [ __ ] time you know what happens i just have a bunch of goddamn clowns sitting around in full sets ever i'm not even kidding every single time they'll join up i i wouldn't have a term for them firelands and these with a full [ __ ] set of firearms everybody in here is actually coming here with the original sets of gear this is incredible this is awesome where does this sword come from this is amazing that's from an ultimate raid ucob wow yeah holy [ __ ] okay that looks really good yeah yeah i saw hassan's chat they were talking about that right a whole bunch oh i've heard about them they really yeah they love that raid they spam about it they want hassan to just clear it all day long a cob i like it it's kind of like um if alice in wonderland was a cyborg movie with the robots in it so a mix between star wars alice in wonderland and tron is that right okay yeah that's about right okay i thought so yeah this looks decent i like it it's actually very well done and i think obviously this isn't you know listen you guys got to understand this is why we have zeppelin rich in here for the more feminine things because the reality here is that whenever i see a big beefy dude with it wait you okay dude oh my god okay whenever i see a big beefy dude and he's got a big set of armor on and it looks like he works out you know and he's got a big sword oh man that's what i'm all about but every once in a while you can see a set like this that's you see a set like this that doesn't have it's it's not really just a big cop it looks good and i'm impressed by it this is decent yeah this is actually pretty decent i like it a lot this is great what's this here is that boy this person's copying you sam's copying you so say what it's a bun it's a bun okay all right uh look at these leggings this is the kind of stuff that i feel like would never fly in a blizzard game this is chainmail leggings that are actually just tights that have their heels as well like there is a zero percent chance this [ __ ] would ever be in a blizzard game let's [ __ ] be honest alright guys absolutely shameless a little bit true i love this bow this bow is badass i feel like this is a it's a nice looking set the colors are very well put together what do you guys think did everybody pick black and gold for their sets i didn't tell them to do that it's okay oh what is that better take it off please this is disgusting there we go look at the little claw toes on those heels okay let's see i feel like n p right now but it's really it's just got my attention i feel like for for me um the exciting thing about the vieira pants yeah and vieira's shoes yeah is the thong apart yes and we can't see the thong here because it's covered by the top so you think this is this set's a little bit too prudish it's like if you're gonna go with literal chain mail healed leggings and you're not showing a little bit more than just the one yeah just a little bit more this is kind of just it's not good enough yeah it just doesn't really one of my chad was like rich can see it just fine that's why i played the lollaball oh man is that right yeah i think it's right uh it definitely is okay let's go on to the next one here what the [ __ ] is this now i'm gonna be honest okay zeppo i know you don't like to be mean i'm gonna be mean this set looks like that you closed your eyes and you just randomly click through different items in your wardrobe and you said that's good like this is like i would say that you got dressed in a dark but you could literally feel how dumb that helmet looks before you put it on you've got a a gun belt full of shotguns for you to use in your crystals in your in your staff you've got a gandalf staff right there and you've got shotgun shells in there or maybe they're potions maybe actually they're potions they could probably be potions i think this is terrible i hate it honestly i agree it just looks like a mess i think that we were going somewhere with the gloves the cane and the helmet like that that was all a good basis yes but with the chest pieces a primal chieftain yes but with the chest piece and those shoes it's like a completely different vibe and i think it ruins it so it's like halfway there it's halfway there but the thing is like if you are halfway there [Music] you know he's living on a prayer and you know what jesus isn't real you [ __ ] lose [ __ ] going to the next one what the [ __ ] is this i'm gonna be honest i love this i think this is [ __ ] awesome it's it's like this is like a a saber-toothed tiger that lives on a spaceship you see what i'm saying i mean aren't they aren't they extinct uh yeah but it's final fantasy not final real world okay i was thinking might be more like like a white tiger because of the colors okay it's kind of like a white tiger i like this so is this actually a full set or is this like all legitimately like different pieces i think it's all different pieces if this is all different pieces this set is [ __ ] amazing i i love this this is absolutely so good wow this is like this is like if white power like the [ __ ] god damn it um if power rangers if the white power ranger white power ranger shut the [ __ ] up guys i swear to god if you equipped that and that goes on reddit i'm going to be so goddamn mad like you're going to get timed out for six years listen if if power rangers of the brighter pigment uh were to be if if they were to appeal to people above the ages of eight years old i feel like they would look a little bit like that this is bad ass i absolutely only the hat and the gloves share a set everything else is the hat and the gloves that's completely fine that's totally okay like i think this is an amazing looking piece of piece of gear rich what do you think you like this oh i was literally muted laughing at you sorry i didn't want to laugh uh so i was literally saying the the helm and the gloves the way that the wings complement each other even though the same set like really brings the entire piece i'm a huge fan of this one and uh the weapon too like usually i need particle effects you know i'm a sucker for the glowy boys like a real glowy stick but this one here like look at the the ornamentation and how it matches the detailing on the gloves like usually i'm just clowning around and i'm not saying serious stuff this might be the best set i've ever seen i think this is [ __ ] badass and the truth is like if this was an action figure at target i would cry to my mom and make her buy it for me this is great i love it great job fist bump that's right true and even the hands are cool that's badass all right let's go to the next one so we have a female dark knight [Music] that is true all right let me think i'm trying to decide