Ghost of Tsushima #1 - SAMURAI TIME

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jadehancho666 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's up I'm here right on time baby as always every time right on time that's me thank you are you guys aware that I'm like that's the real question ayyy ayyy ayyy who's excited I'm [ __ ] pumped dude I am so hype for this game that's 30 year old man game come out I'm like this is some weave [ __ ] this is some [ __ ] [ __ ] this looks like legit [ __ ] I'm into it I like samurais and I'm not afraid to say it they're [ __ ] cool yeah pirates cringe ninjas cringe samurai only epic [ __ ] epic we're gonna teleport to a time when men can be men in ghosts of Tsushima very epic they have already like I noticed I just started it up they have different game types oh you can play it in like movie mode like Japanese traditional movie mode so cool I love that [ __ ] I ain't gonna do that though man I picked the Japanese with English subtitles very cool that's what we're doing it looks beautiful this game looks so pretty love it I hope this game will take what last of us try to do and just say you know what we'll make it better you want to have fun in a game we like fun I hope at least let's see reviews have been kind of mixed of this game so my expectations are in between it's always good to never get excited about things because then you don't get disappointed but I look forward to playing yeah I'm into I'm looking forward to it I'm just waiting a little bit for people to jump in here making sure everything is working well are my lip synced I have to change the sink let me check that action it just stopped then you don't get disappointed yeah it looks fine to me Mike looks a bit loud I saw Japanese people breaking down the game and they were like this is incorrect it is made by Western developer which is a bit random for a game like this but why not why not Joelle Japanese edition I'm so excited yeah can you guys see it I want to test something before we start so if I go if I say right I will go right just make sure that's timed I can look at it right let right let looks pretty good right I think so here's you can't get tier 3 membership yeah I don't know why some people can't upgrade so stupid try using VPN Nord VPN that come / pewdiepie try it make sure you clear your cache Ebro it's a cash your cash I don't care no one shouldn't care the real question is whose mother flipping hype hype dang pathetic it's perfect yeah yes yes hey minister in oops Oh Kanagawa Tsushima no Yuri 1000 Mashiro a game Oh Donna she me Donna she meanie [ __ ] mas nihongo HEDIS gomennasai let's freakin do this yeah we start off in Tsushima very ethnic I got what do you think I'm gonna do sorry I get so annoyed you just disrupt everything so little egg we were getting hyped and [ __ ] sorry I was a little harsh there I apologize I regret what I said when I was angry yes [Music] Oh Mari so you know what it imma meet Utah what a cool summer I actually wear those armors and I'm also confused because I thought samurai was like independent from each other that's what I know goddamn well we had the higher ground no problem [Music] why am i wearing headphones I can't even hear a virgin he's got Dark Souls armor yeah told you oh [ __ ] dude whoa hell yeah graphics looks [ __ ] great day oh my god if we get to play here [ __ ] yeah hell yeah oh my god I get to slice people oh [ __ ] how did he be shooting this /big come on you're again dead you're dead it's what you get for messaging me on PSN oh [ __ ] god damn it whoa gee sweet you lady Tina's like who the [ __ ] are you hell yeah since I block a slice heart attack what is this change stands hell yeah those goddamn Mongols and their [ __ ] Ewoks Papo [Music] heart attack [ __ ] yeah along how they just let you play right away instead of crispy dish to do this I could figure it out I'm an adult [ __ ] got shield hell yeah just a lob a Kurosawa mode let me try it really quick I don't even know who's good and bad now [Music] yes come at me bro I apply this stickiness y'all want sticky [ __ ] bring it so [ __ ] cool I'll change the mode oh god I love it so far show masking cutscene show blood I can call horse heel and then there's photo mode they just let you jump straight into [ __ ] yeah I did it yeah you're dead bro why not stab him who wouldn't touch you thank you oh you're getting scared can I call uragan no I can't do that now this is 60 kögel the kid checkout schedule thank you for the subtitle sir [ __ ] they're goddamn Mongols shitty Mongols always a trick up their sleeves always how's the volume of the gameplay and you want to up or down no no [Music] oh geez huh Oh [Music] that's a bro moment right there [Music] ah [ __ ] what a real [ __ ] you want it up let's try that I I read some of our Genghis Khan it's such an interesting story of betrayal and redemption and not redemption BAE yeah Marika I bought over he doesn't worry Raimondo he played tuber simulator [Music] yaki Haram : he might still know ready to solder are you worried Niko dark [ __ ] now spit now damn we have our enemy god damn I reported Genghis Khan back in eighth grade and can say it was really interesting it is a crazy story all about revenge Hey [Music] [Music] we're back baby and it's our quest for revenge now mr. Genghis minge [ __ ] yeah very dope so far very cool [Music] this is how I sleep [Music] [Music] no I didn't pay the digital deluxe I'm like [ __ ] that I don't want to do that for someone worked hard to keep me alive huh some good ol Lotus very tasty more goodham all those [ __ ] Mongols [Music] but daughter Coco you cannot tear it off so the moon'll not touchy let's get our sword do not raise alarm of course well well well let's go here during the whole tweet your dog Brusco quarry we got our armor back i still see me but better than nothing dude it looks awesome they're telling me to leave the house all right [Music] it's not gonna be able to hide man just once is rice you gotta respect that at least never underestimate your enemy you not I think I Hasina say today yes Shh it's Tsushima an island sorry about that bro press r3 to crouch that's a big boy I can't see us thank God you can actually sneak faster Tommy suyodhana extra water very cool very nice but why did you come out could I be given you agree cause you to cuckoo you say why you wear this made with the English in mind first cuz the lip-sync is pretty terrible was you yes how you go we do not see more tougher what any doctor when you eat song [Music] [Applause] [Music] snake gang there's so oblivious Japanese Abbey Jabby oh nice got that on my face Oh God you okay there girl guess some games never change huh god I had that crawling through it small space segment otherwise yours you Shh that's kind of cool sorry bro [Music] let's cut new animal ha you mad okay okay [ __ ] excuse me what I can't see me I'm on a ceiling that's the number one rule of stealth dude we got some bento nice that's how real samurai climb ladders got some more suppliers [ __ ] she died or a it played like the controls are so much more smooth than last of us it feels so liberating to play this you can actually move around I guess I'll look inside sold song just give him that man if the door not right now who do you know at all Boadicea Cory loves Sark how you can oh ho - if so excuse me you know Jose could touch that so anime yeah humorous available was here till cuckoo addicts yo mama I answer you are Daniel mother Sunoco guru she's a man even our answer Nikki's Oh G oh we get to practice now hell yeah he doesn't even have a weapon nevermind he's gonna hit us with that thing isn't he goddamnit alright so four quick attacks heavy attack oh cool let's pull the leaves to the wrong was you know Bonilla will cruises it sarkar Eugenia you now it's not too smitten you tap triangle to break defense and stagger an enemy enemy and then quick attack oh you're quick going up the ring boy our salmon service is a block I thought we were fighting [Music] yoosh resolve me to draw on your result to heal and perform other special abilities gain result by killing enemies pairing attacks and using this kind of like blood-borne if you keep momentum you get more stuff is that it or I don't know sorry then it's me pretty straightforward but I like then you'ii come over yeah Tsunade Muscat I mean you just asked for a break as well no god there's different enemy attack with nail they eat a medium Astarte Jin you watch 2 katana could I be