7 Dumb Reasons You Received Amazing Powers

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video games usually do a pretty good job of explaining why the character you play as has fantastic powers beyond those of other mortals maybe you're a literal god or you've got a magic amulet or you've simply got to go fast [Music] sometimes though games don't put quite as much thought into the reasons behind your incredible powers and we're left with explanations for our supernatural abilities that are weird implausible or downright baffling here are seven of our favorite dumb reasons for amazing video game powers enjoy and wear spoilers ahead for the following [Music] [Applause] games [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow ever since ben franklin flew a kite in a thunderstorm got struck by lightning and transformed into a giant robot we've known that lightning can do pretty much anything not just horribly injure you so when the makers of comics zone a side-scrolling beat em up for the sega mega drive had to come up with a way of transporting someone inside their own comic book they knew there was only one plausible way of having it happen have the comic book be struck by lightning in comic zone you play as sketch turner who is a comic book artist and freelance rock musician who looks like this which is what people consider to be cool in the early 1990s sketch is working on a comic book during a thunderstorm when lightning comes in through the window i guess and strikes the panel he's working on which makes one of his characters a baddie named mortis appear in the real world and drag sketch into the comic this gives sketch amazing powers such as being able to shred his way through comic panels previously unmentioned martial arts skills and the ability to tear off strips of the background and throw them at enemies like paper airplanes [Music] and the ability to transform into a literal superhero as an outcome from lightning striking a comic book i'd say this is pretty fortunate especially when you consider the alternative is sketch's apartment burning down still looking forward to the end of the game will they explain how he gets out oh he just got out i guess there was some smaller lightning involved maybe the 90s were wild folks [Music] me d4 or dark dreams don't die to give it its full title is an episodic detective game from deadly premonition auteur sweary 65 and if you were wondering if it's as much of a bizarre fever dream as its predecessor this happens in the first 10 minutes in d4 you play as david young a former boston police detective who quit the force after the murder of his wife peggy an incident in which he too was shot in the head leaving him with no memories of that day two years ago someone killed my wife since then i've been using every second of my life to solve a case using a certain very special power what getting shot in their head did leave him with apparently is the ability to time travel for some reason because david can now interact with objects and dive into them allowing him to travel back in time to a time associated with that object needless to say david is keen to use this newfound power to figure out what happened to peggy and prevent her from being killed in the first place or at least travel back to a time when this bathroom wasn't so disgusting the game is not super clear on just how having a bullet lodged in his skull lets david travel through time but then in the very first one of his time travelling dives in which you take part david is transported back to an aeroplane which then gets struck by lightning which sends it further back in time this is pretty strong evidence that even swear e65 doesn't really know what the rules are here and if you were hoping that all would be revealed at the end of the game then sorry because d4 was cancelled after just two episodes when i'm diving into the past and i fall asleep i get knocked out i end up back here even if you do really want time travel powers i'd say try and avoid getting shot in the head even a little bit until we have more concrete evidence of what the hell is going on here thanks i chose the impossible i chose a city where the artist would not fear the censor where the scientists would not be bound by petty morality where the great would not be constrained by the small one of the many reasons andrew ryan decided to build rapture a city underneath the sea was freedom for scientists to research and develop genetic modification without having to worry about what he calls petty morality seems to be going well one of the positives of this approach though is the development of plasmids for the benefit of rapture society these serums introduce modified stem cells into the human body granting superpowers like flame creation telekinesis and the ability to fire bees from your hands struggling to see how that would be useful outside of a combat situation clearing people out at the end of a house party maybe i'm spitballing here in addition to plasmids there are also gene tonics which confer passive effects but are often even more useful take the natural camouflage gene tonic for example in spite of the word natural in its name this doesn't just allow you to blend in with your surroundings like a boring chameleon or something it actually renders you completely invisible every time