Can You Beat Hitman 3 Without Breaking ANY Laws?

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hi there one thing you may not know about me is that I've been a Hitman for decades now and in my work I've commit Arsen Grievous bodily harm destruction of property and handling salmon in suspicious circumstances hey drop the fish you here recently I think my actions have caught up to me I go to sleep at night and think of all the times I've thrown people over balconies and crushed them with great presses and I think I'm done with that life a changing career will probably be a wise choice but my CV isn't particularly great I don't think Tesco will take on the likes of me so I've decided to continue with my but on my own terms I don't want to lay a finger on any of my targets I don't want to knock out any civilians and steal their clothes in fact I want to operate as closely within the law as possible so that's exactly what I'm going to do here's how I tried to beat the levels of Hitman 3 without breaking the law first up we're off to Dubai and I think it's time to get an idea of the things I cannot do possession of firearms is illegal assault illegal stealing illegal knocking out an innocent civilian with a crowbar and dragging their body into a wardrobe Jesus Christ that last one is particularly Troublesome considering that this game is mostly about obtaining disguises in order to reach your Target and most of the time you need to knock someone out to do it luckily for us these levels have a few of these white drawring bags that contain disguises meaning I don't have to go around in my duck hoodie all the time however not every disguise can be obtained this way for example Dubai doesn't have the penthouse guard outfit which would have been very helpful so we're going to have to plan accordingly that's why I'm also letting myself use starting locations as they allow me to start the level in a particular outfit anyway it's time we got started in this level we're at the top of the tallest building in the world and we've got two Targets Marcus Styers and Carl Ingram at first I thought following this Mission story could be the way to go as it gets both Marcus and Carl in the same room however to do this I would have to hack into the building's admin system a clear violation of the computer misuse act and i' also need a disguise that can't be obtained without strangling a poor worker so I've had to look for Alternatives the route I'm going to take requires me starting in a staff outfit in the penthouse suite I'm going to bring some coins obviously we can't bring a gun so the banana will have to do after loading into the level I immediately leave to go to the ground floor obviously the tricky part about this challenge is working out how to kill the targets without laying a finger on them you can set up accidents but most of them require you shooting a chandelier or pushing them over a ledge which definitely doesn't feel legal so I'm either going to have to set things up so that someone else does my dirty work for me or have them be victim to their own gross negligence I then go through the bar into this maintenance cupboard which contains our first bag with the security guard outfit now I know what you're thinking window ledge this is steeling no it's not it's borrowing rest assured before I exit the level I will retrace my steps and return the outfits I used along with anything else I will leave each location with no more than what I came with and in the same outfit I arrived in because stealing is wrong I distract this guard by throwing a coin which he then proceeds to steal from me which is so not on and I get into the guard outfit next I go downstairs to the staff room and I'm feeling pretty hungry so I take the banana making sure I do so in full view of the employees just so I know it doesn't belong to anyone the plan I have is to follow a mission story where I try out to be Marcus Styers new security guard and to do this I need to borrow these transfer papers and head up to this room where I meet with Marcus and part ways with the paper as I said at the start of the mission we are a top the tallest building in the world and my goal is to make sure they appreciate just how tall it is my target then escorts me to this Pony where he tasked me with throwing these knives to test my knife throwing skills and since I impressed him I'm now his new security guard and I get time alone with him in which he stands very close to the edge of the building in normal Hitman rules I'd be able to kick him over the edge to take him out but in this challenge I can't do that so it's time to bring out my secret weapon my pack lunch while his back is turned I place the banana on the balcony now I know what you're thinking window ledge that's littering you monster but I argue that's not the case I'm simply leaving my property in a safe place which I plan on picking up when I'm hungry unless of course some unforeseen circumstances were to occur I place two coins in these specific locations and throw a third to make a noise which he will investigate now we wait marcus' greed gets the better of him and he proceeds to take the coins for himself and despite the banana clearly being visible he decides to go for the third coin end there he goes a death at the hands of greed and negligence a terrible accident really unlike