able to America as I got a key message o.o Maturana stood so cocky they miss you so I can you go home to whom are you milk America says ok we gotta win this now then how do i lock on him then i'll start off a grass him did I win that was easy I get to choose dinner car a all the guys Bush you are kitty to mama tick-tock gotta go that's right I read a book recently that was really interesting explaining the mindset of how Japanese view the Emperor and their obligations in life towards their family it's really interesting oh no Mama Lenin woman ah oh my is Ashiya Donna Missoula orogeny sky another a monogamous anova you be no cheeto says suit all targets kill my mother no compassion what's your more silly scene still discussing what a tall kid so Memorial Day Tommy no more honey not I never nada what you don't booty talked about sorting up mario luigi de and here we are not it's fighting time [ __ ] yeah what's the point of this game what's the point of any game to have fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] immerse yourself and forget the world exists [ __ ] yeah all right so this is spear guy well look try and do some I'm eyebrow [ __ ] I didn't know he could attack one that was eight I was expecting more hello cat doors I use them don't care yeah again again let's go I can't possibly see us we're behind the rock our knees are covered [Music] what was my code [ __ ] I didn't mean to not like take them by surprise target the pulsing enemy and attack tip cool hell yeah those talks about 20 Christ oh yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are we in Kyoto I can't be right are there many golden temples I thought there was doesn't you know scary would you would you in with least I know today it's illegal you show Nikhil okay I guess [ __ ] incense did I die oh [ __ ] I didn't pay attention to my help at all already my bad well this will be a long for the way through then yeah run away cowards [ __ ] I need to know how to dodge otherwise I'm gonna be in trouble can you [ __ ] I think I'm playing on hard by the way that's why I'm gang which one looks more like er again you look cute I like your little hair thing oh you have it - I feel like white horse is so generic yeah entire iourney [ __ ] alright it's the Ergun 3 then Sarah that's so far feels good no boots sorta cocky huh which one do I like more car game wouldn't make sense Connie yo mama young cool target is kaga yo yo yo dog and son and we're off you guys pick cockatoo cool I'm glad we agreed on that then it's like 15-second delay yeah ha ha that's the movie it's the mama across your filthy mom goes to all right now we're just going straight on wait here until I finish them okay BRB a standoff when an approaching enemy turn when approaching in enemy territory you can challenge post to a stand up once your enemy approaches hold triangle as soon as they attack release to defeat them in one strike I was holding drangle Christ [Music] you mean it yes [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah [Music] hell yeah why is this game not forcing you to kill dogs zero out of ten yes I agree okay I'll change it to harden cuz clearly I was [ __ ] lying good thing I'm zero deaf anyway oh they [ __ ] start with the spirit yes she did oops my bad listen I'm a slow learner but once I learned trust me everydays Khan I want to just look around and [ __ ] it's where they keep their hands nailed it that's kind of cool so that gets charged up by killing that's awesome [ __ ] I thought I could time to stand up I suck don't touch me I'm trying out different things Sarah devs stop can't stop counting stop counting I'm trying different things that's why nice sudha see I was trying to just stand up I guess I can't do it yeah shoot then you're dead ha let's do it every day oh [ __ ] she didn't mean bring it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] them out [Music] we're shooting all of it that was [ __ ] cool I blocked them in there does she night no less you are okay what's your toast get out can you get that voice I need it [ __ ] your [ __ ] [ __ ] filthy Mongols we got the [ __ ] spare guys I hate them all right here we go bring it Spearman you nothing I'm in trouble I'm in trouble I'll deny I [ __ ] up I'm learning it's a learning process trust me change difficult shut up you're dead stay that please I need to save my uncle do you understand do your thing there are many it's not fair how didn't I suck I [ __ ] sake goddamnit maybe I should change baby you're right [ __ ] no never never change [ __ ] you [ __ ] your ball name it's your fault we need a new plan of attack what we need to do is we need to utilize the elements of the skies and we go this rock first yeah ah eh [ __ ] you [Music] yeah [ __ ] you and your spear that's how he's done mother god damn I hate the spear told you my battery is low told me bro I told you about the battery bro [Music] [ __ ] this is wrong cable hello I have one right here [Music] sirrah Deaf's feels good man feels really [ __ ] good to be in the top player of this game online you're watching the best gameplay on the mother flippin planet bring it manga how does dead feel like can't talk now can you [ __ ] dodging arrows before firing arrows Mangal Archer will call out and signal their allies to duck what is duck in Mongolian miss me miss me with an arrow [ __ ] oh you're going to regret them ow who's up there who [ __ ] shot me mate you didn't know one god damn it I thought for sure there would be someone haha let it go climb climb we gotta cross the bridge you goody you must oh this is dangerous you stand off time big stain of time now Utah's awesome awesome but if William haha [ __ ] yeah bring it [ __ ] they get you so quickly hey no pain no gain oh god I got to do all of that alright maybe I shouldn't change that I don't want to die that much yeah do that again [ __ ] didn't think so [ __ ] sir that's [ __ ] best gameplay on YouTube [ __ ] nice haircut [ __ ] I'll do fast blocks and see if that helps yeah that's that's more effective instead of just holding down block like I was doing yeah cult dude whatever you said [ __ ] yeah come on Big Daddy bring it ain't afraid you chubby [ __ ] she told you oh you look at the honey looks loke Kanna cute ah no I'm sorry no katachi tourism sekai t-coils enemy Satan marina were ready to insert a katana slowly to Sakai and just don't look at the lips and it's it's totally fine this is one of those where you're supposed to die [ __ ] you now I heal it what I was right it's one of those where you're supposed to die which is why that on purpose it was a tactical death no you can't just kill me in front of my uncle no yeah I told you this bridge is a bad idea I thought I told them I told you about the bridges bro I told them don't count that as a death I didn't I do you cuz I'm now [Music] sorry about that bad [Music] sort of somehow this Oh No - same I do no more longer what Styria would come what I need to do you mean of kyster no no no cut okay no no they feel oh poor story they are my failure what still yeah Catherina relativistic laughing oh ha ha Tori to marry me mama took the famous Azula 1 go horn Inga what's that could I find myself she walks very awkwardly in an awkward pace yeah look at this never been so hyped for a funeral [ __ ] yeah I'm walking in the club like my playstation sounds like it's about to explode nice hairdo guess the Japanese are not immune through baldness [Music] so that what I shouldn't say this gene Sora demo buscar it's too though but that's your cupboard I mean he's not wrong Kumamoto tell me you saw this you know sorry not enough qualified a lot o mine is you I also know how much you I'm not touching you don't do Cory would storm way [Music] Keith skin's fall in love then and then yeah we haven't got an Anatomy intro yet disappointing was you know even you could have a you know Caillou cool Genie luck honey what's new [Music] nihongo bros how is the translation is it true or is it kind of awkward because I know some shows just do it all wrong so there's no point in me even trying to I even notice some weird stuff that's cool he's got the YouTube rewind on it [ __ ] yeah that's not a good sign actually yes Japanese is such a difficult language to translate we'll follow the wind with the crabs I know this is what the game is really about it's open world and you follow the wind to kind of take you places and you just explore and because that's what I want from this game look how gorgeous this is I like how they