how i feel about this because i've never seen a female dark knight before i've always seen like big beefy male dark knights and so this is actually kind of it's a wait it's a male wait that's not a male that's a girl man it is a male character because the way he's holding the sword only the male characters hold the sword like that oh my god man it got me too it actually got me through oh wow i was like i mean normally the boob part would be more pronounced you're fine you're fine tay i get [ __ ] for being short all the time too asmin has problems with height you're fine listen listen it what had nothing to do with that to be honest with you it had literally nothing to do with that um all right he's wearing okay okay all right listen the set it does fit very well together i think that the uh the sword obviously like the hilt of the sword and everything like that does look very great with the gloves the shoulders and the helmet there i love that and then even this like massive [ __ ] dick plate that you've got going on there that looks really good too i like this overall i actually think this looks quite good even the gloves look good everything about this i think fits very well together he does need to hit the gym that's true i don't like it you don't like it why not no i don't like it because i i think that it would look better on a female character because uh there's a part here on the chest where it's like the boobs should go there and without the boobs i feel like it's just like i was looking there's something missing i just don't like it as much on this frame and i also don't really like the helmet uh let's see the helmet i'm gonna just go ahead and zoom in a little bit more on the helmet and i can kind of see that there's a little bit of a it's like a little ram you know you want like a bowl you want like a steer you don't want so like the horns need to be bigger bigger horns bigger bigger a lot bigger okay all right that makes sense they they look fine i think that this transmog was very brave of them yeah good job all right let's go to the next one oh speaking of secure okay all right um he's got ourselves a lancer as well i keep saying that it's a dragoon so it's stupid wait what really why it's stupid oh never mind look at the dragon it's cool it's cool now okay yeah it's awesome okay you get points for the weapon you get points i think i actually do like the uh the kilt the chain kill i think it's cool uh but i don't think that it like works well with the top like it looks like the top should not go with it he looks he looks like an npc that's gonna ask you to do a very menial task ah traveler killed him yeah killed 10 wards yeah exactly with that weapon no way uh does not have main character energy i'm not trying to be mean it's just like it like this is the guy who needs help in the farm he's like oh no my farming equipment has gone awry i think he's helped me it's an okay what are you talking about he's got a huge huge spear he does have a huge spear but all the rest of the gear like look i mean he doesn't even have one of his eyes he already missed one of his eyes maybe that's why it doesn't match that well yeah maybe that's what it is so rich really thinks this sucks okay the best part is the celts and like if you take the particle effects off the weapon yeah and the particle effects don't particularly go with the weapon you know i i think one of the things that did go like kind of look cool with the weapon is when it almost looked like it was like poseidon's trident and i was like oh he's going for like a myrmidon gladiator theme i thought that that was pretty interesting but i don't really think the weapon goes with it i i think the character looks relatively weak although i do think that the dress kilt thing is kind of neat but yeah it looks all right yeah i think it's okay uh it's not amazing it's just an average looking set and um i do think that overall it's a unique vibe like i haven't seen anybody with this kind of a set like anywhere in the game before and i think for originality at least like it's not it's not awful right this is just like a solid i would say seven or an eight uh probably like i'd say a seven yeah yeah all right let's go to the next one okay this looks like somebody whose favorite book is catcher in the rye and i'm gonna be honest and i'm gonna be honest with you i had to read that book twice in school and i didn't read it either time you know why because it sucked just like you said this is [ __ ] terrible you look like an extra in scott pilgrim this is pathetic nobody wants to see this looks like you're about to sell me weed and i'm 12. i'm still formulating an opinion on this but i feel like i saw when we first got here i feel like he had on a different yet on another piece that was removed yeah he did he had something on his chest piece and he decided to take it off that way he could show off his tribal necklaces that he thought that he bought from like you know some like native american person but it actually was just from the thrift store for like three dollars and it just has a story about it oh yeah oh this is so much better this is really really cute yeah this lets everybody know that his uh he's my no really like i'm not wrong like these yeah he bought this [ __ ] in a gas station and he said he got it for saving saving like some drive or [ __ ] this is awful i cannot believe it this is the this is the worst thing about this is the fact that i know people that look like this in real life if it was a little bit more unrealistic i would prefer it but there is no rem there's no [ __ ] removal from reality here i am not about it man and you know what the worst thing about this whole thing is is the fact that he's probably a rich kid and this entire outfit cost him 150 for every single piece he looks like he's halfway done getting dressed to go snowboarding i haven't seen somebody wear that many bracelets since the last time i went in hassan streamed it looks like he's ready for burning man yeah that's exactly it this is awful okay this is i love this set i think it's great why because it's like uh well i think that the neck um it's like his grandmom knitted it right just like the beanie and this poor guy has to endure the insults of everybody around here who's like wearing all these cool armor but he wants to wear the beanie that his grandma knitted and he wants to wear the stupid ribbon that his grandma might want that doesn't i've seen minskip wear better outfits than this that's really bad rich you really sure you really you sure you're gonna say that yes jesus i'm sorry man but we really uh akashi mushai this is not it's not as good as it could be let's just say that it could be