8 Day Wilderness Adventure with My Dog (Night 5 of 7) [Extended Series]

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[Music] - easier [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Steve's entire year your mangy looking there seemed good it tastes good this is good hey hey oh no don't lick my face no no all you slipping over we've got an upside-down Monte Jesus on he's crazy FNG well looks like we've got another picture perfect blue skies day we got a plane anyways I slept pretty great last night are you ready to get up Ranjit let's get up and greet today garage ignore me or geez oh man is just a beautiful scene out here today oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah right Monty hey Monty look at you look at you you little critter you know critter you got sticks in your face he's got crap on his tail you know what Monty could use Monty I know Atlanta could use Monty Oh dun-dun-dun come here my teasing me I know what is the worst but you guys so much crap in your fur we need to flip you I need to be fluffier right it kind of feels good doesn't it that's a No or is that a yes yes I'll tell you this a yes you need some flipping dude you got junk everywhere don't you want your your your booty to be beautiful it's not done come back here come back here what's that feel nice touch your cheeks how's your chaise okay mighty all done all done all done all done all done all done you want a stick you got a stick this your stick this is your favorite stick ever the black plants are out Monty they're out oh it is beautiful all right now so the black flies are out we've got to pack up make some oatmeal but I don't know what the heck we're doing today like I say we kind of have an extra day so I'm dough with my oatmeal coffee here I'm gonna sit down and we have to glance over the maps a bit yeah figure out what we're doing soul let you bring me that stick my deep romantic rear bring here Monty yeah you monster alright oops QoP and Camille sequence coffee and ovl sequence mmm soupy [Music] [Music] so it looks like we don't have crazy far to go today really at all we've got one two three four five five Portage's maybe this one looks weird it looks like it's like it could be one really long mile portage or like three littler ones we're definitely gonna do the three littler ones so yeah just don't up too far to go so like you like I've said probably 10 times already this trip and I'll say it again I like to move I like to keep moving I like to have a new campsite every day I don't usually stay at the same campsite the only way the only times I do is I'm with other people or with funk or it's wintertime usually I'm just moving but another reason would be is if the fishing was insane somewhere like if I were to cat be catching lake trout like crazy at those spots I tried and everything was insane I probably I'd probably stay maybe stay here again or on this lake but you know it was it was okay I'm sure I could you know I'm doing things wrong whatever but the little walleye fishing is at least good here I know it sunny day like today again I know if I stayed here and I go trolling at night I could definitely catch more walleye but we're near that the butt end of the lake so I'm thinking we're gonna do do these five six seven whatever portage is that I don't know this they're a bunch of small ones there's nothing crazy as a quarter-mile eighth of a mile small ones hmm and then the you just don't have too far to go so we're gonna have some pretty big fishing days here the next three days I'm gonna do a lot of fishing fishing all along the way I'm gonna take my time we're just gonna we're just gonna really relax I'm not gonna race at all we're just gonna scoot along fish the whole time and you know that's more about what this trip was about anyway so since we're not moving this far I'm definitely gonna make it yeah well peek at the maps on the second day but we're gonna make it the further way that I showed earlier and then we're gonna meet back up at that Lake maybe stay there tomorrow do a couple forages the next day yeah that's a plan that's what we'll do okay that seems like a plan so yeah this is this should be some waterfalls along today and I'm gonna fish pretty good at the base of those waterfalls cuz I know the bass Pike and walleye are all always sitting there at that rushing water down the base so we're definitely gonna try that that running water so let's take a look at the maps here actually I'm gonna finish up my oatmeal my very soupy oatmeal mm-hmm you know I like up soupy I don't I don't really care for a thick paste EO pele mmm you know it's more like soup like a soup mmm all right I'm gonna finish up my Oh bit of coffee here we'll look at the maps and then we're gonna get packed up and get in the water okay so here's the trip once again we started here and we cruise over this way stayed here the first night headed up through here and we stayed here the second night collar walleye then we headed this way and we stayed here night three headed up this way we fished it all down here and then we headed down and we're staying right here not today we're gonna head this way we're gonna fish all in here we're gonna head down here fishing any of these waterfalls that are nice and I think we're gonna stay on this lake that's a plan so far and then we'll explode over here we'll see if there's a waterfall here or something and then maybe we'll come down we'll spend the next day here see that's not too far so we'll do a lot of fishing and then we're gonna head down this way and I think I want to stay on this teeny little like it looks like a nice little there's a one camp site we'll see if we can get it if it's not taken and we'll stay there and then we will head home the last day come on Oh and though you're chilling the shape is how to go get some Sun ready for some Sun Monty come on let's go come on [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that feel nice Monty we're scaping the