other accident kills you can get this is completely his fault you can't really blame someone for standing under a chandelier I dropped but you definitely can blame them for going too close to the edge of a building and ignoring the very obvious Hazard but our job isn't done we still need to get to Carl Ingram I make my way to the security room where I take another banana cuz I'm just so hungry and then I open this safe with a code that was revealed to me in a dream inside is this evacuation key card which is pivotal to my plan and then I return the security guard outfit before making my way back up to the penthouse where I started the mission now there are a multitude of ways to take out Carl in the penthouse but they are all a bit too physical for my liking so we're going to have to find a way to get him to other parts of the building which is where the key card comes in when swiped an alarm will sound which prompts Ingram and Styers God resters soul to evacuate the building first they run down a floor to the helipad then back up to the penthouse before parachuting off the building if we don't take them out before they do this then we lose the mission luckily the helipad is exactly where I need Mr Ingram but before I swipe let's address the big red exclamation mark here this denotes what the game considers an illegal action so it's easy to think that we can't do any of these actions for this challenge but I disagree most of the actions considered illegal are definitely not allowed but there are also some that aren't considered illegal by the game but definitely are for example lacing this guy's drink with 25 times the lethal dose of rat juice before his very eyes doesn't count as illegal but picking up this walking stick does so we can't just take the game's word for it but anytime I do an action deemed illegal by The Game's terms I'll make sure to present my case to you guys first so back to the key card and while yes in proper use of an emergency alarm can net you a hefty fine I argue this is an emergency because I've been told that there's a Hitman in the building anyway after setting off the alarm car and his goons are going to race down to exactly where we need him this very precarious ledge with no railing for some reason I hope nothing bad happens Carl arrives and irresponsibly stands on the edge and I'm going to make sure to place this banana in direct sight of Mr Ingram then stand here he starts to run completely disregarding the danger of the situation and I Rush down this ladder and watch him take his descent hey you and there we go two tragic losses at the hands of negligence and irresponsibility all that's left for me is to vacate the premises leaving with nothing more than I came with so that's a lawful playthrough of by and I can sleep soundly tonight getting the targets to slip off the building is actually much harder than it looks finding out how to do it for Carl genuinely took like 2 hours the slipping just stops the Running Animation you have to rely on the guy ragd dolling the right way and obviously this can only be done in high places without railings which luckily for us to buy has these two next we arrive in the fictional land of England where our goal is to take out Margaret Thatcher and steal a file borrow a file the context of this Miss is that Thatcher's husband has been killed and a private investigator has been hired to find out who did it so we're going to start a said investigator and do some snooping what's good about this is that we are given full permission to navigate all parts of the Mansion so we don't have to worry about finding disguises we start at the scene of the crime and begin scanning all the clues in this room basically depending on the conclusion we come to in our investigation our Target will react in different ways and my plan is to convince Madame Carla I can't be bothered to call her thater anymore to convince her that her husband Zachary took his own life to do this we're going to go to this room which the door to is locked so we're going to climb out this window and go around this isn't illegal it's just cool plus we've been given permission to go into all the rooms in the house so we're not trespassing next we are going to pick up this cane which counts as illegal but just isn't considering that if we're seing carrying it we don't get into trouble and we're going to head to this part of the house where there's a hidden switch using our highly illegal walking stick we are able to press the switch and open a secret room where we find the item we need this letter basically this brings up something both Alexa and Zachary did which we can use to convince Alexa that Zachary ended his life due to guilt so we're going to conclude our investigation where the evidence supports our theory that Zachary took his own line now I know you're going to ask window is that what actually happened to Zachary and my answer to that is that you shouldn't ask that question anyway we're ready to present our findings to our Target citing the letter as our source she seems quite upset by this but I'm just doing my job as a reward she willingly gives us the file we needed so now all we need to do is find a way to oh I I I didn't know is going to uh that's our mission complete yay unfortunately for us things only get harder from here Berlin is a unique Mission given the