8 Cliffhanger Endings That Will Never Be Resolved, Thanks Videogames

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a cliffhanger ending is one that exactly reproduces the end of the Sylvester Stallone movie cliffhanger by having John let go fall off a cliff wait no I'm just hearing it it's not that at all it's actually an unresolved ending their hopes to lure people back by promising that you'll find out what happens next sometimes however that promise is a big fat lie and you never find out what happens next because there was no sequel the sequel got cancelled or the sequel just went ahead and ignored the ending of the last game just remember all these times video games is precisely that and watch out ahead for seriously unresolved plot points as well as spoilers for the following nice car it's a friend would you like to drive I feel much safer with a man behind the wheel James Bond double-oh-seven bloodstone from 2010 had all the ingredients you needed for a bonafide Bond adventure fast cars international travel and glamorous Bond girl Joss Stone a bio weapons plot Daniel Craig face Daniel Craig is more fast cars it's got a lot the game takes place a few years after the events of actual Bond film Quantum of Solace but tells an original story in which a Russian oligarch has been manufacturing biological weapons and it the bad guy or is he I mean yes he very much is but he's not the only bad guy or the most important bad guy how do we discover right at the very end of the game when bond is betrayed by the glamorous Bond girl because of course use I appreciate your concern but I don't think mi6 is going to be a problem anymore after a Monaco set car chase in which he grinds the rear quarter panels all off of Josh stones koenigsegg ccxr which mike informs me as a kind of car bond gets the British singer-songwriter behind right to be wrong and super duper love at gunpoint and extracts the truth which is that all along she has been working for a previously unknown and powerful mystery bad guy who who is it it won't make a difference I want a name you don't understand he's everywhere he's bigger than me bigger than Olympics you can see this mystery bad guy is more bad and more mystery than anyone bond has ever faced and here's it unmanned drone that beams smooth escape the cold now the problem with a pot twist that happens a few seconds before the end of the game is that it burdens the follow-up game with making good on that narrative promise but the credits do promise that James Bond will return so I guess meet back here in a couple of years guys and then we'll learn the secret of the big bad guy who's bigger than James Bond mi6 and everything's know or not I mean the studio behind the games is our creations was shut down the following year and it's been all quiet on these live stone front ever since so sorry about it bond watch rob the gas in the door it's a separate reality we only means me are you sure you PT is less of a video game and more a playable visualization of my worst fears which include but are not limited to swarms of insects bizarre murders terrifying ghosts women and refrigerators ah so cold initially shrouded in mystery PT eventually revealed itself to be a playable teaser for the upcoming silent hill's a new game in the Silent Hill horror franchise directed by Hideo Kojima with input from famed movie director Guillermo del Toro Walking Dead actor Norman Reedus and horror manga legend Georgie ito if they really wanted to complete the set of people who's given me nightmares they would have announced that also on the development team were my driving test examiner and the melting Nazi from Raiders of the Lost Ark he can't have everything PT did an excellent job of establishing the cheery themes and symbols that silent hill's would concern itself with such as guilt domestic abuse and is chatty fetuses a theme that anyway [Music] it also created an air of mystery around silent Hills with its endings which began with an unknown voice talking about their murder at the hands of their father then talking about coming back and bringing their toys with them but guess what I will be coming back and I'm bringing my new toys with me and closed with a memorable last cutscene which showed readers presumably the character we had just been playing as in the teaser walking through a deserted town intriguing right well good luck finding out what any of that all means because thanks to a falling out between Kojima and Konami the entire silent hill's project is deader than ass after a run-in with Lisa at least Kojima is next also intriguing and also mysterious project death stranding is in the works I'm sure that will eventually reveal why Norman Reedus is now naked on a beach with a baby and also why Mads Mikkelsen eyes are so weird and also we're never going to find out are we about to retarget fences for the trash strike how did he find us I do not know nor do I care that wait 2011 we first-person-shooter conduit to had a storyline that contained more conspiracy theories than Fox Mulder secret diary but even in a game that features references to ancient astronauts reptilian rulers worse the Tunguska incident the disappearance of Colonel Percy Fawcett The Dropper stones and the deluge myth nothing can prepare you for the sheer unhindered brilliance of the game's cliffhanger ending the final battle sees you going up against both the human and alien forms of antagonists John Adams in a dramatic firefight in a lost city in the center of a hollow planet earth makes a change from it being flat I guess polish off the bosses both these forms and you're treated to a surprise cliffhanger set up for a sequel that sadly we're never going to see Abraham Lincoln and George Washington step out of a portal wearing sci-fi armor the main character does a massive double take and then the credits roll awesome you're here to help but I have so many questions how are they still alive where did they get those misty destroyer armor suits from just how bad does George Washington's wig smell off to two hundred and fifty years but the biggest question why he didn't more of you