How Rare Is Your DNA?

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yeah your opinion about tick tock go man it's fantastic and i'm sorry stop stop just say you hate it just say oh my god all these these these short jokes it's just vine all over again oh my god and they're collecting all of our data's and they're going to send it to the chinese and there we go that's my boy okay but if we're going to react to it oh oh i love it am i still supposed to have we fallen that far to where we're going to start being coming to tick-tock reaction is that all the attention span we have six seconds oh no you're the chosen one what have they done well we'll see if we can find one that can make can change your mind okay okay yeah okay let's try this one okay can you ready i'm ready [Music] i was trying to harmonize you're the one that stopped me all right look at my reverb reverb there we go [Music] what's wrong with you all right hey guys so i got this new bug zapper today i was hoping to zap some bugs it's very like electrical so like if i had a that's a funny tick tock we did it exactly lola's fine she does that all the time she likes to eat the electricity it's funny and then but if you like the production side you got like the dog sitting there on the ground the whole time like wagging it in front of the dog like don't ruin the tick tock come on okay you know this is totally impromptu like this who cares about the details i'm just saying you can recreate it pretty easily if you wanted to probably well you're just a ball of fun aren't you all right well i thought i'm confused do i hate tick tock or do i love it which one do i do we're gonna find out such an us thing jenna what's in your turtleneck i actually said this just to send to marseille because it made me laugh licking that kermit in a turtleneck oh man rip jenna i hate that she canceled herself if only tick tock would cancel themselves instead oh my god mary was telling me about a tick tock earlier today uh about a girl that was saying that she buys like a bunch of i don't know day planners or something or journals oh my god yeah yeah and and then resells them right and then everyone comments like oh how could you do that you're uh you scam i'm never buying these again it's like you're just a store that's exactly what every store in the world does no she's a young entrepreneur she's drop shipping you guys don't get it it's yeah there's so many dumb economies i mean i don't want to be a super boomer here i got my boomer shirt on right now you know but like do you not guys not know how like the people on tik tok not know how just anything works out the people on tiktok likes to pretend like no one's ever known anything about economy or how to make money before it's so strange the person i sent you this wants you to know we need to get the gang together when you're getting ready come on this is my favorite one where they make fun of other people making tech talks hey yeah i need to get him [Music] oh god what is this hair this is average tick tock user right here man what is it what is good on this look at that arrow what is it what is that just a bunch of you gotta have like arrow wouldn't that random numbers tattoo snakes more jewelry than clothing basically to be on tick tock you have to be an anime like protagonist or a villain what the with it it's this haircut it's like i kind of like it it looks like a hedgehog like i mean i can't make too much fun my hair is always awful you know how you do the hair this looks like you might put my chest on his head i think all right let's see what this fella has to say if i have to go for chapstick and she just pulls me to kiss me i would say no i [Laughter] i like this they're fighting back against the cringe i love it i want some chips you know i just need to smash my booty [Laughter] oh yeah so the everyone talks about the tech talk algorithm and how like it changes based on your interests and yada yada yeah so i'm getting into the conspiracy zone this week i just got a ton of conspiracy and this is one saying experts have been unable to explain this statue which has been found in a church built in the 1600s the statue appears to show a man in modern day astronaut suit including air tubes it's a newly made sculpture on an old building that's it that's it thank you wow and i really appreciate filming the ceiling but oh my gosh thank you conspiracy wow blow my mind this means aliens it's got to you know this building is old you know that means everything on the building even the renovations are old my mind is blown if astronaut and building is real i mean think about how deep the rabbit hole goes everything is real now everything even the matrix and all of it choose one mask to wear and you gain all the ability from the character who wears it which one would you pick ken uh just give me batman so i'll just be rich ooh that's smart let's see what's one mask to wear and you gain all the abilities from the character who wears it i am gonna go with the mask okay nice why did you why did you save this one so boring why is it the hair i don't give a i mean to be fair the strongest mask on here is the spawn mask you know by far but still you know no it's v for for data mask for oh my god you can say a bunch of v