8 Times You Should Have Killed Your Nemesis Much Earlier, Saved Hassle

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in some games you have to work your way up to a confrontation with the villain exterminating swarms of lesser enemies on the path to taking a shot at their boss in a few games though a convenient opportunity to murder eyes the antagonists present itself early on and instead of seizing the moment and saving yourself hours of hassle and several tons of ammunition you let it slip by consider these times he could have killed your nemesis much much earlier and been home in time for dinner and beware spoilers for the following pouchy during the events of the last Tomb Raider Lara Croft went from reluctant first-time Keller who falls down a lot to one woman full murdering army so geez got Pryor when it comes to fool murdering and the artifact inside but early on in rise of the Tomb Raider Laura gets the drop on stigmata having bad man Constantine by beating him to a legendary loss to open it careful it could be extremely dangerous now Laura's got her gun to the sternum of a man who runs operations for a murder II and sinister cabal Laura comes over all passivist where is the artifact I don't know what you're talking about don't play games with me right don't play games with him do shoot him in the heart look it was empty when I got here there was nobody and definitely no artifact if this was a crisis of conscience for Lara it was short-lived because not 30 seconds later she sets off a bunch of explosives to destroy the tomb area with a cave-in with no apparent concern for the well-being of Constantine or his men all this incredible archaeological find you do know that falling masonry kills people as well Lara hey at least this way the archeological find of the century is destroyed too much better well go on take the bloody bag off his head again terribly sorry for what happened before this is small what I had in mind in the opening chapter of Far Cry 4 you wind up having a cozy dinner with one pagan min so fresh start introductions are Jay Galle our guest of honor Oh our very gracious host the little monkey his name I still don't know and I of course in pagan men bear in mind you've already seen this guy stab one of his own men to death with a pen oh and there he is stabbing your new friend with a crab fork I'm beginning to see a theme I'm afraid it of coming for you buddy oh and find out what he knows definitely a theme so when pagan min is done stabbing things and wanders off to probably do some more stabbing off-screen actually you'd be fully justified in taking the crab for keys conveniently chucked on the table and spending the next few minutes doing some practice stabbing so when he gets back you're ready to install a crab fork in his larynx instead when pagan min returns you take a little ride in his helicopter and become best Bros oh good you feel better now get it out of your system you do know he's going to stab you to death with the spinner when you beat him at twister right who else would jump off a building to save your sorry ass you know officer I was wondering the same thing myself okay Batman I get it you don't kill people very noble well done what is fine when it comes to his arch nemesis the Joker however you think the bat would be willing to make an exception Batman has had so so many opportunities to kill the Clown Prince of Crime none better than the first time they met in Arkham origins five years before the events of Arkham Asylum ooh this is perfect it wouldn't even be you killing in Batman this is totally on Bane that's what I've been saying anyway thanks to his stupid code which i remind you wouldn't even apply to that scenario Batman has Joker carted off to prison from which he immediately escapes nice one still everyone deserves a second chance so Joker offers Batman yet another opportunity to get free by just not killing someone else come on bats this will be easy you love not killing people someone is going to die look Batman I really think you should just head home and let the Joker have his electric chair know your rights better bring him in Batman we saw how well that went last time yes he got you and all your friends nearly dying in Arkham Asylum and Arkham City to look forward to now you dummy prepare the sub his life is mine Assassin's Creed one kicks off without a year floating every rule in the assassin handbook especially the one about not walking right up to your mortal enemy and telling him you're about to try to assassinate him we would ask to retrieve the treasure until was Robair only if necessary he stands between us and it I'd say it's necessary discretion I'll die you mean cowardice that man is our greatest enemy and here we have a chance to rid of him if I'll tell you had only paid attention in assassin lessons instead of staring moodily into the middle distance like another cromby model he might have known to do a flying air assassination on Robert the szabla instead of giving it all that because as I hear it you chose to expose yourself drawing attention before you'd struck thank you what he said and what is it you want blood it turns out it's quite hard to assassinate a man in full armor when you announced your intentions beforehand like an idiot what happens your today will change the world forever nothing can stop this not even you Vladimir Makarov from the call of duty modern warfare series is about as bad as bad guys get as evidenced by that time he nuked all those people is everything ready so the u.s. takes the step of having a CIA agent Joseph Allen infiltrate Makarov inner circle Allen gets close to Makarov and earns his trust until he's finally stood in front of Makarov armed with a machine gun in a perfect position to take him out and prevent any more