7 'Non-Lethal' Takedowns That Definitely Killed People

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video games aren't all about killing people some offer alternative non-lethal ways to take out your phone so you can sleep soundly at night knowing that no one had to die for you to get the job done just as long as you don't look too closely at the non-lethal options because if you think about them too hard it becomes apparent a lot of them are at least as deadly as the lethal method you've been trying to avoid here are the times we took the non-lethal option with probably fatal consequences enjoy and beware spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no Joker and no scorpion your little distraction means two deadly menaces are out on the loose when characters from DC Comics invaded the world of mortal combat in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe some changes had to be made specifically to the fatalities so DC's heroes were instead given what are known as heroic brutalities even the Joker's showing uncharacteristic restraint oh no wait who are you I am Captain Marvel some of those heroic brutalities are more brutal than others though and Captain Marvel aka Billy Batson must not have received the memo about not straight-up murdering his opponents perhaps the memo accidentally got sent to Marvel Comics easy mistake to make Captain Marvel doesn't have a flashy heroic brutality he just picks up his victim and jams them headfirst into the concrete and when the concrete looks like that I can't imagine there's much left of their head and this is why Liu Kang's fatality has him dropping an arcade cabinet on them and they're clearly still alive underneath it I mean to you too guys maybe we want to swap anyway 12 year-old Billy Batson who can transform into an adult super Oh gets his comic conference in follow up injustice gods among us in his Shazam identity now last time I joked about this everyone pointed out that I was laughing at the lasering of a twelve-year-old boy to which I say this yes a very annoying twelve-year-old boy tonight I overseer Campbell dies by your hand it won't be easy he's protected by his overseers an army of religious zealots but if anyone can do it you can your exploits are legendary the dishonored series really stretches the definition of non-lethal with equipment like Billy lurks Electrical burst which electrocutes people all those non-lethal drop takedowns where you smash someone's head against the floor several times then there was the time you had your targets tongues cut out and had them shipped off to be worked to death in a silver mine see them Pendleton's got these rock mines have hundreds of souls working down there half a mile deep below ground so I'm gonna shave their heads and cut out their tongues and put them in one of their own stinking mines yikes but for our money the most obviously lethal non-lethal option in Dishonored is the one in which you're supposed to kill high overseer Campbell leader of militant religious group the overseers if you're a pacifist and you want to resolve things without killing Campbell you can instead choose to brand him on his face with a red-hot iron with a brand that causes him to be thrown out of the overseers and shunned by society at which point he contracts the definitely fatal rat plague but hey Campbell at least you're not dead yet right it's a positive yeah I [Music] mean a thank you wouldn't go amiss cheese some overseas subject on leave the rest of us the Diamond Dogs of Metal Gear Solid 5 might seem like a bunch of weirdos living on an oil rig in the 1980s because they are but there are also a bunch of weirdos with a really good R&D department take venom snakes prosthetic arm for example it's a technological marvel that operates just like a regular arm but that can also blast off using rockets to smash people in the face non-lethal II rendering them unconscious however non-lethal a piece of metal being rocket propelled into your face is or isn't the Diamond Dogs gadget that gives me the most cause for concern is the wormhole extraction device the W IDI is an upgrade for the regular Fulton extraction device which snake can use to non-lethal II remove enemy combatants from the field by attaching a balloon to them which is then skyhooks into a passing airplane [Music] the wormhole version of this device upsie technological ante a little by instead creating a wormhole to mother base which they say gives a 100 percent chance of the enemy soldier or goat or whatever reaching home safely which if I'm honest is a pretty optimistic assessment of the risk of a human being traveling alive through a wormhole wormhole theory states that a wormhole occurs when two singularities in different parts of the universe merge and create a tunnel between them so as it is you're sending your unconscious enemies into a black hole whose immense gravitational forces would tear them apart instantly of course it's possible that the singularity used by diamond dogs is a rotating Kerr black hole which scientists theorize people could pass through the center of if they could avoid the tunnel collapsing instantly when they entered it and they weren't killed immediately by over high-energy particles they encountered also the differential gravity between your head and feet as you slid across the event horizon would spaghettify you anyway you'd pop out the other side 30 foot tall which is definitely non-lethal if your Stretch Armstrong so yeah we're gonna chalk this one up as definitely on the lethal end of the spectrum both to the person you're sending through and I mean the entire planet in general because wormholes don't mess with singularities kids here's the lesson still kudos for getting it working makes you wonder what else the R&D department could make if they put their mind to it that's impressive that one silvio Caruso's family home is right across the square the bio engineer suffers from acute travel phobia so the ether corporation has installed a state-of-the-art field laboratory somewhere below ground expect security levels to rise as you get closer to the virus almost everything in hitman is deadly I mean you have to actually make a conscious effort not to accidentally kill someone with a falling chandelier at least I do but it is technically possible to play this game about killing people and only ever kill the target that you're supposed to that usually means a lot of non-lethal takedowns those little orders so cute tasty it helps the agent 47 has identified the exact spot on someone's head where you can hit them with a crowbar and they won't die these slight snag is that you can't very well leave a bunch of people probably in their underwear lying around on