words in one long monologue okay okay i got a good one [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] hell yeah so if i had to keep putting the cat down and just like fine eventually put the little fur hat on my head i guess take pictures here's a here's a brain thought for you yes the hat the cat or it's the cat hat why you shot boat me again [Laughter] what can i say i read knee nietzsche you know this oh yeah i'm just uh in a different mindset than everyone else you know what i wonder what these cats this is the scottish uh scottish fold with the ears i wanted one so bad i'm allergic to cats i want whatever this cat got going on you know [Music] over there it sounds beautiful what would you do if i broke it to your house [Music] and shoot him someone made this can look as lethal as possible okay and then reveal your own lethalness all right let me see hang on again i gotta take my intersectionness [Music] what would you do if we broke into your house huh what would you do i would pick the beef or vendetta mask because that's the best mask that's a sexy boy i was waiting for him like squat down and like had the vodka you know i was waiting to see that ass come on i like the string that's wrapped around the top of it too to hold it on oh that's how they did it very nice good pick all right this is a life hack candy you can do that cool right this guy is great [Laughter] the freaking life hacks are just like make your life more complicated oh my god they really fixed pizza for us what were we doing before this there's another tick tock that mary had showed me to where it's like um the life hack that had a flip over or like a grilled cheese and they like pick up the whole pan and like flip it onto the it was like this whole thing and the dude was like get grabbed a dispatch and just flipped it over and it was like you can also use the spatula yes there's so many of these it's like yeah they all ran out of ideas and they're just so desperate now you need that content i feel like some people on tick tock got it figured out to where you do dumb things like this so that people will you know yeah you bait them right yeah that's a whole genre you know what that little table is even for uh so not make the cheese hit the hit the top i mean ken i'm not i'm not that oblivious to american culture all right i know you've been killing me and now she's very important all right i haven't feel every episode's like all right this is america felix or this is how babies work i know now you know i know now you know that i know now have you have you read the comments i don't dare to read our comments because it's always like felix is an idiot and it's the greatest and i don't like how this has changed i feel like ken's just trying to get felix ready to have his own baby and i'm scared for him i'm like yeah i didn't have any anytime soon oh dude the freak the last baby video mary gave me like a 10 minute speech about like like how does he not know that babies just drink milk they don't eat food i'm just like mary i think he's just trolling i think got him oh that makes me happy i'm sorry mary or is he trolling that's the real question is he trolling who knows i mean just feed them dog food like i have you tried it i don't know i don't get it let's do this good little manga oh nice he did it again i'm a winner oh my god oh sorry guys sorry guys i didn't mean to do that that was a rocket accident all right there's no more mocking around guys all right no more rocketing people oh my god i can't believe you did it so many [Music] i'm reporting you i'm reporting man this is this is pretty tame for you know xbox live comments yeah it probably took him a long time to get these clips of people just not yelling you know some stuff at him and talking about his mom and things hey no more mucking about what's a better christmas movie elf or scrooge help go scrooge help so good they just had an epic interaction sometimes all you gotta do is point what's a better christmas movie elf or scrooge elf no scrooge help [Music] such a great interaction he just stands there like [Laughter] oh what would be your version of that who's a better youtuber pewdiepie all right okay i don't know i don't have a thing i don't i don't have a oh you don't know a thing yeah ah what that shirt that's that shirt america babies barbecue sauce wait what barbecue yeah barbecue sauce of course i actually want you to see this way it's not interesting but [Music] come on i've been one of these boys and i was terrified [Music] look at that that's clean that's clean he's a guy and then just stares them down like yeah that's right do you know what they did to us before we i i don't know what it's called in english you catch the ball right for the pro players so i've done that on a pro pro match when i was very young and you know what these told us right before what they told us that someone got hit in the balls by a serve and they died instantly do you know how scared i was being there i was so terrified oh my god that's he's scared right now he's fearing for his life such a thing god i caught that oh he's just frozen in fear he does you know what i was thinking about that actually i'm like it's pretty fair to die if that happens your balls get crushed i'm happy