It Finally Happened! Bellular Joins A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏ to Talk WoW vs FFXIV

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listen we've wanted to get belly on all caps [ __ ] so long and it is finally here the day is finally here that we have bellier on all craft it's been a long time boys about four years and we have a lot to talk about yeah i i waited so long it's now a final fantasy stream yes or maybe that was the giga brain plan all along yeah we originally wanted to come on back whenever this was a wow stream you know back like years ago you know it was a long time ago yeah it's a little bit crazy have you seen the google trends by the way of the final fantasy stuff versus uh world of warcraft oh yeah you should have been he's been sneaking up oh my god they've taken us right it they we have been taken and it's incredible to imagine that honestly because like wow has been it's been the dominant mmo ever since 2000 ever since the day basically it came out it's been the dominant mmo and that's really only changed and it it's really kind of hard to say whether it's changed or not because like the numbers are all very unknown but there's a lot more enthusiasm for final fantasy i think that everybody can agree with that yeah blizz have lost the narrative like it's as simple as that and it's it's so weird because like traditionally you think of you do think like the the big japanese companies and like their you know efforts in western communications and pr and typically speaking they have not been as like hip to it or whatever absolutely so it's so [ __ ] funny seeing like the company that did gas like games as a service first like doing live services managing to lose their own like ah they've lost i mean they've lost to the home field right and it's so [ __ ] sad like it's not to say that ff is perfect and i'm not even in enough of position of authority to like to perfectly talk in the issue it's just that thing when you fully when you fully look over it and you play it when i say it feels like a more complete game i think it's just it's quantity of content they perhaps don't have as down as they would like um like i'm pretty sure yoship has talked about like kind of wishing there was a you know a wow sized budget in his hands yeah um but the thing with the thing with wow is like it just feels fragmentary you know like if you're a pvp i mean god help you right like the thing that i'm interested in when it comes to pvp yeah it's like i want some ubgs you hope that like every expansion you get one thing it's like please give me one thing this expansion it's awful and i'm curious bell if you feel like one of the reasons that happens is because final fantasy does such a good job at actually making the old content still feel very valuable and feel like it is legitimate content not something that you're just kind of like looking through rose tinted goggles trying to make an old like a new rule set to make it feel like it's actually a challenge so what you're saying is that roulettes that involve scaling down should be a weekend only event and fairly useful to anybody that it's that thing like my first dungeon i was doing you know i like called out to the fc and bam a whole bunch of people came in it just made sense right so yeah like time walking is a whole kettle of fish that absolutely it does my head in because there is so much potential like if they just did a mythic time walking uh you know so that there was like a level of difficulty definitely was there yeah they have to tune in differently yeah yeah so they could fix up the shooting [ __ ] like i would hope so easily enough and uh i mean man just think about the rewards like it's it's it's pretty damn obvious what they could do there and then if you really wanted to go into that you could build it around more content the caverns of time which appeal like to a bunch of historical players i mean come on we all we all saw out the back of the tb tbc box and kind of you know got a little gamer hard on like oh [ __ ] hell caverns of time that's the coolest [ __ ] ever yeah um so yeah it's just that thing like in in ff they have they have invested in like the systems and stuff to uh just to to make that all work such that just that ability to play with your friends is so much more there i think that she used to be so much more open and flexible and then in wow it's like their equivalent of you know you mentioned that like their equivalent of that it's just time walking weekend they get to a bit of normal mode like normal raid gear i'm like man is that it why does it feel like blizzard is cash strapped what's going on yeah it's like they've only got like they've got a small budget it's a small it's a multi-dollar company and you know they don't have as much resources as everybody else and so you know it takes them nine months to do something that these other development studios can do very quickly right and i understand the scope of wow is so big but i think blizzard's engineered these problems for themselves i don't know much about the ff-14 engine i know it has issues and it's very much not perfect but it seems like there is something going on with production just issues at blizzard like covenants basically an impossible design goal and like they kept on saying with confidence like oh you know if there's a specific issue with a covenant or something like that we'll balance it later and it's like no you won't we never you really won't it's like you know the the the the engineers at twitter and it's like every six