99.41% Cant Watch This Without Facepalming **super hard** /r/facepalm top all #57 [REDDIT REVIEW]

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ready facepalm I'm in a mood to facepalm let's go Japanese woman is accused of appropriating her own culture why the Frick are you and other white chick wearing kimonos you white people need to stop taking Japanese culture also you two look horrible in kimonos it doesn't even match you it's yukata not the kimono and also I have Japanese Passport get on I don't know this does not make me face pal a person infected with measles went to Portland Trail Blazers game last week and cut 22 oh god I genuinely faceball that's epic 22 people in fact then oh stop this is where the government needs to step in and just vaccinate everyone what are they gonna do next but ship in their hands government stay out you're standing right in front of the best example in the whole world that proves that walls don't work at the Berlin Wall last week walls work Oh God officials trick-or-treaters beware marijuana candy edibles absolutely no one in the planet will give away their animals for free to your children please go big brain time Gotham atheist if God isn't real how do you explain walking on the water can be welcome what they're like Jesus yes show me a video of you walking on water I don't need to you just need to have faith that I did I don't know what I would consider myself religiously but regardless the whole atheist calling out religious people is so [ __ ] cringe oh yeah there's no God then take your fedora and eat it I don't want to hear it if you are white and can't speak Spanish are you familiar with the entire country have cultural appropriation pain stop it stop it Spain cultural appropriation is one of the concepts that I will refuse to accept ever to be a thing we should have just thrown it out right away what makes the world beautiful is the fact that we can not steal from cultures but appreciate other cultures and even me then what's the problem we're one nation oh but historically whites would take part yeah but that's not that's not the case 99% of the time ok just remember for every boomer that hates a millennial there's a generation in between the hate SIBO oh my god it's me that's right this movie was expressly about not generalizing and judging but you I don't know what movie this is Florida abortion bill would require a judge to rule if teens mature enough to terminate pregnancy sure let's give her child there you go you're not mature enough to not have a child wait what that world is so strange isn't it you're not the mature enough to not have a child I should read some being fired if you don't trust science behind your chosen career find another career I'm healthy I declined flu flu vaccine so I'm being shamed Oh God flu vaccines aren't really a thing here in Europe I don't think you have to get vaccinated for every flu that seems kind of stupid to be honest separating from vaccinations I think it's very different why don't you MERS have a specific noise that means there are bees here let's leave immediately why are elephant's more advanced in us we do have a specific noise it sounds like this there are bees here let's go you hear those beef sounds that means let's get out of here like an elephant communicate this why is there no flat Mars Society hi Ellen thanks for a question unlike Earth Mars have been absurd to be around we hope you have a fantastic day - shut the [ __ ] up I'm so sick of hearing my flight earthling nurse woman claims that her dog turned vegetarian and didn't crave meat anymore dog proves her stupidity oh wow it's the hip it's got to be this fake vegan meat this is in white robust our racist have you ever noticed the popularity of white robots the reason for these shades of technology Oh white maybe raises him according to new research thank you for absolutely nothing we're at CNN I swear it i sweared the whole business models of modern day media it's just let's write something [ __ ] [ __ ] and then enough people will tell us we're idiots that's how they are in business at this point ha ha I read this a yr Nintendo code so long guys my code does network anymore Kirill the why are they so long the elevator doors open up and that guy walked in the elevator it was just me and him there and he said I love you and I'm not rude so I said I love you too he gave me a weird looking pointed at his Bluetooth you should have pointed at your ear as well and be like yeah I'm doing the same all right I don't actually love you oh cool all this there's a lot of anti backs here my own vex toddler and I have a whooping cough I feel so guilty like could I have prevented this oh my god yes but my child has autism now poof it has autism found a job opening that requires for eight plus years of Swift experience Swift is programming language that kima three years ago this is the equivalent of me you need their job to have work experience but you need experience to have job that's exactly what I meant to say the world's richest country came up with just 22 million to fight the Amazon fires Stewart little little budget 103 billion oh yeah what was the return of that oh yeah now that's an investment in the 1980s AMW tried to compete with my there with a McDonald's quarter pounder by selling a third pound burger at a lower cost the product failed because most customers thought 1/4 pan was bigger but the number is lower bigger brain it's hard oh that's so funny someone should make a fifth pound burger or I can give you a tenth pound burger that's a lot of burger kids these days have it a lot easier than we did growing up that's the goal though right isn't that the point is the Boomer scenario just summarized beautifully how dare these kids have it easier a guy says he was questioned on a plane for doing math during a flight a woman sitting next to the Ivy League economist told a flight crew she had security concerns about them man Oh God face palming begins after seeing him right in a foreign script it turned out to be differential equation it must be some sort of terrorist language Oh security imagine just glancing over at your flights just calm down and tell security if your social security number was the amount of money you had Oh God I really would to be I feel like this can't be real though are people that stupid definitely 100% they