Top 10 FORBIDDEN items /r/itemshop #46 [REDDIT REVIEW]

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NekoLover72 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I alrealdy miss gaming/minecraft week

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zical-BR πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gaming week > Reddit week

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheMemeGodgats πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s finally happened... Pewds has developed a severe addiction to Reddit...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zoidaryan1985 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I guess hes never playing minecraft again

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Trueheywood7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

How long must I wait

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dempski πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rip minecraft

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jaybae57 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/diceroller-crit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Those reddit videos are so boring

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gunerner πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
+15 nostalgia +20 cloud and - hundred cereal what's up everybody today we're looking at our item shun where we take real life items into the video game world wait why remember this spoon if you don't remember the spoon your childhood poof not there I don't remember where I got this spoon from but I remember it was the greatest spoon of all time I had one of those I wish I still had mine where do they come from the existence eraser wow that's got to be a rare item at least a stick a Batman armor plus 100% stealth in urban jungle condition mastery in urban jungle movement that's pretty hella freaking dope nunchucks are legal in some states but guns are not so if you tie two guns and create gun Chuck's got Chuck's it's neither legal or it's Schrodinger's cat of weapons everyone weapon of brass destruction threat eliminated that's freaking badass where can i buy one this whole sub red is like oh I want that yeah yeah can i buy that of ebay a tuba Sharyl freakin a via - but white knuckle sandwich when you stone any racist enemy the enemy will instantly die hey racism I brought you simple lunch what with air pod in his ear you know he's ready to deliver some epic brofist towards races no wait dammit I thought he was the CEO of racism that's why I had the earpods when you're low level character finds a rare item I don't know why that took me so long like I look at the image first okay that's funny comment how my Glock extremely powerful ranged weapon uses both mana and Oh wolf mana and ammo damn so that seems like a terrible idea I'm just gonna go ahead and say it terrible bad bad bad idea not epic idea although it'd be a freaking cool way to kill someone you'd probably take out your wrists and I don't even know how you would fire that thing but ma'am that is some epic hood I assume he's in the hood because of the background and now no other reason fish socks for this item you can walk on water what how much are they I want that that's so cool damn this reminds me of when I was a kid this is like one of my worst realizations all right you guys remember Action Man Action Man the greatest hero of them all I saw the figurine but I thought you wouldn't get the figurine I thought you got like the scuba equipment all right it didn't look like this it looked like a realistic photo on the package so naturally I'm like that's freaking epic mom can we please buy an Action Man figurine I didn't know it wasn't the scoop i won it was the one where you climb he had like these suction cups things to climb with and I'm like wait I've seen those in films they always use imagine my disappointment when I found out their suction cups weren't a real thing I would get a lousy figurine this is false it was false advertising and it crushed my hopes and dreams and you know what I might just buy their real things right now eBay freaking now I'm a millionaire and I'm an adult and I'll get those suction cups suction cup wall climber I don't even care I'll get the suction cup things god damn it can someone make me suction cups climbing things because I was planning to climb my best friend's house and be like low precise ohms veil plus 40 dampness plus Terrell charisma you may now Shawn oh you can charm fishes with that that looks pretty cool that is actually a pretty epic outfit hey look it's mysterion everyone not so good how do you even put that on that's amazing that seems kind of dangerous but if in danger break glass but then the fishes will die agate if in danger do nothing fishes will live don't worry lefty-loosey righty-tighty Depok you guys know that the quick Nichkhun is a Swedish invention you are welcome gamers why did I tell you that I just thought I'd tell you yeah yeah there it is you're welcome we also invented digital health what oat milk really we didn't do anything better pace Mac ok pacemakers but damn sweeteners in lame dude zipper we did the zipper holy freaking moly you have a zipper right now thank me mega monster monster 3l mega monster drink we'll give you 2000 health and 100 strength listen I could do that with you fuel that would give you literally night vision it would give you levitation and it would give you mad push you don't want to drink that garbage that's gonna make you die ammo turtle randomly giving ammo for the current weapon sometimes players of a 50 Cal shot plus 50% reserve ammo that's pretty good I'll take one of those will be your best friend and companion in life Oh awesome I'll take five thank you an extra storage pink picture of the MVP carrying his teammates what is this what am I looking at it's a trash bin but I think it's just a trash bin ok infant armor of God where can i buy this in flicks minus 50 motivation ok fine permanent - 100 moral for Weaver's you can't shoot me you can't tase me you can't gas me you can't even knock me down not without something very fragile and very precious going squish you know what they should do they should take all their annoying kits and airplanes and just make armor out of them literally any come oh god this is dangerous I'm sharing information that could have severe