months we gotta have to deal with a new way out of twitter yeah it's like they have to have a reason for twitter to continue to have them employed and so they just create a new problem every six months for them to solve and it feels kind of that way with wow where it's like okay it's a new tier well the systems designers need a reason for blizzard not to fire them so we have this new chains of domination system or shards of domination system that most people don't understand how it works it seems completely unnecessary but here it is anyway and that's kind of the way that it feels like it feels like they're adding these things into the game for really no reason and i think that whenever they've moved to simplicity i think one of the positive things about uh about shadowlands is the fact that they made gearing and pvp much more simple and oftentimes i think blizzard's efforts towards simplicity's sake and not having the unnecessary complexities has actually been met with a lot of positivity it's hard to speculate as to like why it goes down like this a bit of me though does think that you got a problem right and you throw a system designer at it it's like you know a hammer is going to see a nail yes that it's the it's just the way that you know they'll operate and i think i i think it's likely some sort of institutional thing like i i i genuinely don't think they go ah okay we won't give them tier sets we'll give them shards of domination and we'll deposit them slowly and slowly and slowly and give you little bits of gear here and there just to string the players along like i don't think that's why they do it you know what i think that it actually is them genuinely trying i don't want to dive too deep into it but we could talk about all the conspiracy theories that have been floating around uh on the internet over the past couple of weeks about what's really going on behind the scenes like uh the only thing that i'm sure about from those conspiracy theories with like blizzard leaks and what blizzard employees think the only thing that i'm actually sure about is the fact that asthma gold is an [ __ ] that's the only one i'm sure about everything else you know it could all be [ __ ] uh we have to take it with a grain of salt but what do we think is going on that's that's causing these these feelings of polish to not really be there anymore i think that it's just this simple i think they don't know how to make a game that feels rewarding it is literally that simple because how many times have they gone up i think ian has gone up and tried to explain to us why we should be having fun that should never happen it's like they're explaining like oh well it's not that big of a deal because it'll work out in averages like they're using statistics to justify the way that people feel or to invalidate the way that people feel and that's just not the way you design a game i have to wonder if that's because they're like quite production friendly and like there's there's definitely going to be plenty of you know unknown unknowns as you're like doing encounters but they have that [ __ ] down um for the lack of polish i think it's because well what happens when you make something that's hard to polish it's going to be harder to polish like it's one like it maybe it feels like a little bit close to the bone for me like we burnt through a we burnt through too much money on basically an overly ambitious systems driven game that required a bunch of systems to be right for the overall loop to make sense we did a whole bunch of [ __ ] ass backwards and it was that thing the design that we went for was fundamentally way harder to get right than the other thing that we're doing now and i think when you look at world of warcraft you see a whole bunch of that and there's just so many cases where it seems like testing and planning for the game has just like really not happened and whenever that happens so often and then you have like these massive overreactions where they take something like echoing void or whatever it was and they just nerf it by half and they make it completely garbage those kinds of things i think are really frustrating for players because people are trying to figure these things out and then they spend tons of gold on them and then they get changed completely because blizzard decided not to test them properly beforehand and anybody could have seen these things happening because they became evident on the first day of the patch and i think these same things happen with covenants too whenever you see boys are talking about oh well players are going to pick the one that they want to play with you know based off of like lore or whatever and the reality is the breakdowns are it's like 90 of people 95 of people don't pick one covenant like there's one covenant that like only five or three percent of people pick for some classes and specs that's crazy yeah but people came back in the past right shadowlands best-selling pc game of all time for a few days until whatever that other game was that but i think it is a sort of thing where it's the the incumbent has got their advantage but also the blindness that comes with that and i i think that they've they've been more okay maybe it's just that their their tolerance for what is shippable has maybe decreased a bit but i think this is the big but their tolerance for that is decreased but also their focus on gameplay-oriented content where those things have got to be right early has increased so you know if we think about like let's just say how i play the game in mr misopandaria