better it could be a lot better absolutely let's go to the next one lunar vessel all right so all right he's good at cleaning things up i can see that that's great so all right i'm gonna let you guys give your opinions first this time this is i think this set's [ __ ] cool okay i'm gonna be honest this is a bad badass big dick samurai set i think it's so cool with the big weapon everything about this is really really cool i love this with like the cossack on the full armor everything like that and this is uh it's not a um it's not a full set is it this is like a legit thing i think it is this is a legit thing yeah oh my god okay weapon doesn't match let's look at the weapon that's actually a good point let's look at the weapon guys i can see why people say that i can definitely see why people say that because it is red and the theme of the weapon is a little bit different it doesn't go that well at all it's too red yeah the red isn't really enforced anywhere else in this set except underneath this guy's armor here i feel like overall the armor does look good but the weapon is absolutely a weak spot i i totally agree the weapon is 100 a weak spot what do you guys think i don't like this at all i don't like this at all i just like i feel like it's it's like this thing that i often see guys do where they think it looks really good if they just dye all of the armor really bright metallic color because it's like it's eye-catching so we think that looks good but it doesn't like he keeps doing this yellow dye like paint emote because he's like oh my god rich what what i was just looking at the other oh man i just realized where the hell is he oh yeah so guys we just put this like metallic yellow armor a metallic hello dye all over their armor yeah you think that like that's the key to making it look like your shining gill pieces right okay all right wait oh and now i see him jesus it's just like a little lazy a little boring and uh what's with his chains in the back like is this handcuffs back here i think that's ready i think that's [ __ ] badass like if he's ready to scale up the side of a of a mountaintop or a building to get in there to steal a bunch of stuff yeah that's with the chains and handcuffs exactly yeah dog there's no yeah there's no handcuffs at all he's just going to work he's doing what he needs to do i think this is badass this is cool but the weapon is a little bit [ __ ] up i agree with it i don't like the skirt under it either really damn i think that's so cool all right let's go back to the other one okay okay okay so we have ourselves here uh we have ourselves fading hope which is exactly what i have for humanity right now um so i think that everybody knows what this is and i think that this sonic transmog this sonic glamour is worse than the original sonic fan art or the sonic uh cgi of the first movie before the entire internet complained and the company had to issue an apology and redo everything from the ground up i'm not gonna lie this is one of those transmogs that really let me know exactly where i am on the furry spectrum i want to say this so there are some things that i think that like if you play like let's say uh it's like like gender bending certain characters i think sonic is not a character that you gender bit it's the same as like how can you have a female mario this is the exact same way you're not going to have a few not remember about that do you not remember belzette finally finally a girl who's got to go fast just like me i'm a fan no no because bowsette's different because bowser is thick right like you look at bowser this is a big beefy man like bowser's probably got at least a 12-inch reptilian dick he's got his own he's basically got a snake hanging off there it's like an anaconda and meanwhile so like what's the female version of that well that's pretty interesting let's see what that has to show but this just looks like sonic the hedgehog like honestly you could go to a convention and see somebody dressed up like this it just reminds me that meme which one i put it in the discord so right now this is the situation that we're in uh we've got this person right here and we've got this person right here okay so let's just go ahead and zoom in a little bit and we'll see can you guys tell a difference between these two pictures here is this really is this really are are they different at all i think they're basically the same this is the exact same i'm sorry but this is basically uh it's it's awful this is disgusting it's the same picture look yeah it's the same thing exactly listen guys sonic the hedgehog is not dangerous at all okay i don't want to hear about it like the only one that was cool was knuckles sonic is a [ __ ] and everybody knows it let's go to the next one what the [ __ ] is this [Music] what the hell smurf okay all right let's talk about this so number one what jesus okay okay okay why is she so embarrassed you know why good the helmet and the helmet is the wrong color man it should be a white helmet with white gloves like you're trying to go with this black and white theme and i just don't think it has it man that's straight up the way i feel i don't think it has it and it's just a weird color and it's not it's like the leggings the lower leggings like if you want to have like the undergarments be a different color i think that's interesting but the helmet's not an undergarment that's a big ass [ __ ] thing on your head with these stupid-ass horns that don't look anything like the way they're supposed to yeah you know what you know what is cool though about this outfit how it almost looks like feathery like it's winged oh yeah that's awesome i think i think that's a really cool theme i actually think this one's pretty pretty original and cool yeah i agree i think it's like an will you be my angle or demon swarm you know we see the horns and we see like the bat wings and the angling was all there okay i can see that i can see that i mean the armor is can you take out your weapons so i think this looks badass i mean look at the armor right there the weapons those are cool but with the weapons out it does look a lot better definitely it looks way better with the weapons out uh the the like gloves with like the chest piece and everything like that that looks great but i just can't get over the helmet man i think the helmet just doesn't it this takes us out of the top three like 100 percent this is thinking that it looks worse with the weapon sound because there's already so much going on here like i think that the helmet is definitely way way too distracting and way too much but now with the weapons now also drawing a lot of attention away from the this core design i just think it's