buy conduit to so we can find out what happens next you know the dreadful game why can wear that scarf it's lucky I didn't think you believed in that sort of thing I don't but maybe a police 2008 was a year of great accomplishments it gave us the Beijing Olympics Kung Fu Panda and a Prince of Persia reboot in which the prince is not actually a print but is in fact know enough patience is overrated and you've never heard that good things are worth waiting for the things are good thing why wait oh and the Large Hadron Collider this new game reimagined Prince of Persia as an action platforming fable in which a ripped adventurer meets a mystical princess and then helped her cleanse the kingdom of inky's prodigies of evil with her magical powers of light he isn't a prince but his nickname is Prince because if it's good enough of a man who sang raspberry beret it's good enough for him we gradually learned that everything went inky and evil because princess ellika had died before the game began and her royal dad had cut a deal with the god of darkness iron man to bring her back to life what's the whole thing about doing a deal with the god of darkness oh yeah don't lost gone from us Danny who in the finale of the game Erica has to sacrifice her magical self to save a kingdom and seal our man the ancient god of darkness inside the white tree of Gondor we did it ellika we did it [Music] No [Music] then because learning from history instead of repeating its mistakes is for chumps without pectoral definition like this the prince resurrects ellika for a second time with the same shady deal with the same god of darkness on finding yourself brought back from the dead again ellika revives with all the gratitude of me being woken up by the postman on my day off [Music] and there the game ends with Erica being rescued by Prince from the maelstrom of corruption caused by prince and evil God our man on the loose once more [Music] what is one I mean this cliffhanger ending the dark forces of corruption have a new stranglehold on the kingdom with a view to engulfing the world and it looks like nothing can stop them except for you doing the entire game all over again the only thing after this downer ending was a DLC epilogue in which ellika and our hero escaped the forces of darkness some more in an underground palace while she has a go at him for you know booming everyone what was I supposed to do leave you there dead after which she runs off in search of someone who won't make a deal with the god of darkness and doom everyone ellika we need to stick together Erica will never really know what happened to Ella current Prince after that because that game came out nearly 10 years ago and there's no sign of a sequel and that's not to mention how in 2010 Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands came out and totally ignored the plot of this previous game this might get to see this kingdom maybe what reboot there was never a reboot you're crazy Prince of Persia fans anyone here can use a knife or a gun what you're gonna learn is how to use your head let's move you get that under your belt and you're free to leave as anyone who's played Metal Gear Solid 5 will tell you it's about now Gear Solid 5 is about one man's quest to compile the greatest ever 80s mixtape there's a disease that targets people who speak certain languages if you speak English that's bad because they can kill you excuse me that can't be right and they're also zombies caused by a parasite so there's a guy he's got a skull instead of a face and funny name yes like rabid author either a guy called rabid after I believe in snakes got his like private military on an oil rig or something there any parasites and you can teleport there's a you know walking bipedally I assume because those choices and as a lady who's powered by Sun Tanning I think well whatever it was about what it definitely wasn't about with ending in a satisfactory way thanks to the aforementioned falling out between Kojima and Konami one of the biggest plot points revolves around Metal Gear Sahel anthropos a bipedal mech created by QE Emmerich and one of the greatest threats to peace the world has ever known impossible naturally you want to make sure something like that isn't used for evil so one snake defeats it in the mission cell anthropos he and the Diamond Dogs destroy it completely so it can never fall into the wrong hands oh no wait they leave it lying around on one of their old platforms and then a couple of children steal it goodbye father I don't need you anymore kid say this isn't the last you've seen of us they seem to say as they fly off towards the horizon which is ironic because that's absolutely the last you see of them in any of the rest of Metal Gear Solid fives 50 missions sure Eli shows up later in the series as everyone's favorite whiny shirtless guy liquid snake I got all the resistant genes so likable but as far as what he got up to with Psycho Mantis sahel anthropos and a helicopter full of child soldiers Metal Gear Solid 5 leaves us none the wiser turns out though it had to Jima been left alone forever with infinite money like he asked we would have found out you see on the Metal Gear Solid 5 collector's edition bonus disc there a voice rank concept art and partially completed cutscenes for a mission 51 which shows venom snake traveling to Eli's Lord of the Flies style island to take down him and Sahel anthropos you're not a kid anymore you can call your own shots through this race you'll be dead before you have a chance treat our hard-won fish all of this would have nicely tied up elion snake story instead of leaving us with a massive cliffhanger no resolution and a weird craving to beat up Billy Idol y'all still with me if you're not familiar with the bad company's spin-off series its basically battlefield only your squad are a bunch of comedy misfits instead of the usual deadly serious career soldiers wait we're waste what why it's the plains growing no no no down Battlefield Bad Company 2 saw the crew saving the world from a secret scaler weapon held by rogue russian army colonel which is designed to