or maybe in wrath of the lich king or something like that if something was busted as [ __ ] like it didn't really matter to me because there was a bunch of other stuff to do it was like early enough on in the game's life that you know getting him out was still an exciting thing and you know a goal to work towards so as that stuff has melted away and the three pillars of mythic plus raid and pvp have taken over well if more of your game's relying on those pillars and those pillars require that level of polish and balance and then you start to make a game that is fundamentally harder to polish and balance because you've created multiplicative complexity then yeah you've just kind of built a you've built your own prison and i have a worry that they have an institutional focus on those kind of game systems perhaps learning the wrong lessons from legion or something like that to the point where they can't see the forest for the trees and i will say it i think a lot of them don't [ __ ] play the game and i think that even if they do play the game it is in a way that is so removed from what the average population does that they have no idea what the average population's pain points even are like i'll give you an example okay in bellevue i know that you probably do not subject yourself to the same level of degeneracy of transmog farming that i do but let me explain to you the way that shadowlands rares drop transmog items so the way that these shadowlands rares drop transmog items is that those transmog items are only available on the loot table if you are killing that rare on the class that could obtain that item naturally and have it be an upgrade for that character that they are playing on knowing full well the players play the game for transmog people love transmog and what do you have to do you have to go over and if i want to get all the different scythes from uh arden wheeled i have to go over on a special caster character and kill them on that caster character and this is the exact same [ __ ] system that it was i believe in the 8.3 rares as well so if i wanted to go and farm out the dagger from the uh the oldham rares i would have to go and do it on either a rogue or a caster that could equip daggers and this is insane like why is this even happening some of these things that you have to do some of the goals that blizzard has for players to work towards in the game are just so monumentally ridiculous that it's just not even fun to progress in them because even whenever you complete it you feel like an idiot because you know you just wasted 100 hours yeah it's because that's not content like i i would contend that that's not content it's like i think about corthia you know some of the stuff people do with rares and in my head corthy is like a bunch of seasoning but no meat and that i i feel like there should be a lot you know a lot more there and you know if you want to get that stuff from content i mean you could develop a wrap around it you could develop some sort of you know various things that they've done in the past you know of course they could do new things as well there was one thing that interested me though do you feel that for mounts in what way well i mean is they keep they've kept on rewarding you with mounts for so many years now are you still excited about getting new mounts i mean like it depends on the amount but like overall nah not not as much as i used to be right i mean like getting your first like 50 or 100 mountains is way a bigger deal than getting your 500 now and this is a problem like i generally think it's a problem with the game in general because in wow's reward structure there's just so much bloat like whenever you only had ashes of a lar ashes of war was [ __ ] awesome but now whenever you have invincible the pureblood fire hawk and eight different store mounts that look better and then there's also the purple version from the cataclysm guild vendor and there's 15 other versions of the mount too that look way cooler your ash's vlar is comparatively not as special because you're not as unique anymore and i would have loved to see blizzard with bfa this is like my dream was that if bfa had done some sort of like ship expansion where you could actually go out on an island expedition and you could augment your ship you could change your ship or what if they had a mouth you're like in in the witcher whenever you could ride around with like the griffin head or something like that what if that was a nixia's held and you could like have these like base mounts like a base horse or a base wolf and you could augment these mounts based off of different achievements or accomplishments you have like that would be so cool and they don't really innovate or change the rewards they just add more and more and more of them because you're right there is a diminishing return because everybody already has their favorite mount everybody already has their favorite pet their favorite title etc and there's so many in the game that the ones that exist are very few and far between that are special because many people don't even know what they are i agree 100 with everything that you said but i think another thing that's missing beyond the saturation which is really evident for me after playing final fantasy this there there isn't a good way to display your rewards anymore either the saturation is still a problem right even if there was a way to display it saturation would still be a problem but with the way that world of warcraft feels right now there aren't as many shared spaces where you know