just went overboard where they now well how about then ya know that simulate kill what of Kyoto stahma why not honey that [ __ ] would usually do we not your statem additional scrutiny ma you fail me got a laptop video it's seriously not a document how come they're only wearing the armor on the right shoulders because it's easier to guard your left hallelujah don't touch them Cudicini Oh No student who cannot set up your color label on my swatch this unit on would scream [Music] grass time can't see us now thanks crash you're the best hiding pampas grass with Yuna hmm hmm we're hiding pampas grass root unit this is the samurai way oh there's my main I taught him well boy you get water it go more gooey sticky dough without skidding my day so well huh not a turtle or d1 are you they were mother I'll see you in we didn't want us to you each course will see it oh that's most of it kudos to you do ye Anacortes Kariba see modernity bond occasionally cotton it's kinda serious you know become a dog this is dark souls question mark blacksmith preaching unless you're certainly doing order the color I know I gotta know who I'm gonna you know [Music] Kannada thought or dusky sounds like a deal [Music] let's go here again nice - yes sir [Music] I'm [ __ ] into it [Music] [ __ ] yeah [Music] oh hell yeah sucker punch' be like now we have the title yeah [ __ ] yeah that's water [ __ ] that all they spent a lot of time with it look it's beautiful goddamn I rode through here for some reason so it is an island this is a tail okay Warriors code unit searching for her brother a black kid named taka who has been captured by the Mongols she's checking on a lead near Keshi fishing we may get a legend increase and focused hearing or as your legend grows you will learn powerful new techniques sweet what about this tale of sensei Ishikawa and you should have a tail one out of nine sensei Ishikawa never joined our battle against the Mongols had Komoda beach if he's still alive I could use his skill I think we should start with her what do you guys think I'm also gonna we've been playing for an hour I'm just gonna get some snacks and I'll be right back so if you want got a pee you got to do what your thing five minutes and we'll we'll meet here again automatic loss openness let's go alright ready go yes just going to eat this pair really quick mmm so juicy pear gang mmm damn where's ol juicy [ __ ] yeah that has a memory of some are [ __ ] I'll turn it up [Music] sorry [Music] hmm slurp slurp gang are you guys like the game so far I love it how do I like the pair so far I love it too it's my fan that you can hear it's not the ps4 let me write brighten up the camera a little bit yeah I look all green and [ __ ] strange color so good I ain't fasting today boys I'm having all the snacks I want thank you or Oh God Thank You rgn girl na Samar Erin he's like anyone said ASMR I'm here all right these carb killers are so good bagged out they're good for you though 21 gram protein 2 grams sugar that's pretty good they keep me breakouts though I don't know what it is in them all right I'm moment sir hope you enjoy that little mukbang I fast on days when I don't work out because I don't need as much energy that's why okay understand do you understand I'll [ __ ] where am I yoosh ready to play more thank you for waiting I think it's been five minutes let's flip and do this so what was the consensus we learned focus hearing and but he's kind of cooler though and we get the bow yeah so follow the guiding wind does he shoot to reach the track the projective swipe up we need to go across the river guess we got a little ahead of ourself we're collecting flowers and [ __ ] how do we gallop yeah that's what I meant to do ya know you're good no sorry oh I press down l1 show me the way when it's this way you didn't realize it was alive until I left the room that's funny whatever got here we got some you would didn't realize you were in here ha ha ha ha ha liberate Ogawa dojo well [ __ ] yeah I'm gonna liberate the [ __ ] out of this dojo I could call for a standoff or I could just kill them let's just Anna poor you're approaching me [ __ ] don't ever come at me [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are those are those dogs I'm here to liberate from Mongol little Schmitt the Mongol go bye-bye they go bye-bye bye I'm playing by the rules [ __ ] you blind all right bring it then I ain't afraid of no ghosts oh he stuck behind the horse [Music] are the shooting arrows [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm gonna die okay we're good yes come on yes [ __ ] yeah that was awesome oh [ __ ] there's dogs ah no they making me kill dogs I'm so sorry oh no I got a die from the added dogs make the dog stop I'm out and for that reason I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out stop [ __ ] dogs and during this [ __ ] don't look it didn't happen on screen it didn't happen on screen he's fine he's just sleeping I put I gave him sleeping pills that's it my man just got some sleeping pills you ain't seen nothing all right and damn what's with video game developers and dogs [ __ ] there's too many I can't make this you didn't see [ __ ] my man that's right we'll take them out you didn't see [ __ ] my dude forget about it [ __ ] we got it we got it we got a bad situation here [ __ ] yeah Eddie - ow [ __ ] him almost then Oh [ __ ] spare a guy scared me ha [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] all right let's try that again or actually maybe we should try and focus on getting upgrades before we do a big big epic things you know what I mean chill that's cool though I like that maybe we should have got in with uragan come on win why are we not getting closer mr. Winn Casas on a Monday did it it didn't steal okay that's the village how do we get there through here yep [ __ ] ain't huh yo epic hey I miss the flower yo we got hot springs baby that's the bridge going dude rumored location updated gather I'm research related and stored in the collection menu collect artifacts to learn more about the Mongols research are collected you collected are stored in your satchel okay so we can change our cool that's very cool and we need to asking the inn so pretty and then bamboo goes in my thing how you doing there [ __ ] bridges yeah geronimoooo revolt a quorum is demo GT cinema salute Christa moussaka Cora made Amira arataura rqq cable that's casino euros Kariba Ichigo Tommy she could hide bamboo stain that's how y'all excuse me definitely not nice I was too slow I hit the wrong button so then ten ten ten ten ten ten ten yes my resolve has increased what does that mean my mother Veronica Garcia Gaetano disgust you are getting you a cake or a B no mikata funding or Kublai Khan Ithaca cake what are you I suppose I must say he also does you need not take oh das a diva what as jolly at bay am I going farther away excuse me old lady should we take some time and chill in the hot springs it looks very comfy so what's the button to just dismount without jumping there we go god I have some dignity you know do you know commercial flower clock nice soda it supplies [ __ ] should we take the air again Jurgen you shield for a mini-movie need to know sooner they won a Hoyo cada vez yo meta equal to the moon they were simple nice glad we cleared that up is it up there your guns asked for that shot I like that comes nice to me logo can ocean on your cushy diesel correct on this yeah Lozano Tommy knew who could hear two states alone octave well I mean he'll in alright you're gonna smell again I need you main we're going up up got a rotten boss and wasp net okay I grabbed it cannot [ __ ] with it nope [Music] hidden spring for ash nicer it's Zorro's voice who's that sensei chicawa just goes insane abruzzo let's check it out [ __ ] oh they didn't you quarter what you know what if the archer guy teach me you no good at all yo Lee dude it's gonna be a pain to wash up you don't know it's from one piece no way that's awesome like I can't believe one piece is still going it's so old isn't it what the [ __ ] just became a sizes Creed out of nowhere you're gonna make yard again shmurda ghin just walk down I don't feel good about this return to the dojo why did I climb down then for [ __ ] sake are you serious extra training oh and the hope I can do this in real life so I think that qualifies me to play this game and no one else is thank you just just go bro see I would have done this way quicker honestly kind of cringe bro guess I got a