to die instantly that's the funniest tick tock i've seen in a long time well done the ugh what would you do [Laughter] i know well yeah you would you wouldn't do it ken i know you wouldn't do it to me yeah i mean all right like you're like my bff of course you know i would not take that money and run do you know i would i would use i would i'll make sure that you get that money and it's used to treat your injury oh right be like hey felix can i get a percentage by the way i saved your life where's my money okay here's another crazy conspiracy and i yeah it's gonna find destroyed structures everywhere you can find remnants of ancient civilizations and cities venus as well we've discovered what appear to be structures massive structures all of these by the way have pyramids treatments on our own perimeter venus all the way across the whole solar system there were two pyramid wars these war pyramid wars i don't teach you about that history but i miss that on the pyramid board are we allowed to share this pyramid there she lasers at the top of the pyramid pyramids on venus were like ah a bunch of aliens just looking around for like real estate like i'm putting a pyramid in there no i'm putting a pyramid in there pyramid wars oh god control of humans control of land especially on venus gotta control that land on venus the genetic codes went on by star maps in them and it's claims whoever has them has control over the earth i don't know the context maybe he's just making up some i have no idea but it sounds great was that like a block of ramen they just showed you're talking about dna [Laughter] looking tasty what is this is that whole wheat i love genetic codes this is also from forbidden knowledge you're not supposed to know this you're not supposed to know the pyramid wars i don't remember why i say this i'm looking forward to this 26 of people have a narrator inside their head so you know that little voice in your head i don't believe that everyone has a voice in their head what does your voice sound like you better buy better skippers [Laughter] wow all right it's almost ready cooked the egg is getting there bro that's what it's saying all the time what is it i know i know though that some people don't have it at all that's something yeah right like yeah whenever i think of things i think of it like as like a movie like i play it out and then i even play like different outcomes out like like like this like it's a movie an egg yeah yeah yeah kind of like that and i'm like but what if you know that old commercial like this is your brain on crack and the lady like cracks the egg on the stove what if she like hits that dude why's his eyeball like being drawn in right there it's like this weird little eyeball thing can you get me out of here get me out of your head i want to be here this is a weird place all the time are you like always looking at the worst scenario or what does that i don't get what you're getting at i just think about a lot of stuff and then i stutter a lot because i can't pick like one idea i want to latch on to and go with that's interesting i don't i can't relate to this i'm uh curious if other people aren't i don't know what's yours you just see what you see and then you you think what you think i don't know an egg eggplant pan egg simple i don't i don't know maybe i'm not the 26 oh shoot i just i'm jealous this guy has surround sound in his head right there did you see that i got the speakers on the wall oh you smell asparagus pee i do i do smell sparing a species i don't do you no i don't i don't why it's like as soon as i eat the asparagus like 30 minutes later i go to the bathroom i'm like woof man experience my pee myself feeds me as fragrance and then she complaining and i'm like i don't know everyone can smell it no oh sneezing is on light i heard about it but that happens to me sometimes it's not just because you go outside you have allergies i think i watched a very tiresome video they thought it was because in caves you know cave people ugabuga it was better to not spread germs while you're in the cave so people automatically seems when they left the game and that's just still in our dna what yeah it's in our dna to sneeze when we go outside of a cave well like it's specific right there bro i i got the oogabooga dna because i do it sometimes yeah yeah you just walk outside and the sunlight makes you sneeze not like nature or anything not like all these flowers it was a very passive video it's confirmed all right just a youtuber what do i know yeah thank you the most bizarre phenomenon in the world have you heard about the world and the whole world yeah world encyclopedia two encyclopedias are so good they made a second one phenomenon in the world there is a mysterious giant causeway in northern ireland it is an eight kilometer coast made up of forty thousand hexagonal stone pillars tourists take such a mysterious video at that time tourists photographed a stone indeed suddenly opening it up and then it is no reason this strange phenomenon seems spreading local experts came to surveys like us to peas and shimmer there was no sign of fraud in the video there was no sign of fraud in the video no sign of fraud [Music] that is real i love the smoke that flies on the bottom of it too