you're not looking at the same mailboxes where you see somebody on that the ashes of alar like you used to i think example this is the uh solo queue with solo queue i think that that's like a symptom and not really the disease i think the reason why people need solo queue and the reason why people want solo queue is because there is no shared space for pvpers to interact with each other you guys remember back in miss pandaria when everybody would be sitting on the wall people would be dueling and they would do each other and then you'd do a priest and he'd mind control you off the edge or some [ __ ] and that's just where pvpers would congregate and i think it's the same thing with a lot of the other zones in uh in previous expansions like ironforge back in like vanilla wow and outside of stormland in like cataclysm and you always had this place that pvpers would go to and see each other and interact with each other and that was their queuing system and now you don't have that shared space anymore because of sharding like i went over to uh to stormland and there's like five people in the city how does that happen in an mmo i said it quite a few times like i actually you know no fault to world of warcraft for having an old engine right the game has an old engine that's the reality of the situation it is a 17 year old game or whatever it is now but the thing is when people say we want a world of warcraft 2. we want an update to it we want a world of warcraft 2. i have always said we don't want a world of warcraft 2 it's going to be made by the same developers it's going to be even worse these devs making a world of warcraft 2 would be terrible what's the point of a new engine uh it's just you're going to make the same [ __ ] systems in hd well they changed it again they changed the engine in final fantasy 14 from the original game into a realm reborn and that's actually a really good point and also like believer i remember you said this in one of your videos you said that wow basically has been a while too and you said that like yeah wow three right and it was like yeah like vanilla wild to wrath was like wow one cataclysm to warriors draenor was wow two and legion to now is wow three and i think that's true right because each of those expansions was a huge break point in quality and a huge break point in fidelity and just like everything in the game is massive and i i do think that's true but at a certain point i do think that wow is to a degree held back by its uh uh by its engine it must be because why is it why do we have so much lag in games where you have equivalent things happening and there isn't that lag why is the ashes of creation technical demo can run more people performing actions than a massively multi-billion dollar company after 20 years it's crazy but again that comes back to like production issues right i mean they clearly like you know that meme small indie company multi-dollar company yeah multi-dollar company why the [ __ ] are we saying that their quarterly takings was like what 400 and something million that's a lot of cash sorry bro i can only do four recalls man we can only do four records the same amount man we can't we can't hire new people what do you mean they fired a lot of really good people too they sure did that's what's weird there they're um i understand like morale is basically in a very bad spot on the wow team and they've had like you know challenges or whatever there's a bunch of people leaving that said if we're to listen to our our favorite guy in the universe bobby coddick which by the way we've looked into the we did this for like another video we haven't done yet but we looked into his backstory it's actually [ __ ] fascinating dude has been hustling so damn well for so long it's very cool but anyway so i've i've met i've met uh uh mr codec man maybe maybe twice he's probably a nice guy isn't he he's the [ __ ] man i'm gonna be honest he he i will say when i met him i was like wow like i'm actually inspired and which doesn't happen very often um when when he came in to actually back at the mlg days when we got acquired by by activision um he was a very you know as a boss or whatever whoever he was he wasn't obviously the person i was directly answering to but he did a good job at getting everybody really excited and back then uh activision blizzard was on like the forbes top 100 companies to work for you don't usually get to stay on the list when you fire like 25 of your employees or whatever the heck it was so i don't think they're on the list anymore but it was one of those things where you know you can tell that he's very intelligent and you he knows how to make money the problem is blizzard and a lot of the gamers that were playing the games come from a completely different style of production which was mike moraheim's vision and the vision of a lot of the original employees of wow where it truly was gameplay first gameplay first for a triple a studio and this is why i don't think aaa studios are going to be the way of the land forever i don't think that you need a triple a studio anymore because distribution has changed so much but when you look at aaa the best way to make money is not to put gameplay first it's to do what wow is doing right now and that's why i can't see wow coming back because one of the questions i wanted to ask you over the past five years the past five years bellower is what would you do to change wow and i know no matter what you say it will not make as much money as pumping out an expansion with new features that aren't tested