little ahead of myself hunt will find him she nice to us she's so low you I'm collecting [ __ ] no big deal I'm getting flowers and [ __ ] commodity mercury mr. looker taught you that so kunio tamura to follow through much community turtle so my everybody knows the Udo true tsumuji Chico yo Kyoto not prejudiced throw it on me no smoke in there what's good for you show a lot this uni ship once already know don't care pretty much it no you don't know cause you're the CRO Oh Korea or denial I hope we made the right choice I'm going with this guy first shining corn you're gone sorry the huge snow boots oh there's no no no you bozo marina exactly dude Tom oi whoa Nobuko good motive oh I saw them too just for the record on high when you watched an author Scott soon annoyed this is she gonna go puke stores in Vasa didn't know they were pow-wow sign up nice bring it on bongos you're nothing but a bunch of Baldy Bowl you Shh don't think so [ __ ] let's get the Archard gross I don't [ __ ] with you [Music] you want some get a haircut [ __ ] all you need help never mind what wait I'm coming bra Loretta oh no Seiko watch Oprah who did I shoot so he was you gonna reward enough like his shoulder pads route okay I found this who mentor can I eat it this guy knows a lot let me say a.k.a spa all right what do you make her this mr. Baldi oh my god so still to come they [Music] [Music] cure more on a book how'd you know about Iran almost suppose fear is the mind killer you know call your mother we knew it straight do I see a commode annually but now you - Arabic o so emo Tony topic really know the market a co-worker kid Amin on your khaki muffins or Archie gonna wanna maybe me Thomas Cuban on meet you Amy - no mean your aura what does that mean reload my sword us sorry about that guys that's how I walk in Sweden it's got it's a pity pie bow nothing more painful know what if there are none why nah I remain your guru near optimal bro easy oh [ __ ] oh oh that one my bad it doesn't drop anything at all go and see secure a little oh he wants me to shoot this one I'm not paying attention again I don't even drop it Oh Janie now Jimmy must not 30pi ball bro hole no you mean Oliver yoky Amidala he's so commuting away stood up Google do a night moo-coo no pill you a huge coup that's not very optimistic guy very epic all this dough nobody ever you in we pair another so now you could be a you mm-hmm well cos you did yeah they were to shoot okay yeah Asakusa I was in here with us hot stuff oh she IMU de asobo you Camila nany come on I wanna kiss on danke all right what else can we do barrows I bet they explode [Music] all right I like where this is going but we're better take you he's good yeah game came out today mommy [Music] yes we wait for the perfect time I'm waiting for your signal bro any any time now Danny ah [ __ ] it exploded right away I just chilling anyone still alive oh [ __ ] [Music] ahsha's headshot nailed it thank you [ __ ] and I get a [ __ ] headshot thank you okay self gang sneak gang climbing down the thing gang what are there more barrels that I didn't shoot there were yeah [ __ ] main game oh that was cool you take the you take the guy you take the big guy see I did all the work there the [ __ ] arrow guys where are they [Music] where are they okay we kill their leader [ __ ] there's so many of them Jesus dude he's got a clogged down get up [ __ ] I did fine you can count that wine that's what I get for sucking peepee they're like well [ __ ] was ain't stop moving you shooting them [Music] okay I'm coming [Applause] [Music] thought I could snipe them bro I can strike the arrows that's kind of bad big maybe not such a hands-on approach this time come on that was a headshot come on that was a headshot I keep forgetting yet the side dodged these guys that's what you get [ __ ] god damn it I suck I swear I dodge damn climb the tower I calculated it okay let's do that try not to die next time he died before me so it doesn't count all right watch this headshot I didn't let go god damn it nah hope oh you think you're safe you think you're safe in your little Smith oh yeah alright let's do another approach I meant to do that it's called tactical jumping this time just run like life service they have like Club guys oh sorry about that bro who who did this I was gonna shoot you that's illegal Oh oh oh I'm out of arrows [Music] [ __ ] yes what the [ __ ] is that attack oh god it did so much I'm out and for that reason I'm out it's called tactical fleeing it's not retreating I mean fleeing [ __ ] god damn it alright I need I need uncle to help alright part of the plan part of the plan part of the plan this is all part of the plan what you want to do is you want to get the supplies there and then what you want to do it's going to go here here and then up on the ceiling you [ __ ] but oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] god damnit small beeping all right so Sierra that so far yeah alright watch this watch this watch this alright what's the [ __ ] nice look we woke him up a blue bin thank you god they're so annoying now he's there you [ __ ] [ __ ] is there anyone else in the towers where I'm so dead I'm gonna die again I don't know I like that it's a bit challenging even though I suck at it I'm sorry who is he shooting at this wall sucks I'd rather not fight you it's fine I have a lot of help I know what I'm doing [ __ ] please daughter no I'm getting worse come on come on easy watch this all right perfect let's just pretend that we starting off from here and I'm just like all right headshot yeah and then I'm like and then I'm like it shoots automatically after you hold it too long and then I like kill this guy for the hundredth time all right now he's up in that [ __ ] tower those old show yourself [ __ ] [Music] is that where we're supposed to go or is that all right you show me the way then we'll let papi do all the work oh [ __ ] why am i walking into Hornets [Music] my dude they're dead oh there we have someone is that someone yeah it is nice I'll [ __ ] the sauce for keep forgetting a triple attack ah ah keep dying [ __ ] god [ __ ] dammit god dammit okay from here on oh god I'm sorry listen once I figure it out you all be like whoa I feel so bad for being such an [ __ ] he's so good now trust me you're gonna regret it see that that's an impossible move no one's ever done that do you understand you should be thanking me I meant to do that how the hell does he see everyone I don't [ __ ] see them I see [ __ ] all like how is he shooting it whatever lets it get this little [ __ ] here he's still there yet [Music] nice stay dead [ __ ] [ __ ] how do I cancel an era here we go oh where the hell yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] you in your mace I'm so sick of it that's how it's done suppliers [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah easy this game easy you die in this game or I cringe so much at people dying in games oh I don't know how to beat these guys I like grind dad do it deal with him yang don't forget grandpa tanka [Music] now the move [ __ ] bro can I just always hit him in the knee how they got more arrows oh nice amount of arrows here we go y'all can't touch me [ __ ] don't even try [ __ ] I got laters [ __ ] oh you're gonna regret this [ __ ] I slide through the roof for no reason [ __ ] I get surplice or [ __ ] perfect playthrough happening live [ __ ] these [ __ ] can't believe their eyes a [ __ ] how he get so good surprise [ __ ] brah his name sounds like tomato in the moon what the [ __ ] can in the chat why you know play game huh why you here I'm playing on SuperDuper how r this difficulty okay I don't need any more nu nudes cause yeah sure I can stroll through the game play it on the uz no problem where Stoppa and challenge is fun at least for me I know it probably is annoying for you I'm sorry don't care dude that's a sick shirt what a waste makes me cry not sure what we're looking for sluggish that you do it's so funny like learning Japanese one of the easiest way to remember things is with Munich Mew Nam ik's Manama --xs where you pretend that it sounds like something or you make up you make up something around it like Saiga sheet or Saiga she means like looking for and saw saw a guy in Swedish means fairy tale so I always imagined like fairy tale [ __ ] because there was good looking for stuff and that's how I remember it it's so idiotic but it works so I looked up online what other you Nam excite say that word people were using and it's