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[Applause] [Music] awkward things online Oh what someone didn't act in the normal way ah I hating I discovered this subreddit after googling PewDiePie subreddit and this came up nobody is born cool except yeah what am I even looking at it's just confusing I'm sure there's a joke here somewhere PewDiePie submission is getting so bad it's getting so bad guys ok I'm fighting crunch would cringe hair even though I admit this is pretty cringe everyone saying on subreddit that a subreddit is getting bad it's pretty cringe and overdone ok we get it it's getting so bad now I can't walk in my hat doing some ok no one cares it's like throughout my entire youtube career I've been hearing PT buddies getting so bad now steady decline for 12 years that's how we do it alright but that was putting that aside that little monologue let's review some frickin epic cringe man we all like it let's get real here calling Kobe Bryant at 3m oh my god he actually answered he's not oh my god could you come up with any more of a knowing title scum of the earth it's people like these that makes you sign that you're a youtuber hey what do you do youtuber oh you're one of those huh yeah I'm so sorry I apologize yep looks about what was expected stephen pruitt has made nearly 3 million edits on wikipedia yep he is balding and overweight all for free the street is horrible this man is literally providing the world with free knowledge and you think criticizing his appearance is funny fu yeah Jennifer you look like a Jennifer Gotham I want to star in the Netflix series [Music] [Laughter] starring at play exert the Queen supposed to do do it yourself what is this hair this hair super cringe what is happening oh that's great I love that rare guys I want to be the pie season scare PewDiePie season 2 I want it out so bad YouTube do your thing that is actually correct nice I've seen this found this at the bottom of my delivery receipt thank you to whoever this was pretty sure this is the vine guy that just awesome impressions I swear the delivery instructions are put by whoever orders though they are this is so embarrassing he must have put it as a joke right it could have just been a joke like oh my god can't believe right huh cringe you didn't understand a joke cringe I cringe that your cringe how about thank ya I'm above you you're down here you're nothing you scum scum this is the worst Christmas hall I've ever had no pop vinyls no video games no Google Play PSN or Nintendo network cards no DVDs table race and as the lego sets I get for Christmas go this one is below average I knew that my family would blow it dick yeah I'll take the Lego you want to give it to me I'm 30 years old up with Lego I don't give up you're grateful piece of [ __ ] I'm cringing I'm just upset a man gotta appreciate his leg goes Muppet no garland post 58 off votes garland post 37,000 of votes Wow that's it artist that sounds like a funny YouTube video where if you're an artist post on Reddit and then go in fiber and ask a girl or someone to hold up your art and see if there's any difference I really will clearly we know it it's just funny how that works oh my god I'm gonna click upload on this I hope she seeds this may be girlfriend she could be mine oh my god a girl drew guy digital epic art shouldn't matter who is behind it okay an episode of Golden Girls was pulled from Hulu for a featuring blackfish this was not blackface this is a mud mask also black people didn't ask for any of this they just want police reform you think black people are going like yeah Thank You Hulu thank you so much I mean I'm gonna put words into people Wow but it's like this is really what they're after my god people are calling it out showers are sexy take up today notice that anime convention due to attendees body or their oh my god dude yeah this this blows my mind you never realize how few people shower and wanting to go to a convention I remember pax there's a lot of smells going on there's a lot of smells just take a goddamn shower at least if you're going out in public my god be a decent human being at least thank you confirmed men who objectify women are epping hashtag real turn he's 18 they're bulges equality lets sexualize everyone what this is a full grown balding ass man wearing a backpack can you believe the audacity of a full grown bowling ass man wear a backpack oh that's so cringe the only thing here that is cringe is you Christine I know I always try to claw back and seem unaffected by fad comments but being criticized harassed judged online for my weight every single day is genuinely the worst thing I've ever gone through and I always let it ruin my entire life well maybe you shouldn't do it to other people Christine have you thought of that treat other people the way you want to be treated Christine have you thought of that that's pretty crazy but it also makes perfect sense my theory has always been that the people that write really hateful and stupid comments it's not a normal thing to do right mmm-hmm you have to be something wrong with yourself to be that kind of person I always see it as projecting so it's hard for me to take it seriously when people write like to be play is look like dumb face there must be something wrong with you hmm pizza pies hair look like my grass there must be something wrong with you then beef eyes hair look like Tintin they're correct answer is P deep eyes hair looks mother flippin epic how I get that style I look like the Chad meme homeless I think I can pull off the Chad hair I think I got the chin for it sighs edit the chin to make me look