fact that there aren't one or two Targets but rather 10 luckily we only need to get five but that's still almost impossible to do within the law so I may or may not have to you know bend the rules a bit and though there's 10 options for us some are just not possible to get in the context of this challenge for example agent train here just spends all his time at his snipers nest and the only way to take him out is by shooting him with your your own sniper or by putting rat juice in his drink so if we disregard train and all the other targets who aren't really an option we're left with three and two of those are debatable so uh you're going to have to be the judges here anyway the level takes place in a nightclub in an abandoned Factory I'm going to start as the DJ and bring our old friend the banana we immediately leave the decks and head upstairs borrowing this here screwdriver next we're going to go over to this little Bridge thing that overlooks the club where our first Target is situated behind is this big light fixture that reacts to the music and we're going to listen to these two's conversation that looks a little precarious don't you think what the tree it's fine people all always s over the top of regulations for these Lear of things well worst case scenario people probably won't even be sober enough to notice of anything's wrong now worst case scenario it'll electrocute everyone nearby but as long as you're not too close to the tree trunk everyone should be safe oh cool that's incredibly reassuring I'll make sure the lawyers have your number so what I'm gathering is that this light fixture is extremely dangerous and this place should have been shut down years ago this sounds like a whole lot of not my fault but fine it'll be your ass if something goes wrong Madam I couldn't agree with you more so anyway we're going to lure this guy away and wait for her to turn around and do some electrician work that may or may not prove deadly back down to the DJ booth we go after returning the screwdriver to where we found it and you might notice that another Target walks across the bridge giving me an idea if we time the drop right this could make our job much easier iier so I wait for them both to get close and start the music causing the tree behind them to catch fire and electrocute Target one and Target Two And if you thought the legality for these two was debatable wait for four and five anyway my job in the club is done it's time for us to go back up to the surface where we navigate to the outside bar here is where agents SW patrols and he irresponsibly stands very close to this gross stream we're going to do a similar setup to how we got Marcus serson in Dubai the old banana greed trick blinded by the money he fails to see the slipping Hazard and just give it a sec just yay that's three and now we get to the legally very questionable actions these next two were the best ways I could find in the context of this challenge I tried anyway I'm going to navigate to this staff room and borrow this club crew outfit then head out here where agent TS is chilling and my plan is that first I go to the spin where I find this fuse cell and since it was going to be thrown away I might as well use it for myself we're then going to go over to the cran and use the fuse to power it which makes t stand directly underneath it for some reason despite the precariously hanging cement wheel directly above him I climb up the wheel gets dropped and so does temps yeah I'm the one who powered the crane but why would you stand directly Underneath It Whatever we've got one guy left and for this we're going to go back down to where we started and where agent Chamberlain is patrolling our plan requires us to get past this door but we can't open it without a key card uh so we're just going to wait for him to open the door and follow him in now we're in we can see another accident waiting to happen a water cooler next to an electrical outlet all of these deaths could have been avoided with a simple safety inspection except from the banana that's just Swan being a fool we take this disguise in the screwdriver do some more electrical work and start a water leak Chamberlain sees the surging water and instead of avoiding it and calling for help decides to walk into it and die and we've completed our mission I then return the screwdriver and all the disguises I used now did I break the law by tampering uh maybe but these accidents will probably cause the era to be shut off permanently saving the lives of actual Innocents all of this could have been avoided with a simple safety inspection except the banana now to Chong King China back to normality with just two Targets imagin Roy and hush what's different about this mission is that both targets are holed up in their respective buildings normally at least one of the targets roams around in the more public are areas but that isn't the case here meaning we might have to do a bit of trespassing here and there yeah we're going to start as an analyst in the secret IC data facility where reyce resides her job as the head of the facility requires her to check up on the highly guarded data core which only she and her right-hand man are allowed to enter but what if I told you we could take her out in the core without me even being in there and without me actually pulling the trigger to do