the weirdest [ __ ] ever there was one oh well that's how you open doors beauty pie style there was one of four katakana where they do move which looks like an arm going inside a cow's [ __ ] someone drew that on ironically and be like alright now you'll remember it and it's true sorry about that bro this cannon here unseen for a [ __ ] well end your pain don't worry bro you're taking it Seto no this 100-300 why she also know so good you all night - wait nothing is done yeah I know I've died Sarah times in this game yeah sure you are big genius [Music] although simile Tomoyo still lives why she no Erica don t know how there's can still resort ordinary Tok Tok he got no you only GUI water that ugly they were cut it wasn't hamaji use this power well so Shimazu you know navigation like [ __ ] I don't want to be mild we did it we got technique points oh my god all right we want I feel like I need this Perry at the last possible second or evasion [ __ ] yell get evasion those [ __ ] hammer dudes were hammering me down man I have any weapon it's the bow view upgrades not enough resources cool what you're just chilling around mean my horse no big deal what a time to be alive huh did I check it every hour for supplies I hit a low key when I get supplies I'll just have a little aftermath run-through no big deal hey you hope Hey I'm gonna make sure I get all this stuff definitely been in here have not been in here though that was worth it that's how you open doors [ __ ] better wrong the other time cringe I didn't use any of the barrels yeah I think I got it all god dammit all right you're gonna Morgan brofist 69 timtam there you go alright no wind cuz we don't have any Waypoint look how much you can explore dude god damn that's cool undiscovered location should we discover it let's just go where the wind takes us you know can la da de disco can him tie what he for sure is you got them no wait [Applause] beautiful a we got flowers going oh yeah and the birds if you follow them they'll show you something Thank You bird I would not have found this on my own that's how you dismantle yeah thanks for nothing bird we already saw this stinky bird can't Isle de putte I doesn't somewhere again hey guys hello no I still know so no euro you army needs get Amano needs car else has character you are a famous I am a Timon on attenuate Arriba wow so I know Kirito was a way to also Russia no honest USA USA to great yoruichi to their startup you are hosting that scar on you know NATO has it Azam oh no Sokka I know Colin OS kakuni mother you don't know more muscle we finished watching Japan sings yesterday it's out on Netflix now I really recommend it it got terrible reviews terrible and I don't understand why I loved it a lot deeper themes than I thought it would have October yeah tada I love I love the guy that was they just took from nevermind cry-baby the desire tight throw or something applying okay myself the guy that looks like my profile picture on YouTube victim what I must go you know you know somethin else you must seal worried you go tough kata I'll remember that thank you we have traveler satire now I'm poor basically now we can dye our armor cool cool very cool but I won't do it I won't waste my money right now got a little camp here we got some [ __ ] so Japan sings is based on an old Japanese dystopian novel from like 1971 and they obviously modernized it a lot they have youtubers in it it's really weird is a youtuber from Estonia they have eSport in it we're gonna see be so socio alright what's cooking - I was hoping we would kill some people but I guess this'll do get the [ __ ] out of my [ __ ] [ __ ] are there's a knife guys while I didn't talk to him I don't need a knife right now let's do it let's liberate this [ __ ] [ __ ] we have a bow now it should be easier right yeah I can do it but I thought it tied it all in together I really like the freestyle rap thing they did at the end they obviously took reuse a lot from devil man crybaby but it was fun I like that I recommend they I would give it a 9 what the [ __ ] is this no I just understand how you can like devil man crybaby and not like Japan sinks are so similar obviously doesn't like crybaby turned out it ain't beautiful Japan sings is still good it was good it was great I enjoyed myself I don't care alright liberation time what the [ __ ] does filthy Mongols [ __ ] kill kill kill no matter what alright let's take out this [ __ ] which I shoot him with the bow or should I climb up and stab his peepee yeah excuse me I meant to do that I meant to do that hey [ __ ] he's dead [ __ ] I'll ever shoot arrows I mean [ __ ] I don't like that shape [Music] it's not a naked lady no she's just wearing red hey mother [ __ ] spear man [ __ ] it's fine it's part of the plan [Music] can't find me beat no don't blow the horn forbidden horn don't worry they'll never find me [ __ ] day [Music] we're don't do that there's a lot of them not gonna life [Music] I'm so scared I don't like the spare guys yeah run away [ __ ] run away Beach hahaha gosh are you an arrow guy oh he shot me with mid there that's not very doors oh of you I hate these guys alright you'll never find me who's shooting who's shooting okay watch this surprise just as planned [Music] [ __ ] I touched a little much nicer what I do I didn't do nothing the travelers attire will pulse when artefacts nearby oh cool bad ass alright we're stuffing now they can't see me I'm invisible ah they got dogs I'm out sorry doggie dog [ __ ] attempt on smoke for them no damn it it's so close I'm not winning bad I'm not winning [ __ ] not that big there's me one more Sashi mama banner no problem the race is speaking sorry [Music] yeah who wants to face me first you I got iron reflexes I run that makes no sense to an iron be slow surprise a [ __ ] don't tell don't tattle tale alright the dogs are so dead I'm sick of the dogs I don't even care anymore I'm sorry dog but you [ __ ] bit me last time and you killed me the look away livestream thank you it wasn't me I swear I didn't do nothing you're free you're free from the Mongols hey you got some supplies thank you [Music] you're free oh you got supplies in here thank you you're welcome give me your supplies yes all right that's good man I'm a good I'm a good guy watch this mother oh god what happened Boosh how's your cranium ah perfect he's on the bed homies just chilling all right where's that last banner oh we got arrows sweet more arrows here there's someone up there no [ __ ] I need to understand how I [Music] cancel it must be in here that's how you open doors keep telling you guys [Music] we haven't checked in here nice last one we got it destroy the black powder cash cash hey run oh hello okay alright it's boom-boom time oh [ __ ] a bit run [ __ ] nailed it yes oh it's boss time oh god no oh dude he looks so cool compared to me [ __ ] nope you're approaching me please don't huh no I'll shoot an arrow right in his eye watch this click click ah [ __ ] you [Music] I dine [ __ ] he's tough I mean I didn't die look away two seconds it's porn don't look [Music] [ __ ] I suck that was embarrassing [Music] that's right I can do it I can do it I can do no problem [Music] [ __ ] oh god it's so hard to towel nice you gonna get a beach [Music] ah God [ __ ] dog guy that's not even the name dog guard dickyvicky [Music] I know your moose at [Music] Oh [ __ ] there it is there it is ultimate damage easy totally a dog er easy oh god oh god I'm dead again it's fine I can do this I can do this easy [ __ ] don't kill me please talk out dog guy I didn't kill your dog I got to punish him more [Music] come on dog gang yes bring it dog Gary [ __ ] [ __ ] dogger don't [ __ ] around dude [ __ ] I can do it I can do it I can I can back into [Music] yes socket dog a sock a dog r0 - that's how it's done suck it up gang perfect zero there's no damage taken feels good to be the best look happy people live here now [Music] look how happy they are so happy smut be first try feels good being this good I'm chilling with Jurgen mud-bogging in the hood has Ken left us sayonara Ken son thank you for visiting Oh Iren thank you we [ __ ] liberated this year y'all don't sit on the floor yeah you better be brushing brush more more MORE yeah you better be brushing so there's a we can fast drive later if we want merchants with seven new gear I think we should do this now so I'll track it and we'll go it feels good yes yes yes yes yes I love this game it's very fun 420 bro Eugene already died first second