7 Unsolved Mysteries That Keep You Awake at Night: Commenter Edition

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we recently published um unsolved videogame mysteries such as why Resident Evil stars members are allowed to wear whatever they want and why the Templars at Abstergo entertainment keep making video games that make their enemies the assassins look like awesome badasses then we asked you to share the video game mysteries that have been bothering you and you did so here they are the video game mysteries that have kept you up at night beware of spoilers for the following welcome to new wave up Ari so Jon where do I know you from you're famous Jon the life of a cowboy in 1911 is a tough one as the modernization of the West leaves you more and more as an outdated relic of a bygone age the world is left behind also you get attacked by Cougars a lot so the last thing you need is to be accosted by a mysterious stranger and a top-hat who looks like he just got done tying people to train tracks he didn't if you're wondering I was down there earlier barters komiteh eugene brooks asks who is the strange man from Red Dead Redemption good question Eugene the strange man seems to know all about John Marston and his past misdeeds but John doesn't recognize him at all hello John john marston do I know you I hope so I seem to know you he talks at length about how John will be judged for his actions and presents him with missions designed to test his morality you know real tough moral choices why don't you head up there and see if you can lend her a hand roads full of Thieves either that or robber yourself in their final meeting he even describes his a beautiful spot what eventually turns out to be the location of John masters grave hey there's a beautiful spot sure what are you doing here oh he's also impervious to bullets damn you yes many have so who is the strange man there are plenty of theories something he's God judging John's actions and presenting him with new moral tests to see if he's truly left his bad old ways behind tell me your name or I won't be responsible for my actions oh but you will you will be responsible others think he's the devil and I mean looking at that mustache I can see why still others think he's the grim reaper taking account of John's life and preparing for his final judgement as evidenced by his appearance at the site of John's grave if there is a definitive answer Rockstar isn't telling so we're going to have to make our own minds up also we probably shouldn't have tied so many people to train tracks fantasy role-playing games usually spend ages creating a vast believable world for you to explore then you spend most of your time underneath that world crawling through miles of dark dank dungeons it's where all the good loot lives the problem with being deep underground is that there's not much in the way of natural light and by not much we mean none so the only way you're gonna get around without bumping into walls is if there are torches and candles lining the corridors which conveniently there always are but comments at any 1984 wants to know who likes all the candles and torches in the abandoned dungeons he makes a good point it can't be the legions of undead skeletons doing the rounds with a Zippo they don't even have eyes why would they need light not only that but one of the things about fires is that they go out meaning these things must have been lit recently the only answer is that another probably much better adventurer has been here already maybe the guy who is waltzing effortlessly through the depths in Dark Souls an hour or so before us avoiding all the enemies and pausing at every sconce to light a fire but skipping every bonfire should be the hero of this game and not us all I'll say is I have my suspicions as to who it is no need to hide your reaction I get that look all the time Grand Theft Auto 5 is full of mysteries why does one puff of marijuana make Michael hallucinate an invading army of aliens where's that story dlc at why do they keep letting trevor back into ponds and bees the biggest mystery of all though is that suggested by commenter Oswin ERT who says the Mount chiliad mystery from gta5 keeps me up at night to be honest this mystery originates from a map inside the cable car stationed at the summit of Mount chiliad the highest point in the state of San Andreas there's what looks like lightning coming off the mountain a UFO or possibly Illuminati eye above it and the series of strange symbols representing exes eggs UFOs and possibly a jetpack so what does it mean devoted community sleuth those who've spent countless hours trying to crack the mystery with many convinced that solving it will unlock a jetpack in the game others think it's just a reference to the UFO that hovers over Mount chiliad once you've 100% of the game and that everyone is getting way too involved in a mystery that doesn't exist once again Rockstar isn't saying although the GTA developers reaction to another different Mount chiliad Easter Egg might reveal its attitude towards people who spend too much time poring over gta5 mysteries here is a face that appears on the side of Mount chiliad in last gen versions of GTA 5 and if you go looking for that same mysterious faith in the car engine versions of GTA 5 here's what you find oh it's that subtle Rockstar wit again the one in the middle I assumed that your mother the left of course your father how old is she if you've played remedies time manipulation action-adventure / TV box set quantum break you'll remember Martin hatch he's the CEO of Monarch solutions and Paul serines right-hand man who does all his dirty work for him but as cometa undying the undying points out he's more mysterious than he first appears why the hell did you exclude Martin hatch from this list quantum break gave me three hours of pacing around trying to figure that one out later in the game it turns out that Martin hatch has been working against Paul's attempt to fix the end of time and also that he might be some sort of immortal Time deity