black flies a nice little breeze oh it feels good it was gettin I was starting to get sweaty at camp I think today is gotta be gotta be the warmest day warmest day so far and it's well what time do you think is I give you ten seconds to guess what time do you think it is noon we slept it I poked around looked at my maps I don't mind like I said we're this trip is we're not moving far we're not going hard we're fishing we'll relax and this is like super enjoy boggle I go a little bit harder in the fall time that's when I do my little bit more further and farther trips and more exploring because there's less usually less bugs and it's usually colder I like the colder temps when you're moving I do not like movie and heat no sir last year we moved pretty far in the heat I actually looked at some of my past trips so I'm just like whoo that's a lot of distance this one is like nothing but hey [Music] it's gorgeous out Monte Montreux line we're gonna troll the old chartreuse because they this is what caught that walleye last night this jointed floater now I know that that's killer that's good now I can I got two of those so that's that's good to know I like like I said the chartreuse that's great for nighttime walleye perfect so I'm gonna put on my shirt Rouge Deep Diver even though yesterday it didn't do me any locket I am very confident that that lure will still work if it goes by a fish so we're just gonna keep using exists never failed me never I mean yesterday it failed me in the rest of the trip is fell deep but I mean never I mean you know what I mean today is also gonna be a day where I regret not having sunscreen because it is hot hot hot hot and another thing about today is we're gonna be fishing all day and it's you know moving on the water I don't like to keep Monty just sitting in the boat all day in the heat and the Sun so what we're gonna do is probably make him go swimming no the stick forum you know take breaks fish from shore we got to keep them cool we can't just let them bake even though he's fine I still don't like to bake them I don't want to bake to Monte I want a cool cool chill nutty so even though he's already pesum so as you're close we'll take care of our Monty always got to think of the Monty it's always how comfortable your Monty is that's your Monty's having a good time here having a good time oh that was quick all right nice yes all right we're well if we if we get ahead this will be our you know fish for the day that was fast I just I just clicked to set the line [Music] what do we think it is it's not fighting like a pike feels decent though whatever it is oh wait is Pollan well this could be a nice pike oh it's pulling from a ways out it's moving around mm-hmm what's it gonna be [Music] you're staying deep it's got to be a lake trout it looks like a Laker I think it's a Laker I saw it just surface maybe it's not as big as I thought it's just feisty oh it's electro oh there we go that's how we catch up me see I knew this little work I knew it we just had bad luck yesterday all right goal accomplished for today we got our one fish we don't need a fish anymore let's just not fish the rest of the day I'm done all right there we go beautiful Lake trucks have been perfect eating just one fish this is all you need this is a lot of meat on there I'll see you guys all right let's let this guy go there we go it's catching no see what he did to my lure when they twist in your net like that it ripped this is these are made out of balsa wood so I just ripped these apart but fortunately the metal goes all the way through so it just looks ugly and they still work it only doesn't work if they bend it too much and when you bend it back it snaps off the back hook cause it's back hook is usually what catches them when they nip at it I caught them a catch of most the time usually when they miss when they're biting in is when you hook them with this one but you just bend it back like that it'll work just fine as long as the as long as a little break off it's good to go but he definitely meant something I was like a brand new one that's already destroyed usually they catch a couple fish pike pike just wrap let's keep going catch another one there's a couple of islands coming up ahead but I will try crawl them through it I think it's gonna be a little too shallow in the middle we'll get a snag but if we don't I use a high probability we'll catch a fish there because that's like a choke point in between two little islands to go down the lake maybe even up to it we'll catch a fish for its snags but we'll probably get a snag we'll see one of the other snagger fish that's my eight that's my prediction I [Music] still gotta see if I betrayed my prediction hold surfing we've got another 100 feet before the line gets passes prediction was Fischer snag snag let's hope it's a fish I was wrong wrong and bull pen I don't like being wrong that's a sweet campsite right there I wish I would have went down this far now nothing wrong with the campsite it was a nice spot but that's really sweet and I caught that walleye down here near those islands that we just went in between so we get a fish longer but if we did that things wouldn't have probably worked out the way they did and we wouldn't pop that walleye sandy I'm happy it turn off the way it did but now I can remember that stop for next time next five years when I come back we're gonna cross the middle here and there's just like a big shoal let's say as I can see it underwater the middle of the open there's a big rock just below the surface oh I think we're gonna get snagged here because we just went around those islands oh no I don't want to snag in this wind the wind picked up here on rare occasions the Monty will switch sides she is feeling frisky if you don't first capabilities yeah we don't have too much further to go till the portage and there's a couple portage is a couple Portage's in a road it looks like this doesn't seem like there's a nice pool for fishing