8 Times Forced Stealth Sections Made Us Want to Eat Our Own Hands

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when it's done right stealth is a gratifying test of patience focus and skill unless your mic in which case it's a thing standing between you and explosions W when stealth is done wrong on the other hand it's more irritating than a mosquito in your room at 3:00 a.m. asking to borrow a tener we're here today to vent about some of these stealth sections that boiled our blood in some of our favorite games join us why don't you though do beware of spoilers for these following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] what I think I just might have found a Ghost Rider I become the recer all nighter all writer mad Dogge Vine book from his home in the Hills Mad Dogs rhyme book man you said you help car for reasons that are now unclear to me it was very important in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas that you help the career of aspiring rapper OG Lok hey yo when I come through up in the place you don't want me to come with a gun in your face I spit harder than anybody in the world could do [ __ ] sucks damn I mean with skills like that he doesn't need my help so because rhyming things is hard much harder than it looks you head to ra a Mad Dogs to steal all his rhyme books it's you've played a GTA game before you're probably already anticipating how this mission is going to go ramp a stolen police car through Mad Dog's window fire off some RPGs then I guess just see where the mood takes you well good luck because what the mission actually requires is stealth in a Grand Theft Auto game I know mad dog is clearly somewhat paranoid as his house is full of guards patrolling such tactically important locations as his swimming pool and bar they're highly trained though look how this one is able to hold his Uzi and play a video game at the same time anyway through perseverance hard work and the power of self-belief CJ is able to overcome the fact that GTA San Andreas is in no way built to handle stealth mechanics and heroically stab an entire private security Force to death so that a mediocre rapper can learn that place rhymes with face I'm The Man in the in the face my B good to see all those deaths weren't in vain man Aliens colonial Marines really gave sci-fi's most terrifying monster a disappointing downgrade it was bad enough that for the majority of the game you mow down the aliens from Aliens as if they're paper maché like alien-- shaped piñatas full of green goo but then stealth Mission The Raven was the final nail in the coffein turning HR geer's once fearsome creation into crusty hobbling space pensioners I can't tell if it's looking for me or it's bus pass these boilers as they're known will shamble towards you if they hear you forcing you to stand still until they lose interest there's no other option because in this section like in all good enforced stealth sections you've ACD ly mislaid all of your weapons even your sidearm I definitely paid 60 bucks to spend this first person shooter standing still not shooting anything at least you get to finally find out what happened to Hudson the hell that's a marine yes he died in the suckiest level of an already extremely sucky game you know if you wanted a good alien themed stealth experience you could have just bought alien isolation then maybe we'd have a sequel just saying episodic Adventure life is strange has more twists and turns than a tangled Slinky but we thought at least you'll never betray us mysterious deer with whom Max shares an unspoken mystical Bond whose nature is never fully explained why am I here again yeah we did think that until that one time in a Trippy hallucination of Max's school when said dear petronus led a smack Bang into a mandatory stealth [Music] section dear Patronus we trusted you I could maybe I'll be safe in The Lighthouse maybe I'll wake up so begins a seriously stressful sequence of forced stealth in which you are stalked around a nightmare landscape by your Blackwell Academy teacher creeper and occasional kidnapper Mr Jefferson please understand Max the only place I can be myself selfie is in the dark room using the word my selfie somehow not even in the top five creepiest things about him you used to be so pure so innocent let me capture you I can teach you so much yes we do have the power to rewind time but you'll forgive us for freaking out nonetheless while trying to pick a path through this spooky helmet being menaced by Nightmare versions of our least favorite people this is principal Wells and I'm Max Miss cof wait Max and frankly it's just as well we have Max's Mighty time rewinding powers given how we get caught in the beam of a flashlight every 4 seconds I'm going to cut you open freak Max oh now everyone's got a flashlight do they sure I know you're dying for it when I stop toally ill oh Max hey what were they on sale or something the only thing that could make this more of an ordeal is if we had to collect a bunch of randomly scattered Collectibles oh snap oh no botles this might be hell it's fine because in Max's subconscious nightmare landscape the bottle symbolized guilt the fragility of Life recycling whatever reality I'm in feels like a bad dream you said it Max I too have bad dreams about Stealth sections all right look I got you a copy of the initial report and I can get you into the cabin but you got to make yourself real scarce after that anybody catches you I don't know you vampire the mascarade Bloodlines is one of those games that says play me any way you like except this bit this bit is stealth the mission Elizabeth and Rondevu has you board a cargo ship looking for the ancient anaran sarcophagus which is rumored to contain an ancient vampire who can bring about the end of days it is also an obligatory stealth section which can be a bit of a problem if you put all of your character points into seduction not sneakiness hey you'd be amazed how many times you can romance yourself out of trouble baby not this time though the ship the Elizabeth DNE is a maze of shipping containers crawling with police officers and you've been charged by smug boss man Sebastian lroy not to be detected at all and unlike the warehouse you cannot wholesale slaughter a ship full of lawmen without consequences is this understood I mean police officers have guns so not being detected was sort of the plan anyway this is not quite what we had in mind when we became a cool supernaturally powerful vampire though dropping wrenches to distract beat cops so I can Crouch walk past them who's there still complete the mission without being spotted and lroy will give you this baller apartment in downtown Los Angeles that place has going to be worth half a million dollars at least got any more awful stealth missions I can do for you Lucas come on Lucas come and play you can't spend your whole life just sitting in the corner Lucas when adding a stealth section to your non stealth-based game the question you have to ask yourself is do I want to develop a fully-fledged stealth system that lets players recover their stealthy status if they get spotted or do I want something more like a CP a flashback sequence with an aggravating