who exists across all the time at once like dr. Manhattan in more clothes you see hatch is fatally wounded in the last episode of the TV show yet shows up conspicuously unstamped in the face in the games ending trying to convince Jack Joyce to come work for Moloch would lose a man like you it's not the same monarch you know mr. Joyce hatch is definitely a shifter that is to say someone who can exist outside of normal time and possibly the first shifter given time powers by a naturally occurring time machine he found in a cave according to this node found in monarch HQ so who is Martin hatch really how long has he been alive why does he want to let time break down and what is the new beginning he thinks it will herald all so where does he get those suits dude his dapper AF the one he looked threatened to you first of all let me thank you for dealing with that personal matter people will read something into anything these days experience has taught me that a man like you can be very loyal for the right price in gta3 multi-millionaire Donald love is obsessed with getting hold of a mysterious package and when I say obsessed with getting home it I mean obsessed with sending you to get hold of it while he does Tai Chi in his suite roof god think that's what they call a first world problem this briefcase is not easy to get hold up not least because there are a bunch of heavily armed Cubans after it as well it's bad enough that you get shot at without an awkward run-in with your ex-girlfriend and her new squeeze that's what dumping people via text was bad all this fuss over a simple briefcase clearly piqued the curiosity of skeptical Jesus in gta3 what was in the briefcase Donald love desperately wants the answer is we'll probably never know when you finished Donald loves mission IQ head up to the roof of his skyscraper and find out that he's skipped town there's an empty box there which presumably held the mysterious artifact that love was so keen to secure but because there was never a direct sequel to this GTA game set after the events of gta3 we'll never know what Donald wanted so badly judging by real-life multi millionaires called Donald it's either the presidents birth certificate or plans for a 10 foot high wall along the Mexican border that Mexico is definitely going to pay for Gordon Freeman in the flesh or rather in the hazard suit I took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons most of them were government property as for the suit I think you've earned it one of gaming's most enduring mysteries is the one suggested by commenter blueshift 199 who asks who is g-man from half-life series the g-man 2 which is referring is the shadowy suited figure who watches you throughout your half-life adventures and occasionally appears to you in surreal dreamlike sequences in which he offers you jobs like an intergalactic transdimensional recruitment consultant I have recommended your services to my employers and they have authorized me to offer you a job they agree with me that you have limitless potential even after all this time we still know next to nothing about the g-man who he is who he works for or what his ultimate aims also why he talks so funny the right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world we know that he probably organized the Black Mesa incident that he's maybe sympathetics of mankind's fight against the combine and that he's not a big fan of vortigaunts but the guy is pretty much as big a mystery now as he was when we first encountered him back in 1998 still I'm sure we'll find out in half-life 3 reg Abe will I'm really not at liberty to say in Resident Evil 2 depending on how you play character Ada Wong has one of two endings in one ending she gets Mullard by the tyrant and dies in another ending she gets shot by a net burking falls off a catwalk and dies either or so you would think because by the time Resident Evil 4 rolls around she's back in action with a fresh new evening gown Leone long time no see ADA as coming to James Technol in the Resident Evil series how did Ada Wong survive being shot and dropped down a seemingly bottomless shaft to make an appearance in Resident Evil 4 without Lian even questioning it a very fine question James history does not record how aid to survive sorry James but it does record how she escaped Raccoon City after managing to not die something about the meeting with Lian changed me first things first I must escape this town survive in order to accomplish objective according to the Umbrella Chronicles Wesker gives her a hook shot and she grapples the hell out of Dodge onto a helicopter leaving behind only a Jimmy to heal and a disappointed monster you can have it which is how she lives to cartwheel another day in Resident Evil 4 my working theory is that the canonical ending of Resident Evil 2 is the one in which a default off the umbrella laboratory catwalk and down the Umbrella bottomless pit after which she lands in the umbrella trampoline research department bounces to safety takes a green herb and walks it off if the t-virus did this what would happen if the g-virus got out thank you very much for watching our video on unsolved videogame mysteries please do like and subscribe if you enjoyed this for much more of a similar sort of thing and the only 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Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 2,193,296
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Keywords: unsolved mysteries, top 7, 7 things, list, outside xbox, outsidexbox, commenter edition, ada wong, resident evil 2, how does ada wong survive, red dead redemption, who is the strange man, strange man, half-life, g-man, half-life 2, who is g-man, red dead redemption strange man, skyrim, dark souls, mount chiliad, UFO, gta 5, gta5, donald love, briefcase, gta 3, gta 3 donald love, donald love gta 3, quantum break, martin hatch, funny, unexplained, gaming, game, videogame
Id: nWls-vfqQgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2016
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