you stand still oh and your weapons and clothes too which is good because otherwise your enemies would see a floating wrench and a pair of trousers standing up all by themselves how do you unlock this astonishing invisibility power that no doubt took years of scientific research to perfect simply take a few photos of houdini splices who are already using the natural camouflage tonic with your handy research camera scientific patent infringement is probably covered under the whole petty morality clause this research camera is a pretty astonishing piece of kit take the required pictures and the tonic appears in your pocket ready to inject into your body there's no need to master the formula cook it up in a lab or you know conduct clinical trials though to be honest clinical trials sounds an awful lot like petty morality to me that is one hell of a camera i've tried it myself and no matter how many times i take a picture of a ferrari on my phone one never appears in my driveway though i don't own a driveway either maybe i need to take a photo of that first [Music] street fighter 2 was a groundbreaking one-on-one fighting game that made sure to represent the predominant fighting styles in the world of the time such as karate kung fu muay thai and of course jungle electricity it may seem strange to include a giant green electricity man in a lineup of martial artists but i have every faith that capcom came up with a plausible in-universe explanation for exactly why blanca a looked the way he did and b was able to generate 150 000 volts of electricity from his body be right back hi me again just looked it up and it turns out that blanca is green because he ate a lot of plants which contained chlorophyll which turned his skin green no word on the hair or how we're explaining any of the alternate color blankers i guess this one ate a lot of blueberries if you're wondering about the electricity apparently blanca came into contact with electric eels which mutated him and gave him the ability to generate his own electricity which isn't how that works capcom just how often was blanca getting attacked by electric eels out there in brazil because i've been stung by wasps a few times and yet i remain stingless and venom free and don't get me started on the backstory revealed in blanca's ending you gave an adult-sized anklet to a small boy and then randomly are in thailand at a fighting tournament where you recognized it on one of the fighters a giant green feral goblin don't fall for it blind because she's after your street fighter money okay i'll play with you do you want to clear up scarface the world is yours is unusual for a movie tie-in game in that it starts just as the movie it's based on ends if you've seen scarface you'll know that the movie ends with cocky crime lord tony montana being shot to death so you'd be forgiven for thinking this is going to be a pretty short video game the job is done montana is gone everything is destroyed nothing left the police have taken over the match but there's nothing left nothing for him to come back to his empire is destroyed instead however the game presents a what if scenario in which tony survives the assault on his mansion and has to rise up the ranks of the criminal underworld once again rebuilding his empire by shooting people swearing at people and often shooting people and then swearing at them i am blowing you away another significant change the game makes to the scarface mythos is the fact that video game tony montana now has access to an incredible superpower known as blind rage mode okay hey you think you can thank me yes tony got pretty angry in the film but it definitely wasn't the same as what we see in the world is yours in which activating blind rage mode switches the view to first person makes tony all but invulnerable lets him automatically look onto enemies and gives him infinite ammo without ever having to reload tony also regains health for every enemy he kills which is all the enemies this power is way opie blind rage mode is basically the power pill from pac-man only with a lot more swearing i assume i mean wakawaka might mean something terrible in ghosts how does tony come by this incredible new superpower you ask well according to the game it's all thanks to his balls i think this is balls in the figurative rather than literal sense although you know it can be hard to tell sometimes if you thought scarface the world is yours had balls just due to the extent it was ripping off grand theft auto you'd be wrong it's also a quantifiable resource in the game that you have to earn to fill up your balls meter this can be done in a number of ways from talking to people to completing missions to driving dangerously but the best method appears to be loudly and angrily swearing at people right after you kill them fill your balls meter enough and tony can activate blind rage mode and use his balls-based superpower and i'm starting to wonder what sigmund freud would make of this video game probably a fan if i had to guess [Music] these days final fantasy is best known for its beautiful immersive fantasy worlds its spectacular combat and its tendency to take a beloved party member who really was only at the beginning of their journey and could have developed into an interesting character and then just mercilessly killing them for no