stealth section in which you fail the instant someone sees you how about hide and seek we could go play and hanger four no way you know we're not allowed to play in there if you answered the second thing you might be David cage in which case hi David thanks for watching it's in cinematic stealth dabbling David cage joint Fahrenheit AKA Indigo prophecy that you flush back to your old timey childhood memories on Rita military base where you have to sneak into a hang building to save your rubbish friends from being exploded you're always off by yourself you never talk to anyone you never play with anyone I'm starting to think maybe you're crazy despite being a tiny child no bigger than 2third of an Ellen and patiently waiting for tediously slow truck patrols you are easier to spot than a flamingo in a chicken coop and when you do get seen it's game over would you you like to continue from your last save or snap your game disc in half don't move I'll shoot really hero you're going to shoot me a tiny crouching child the Curious Thing is in the beginning of the flashback you have a dramatic premonition of the future warning of the stealth section yet to come and somehow you still managed to balls it up also wait a minute was that a Flash Forward during a flash back like you were a child having a vision of the future while also an adult having a vision of the past who do you think you are DAV cage all [Music] right you've got to stop messing with the timeline David cage you're already starting to fade out of this photo I have of you for non- weird reasons Legend of Zelda breath of the wild is a fantastic game full of some of the most beautiful and considered game design in ages and I will eat several hats if it isn't top of most Game of the Year lists for 20177 that said it also contains one of the worst missions I've played in years in the form of the yiga clan Hideout which is an essential unskippable part of the Divine Beast van neoris quest [Music] line if you're unfamiliar with the yeka clan there are a group of shape-shifting desert ninjas who spend most of their time pretending to be Travelers eating bananas and annoying me the biggest annoyance of all however is their Hideout which is the very definition of an infuriating stealth section this isn't really helped by the fact that there's not really a specific cover mechanic in breath of the wild and trying to stick to a wall stealth style means a lot of the time you'll end up climbing it which I mean if you're trying to make yourself more visible then good job nailed it if you're spotted by one of the giant tank Jager guys he'll lock all the doors and whistle calling in backup who will with alarming efficiency wreck your sh that's when you discover that there's no checkpointing in the jiger clan Hideout that's okay you think to yourself I'll just save my game regularly as I go for which bless you you sweet naive child saving is disabled as well well but at least I've got mea's Grace and a ton of fairies to resurrect me when I nope they're out too it's like this mission was designed to win a bet on who could create the most annoying level possible in a video game which oh now I see it's just another example of breath of the wild doing something brilliantly and being the best at it it's just in this case the thing is terrible stealth sections I was worried there for a second use the snowstorm to mask your approach having second thoughts hardly just to prove that even games that are ostensibly all about Stealth can get stealth wrong Assassin's Creed 3 that is to say specifically any Assassin's Creed 3 mission that involves tailing and EES dropping on a Target where you have to get close enough to hear whatever they're going on about but not so close they get suspicious this sweet spot between being too far away to be able to hear them and being so close that you're sitting in their lap is wouldn't you know it inside a stealth hedge K bradock refused the offer there will be no truth in the early mission execution is everything when you're still playing as haam you have to spy on oh just two obscure Soldiers by the names of John Fraser and George Washington maybe you've heard of them maybe you've heard of one of them I fear Brad's blood lust makes them careless it puts them at a risk anyhow George Washington and his less famous historical friend are having a NATA while wandering through the base and you like a hero have to hide in the bushes and listen W be tied you if they catch a glimpse of your handsome trior though or if you're out of eavesdropping range for a few seconds because it's desynchronization City for you my friend come on Haan mate get it together how else are you going to find the important map in the command tent I mean apart from just searching the command tent huh that map will surely be of use thought it best we stay silent on this Mission let's get going all right the Order 1886 I signed up to this order to be a Victorian steampunk James Bond so tell me what gives with this Garden level in which I'm less a swaave man of mystery and gadgets and more a man of getting instantly killed by patrolling guards he you get in this sudden death stealth section our boy Grayson must fumble around in a dark garden getting all Soden in the rain looking for a spare key to let himself in which describes the end of my last Saturday night incidentally while I was Crouch walking around the Garden on Saturday evening however at least I could be sure that I would not meet any guards in bowler hat helmets who if they saw me would instantly gutshot me to death he this is sadly the situation for Grayson who will find said guards on a hair trigger to ruin his Crouch walk around the garden if they spot him or if he fails to do a stealth kill on them hey you then instead of getting a beautifully animated stealth execution he receives a beautifully animated if abrupt and humiliating getting shot in the face hey you painful and embarrassing who's bright idea was this Mission anyway I'm blaming that aliser what's the incursion point the gardens should provide us enough cover to move in unnoticed should they alist should they hey Intruder those friends were some of the forced steal sections that made us want to eat our own hands off in frustration and rage maybe you know some I mean I know there were a lot of them and we only included our personal unfavorites so tell us all about them and while you're doing that or before you do that or after you do that why not also watch some other videos from outside Xbox up here or from outside extra down here you think
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 2,186,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stealth section, worst stealth, worst stealth section, funny, outsidexbox, outside xbox, list, outsidexbox list, top 7, 7 things, top 10, top 5, 5 things, 8 things, top 8, countdown, forced stealth, annoying stealth, life is strange stealth, gta san andreas stealth, aliens colonial marines stealth, the order 1886 stealth, assassin's creed 3 stealth, ac3 stealth, botw stealth, breath of the wild stealth, yiga clan hideout
Id: 3ciMo_z413I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2017
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