just so much going on you know what brother and plus the tail on top of it yeah the tail is just disgusting like nobody nobody wants that like i was thinking about this one right here and if you look at this like i follow a lot of uh uh cosplayers on like uh twitter and instagram and stuff like that i have seen something that looks like this too many [ __ ] times way too many [ __ ] times it's this looks like a this looks like a cosplay that you use and it's like it's like how to make a good cosplay for under 30 dollars it's like you've got a head did you see that there's actually a head there's a head oh the dragon on the back of it yeah i did see that that's [ __ ] awesome i love that that's really really cool it just i think it's the wrong color that's all there is to it i just think it's the wrong [ __ ] color uh too many competing yeah there's too much other crazy [ __ ] going on absolutely all right let's go to the next one okay is that it's like is this the guy that's gonna come out and fix my air conditioning or put up the drywall in my house like i think you'd be more likely to fix your car i mean i'm not you know i kind of like it now they're smiling oh it's kind of nice okay can you smile again though the smile yeah yeah that's great it was good so you want to throw it different if he's smiling yeah it just makes it really it's like we're gonna he's gonna come out he's gonna change the oil and then we're gonna have a little barbecue is that what they call it yeah that's great all right you know what i uh honestly this guy's been part of our uh discussion part of my uh my raiding family for a while oh [ __ ] it's your friend i know no no it's more okay i understand one thing look i i understand what what they're they're going for here and uh i will say not only do they look like yes i understand family but it looks like they have the potential to be an astronaut a substitute teacher a plumber they remind me of one of my favorite america american cinema stars of all time yeah very prolific actor and i think that the versatility of this glamour should be noted and points should be added i think that this looks great i think it's an amazing set it's original i haven't seen anybody that's dressed like this at all and the fact that they even have the name that fully commits to the old idea i think this is incredible and i feel like this is so that we've had a number of people is that boy have you have people been talking to you about some of the individuals that have been inside my parties before so no no that's probably a good thing so uh i have a very very pro big problem with uh reading i will read comments and read threads about myself and i'll read them on reddit i'll read them on 4chan i'll read them on twitter i'll read them everywhere and everybody has different opinions about the different players that are in my raids some people are just absolutely [ __ ] hated and other people are absolutely beloved like there's one person in here i'm not gonna say their name but they i think i think my stream likes this person more than they like me and it's really impressive and dominic here is another one people love him they think he's great i think this guy looks really good i do i think this is a great set everything about it fits together really well you've got obviously the meme as well and it's full devotion to it it's great i love it oh wow this is so edgy i love it this is great this is amazing i i like it a lot what do you guys think wow this this looks like some of the outfits that i saw when i was watching summit play star wars that's not necessarily a bad thing i i think this is one of my favorites so far i think this is also glass yeah i'm not surprised that you like this one man uh ah no it's malicious [Music] that was invaded i think this one's great i i like it better now oh crap went back i think they're both really good to be honest with you i i really do i think this is just amazing it's such a great set it's so well and like so well put together i think this is just absolutely incredible and like the armor on it and then the lack of armor as well i feel like both of those are really really good that right you can change your glamour in here how the heck she doing that wow i think this is good what do you guys think guys like it i think it looks great i like this one yeah i like the one i do too i think this is a great looking set i think it's very very well done uh i feel like it fits together in a lot of really really good ways oh but these pants oh yeah the pants are great the pants actually make your butt bigger it's the only pants in the game to do that yeah it's true it's true they changed their butt i am going to assume zeppelin that you actually know this for effect right like this is like i know this for a fact yeah okay all right i measured it man yeah all right so there we go and i could see obviously this definitely uh this is great yeah this is just this is a great set i feel like everything about this really fits together so well and i i love it yeah she does yeah this is what a what a great game what an absolutely amazing game this set man we've really got some uh we've really got some great sets guys rich what do you think i mean look i've been a fan of malachite since day one usually if i get up i'm playing and go to the bathroom yes from all the all craft after show you if i get up and go to the bathroom i zoom in on malachite i'm not gonna lie my streamlight you said that your stream likes uh likes dominic more than you my stream likes malachite more than me yeah i've been a big fan of malachite since day one and i'm not gonna lie that says something about our audiences and how different they are why they want but but at the end of the day malachite not only a fantastic bard not only a fantastic dresser but a good friend that's it's impressive yeah it's very impressive i think it looks really good um she's always a richest dream yeah i i i fully expect that so zeppo is it's a thumbs up from you uh for the for the one with the butt yeah okay all right thumbs up for the oh you don't like that i don't like this i mean this is it's good yeah it's it's pretty good they look like actually uh they look like a quest giver who's gonna send me on a quest that i'm not gonna be able to do because it's too hard yeah it's too high level i see that yeah i mean so there are npcs in dark souls and they're like dual wielding these sickles and they look a lot like this i love this set this looks badass this reminds me a lot of like the like the serious dark souls aesthetic i [ __ ] love it man i think it's great let's go to the next one i you know what um we're gonna have some tough competition here we're really