Please dont hate me for this.. LWIAY #00128

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oh my god look at this hi felix friendly mod slave here this sub is actually seventh in terms of traffic on reddit top 10 [ __ ] yeah so we may be 83 in subscribers but we seven oh in post per day that just means spam ah come on you got me all excited posting vote eight okay that's cool never mind that's so dope thank you everyone uh i never expected this subreddit to go anywhere because i have no faith in you guys whatsoever but this is just really cool amazing congrats guys leave your memes on the reddit [Music] episode oh god oh no need he say it a third time just buy a nokia no one cares just buy a [ __ ] no no yeah no one gives a [ __ ] just [ __ ] scuff and scaffold nokia in your that no one cares about see i upped it up the third time it was deliberate it was intentional this is why reposting exists because people forget about the memes no wait don't post that one i'll be back i'll be back in 2021 to post it again don't you worry my beard will be slightly longer and i will be swearing a little bit more epic oh god that's so embarrassing jesus christ oh my god yes this proves that repos are in fact the best method of farming karma he's gotten quite a bit aggressive over the past year because floor game this proves how his principles didn't change he's still the man we all know that's right an idiot that can't remember what he did a year ago next meme felix been talking about simps you effing donkey meanwhile 20 year old felix moving to italy to meet a girl he met online i am going on adventure yeah so what did i review this meme already oh god i can't remember what are the memes help me when the swedish man travels 1219 miles to meet an internet girl in italy look at that don't use my own memes against me that's illegal stop it it's not simping if you get married those are the rules okay i was a simp until then i'm willing to admit it i'm willing to admit how problematic and much issue but yes no symp no more no no more all right we got an intro it took me three generations this is their original intro oh yes can we get a 24-hour version [Music] nice nice top notch well done [Music] you know what you get it you get a temp you got a tambourine smack because that was amazing well done today i am officially a 19 year old so i baked a pewdiepie shaker kick nice happy birthday man official 19 year old a respectable age i must say he said top comments guests to decide come on reddit do your thing damn okay okay is that real i want it i'll buy it all right give me one sec what a google jojo ass mousepad oh wow there's there's even better versions huh there it is where can i buy this oh of course paulina ref gets one it's ships from china dude it's gonna take forever oh my god it's the guy from the rio movie i got so many comments about who this guy looks like sideshow bob is that his name my son now thinks coco ellen videos are pewdiepie you trained your son well oh good job um um girl's buying shampoo it has vitamins rich oil proteins for my hair and good puppy it says shampoo oh my god this is so true stupid girls in this stupid shampoo am i right cringe it has a bit in there and the orange gotta send its essential oils so there must be attention because it's set essential in the name uh two plus one is three one plus one is come on man come it doesn't have it anymore it's gone i can't it doesn't have it apologize god damn it i'm not okay with this you guys are a bunch of meanies pewds in 50 years how's it going my nephews my name is grandpa [Music] yeah why not sure why not i'll keep making videos if you guys keep watching my style oh hell yeah oh [ __ ] yeah that's so dumb fitness and firm gravity falls steven universe shara what the [ __ ] is that adventure time dope oh look a little egg give me these little antennas that's so cute i like women reddit look at that simp i don't like women reddit i don't know man seems kind of gay to me can there be a middle crowd nah why don't we let this childish memes stop here okay no more symptoms no more simp that okay i guess the car the song is copyrighted but okay bring back green screen is it time has it been so long already okay all right i'll bring back green screen i swear every time pewdiepie grows a beard he descends a little further into insanity sorry that was just disgusting i'm sorry damn oh hell yeah 80s anime beautiful that's so cute oh it says there joey quarter though joe when carter i can't read sorry [Applause] oh god it keeps happening i made a little mosaic of pewdiepie and his fame god damn uh yeah i changed meme out of my anger see i got a dog in set why are they ads on this subreddit now what the [ __ ] is happening might say a fan art pierce fan hurt seems about accurate i would pick p no i see it's me good good source image right there i am not a simp you're right you're not just a simp you're the biggest simp god damn confirmed sigh kinda cringe bro uh beldelphine called you simp cringe bro that's like getting simp tattooed on your forehead my dude oh god oh god what are you gonna do now say oh mr beast donated ten thousand keep up the great stream look at that simp look at him disgusting sorry mr beast but what the [ __ ] dude donating to a girl disgusting why would you do that bro i thought we were cool man