consequences for our lives because any government that utilizes this technology it's going to inevitably win all the worse a tank peepee no it's a tank silencer fire here tank with those boys is that what it is I kind of think it it is it I'm so confused I don't know man seems kind of gay to me I'll take two one for my tank and one for my peepee brofist cuz I was epic come on I'm confused what is that someone tell me I'm sure someone knows I pray I hear some I want that that's cool choo-choo on this flip flop the one weapon to take down Thomas himself the Lord of the underworld I don't think that scope works I'm gonna be honest with you guys and technically you're staring down Thomas [Β __Β ] and I don't know what I feel about that it's that real I can't tell it wouldn't surprise me if it was real god I hate Thomas the Tank Engine it was always on TV and I never liked it and now as an adult it scares me hey stop can you just not exist bladed weapons confiscated from rioters by the Paris police of course get it gets their fridge Swedish people use grenadiers meatballs yeah not that my lunch ah Drita imagine the humiliation of getting stabbed by one of these Nugget increases saturation by 75% enables nugget boss battle when used in caves nugget what am I gonna do with a nugget I can't throw that await second it's like a mini meatball isn't it I just realized nuggets are literally meatballs because it's all grinded chicken well I guess we all learned something new here today free soup extreme I've seen it it's extremely rare and difficult to find gives you thousand XP thousand XP points raises your damage abilities plus 50 but lowers entity to one free soup free soup you're going to be so so cursed free soup I'll never say no to free soup I don't care where it comes from or what it is I'm going for the free soup this is like when you have the suspicious soup in Minecraft you never know what you're gonna get it's like a box of chocolates soup is like a box of chocolates Gabanna stuff of cryptid summon 24 TV golems okay I'll take 24 when you spend all your XP leveling up just your starter whip so they added a bigger emanation a silencer and longer BP and stock epic beer cloak yeah that's a rare item right there that's got to be at least purple beer cloak +3 charisma minus 5 stealth I want one I'd be sick changed my life this is I'm experiencing the exact same thing I experienced as a child where I see these things and in my head I wanted but now I know they're not real and it still make us sad Jesus Christ plus thousand damage +5 intimidation - time ability yeah it does come with a cost and I don't even know how you reload I think to be honest deals hundred and twenty damage instant male enemies or deals 200 damage to all people type enemies they'll go to that one gun to put an end to bailed out now that's too dark I'm sorry don't hurt any girl take my advice gamers don't hurt any girl what am I looking at here Aspen Pole 25 damage to vampires ignores any armored bow ok the power of an ef5 tornado can do a piece of wood through cement how how damn - 50 oh my god that's some Dark Souls I want it I want it is it on eBay see here we are again this is what I get what what even is that what is she holding why is she holding a pickle it all comes back to the same helm of sight +3 perception +1 defense -3 charisma why that making no sense has affinity for spiders and flies okay what am I looking at here why does your sword have those things in the middle of the blade it's called stab occurs it helps me with my mad what kind of math do you do with the sword long division nah I'm just kidding ah that's got to give a lot of extra intelligence Catherine see oh I get it worth 200 gold but may only be exchanged with the Cultus faction fair enough I'll hang on today you never know the books of knowledge what they teach you at Harvard Business School and what they don't teach you at Harvard Business School they're both very rare and hard to come by but combined and you have obtained the sum total of all human knowledge you'll finally know what Obama's last name is damn tampon myself Wow oh damn that's a lot of damage cool too took out a cheetah huh that's awesome mega Karen just look at the hair you know her name is mega Karen 3a I kid minions who crowd controlled by taking enemy weapons damn it elongated truck plus 50 storage - 75 speed could be a trade worth taking depends what kind of quest you're on uh yeah welcome traveler what can I do you for we serve swords and swords and more swords would you like one Tobler on and on and on and on extremely rare legendary food damn full HP and mana damn 40 years damn that's awesome kind of seeing can zoom - Adam waits eighty no attachment can be added but from level four rare wandering traveler Wow in case you need to take out some peas yes yes the door of Garda absorbs 50% damage reflects 20% damage 25 even Wow what I feel like they're hitting the door at the hinges and that's what's happening but that's just maybe that's where you are supposed to do flame gator companion Oh awesome it's a rare pet since fire to everything around it Onix that's a tough train - five-step + hundred fear I want it I want it can i buy it on ebay leaves glass cannon 150 attack zero defense brakes on usage damn spiked chronics attack fifteen defense fifty mobility - 63 these are legit good like life hacks incapable zombie animation just spiked crocs epic flip flop dead girls in sandals +10 charisma makes every argument invalid I'm not I'm not feeling that I don't like its face stinky face stupid face is it actually running sandals I thought it was Photoshop oh my god it's aku's wearing sandals epic energy mask +5 stamina will boost your energy but will make you look very sleepy just drink evil gamers 30% off 30% off gamers and through the code Beauty pipe oh I have a rare item check out the link in the description you can now sign up to make sure you get the new PewDiePie flavor I've been drinking it right now it's so good enter the code pee deep I get 30% off gamers that's a rare item backpack of luck luck 90 explosive resistant hundred this hero has luck British Marine who flung himself back first onto a grenade to save his comrade that is insane that gives me shivers dude is that real that's so badass the explosion room in the air his back is his rug sack observed the blast and he walked away with a