like Chad me hell yeah mother you Derek Rin [ __ ] to me mortal Oh Carly be having a mental meltdown because she has no don't cry in that cereal they're gonna get shock stuff up there guys hang in there during quarantine just remember that other people like hard the B has it so much worse what's that your local small business couldn't support itself during quarantine well card the B has to eat soggy cereal so like that sink in goddamn it that is such a great photo forgot the flash was on you shouldn't have taken a picture to begin with you cringe she has punch oh I saw this person in real life I have to take photo of them like they're a person at a zoo like they're at an animal at the zoo click click oh god I look stupid now it's so cringy cuz like she would have seen him even without the flash it's always so goddamn obvious when people point a camera like I see you so cringe and then they come up after I've said this before and they're like can I have photo time you got your photo now get the [ __ ] outta my sight that's what I say and then I spit at them I'm not gonna do it again but just imagine it do they call you Kylie billionaire Jenner Kylie Jenner says her sister teased her for being a billionaire and it's so relatable it is so freaking relatable didn't it come out that she had changed her papers or something just to make it seem I mean was so obviously she's not a billionaire anyway you don't have to yeah it was revoked she exaggerated her company's success for years what I'm so shocked the day my husband asked me to pay Habs on rent is a day I pack my bags and go where if you can't even afford half ready so far not that much cringe I think my hair has been the worst part I think I need a shower one of those showers think I need to do one of those washings ever heard of those this Christmas give your wife something she really wants a cheap pass I've seen this before with a clown world we live in a clown world what is happening I feel like they're just writing stuff to piss people off I see so many headlines like this this is right like alright what dumb [ __ ] can we put out we're so desperate we haven't we can't write anything of substance let's just write some dumb so people click on it and get upset alright that's how we do our business now this man out here wearing a hentai sweatshirt in the Vatican City God that hentai shirt feels like the epitome of my mom has been dressing me my entire life so now I'm gonna go online and buy something epic yeah this is cool right I understand what's cool on my 10th birthday my grandma gave me Bible on my 20 birthday I gave it back to her took me 10 years to cut it in half with his piece-of-shit sword god damn neckbeards ruining katanas okay they used to be cool goddamnit I understand and I sympathize you want to feel good just don't post about it online you may call us katana owners look bad alright god damn it watch it done that is a piece of art that is glorious well done no cringe your buyer has army in it cringe yeah I mean the real army oh my god Father's Day is such a joke can we just cancel this day or make it a second mother say last time I checked mom did both rows last time I checked my dad did both roles so shut the [ __ ] up and sit down he obviously failed if you talking to a girl like that [ __ ] there's always one there's always someone like this I hope she sees this bro I'm sure she's gonna see it and show her [ __ ] bro cringe as we broke up videos way about God I know there's just a shock because online it looked like everything was perfect like and subscribe there that was epic grown-ass men that never crowed up look at the color it go vroom broom and I did the dance so epic it's weird though cuz I'm glad people like this exist because then I can feel anyone can watch this and feel like well at least I'm not that piece of [ __ ] you know what I mean it doesn't that feel good at least Elin trying desperately to appeal to his diehard reddit demographic minecraft has amazing legs and everything they can get a good multiplayer minecraft working on Tesla's or maybe create a game that interacted virtually with reality like pokemon gold while driving safely I mean it sounds fun to me I don't see the issue with this I'm a bit of an Elon shield though so maybe don't take my word for it but I'm down it sounds fun you hate fun so much but you don't play with Lego do you cringe I want anime companies and hygiene product companies to start working together more my theory is that if we put Miku on body wash and shampoo then we both start showering I mean you're not wrong I don't care with that started to regret almost everything about my senior yearbook page code from Bill Cosby and he looks up to Jared the subway oh we got a poky tweet we got a poky tweet you like my hair gee thanks just brought it ok ok ok with this is how much was it I want to donate the exact amount so I feel like I bought it for you pokey could have a whole subreddit from I'm just from her fans beautiful thank you Elin musk is that I'm not like the other girls of billionaire 69 days after 4/20 again haha like what would you rather have another gray-haired balding overweight 70 year old billionaire but you guys hate fun that much he's trying to be like us but he's totally failing ok I cringe at your cringe ok I will always defend Elin if I were white and not white Smith's silly son I would be the most respected philosopher of our and all time the [ __ ] are you saying dude how is Jaden Smith nice look I dress like girl I am philosopher now God who said girls with depression can't wear tube tops who said girl to depression can't make duck