7 Times You Totally Showed That Jerk from the Start of the Game

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having our butts handed to us at the start of the game is so commonplace it's practically tradition which is why there's nothing more gleefully empowering than much later on meeting the same Bonnie that humiliated you early in the game and wiping the floor with them what you call petty revenge I call restoring the balance time now for a jog down memory lane reminiscing about those times we totally showed that jerk from the start of the game oh you wear spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] saying that the evil within throws you in at the deep end is an understatement it would be more accurate to say it throws you in at the deep end of a pool full of corpses and also you're tied up upside down and also there's a guy in a terrifying mask who wants to kill you that guy is called the sadist and this is your first encounter with him at the very start of the game this is when you're at your most vulnerable a fact that the say this most definitely takes advantage of menacing you with a chainsaw and with rooms full of spinning blades and I don't know what sounds like a small motocross bike oh no it's a chainsaw again real original verse a deist anyway the satus is a recurring enemy and though you do get to fight him a few times throughout the game he is a formidable opponent who is to be feared and respected that is until he shows up again in the evil within to this sequence starts out pretty routinely you're in a corridor and the sadist starts chasing you as per usual it's abandoned decides that actually you know what this guy and kicks a bed at him [ __ ] what follows is a glorious turning of tables as you become the chainsaw wielding monster and teach the sadist a lesson he won't ever forget because he's dead now haha now I'm in control for about 5 seconds is the evil within after all you've got to tell them we worked with you this is a mistake step towards the block when we call your name one at a time a wise man once wrote never laugh at live dragons and that man was j.r.r tolkien so he should know it's hard not to have a bit of a giggle er Alduin though the ancient and mighty dragon of untold power who inadvertently saves the life of the person who winds up slaying him first ro dah more like a Skyrim begins you're a condemned prisoner awaiting death in the southwestern settlement of Helgen a fortress town best known for hosting Imperial executions and in a few moments getting rekt by a giant effing dragon here it is again did you hear that because just as you're in position for the executioner Alwyn swings by and lays waste to the place what in Oblivion is that what do you see this terrifying destructive rampage proves nearly as lethal as the head ectomy you narrowly escaped and given how you're an o-level scrub without any dragon shalt powers you've no choice but a humiliating Leafly in your now presumably soiled prison uniform this all changes by the epic finale however when you've learned up so hard you pursue your scaly nemesis into the actual afterlife to battle him with a bunch of legendary heroes I'll try to hold your hopeful purpose quickly before this encompassing fraud once more snares mean the world leaders met it's here where you save the world from Alduin the world eater and more importantly save face for how you ran away crying the first time you met him this is achieved by killing him so hard he explodes Tolkien's head don't laugh at live dragons he never said anything about laughing at dead ones so haha in-your-face ldren go where lanús the Jabberwock waits with Griffin as your partner you have reason to hope for success he's the strongest among us in American McGee's Goss retelling of Alice in Wonderland the Jabberwock is one of your most formidable foes if that name means nothing to you it's because the horrifying Jabberwock from Lewis Carroll's through the looking-glass was cut from the Disney Alice in Wonderland movie we're all familiar with probably because it was too scary whoops protected and spared while your family upstairs roasting in inferno turbo horror and that's going some in a film with a queen who likes to behead her gardeners and a bunch of adorable baby oysters that get eaten alive early Disney films were freakin terrifying you guys with American McGee's version being an even darker interpretation of Wonderland the Jabberwock was guaranteed an appearance in the game Alice who is basically Wednesday Addams in a summer wardrobe has an initial scrape to the Jabberwock that you'll likely only narrowly escape is it called Wunderland because you'll spend all your time wondering why the hell you came here survived his initial attempt to murder you though and you'll get the final component of the I stuff that component being the jam box own eyeball this means that when he turns up again later in the game to finish the job you can blast him with his own eye lasers that he was using against you previously each karma Jabberwock even with the ice staff it's a tough fight but maybe we can get some tips from Lewis Carroll's original poem about how the Jabberwock was slain twelves brillig and the slithy Toves did gyre and gimble in the web all right stuff this I'm off to game facts [Music] if you played The Legend of Zelda breath of the wild you remember the Lionel's as the Jack Centaurs who stamp around Hyrule looking furious about the fact you're alive actually get near one earlier in the game and you'll discover that they're keen to rectify that situation in this grimly efficient a manner as possible unfortunately if you're going to restore divine beast bar Rooter you're going to need to get extremely close to one of these centers Dirk's in order to collect the shock arrows you need to advance your quest and maybe your first instinct is to fight it for which we commend your bravery