7 Horrible Weapons You're Definitely the Bad Guy for Using

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violence is an unavoidable part of many games because it turns out most held demons aren't interested in sitting down and talking out your differences over a cup of tea and a biscuit man it's even harder to drink tea or talk now without a lower jaw so things may descend into an inevitable fight but that doesn't mean you have to use the most horrible weapon you can find that's what we have the Geneva Convention although actually I had to look and it turns out that it doesn't apply to video games so I guess all the following horrible weapons are all nice and legal thanks Geneva enjoy and beware - spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] greetings to rock I am a Don the elders of the last land known as the Lazarus concordance have charged me with the task of guiding you on your quest to stop the prime agem Tarak to seeds of evil continues the story of Tarak who is a dinosaur hunter a job you'd be forgiven for thinking is pretty easy considering how they all died out 65 million years ago turns out though that there are actually loads of dinosaurs around on account of what is probably best described as impenetrable sci-fi nonsense because we haven't got all day this once peaceful coastal village has been utterly destroyed by the dinosaur army under the primer John's command yes thank you in his quest to defeat this dinosaur army Tarak must use a variety of weapons ranging from the low tech such as bows and arrows to high-tech ordnance such as grenade launchers and flamethrowers one weapon in torrox Arsenal however was so nauseatingly horrible that it has entered video game legend that weapon is the cerebral bore in other contexts a cerebral bore is a person who corners you as a party and explains at length how Frankenstein is actually the name of the creator not the monster in the context of taurog though a cerebral boar is a lavishly nasty gizmo that when fired homes in on the nearest dino latches onto its skull then spends what feels like forever whisking up the contents of their noggin and ejecting it onto a nearby wall before in a particularly gratuitous bit of overkill exploding what's more dinosaurs have famously small brains so who knows where all this fluid is coming from yes just like in Jurassic Park the real message here is the man is the real monster yeah yeah whatever [Music] let me guess I can tell this is gonna be an interesting day you know what your grandma thinks video games are postal 2 is basically that playing as postal dude who is a stupid person's idea of a cool person your job is to rampage around the town of Paradise Arizona murdering people destroying property and urinating on things now the flowers will grow oh sure but when Hideo Kojima does it you'll love it naturally with the gamers purposefully violent and grim as postal 2 there are a selection of over-the-top weapons including chainsaws gasoline cans and huge diseased cow heads I believe those things is he carting around with him you must felt like the bins out the back of a burger van but at least those cows might have died of natural causes by far the cruelest weapon in postal 2 is actually a weapon modification it's the so called cat silencer a device produced by placing a live cat on the end of your weapon and firing rounds through its mouth as if any part of that process sounds like it's gonna be quiet the most ridiculous part is this isn't even an effective suppressor since it hardly affects the volume of the firearm alright maybe not the most ridiculous part in fact every time you pull the trigger the cat meows which I would argue makes it louder I'm overthinking this aren't I postal dude can fire the weapon a total of nine times once for each of the cats nine lives obviously after that the poor kitty will be launched from the barrel of the gun and explode against the ground so he's more of a dog person we're guessing stupid dog definitely not a dog person don't play postal - can you handle a gun Jimmy oh he's come and picked never drive in the country but I told any ma huh no no no no no Jimmy can't drive he only two-year-old old ace okay anyone else preferably living 2003 s armed and dangerous was a game that really loved his guns so much so in fact that even the studio logo got in on the act of the side of the game LucasArts really hates that teacup it wasn't just pistols and assault rifles either armed and dangerous had a nice line in unusual weaponry including a gun that reverses the planet's gravity causing everyone to fall into the sky before things go back to normal and they plummet back to earth to their deaths [Music] but it's none of those that we're here to talk about today despite the fact that that last one would probably kill thousands of nearby unrelated people destabilize the planet probably cause the harvest to fail everyone's shoes would be hats now I mean just think of the consequences no we're here to talk about the shark launcher this is a projectile weapon which as the name implies launches sharks these sharks then burrow through the earth before popping up in front of your presumably confused and terrified enemy chomping down on them and waving them around like a winning lottery ticket all right gotta bring you up on a few things they're armed and dangerous one you have regular guns you don't need to use a weapon that has your enemies literally eaten alive by an apex predator in a really unexpected way that's gonna make their funeral both confusing and hilarious and too great white sharks currently have an eye ucn conservation status are vulnerable this means they're facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium term future and that you shouldn't fire them out of guns into the ground where they can't survive being aquatic animals but in your defense I guess there are very few other weapons available to you just this and all the other guns I mentioned Oh a miniature black hole launcher so as you can see this was basically the only option in medical terms psychosis is a serious condition with sufferers having difficulty determining what's real and what's not in n64 first-person shooter Perfect Dark it's apparently something you can fire out of a gun dubious depictions of mental illness notwithstanding the psychosis gun is actually one of the most useful weapons in Joanna darks arsenal it's modeled after the more conventional tranquilizer gun it operates very more horribly shoot an enemy with it and they immediately become a super powerful allies sprinting off ahead of you and cutting a swathe through the other baddies in the level [Music] should I be ashamed that he's a better shot than I am you know I think I'll get over it better yet tag multiple enemies with the weapon and email to walk through the entire area with a little squad of absolute badasses all of whom are going to have a