8 Hardest Difficulty Modes You Will Never Finish

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there are plenty of gaming achievements worth being proud of I myself once nearly finished Skyrim but then it got a bit hard so I stopped message if you want my strategy guide some games however take the whole overcoming adversity thing and crank it so hard the dial falls off creating brutally difficult game modes that only the seriously skillful or willfully masochistic would want to take on here are eight of the hardest modes that we will never ever attempt let alone finish I'll call one out just before I picked you up said it was multiple homicides half a dozen units already unseen maybe it's the ghost of that doctor who went Skitzo and chopped up all those patients that's not what happened there there are many words we'd use to describe The Evil Within harrowing gruesome and well it's not really a word but uh is everyone else all right the city whatever are you talking about you are the only Soul here right now one word we definitely wouldn't use to describe it however is easy which is why we were somewhat taken aback to discover that there are two difficulty levels above the game's regular survival difficulty Nightmare and akumu now as you may have guessed from the name nightmare is no walk in the barbed wire covered Park but akumu which is Japanese for nightmare is even harder than that in that if you take so much as a single hit from anything you die instantly if you played The Evil Within you'll remember that pretty much all of the game is things trying to hit you often all at once in large groups you have to never get hit by anything in a game where your character is about as mobile as a dumpster full of house bricks akumu completion percentage among Evil Within players is currently sitting in the low single digits so it's provably doable but it's a bit like deliberately running yourself over with your own car technically an impressive feat but you've got to wonder why you went to all that trouble just to make yourself miserable this Seeds of Life grew strengthened bread and diversified now it required but one more ingredient a great leader unite the quarreling tribes to harness the power of the land to build the Legacy that will stand the test of time running a nation state is hard work just ask any of the former citizens of the short-lived nation of antitropolis or I mean you could ask them if they'd been any survivors it's even harder though when every other country in the world is a supernaturally advanced superpower with no flaws who hates you that's what happens in strategy game civilizations higher difficulties instead of making the AI more intelligent and resourceful it just provides them with a succession of powerful Buffs that mean you're always on the back foot the worst example of this is the series deity difficulty mode which grants your enemies Godlike abilities while you get zip it's like the computer is playing with cheats on cheats are only fair when I'm using them damn it to use civilization 6 as an example deity difficulty gives the AI a 32 boost to science culture and Faith plus four in combat an additional 40 to unit XP research boosts more starting units and a staggering 80 to production and gold meaning that every other civilization you come up against will be sending in the equivalent of Pacific Jaegers while you're still trying to teach your citizens how to make fire so you take them and you rub them together guys guys put the rock down guys you're not listening no you're confused right now explain everything but you gotta trust me okay listen you're in terrible terrible it's hard to imagine but there was a time when you couldn't save in video games in those dark days losing all your lives meant starting over so let's give thanks to Dead Space 2's hardcore mode which allows you to save three times in the entire game checkpoints are disabled too so if you're evenly spacing your saves in this 10 hour game that's about one save every three and a bit hours which is three and a bit hours worth of backtracking you'll have to do if you die and if you remember anything about dead space hero Isaac Clarke it's that he's always dying there he is at it again well good luck trying to get him to stop in your dead space hardcore playthrough as the Necromorphs are much tougher and do a lot more damage in hardcore mode and you'll spend a lot more time crying and panicking when they get near you because you don't want to lose three hours of progress right just just be Dead Space 3 also included hardcore mode but thankfully updated it so that you can Savor as many times as you want until you die at which point it erases your save and dumps you back at the start of the game still I'm confident Isaac knows what's at stake here I can trust him to not die just when it's most inconvenient right Isaac oh we can't blame Isaac he's just like Bonnie Tyler every now and then he falls apart [Music] Touhou project is a series of Japanese Shooters in the genre known as bullet hell so named because hell that's a lot of bullets [Music] Touhou games are nightmarish whirlpools of deadly projectiles at the best of times but it takes a certain kind of masochist to attempt one of the series games on lunatic difficulty described as for weird people hey you said it Touhou not us [Music] the aim of bullet hell Shooters as with most Shooters is to keep yourself away from your enemies bullets but it's a task which is easier said than done when literally 99 of the screen is bullet as is usually the case in a lunatic Touhou stage think of it like a hedge maze only the hedges are bullets and if you touch them you die you need to find that one percent of the screen that it's safe to be in and it's a different one percent every second because these things are fast and unpredictable and you need to have the reaction speed of a hummingbird on caffeine pills if you're going to stand any chance [Music] look there's team bravely against seemingly insurmountable odds then there's this I've seen the way things are going the future belongs to the bullets and I for one welcome our new bullet overlords if we join them now maybe they'll let Humanity live on in some kind of humiliating servant position get a kind of Beyond Greyjoy thing going on guys the bullets are probably thinking it over so if we get this thing I can help me and we can get out of here can I the old house is near the water you can't miss it all right I