super clear and he becomes rocky oh never mind there's a lake here right there all there's lake trout oh those are carp I think maybe maybe not electro maybe carp what is that oh there's all sorts of fish here let's try it for whatever they are oh we're getting blown we're gonna go we're gonna we're gonna fishes for a second just from the other way so we get sucked out in this river think these are all suckers they're they're probably not oh there's a bass oh you didn't want it you see every fish right now you'd see suckers all in here at first I thought those were Lakers until I saw him out of the weights those were definitely tons of suckers I saw bass I saw a big ol Pike in there I threw everything in my arsenal of them every single lure spinners spoons everything all sizes even through my troller I was trying so hard to capture one on camera the closest I got was a bass turned and looked at my spinner but then there was just like yeah I think it says I was too close and then a sucker I don't know if I caught it but I'd like it sucked in the leach just a little bit and then it spit it out look at this you can see them all just look at them all look at them all scatter these tons of them oh alright let's move on [Music] [Music] goodbye my G nice 30 almost upon the rocks pretty careful on these macaques of these monkey feet yeah boy 90 but we're gonna fish the end of these Rapids here on the other side the pool I let Monte swim over here but it doesn't matter cuz the pool looks like it's on the other side anyways and if I can see good underwater shots I'm catching a fish let's just try first right here at the end of this let's see what happens definitely not seeing fish like on the other side but I guarantee you there's fish in here I mean fish washed down those rivers and stuff I'm not seeing anything though crystal clear it's so weird that they don't want anything to do with this white jig this thing is fire every lake I've ever fished it always works no work great on the first lake no you know some Fisher pickier than others oh there they are there's the suckers all I saw was where the suckers the the holes here it's not very deep you know there could be walleye in here what not but I'm looking for at the end of the map it's deep deep water you know that you can't really see down and kind of like what was on the other side where I was fishing for all those other fish I want that at the end side we'll try there so we're just gonna keep moving on there is a nice tree right up ahead though that regret don't try that tree you know saying if I were to put how much footage are recorded of those underwater suckers fishing pros with all my different lures in the video the video would be longer by an hour that is a fact I was recording the whole time I kill a battery and a half because the water is super cold so it killed my battery faster than normal because I was really really really trying to see if I could get a bite and catch a fish on camera underwater that would have been so cool I'm gonna try to do that sometime but one of these days we're gonna get it and it's gonna be super awesome we almost had it that sucker almost bid even if it's just a sucker I don't care what kind of fish it is except it's gotta be bigger than a pan fish those those would be easy well yeah I hope the camera I'm gonna happen it's gonna take me some time to go through all that underwater footage but I hope I caught the pike on there it looked pretty decent it was definitely a pike and if I would have I had the wrong lure on when he was coming by if I would have probably had a big old flashy spoon I could have put it in his face and he might have been it but they didn't really want anything to do with it some of them were slightly intrigued but you know that'll happen but that was a nice spot for that was like an ideal spot for trying to underwater camp your fish bitin I would have had some night crawlers I probably got those suckers to bite just waited in front of their face a big all balled up in the plain crawler I almost had the one that have been super cool Montee squeaking he's wet alright let's look let's keep moving [Music] then those suckers are everywhere thousands of them things are like a grant I wish that was the yeah for the wall I were like that schools thousands I mean there's there's lots of wall I but I mean it was like that Tausha lured down well-liked doesn't seem too deep I don't know if I wanted to fish this one but he's using me as a sunblock he's a smart boy smart boy and these a lot of these little lakes are just clear and not super deep these little this is just like River River Lakes yeah I'm not sure probably swimming today not sure if they you know this this ice-cold water I'm gonna have to be sweating for me to want to get back in and I was I was grungy the first time and it felt right you know I just had to get it done but now you know there's a slight breeze we're starting to get to the later part of the day it's gonna start to get less hot oh ma I'll probably go swimmin again though he loves it once he gets wet he's he's he's a weird character when it comes to getting wet man if it's first stick he'll do it it's too cold he'll think about it he'll complain a little bit once he gets wet he loves it let's keep going come on no it's awesome but for good it was awesome when I was a little drawing come to me I'm ain't gonna bother fishing these little plans well let's move until we get to the next bigger lake and then we'll fish there [Music] it's warm it's just warm starting to sweat I'm starting to sweat even these little Portage's oh but I don't know then you hit this breeze when you feel this water and you're single oh not to you the black fires getting yet they're not so bad they're not they're not being vicious right now you know they're black flies this is a pool I got probably had fished the night after this next porridge is the bigger lake so we'll probably fish at the end of that maybe even