take out the u.s. power grid because presumably he thinks that america is only three days without reality television away from a full-blown revolution against all the odds bad company managed to thwart Colonel Kirilenko dastardly plan by first shooting the super weapon and then shooting Kirilenko anyone got any other problems that need shooting up I mean solving conveniently the squad land in friendly Texas and start planning their celebratory trip to what I can only assume in an entirely family-friendly dance review well now we need to party and I know an establishment you're going to love unfortunately before they can phone to make a reservation the actual non shambolic army turn up with a surprise revelation require sir the russians they're invading yes the russians are invading US soil in a historic act of aggression and a final ignition of the long dormant Cold War that sounds like it would be exciting to play doesn't it a full-scale invasion of America perhaps with you valiantly defending the White House at the end when you can't what you can do instead is patiently wait for bad company swings to never come out or just play call of duty modern warfare 2 which has the exact same US invasion plot but actually lets you play it just saying you cannot free based on the popular comic book The Darkness 2 continues The Adventures of Jackie Estacado the world's only goth mafia boss it didn't just make Jackie stronger it's made of a God it's only been like around Jackie is host to a power known as the darkness which gives him a host of demonic powers but he can use only in the dark mostly these involve heart eating tentacles which as you can imagine are quite a boon for the head of a crime family so if your fortune in heart disposal wills anyway by the end of the darkness - Jackie finds himself in hell in front of his girlfriend Jenny who died in the first game Jackie manages to free her from her imprisonment but as soon as he does so she is taken over by a being known as the Angelus a counterpart to the darkness that resides in Jackie we are the Angelus rising out of hell the Angelus venue forms Jackie he is now trapped in hell forever and she's off to do well something but judging by that outfit remote horns it probably isn't good you have it don't you harmful her cause too much suffering and it are now were you the lie man what a great setup for the darkness 3 you're probably thinking we have to fight our way out of hell find out what the Angelus has been up to and then take her down in an epic confrontation fraught with emotional moments as Jenny tries to break free from her control you'll probably also think you hang on there isn't a darkness tree and you're absolutely right because this is the last we've seen of the series since 2012 and it's not looking like that is going to change anytime in the near future ha ha ha selective you Jackie stuck in Hell forever without her are you going to get conditioner down there man May 10 2010 I'm about to step to a gate to another time or maybe it's another world I'm being sent in with other members of track our mission to rescue 13 hundred survivors and collect data mr. internship project what if Resident Evil but dinosaurs a heroic game designer a Capcom once asked and the result was Dino Crisis a great series that inexplicably never got 47 movie adaptations by Paul WS Anderson he activated for the gate is broken too we can't get back to our own time in the second Dino Crisis Game Heroes Regina and Dylan end up trapped in the past which is a hassle for them partly because there's nowhere for either of them to get the hair dye they like and partly because it's absolutely crawling with deadly deadly dinosaurs by the end of the game Regina and Dylan have managed to activate the time gate they need to return to their own time but wouldn't you know it Dylan's daughter Paula had been trapped by some falling equipment and is unable to move refusing to leave his daughter Dylan tells Regina to travel through the gate alone and find a way to return to save both him and Paula using the data they collected during the game when you get back to our original time you seceded thermosphere enemies then build a perfect game pretty great setup for a sequel right there so imagine our confusion on loading up Dino Crysis 3 to discover that it's set on the spaceship in the year 25 48 and Regina and Dylan are literally never mentioned even a mention in passing would've been fine just so we know they're OK like oh man you just saved me from that space dinosaur the way that Regina saved Dylan in that folktale that's been passed down to us here in the future our thanks man you really just Regina at me I mean you've got writers Capcom don't all work for you still we can always hope maybe they can follow Resident Evil sevens lead and do a sequel that both resolves the story of Dino Crisis 2 and puts you in a farmhouse in Louisiana with an angry Velociraptor now that I play all right everyone thanks for watching this video about cliffhanger endings that will never be resolved you can watch another video from us up here or something from outside extra down here or if you want to subscribe you can click on the subscribe orb right here on oh I'm fallin oh ah I'm so hurt will they come back in the next video who knows you'll have to click on it to find out wolves where do they come from or how will I escape from this perilous situation
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,874,272
Rating: 4.928957 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, outside xbox, list, countdown, top 7, 7 things, chopper, dead rising, top 10, top 5, best, worst, endings, ending, unresolved, cliffhanger, sequel, setup, never, not, metal gear solid 5, mgs 5, phantom pain, eli, what happened to, what happened with, prince of persia, 2008, elika, prince, the darkness 2, ending explained, dino crisis 2, battlefield bad company 2, james bond, blood stone, joss stone, P.T., silent hills, kojima, conduit 2, washington, lincoln, funny
Id: iMt3ofbnQls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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