this we're going to use the classic greed trick to distract these guards and enter her office where she has this control panel one of her is other jobs besides maintaining the data chorus to work on her prediction algorithms with this she has been able to with a high degree of certainty predict what would happen if she were to fire some of her employees for example she predicts that if she were to fire Jeremy bolt who guards the entrance to the core he would leave his post and call his mom for advice if Sharon Reed were to be fired Royce predicts she would finish her work by performing core maintenance which cleanses the data core by setting it on fire I don't know how that works as long as the safety mechanism is on finally if Elicia Reynolds were to be fired Roy predicts that she will get angry and take her Revenge by turning off the safety mechanism how interesting now if we play this right we can oh she's coming in I'm hiding in the locker this isn't illegal by the way after she leaves we're going to oh God don't snitch anyway our first action is going to be to fire Jeremy bolt causing him to leave the door to the core unguarded we wait a bit and then fire Alisia as predicted she walks towards the core and since Jeremy isn't guarding it she goes in and turns off the safety me ISM we then wait for Roy to go back into the court and finally fire Sharon Reed who being the saint she is finishes her work and cleanses the cor since the safety is off the computer ignores that someone is inside and Roy meets her fiery end without me even being the one who turned off the mechanism beautiful it's time for me to leave the facility and emerge on the neon streets of Chun King hush is located in this building and this guy is is just evil he's performing mind controlling experiments on the homeless so we got to put a stop to it it's a high guarded place so we're going to have to do a Tey bit of trespassing and parkour to get to where we need but first I need to get this street guard outfit we climb up the outside of the building and onto floor four where we find this researcher outfit there is actually a really good way of taking out hush Fire's own hubris but that requires me to knock out this poor innocent homeless man I'm definitely being turned away from the Pearly Gates if I do that so we're going to have to settle for a bit more electrician work once again another safety inspection has failed to occur probably due to the fact that this is highly illegal experimentation this guy is doing so I don't even feel bad but to get hush here we're going to need to sabotage these test pods and look sabotage is a strong word I don't even know what this does but these guys seem in pain and I think sabotaging helps them so I'm actually the hero here if we do this enough it causes the system to need resetting which brings hush out of hiding I do the same stuff as I did for Chamberlain's demise and our target meets the same fate and since I'm such a lore Abiding Citizen I repair the outlet afterwards all that's left is to return the outfits in the screwdriver and leave and on to the final level now technically there is a level after this one but I consider it to be more of a linear conclusion to the story rather than an actual sandbox Mission so we're not going to do it our final destination is an Argentinian Vineyard and wine production factory our targets being Don archal the8 and Tamara Vidal also Diana burnwood is here and we've got to make sure not to eliminate her and I'm pretty good at that this one requires a lot of setup so let's get started started we spawn by the sniper nest in a goucho outfit for the sole purpose of traveling through this tunnel and to pick up this banana without trespassing this level has a total of four bananas not including the one we bought and lucky for us five is all we need for our plan believe it or not the bananas aren't actually for our targets no classic greed trick here but you'll have to wait and see why next we head down to the vineyard and Factory passing this man here who we're going to need for our plan he's going to take our Target Vidal and our non-target burnwood on a tour of the facility to then meet up with Don Yates getting our three protagonists in the same room however in order to start the tour we're going to have to present him with evidence that the grapes from The Vineyard are ready to harvest and to do this we're going to go inside and switch outf not before grabbing banana 3 and the workers key we go into the vineyard and to collect what we need we have to borrow this grape knife we collect our grapes and head over to the tour guide he's with an enforcer shown by this white dot meaning this guy sees through our outfit so we have to distract him we present The Grapes CA in the guide to walk over to Vidal and burnwood intending to start the tour while we wait I go into the cinema for our fourth banana and head back to where the tour is due to start the gang now goes through the facility guiding Me by all the weird and wonderful ways of taking out FAL but I can't do any of them which is just cruel finally we end up in the barrel room where Don Yates greets the other two and invites them to some dinner party which is exactly where we need them to make sure we get free roam of the area we're going to go here and get a mercenary outfit from this Locker we head to