7 Amazing Items You Only Had One Chance to Get

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forgetting to pick up your keys before you leave the house is bad discovering that that was your one chance to pick up your keys and now you can't get back in your house and your house is lost to you forever is a nightmare one I had also my teeth fell out obviously this would never happen in real life but it can in video games on occasion you can find a cool and all unique item is only up for grabs during a brief window of opportunity after which it's gone for good here then a seven amazing items that you might miss forever if you're not careful beware spoilers for the following [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if I learn anything from trying to collect a lock of hair from every single Backstreet Boy instead it's frustrating when you can't complete a collection I'm gonna get you one day AJ MacLean so imagine our frustration when we were playing Fallout 3 and found out a certain rare few of the games many collectible vault boy bobbleheads can be missed and lost forever in the capital wasteland if you're unfamiliar with vault boy bobbleheads you might be wondering what anyone in the post apocalypse once with off-brand Funko pops two things one you have a display stand for them in your house in Megaton and if you're missing any the entire thing looks like garbage honestly I can't even look at this right now and two they grant a permanent boost to your stats which will probably stop you dying or whatever although why I bother living with this incomplete bobblehead collection I will never know any aspiring collector should know in advance that you can permanently miss 4 out of the total twenty possible bubbly boys if you don't spot the one in your father's office in vault 101 before you get locked out forever you'll never have a bobble head wielding a large syringe and extra points in your medicine skill if you don't pick up the one in curl autumn's quarters in raven rock you miss out on a bottle head with a ray gun and points in energy weapons accidentally break the lock on a door in a house in arrow foo and your repair stat will permanently remain lower than it might have been and you don't get this cutie with a spanner and should you decide to nuke Megaton for the lulz before you rifle through Lucas Sims house you'll lose out on a precious stat point in strength once you got the bobble head though fill your boots ah my precious giant-headed little child armed with the knowledge that you could permanently miss some of these valuable bobbleheads you're going to want to really take your time searching every nook and cranny so you don't leave anything behind I'm sure your missing father will turn up eventually he wasn't in megaton 20 years ago and you know if there's one thing we spent a lot of time doing in Red Dead Redemption - it was settling on the exact ride multi-tone half chaps to set off the rest of our outfit don't doubt yourself that looks excellent on you thanks Anthony Taylor best character in video games a close second place for the thing we spent most time doing however was shooting people because this is the Wild West and shooting someone is how you said hello back then and goodbye kind of like Aloha in Hawaii anyway with the amount of shooting you do in Red Dead Redemption - it makes sense that you want to be using the best guns available and the game certainly doesn't disappoint in that regard offering you loads of elaborate ornate and exotic shooting ions with which to perforates and cowpoke's but if you're looking to complete your collection be warned that there are several rare weapons in the game that it's possible to miss and once they're gone they're gone for good most notable among these are the unique handguns wilted by four of the five duelists you encounter in the side mission the noblest of men and a woman in this quest arthur is asked to track down a series of legendary gunslingers to get quotes for a book being written about one Jim Boy Calloway a Shootist of some renowned himself Cowboys being the way they are all but one of these encounters quickly devolves into arthur shooting the other gunslinger or chasing them across a train and then shooting the other gunslinger or Wow okay exploding a load of pig manure over the other gunslinger and then shooting them once your interview subject is well past the point of giving any answers ever again you can help yourself to their sidearm all of which are unique and beautifully designed with intricate metalwork engraved grips and gold finishes they're also all miserable forget to pick them up after you drop their previous owner and they're gone for good this is most heartbreaking in the case of Callaway's revolver a unique Schofield that you get from the missions final duel against Boyd Callaway himself lavishly engraved and with the words canis cannon edits written along the barrel Callaway's revolver is both a reminder that it's a dog-eat-dog world out there and also the bully was good and that rock star should probably make another one of course it's easy to get caught up in the moment of the duel and walk off without the guns so if you want our advice just avoid that whole scenario and gun callaway down the second you meet him I would read sure don't like people hey it's a dog-eat-dog world Callaway read the revolver direct me as you will the dictionary defines flail as to wave or swing wildly allow me to demonstrate oh wait this is second meaning in the context of Baldur's Gate a flail is a threshing tool or weapon consisting of a wooden staff with a short heavy stick swinging from it a good example is the flail of Ages which can be acquired in Bordeaux skate to when exploring Durrani's keep in a companion sidequest called the Durrani's keep has been invaded guess what's happened in dar knees keep should you have a thorough look around the keep you can find three flail heads on the ground and upper floor cold acid and fire attach these flail heads to the handle found in the Durrani's keep Forge and you'll create the flail of Ages which is a pretty dull name for what should have ring called the triple nunchuck a freezie Burney acid however if you don't pick up all the pieces before you leave the keep you're left with a lame partially finished weapon or stick that you can't go back to fix what's more if you don't obtain the flail of Ages at that point you can never get it fully upgraded to the five handed version which adds electrical damage and is I want to say five times better that's just maths that's right say goodbye to the quintuple nunchuck a freezie Bernese a pea acid I am available for freelance weapons naming developers of baldur's gate [Music] back in the history of the land of Skyrim the region was ruled by dragon priests who spent their time researching arcane knowledge serving their dragon masters and presumably conducting the odd dragon wedding most of these priests are long gone but a few of them became so powerful that they defied death and became mighty unliving Lich's and as in most cases it's Hurdle life comes with a side order of a serious attitude problem skincare routine could do with a bit of work as well you can see why they wear the masks most of these mask wearing dragon priests can be found at any point in the game simply by traveling to the appropriate location on the map if you do manage to beat one in combat you can steal their dragon priests mask each of