and also ask where you would like your funeral flower Sims [Music] know if you're sensible like us you instead snuck from tree to tree picking up shock arrows and hoping that the sound of your stifled terrified sobbing wasn't loud enough to be heard by the half-ton of nightmare monster wandering around nearby of course by the time you finish breath of the while things are very different now I've got the master sword the Hylian Shield some impressive armor and a ton of mashed up bananas it's payback time Lionel's right I'm gonna make a lick sirs out of your parts wait that's not a weird still it's a special kind of satisfaction that comes from absolutely destroying these once formidable beasts in battle or if all of that sounds like too much hassle just use an ancient arrow and send them through a portal to who knows where have fun sent or idiot in this case beating them definitely beats joining them terrible conversationalists when your only ambition in life is to eat fruits and unidentified white pills you would think that living your modest fruit-eating dreams would be a cinch not so if you live trapped in an infinitely looping maze haunted by ghosts that chase and kill you and that's how pac-man is history first survival horror game at the beginning of a go on this arcade classic the perpetual pill eater known as the pac-man may well be murdered by angry ghosts while he's still finding his feet I mean not literally finding his feet because he has no feet or arms through hardcore survival horror stuff like proper body horror nice one Namco but once pac-man has gotten to grips with the looping haunted Hell maze that is his prison he discovers the special much larger pill that turns the tables on those fearsome phantoms this is where the gang changes gear shifting genres from supernatural horror to a grisly tale of revenge watches our hero infused with the power of the mysterious power pill hunts down his enemies and annihilates them with the kind of single-minded vengefulness that Liam Neeson in taken would consider a bit full on let this be a lesson to all of us to be more like pac-man we should all of us face up to office and destroy them [Music] but not eat pills we find lying on the floor that's just dicey is your main complaint about tanks that they don't have a giant mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth if so a what's the matter with you and B you'd fit right in with the bad guys from Wolfenstein the new order presumably that was the thinking behind their invention the Panzer hunt a giant robot dog with a virtually impenetrable armored hide that spends a good portion of the first playable part of Wolfenstein the new order making your life as difficult as a murderous robot dog can which it turns out is quite a lot here the Panzer hunt is such a formidable enemy that it will kill you instantly if it spots you and it can only be taken down by sneaking past it and taking control of a downed planes anti-aircraft cannons safe to say by the time this sequence is over you're keen to not see another panzer hood for at least oh I don't know 14 years which unfortunately is the amount of time you spend in a coma before emerging into a world where the Nazis run everything and have also upgraded their panzer hoods to be even more deadly what will they think of next please don't tell me still by the time you reach encounter a hunt you've not only gotten comfortable with blowing away everything unfortunate enough to cross your path but also with how to wield two gigantic firearms at once which means this rematch against the Panther hunt is both much shorter and as gratifying as well destroying a giant Nazi robot monster would be if you think that's impressive wait till you see Wyatt kill one with a game of catch should have made a robot cat Nazis those guys won't fetch anything [Music] the Earth's tonic from Resident Evil 6 is what you get if you cross the Incredible Hulk with a tray of dentistry equipment and has about as good-natured as that combination sounds your first encounter with this terrifying Bo W goes about as well as you'd expect although you have to commend Jake for his optimism Oh Jake looks like he ate it what follows is a frantic scramble to not get unsolicited acupuncture from an enraged bio weapon though Jake still finds time for casual sexism which is real commitment to the bit ah women always wanting to not be murdered by monsters ha ha ha right the Houston act then spends the rest of the game tailing Jake and sherry around the world and refusing to die despite being crushed by rubble exploded by helicopters drilled by giant drills and electrocuted by an electricity pylon but how utterly invulnerable the Islamic scenes throughout the entirety of Resident Evil 6 is campaign only heightens how hilariously awesome it is when you finally face him down and have a fist fight with him yours is do not call so why do women always go to the bathroom in pairs Jake Miller out thank you very much for watching this video please like and subscribe if you enjoyed this and before we start filming the video we said that you guys probably wouldn't watch any more 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Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 2,351,043
Rating: 4.8959198 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, outside xbox, list, countdown, top 10, top 7, top 5, 5 things, 10 things, funny, funny moments, the evil within 2, time s you showed that jerk from the start of the game, revenge, payback, the evil within, chainsaw, alduin, skyrim, jabberwock, american mcgee's alice, lynel, legend of zelda breath of the wild, zelda, botw, pacman, pac, man, pac-man, ghost, ghosts, panzerhund, wolfenstein, the new order, the old blood, the new colossus, robot, dog, ustanak, resident evil 6
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2017
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