giving cyber an empty template to explain himself yes i've see we give you a chance to get some redemption explain yourself we're waiting don't take too long now honestly though guys i would love to give you guys a full explanation but i've already done so alright check out your video but don't watch it right now all right continue to watch this video okay because otherwise i probably won't have any food but tonight so please please please guys i'm begging you continue to watch the rest of this lawyer please hmm okay then i see how it is scythe seeing his boss and all of his fans call him us and build their feet too look at that simp damn respectable my girlfriend did some pewdiepie fan art and she was too shy to post it here big pp oh i'm sorry is that pewdiepie because i don't see the pewdiepies uh i mean it's great it's amazing but uh no no i hate it meanwhile in an alternate universe special box i was gender gender bender version got it [Laughter] so confusing what the [ __ ] that we got a text our parents got a text message to eat more vegetables and fruits some of you will understand that reference damn oh my god what am i looking at i wanted to make a fine art for pizza for a long time and here it is i hope you to see it and like i love it are you wearing boots no what am i looking at what is edgar wearing oh of course i need that hat that merch why i need you guys to design my merch because every time you guys draw it it looks so cool hit me up cirrus van peepee sarah that's when peepee nice nice uh fellas if your girl is blonde has blue eyes just cooking videos that's not your girl that's gordon ramsay she's all right god [ __ ] damn it rare sorry i'm sorry i am so sorry that was worse than scythe being a symp i'm not a simp you're right you're not just a save you're the biggest sin it's even funnier the second time yeah meanwhile i'm editing this video god damn it fine i'll keep i will edit but i will not add in the cool effects that i usually do in this video we're just playing side it's a joke god you're not gonna be so up sheesh pewdiepie fan art too this one is crazy i just hope he finds this one why is there come on me to the moon baby no we're gonna pierce the moon it's gonna go through the moon not to the moon cringe very cool fan art though but uh i will not rate big peepee next level is the underground gang floor gang level 90. bless gg blurs jenga oh god no i will accept my fate that's so cool why did this not get more upvotes stop these [ __ ] cooking [ __ ] stop doing it bro those cats though damn sweden's lund university is fed up of indians mocking his name online lund indian term use for peepee well what's even funnier is that the whole city is called lund so pp anniversary or university okay i got it what else is stern then you can visit the peepee cathedral cathedral the pp botanical garden or peepee historical museum that's pretty cool ooh peepee water park that's pretty cool satisfying pewdiepie animation damn can i use that that's so cool that'd be really cool to use for live streams can i please please please please [Laughter] once the cocoa melon water is over we gather all the animators that made the intros and make a pewdiepie anime episode that is so cool everyone animates like five seconds no pity chat no what's with me in microphones man that's very cool huge pp proud of you one tambourine hit i'm gonna cut my left testicle if leafy comes back i guess i'm back or something less left testicle guess it's me and the mustache man now okay fine i'll do it you know what i didn't expect him to come back and you know what i didn't expect him to do so god damn well as well god damn it i was trying to be edgy and be like he's never coming back fine i cut it off who wants it should i send it to leafy tell us something your mom doesn't know he's earned it [Laughter] they should have simon felix in a video together you're down for i don't know if i collab with simp but uh i collide with anyone with that chair so yes i'm if you're up for it let's do it tambourina's spoken the only simply except except i'm going to sing a song for you marcia look at that [ __ ] not a sim come on when it's 4 am and you press restart instead of shut down yeah that seems about right i'm leaving for the army i will miss you pewds for being a big part of my childhood i'm going to basic training in uh september 1st and uh thank you for being a big part of my childhood no problem i do that's good go into that training and then we'll kill ceiling gang it's going to be a while till i can see your videos again see you later i tambourine salute you sir come back stronger than ever come back 20 muscle increase at least pewdiepie would not be found attractive in a lot of circles uh that's what you're wrong [ __ ] back in 2015 when i met pearce hey dope very dope that is in san francisco am i right you're probably taller than pewds now don't make me hurt tambourine there was a rent that uh it was at a school or something that was fun i missed during meetups it's always fun but i hope i can do it that again oh hey epic announcement that will probably get taken out of context in media and everyone will judge me and i don't give a sh i've decided no more selfies please listen to what i the whole sentence though it's a it's like um remember we used to have like a passcode so like i noticed