terrorist atrocities okay let's do this say goodbye Makarov or I guess new plan okay so instead of shooting Makarov in his spine which he is pointing right at us we'll help him commit this terrorist atrocity so he'll trust us even more and we'll be able to stop the next terrorist atrocity really well I mean it's not a plan without issues but sure that was no message this is a message oh we're dead whoops I hope Makarov who remember we could have easily just killed doesn't go on to start World War three or anything goddamn it Allen me llamo LeMond Salazar the eighth gas the line of this magnificent architecture I've been expecting you my brethren no thanks bro you remember Ramon Salazar from Resident Evil 4 he's that tiny old man faced twenty year old who dresses like an 18th century French aristocrat for reasons that are never adequately explained I've sent my right hand to dispose of you your right hand comes off say whatever you please by you but someone whose aliveness is a key part of their evil plans he sure does do a lot of standing out in the open in front of heavily armed Secret Service agents where he could easily be shot the parasites that's bloggers are slaves to my will I have absolute control well I really don't give a damn rain or shine you're going down I mean he's right there Leon you could just know okay I think you've lived longer now all right he's three feet away in his back his turn just grab him and dropkick his head off or something Leon what the okay he's just waiting for the exact right time perfectionist it's fine so nice you could join us mr. Kennedy you again okay Leon this is definitely a nice line of sight no pressing threats you're throwing knife to his old man face we'll end this once and for all faith Leon the face all right whatever Leon just don't say I didn't warn you if he mutates into a giant prawn monster that you then have to fight listen my apostles of Arthur you hunted worth not a blunder from Jabra spiritus all right Max Rockatansky may not have been a Texas Chainsaw style serial killer in his former life but it doesn't take a PhD in chainsaw surgery to know how to kill someone with a chainsaw there's really no wrong way you just go for it or so you think Mad Max is chief antagonist scabrous scrotus aka V warlord who Nix your car and kicks a dog could have been out of your hair forever at the start of the game if only you chainsaw him all the way through the head instead of mostly through the head also you think why the end of the game we've learned scrotus is more resistant to having things through his head than that guy out of Hellraiser so honestly we can't be sure whether a proper early game chainsawing would have even done the trick it would have marginally saved on the mess though you are all traitors to the Empire you will be interrogated tortured you immanuel day at the end of Star Wars The Force Unleashed your character star killer finally defeats both his former master Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine and has them both at his total mercy a good year and a half before the events of Star Wars a new home do it star killer don't let any light side Jedi run in here and ruin things with their hippy bull but about anger I'll goddamn it who let run coda in here who's beat me let it go it's a trick he's stronger than you know and he deserves to die for what he's done to me maybe so but if you strike him down in anger you'll be right back where you began he's rubbish run Kota and I'm not even going to be able to reach the end of this sentence explaining why before you've been fried by force like oh there we go now I don't want to overstate things here but star killers failure to decapitate pal Pia and Vader leads directly to the events of a new hope including the destruction of Alderaan and the deaths of two billion people oh and star killer himself he is dead thanks Ram Kota you dick he's our last one with the force those are the times he could have shown some initiative and offed the antagonist much much earlier than they eventually car KITT if only the game had led to before you go though may I interest you in some more outside Xbox videos that's right I'm gonna do an outro slate you should have killed me earlier at the start of the video see then anything have you so yeah II do it's common this is an outro slate so here I am here right and under me are more videos that you can watch and that's what we in the biz sounds like so over there about angle is I'll show the week playlist you can watch episodes of our weekly show which is about different games and has jokes in it and it's fun and you would enjoy that and under me here is our feature playlist which is full of videos like this one but not this one about similar sorts of things maybe I don't know less murder in them if you want something a bit less violent but maybe ones with more and more motor in them I don't know you have to look in the place to find out so yeah click on one of those enjoy the videos within like and subscribe if you enjoyed this and we'll see you next time on outside xbox
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 3,376,799
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Keywords: villain, nemesis, gaming, baddie, bad guy, main, chance, top 10, top 5, 7 things, list, funny, resident evil 4, ramon salazar, call of duty, makarov, mad max, scrotus, far cry 4, pagan min, assassin's creed, robert de sable, rise of the tomb raider, konstantin, star wars, the force unleashed, palpatine, darth vader, Batman, joker, arkham origins, jane douglas, andy farrant, mike channell, outsidexbox list, outside xbox, times you, best villain, worst villain, top 10 villains
Id: XXyrRdDlE-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2016
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