gonna have some tough competition here this is this is a great looking set as well that's a good one i really think this is impressive it's a cosplay it's a cosplay yeah it's a it's cami from street fighter oh i know i know you know that yeah i know that all right so i feel like in terms of the the cosplay itself i i feel like this is actually really good like straight up this is a really really good like rendition of that like it's got the hat it's got the colors it's got the thigh highs everything about this is really really well put together i like this a lot what do you guys think positive or negative i'm still still making up my mind about this it's hard yeah it's hard yep yep because the original character does show more leg i mean we have plenty of ass here yeah the original character just show up on my leg but i understand that the tights are attached to the two leggings so this is probably the best bet that you could do to pull off the like leotard type thing yeah as for the shoes maybe different shoes could have been chosen because the original character has like combat boots and i think the combat boots are important to the aesthetic instead of like the the high heels yeah yeah i understand where it comes from okay i mean yeah i hear the screenshot button going on what it's not that's something else probably yeah it's something else so i mean that's my only complaint but otherwise it's very i would give it like nine out of ten for cosplay okay you know what i think it looks pretty good too yeah i i think it's great and uh i i like it a lot i think it's really well put together everything about it fits that role i mean like honestly this is like you know we've got the two cosplays here we've got twitter and we've got only fans it looks great let's go to the next one all right so let me think how i feel about this one i really like the weapon i'm gonna be straight up like i really really really like the [ __ ] weapon yeah like yeah what do you guys think about it like this look the the the purple the purple hair accenting the blue weapon is very intelligent but the the skirt itself and the leggings are what we made you wear during the wrestling competition last year no i think that's actually true wait you didn't know about this no okay give me a minute i'm gonna pull it up right now um oh god that's such a oh wow oh wow i i really could not have paused at a better spot no man i see it i see it okay yeah so uh that's basically i mean it's it it does look kind of this looks like she's ready to go to like a slipknot concert or some sort of rave and it's 2003 okay and i'm gonna be honest like those were the days man those were the [ __ ] days really like yeah 100 like these were the old school raves everything like that like i would see like girls dressed up like this in in middle school not the top right but the bottom for sure and like we'd have like these school little party things out you know and like fridays or whatever the [ __ ] it was great in middle school yeah i was a young boy i was in middle school too shut the [ __ ] up go ahead rich when i look at this outfit it kind of looks like the outfit you would wear if you didn't learn that you can't eat tide pods yet okay i think this is the kind of outfit somebody would wear if they steal their parents prescription drugs yes yes i think that's very accurate absolutely tough decision no i'm really i'm really torn yeah because i don't think that the hair works like i think the hair is actually taking away from like the purple i can see that yeah i can definitely see that i love the axe as well i don't think i don't remember seeing it before uh yeah that looks actually really cool it looks like it came from like very early in the game because of like it's like a warhammer 40k weapon really darkness that's what it's called it's called darkness i don't know what the hell that is but it looks badass i like it a lot it's an unobtainable pvpx that's yeah that's awesome i like it a lot all right let's go i just feel like the axe is carrying the outfit really hard i definitely think so too and i think that the uh the leggings and the uh the little skirt there and everything like that i think this just makes me remember back whenever you know you want to listen to like avril lavigne like that's her favorite that that's her favorite artist is avril i mean absolutely kind of charming in its way yeah it's good but you need like a little you need the little tie without a collar if you want to look like arrow yeah it's a good start yeah okay what is this this looks like a silver knight i like that a lot it does look a little bit like a silver knight it's a full set wait what no way this is a full set did this guy actually come in here with the full set give me a minute let me see no way no way bro are you kidding me bro like what what dude oh my god he says the pants are different bro you mean like the [ __ ] that little tiny square like this is the this is a firelands andy bro this is actually what a fireland zandy is so yeah anyways that what this is what firelands and these are okay so basically they come in with pretty much a full set of gear except for like maybe one different piece and somehow they think that that's gonna somehow make it completely different and it's not just gonna look the exact [ __ ] same but everybody knows it does listen the weapon yeah they even have a fire weapon as well this is not acceptable okay this is coming in here with an absolute full set and i'll help you know as soon as i memorize all these sets of gear i'm gonna be much more upset about this because i still can look at this and think it's cool but i'm not gonna i'm not gonna think that wherever i know it's a full set of armor keep that in mind all right what are you guys saying fire lance andy firelands andy that's exactly right lance because he's got the drinking water fireland sandy yeah i think he dressed up like that on purpose like knowing that you would say that like it's a cosplay for finance andy i think that if he tried to do that he would have succeeded but i think that the fact is that he didn't try to do that i think the fact that he told me that the legs are different implied that he actually thought that this was something that was transformative enough to think that it genuinely deserved the placing absolutely not absolutely not nice try firelands andy nice try let's go to the next one you don't need to make him feel better are you polishing his staff yeah he needs it all right yeah we all do i'll be honest here we go let's look at this one right here all right so we've got ourselves here a uh some mage obviously and i kind of i mean so here's the worst part about this is that it's