reason other than to make me sad no i still haven't gotten over it you get over it wind the clock back to the very first final fantasy and yes we're aware how ridiculous the phrase first final fantasy sounds and the game was very different probably the most significant difference from the more recent games in the series is the job system which allowed you to select from six classes or jobs for your four characters those jobs were then locked in for the rest of the game apart from one occasion where you meet series regular bahamut who is a dragon [Applause] [Music] he'll perform a job upgrade but only if you bring him something to prove your bravery a signifier of your immense courage something that really represents your valiant commitment to saving the world against all the odds a gross rats tale you found in a box dragons are weird man still bring him this severed piece of rodent flesh and your four party members will all become upgraded forms of their existing jobs with a dramatic increase in their powers warriors become knights mages become wizards and monks become masters [Music] the biggest glow up though has to be the relatively weak thief whose best power is literally just being able to run away he becomes the ninja who can equip most of the weapons and armor in the game and cast black magic to boot sort of makes it seem like he's gone from an opportunist purse snatcher to a highly trained mystical stealth assassin after just one chat with a dragon [Music] when i worked in a cinema it took me two weeks just to learn how to operate the soda machine related diet cherry orange fanta sprite cola is delicious while we definitely appreciate the power upgrade we do take issue with the fact that bahamut basically made us carry a stinking rotting rat tail around in our pocket just to get it it is worth remembering though that bahabat is a sort of eternal dragon god and is capable of doing this so if the nice dragon asks you for a rat tail you get him a rat tail i know studio execs tougher than you no suit's going to slit your throat have you been to hollywood the mortal kombat series is full of supernatural fighters but there's usually a good reason for why they can be on fire or teleport or summon arcade machines that will [Music] scorpion for example is an undead ninja which explains the skull head and the fire sub-zero meanwhile is a member of an ancient clan with the ability to control ice and jax's robot arms can be programmed to be very good at the [Music] saxophone friends jax wins see all makes sense what didn't make sense for a very long time was why the character johnny cage a regular human wasn't instantly killed the second he tried to fight a guy who could do ice magic in the fiction of the game johnny cage is a hollywood action star in the jean-claude van damme mould hence the autographed pictures and predilection for doing the splits and punching people in the junk [Music] however he's also able to do shadow kicks and throw green balls of energy at his opponents something jcvd is conspicuously unable to do or i guess unwilling to do on camera for eight whole mortal kombat games a hollywood actor having magic powers just went unremarked upon it's like if dwayne the rock johnson started shooting lightning out of his hands at the vanity fair oscars party and no one cared although actually i don't think that would surprise me all that much guy can do anything in 2011's mortal kombat 9 however developer netherrealm decided that this had gone on for too long and that they were going to settle this matter once and for all by revealing the true reason that johnny had been able to do magic this whole time fans think my moves are a wire working special effects truth is i am a special effect turns out he's descended from a cult of superhuman mediterranean warriors bred to be warriors for the gods which you think someone would have mentioned in the previous eight games but i guess it just slipped everyone's minds suddenly powerful energy burst forth destroying everything around him so the ability to do shadow kicks is genetic so that should settle the matter once and for all everybody stop asking presumably the cults were also big on dancing too that's the only way i can explain this [Music] [Applause] [Music] friendship johnny cage wins flawless victory thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it please do like and subscribe it really helps us out and what really really helps us out is if you click that little bell icon to be notified every time we make a video like this now i'm going to place into your hands the amazing power to watch another fine video game video we've got two on the screen one from us and one from our sister channel outside extra and the dumb reason for that power is ancient curse usually works
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 578,712
Rating: 4.9460511 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, superpowers, powers, comix zone, genesis, mega drive, mortal kombat, johnny cage, blanka, electricity, origin story, D4, swery 65, david, dive, bioshock, camera, plasmid, natural camouflage, scarface, tony montana, the world is yours, blind rage, final fantasy, dragon, bahamut, mortal kombat 9, 2011
Id: 1wEzMLwETo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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