just hope you can handle my mother Resident Evil 7 sets its stall out early with the name of its Ultra hard survival mode Ethan must die because you Ethan Must Die due to all the deadly stuff that happens to you Ethan Must Die mode is a remixed section of the main Resident Evil 7 game in which you have to make your way to the baker family Greenhouse to kill Marguerite who you'll remember as being absolutely the worst and mostly made of bees a kind offer but I think I'll pass in Ethan Must Die mode you start with a pocket knife and nothing else and the enemies are much much tougher often able to kill you in a single hit if you're not blocking also the house is now covered in deadly deadly traps items are found in crates around the house but the crates are randomized so you never know what you're going to get from a life-saving weapon to relatively useless gunpowder to a massive explosion in the face because yes some of the crates are booby-trapped they should call this mode Ethan definitely will die to add insult to fatal injury dying in this mode sends you right back to the beginning and you have to start all over but don't worry if you can make it back to where you died previously you'll find an angel statue that if you break it open gives you back your item that item singular because you only get one of the items you died with back and it's chosen randomly you're welcome still you must get something pretty awesome for beating a mode this difficult right you sure do if you consider an Overexposed picture of Ethan looking at his hands awesome which I mean we all do right totally worth it given that when I try to play Guitar Hero drums on Expert I look like a spider trying to climb out of a buff the Expert Plus mode was not exactly at the top of my Christmas list and yet that's exactly what Activision introduced in Guitar Hero Metallica to reflect the fact that Metallica's fastest drum solos sound like someone strafing the drum kit with a machine gun in order to play Expert Plus mode which only applies to certain songs you'll not only need to have mastered expert drums and be able to keep better time than Lars Ulrich himself you'll also need to invest in an additional kick pedal for your Guitar Hero drum kit I mean technically you can play Expert Plus with a single kick pedal yeah if you you know want to grow an additional foot on one of your legs it's not just managing twice as many kick drum notes though also introduced in Expert Plus and Ghost Notes which are the Restless spirits of notes who have unfinished business on this Mortal plane alright the truth is far less exciting ghost notes are actually just softer notes designed to keep drummers in Rhythm to play them you had to tap the drum pad softly in amongst all the harder proper notes because we didn't have enough to be thinking about already Guitar Hero Metallica The End Result is a selection of the fastest most complex drum patterns in any rhythm action game and a really excellent way to develop RSI of the ankle what that is two a thing I used it to get out of a whole year of Sports at school I'm willing to take full responsibility of the last 24 hours but you must understand our interest in their world was purely for the measurement of mankind has clearly gotten out of hand now I assure you nightmare or nightmare if you're pronouncing the exclamation point was the toughest difficulty setting in the original Doom a difficulty setting that last year's do reboot took one look at laughed and then stubbed a cigar out on that's because this Doom has a difficulty level called Ultra nightmare which is so difficult that no one who actually worked on the game could complete it the premise of ultra nightmare is simple you take regular nightmare mode which is as the name implies an absolute nightmare then apply permadeath to it so the second you die you're booted back to the start of the game and your save is a raised [Music] thank you no saving means you've got to do it all in one sitting too or at least hope you can leave your console pause and not have someone switch over to Netflix while you're in the bathroom still people are up for the challenge despite the game specifically asking you if you're willing to put yourself through this punishing ordeal the first time you select it you're not the boss of me game [Music] okay maybe you know best game foreign [Music] Super Hexagon is a simple game you control a little triangle that moves around a hexagon fitting between the gaps in waves of lines that endlessly approach you a Super Hexagon isn't is an easy game as even on the earlier difficulties the game throws lines at you faster than an actor with places to be [Music] hyper hexagonist mode though described by the game as its hardest dist mode is so fast so confusing and so mind-meltingly difficult that you'd be forgiving for thinking you're not looking at a game anymore and in fact have found some kind of CIA brainwashing technique from the 1960s [Music] have a sudden urge to overthrow communism get even further in hyper hexagonist mode and it will switch into a black and white mode the music will slow down and start playing backwards and you'll start hearing the voices of your long dead ancestors telling you that the secret to the universe can be unlocked if you can draw a perfect hexagon free hand [Music] foreign I think I may have been playing too much Super Hexagon getting there though [Music] wow all of that looks really really hard but you know what's easy is pressing either of these two videos to watch something else from us or from our sister Channel outside extra and the easiest thing of all is clicking on the Subscribe orb here because then you don't even have to go looking for videos they come straight to your subscription box easiest thing in the world so do it now thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 3,758,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: list, outsidexbox, countdown, top 10, top 8, top 7, funny moments, 7 things, 8 things, worst, hardest modes, hard mode, hardest difficulty, most difficult, hardest games, most difficult games, doom ultra nightmare, resident evil 7 ethan must die, the evil within akumu, the evil within nightmare, dead space hardcore, dead space 2 hardcore, super hexagon hexagonest, touhou lunatic, touhou project lunatic, ellen rose, mike channell, andy farrant
Id: rkKcCJSpNxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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