a wall of film this is come on this is a wall of film and the fact is that any lalafell said i have not seen a single lalafell set ever that i didn't think was an absolute joke and i still haven't shut up okay well here's where you're wrong okay because the black mage sets yeah are the only gear in the game that looks better on a lalafell than on a different race so like i want you to right click this character click examine and then right click the chess piece and you try that on and you tell me how you look and you tell me that the lollipop doesn't look better than you in it i feel like i look pretty much about the same like i i what i do i feel like i look pretty much the same like honestly my character what do you guys think do i choose to live a life which is a lie by shaming the lalafells the the thing with final fantasy that is different from world of warcraft is the race that you choose with the out like you can choose you can have 20 fantasias in your back pocket you can change stuff whenever you want lollipop is a choice it is a lifestyle and here it was palpably the right choice it was the right choice alibaba the only good choice for this i mean it looks on it on your character it's all long and floppy that's not good that's not what we want for this kind of thing it's just i i feel like long and floppy is not that bad and the the fact is that if you look at this guy i think it looks they're just they're so small and stupid man like i just it just upsets me so much that they exist like this is the same way i felt about gnomes like there were times where we had like in our first skills and wow i would find out someone was a gnome and i'd kick him out of the [ __ ] guild that's what i do you're just gonna let him you're gonna let him say all that to your face rich but himself out after eight hours you just gotta let him go yeah yeah yeah then you wait and then you talk to him about it later at night he's like yeah dude i [ __ ] guess so dude dude i gotta get some [ __ ] you're an ankle-biting range you know it's what it is it's not what it's not dude actually he is jesus christ okay all right and finally zepo what what is your set what armor do you have on uh this is just bard gear level 70 bar gear so it's nothing like crazy or weird or unique or anything it's just totally like normal set of gear uh yeah i didn't expect do you think this is a boosted character dude do you have a picture don't say that you'll get it right at threats about you um yeah do you have a picture of what your actual character looks like what's your what your transmog is for your main character i'll show the chat uh yeah hold on yeah guys it's supposed to be admitted when one [ __ ] admit it i look good as [ __ ] dude yeah no you you gotta admit i look [ __ ] good bro yeah if you're getting ready for a child pageant what dude i'm a magician i think that you don't care i think watch this i have a secret weapon go ahead purple now what do you think bro i came prepared i think that your character looks exactly like your parents live in the trailer they're obsessed with elvis and they dress their kid up that's five years old like elvis and he gets pushed around and bullied in school because of it that's what i [ __ ] think that's right zeppelin do you have a picture uh yeah i put it in there okay let's see damn you can't really see it that well that does look pretty cool i i'm gonna be honest that does look pretty [ __ ] cool and like that's all an original set yeah holy [ __ ] that's badass where do you get that weapon it's from the shadowbringers relic series oh so that's like the new one where like it's like 535i level yeah yeah it's like not the completed version even it's like the second to last version wow that's badass yeah i do like that a lot that looks really really cool 500 525 oh i see i see so yeah i'm working on my relic for a realm reborn and um that's fun it's really fun it's a great time so rich is dead all right i'm going to let you go around zeppo you want to pick out the top three hmm in any particular order like we'll pick three from the best the the like number one's the best number two is the second best you know that's what i usually do i'm gonna go around i'll let the chat okay i don't think about it [Music] it's kind of hard to decide like i have three in mind but i don't know like what order okay to put them in i think okay so i'm almost ready to decide i'm gonna go around a couple more times tell me what you guys [Music] no i'm think it thinking okay [Music] can you do like an emo where if somebody sits down can you have like a wallet fell come sit in your lap you want to see the coolest thing yo malachite do the thing do the thing no the other thing you know you know do the do the thing no the other one no what are you doing you know what i'm talking about with this when you grab my head you know when we the one we do off stream we grab my head oh you missed wait do it again do it again watch this this is the coolest demo in the game am i cool [Music] all right all right so i have to decide i have to figure out what my top three are okay we've got to make sure that we pick out our top three top contestants all right uh i'll pick out my top three zepoy you want to go after that all right all right so my top three uh third place in my opinion this is a pretty easy decision for me and i'm gonna say dominic i'm not gonna give dominic a placing because dominic is my boy and we're family and i i don't feel like that would be it'll be unfair but if i were to give him a place and it'd probably be number one all right i think yeah you got to keep that in mind all right so third place i'm going to give third place right here third place is gonna go to this guy right here i actually think this set is [ __ ] amazing i think that the golden uh ultimate sword is incredible the armor is so well put together everything about it has a perfect black and white uh like it accents each other very very well you have the under armor that's black mainly and then the outer armor that's silver and i feel like that looks incredibly incredibly well done and i love it i think this is an incredibly good set and i like it a lot and i think that's why it's third place now second place second place it's going to be right over here it's the first one that we saw i think this set the fact that this is an original set this is some tribal bad ass set this is so cool this is the biggest dick set that i could possibly imagine this is the kind of set that it's a great looking set all right let's let's be honest here this is a really really nice looking set i like it a lot all the pieces fit together it's really you knew he was rothgar i don't even know what that is