face literally no one has ever said that come on Netflix do your thing get me on the Netflix show twit there they finally did it they figured out how to wear depression as an accessory to get likes on Instagram very nice I freaked up god stop going through security at the airport they had to take my cards out of the bag needless to say girlfriend is not happy after finding out I bought yugioh cards to our no yugioh holiday I brought you okay god damn the note that no you Gil holiday is ruined I can't help myself I need to bring the yo-yo cards god dammit you're only you Gil Naoto god dammit there's nothing left there's nothing left to enjoy what in that everliving gazai that's a turd man's got a turd a respectable sizeable turd on your head dude excuse me sir is that a turd you got a turd on your head dude don't do that oh my god it's just oh yeah that is this painful cringe I just realize there's two different categories there's joyful cringe middle cringe and just pain just painful cringe now I know all the emotions of courage I have ascended [Music] you feel that you feel that one on that one you felt that too if you ever feel like a piece of minute just remember competitive vaping exists yeah look at these pieces of sheet absolute scum yeah you guys don't understand cringe do I have to explain this to the cringe sub ready if you're not hurting anyone fine okay but it's like the people that stop the cars in traffic you're just annoying you're disrupting everyday people I don't know if you want to hire out an arena and do this I don't care animals burn in Australia animals burn on a grill hypocrites okay someone said it yeah I know you're kidding but similar things happen at a much faster rate in industrial farms and that is a serious issue people don't seem to care about theirs yet make donations to rescue the animals in Australia which don't get me wrong that's fantastic but it's hypocritical to then dismiss all the suffering which is arguably worse and factually much bigger that goes in that burger you just munched I actually thought I thought about this the other day was my thought my very interesting thought okay yeah it was something about canceled and how people are so upset over injustice online or what seems like injustice of people doing bad things so they cancel them and that's always happening oh this person did this you're done but no and I think most people don't like to see animals in pain but if you look at it inside a lot of industries where the how they treat animal behind-the-scenes inside these farms or inside the or the way they're killed it's uncomfortable people would like it I guarantee you you wouldn't like it at least in the in the mass killing and mass production at least not talking about local farms my point here I think people don't care so much about the animals even though if you get upset about the killing of animals then that also means that you are partaking in it which in a way makes you bad when canceled culture is all about calling out other people bad so I can feel good but you can't really do that when you look at animal issues and how they're treated cuz it's like what you you have to at least be a vegan or vegetarian to do that which is why there are so knowing okay okay I got it I got the perfect example okay let's put it this way if everyone was vegan and vegetarian and then they saw how animals were treated then for sure people would be like I can't believe they're doing this it's awful and considering how often people get called out on it online it it's weird how that it's never it doesn't get any traction oh it's me it's me guys God creating vegans oh just a little bit of logic up too much I'm not being by the way too much logic guys just hurts listen all I'm saying is there's a weird gap right now with people on the internet getting very upset about how animals are mistreated and ignoring a lot of [ __ ] that's happening in in the reality of the meat industry that's all I'm saying all right eat whatever you want I don't give a [ __ ] I never seen this come on it's a trebuchet ain't nothing crunch here 555 fans are so creepy yeah it was a reference to the video okay I will of your cringe oh here it is the classic don't be racist speaks English dating an Italian girl and a hex black thank you don't just don't be racist guys I've been telling you for so long classic fun days and purified submission I wish the summative was less like this stop you have been blessed by holy chaotic you may now continue brash or at least a couple of thousand I don't really see the point I feel like I meet people in real life it's like sometimes I meet fans that are like that they're like like like like crunchy references vetted yeah I can't I can't be mad at it all that was so cringe bro the way you said Chung Gerson Keanu Reeves we're all just trying to navigate the internet not everyone does it perfectly ain't nothing wrong with that and that's the takeaway of this video I think yeah yeah that's it alright guys hope you enjoyed give it a like if you smash like you would be blessed by a big chunk Asst + Keanu Reeves epic see you next time hey tall it's time to race what was once forgotten what creatures fart spells and pull troops awaits hope T is coming to Nintendo's wait and remember it has a very big TV pre-order promotion heavy yeah gave me a set book birthday girl I ran away [Music]
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 9,629,412
Rating: 4.9430599 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: HeUietgDuVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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