because that gets box sales you see a new thing and you go wait this might be good let me try it they put the new shiny toys on there on the box to get people to buy it who cares if they suck you already spent the money on the box and then you want this [ __ ] mount that you're trapped for six months they laugh their money to the bank they're probably making more money than they've ever made before why the [ __ ] would they want to change why would they want to change it's like even if you are making the worst content ever even if it's morally not right you you move to a different country to make the same thing if you're getting the bag anybody would do that i don't care if you're an individual i don't care if you are a triple a studio they are making more money making a game like this and you can't you almost can't blame a company right but they're not our friends they're not our friends we shouldn't be blizzard gamers anymore they are a company and they are doing what they can to grab the bag and that's it what's happens right is feedback loops i think you know like the engineering concept of the feedback loop real [ __ ] important thing is oh never really had i think much of a feedback loop because even if they messed up all the people would come back they were an incumbent they were dominant in the market they had i think a very well moated player base um yeah moted basically you know being like that kind of the defenses around the player base and it's one of the reasons why ff won't completely kill wow because a lot of people want the wow style of fantasy so there was encumber for the longest time to the point where they basically never felt the sting of their losses and that basically means that there was less of an incentive to i i think anyway less an incentive to deeply engage with um you know with issues i think this is something that has happened more and more and more as times went on um because i think it's one of those things right if you try to objectively say you know wrath of the lich king versus you know a new expansion it's a bit of a pointless statement because they're all products of their time and what matters is how good they were in comparison to everything else so it's that thing where right now uh in the past they were doing their thing the best right now they have made the game smaller and smaller and smaller i think it's you could say maybe more focused but it is that very gameplay-oriented sort of top-end progression content there's not as much room for the transmoggers the rpers the collectors things like that and there's not a lot of new what would you say massive engineering projects going into giving you guys cool new features you really care about like let's just say they're like hey hey there asm gold tintable armor you get to unlock the dice and you get a whole bunch like a whole new system but not you know it's not some big new content thing it's just something that fundamentally stands to wow forever um so basically our issue is games got more focused over time other things in the market have been bubbling up and bubbling up and bubbling up and i think with wow it just finally got to the stage where they had accumulated enough thematic losses i think saying thematic is super important because you know humans we recognize patterns and you know we we feel themes emotionally right and when the the theme the underlying theme of the wow team's mistakes has been kind of consistent in spite of player feedback then people start to look elsewhere and i think your big difference is that final fantasy 14 has finally reached a stage where off the back of shadowbringers it's just [ __ ] incredible and we're finally at that stage where world of warcraft i think is going to have a viable feedback loop because there was viable competition like pvp animals were yeah like a pvp animal it was crowfall was never going to take out world of warcraft right i don't even think ashes of creation would be taking out world of warcraft for what modern wow is but what ff14 is is big theme park mmo it's it's it's a different flavor of the game while i was playing but it it is the same game it's really [ __ ] good so finally we have the feedback loop so i think that just means that whatever you know pressure because you're actually going to feel it i think we're finally at the stage where they're they're going to feel their losses right i mean we've been doing preliminary work looking into um basically just a bunch of participation metrics and like one of the things i saw was mythic plus and i'm fairly sure that the first week of season two saw less mythic plus participation than season four of bfa which is like late into an expansion which is this [ __ ] spooky dude that's very bad that should be happening i mean i do want to say too and this is coming from somebody who probably loves final fantasy right now more than most right i love the game it has the biggest advantage ever um right now like imagine if the tables were turned and final fantasy was king right now uh that or had been king for a really long time and we were going back to world of warcraft and you had all of classic all of tbc all of wrath and all of these things to play through uh final fantasy for a lot of people it's the first time they're looking at it and they have so much content to go through the content from seven years ago was more relevant than wow's content from seven months ago yeah it's crazy uh imagine what it is this is the case imagine how fun it would be if if you did a uh a time walking dungeon and if time walking