from shore if it's nice most of them haven't been like a deep pool like I'm looking for it's just a show you know the rapids in config I'm looking for like a hole well yeah the black lights aren't terrible they're out and they're buzzing around the most annoying thing they're doing is flying in my ears and my hair is into my face but they're not like I don't know sometimes they'll just every single one of them is out just bite you in his attack and right now there is not us I've only been bitten by a few there's not going crazy which I'm thankful for I don't like when they're vicious vicious bull Devils but I'm starting to get warm and I want to take these muck boots off and I think next lake yeah I'm definitely taking them off we'll take a drink of water maybe we'll have some lunch before we fish that like depends on the how look at the portage but yeah we you're probably a snack let's do that Monty feed you some lunch so very late lunch Betty Betty late alright get this one done [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] little extra [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay go ahead go ahead there pup oh gosh some scuff moon us Cunha's white pepper beef jerky from Australia way down on debate we got here [Applause] all right this thing I did my boat last time I look at this either way you have to kneel and get down I think that is so dumb happen to have a drink after like this at the hunched-over Neal [Applause] I'm gonna hurt my back drinking water like this and I'm even standing in the water so like paws on the ground I definitely have to kneel oh yeah I feel refreshed now so we've got three and a half hours of daylight one more portage to go so I decided against fishing right there I want to go fish some trees there's a nice this one doesn't have any desk but there's a point up here I'd like to try and fish toss to Jacob maybe we control here actually doesn't seem too deep okay I can still see bottom looks like a pretty Lake there is no depth to this link I just went all the way across and it looks like the whole thing's like five feet deep we'll see over here we gotta go over another big portion bye look leave it was like no depth to it which is weird seems like these are just like connecting lakes for like that yeah we'll get to the next one the next one is the lake we're staying at and it looks like there's probably see probably some waterfalls near this portage and there could be the whole world looking for at the end there's also a few campsites so if it looks like it's promising for fishing then there's open sights will stay at them I'll stay at one of them maybe that are kind of near the near the waterfall maybe not too close I don't know if I want to be too close to those deck all night but it would be kind of cool to camp out there and then fish for walleye at night near the river or whatever at night fishing is always better towards evening and it dawn so it'll be good if it's a nice pull it looks like it's a nice pool there yeah well do flee we'll check out that area there we go now we found the depth it looks like it's a pretty large lake too so I was in the same I can't tell this is just a small small end of it but it's a pretty big Lake my maps fold it over so I couldn't see the whole thing but yeah it's it's definitely deep here so you're fishing here there's this she'll catch them and you know you may be asking why do I keep using that white jig all day well you know what that white jig almost cost caught me a 48 inch northern that first fish so that's why I use that thing and I keep using it cuz I know it can pull up 48 inch northern like that first one so I keep trying I know it's good on every Lake Lots growing at me sinker awesome I just saw these were these bats were staring at me who there's more right there I'm gonna keep trying to catch him but I hope that got the the footage of him grabbing it I try to do an underwater capture we're gonna try again here imma let this guy go [Music] dang it that was a big bass I think I caught him grabbing it but he snapped my line he just took off on the drag it it didn't matter it was he just yanked too hard to snap it oh dang it okay finally got one underwater it got it in I turn my drag all the way so super loose I got him but I've been trying for so long to get him I get watch I'm gonna keep fishing and I guarantee I get a whole bunch if I just keep casting out it's just bringing it in close enough for the GoPro to capture was the whole issue this the whole issue is the only reason they couldn't get him to fight okay let's let this guy go alright so that these were that was our first Boundary Waters largemouth I watch this it's gonna be so much easier now I'll be able to catch a whole bunch of icicle little deeper edges go out further watch this put it up they're not they're not good enough right here ready for this you might need to be in a little bit more lip see look at that look at how easy it is there's a whole bunch of um oh yeah okay it's said oh yeah I wanted to fish dinner he's too easy right now too easy [Music] come here buddy look at piggy oh yeah that's a piggy all right look at the size of that mumbo-jumbo hooey that's a piggy that's a big bass right there dang the power baby ain't no joke let's do it again it's right out there they love this thing man it's too easy it's like fishing a barrel right now come on bumble I can see him right there these ones might be onto my plans oh no this one right there he's moving in it's thinking about it thinking about it yeah in water there's a weed on it this is easy I'm gonna try casting for a minute here let's see if we can if we don't grab one here I'll cast all and I bet there's a I bet this tumble here [Music] there we go there we go fighting it taking it gotta gotta what doesn't feel small we got a little peppercorn little peppercorn here hey there guy all your teeny oh don't don't snap my line hey just relax just relax make it yet there we go see freak