7 Transforming Bosses Who Made Us Regret Our Cockiness: Commenter Edition

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a short while ago we pondered the video game bosses that started out looking harmless and non-threatening before we started fighting them only for them to reveal a final form that something like what the designers of Godzilla's enemies would call a bit much turned out we were only scratching the surface and that plenty of you had suggestions of your own for bosses who you think twice about squaring up to if you knew what they were going to turn into here are seven of our favorites enjoy and beware spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was starting to wonder when you might notice us who are you me llamo Ramon Salazar the 8th gas pellet of this magnificent architecture I have been honored with the prodigious power from the great lord Sadler I've been expecting you my brethren no thanks bro bosses that transform into horrible flesh cathedrals are such a resident evil thing that to be honest were amazed that we managed to only include one recent evil boss in the last video so we made ourselves a certificate well this is a whole new video and as such we've got a Resident Evil quota to fill so we're going with commenter mr. 37 13 12 suggestion when they say just came here for that little dude from re4 and his boss fight' being the most annoying the little dude mr. numbers is referring to his Ramon Salazar the diminutive old man faced twenty-year-old who dresses like he's on his way to Elton John's birthday party Ramon is a tiny d-bag who spends most of his on-screen time in Resident Evil 4 getting totally owned by Leon Scott Kennedy both verbally I've sent my right hand to dispose of you your right hand comes off say whatever you please die you were and physically sure he's got his weird xenomorph bodyguards but if this thing ever comes down to a one-on-one fight it's gonna be a no contest am i right Leon's gonna suplex Ramon in half it like 10 seconds flat you just missed her the original is over she lived with my men to an island yeah not now Ramon I've got actual bosses to go and fight like krauser have you seen that guy knives all over the place but just when you think you're going to pick up Ramon and punt him into the sky like a football he gets picked up instead by the giant parasitic plant monster thing behind him along with his bodyguards who don't look super thrilled about this turn of events [Music] now Ramon is basically piloting a grim flesh mech covered in horrible harmful tentacles but like a good Resident Evil boss has handily also covered himself in big squishy eyeballs which while great from an aesthetic standpoint leave a lot to be desired in the vulnerability to gun fire departments good-bye Ramon we barely knew you and we're fine with that to be honest you were really annoying you the other nights that hero shovel knight has to face in his quest to stop an evil enchantress may seem intimidating sure but I think you're forgetting that shovel knight has a shovel everyone hit by one of those exactly what enemy you won't be worried about when you first see them however is the diminutive Tinker Knight an engineer and inventor who spends most with time tinkering as his name suggests but you'd be wrong to underestimate tinker Knight as pointed out by coming to sanity bandit who says no word on shovel knight specifically tinker knight's the opponent that goes from flaming screwdrivers and legitimately tripping in battle to being one of the most powerful and impervious bosses in the game as Santee points out the initial stage of your fight with Tinker Knight he's pretty unimpressive he spends the whole thing running around in circles and flinging wrenches at you that's when he isn't falling flat on his face he also appears to be either sweating heavily or crying honestly neither would surprise me anyway Tinka Knight is easily beatable in this form on account of your aforementioned shovel but once you do so the floor gives way you still down a hole and it turns out that Tinker Nights has been working on some inventions for exactly this kind of situation enter this giant mech with a huge lance spiked armor caterpillar treads have the ability to fire bombs and missiles seemingly indefinitely now I'm kind of regretting just bringing a shovel although the battle mech is totally impervious to your attacks Tinker Knight who is driving the thing is not now instead of dodging a series of hastily flung wrenches you have to dodge the barrages of military-grade ordnance being flung your way in order to actually get into a position where you can whack Tinka knight in the head with your shovel I don't know tink and I I feel like maybe you should have led with this instead of the wrench throwing and the crying just a suggestion for next time five square blocks smashed into rubble and at the center was me alive but changed the no one could have seen it was coming Congress from infamous to is an impressively capable video game protagonist despite looking like someone just hit all the default options in a WWE character creator this is gonna be a short-term visit man I'm just gonna get in I'm gonna get some new powers and then we're to come right back he's got electricity powers psychic visions can control the weather and house what is hands-down the most elaborate backpack I've ever seen took you a while to find me boy so you think it will take a lot for an enemy to worry Cole I mean who knows what he's got in that backpack could be a