you join is this Kashi nope oh wow oh oh guys let's fight [ __ ] I didn't mean to come here Baldy [ __ ] you you scared you should be [ __ ] how does that feel like [ __ ] yeah I'll liberate left and right these [ __ ] they run in hi where are they show yourself what the [ __ ] was that sound yeah I meant to do that I was not climbing the lighter sucka Sekai katana grade nice hello you're gonna die if you go there trust me I can't [ __ ] see him thank you anyone else all my controllers vibrating because I'm near an artifact I can feel it I can feel the controller rumbling back again it's still rumbling can't tell if I'm getting closer or not I saw some stuff where you can enter the ground no it's nice Iren why am I here nobody knows [Music] apparently there's a thing where you're only supposed to sit at certain areas of the what is it called tonkatsu like the floor because samurais would stab you through the floor or on certain parts I don't know [ __ ] what I go down here [Music] there is something nearby cuz my controller shaky-shaky must be on the second floor what the [ __ ] are these people here how does that feel it was good you know oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh this guy's huge student oh God [Music] excuse me can I just find a better angle to fight you in thinking oh you're not so strong I've learned the water stains oh yeah the what their stance I've been waiting for that the famous water stands what to go bla bla different stances highly effective against shield how do I change names shield the breaker a let's do that cool cool cool this game is easy dude Sarah that's dude you hold r2 to change them and then press Korean water stands now what there stands I fight for water shape and then I hold X to change today Oh got it what third stands out where's the artifact it has to be here no no no no crawl back thank you how do I get out new ghost excuse me what kunai oh cool l + r1 [ __ ] yeah what their stands [ __ ] yeah what's up girl what's up Edgar alright we found the second floor there's something here I know it trust me guys mr. dashi oh we got it sweet cool consider yourself liberal liberal later liberal later is it liberating yes it is alright let's go on the quest horse horse mrs. no standard io nice reload the stands I'm trying guys thank you what the [ __ ] was I to me we're looking for you now [ __ ] you know what did I just do oh it's the kunai oh yeah let's do it I hate him they can't see me I Ahura dr. mo Koga horotec are coming in MacArthur hace casi una de esta todo more skies danny kanata no idiotic Akane yeah I ordered the kita bersama awoken I can read that okay so we're going somewhere else oh no gee all explore there's more in the future supplies thank you we have a Japanese wife for guys this is busan Arabic on Zhu Joe set over you in your at all Bogota I meant to do that I meant to do that it's an old samurai trick you guys wouldn't understand we're going up all the way the mountain god damn it's getting morning that's so cool - feeding method are you guys liking the game I think it's so cool I mean I gotta grab that Bush bamboo bush where we're supposed to go down here [ __ ] whoa you're gonna mess around and [ __ ] with nobody so pretty sorry is it here oh here it is fight though knock out the skin okay okay we're let's lay out the plan see those we click them and see those I'm willing to take that risk I'm afraid so Meno Coveney scheme ilaria no God it's you know becoming you know become a secret a one-nighter on it Maruti Alto de Wanda Morinaga we Samurai Oh Cosmo Castellanos about Tito scratchy pushing along with she's me see you whatever Omar a total money key Omar in Otellini meal still cuz they will not sue here you are not many energy of data not today thank mo ya never listen to woman never understand what was you feel free to call me on that and I definitely meant that in every way [Music] your sauce already tight so yeah could I cannot a mother mother guess we're waiting oh [ __ ] 150 hi Peter Pyle also I'm from Australia can i get a shout out of course shout out through the story Latorre us from australian very epic what is that in real money Australian dollars what a machine Okanagan is so cool what the [ __ ] are you doing synchronized drinking open splish-splash-splosh we grabbed a bamboo excuse me total this guy looks tough hey Loretta uber cool so we don't use our dad's sword when we are fighting dishonorably I can't believe you I subscribe to carbon citizens on YouTube Lo and say what are you smoking we'll be talking about there were supplies back there but assassinate so I watch some gameplay trailer of this and it seems like there's two different ways to play like when Jesus Christ dude you either play like a samurai or you play like this stealthy ninja Kanna type that just [ __ ] abouts and throw fireworks and [ __ ] like that good time to have a flashback hey come on I'll say this bad stuff stay come on the way it's a nice tiramisu yes you've got almost a night [Music] that's very bright [Music] where is this [ __ ] well you were a big cook all that power must know I'm getting close there I can smell it it smells like Cancun Tomei what does me cause I think what I say well my job anymore where is C II must ah yah these Tillery almost hit him he's already dead means I cannot keys no other yah okay yukata yours help she's tall wooden you know you take up quite early on yes or not you're not you're not cinema samurai our real site so expire before woman chili you think damn I'm a lesson for a little boy we did at 69k [ __ ] yeah thanks guys no more like stuff must keep it at that I do miss ooh nah circuit Kaku no motive Serena's some red nose not 20 joules it shoosh this ring whole new meaning to what we're doing now if it goes over you got to remove your like do your part now it went over it did remove likes remove likes quick you went too far never go too far chuckles a muscle it's gotta look in here you go oh god poisonous my senses focus hearing pressed use revealing nearby enemy position as well my dude you're dead my dude you're dead [Music] this guy's like let's check out the pork looking good at least he died on a happy note this guy is like I'll just stay here forever I meant to do that [ __ ] you scared me [ __ ] feels good man well we're back at 69 good job guys proud of you damn you did it I'm sorry for being so rough on you guys you were back at 70 what the [ __ ] is well we're back in 69 okay good good bye glanced over and I see 70 or 68 there will be punishment severe punishment didn't someone's seeing me I didn't [ __ ] that really hurt dude this guy won't die thank you [ __ ] water stains I don't want that sheet with stone stains water stains bed stains not many people know how to master the bed 17 [ __ ] apologize stop it hello how are you lime hello she [ __ ] teleported their bonus you are singing a photograph look at victim see Madonna likes comedy I'm missing out some techniques from the skill menu I'll check it out in a sec Thank You mr. Netherland do do you ever do that's what I'll call the you do to my friend joseline joseline hi hi I'm donating to Yemen from last month i'm done i and i wouldnt decided this month yeah takes a while to process all the payment as [ __ ] how can we look the Noda kogo though using a guy's the critical mass even i yo got a [ __ ] off screen so they cut off would you little dinner Canella don't know good at the 7 it's got a gorilla jameson Otto study this more dramatic refer to the muddy copy automatically the lab st. game why are we at 70 K Lankes explain this our Qaeda so go there what you now could ya know got the data machine so no photo no slick you lost Ramadi that's the big boy Palace Carosi budino you dollar we were mother eatables oh gee well that's a gamete using Buddha brothers Cacnea Yahoo Sita subito - ox t or emo chick he meets girl Sakuya he's joking many Tata kala why she Mumma can we get viewers to 69 as well and then likes at 69 that'd be epic 71 oh my god I don't ask for much okay now you see ok so don't care right now there's a musician in azam azam oh he's given people hope by receiving the tale of Todd IOT and his mythic armor and we can get his armor we can track that trade tale oh that's so fun okay so we can perfect Perry's recover small amount of health pairing on an unblockable attack from moguls oh that's good we should get that [Music] nice three-kilometer maybe we shouldn't there's a fox then where you guys see a fox area what's up kitsune