7 Times You Forgot Your Own Darkest Secret

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game protagonists get amnesia more often than the cast of a daytime soap opera but often that's for the best you see many of these characters have checkered pasts for the secret so dark that only a convenient spot of memory loss can keep them from spending the whole game wracked with guilt over the terrible things they've done consider with us now these times that memory loss made you forget your darkest secret and watch out for spoilers ahead for the following game [Music] [Applause] you remember the duplex that's it nothing more then ir think there's a fast cigarettes don't come much darker than secretly being a Dark Lord of the stick and if you were sick Lord Darth Revan the reviled commander of an entire Sixth Fleet you'd think it would take a little more than a bump on the head to make you forget how you used to hunt and torch your Jedi on the regs and yet and you wake up aboard the Republic ship the end our fire at the start of Knights of the Old Republic you don't remember a dang thing the end our spire is under attack hurry up we don't have much time you fall out of your bunk and hit your head the end arch fire is this [ __ ] we're stationed on in fact for most of the game you have no memory of what with your whole deal before you woke up under a tackle me and our fire which suggests you're recovering from a serious concussion about which your party members could show a little more concern if I'm honest cos that smacked your hand and more damage than I thought bachelor's a Jedi she was with the striking that killed our friend Malick's Sith master right okay so about this amnesia should I be getting like a brain scan or something at least your friend Bastila the Jedi has an excuse him that she knows the real actual reason for your memory loss which is that you used to be Darth Revan Lord of the Sith only she captured you and wiped your memory so they could use you against your old allied dark Malik and the council use the Force to reprogram your mind they worked away your identity and turned you against your own farmers Wow gosh I guess now I know all about my dark past and how strong I am and always have been in the force on the one hand guys although I could revert to my fifth ways we've been through so much together in the course of this game and I really feel like I've learned a lot about friendship and loyalty and how fear leads to anger and anger leads to hate but on the other hand monic is dead all healed of a can of star Bremen the true Lord it's pity you win I will not rest until I read benjin's for my father you know what's really embarrassing getting to a fighting tournament and then realizing that you've forgotten why you entered in the first place that's what happens to Siegfried from the Soul Calibur series he knows he's there to avenge his father's death and he thinks that his father's killer can only be killed with the legendary weapon known as the soul edge but as to who that killer is his list of suspects is skimpier than Volvo song that's because surprise Siegfried's father was killed by Siegfried himself I know when his father Frederick was fighting overseas Siegfried formed a vigilante group that sought to punish deserters from the Army for shirking their patriotic duty seeing Frederick's company returning from battle Siegfried gang set upon them believing them to be deserters too tied to fight back the Knights were quickly overwhelmed with Siegfried delivering the killing blow to their leader only when he held his severed head up in the moonlight did think we realize that he'd killed his own father which I mean it's gonna make Christmas awkward at least only Siegfried coming father let's move you cannot fool me think we dealt with this in the only responsible mature way there is running off into a forest and going mad it was there that he convinced himself that someone else must have offed Frederick and that now it was his solemn duty to track them down and get revenge also while we're on the subject someone else ate this piece of cake that Andy was saving but fear not I will not rest until I have found and killed the perpetrator Hey anyone hoping that Siegfried finding the soul edge might bring into some sort of sense has clearly never played a soul game before because all ended up happening was the sword told him it would resurrect his father if he fed it enough sold and Siegfried said yes okay that sounds fine and became the demonic as your night nightmare that went well then if only there was some way for Siegfried to easily defeat his father's killer by fighting himself apart from just plugging in a second controller good luck with that if your book is a weird protagonist of BioShock Infinite there's loads you want to forget how you took part in the massacre at Wounded Knee how you violently broke up strikes as a member of the Pinkerton national detective agency and with you having been born in the 1870s you just know there will have been a regrettable mutton-chop sideburns period at some point but book it does remember all these things the one thing he tried so hard to forget was selling his daughter Anna to his alternate universe self father Zachary Hale Comstock in his own universe Booker tried to forget with 20 years of heavy drinking but then when Robert new tests offered him the chance to get Anna back he sets through a portal into a parallel dimension and his memories got all screwed up as a side effect with the result that he started making new memories out of his old ones it's kind of like when I think too hard about the plots of BioShock Infinite and forget how to stand up properly these new memories took the phrase bring us the girl and wipe away the dead and turned them into his current job description making you think you're in Colombia on a mission to rescue a girl from a tower and maybe enjoy some carnival games and a barbershop quartet if there's time by the end of the game you realize that Booker's mind overrode his traumatic old memories and created new ones to hide the dark secret that he'd sold off his baby daughter all those years ago give me back my daughter Oh [Music] hey at least you still got that fingertip see what did happen to that fingertip you know what I don't to know Mary could you really be James Sunderland of Silent Hill to face doesn't have total amnesia but his memory is a little foggy say for instance he does remember that his wife Mary is dead that's why he's so confused when he gets a letter from her name money Kimberly said Mary also James if the name on the envelope said Mary doesn't that mean the letter was for Mary why would she write her