the streets of a small Italian fishing village so you bundle them into whatever nook you can find leaving them to wonder how exactly they woke up in the cupboard six hours later with one of the cleaning staff so far so non-lethal there is the odd hiding spots however that would realistically undo all of 47s conscientiously non-lethal work take Fabio Viviani the unnecessarily creepy Undertaker in Sapienza search yard there's a Turk angel that looks over me today a good day for business if this mission goes belly-up I am framing that guy knock Fabio out in order to get the church key or the scientists uniform in the morgue and there's only one properly concealed place to hide him this enormous mortuary chest freezer get to the end of the mission and great score known on target skilled says the hitman results screen except if you dump a guy in a sealed operational chest freezer he's going to either a freeze B suffocate or C you guessed it freezing then suffocate when they finally hold poor Fabio out he's going to be a giant human sized popsicle and 47 will be long gone with his five-star score you know I'm starting to think that agent 47 might not be a very nice person fallout new vegas dlc dead money pits you against rogue Brotherhood of Steel scribe father elijah who spends the entire dlc being a massive jerk who deserves to be showing the business end of a plasma rifle when you do finally confront elijah in the vault of the sierra marjorie casino you're given the option to fight him and finally make him pay for making where an explosive collar like a battle royale school kid or a member of One Direction if you're suddenly seized by conscience however you can choose instead to take the non-lethal option whereby you trap father elijah in the vaults the vaults in question isn't a vault in the classic fall out sense being essentially a room designed to do two things one store gold and two in two people for all eternity in the style of the Cask of Amontillado steel while father elijah is definitely going to die in that vault as a direct result of our actions the important thing is that he's going to die in that vault after a while when we're long gone which is all it takes for us to walk out of here feeling good about what a nice non murdery courier we are i can't help but feel a pang of regret though for that gold i had to leave behind because i was over encumbered where is he when Batman first started to fight crime he swore an oath that he would never take a life unless he was in a Zack Snyder movie he really wanted to or they're Undead because that doesn't count of course this is Batman the crime fighter who goes around punching people in the face with spiked Kevlar gloves and leaving them unconscious miles away from medical attention in the middle of winter so as the Arkham series wore on we started to get increasingly convoluted justifications as to why the people Batman attacks aren't actually dead justifications such as his cowl scanner which looks at the body of someone we punched out a full hour ago who is still lying there not moving and declares them to be unconscious uh-huh whatever you say cowl none of these excuses are quite so ludicrous though as Batman's insistence that his giant tank the Batmobile is armed with non-lethal riot suppression weapons it's already equipped with a Vulcan gun a 60 millimeter cannon and actual rockets which we will of course be firing indiscriminately around the city but according to Bruce it also features non-lethal slam rounds which are a flexible plastic casing filled with 50 grams of rubber pellets which is totally non-lethal until you fire 10 of them at someone of course with a weaponized SUV speeding around Gotham streets at 200 miles an hour running people over and killing them is also a risk this is why Batman also installed electroshock defenses front and back that will electrocute people if they get too close hurling them through the air with between two and three hundred thousand volts why not combine it with some slam round shots for the ultimate non-lethal combo yeah you keep telling yourself that Batman's cowl Mario and Rabbids Kingdom battle is the answer to the question what would you get if you crossed Mario with XCOM that someone must have asked at some point for reasons that probably aren't all that clear to them even now the combination works surprisingly well resulting in a fun and accessible turn-based strategy game in which sometimes Luigi shoots people in the face with the cold ruthless efficiency of a battle-hardened sniper this being a Mario game it's made clear at the very beginning that you aren't killing any of the enemy rabbits the guns are shown to be firing ink or honey or some kind of energy so everyone can rest easy that Mario isn't actually going around doming Rabbids with actual guns also when a rabbit loses all their hit points they spin around and walk elsewhere removing them from the battlefields we can't help but feel that that shouldn't apply for the centuries however which are adorably themed little drones that when activated trundle over towards an enemy rabbit before detonating in their face that ball you want Luigi that rabbit is dead further to that a grenade shaped like a rubber duck is still a grenade peach if it's destroying brick walls look what it's doing to those fluffy rabbits wow I can see why she held onto power in the mushroom kingdom for so long when you play the game of Thrones you win or you die thanks for to this video about the non-lethal things that are very definitely lethal but if you want to watch more videos from outside Xbox and outside extra and also render me unconscious for up to 30 minutes you can click on this up here this is us and down here is outside extra click on one of them or put me right out and you can go around and steal all my gold that are keeping the vault here sweet forever now about your okay well I'll wake up and be I wake up after you've left the level I somehow know and then I'll come to they've left they've left the level and back
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 3,113,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, outside xbox, list, top 10, 10 things, 7 things, funny, countdown, worst, best, fallout new vegas, dead money dlc, trap father elijah, sierra madre casino, vault, non lethal, nonlethal, takedowns, killed, lethal, deadliest, mario + rabbids kingdom battle, dishonored, high overseer campbell, weeper, hitman, agent 47, metal gear solid 5, wormhole extraction device, batman arkham knight, batmobile, mortal kombat, heroic brutalities, captain marvel, funny non-lethal
Id: b0ZUpToB9ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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