and saw let's follow him I almost said smen bank to show me the way show me the way bank song he wants to show me something what the hell wait terrier again this is just like Minecraft all what the [ __ ] dude splish Splash through the waterfall no I thought for sure we could go through the water boy ah nope where do you go is that it that that there and the whole yeah I think it's just there we jump across maybe no it looks dangerous here we go thank you banked all that's so cute let's honor the bank other you are thank you bein bend knee bend even tax on farm and then I've unlocked a new charm slot begged us to return to bless this playthrough none sweet epic every should find some charms oh it's gonna poop out some gold oh that was awesome don't be scared so we're planning to go all the way there apparently maybe we shouldn't let's let's take this on the way instead or what we could do now we should do that let's do that let's just see what we find on the way or can we quake travel like yeah we could do that save us some time so it was worth it going through the effort of taking that place got some enemies we could hunt Jesus Christ shoot him in the heart nailed it he's [ __ ] indestructible [Music] don't hurt your gun you [ __ ] [ __ ] you die for this uragan I'm sorry there I grabbed it you can run but you can't [ __ ] god damn it you Shh what's that sound we're done without me down with that so cool so cool very nice this game we're here we go [ __ ] then here main ah [ __ ] vodka on Okinawa cheap taco no Gino toe oh that's keno vulnerable gonna cover Kumamoto Stanko dango dango dango guys okay [Music] did it it did it did hey Korra's a lr1 towards enemy to throw tonight good night good night I'm out of Kenai I can do that to supplies [ __ ] out west you know become on the world Modine you get on oh my oh sure you check good stability oh where are the stables I don't know their wing will show me [ __ ] they took the arrogance they'll pay for this search I gotta search the stables well my bad game I really got to go off there's a grenade launcher in this building [ __ ] yeah thank you now the tracks are obvious follow the footprints oh yeah oh yeah Phyllis dialog mission is in English not Japanese that's why it looks terrible yeah I figured that out thanks for letting me know them are the tracks going this way return to the footprints what the [ __ ] did why there's a light oh [ __ ] yeah imagine this game has lights a verse every [ __ ] funny mi [ __ ] stupid oh thanks game I guess I am Bombo but um I know how to do that not a problem know that you can't you'll kill you again they'll pay for this good things you can't aim oh I thought you had blue hair that was the anime for a second Jesus the old what do she-demon has enemy not a--not attracted Estella which is you Thank You December I didn't see you thank you - you must be muscle what does you always you thought your otaku stop singing client it I don't want to make me room Monica trainee kakuta normal samurai oh nothing you don't worry Donna so you okay now truly communal shimano pretty well are you meet a lie what that's more Naoko Cerreta wanna know he tell me a story must wanna see Madison there are more see what about Hatano singie Matheny okay I recently got into anime again it's super fun I'm watching steins gate right now it's super good very nice I really want to see the monogatari series but I'm debating if I should read the novel's first some light novel readings on any caption agostina each you know Rita son I got a model you know you tell her what you're gonna me now the coconu meter thanks sir we're honoring and [ __ ] press r2 to honor not not to life Lagoon was a great enemy code yes as well there's so many way I feel like I'm too old to watch the I also saw an Ohana and it was good don't get me wrong but I'm like I'm too old for this I sure I would have loved that if I was like a teenager or some [ __ ] again I would but not go into the golden Tim [ __ ] yeah okay boys 13 okasada tour there is this video on YouTube where they asked Japanese people over clarity if they watch anime and everyone's like what they fail oh no she studied it I think just like this shown in John rrah in general I'm like I'm too old for this if it says shown an adventure I'm like now I've seen them all I'm sure it's great I'm not doubting you science game seems different that's why I like it even though I don't know I'm so I'm again so tired of all the cutesy female main protagonists that are just like really supposed to be cute speak in a high-pitched voice and act really dumb it's like okay I get it just gets really annoying I get it they're cute and [ __ ] I get it but I'm married there's a [ __ ] up so I don't know why Tommy no Toscanini Roboto she don't need to diss your wife though by the way women almost wanna imagine hiding at a tofu so much do you know sugan to you another kid are your Hideo Hodge this night Tommy oh no he's got a lot of sweeping today my god these leaves are relentless I should watch it Gintama I've seen that being high rated forever I heard it's funny hello muffled oh no not sky de honest you know that you know your oh you know still little cheetah Coyotes pop them idealist let's get some [ __ ] samurais [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah yeah Jameson I could oh god Ava it to them when I see my show so no sigh so was i you're much good as I don't got to tell Scott yeah I'm seven that it says shown and [ __ ] I'm sure you love it but I've seen them all you don't understand I've seen every single shown linen [ __ ] could ever afford it otherwise oh damn that looks so much cooler [ __ ] all right let's get some [ __ ] little red monster there manga and everyone keeps from recommending the anime and I'm like you know that theta so notoriety she owned a monster kono unit Odin Akiva a notary ot dokoni is an actor critically time Indies pouring out in you I heard the non sagas renegade say so Sahara no man I'm gonna just watch probably gonna watch steins gate first and then I'm gonna watch monogatari series what a senior cotton on Okinawa coterminous she taught us good so resonates she gonna know the seal guys about so there what I've seen a race it was fine it wasn't that good don't care let's upgrade our Sakai there's like no difference oh my god she much time all right where is this sweeping ass [ __ ] hello sugiko Toyota Sequoia Thomas Oh son Roy non-nude saku-dono correct photos did our brothers can work at an authority Okinawan rescinded he really does soda we told you yet approached diatryma tyranny Kanaka Durga so my well it's too many so much the story Monsieur Masako salmon are a baroque under cannot era muy macho what a face demo tourism may so Mike sorry Tamika no helping me no kinesin its carapace my must quarry mother it's mono year motherboard your corpse tawny da cunha mor e muster yeah no how did you cannot see Ohana do to us is it tough to motivate escaping much sweets all summer I need some [ __ ] action baby come on Rumour location I can get linen I need linen we're going to the linen what some anime for boomers I don't want things to be too serious but I'm just sick of all the teenage shape I thought a race was so weird like he was the only one that had this power so we could see the stories about this guy that can see the future was that it I don't really remember you can tell when something bad is gonna happen and you can also travel through time and he tries to stop this little girl from his childhood memory that gets kidnapped or abducted and killed he's the only one with the power it's so unexplained I don't like that sheet if I just felt like I had more depth to it and they were just IRA it's done that it was fine okay I'm saying it was a fine inma I just didn't love me same without Ahana even though I did like I know how no more now haikyuu that's some good anime [ __ ] that's some real boomer [ __ ] yeah summarize Shambhala is awesome let's follow it [ __ ] I lost track of it no I see you I see you excuse me I'm busy I'm following a [ __ ] now I was busy I was following the burn god damn it's the bird gone totally silent noise Dada why goddamnit I got a rescue his puppy now [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] care Finland saw the Viking enemy well that's kind of a thing all right show your peepee let's do this this never gets old don't think so [ __ ] who's next oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] camera analyst [ __ ] me over big time