okay i thought it was just a big i thought it was just a big man with a lot of body armor body fur i didn't know what hrothgar really even was i i didn't realize it was literally a [ __ ] furry race okay guys yeah yeah i had no idea this is my second place my first place my first place is very obvious in my opinion my first place is gonna be this set right here i think this is just [ __ ] amazing there's nothing about this it's wrong i think the gloves are slightly off but overall i think this is [ __ ] incredible this is in my opinion the most unique and the most interesting set in here i think this is amazing i really really like it a lot and overall i think the pieces fit together so well now yes there are some big beefy transmog sets but i wanted to give it to something that i thought was very interesting very unique and i feel like this is definitely that it's very unique very interesting and very [ __ ] cool i like this a lot also obviously this one was like pretty close to to getting it for me and uh i i like this only picked cats bro no i didn't this isn't a cat yes you yes oh man okay all right that's my top three is that paul what do you think okay so my third is the one you chose to actually never mind my third yeah okay okay all right yeah it's that one all right so that's your that's your number three so that's the third because i have seen this chess piece a lot i know where it's from i know it's from the bhajan southern front and i've seen it so many times yeah but usually the the full set is actually made to look like a little dirty like uh gear from the battlefield and that's i've always seen this as the full set so today to see it with like really shiny chrome platinum plates in the gloves the shoes and the hat it's like a different vibe really transform the way this set feels like this has become light yes knights templar vibe i like that a lot i love it uh so i love the creativity and i like the transform transformation of the set that i see almost every single day it looks like a new set so that's that gets poised for me okay so the second one i like this one really yeah i really like it what do you like only with the smile only way yeah it's just that it's like i guess it brought me back because i i live far away from home and it's kind of made me feel like we're gonna go to the barbecue and we're going to just hang out outside in the summer and i don't know it just it it evoked a feeling that it didn't get from other sets like it was very useful in terms of the theme so i like that a lot so yeah you guys go down to the gas station get a six pack and then go to the barbecue is that about right okay good fairly yeah i'll tell you i just like the way this glamour makes me feel yeah that's good the first one is our first uh person is the best okay all right that looks really good i think this is one of the best ones too i think this set's [ __ ] amazing this is absolutely awesome i think it's so well put together everything about it is just great yeah i i don't blame it what the [ __ ] is this what's that ice [ __ ] you guys are actually tripping dude this one's basically just a naked froth guard no it's not what's that ice [ __ ] that's a oo weapon yeah it's a ooh oh my god yo i want to do that i i need to get that that's badass god i'm gonna do it if we went to character creation and went from job clothes to skimpy clothes and picked that as the winner bro absolutely not i think it's great i love it all right that's zepp was top three rich go god i'm gonna be completely honest honorable mention has to go to saver zero that is a fantastic set but i didn't come here to just pick honorable mention okay i came here to pick the best of the best my third place is fully clothed malachite okay i think that this is truly like an ominous badass set i think it's the helmet with the hood over it that actually like really does do it for me the particle effects aren't too much yeah great set that's that's easily number three for me number two is the one that you picked yeah as number one isaac newton fantastic i i mean i i said when i saw it the first time that's one of the best sets i've ever seen i i'm like a sucker for like lighter colored outfits as well like yeah yeah colored outfit but this one isn't too much i think ultimately the thing that held me up was the fact that there weren't enough particle effects i i do need the particle effects and that's why my winner is gallus asunder god damn dude the tower night i love it all right all right how did that not make your top three wasn't it because here's why because i feel like everybody was expecting me to go with that and i do think that it's badass i definitely do but it's like i don't know the full scope of how badass a dark knight's armor set can be but like i assume with like bro if i see that [ __ ] and i go i want to fight him just to see how strong i am that is a glamour yeah because to you he looks like a boss i mean it's good but i couldn't pick him because it would be like letting alexander prime win i can't let that happen after after all you've been through with him yeah i can't i can see that we're enemy if i were to pick a number four okay a number four i feel like this one is solidly a number four i actually think the other sword is better i know it sounds crazy but i think that the other sword is better and if he was using the other sword i might have put it as my top three like an easily top three because yes obviously it's smaller and usually bigger swords are better yeah that's true right it looks amazing i love this this is incredible it's very very well done the sword is badass so yeah i think overall the one that we all agreed on was like the best is pretty much this one like i i think this is the coolest this is the coolest this got in all of our top three lists yeah this is so i think my number one i was not your number two and even rich put that i think is his number two as well number two yeah yeah so i think this is the one this is absolutely amazing i love this set honestly like seeing how many different kinds of transmogs people can do it actually is really really cool like i feel like i didn't really realize it until i saw this one right here like the fact that somebody could do this in the game is so [ __ ] funny to me i think it's hilarious i love it and i'm thinking about probably going and doing a lot more of these i think this is so well done she's got the tail and everything like that it looks great so yeah honestly guys the second that you come on my server i have a waluigi set already died in my bags that i will trade to you first global what yeah i i have my luigi set i already made you a waluigi set completely ready for you to go