nosebleed and a headache I can't I don't believe this makes sense actually a pack rucksack can be a formidable barrier especially it's filled with a mixed material that includes metal pieces these stop Shrapnel's the material that makes up the rock second holding it together has to be strong material supposedly he had a radio in there that's a lot of metal that blows my mind heavy boots allow wearer to walk with the slow NPC in that way but this curtain I don't know if I want that heavy boots can I use them to kick the MPC to go faster lemon of Aging plus 33 years how did I taste of this lemon termites [Music] that's Photoshop I realize it's Photoshop but it makes me laugh anyway Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban gives 50 health status effects sick for ten seven seconds life region for ten seconds as kebab everyone delicious orb of horrible sorrow curse of binding don't want it don't want it take it away built this while tripping hard no idea what it does not trying it either Christ what is it it looks legit I want enough light they taste absolute but it looks good random D buffs I said what I say any soup I'll soup it up I'll drink it I don't even give a Frick chameleons are fun cuz they'll grab anything you give them oh my god that's so cute combat chameleon feels half of the damage of the weapon you I want what I want the flaming crocodile I want the ammo turtle and I want the chameleon imagine the amount of destruction I could release upon the world at last suction cups wouldn't even be necessary therapist snake 47 is it real it can't hurt you snake 47 I'm so confused I have so many questions but looks like a lethal weapon to me tea cleaner Wow 50% chance of killing user instantly okay fine 50% chance of cleaning your weapon and giving it 25 electric damage charge Wow 55 percent chance of giving it channeling buff that's awesome I'll stick my G fuel in there what synthetic bro no freaking way that guy's got to be a billionaire synthetic brah they did it finally at last dog pockets summon chunk dog or to fight for you plus hundred dog I'll get a paddle get a pack I guess I can buy a pack of them Hedgehog dog Mountain I'll take them out that's awesome what level do you need to be able to use it vegan Paige and Parker consume to heal 200 amma joke eh that's pretty good throw an enemy to deal 150 poison damage oh my god vegan poison taco pizza your pigeon poison tax help the gigabyte played legendary melee weapon lower in description in the comments basically people make it up that's great oh my god Wow okay crafting hero bird saves guy from $300 fine bird drone unlocked by completing level 50 of the bird ruins plus 50 evasion plus 20 speed special 5% chance to dodge any attack wow there's so many epic Birds items what in tactical tuna has a zero 10% chance to shoot out any species of tuna what so you can get your lunch as well awesome oh my god your unbreakable weapon with the near infinite destruction power you're near my god I want it can you play snake on it you know I never had this model everyone else had this model and everyone else played snake and I could never play snake it's fine really avocado fertility couldn't seem for 50% higher chance of birthing on air Wow such a rare item I consume it Madras chancla level-one Madras chuckler level 67 damn so it is worth the upgrade hun I was done oh my god IKEA's priest can be found on the map with the sidequest dismantling furniture thousand elf well drops ikea talisman that gives you a 5% defense boost can trade a random IKEA instructions with it will help you screw the bed oh there it is told them of ultimate speed allows you to run at ten times the speed so long as you're running Wow incredible cat-themed jar all right I'll take one sixty nine twelve stance wow that's nice ultimate knowledge upon being read gives to either 999 points boost in all stats can be used once per reader wow that is too much power for one person to know absolutely incredible what do you guys think I've carries more knowledge the both of the hardwood books or all of the Minecraft books I'll let you be the judge all I know is those are all combined freaking orange stats Bible too of course why has no one done this before and why have I never seen this before there it is well now we all know combat glove crocs plus 90 99 confusion they look comfy they look hard to take off actually I don't know about them it looks like they have cursive binding bag of snakes for when you need all the snakes all right yeah I'll get a freaking bag of snakes why can i buy it I'll get a bag of snakes you can't stop me emotional support shoot sorry what the emotional support shoe is an item that heals any emotional wound instantly and for Teavana why does she have a unibrow does it come with a unibrow I don't know about it I don't know about it aluminum water will make you strong like metal I drink for all ages including baby minus 60 speed that's that makes sense aluminum water interesting milk with a powdered milk in it my god you've officially taken it too far that's too powerful I mean that's almost as powerful as my own special flavor of gpo I feel the power surging through my body my people grow extra-large epic Wow vessel of the gods plus 100 mobility I didn't even know that was freaking possible it takes 25 health due to ankle injuries that's fair everything comes with a price minecraft grass cubes play simple item ken block enemies has 50 health from blocking and ammo deals what that's a lot of damage demonic Sunday plus 90 evil Plus 10 curse string epic I want one alright gamers that's all from the item shop that was really fun thanks Dave actually for recommending this sub ready that's it if you want check out the March you know the drill I appreciate it and see you gamers next time Mike and subscribe read it week it's a thing now well you haven't tried to personal a turd saves me after 50 million out troops by etch down just now it's still relevant just down
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 10,217,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, pewdiepie, pewds, pewdie, pdp, minecraft, pewdiepie minecraft, reddit, reddit week, pewdiepie reddit, top 10, top 10 items, top 10 real life, reddit top 10, reddit item shop, item shop
Id: cY9kbO4GY_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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