own name on the envelope you know what never mind well I'm alone there now in her special place waiting for you on the off-chance his wife is alive and the letter didn't just get really really delayed in the post James pops off to Silent Hill which were no readily apparent reasons Mary loved so much you please merican you'll be waiting for me in like Tahiti can we make that our special place but the reason everything is so freaky here in Silent Hill is that the town is manifesting projections of James Sunderland's mind which is more disturbed than the passenger in the aisle seat of a long-haul flight [Music] in turn the reason for that is the dark forgotten secret buried deep in James's psyche which is actually he killed his wife after the long hard struggle against her facial disease left her a husk of her former self and him full of resentment lucky for Jimmy silent him is on hand to jog his memory with a VHS tape it turns out James suffocated his dying wife and then repressed the traumatic memory he he died cuz she was sick no children Silent Hill is just doing what Silent Hill does which is to make you face your subconscious inner demons with a therapeutic bout of horrifying actual demons at your welcome you deserve to die too James stalker shadow of Chernobyl drops amnesiac you into the highly radioactive Chernobyl exclusion zone which surrounds the ill-fated Ukrainian power plant there are only a couple of clues to your forgotten path one is a PDA remember those with a message telling you to kill someone called Strela the other is a mysterious tattoo you have no memory of desings hey we've all been there with literally nothing else to go on you decide you might as well head out into the wasteland and follow the instruction to kill this mysterious Strela character the de facto antagonist of the game man you are easily swayed let's hope you never meet a timeshare salesman what follows is the usual open-world RPG business as you complete errands in an attempt to track down your quarry all while trying to avoid being murdered by bandits killed by muses wildlife or accidentally wandering into a faithful radioactive anomaly that turns you inside out Matt this guy Strela better have done something pretty bad towards the end of the game you meet a character called doc who reveals the truth you are the guy you've been attempting to kill for the majority of the game you are Strela your own assassination target have you lost your memory or something so does that mean the time I got eaten by a pack of mutated dogs that was mission success I thought I wish I could ask how much you remember I don't know if there will be anything left after I consume this drink don't be afraid Daniel I can't tell you why but know this I choose to forget try to find comfort and strength in that fact there is in purpose you are my final effort to put things right when the name like amnesia the Dark Descent this game clearly isn't going to involve you sitting around fondly recalling old memories and that turns out to be the case because you start the game with only a vague recollection of who you are and where you're from my name is Daniel I live in London Mason possibly he's just remembering a game of Monopoly there but at least it's got the name down as you explore the gloomy Castle you've woken up in you discover a note from yourself telling you that you gave yourself amnesia on purpose to forget the horrible things you've done and also if you find the time could you please descend to the castles inner sanctum and batter an old man to death go to the inner sanctum find Alexander and kill him I mean maybe save the amnesia potion until after battering the old man just a thought as the game goes on you find pages from Daniels journal which fill in the blanks in your patchy memory revealing that you stole an ancient orb its shadowy Guardian was cracking you down to kill you and in an attempt to stay alive you'd come to this castle and helped its owner torture people to death so that he could prolong his life which Wow is a hell of an answer to what did I do last night unable to deal with the guilt over his actions Daniel drank the amnesia potion to forget his many many crimes which does rather raise the question of why he would leave pages of his diary detailing all his many many crimes lying around but hey he is going to need loads of that amnesia potion at this rate does it come in six packs well I can tell you all you need to know about pence Alex Mercer from prototypes spends most of the game trying to rebuild his fragmented memory Alex wakes up in a morgue in the basement of Gentek a biochemical research facility and a virus called blacklight has gripped New York City turning its citizens into gross monsters on the plus side though he has developed weird shape-shifting superpowers and build a that is quite The Hangover as the game progresses Alex uncovers details of his past including his relationship with ex-girlfriend Karen the whereabouts of his sister Dana and the fact that in addition to being really good at fighting he used to be a scientist at Gentek what was it casual Friday at the science lab the thing is Alex Mercer has a dark secret one that somehow worse than being perfectly happy to consume people to feed his monster powers by the end of the game we discover that it was Alex himself that released the virus in New York's Penn Station condemning millions of New Yorkers either to death or to life as a mutated humanoid mole-rats II with this batch of the war he unleashed a virus on Manhattan what Mercer did is beyond forgiveness on the plus side they probably had to close down that Time Square restaurant owned by Guy Fieri every cloud so those were the times that amnesia conveniently let you forget your dark secret past but don't you forget to do I know I've forgotten what it was I've got amnesia that's right click on the videos up here coming from us down here somebody from outside extra and you won't want to forget to watch those where am I what's going on Who am I supposed to kill and no one right why would I have thought that thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,577,348
Rating: 4.9417758 out of 5
Keywords: list, outsidexbox, outside xbox, countdown, top 7, 7 things, top 10, funny, game toilets, lol, wtf, memory loss, amnesia, memory, memories, amnesia dark descent, soul calibur, soulcalibur, silent hill 2, knights of the old republic, kotor, star wars, jedi, jedi mind trick, bioshock infinite, elizabeth, baby, comstock, stalker, stalker shadow of chernobyl, prototype, alex mercer, strelok
Id: Yj0YoiOoMSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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