chainsaw or anything but don't let Cole's powers lull you into a false sense of security as noted by coming to Joshua Mormon some of Cole's enemies are more powerful than they first appear you'll really didn't put Joseph Bertrand from infamous 2 on here the Joseph Bertrand in question Joseph Bertrand the third is an old man with a suspiciously modern haircut who has seized control of the city of New Marais despite apparently not being able to sort his caller out properly no I think we're both demons our pride has turned us into monsters come on Joseph comet inside the jacket still Joseph has got an evil scheme and a terrible hairdo so Cole readies up the lightning powers to see if he can blow the rest of that hair off at which point you might want to reconsider your aggressive stance on account of how Joseph turns into this yes what was once a frail old dude is now a freaking Gears of War boss and I don't know about you but I left my hammer of dawn in my other messenger bag the fact that you have got to get on the back of your mates truck and hightail it in the opposite direction as fast as possible should give you some idea as to just how this boss fight goes you have to keep running away and hitting Bertrand from a distance because if you go toe-to-toe with this thing Cole's gonna be deader than well the infamous franchise just kidding I'm sure we'll see a sequel soon it's a little-known fact that things that look nice and normal but then turn out to be horrible monsters was the working title for Dark Souls in the end the choice of title came down to that Dark Souls and just view in big letters on the box anyway a good example of at least two of these potential titles is the character of sister Frieda who you'll encounter in the Dark Souls 3 ashes of aerion duel DLC as commenter Shawn Fisher notes sorry you can have to make a new list and include Black Flame Frida from Dark Souls 3 however sister Frieda doesn't look like she's gonna give you much trouble when you first encounter her in the painted world of ariamis she is an initially friendly npc who as far as we can tell just wants to be left alone and by duty lieth elsewhere returned from whence thou canst I presume it visible to thee the bonfire here in this room and despite leaving things alone being a perfectly sound strategy for staying alive in a Dark Souls game heading down to the church's basement reveals that Frida's got father re and all tied up down here and to put it mildly is up [Music] it's at this point that Frieda comes down into the basement only now she's got a scythe and seems a lot less friendly than she was a second ago sure her size does frost damage and she can turn invisible but at this point she's not too much of a hassle for you to deal with defeat her though and father Arianne bill who up until this point was just chilling at the back next to his blood bowl because absolutely berserk sets everything on fire and resurrects Frieda and now you have to fight both of them at the same time which is no fun whatsoever I mean apart from the fact that father airy and all still has his chair stuck to his butt that is pretty funny anyway finished this fight and surely you're done right wrong because guess who's back back again freed is back with black flames yes Freitas third and final form known as black flame Frieda is the toughest of all here she wields two sides one coated in black flame which makes it deal way more damage the other breathed in frost that causes heavy frostbite damage if it touches you she's also super fast and constantly doing massive area of effect attacks that hit super hard and are really hard to avoid still not sure they made the right choice of title [Music] or another example of a from software game with a misleading title look no further than sakir Oh shadows die twice totally inaccurate I've died hundreds of times and many of those deaths were at the hands of our next suggestion as offered by commenter Abraham Hasan who says the guardian ape in sukira threw me off guard I was all all right that was fairly annoying but then it just had to get back up and blindside me at first glance it might not seem like the Guardian 8 belongs here on account of how his first forum is actually already pretty damn terrifying he's huge fast and capable of absolutely wrecking you with big flailing swings of his arms that look like someone trying to quickly remove a jacket they've realized has a wasp in it you can also hit you with massive body splashes from miles away flings his poo and does huge area of effect farts all of which are good reasons to avoid hanging out with someone eventually though you're able to defeat the eight by decapitating with the sword that was stuck in his neck at this point you'd be forgiven for thinking that's the end of it on accounts for how the Apes head is no longer attached to his body the ape has other ideas though and gets back up arming itself with the sword that you just used the Decapitator in one hand and its own severed head in the other probably a bit late to apologize and try and smooth things over at this point anyway this second date form is a completely different beast moving differently attacking differently and armed with a host of new terrifying special moves including one particularly memorable one where it puts its head back on its neck hole so it can scream at you this scream can kill you instantly if you don't get out of the way in time hey at least he stopped farting every cloud and so you returned lovely Morrigan has at last found someone