Technically The Truth... #64 [REDDIT REVIEW]

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Boyinaband low key the entire video

Can we make another song pewds

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChampionAlex2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dannyboysmurphy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ItsRetrac πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Abril2006 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pewds: "Small pp"

Boyinaband: "He's on the floor"

Pewds: "Big PP"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pastor_Van_Nice πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

hey, nothing to do with this post but everytime I try to post, it says that it was removed as soon as I press post, and I really want to post something for Felix's 10 year anniversary on youtube!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DefiantNeighborhood1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jeryndave0574 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Haha funnny

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AbracaxDaniel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Need more Dave vids

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/larrypo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
no gag oh hello everyone today I'm here with Dave hi I'm also floor gang this is not good good wait what's that not a chair what no no I mean it is wait I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place it no that's not a check good good keep it that way I just extended the floor you remodel just to fit in yeah I get it I'm sitting on the actual floor now because I got shame for sitting on pillows it's flooring game for life it's very uncomfortable all right so today we're gonna look at reddit yeah yeah this is Dave's favorite reddit he's been talking about this for days yeah I I can't get enough that I'll technically the truth what is something that is technically the truth on top over the head I am NOT okay I am technically okay it's a but in the heart I think everyone watching this is in the heart is ball game that's good that's good all right well let's see what this red is is all about I'd really like to hear the reasoning behind women who won't take their husband's last name because my last name is best that's great no that's the Sully pun I would actually marry someone just to get that name sorry my tre mafia Dave best Dave best sounds pretty nice yeah I think I've got one of the most common names in the world David Brown what's a little fun fact about yourself I turned 11 on 11/11/11 edit 1111 I appreciate this hey I appreciate this it's the same in Sweden is it the date stuff is England honestly I don't remember I do open 11 11 I know it makes sense in UK that's one of the things you had that's working out for you does I it makes sense these huge companies all started from a garage what's your Excuse I don't have a garage that's yeah I like this this is petty top-tier petty if only I had a garage then I would be successful too this name was not in my garage that's a shed dude seriously Disney star ever said I don't know I didn't know that that's kind of cool yeah this looks like nice houses okay privilege I've seen this one it's so good exactly bro today we march to our planet for our kids and for their future nice you don't need too much bro you're littering I get it but at the same like its nicest leaders participating but at the same he's gotta change some people's minds but yet technically I appreciate the Nick on camera strap with it oh it's a camera I don't even notice oh I mean I knew that I mean you're allowed to use this jar okay telling a dangerously overweight person not to lose weight because they're beautiful it's like telling an alcoholic not to stop drinking because they're fun this is true well I think that's just true where does the technically start coming in I yeah all right that's a good point like this isn't annoying me in anyway it's not like yeah suppose you're right it's like yeah that's correct small peepee question mark am I allowed to designate peepee size or is that just exclusive to you no no you're full of gang absolutely okay small peepee next that's all good once you get a taste of that small peepee power would you eat six donuts honestly my takeaway from this chart is that donuts actually true for me what do you mean I didn't know no energy drink oh my god you're right now I see it what I think yeah okay still I think sugar does worse than fat cuz a bunch of sugar companies paid nevermind this is getting too late no I think you're right okay when does a joke become a dad joke when it becomes apparent technically the truth not mildly infuriating but this is uh yeah thank you link for nothing waving verified link and assuming that guys from Fire Emblem they're all from Fire Emblem on they yeah Nintendo Twitter never trusted lamps in video games are using real electricity I like this way my brain too small explain it how does a PC or games console function okay all right okay this is peak I think this should have been the top of all time this is brilliant that's very technically the truth I want to find a flaw in this no it's just true this doesn't feel satisfying you know why not it's like I don't know yeah alright you're right it's like if someone tells a joke that isn't fun yeah I guess that was a joke feels like a dad joke like uh yeah alright yeah ok we should definitely download all the puns ok that wasn't a plan damn it so we have Mexico Egypt and Indonesia from three different places what does this mean that my friend is exactly the question you have to ask it means that this is one of the best ways to pile up rocks and not have them fall tough that's really satisfying someone just being sensible there oh my god yes so many people believe like oh my god alien the Egypt's like aliens yeah that's gotta be in a coincidence they saw some video or something right that's something that's yeah coincidental but can be risk his explaining the basics [Laughter] alright get on that Shane come on stop making water videos Millennials aren't buying diamonds why I can already answer yeah it's like you in the picture there no it does kind of look like me to be sipping that java application to ask them to attach their resume and then enter what's on the same may on the next page I am so glad that I've managed to avoid doing that I am so privileged Thanks I mean