lot of explaining to do to their supervisor on Monday morning I [Music] mean assuming they haven't already shot the supervisor in which case take the rest of the day off I guess although perfect darks player-character joy and a dark can happily swoon off in her sci-fi helicopter at the end of a successful mission without a care in the world spare a thought for the poor security guard who will finally come to his senses hours later to discover he's brutally mowing down all of his work friends in a hail of automatic gunfire that's assuming coming to your senses later is even part of the psychosis guns hole deal really feel like we should have researched this thing a bit more before we started shooting people with it good morning and welcome to the Black Mesa Transit System this automated train is provided for the security and convenience of the Black Mesa research facility personnel the time is 847 a.m. temperature is estimated hi as first days on the job go they don't get much worse than Gordon Freeman's first day at the Black Mesa research facility in half-life first off he's late nightmare then all his coworkers are weirdos there's nowhere to get a decent cup of coffee and maybe worst of all he's involved in an experiment that causes a resonance cascade that rips a hole between dimensions allowing alien creatures from the same dimension to cross over and kill everyone not looking forward to the three month probationary review luckily for Gordon end to an extent humanity it turns out that Gorton has an undiscovered talent for murdering things with whatever he finds lying around ranging from the humble crowbar to more exotic weaponry like a crossbow and an alien hand that shoots bees sure that's pretty horrible but for real body horror we look to one of the last weapons you get in the game namely the experimental glue on gun the glue on gun looks like a proton pack if the Ghostbusters aim was to create ghosts rather than catch them who are you gonna call your loved ones there's been a terrible accident your first clue that this experimental weapon is the sort of thing only at dangerously unhinged bad guy would use is the fact that the person who invented it and is standing right next to it presumably because he doesn't want to let it out of his sight tells you that he can't bring himself to use it on living things because of how horrible it is I built the glue handgun if you have any trouble killing things the physics the explanation for what the gluon done does to people is that it fires a beam of particles that interfere with the particles that hold atomic nuclei together aka gluons blast the living being with this beam and it causes said being cells to disassociate themselves from one another the non physics explanation is that it makes them explode really really messily hey next akin hope you weren't planning an open casket funeral but at least you will save on casket costs because your dearly departed remains will probably now fit into one ziplock bag oh don't look at me like that you invented the thing this is on you you might argue that the time manipulation device from singularity isn't a weapon merely a tool a tool for manipulating time see simply a tool it's a weapon definitely a weapon singularity starts off as a pretty conventional sci-fi shooter but it's not long before you get your hands on the single most dangerous bit of hand where since the Infinity Gauntlet what's great about the time manipulation device or TMD - its friends is that if you ever find yourself hold in front of a tribunal for war crimes you can claim that it technically doesn't kill anyone at all it simply accelerates their aging until I die of natural causes [Music] Wow natural causes look really painful rapidly aging someone like they chose the wrong Grail is objectively a horrifying thing to do yes but because this is a tool and not a weapon the TMT works in both directions so presumably if you twiddle the dial on the TM D - D H someone they'll regain their youthful vigor and get heavily into fortnight or at the very least become a hyper-intelligent baby you know like boss baby anyway simply flick the device to revert mode let er rip and not keen on this boss baby reboot [Music] everyone knows that if these zombie apocalypse happens you're going to need to make improvised weaponry like a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire or a mic wrapped in raw steak I said here the Dead Rising series knows this all too well which is why a lot of the stuff you'll be using to defend yourself in Dead Rising 2 onwards is makeshift gear you've cobbled together out of two things and some duct tape seriously any two things damn straight that being said there are some combo weapons that tip over from smart survival strategy into what the hell is wrong with you chief among these is the drill bucket from Dead Rising 2 this is a combo weapon made you'll be unsurprised to hear from a drill and a bucket and it's the sort of thing that would only be thought up by someone who was enjoying this whole zombie apocalypse thing a little bit too much damn right the combo card for this weapon describes it as DIY dental work at its finest but just to reiterate this is a bucket full of drills that you have to get dangerously close to a zombie to jam onto its head just so you can watch this happen my man these were your fellow human beings a few hours ago I mean earth scientists might be even working on a cure right now and these zombies won't want to turn back into a human with half their heads missing do wanna maybe wait a bit before you start doing amateur brain surgery on them with the masonry drill I suppose it could be worse he could be wearing a mankini while doing it oh come on where did he even find that Jurassic Park got it wrong mankini is the real monster it's got Baldwin Buscemi could row in a madcap comedy caper for kids of all in one or not skirt all right nope fine fine okay instead of that why don't watch this video up here which is about the silliest names apparently we were supposed to take seriously I'm down here is video from our sister channel outside extra which is about jump scares that turned out to be nothing at all so enjoy those please like and subscribe if you enjoyed this some more see you next time come on man
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,153,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, list, top 7, top 10, best, worst, funny, videogame, weapons, weird, strange, cerebral bore, turok, dinosaur hunter, turok 2, seeds of evil, dinosaur, cat, silencer, postal 2, shark gun, armed and dangerous, psychosis gun, perfect dark, joanna dark, gluon gun, half-life, half, life, gordon freeman, time manipulation device, singularity, tmd, time, drill bucket, dead rising 2, chuck greene, combo weapon
Id: rumwRq-CB7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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