here what the hell I can't see anything what a mess I blame the camera angles there the [ __ ] happened I thought it was the other guy for a second doesn't count if it's the camera angles fault everyone knows this I didn't I wouldn't see it on camera we didn't actually see it so okay let's do that again but less [ __ ] Yeah right [Music] where's the arrow guy Hey Oh now he shot his friend um alright one [ __ ] I was like do you want some taste of your own medicine keep forgetting I had the cone ice more do they kill you monster Inc is a good enemy true you're not wrong what you gonna do signs for the family we got it over here nah that's a classic rookie mistake yeah I never saw Elaine I watched your first episode and I'm like this is weird hey by the way your your son did yeah for the coolies so again oh that's my kind of [ __ ] I say we're already dead on my way more Sheen dirty no shield when you sitting up when I see more walk when you're away she told us good theory stuff famous sorry about that bro I did experience some so you know it came for good use my main and we got some [ __ ] linen man [ __ ] yeah we got linen way they can't song man then Anna let's get some more linen I want the [ __ ] linen give me the lay ninja can you again do this come on jump [ __ ] come on [ __ ] [ __ ] boy jump thank you gain that linen bra I'm all about that linen shape Oh a bird nice let's follow it show me what do you got ah [ __ ] ah [ __ ] [ __ ] that's a big [ __ ] [ __ ] right there what's happening here guys hey you hit the uragan you die painful death out you die a thousand deaths how do we get up there hot we can climb [Music] in case you're new on the live stream or video we're a Sarah deft playthrough I'm a professional ghost of Tsushima player it's no big deal so we're following this bird he's gonna show us epic treasure it's whatever look at that hot spring flip yeah now we raced parasite sucks I agree a finally we get some ass I was waiting for it I reflect on my father yes I know Houston I would push you boy increase my health see meditating is good guys it increases your health do it messes are cool that's why samurais are so awesome it's not just about killing obviously it's epic but it's also about the softness they can find like poems written in and they were they were read there were write poems before battle some people would find them in if they passed away they'll find it inside their head or not ahead now what am I trying to say they will leave the poems in there and helmet some people find them so they had written this poem before battle that's badass and there's this general attitude that you should spend as much time doing more your things as you do I guess calm things having that balance that's what makes it interesting it's cool it's cool samurais are cool say it so yeah I read a sword and Kristen thiis iam I keep forgetting how you say that word but it was written by an anthropologist American anthropologists during World War two and her job was to basically try and understand what would happen if the Americans won the war and how Japanese people would react I think that that was the so she started obviously as a foreigner and outside of Japan so it's not very accurate but it's still really interesting let's chill for some dinner and they were they were explaining in the book how the Japanese mindset was was - during world war two was to fight until the very last man or person able to fight they have this dead-set mindset to just keep fighting and then after the war it was very strange for Americans to be greeted by the Japanese and they were greeted in such a positive and nice well way going from being deadly as I am talking about the dialogue I just had a bath I'm good and after the war even there were so dead-set to fight up there until the last man they completely changed and Americans were so completely perplexed by it the fact that they were so welcoming to the American soldiers and that's such a unique thing to the Japanese of being able to change their mindset and the reason behind that was because of the orders of the Emperor as far as I understand I don't know how accurate that means but so first the Emperor had ordered people to yeah we're gonna fight until the last man and people honored that obviously some people were against it as well but and then when the Emperor said okay now it's time for peace people wanted to excel in being peaceful and that's why the people were all the sudden so welcoming to jump to the Americans after the war because they wanted to live up to the Emperor it's interesting I think that's so unique to Japan that mines 10 apparently back in the day they used to have like obligations so you have obligations to fulfill to your Emperor and there's some or it's almost like you're owed someone something and some cannot never be repaid but some can and they compared to stark circles to be fulfilled I don't think it's really accurate to say that but in general what the book said at least is that Japanese don't have it they don't look at good and evil the same way as we're used to with virtues it's rather how you your actions are more based on the things that you owe and how you fulfill them so you owe your Emperor you own your family and there's obligations that come to that and then there's stories around where samurai had to disobey their obligations I think it's called kink or something no wait that's not it this bank confront the impostor nice was I saying with the what was called the story of the 47 samurai or Ronin I'm sure you heard about it it's so famous let's confront this guy first and I'll talk about it they made movies out of it I'm sure people know about it whoa that glitch did you see that that [ __ ] anybody like him find him I don't remember exactly what this story was but it was that there were these 47 samurai and their leader was dishonored so he killed someone that was part of the not the Emperor but a Shogun or whatever it's called [ __ ] I don't remember so well read into it it was good this was a the Keanu Reeves movie was 47 Ronin no way but in the example of it is that they were in this state where they had to obviously avenge their master which they owe him but they also can't go against the Shogun wishes against their moral code or whatever so to avenge their master they they went into so such extinct lengths to trying to avenge him because it would be to obviously if they just try and kill him right away so a lot of them sold their wives to pretend like they didn't care about it and became degenerate and did all these horrible things everywhere they got exiled from their family just to pretend like they didn't care about getting and then finally when the right time came they obviously got it and but by avenging their master they had dishonored their fulfillment to the Shogun or whatever it's called so that's why afterwards they committed seppuku or harakiri afterwards and it's used as an example of sometimes those fulfillments or whatever you have obligations are collide with each other and it leads you to do things that don't make sense it's hard to understand that it's hard to understand as a foreigner living in such a different time these concepts that seem so insane that you would first of all kill yourself with a sword because of your master and all these things you really think about it seems like why I would never do that what the [ __ ] such a different mindset such a different way of living I think I should end the livestream here I've been going on for too long okay so some write that I got exiled like or owning that's good to know I was confused by then um thank you for joining this livestream I love this game it's so fun I hope you guys had fun too watching the pro the master the one and only we'll check you out more next time you just joined well ain't that a thing [ __ ] I'm so hot how long three hours 40 minutes not bad in that band not bang alright see you guys next time take care brofist thanks for joining appreciate you guys thanks for all the members thanks for all the subs it's fun I love this [ __ ] I love it so awesome see ya and it's all awkward is like if I end it now the last things I said won't be shown so I'm just gonna try
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 6,795,008
Rating: 4.8626008 out of 5
Id: AwMAwoS4cjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 39sec (13119 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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