yes then that's the better attitude that was another one of the things that was a marketing campaign to make people feel guilty for not spending money right you have to spend a third three months of your salary on a dime and do that did you [Laughter] what exactly is the consequences of being wrong about climate change even if it all turned out to be a big mistake oh no we've frickin made the world a healthier and better place to live and got ourselves off a renewable energy for no reason how awful yeah you telling me julius caesar who's been dead for well over 70 years made this salad 17 technically you are drugged with that number but i just hate it wait why why Rita Rita again well over oh my god has been dead for over three months but I feel like that's what this is a bread it should be about big peepee I guess yeah I don't have the video where they talked about how many women they had slept with and they don't say like up to this many they just say I've slept with less than a thousand somewhere in between less than a million Elon Musk weed that's the solid ounce for your chairs I just chairs for your arms yeah this is just a high throne yeah go away with your shower thoughts alone we don't want him hello bro are you good at math right you are good at math right hi yes I'm good if I cut the cake into three pieces each piece will be 0.333 of the main piece right correct okay if we multiply 3 by 0.3 33 we get zero point nine nine nine so what happened to zero point zero zero one find it on the knife oh thanks well like the knife that's yeah that's how rounding works as brilliant every single a time in maths that there's like top-tier mathematicians in the world now using we find it on the knife I know there's a bunch of annoying like math things were like oh and one is actually equals two if you do it like this just add maths they don't yeah and maths the idiots all right for the record right chicken can't afford an umbrella so she uses her wings she can't afford an umbrella what she used her wings to keep her chicks out of the rain yeah technically she cannot afford that oh my god I like how this is kind of hurting you yeah I mean if she sold her chickens she could afford a and that's legal technically she could do that yes it yeah so you're wrong David Bell in reality plants are actually farming us by giving us oxygen daily until we all eventually decompose so they can consume us I knew it I'm being in that or the conspiracy I'm vegan wait if we can't I hate plants that's a great concept see this is a great reason for why we need to keep destroying the earth because otherwise we'll destroy us we can't let the plants win guys come on calm planet the planets plants actually feel pain I remember I've heard about that yeah yes of vegans I still like petting creatures that seems like the Fedora version of like its earlier VR you're vegan do you know plants feel pain yes yes you're not so sympathetic after all huh no I used to be one of those proper auntie vegan kids growing up when I went through ants with my friends and even though veganism was a thing when I was growing up I had quite a few vegan friends when I went to restaurants and they bought like a vegetarian or vegan thing I would get like the meat platter because I wasn't at all so out of character yeah I've changed significantly hopefully it's like that one clip of the guy who eats at steak in front of their vegan right so that was me I thought I was so cool I can't even matter to begin being annoyed by that unless you're right most of the time so yeah it's like so are you vegan named every Dave diet reveal that's the title of this video now a single sperm has 37 point 5 megabytes of DNA information in it that means that a normal ejaculation represent a data transfer of 1.5 hundred oh one thousand five hundred and eighty seven point five terrible that's a lotta information to swallow oh yeah that's a good joke I appreciate that you know it's a good joke when I say out loud it's a good joke yeah right it is fascinating though how you can measure the amount of data that can go on yeah it's so far ahead of us biology it shows how limited we are as a species as well that's literally it right if anything the plants should right well I don't know how much that a plant can I just meant like compared to a computer Agnetha and I'm only 15 just into Singh age 58 what's your Excuse I'm only 27 right now fair fair cannot build muscle at that age that does not work that dude looks like a like a character from a fighting game dude he looks straight out of Joe you submit oh you're right he just look like Soul Calibur character something right that's so cool well I could never lend this shirt to anyone I'm flipping Robert Robert Downey jr. I couldn't land it to you his wife I could land it to your wife why am I so slow oh I'm king okay congratulations you played yourself that's a pun but I'll allow it that's fine if it's an epic win like that yeah against the epic man himself that's got a war a swearword t-shirt is always an epic win car companies always advertise how quickly their cars go from zero to a hundred but not a hundred to zero even though it's a lot more important that's a good point it's too easy to cheat in that category by using a wall I hate the subreddit now no Tom chocolate tastes way better than theirs so why don't talk lane oh yeah oh yeah that's so unfunny stop it read it it's technically the truth yeah I don't care if it's technically the truth it's not small peepee wait it says there so technically it's not fair soap so technically alive oh god um got him learn English next time read it hey I ran herself five she had a collab we've all been waiting just a warning if you're buying or watching Amazon I learned the hard way that if it says you can swim with it this only applies if you can already swim without it oh my god come on what is this you and then me five seconds later get rich oh my god dammit I think this shows that you've done this too much like you think so yeah there must have been a time in your life where you to read that and $2.00 is not a tip $5 is not a tip anything I'd give you outside this mother mean bill is the Ted technically the truth technically the truth not really funny no see they always seem to like that do twins have the same size peepee now we're asking the real questions as a twin I can say my peepee is definitely bigger than my sis I don't know have you measured waiter when date I don't drink waiter water me she