oh they're destroying this thing looking at it he's looking at it he's looking at it he's going for it oh he tasted it now there's no going back [Music] wow that was quick [Music] [Music] dangit that was a nice one another fishy on they're all in here with doesn't feels decent no maybe not oh I can't see oh he's pulling alright make sure my drags oh yeah okay okay that's a good-sized er oh yeah that's a nice fish oh look at that man line oh that is a huge fish I gotta measure this guy look at that I gotta measure this guy it's a twenty and a quarter inch small up look at that thing that is a beast oh my gosh I don't know this might be like a personal best right here this is a pre-baked I'm calm pretty big one but this is monstrous this thing is huge that's a big fish oh good I've measured around the biggest part with this belly 14 inches in girth around and it's 20 and a quarter that's a big fish let's let this guy go I know the station is awesome but look at my dear chi'lan he's been sleeping the whole time the whole time beneficent even but like when I put the boat up here you just lay it out past I've just left of it look at this guy oh I'm just gonna take a few casts I always have more fun catching them when I'm casting so let's take a few casts see if I can pick one up and if not if I can't then we'll just catch one more and then we'll move on I was supposed to do our 1/2 here division [Music] hey those leeches does pervades man I can't get over how much now works that's crazy I've got some spots where I know that'll slam with those see you like live bait is great I know leeches and slip poppers work I just don't I never think that you know the power bait is just sitting there on the slip bobber is gonna work just as good and I mean it is so that's good to know because there's a lot of places I like to go where you can't bring live bait so yeah that's gonna be killer and it's just easier to keep those things I'm getting the kill touching all those waters I'm catching so many bang fish oh this is the worst the black flies have been the whole trip right here just in the spot need to get onto the wind but I do need to take a couple it just looks like a nice spot even though they're flying around my face like crazy there's just log sticking up everywhere there's a good nice area well we just caught a ton of fish do I really need to get eaten alive by bugs to just catch a couple more yes I think I do well this is a really nice area I bet the walleye come in here at night ooh we have time we might need to come in here if we're close I don't know where we're camping yet sure be honest we had my Monty says let's get out of here he just slammed the boat with his paw and they're bad right here all right let's get in some wind Monty I agree let's get out of here [Music] [Music] so we need some cheese the last partage my cheese is getting uh really warm and slimy but you know what they say about warm cheese one soft cheese warm soft cheese is better than no cheese that's right so it's time to pick out a campsite I'm gonna I got a few to select from here we've got we've still got an hour and 15 until the Sun sets we definitely spent some more time there fishing spending some time so I've got to decide where we want to stay there's at least 3 campsites up ahead within a mile of each other like the whole of a mile of paddling between them all we'll check those three out because we've got we've got enough time I don't know if I'm gonna head even head out fishing again I might just I might just fish from shore at camp just throw and slip bobber and just relax tonight I've definitely that that little session there with a slip bobber that scratch my itch real good of fishing today that was a nice little treat that was fun oh man I'm torn right now this is top this one's got a nice a little like you cast out on a little grassy spot and you break NATO water other one is like open it's got better fishing it's got a drop off and it's close to the other fishing oh this was gonna have a worse sunset decisions decisions oh hey bird you know what we're gonna go with the other one that's a bit more open it looks like a nice spot right on the edge of the water still that one looks like it might be a little windier this gonna be less windy and we'll get a better sunset and better fishing and we're closer with that fishing if you wanna do evening fishing decisions made my decisions are final okay yes the nice spot we got it perfect we sit right here it's a perfect sunset that goes in between these islands it's gonna be good and then we got a nice open area for month stick throwing and if I come over here the wind takes away these nets from the black side so while I'm setting up camp I'm gonna toss a nice drop off out here I'm gonna toss out this slip bobber and set it over right by me send it over right here pick something up must be a way to fish you know just for fun because why not okay not you know give me something to keep my eye on while I'm my eye on while I'm a packet it's like I'm fishing and making camp at the same time oh my gosh we're about to be super multitasking we're fishing while setting up camp Wow blowing up sleeping pad that is called super tasking the black flies at this spot and ever since I got to this Lake are just worse than they've ever been this whole time there they are testing the patience right now you know what we're gonna try that let's just dump all the food bag let's get back to my sprays all right here we go this is going to be the true test [Music] just gonna layer it on and that way if it's layered on and they still come after me it doesn't work for black flies all right we're coated I kind of want to spray Monte to well there's one I didn't get I got to get the whole the whole arms let's let's just let's not mess around I got some Sun today let me tell you okay I used a whole bunch of it I'm just coated in the stuff now I smell really nice it's better than Bo and foot stink that's for sure here