was relevant and you actually got to play the old rotations and like you got to play like old demonology warlock or you got to play like that how about how about this you just get to play a boss that isn't a [ __ ] joke like the bosses are just jokes man and they don't really even try to do anything like that and it's sad there's like a simple thing an expansion shouldn't be subtractive and like in final fantasy 14 and expansion is not subtractive yeah imagine if we could just go into a rock-hard version of i don't know shadow moon burial grounds that'd be sweet that would be sweet like what we said about tour ghast earlier on so i mean i don't know exactly how they do it but i mean come on the caverns of time exists you have the narrative framing to make it happen well they just say like elicit they're like hey look uh it's like with the primals and and uh in final fantasy like uh yeah uh so they're back again and what's so crazy about them this time is that they're more powerful we don't even know why it happened but you've got to go deal with it and it's like okay all right that sounds good i mean and it's even like the lore i wanted to talk about this because belly or you've made a lot of war videos man well what do you think about the new cinematic and like where do you think they get where do you think this is gonna go uh okay right wow there's there's so many ways to go for this one so i mean as as they as they've been saying he's got the five sigils bros what are we gonna do the sigils i can you believe it boys he's got the sigils you know the sigils that you guys care about and are so you know deep and meaningful uh it's like not that none of that shit's been being established so that they have these really weird things and this is this has really happened since bfa since they kind of and you know it's weird i don't think it's literally this but i do feel like i'm part of the problem on why the story telling because it's that sort of thing where the lore is cool but it's how it's told that matters right to players emotionally it just feels like they make [ __ ] so that i can do reaction videos so i'd be like okay so right you're all confused but this is why that happened this is when that was foreshadowed yeah yeah it was um that's that's the really weird thing i i think the storytelling is very strange i wonder what flip-flops they've had internally and things but like regarding sylvanas you know if they do give her a redemption arc that is based on her getting a complete soul again that is a really weird way to do it because sure zoval giving her soul back means that she can you know be a complete person and reflect and all this shitty things she's done and she will suffer because of that but i feel like that's a bit of a cop-out getting us a complete sylvanas i think it would be way more interesting because val was like oh yeah you betrayed me here's your soul i was going to give it back to you but [ __ ] you it's destroyed now sylvanas has realized that the reason why she's been um you know a little bit moody for the last 20 years or whatever or whatever however many years is because um you know now she realizes what's happened to her soul and maybe her new arc is that she actually has to work for what she's going to get and earn it so there's like little storytelling things there i mean storytelling right like books you know why is it that we're waiting for world of warcraft sylvanas the novel that will come out in february 2022 to get the full picture right like no you tell the story in game like ff14 i don't have to read a book the only time i ever the only time i ever enjoyed the the world of warcraft lore was watching novel's channel i watched a lot of novels channel and that made me love the lore a lot and then the only other time i read chronicle i imagine me reading a book i read chronicle i read the first one of chronicle and it was really [ __ ] good never never did i really feel the story the same way that i could with like um you know final fantasy for example and you look at a lot of the characters and the depth that they actually have i mean like i'm not going to say anything like too crazy because i know you guys are behind me in the story but when i look at like you look at like garage and rhuban after being on stream for like one minute it's just cooler than garage i think garrosh is an exception i think garrosh is [ __ ] awesome i i think that the one cinematic that garrosh i think the one cinematic that garrosh got at the end was absolutely [ __ ] perfect they finally let him out and he said [ __ ] you [ __ ] the jailer [ __ ] everybody i'm gonna blow myself up and that was it but garrosh went out like a pimp and honestly like 9.1 is an improvement over shadow ends i'm as i said i think that the tour gas stuff is good but they've just got so far to go and like i am so exhausted about restarting the beta process for every expansion so yeah shadow ends at the end of shadow ends it's gonna happen if they can actually take what they learned in shadow ends and take the systems that they developed and make them better in the next expansion i'm gonna have a lot more i'm gonna have a lot more confidence for the game because i'm not gonna quit wow like there's no way i'm going to quit wow but that doesn't mean that i'm not going to be frustrated whenever i play it or it doesn't also mean i might play it a little bit less whenever there's other games that i can play instead that's going to be it like yeah when the only not the only but like when the main good thing is cool new raid