it plays a little further ken there's no sign of fraud i mean this is written it's right arguing like play the video look at that look at the dust that flies up it doesn't come off the side of it or anything there's only dust on the ground there's there's just no sign uh that's how they operate the northern ireland there's doors like my god the rocks are moving that's where the leprechauns are hiding ken i got the gold that's where all the gold is we gotta get jacked yeah we gotta find jack jack tell us about the no sign of fraud we know there's no sign of fraud where is it where's the goal where's the gold the video surface although a seemingly dangerous stunt we are told they took all the necessarily dangerous get out of here quite like this freaking roasted by the end of what's believed to be aloha it's sweden it feels like this should be russia or some i figured this would be like where i live you know i guess we'll do the same thing we'll just use like atvs and four-wheelers and cars and just drag each other around and this one does that's what happens when you don't have water in a hundred years to a country yeah we gotta do something with this you know these tax dollars to work man have you ever tried making a chicken and veggie one pen meal no i never have but have you guys ever made your own kaleidoscope before this is like a virtual world this is like a regional world no i haven't but while i got your attention here have you guys ever tried to do something really basic and boring no but look at this oh this one is fantastic in your soda cans the traditional way oh let me share a heck i recently found the secret is in the can handle hanger let me show you with a new can all you need is some shoelace slide the string through the can handle and just pull gonna try it open so easy this is clearly a bait but it's really funny this is where the bait ones i like how she's got the cans hanging up by the in the refrigerator too we don't do that in america no no no no just so disappointed the motherfucker's got like a whole drawer that keeps all my cans nice and chilled at the perfect temperature that's the thing i miss about sweden we can leave our cans in the window and then they're nice and cold oh my god i don't know if i mean i miss the cans being cold but i mean just to be in that cold in general no wonder you left yeah but the only perk called cans baby cold tall tanks every time baby i didn't want my my parents to know about all the red bulls i drank as well so i would keep them out there nice and chill and right outside your windows reach out and grab one it gives you wings do you think star wars is nardiken uh i think it's just a movie but people are nerdy about it all right well this is gonna change your mind has your opinion changed yet ken no it's cool though it's cool but like what is this caption show this to anyone that says star wars is nerdy uh they were watching like yeah it's still nerdy they're like this is freaking robot dude with a laser sword you know that's pretty it's fairly nerdy oh this is great oh parkour whoa whoa oh god no no no no i thought the fence was going to fall over what is this castle this dracula's castle in the background holy crap this is a regular europe city okay what it's crazy this is a church get out of here man that's wild me oh so i can tell you about europe now well you see you can't tell about the cool gothic buildings yeah i don't know i love watch mojo no i'm always look i'm almost watching the top 10 things always going to watch mojo yeah that's me oh no no you never do that oh my god can you do the intro for us right now please i've never done this in person welcome to watch mojo she's real she's real i thought it was a robot what the heck is this wow this is unbelievable i've never actually seen anybody get excited about watching like this it's so great it's watch mom job say the thing you guys are wondering what these things are up here so they're gonna be like five pounds so you pull the lever and pull it down awesome tips there i wanted to add on to that actually if you look right here on the dumbbells the numbers on here actually mean you know that's how heavy it is god bless him so good damn you're about to get as well as him now that you have um unlock this for better knowledge my god i need to start the gym again i just keep getting fatter uh love it all right kim i hope uh actually i don't care what your opinion has changed that's all the tech talk i got to show you me oh thank thank god it's over i oh i like tik tok because it's a sometimes you find really funny ones like the the lottery ticket one and then a lot of it is really cringy so it's still fun to me like i get it yeah i get a kick out of it regardless i think anyway people can express their creativity no matter how cringe it is it's fantastic no and then yeah then we get to react to it yeah it's fine and hopefully you don't get claimed on anything so haha we all win there we go tech talk solved thank you ken all right one last time as an outro i dig again again subscribe to me see you tomorrow
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 3,167,696
Rating: 4.9597239 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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