we go ladies and gentlemen I deem this super tasking [Applause] you kill me mati I'm dead running around and blowing interesting Pat for some reason that just sucked the monkey you started don't worry I checked all the campsites there's no campsites for a long ways there's nobody around otherwise otherwise I wouldn't have them barking like this that's the other good thing about me checking those camp sites no I know I know for sure we're all out here all our solitude oh okay my team you're gonna pop a sleeping pad doing that mind you gotta yeah chill out if you don't want to pop any sleeping pads to be your fault it'll be your fault your fault okay see it's doing that thing I was talking about yesterday it's not really flowing it's not flowing at all during that maybe it's gonna flow okay it's flowing but look how watch how slow is flowing see that it's just like dripping out slow drips now watch this first we're going to start like dish just connect that shoot it into there no that's going we're going to do this see how fast is coming out of there so that means it should be coming out this F house let's go like this connect it back up look at how fast it's filtering now just air in the air in the tube oh it's just getting rid of it a little bit more air but yeah if you ever having a slow drip from a gravity filter it's just air in your lines don't think it's clogged you should back flush them but I always grab my water I'll out from the edge anyways I don't ever grab it in like really sediment a lot of crap in it schmutz in it here goes now it's falling fast and a filter in no time we just had a bite on the slip bobber it was definitely a bite on there the fish must have just grabbed the tip and that sucked the whole thing up because it just like took it down when I pull it spit it out all right so at least our bite in here that's a little punky we should do to do the trick okay I can process this up later and just gather some sticks and stuff the Sun is just set now so the fish is gonna be awesome and that spot is just right over there so we're gonna do some evening fishing why not why the heck not yeah Laurie sat there I was like you know what I am definitely going out even in fishing I cannot help myself I love me a good evening efficient and it is just like a perfect night I just like a slight breeze the Sun is like cloudy misty Monti shifted we're gonna end up all those logs it was like shout it was like six feet of water we may be a little bit more slave look like six feet all over with that River mouth coming in and just sunken logs everywhere and I feel like there's walleye around they're gonna be scouring that area so it should be decent we'll see it'll probably better if I just use the little off the slip bobber but I ain't gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna cast and if we don't have any luck maple full of shallow the paula back you know I really want to catch a walleye with my white twister tail I don't know why I know they will bite it shits I know they will you know they like it call amount of many times that's what I want to use so we'll try they came in for a hot landing I can't say for sure but I'm fairly certain if like like we were hunter fish dinner today this Shore there's so many sunken logs and logs sticking up I feel like it might if I drove my little shallow rupaul like I did yesterday to catch anyone I would definitely pick up no I actually have today can I add this trip giving it my all at the white Jake at night and a night fish I casted it up from that campsite oh yeah the walleyes ignored it at that one campsite hmm well I just saw fish circus that was definitely a fish service note fish two hours of Y or I mean uh loons obviously anything coming up but I see splashes those two there's a third one Hank they're completely there's a bird I just saw like big splashes three different spots I'm gonna be quiet once I get up here we're almost there I'm curious I don't see anything cool oh there it is again there's another one if it's some kind of animal well it's happening all over oh my gosh okay let's do this whatever they are they're they're aggressively jumping at the top of the water [Music] it looks like I've never seen a fish it looks like this one it surfaces maybe I should try my okay these almost see my Strout [Music] are these all they'll be look like drought okay we're switching to the spinner they're going nuts whatever they are they're going nuts right now I don't want to mess around with this thing I know spinner is good for trout it might be late try don't I know [Music] jeez they seem pretty big for whatever they are I got one no way but [Music] that's not what I was hoping for pike [Music] all right way to keep companies David first I thought I had a big hole I'm pretty sure I don't know what they want okay if this color doesn't work I'm going to switch to a little spoon [Music] [Music] these are they think I saw color I wanted to jump you're still going nuts up there I had to keep trying maybe it was switch to a spoon for a minute normally spinners work great but I definitely was casting it right next to a couple of them and they didn't want anything to do with that just just the disappointment pike disappointed me I got one whatever it is I think whatever it is this could also be a bass oh dang it I'll take it it's a monster bass [Music] it's not what I was hoping for unless these are all bad I guess they could be tell you what it ain't though is a small bass I don't even know if you can see that right now let this guy go I wonder if they are all about they could be now that I think about the one I did seek him out of the water could have been a smallmouth bass interesting thing is diversity and bass act like this you know what they might be it might be suckers I don't know if suckers do this sort of thing but I've been watching with my headlamp looking in the water and the only fish I'm seeing as I'm seeing a bunch of suckers all over now I