if there's an actual fan that wants to take a photo of me and i'm i'm cool with it how do i explain this i'm trying to explain this so it doesn't get taken out of context for media to just go like he doesn't care about his fans i love meeting you guys that's the thing like i love doing these meetups where it's a set place to hang out and just talk and and meet up and get a chance to meet you guys i think that's always something i really love doing but i think my life has just become to a point where whenever i go outside i have to just be ready whatever i'm doing uh to just stop and take a photo and i don't mind just to stop and chat with you guys but the whole photo process to me i don't i don't like it you do like 10 000 of them and after a while you just feel like you're an animal at a zoo that's like a prop for someone and i don't i don't like it i'm tired of it i don't want to do it anymore so don't misunderstand me like if you meet me i would love to meet you like chat quick whatever but i don't want to take a photo i'm done i know that's hard for people to understand and i don't expect everyone to understand this is something i decided so i can feel more comfortable going out in public because i'm kinda i kind of feel weird about always being ready to take a photo with someone and there's a lot of other layers to it as well with that i don't always want people to know where i am you know if everyone just took their photo and didn't share it fine but the problem is people share it online and then people other people online see it and they're like oh there he's there what is he doing there and yeah yeah i feel like i always have to it's so uncomfortable and like you meet a fan that's outside your house and you don't really want to say hey can we not do a photo because i actually live here because you don't want them to know that you actually live there it's so hard to explain these things uh there's a lot of nuances to it and in general i think the main thing is i just don't i just don't like it and i think my audience respect me enough to understand that uh i'm happy to do a selfie if it's an at a meeting meeting and greet place or whatever because it's a different context but when i'm out in public it's just uh it's just gotten to a point where it feels dehumanizing and i don't enjoy being in public anymore because of it so i decided uh for my own sake i'm not doing it anymore i might change my mind in the future but i already feel better with this decision so thank you for understanding god damn i used to twelve thousand dollar motion capture suit for this super hot themed pewdiepie no you did not [Music] press subscribe to continue and unsub from coco melon oh god it's a stickman now goddammit god damn it look at that shrimp good joke good joke you got a very light tambourine hit well done girlfriend can and will cheat on you very expensive it's an amphibian has messy hair not a frog frog will never cheat on you just one food born amphibian has no hair a frog as an as an old well i guess i had a toad i can confirm this is all true honestly having marzia kind of cringe compared to slippy rest in peace sleepy song ah [Laughter] well it made me laugh that's amazing are you winning son oh it's my dad holy sh [Music] this is so meta [Music] boom boom boom very nice i like uh there are 103 millions of million of felix subscribers that are not on this subreddit subscribe to the subreddit we gotta get number one baby we look the same yes we have to do something about it god damn it my beard will grow to the floor so i'm always connected to the floor and my tambourine will grow to the moon me listening to my own jokes other people listening to my jokes nice scythe is a simp no [ __ ] way did she do that that's hilarious animals are not our friends sven said swim noises oh no i gotta play minecraft this week i gotta play minecraft this week i cannot wait any longer belle del fin or something oh nice i am not just sad that's how you know that's how you know let's appreciate sibe all right let's do that let's finish up with some side appreciation look at that good editor well done side thank you even though you're simp you're a great editor and there's nothing shame today that's amazing jesus christ huge pp favorite new thing scratch haunting things into bananas at the market so when people take them home hours later the words appear and they think a ghost knows it's secret jesus christ that's terrifying holy [ __ ] what how is this not higher voted jesus christ is there time lapse of this yeah damn holy oh oh my god it hurts to look at i don't know why damn it's like he's pooping them out hell yeah the portrait is it took five hours well done huge pp don't also please don't misunderstand i love you guys so much you're like a father to me okay but uh yes that's the rules rules are rules epic see you guys tomorrow thank you for watching halo children of nine parts time to raise what was once forgotten what creatures fart spells and poop troops awaits poopty is coming to nintendo switch and remember it has a very big pp pre-order promotion i mean well
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 6,797,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: Hac-dp1n8Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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