the basement where the little all get together is happening but before that we need to climb up to yates's attic release this ladder and go down into his room where things are going to start kicking off later all this work is making me pretty hungry so I decide to fetch my pack lunch and keep it in a safe space while the meeting is going on namely these three exact locations one on the balcony one in the bathroom and one on the other balcony anyway I'm late for the dinner party so I'm going to head down and collect the final banana on the way now it's time to listen in Mr Yates makes an opening statement before going mute for 30 seconds and picks up his conversation once this guy comes in now the context behind this mission is pretty long to explain and honestly I skip all the cut scenes at the end of the mission so I don't actually know what's going on but basically there's this evil organization that Yates and Vidal are part of and that burnwood is soon to be part of and Yates is mad because he thinks burnwood shouldn't be allowed to join and in order to stop her from joining he decides the best option is to get his guard to shoot vial what anyway that's one target down and we didn't even do anything and even stranger burnwood the one Yates actually wants to kill just gets away with being smacked in the head it doesn't even knock her out FAL got shot in the head and she isn't even the one he wanted oh whatever Diana is about to be escorted by three guards up to the bedroom important to know that she's our friend she's the one who gives us the target info and such at the start of the missions so we don't want her dead and we're going to have to help her out also because her dying would make us fail the mission but that's not important friendship is important now we're going to make sure we beat them upstairs and then hide in this cupboard when they all arrive we're going to have to do two things get a mercenary outfit which we already have and take out the guards now how do we do this without getting physical I don't know but I sincerely hope the three of them don't simultaneously slip on the bananas this is a very serious game if you can tell but things aren't over yet we've got to Diana safely but Yates is still a threat now burnwood makes a plan for the final showdown she grabs this letter opener and states that our job is to sit down and cheer around from the sidelines but this is it Yates and two more goons arrive for the final confrontation fully intent on eliminating Diana burnwood Yates performs his evil monologue asking why burnwood was being allowed to join his evil org as she's about to tell him he leans in and burnwood brandishes the letter opener finishing the job two Targets down both by proxy but we're still in a pretty tricky situation there are two guards who aren't our friends who have just seen Diana kill their Master while we watched on the sidelines in order to actually finish the mission we need to take out these two so it's time for my part of the plan the hero to save the day is here I stand up proud ready to finish the job and to do this I I run into the bathroom and hide lucky lucky for us these guys don't know who did it and after they stop looking for me even though Diana is right there they just sort of stand around either way we've got to take them out otherwise Diana will perpetually stand here motionless now believe it or not in a normal playthrough you're not actually meant to run away into the bathroom you're really meant to shoot this winch dropping the chandelier then finish off this guy obviously we can't do that but I've got a couple more bananas guard a starts dragging yates's body which is absolutely the least of his concerns so I place a banana on the stairs he proceeds to stare at it and Jesus Christ he flew but we couldn't finish the challenge without one more instance of the the classic greed trick and there we go with the floor cleared Diana starts to leave and we can finally find an exit I return all my disguises and the grape Knight and we finished the final level so let's recap in Dubai we had two victims to Banana negligence in dark Mo thater commit jump off the building Berlin involved a lot of accidents Chun King we got someone else to do the job and in and dozza too we stole nothing knocked out no one apart from the guards slipping on the bananas which isn't my fault stole sto no clothes carried no weapons dragged no bodies and was an allaround good guy now did we beat the whole game without breaking any laws uh probably not I think Dubai and dartmore were clean Berlin was definitely our worst considering four of the kills required tempering though we can argue that the place should have been closed years ago Chong King was good apart from having to do the same thing to hush but I think the operation he was running was far more illegal than my actions and I'm actually very happy with how Mendoza turned out I think we did pretty close to to the absolute most law abiding run of the game but maybe there's things I missed anyway how innocent do you think I am let me know and thank you very much for watching
Channel: windowledge
Views: 1,533,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hitman 3, Hitman 3 without killing
Id: zsI4_WTFoe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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