don't know if they surface like that for bugs maybe they do or it could be trout but whatever they are they're going crazy and the only thing I'm seeing are suckers I'd like to see when I can get lucky enough to have one surface near me I'd rather know you know I don't want to just see there's a sucker right there yes I think it's suckers I'm being perfectly honest I don't know it could be a very wrong assumption but I'm gonna keep looking I know you can't see anything right now but I'm okay your curiosity I've just been paddling around with my light and just looking in the water just trying to figure out what the heck these are this light is very bright [Music] maybe and they're splashing that's better you're splashing all over the place it's going nuts the only thing I'm seeing is suckers all over the place they're swimming all over and they're swimming fast so I do I mean when I see trout surface normally they don't jump out of the water like this like this is very aggressive jumping and surfacing but it maybe it's maybe they're like trout in there and that I just I can't and I can't see very well but there's I've definitely seeing lots of suckers so I just don't know I don't know what the heck they are but I'm seeing suckers all over the place I don't think suckers surface like that maybe they do for bugs because the bugs are bad here but I'll also look this up later or look into it but if anyone knows you're the mouth or a river here into a big lake they're going crazy and it's I'm telling you if it was trials like brook trout or something they would have bit that spinner when I was I was cat there's a few times where I cast right on them and then just nothing no bites got that one bass in that pike but nothing other than that so I'm gonna just throw my chartreuse shallow joint it I'm not gonna record we're gonna head back to camp though yeah risky firewood Oh monkey will get just stick this is just not through this one's spiky just make your mouth bleed I wouldn't like this one trust me it's a nice microphone right there probably not gonna make it chopped up into small Jesus that is pretty small piece but all we got to do is boil water for spaghetti and hot cocoa so we don't need a ton of firewood Who am I kidding let's make up a little little kindling here [Music] [Applause] [Music] man you started the fire yeah Monty start the night off right making some hot cocoa and giving Monty a hot meal that's what I'm talking about so before I can sit down and relax I've got a mess to deal with when I was in my boat switching through tackle I was in my slip bomber box put away my slip bobber and it's got a bunch of hooks and sinkers and I just like fumbled it and spilt all over my canoe and I haven't dealt with it yet but I'm gonna go do that while we're getting this ready before I can sit down who's gonna take care of that quick Oh heaven to Betsy oh I'm hungry I'm very hungry we are gonna have a big old portion of spaghetti see that's that's the joy of catching fish dinners is now I get to have a portion a half a spaghetti every night just burp what was that Monday that was the weirdest noise it was like a half burp you also food dude I'll get you some food okay you got a hot meal Monty Monty wants a hot meal oh he doesn't want a hot smoky here's the thing though Monty you're gonna want a warm meal not a hot meal let's see here that's mine in a big ol oh that's a little too much dog food that's like two cups can't be eating that much okay that's good not good enough yet you want this always eating it yeah y'all some pumpkin anyways hold on Monty wait wait make it some water in there just a little bit of hot water [Music] and then let me get a little bit of cold water and let me stir it around stick [Music] he's a little more cold water yeah that's a little more pumpkiny now now he likes it okay spaghett time my stomach is a grumbling alright so let's do a normal portion into this pot yeah and then in order to get food coma we need to add a little bit more a lot of spaghetti right there mmm it's Stephen good dry that's how hungry I am there's not that good dry let's tuck them actually I could eat that all right go months on that that's just the food must for me oh this is a full ball this going to be a too much portion of spaghetti let's get this going mmm-hmm yeah but today was a pretty sweet day oh by the way what is it Mike here the night crawlers are coming off of the crunchy leaves and they're making so much noise as soon as you look at them they go run away but I checked my watch temperature is about 45 degrees I think I had it set 30 minutes yeah it's not too cold might be a little cold that might be like 40 but the pressure was still 28 points X so it doesn't matter if it's not my wrist or not which is good to know Oh 28 point six five now [Music] so yeah that's good to know doesn't seem to be changing at night what do you think Monty Jeet all your food oh yeah [Applause] that's a pot of spaghetti right there oh it's hot fire he's boiler and put it off to the side a little bit here [Music] [Applause] okay we all mystic throw-in session he's earned it today oh man when he was passed out in the back of the boat that was cracking me up though he was just well I I spent like an hour and a half there I swear I don't even know maybe nothing get that stick Monty but he didn't really wake up when I started fish in there and I sat there i got on my boat he just like looked at me and just like laid back down you know we're gonna throw the stick the other way because I don't like it's like too rocky it's gonna hurt his feet running on that yeah it's not good over there either just be careful not you okay you promise I'll be careful on the rocks he doesn't seem to mind oh okay their spaghetti is uh just finishing simmer then we gotta let it rest and then we are gonna feast so I'm just gonna keep um I'm not about being weird right now I'm just my lower back this kinda yeah this is a new dance move is called lower