it's like okay now i'm going to get you know i'm going to do some dungeons new mega dungeon comes out you know i'm going to do that but it's like yeah if i'm just going to get curved and then it turns out there's no like there's no cool new rep to go and do or like new act like truly new feeling thing instead of just install tomcat and handy notes and run around in circles like yeah i'm going to play another game outside a raid like i'm going to acknowledge that they are some of the best encounter designers on the planet and their aids are [ __ ] excellent but true that's one game that's like one small little game where's the yeah so i think the thing with final fantasy is final fantasy is it's very apparent that they expect you to play the new content and then either go hang out in your estate in your fc estate and like just look at cat girls or whatever the heck you're gonna do there or they expect you to go play another game they even have crossovers with the other games you know what else does playing games you know what else does that is uh path of exile i think even chris wilson said before he's like you know yeah after you finish all the content you finish your character yeah i mean it's you know if there's people that want to keep making new characters and do that and play the game to its fullest extent that's great they love that but there's a lot of people that are seasonal players i'm a seasonal player every league pretty much every league and if not every league every other league i come back and i play path of exile and i love it and sometimes i have to quit my stream over it because i want to play it so much what game are you looking forward to uh believer more than anything uh you know what shadow brings an end walker i've i'm like i've barely played yeah like i've already played ff14 i've not barely i mean like a few days but time's been a bit there's a whole bunch of things going on here but uh it's just nice having that much game to be driven to just [ __ ] plow through like you know like to actually play like it's like it's back in the day uh for other things i mean it's hard i've i've slipped back into playing shogun 2 total war it's one of my favorite games of all time so uh 2004 oh no it's like 2012 2010 23. okay okay yeah oh dude shogun is so good yeah so i've been like in my little happy corner uh kind of silent away from everything um yeah i mean it's it's mostly that like i'm mostly thinking about ff and and now new world you know jordan is right sorry when you're so busy like working in the games industry it's real [ __ ] hard to get enough time to play games it must be weird right yeah because like now you're actually like making your own games and like you've got to think about making your own games rather than just playing games unless yeah [ __ ] no it's like between my like games i really want to play for like that reason because it you know similar genre to us and uh man yeah it's really hard to find time to play games i know i know well people will know more about why that is in first stage one month and then what do you think what do you think we're gonna get a look at your new game yeah uh okay so i i can say that the initial plan um how to do this we're not self okay currently we are not self publishing so you can maybe put one and two together there all right so that means that we don't you know yeah people to work with right so initially the plan was to do stuff in and around gamescom uh so august for like you know trailer that the whole thing um that's been pushed back a few months not because of our development schedule funny enough but because um uh better [ __ ] some real let's say good time and place to uh you know to do proper announcements and stuff yeah this has been an incredible episode it's been uh we you know we made up for lost time by having this be like a three hour episode thanks a lot for sticking with us for this long i really appreciate it it's been guys i think how long have we been trying to get you on the show four years about four years yeah what is one of this i mean the dm's just didn't really line up listen man thanks a lot for coming on and doing this with us man i thank you so much and guys that was fun yeah i mean i know y'all probably know bellevuer and everything but if you don't make sure to follow him on on twitter on youtube do you stream on twitch you just pretty much do uh you do all your stuff on youtube now don't you yeah i know what we're streaming youtube um how is it i don't know like technically i violated my twitch partner agreement because i like from back in the day right when we were when we were both youtubers yeah in warlords of draenor i was i was twitch streaming i got partnered but if you stream somewhere else you violate your partnership so uh yeah did i just burn that bridge i don't know you know delete the vod man don't eat divide i won't tell them it's okay anyway man thank you so much for coming on i really really do have i know you're you're welcome that was [Music] good [Music] you
Channel: A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏ T͏V͏
Views: 651,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, final fantasy asmongold, wow vs final fantasy, wow vs FF14, wow vs ffxiv, ff14 vs wow, final fantasy vs wow, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, allcraft, bellular, bellular asmongold, bellular ffxiv, asmongold bellular, bellular allcraft, bellular final fantasy
Id: glGhNaPDbFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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