full waluigi oh my god well rich thank god i don't even know what you're saying man i really don't know it's time to rate asthma okay let's let's see what you came in here with today all right what did i come in here with all right so dreadwear chest no helm but that's right okay is that a full set no wait there's a jasmine right here full set you promise if i if i inspect it's not going to be a full full set oh [ __ ] what what are you backpedaling for what was that what you got only one piece that's not part of the set you know who else okay your firelands as me so this guy this guy literally went from preaching about not wearing full sets to not only wearing full sets but literally just praising cat boys what happened to him that's one of the most ridiculous things i've ever [ __ ] seen it's almost as ridiculous as not clicking on the sub button right now to double check to see if you have a free sub with twitch prime now that would be ridiculous oh my goodness oh my goodness he's ridiculous i don't think that this axe even like matches the rest it kind of works if you're going with the whole odin gear which i guess he was going for the full set right like that's that was the idea right yeah yeah that's why you know how to do the lala jam look at this one so i was thinking about it and i think that i get first place i feel like my set is just it's so well put together everything about it is just great and i really like it a lot i think it's just so well done and you know what let's actually get can we get a screenshot of our three winners here why don't we go maybe like over to here uh next to this guy if you guys want to move back a little bit to the side uh have him in the front the two other people that got second and third a little bit behind him yeah yeah how about like right yeah come mike right over here yeah come right over here can we do one thing while you're getting the picture together go ahead what if the chat voted on who out of the three of us got first place what i don't think that's fair because zeppo has like a it's a it's a boosted andy character right yeah so how about we just go head-to-head then votes fine fine all right between me and rich uh mods can you do a poll all right who's the guy who has a better transmog me or rich man it's really tough because it's like yeah you've got pretty much a full set but then i just look something rich has he won't even put the camera on because he's scared move the other side move the other side move the other side you're terrified of me man you terrified me i don't even need to pull my weapon out to beat you it's not even remotely close like my character looks so [ __ ] cool it's like your character is so dumb like let me look and see all right where people vote literally 80 percent of people voting on rich yeah it's like it's no way some things are facts some things are opinionated no [ __ ] way you're actually gonna have 80 percent of people voting are you [ __ ] kidding me i mean i'm not look you did okay you tried i look i've been playing the game two days longer than you man so i had a little bit of an advantage sure yeah i guess that must be it listen i look [ __ ] amazing okay chat chat's trolling chat is a hundred percent trolling zepa who who looks cooler between me and rich i mean honestly i really think asthma's character looks a lot cooler like because i cannot stand this hairstyle the floppy dong hairstyle the the elephant trunk yeah well you i mean yeah the elephant above it it looks [ __ ] awful it's terrible all right listen i i yeah exactly rich and that's what matters okay that's what matters i look [ __ ] amazing okay and i'm gonna get the whole set of this and i'm gonna look even better i'm gonna look up all the we'll show my helmet i'll show my helmet that way people can see it i don't think my helmet looks that good with this set to be honest like it looks cool but it doesn't like really look that great it's a little mismatched yeah it's just like the colors a little bit too off like honestly i wish they would do like an updated version of this helmet that was like more uh uh like more like higher pixel count definitely one yeah i've been waiting for you to say that for uh for weeks now whenever you start playing that character i'm gonna be honest listen listen i i gotta i gotta get some food i gotta do some other stuff but apparently i think i might have a raid and a little bit so i got a call today i gotta say zeppelin thank you so much for coming on did you have fun yeah i had so much fun was it fun that was good yeah yeah i'm glad all right oh [ __ ] we gotta do winter we gotta do winners yeah yeah let's take a screenshot with the three winners oh perfect okay guys great yeah i'll take my my screenshot i'll take a picture of them all damn that looks so badass god damn that's so good oh let me move that one okay perfect there we [ __ ] go we got a boys three guys with tails three cat boys listen they they were wearing helmets man they could have been anybody yeah it's totally okay but yeah zeppelin thanks a lot for coming on and uh and being part of this i think that it's been certainly a uh it's been certainly an adventure let's just say that certainly an adventure it's been a journey i i think it's funny that like you probably invited me expecting that i would know uh how to organize everything uh that is exactly that is exactly it that is we managed it in the end yes so that's what matters absolutely all right learn some stuff yeah okay i'll see you later thanks for having me bye all right i'll see you later zeppelin thanks a lot for coming on and i will uh i will kill ultimate alexander it will happen yeah it'll happen it will happen someday someday so guys thank you all so much for watching i really [ __ ] appreciate it thank you thank you thank you guys so until next time boys until next time boys i'm gonna run some ads so if you're leaving now before the ads play that's completely okay because i run six minutes of them and i make the money back anyway boys talk to you later peace [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 741,148
Rating: 4.9243889 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, wow vs ffxiv, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, zepla ffxiv, asmongold zepla, zepla asmongold, zepla ff14, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold transmog competition, asmongold transmog, asmongold competition, new transmog competition, zepla, zepla transmog competition, ffxiv glamour, ffxiv glamour competition
Id: Gt4Ts8oqBQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 20sec (4700 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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