are CNN legal analyst Arriva Martin accuses David Webb of white privilege before learning he Oh God we live in a society society that is so fun stupid where people always is dumb how about people always been so dumb it's like it just feels like current politics is so at an all-time high down why I stopped watching Nigerian movies a man had a heart attack in the hospital and the doctor shouted somebody call an ambulance you just described to me a reason to watch Nigerian movies that sounds awesome author ask wise book called no more plastic was wrapped in plastic oh that's gonna hurt so hard I know they rap books just to make sure people don't read in them but that's kind of unusual to do choose wisely Apple Proust and one plus sixty Nintendo switch for games Amazon fire a year of Netflix if you buy the Apple Proust and I can guarantee you that you already have these things right it doesn't really make any sense like it is a luxury product clearly that does not mean it's for everyone I'm face-palming about this for the wrong reason call the restaurant to make a reservation but couldn't think of the word so I asked for a food appointment and now I can never show my face there again I feel like I can't relate to this so many times when I make a call I just never know I never prepare what I'm about to saying as soon as I'm there like I need to put appointment yeah I could see this happening gosh that's awful Scizor hair action can i book is that scissor hair remove whoa please oh I wanted to do a video on this video but I know Ellen clips gets copyrighted it's so painful to watch cuz it's like can this teenager use a rotary phone in a sense it's just tongue-in-cheek it doesn't mean anything but it's such a dumb example of like trying to make kids look stupid meanwhile they can't figure out how to change the HDMI on your remote control don't get me wrong kids very dumb very dumb me very big brain being faithful in a relationship should be done without being asked hate when people are like when he's faithful like didn't you cheat on my boy Nick do delete that place that's not cool that is so not cool if I ever become president I will ban social media because I'm sick and tired of everyone saying she Twitter has made it in face we has made it too comfortable to write dumb comments that no one wants to hear she claims they deliver leave after barbecue meat smell into her yard vegan takes her neighbor's to court to stop them from cooking me isn't this the one where they lost and they had a big barbeque party afterwards gonna be so annoying when I was six my sister was half my age nam cemani how old's my sister 35 let's have a hard one next time please wait what what's the dumbest thing you have ever heard I Drive for uber on the weekends and one time a girl who was in her late twenties told me that I was making her uncomfortable I hadn't said a word the whole trip so I asked how could I make the situation better she said she didn't like how I kept playing with the fidget stick in the middle of the car I Drive a menu she then told me that I didn't need to use that because her car didn't have that and claimed to be a mechanic why we how does that even make you uncomfortable why does that make you uncomfortable how do these people exist how how are these people brain I want to know so we can stop it from happening [Laughter] this man turns myung-kil oka came under a wig you could have just flattened it no oh my god how did they be not that's so funny three California man arrested for illegal sale of avocados totaling more than three hundred thousand K what the hell there's like people getting murdered y'all out here arresting avocado dealers how do you sell illegal avocados I'm sure there's some bad I don't know I wouldn't buy I wouldn't want to buy off market vegetables is that weird oh my god they do this all the time I've seen this in UK as well we have to present more than our 12 ounces 18 ounces oh this is someone being stupid oh okay never mind then how's the 18 ounces 50 cent more 12 ounces because 6 plus 12 baby sometimes what they do is they write 50% more but they never really specify what it is that is 50% more on yacht owners with priceless art need to be aware of flying champagne corks 30% of Americans are one missed paycheck away from poverty cheese says is that true because everyone lives on credit in America a flying train could be coming your way what flying trains finally yes oh my god ahh I share the roads with these morons founders at the bottom of my delivery receipt thank you to whoever this was deliver instructions pretty sure this is the vine guy that does awesome impressions yeah you put that you put that Thomas light light facepalm Oh some delicious mango I sure love mango flavor mango Cavuto flavors you ever wanted to fight your past self password hint you know it's bro you got it Brooke that's so funny China figures out a process to farm caviar thus saving wild surgeon from extension and make a delicacy widely affordable to the masses American press after China thirded into sheep snack Caviar's at the risk of losing its status of luxury good bear who poor yeah what what is the downfall of this Jesus Christ you astound reject solar farm amend whereas it would suck up all the energy from the Sun damn nuclear reactor even if it did suck up the energy I think would be ok how stupid soap opera can be better check his pulse on his nose let's make sure he looks as dead as possible it's my future I want to be an engineer sex can wait because one definitely has to what are you what does he think of being an engineer his anyway that's all the time we have for today smash like subscribe check out the merch apically and I see you guys tomorrow bye bye bye bye [Music] too long you have been farting in the corner now you are entering a new era where you shall crash they own the hour of our spells and poop grades is coming marzia Edgar and buttons need you the timer you will face but crawlers is all about when you are seated on the porcelain throne booty is the game to play I'm not supposed to have my opinion about that but the prices you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 10,055,718
Rating: 4.9327888 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: q6-Upc54lg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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