said she doesn't drink knock it off man don't you understand she doesn't drink that's literally actually me with my sega's scheanette she doesn't drink a lot even water I don't know how she does it that's what that sounds really unhealthy yeah I don't know oh nice cheers to you I don't know how she does it she's not human we'll find out in 1977 we received a radio signal from space that lasted 72 seconds and to this day we still don't know where it came from dumbass is that one of those things that's just everyone thinks is true but it's not true at all I feel like it is or that it's been already like explained yeah exactly yeah it is funny though because on there on the first satellite that we sent out they may like this pictures in them yeah yeah what's that satellite call I guess it makes sense to do it have math equations and stuff right shows and tell yeah that's where they had pictures of humans they've got DNA down there oh wow oh wow that's so cool Hey look hideous find this oh and there's someone twerking down there is that what the hell is nice well what's the point of adding centimeters why I guess like comparable and then it's kilograms like showing the weight I guess I guess seconds makes sense right yeah it's for measuring stuff what's that seconds for what like how long they live what I think so yeah how developed it is I like this drawing someone had to draw alright so we need you to draw like this sick ass frog dude this is what aliens will see they'll be like what the small peepee I think I Rama y know what these are the things they chose to include all this stuff the aliens think oh this is just how they consume things all the time pouring it from a gigantic blast for the meetup ceremony then start pouring down water I'm surprised no company like paid to get their stuff in this oh my god you're right there's so much with that who's the real queen of the sea let's argue Mona left her family to save her village and the ocean area left her family for Marin fare my son was just born and another dad at the nursery congratulated me and said his daughter was born yesterday said maybe they'll marry each other sure like my son is gonna marry someone twice his age to be honest it's not premarital sex if you never get married I thoroughly appreciate this one she found a loophole yeah yeah does that mean you wouldn't be sinning isn't it weird how we pay money to see other people you mean prostitution concerts or the movies glasses nice I like the fake Jim and they set this up just for him you mean right all right I saw my boy cry across the bar tell some girl he travels for work that man that's smooth that got me more than it should have it's still smooth technically true take a tree I love that take out means dating and murder take him out if you're a praying mantis it can be all three at once oh yeah cuz they yeah all right dating technically a praying mantis cannot understand the concept of dating okay your shoes are on the wrong feet I don't have any other feet fair enough I feel like this was one of those things that some parent pretended that child said all right yeah look at my child how quirky yeah what a fun view they have on life I wish I was yes they enjoy jokes like that happy you're painting the answer like the word just cuz I don't like a joke I'm not saying that all right I think you're happier than I expected you to be like you from knowing you like from a distance my assumption was that you would have some like making this kind of thing so regularly I thought yeah surely he's depressed then I met you I'm like oh god he's not well it is making me more depressed as we go so you're not wrong one time I went to hand someone a bowl of hot soup and my brain tried to say careful it's hot and here's your soup so instead I bloated Apple too careful it's ooh yeah you should be careful if it is hot okay let's see what's on your mind it's freaking weird that in order to go to sleep you have to pretend like you're as seen this yeah I don't pretend that I'm sleeping technically a lie technically falls and ER get the flip out of here small peepee wait wait wait Santa's on the floor big baby I mean I guess it's just like it's feel like we're being weighted me observation you did it sander yeah you did it good from the floor that's where all the deep thinking goes right guarantee you yeah Newton yeah we was on the floor wasn't he when they're right he was under a tree on the floor yeah that's what people say when that out in like the park or something I'm going for a walk on the floor what's that what's the other one with the water they yell at Eureka and it was in a bathtub that's floor yeah he jumps out of the bathtub onto the floor behind a fire famously walked on the floor oh this is like a pyramid yeah except knows the truth nothing worthwhile has been discovered sitting down I think on it on a chair I think that's the thing we know absolutely not being a serial killer is much like being a comedian in that you either hit it big and yet your own Netflix special or you spend eternity popping up on this is great oh that's so true but I do feel like they all show up anyway right it's so weird how like no one has a problem with like making serial killers super famous wait I missed a point being a snare kill as much like being a comedian right it's a real jerk that's clever yeah that's the first really clever joke we've come across it yeah yeah yeah okay so I'm not the only one with that emotion then yes oh good good that's bad that's why we're here okay that's why we figure that we finally understand the subreddit weasel I got the wrong emotion sorry about that but yeah there's one correct emotion to have here and I it was so fun check out Dave's channel he uploads once every year and which is my fault and yeah well they should be the new stuff coming maybe maybe we haven't figured we'll see like this subscribe and cheers to your gamers from the floor to another floor in a world where science knows boundaries travel to land where no tuber has been and explore never-before-seen landscapes encounter beings that are extinct lead by on actor's ancestors who collect ancient items rediscover your favorite scientifically accurate dinos what will you create you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 7,085,781
Rating: 4.9378424 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: BNsGoG7yogI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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