which confers different benefits and all of which make you like a sort of high fantasy Iron Man there is one mask though that you're liable to miss if you're not careful the NARC Rin mask that's because its owner lives in an area of Skyrim called Skull Duffin which you visit only once during the game's main quest and once you leave you can never return a bit like the Olive Garden although thinking about it that's worse because once you're banned from one of those you're banned from all of them I've heard defeating Ngoc Rin earns you his mask which adds 50 points to your magic er 20 points to your destruction magic and 20 points to your restoration magic turning you into a pretty powerful mage instantaneously not forgetting of course that it makes you look like a medieval Tony Stark while you're at it and now to enjoy the Ironman style power of flight which I'm just going to go ahead and assume that I have yeah you know what that's on me [Music] willow the wisp I think it's got something to show us careful it's not to be trusted girl from The Witcher series loves swords so much that he carries two of them at all times to avoid hurting their feelings by picking a favorite I assume and there are lots of swords to collect in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt enough to build six or seven iron Thrones at least then everyone can have one collection restore peace in Westeros job done who needed eight seasons however some are more precious and elusive than others and one blade that in particular might catch the eye of collectors is the one known as Vitus unlike garel however it only appears once in the entire game honestly that guy's everywhere Vitas is hidden away in a magical realm created by a wizard Lee dude which can only be accessed while reading the book known as the land of a thousand fables Geralt is just that in the quest called beyond Hillandale transporting himself into a world of wicked witches and big bad wolves who are also drunk and French for some reason the so called fables fair isn't just full of fairy tale whimsy however there's also a dead Knight in here who you can easily miss because you can only find him by following a will-o'-the-wisp Knights strange doesn't look like he's out of any fairy tale I know it's on this fallen hero that we find Vitus with its elegant hilts and brutal boosts to your magic stats once the mission is done you can't return to the fable sphere so you need to get it then or lose it for good and if you're thinking great but this doesn't match my outfit hold the phone tan France because you can also loot the unique iridescent toussaint armor set which brings to mind a dragonfly or a car from The Fast and the Furious you know just with the without the neon under lighting you Douglas Adams Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy is one of the most beloved science fiction novels of all time the same cannot be said of the 1984 text adventure based on that novel because it was constantly trying to kill you the books would never do that I mean unless they fell off a high shelf or something hefty a lot of this was down to the game's design which was heavily time-based which meant that it was extremely easy to miss stuff that was crucial to your survival later the most famous example of this design ethos comes in the form of the Babel Fish an item acquired in the course of one of the most legendary difficult and obtuse puzzles in videogame history one that if missed means game over for you the player not straightaway of course that would be too easy just know it's coming further down the line and that anything you do between now and then is essentially pointless video games are fun the Babel Fish itself is an amazing item and something that I absolutely wish existed in real life it's a fish that you put in your ear that automatically translates any language into your native tongue the problem is the Babel fishes are dispensed from a vending machine and every time you try to get one a new obstacle pops up that prevents you from grabbing it you've got exactly five turns to figure this problem out a problem with an illogical solution that is never hinted at and that also requires some other miscible items from earlier in the game once those five turns are up if you've not got a Babel Fish in your bathrobe the game became unwinnable it was such a hard unfair jerk of a puzzle that the publisher even started selling t-shirts which read I got the Babel fish which haha fun but maybe fix your puzzle first before you start selling t-shirts laughing about how unplayable difficult your game is plus it's made me think about how Babel fishes don't exist in real life which means I'll never be able to speak French which makes me Trez triste what the hell does that mean I know two things about ghosts one they're scary too they don't like it when you try to steal flowers off their grave what you weren't using them another thing that a ghost isn't using and doesn't need is jewelry so tell me why it is that in fatal frame three the hostile phantom known as Kyoko doesn't want you to have her earrings rode the echo stone earrings are fancy antique earrings with mystic properties and more importantly you're going to need one of them to get the happy ending in which co-protagonist km ocurro doesn't wind up as a smear a suit on a sofa thanks to the tattooed curse nothing gets ghosts it out maybe time for a new sofa the catch is you can only acquire the single earring you need in a New Game+ a fatal frame three late in that playthrough in our 10 that is to say at the point when you've nearly completed the game two times over to get your hands on this talismanic trinket you've got to get into a hidden room and find a secret diary then fight Kyoko the unfriendly ghost he was just terrifying here then obtain the Holi key then use the Holi key on a locked drawer on a dressing table in a different room and finally score the elusive earring in this and only this way can you save cave from getting got your sulfur from getting ruined and achieved fatal frame three second happier ending but this is a late-game side quest that's miscible meaning if you don't obtain the earring here your only option is giving up on Kay or completing the game for a third time and getting it right then frankly I don't think my nerves can take much more of this look I'll put the flowers back ghosts thanks everyone for watching this video about the amazing items that are miserable in video games but one thing you don't want to miss that's right it's our weekly shows up here we've got show the weekend from outside extra it's a rip-roaring rollicking roller coaster of good times down here is show of the week which is a rip-roaring rollicking roller coaster of good times as well yeah they're good they're a good time check them out and we will see you next time
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 2,105,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, outsidexbox, outside xbox, jane douglas, mike channell, andy farrant, missable, missable items, missables, skyrim, dragon priest masks, all, rdr2 revolver, rdr2 missables, items, best weapons, best items, loadout, funny, funny videos, gameplay, ps4, xbox one, xbox, switch, nintendo switch, new games, game videos, red dead redemption 2, red dead 2 gameplay, fallout 3, calloway's revolver
Id: zBhPb8ylD0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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