back stretch oh yeah Oh mind you bring me that stick I'll do one of these oh yeah it's tight back there it's so tight bring we had a thick Muncie right here anyways yeah I'm gonna keep throwing the form and then ready so spaghetti tonight on this episode of over eating too much spaghetti ooh oh yeah oh that's a bowl of spaghetti right there mm-hmm that's gonna do bad things to my insides oh what's that well what's that right there I think Steve one's on my spaghetti Steve you look you look a little friendlier than the last Steve hey Steve Oh mister you I just want to pet yeah you're a friendly guy oh don't go under my spaghetti you silly Oh that's some spaghetti right there I'll tell you what just as good every time and ha spaghetti he's gonna wait dang it it tastes so good [Music] maybe we just blow it a little bit more [Music] I still bring out hmm I just can't wait anymore hungry so [Music] all that one burned all the way down Danny's hat dang it spaghetti blasphemy Thanks where's the where's the windiest spot at this place around the edge of the water so as I was saying before burn my throat I think if we have a fish dinner in the trip another one which we don't really need to but if we're gonna have one more it's gonna be tomorrow and I don't think I did maybe I'd make one on the last night you know I guess it doesn't really matter but I've kind of like how we've been I've been doing a spaghetti-fish spaghetti-fish spaghetti fish you know if we don't do one tomorrow it's spaghetti spaghetti fish and that throws it out of sync so I'd like to have it tomorrow but that one comes down to the weather I mean so far it's been awesome no rain I do want that rain or thunder storm just to shake things up you gotta have it I would really prefer a thunderstorm over rain I love it if it's gonna rain a myzel thunder and lightning cuz you know just just rain is you know it's cool it's great it's rain but I want that thunder and I want that lightning that's what I want that stuff's fun well who knows but there's definitely no stars out tonight so there is clouds clouds have moved in so that could be some weather coming it's definitely not a single star there's been it's been clear skies both the past two nights so it's a least getting cloudy for tomorrow [Music] all right it's still steaming looking I gave it like ten minutes [Music] dang it mmm huh it was just that bite hmm there we go there we go there it is there it is depending on feeling of the morning I might it's not too far to go back to the spot where all those baths were I might go fish for some of those in the morning those are some piggy bass [Music] definitely were some honker there it's fun catching bass like that a big ol bass I look catch a little fish I'm surprised that Pike didn't snap my four pound test or my my Enya and steal my little spinner there I can't believe I caught that on that was it a mouse you know how it must have been Monty's sitting by the tent entrance he's ready to go to bed he's done for the day so uh yeah I'm just gonna finish up my my spaghetti here clean up and whirring it ready and getting the ten when you're ready for bed good mr. Monty is signaling that he wants to pass out now Barry Monty let me finish up okay Monty enter your palace go ahead I'm gonna lay on them both huh that's the that's the reasonable thing right you would Monty you don't think he's doing is he's he's making a pillow yes see he just bunch it up for a pillow that's a good boy Oh Monty so we had a great day efficient son I think I get a little sunburned that's good right Monty oh you just love a nut oh oh you smell good those those essential oils they smell good the sprays they didn't work very well for the black guys they work I was like fresh and wet but after a little bit of moving around they started to fly up my face again but I'm not sure if they work for Monty but I don't know they they seem to do a little something but it's not like they were eating us alive I'm more so curious as to how how it works when they're biting when that when they're just flying into your face that's not that's more annoying than anything that's not like it doesn't like ruin your day but when they bite and yeah that'll get you I'm surprised I haven't seen a single mosquito I bet they're waiting for rain I bet the first rain the day after a rain mosquitoes will hatch and they'll be bad but I haven't seen a single one yet where some would wear some what there's max knock on wood I don't want to see any all right I am pretty satisfied it wasn't too much food ever since the rice from that first fish dinner I can eat portions and a half like nobody's business I think that stretched out my stomach anyways we are gonna pass out and then tomorrow maybe go back to that spot do some fishing and we just got a big old paddle day tomorrow I don't even know if we have any portage maybe a couple there's got to be a couple Portage's but we'll definitely check some stuff out depending on the weather depending it's a nice sunny day I couldn't tell you what we're gonna do we're gonna do a lot of fishing again the weather is beautiful we're definitely a fish all day again so anyways I pass out I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 73,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, wilderness, wilderness camping, wilderness area, asmr, bwca, camp, how to camp, adventure, wilderness adventure, campfire, campfire cooking, dog, camping dog, fishing, how to fish, catching fish, backcountry, canoe camping, backcountry camping, canoeing, paddling, campfire skills, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, canada, boundary waters, boundary waters canoe area, gopro, nikon, backpacking, backpack, backpacker, forest, nature, fire, catch and release, extended trip, weather, canoe trip
Id: JLIZ1gqvJ7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 30sec (6330 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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