willing to dance to her - such an chanting music she plays wouldn't you say people who played Dragon Age Origins will surely remember Morrigan either for her incredible command of shape-shifting magic or her heavy sarcasm take your lectures elsewhere they mean nothing to me someone they may not remember is morrigan's mother flemeth someone who definitely does remember her however is common to myths and legends who says no flemeth from Dragon Age Origins she's a frail old crazy lady living in the woods and then some may a giant freaky dragon it's true first impressions of flemeth are that she's not physically super impressive on account of how she looks more likely to offer you hard candies run a hard time in a fist fight greetings mother I bring before you for Grey Wardens who I see them girl hmm much as I expected however Morrigan eventually asks you to kill flemeth to stop flemeth from taking over her daughter's body possibly to put her daughter in a more sensible top but there's really no way of knowing when her body becomes old and wizened she raises a daughter and when the time is right she takes her daughter's body for her own at this point you'll have two choices let flemeth faked her own death and leave or stand your ground and team up with three of your heavily per weapon friends to fight this frail unarmed old woman let us skip right to the ending Charlie do you slay the old wretches Morrigan bids or does the tale take a different turn you can probably guess where this one is going hey well you'd be right because if you choose the fight option flemeth uses her shape-shifting powers to turn into the giant freaky dragon that commenter myths and legends spoke of all I can say is I hope you like being on fire you don't it damages you badly you probably should have let her go in that case well if it isn't saucy jack just a little too late as usual the final boss battle in Metal Gear Rising revengeance is between ridin a cyborg ninja made out of swords and Colorado senator Steven Armstrong a tubby older gentle slip-on shoes who looks like he could be played by Kevin James in a movie adaptation and yet the fight is not as one-sided as it initially appears as pointed out by commented Bobby Bruton who says how about Senator Armstrong first you're like ah a pretty standard non cyborg American senator then his body starts crawling with nano machines and he kicks your cyborg booty right back up into your ribcage yes at first glance the Armstrong fight seems like it's going to be a pretty straightforward affair sure he's in the spider mech from wild wild west sorry Metal Gear excelsis but this is Metal Gear Rising revengeance ridin spend the entire game slicing things like this into tiny pieces like a chef's ship and adding some champignon x' he isn't gonna break a sweat and not just because all of his sweat glands have been replaced with throwing knives at this point you're probably imagining that the worst of the fight is over I mean what senator Armstrong gonna do now stop filibustering about how robot ninjas shouldn't kill senators oh you've gotta be kidding me or okay this is new probably pretty easy to get your spending bills through if you can do this yeah says what we pointed out turns out Armstrong has another trick up his sleeve the fact that he's enhanced himself with nano machines that harden in response to physical trauma making him basically invulnerable probably still worth checking though ridin maybe try punching him 1000 times no luck maybe try another thousand well I'm all out of ideas eventually you get an assist from a robot dog because this is Metal Gear Rising revengeance and stuff like that happens all the time and you're able to finally defeat Armstrong but it's a real slog and definitely much much harder than we were expecting when we first discovered the game's final boss was going to be a middle-aged American senator now the governor of Colorado is going to have to appoint an interim senator until the special election can be held to find arms from successor did you consider that at all Ryden no no no you save it for Colorado governor jared Polis that's his weekend plans out the window there we go those were yet more transforming bosses who made us regret our hubris in battle thanks for your suggestions and thanks for watching and if you'd like to watch something else from outside Xbox why not check out this video about the fighting game characters that was so weird or kooky or other way not really that popular they were never invited back to a second fighting game installment and maybe check this one out that's an extra this one is about or is it about it's about don't tell me it is about it'll come to me James I hear you laughing back there no it's about just click it and it's there's a thumbnail it's what it's about what the thumbnail says read it it's that's what aren't you intrigued watch that one
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,648,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, list, top 7, top 10, best, worst, funny, bosses, transforming, final form, change, resident evil 4, ramon salazar, tinker knight, shovel knight, joseph bertrand III, infamous 2, sister friede, dark souls 3, ashes of ariandel, dlc, father ariandel, blackflame, black, flame, guardian ape, sekiro, shadows die twice, ape, flemeth, dragon age origins, dragon, morrigan, senator armstrong, metal gear rising revengeance, raiden
Id: lu8rj9zcKYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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