7 Heartbreaking Boss Fights That Hit You Right in the Feels: Commenter Edition

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a while ago we looked at just some of the boss battles that made us feel guilty or cry openly because it's fine to express your emotions okay and express the buted as you all put loads of examples in the comments of videogame battles that made you feel super bad what is it with all of these games tugging on our heartstrings look we're sorry but we have to do this to complete the game so here are just some of your suggestions for the boss battles that punted you back right in your heart who we're major spoilers for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you look tired pocket not tired spider-man's enemies are almost as iconic and respected as the webslinger is himself Green Goblin electro venom Mysterio wait strike that last one but one Spidey nemesis stands taller than all the others and does so easily because he has telescopic limbs Otto Octavius better known by his alias Doctor Octopus often shortened to Doc Ock because presumably Otto only realized the name dr. octopus was totally ludicrous after he'd announced it to the world if only he hadn't already had the business cards printed as the head of the sinister six you might think that making calamari out of this deluded scientist at the climax of Marvel's spider-man would feel good I know your weaknesses but in fact the final confrontation comes with a whole luggage belts worth of emotional baggage as commented a zeroes recalls doc Ock's boss fights in spider-man ps4 broke my heart it's true and the reason this punch up is so sad is that in this game also is Peter Parker's friend and mentor with whom he is trying to revolutionize prosthetics to changing the world as the game progresses though Otto struggles both with a disease that will eventually leave him immobilized and a burning hatred for his old business partner Norman Osborn that leaves him desperate for the kind of revenge you can only get with for mind controlled robot tentacles evolutionary prosthesis yes but a nightmare on tiled floors consider rubber matting on the end of each claw doc no sadly Peter Parker's best efforts are for naught and Otto gives in to his thirst for revenge which means he must be shot with webs and punched hard with spider punches in an acrobatic showdown but one that still leaves Spidey some room to emotionally unburden himself it's a true testament to how powerful this battle is that it leaves you feeling emotionally drained even though it was against a man called dr. octopus [Music] I mean surely there's a better name out there here's all I'm saying professor cephalopod okay maybe dr. octopus is fine when there's a viral outbreak consuming your entire population and making them lose their minds it's important to get that it's on lockdown that's why I am still destroying fidget spinners even now but it can come at a price that price being your salty bitter tears as noted by commenter Patrick Randolph the hollow night from hollow night was a super sad boss he is in so much pain and suffering he attacks himself throughout the fight the eponymous hollow night was built to contain an infection from enemy the radiance and keeps the bugs of Halloween nests safe but as you play through the game as hero V Knight you discover that this plan isn't foolproof so you end up going into the black egg temple where hollow Knight is locked away in Chains and it's your job to take him down literally from the ceiling [Music] it seems like a fairly regular battle at first but as he gets weaker you see the hollow Knight start to slow his attacks and he starts to attack himself with his own nail the worst thing about this is you don't know if radiance possessed him is doing this to create more places for the infection to come out oh if it's the original hollow knight regaining some of his consciousness and trying to destroy himself after years of suffering either way it makes me feel bad you feel awful as you wail away at this poor creature that doesn't have full control over itself an innocent victim designed only to be locked away alone forever now caught in the crossfire between you and the source of the infection there are multiple ways for this fight to end depending on your playthrough but two of the most heartbreaking ones involve you destroying the hollow knight and absorbing the infection yourself before you hear its final scream you did it [Music] one kingdom hearts 2 final mix was an upgraded version of Kingdom Hearts 2 with additions like a new difficulty mode extra puzzles and a boss fight that will shatter your heart into a billion pieces and commented Olsen cherry is clearly still upset by this final addition saying Roxas and Kingdom Hearts two monsters that fight all my heart to a million pieces only a million pieces took it better than us then see Roxas a dual keyblade wildung badass was the character you started as in Kingdom Hearts 2 and immediately became your favorite but then he was quickly absorbed into main guy Sora because Roxas was Sora's nobody who is created when Sora got turned into a heartless in Kingdom Hearts 1 and if he didn't understand any of that don't worry I didn't either and I played both games there are like 12 games oh my god throughout the game Sora battles members of organization 13 a group looking to open the door to Kingdom Hearts and probably super into the matrix looking at their outfits so when you get to the world that never was in final mix and a black hooded figure with a keyblade cuts you off from your friends Donald and Goofy you assume it's just another body you need to bash with your Keyblade but suddenly you're in the stained glass window dream realm that represents Sora's heart and then the guy is dual wielding key blades just like Roxas and suddenly you realize that the music that's playing isn't the usual intense battle beats but a variation of Roxas is theme from the beginning of the game [Music] [Music] what follows is one of the toughest fights in the whole game which has made even tougher by the fact that it's very difficult to counter hits and dodge projectiles when you've got all these tears in your eyes because you're trying to beat up the guy you were playing as and fell in love with at the start of the game no need to beat yourself up about it after you beat him Roxas says a final tearful goodbye to his best friend and fellow nobody axel who by the way had just sacrificed himself to save Roxas then they both fade away as axel passes on and Roxas resigns himself to stay in Sora's heart indefinitely take care [Music] right back at you buddy [Music] look square enix I started playing these games to have fun with Disney characters and go on adventures not to cry my eyes out and have an existential crisis it says something about how sad undertale is that when last time we mentioned the utterly heartbreaking boss fights against the lovable sands lots of you pointed out that's not even the saddest boss fight in the game it's not even the saddest boss fight against a skeleton in the game at least not according to many of you who firmly believe the boss encounter most likely to leave you in floods of tears is the one against SAMHSA's brother a gangly and officious skeleton you meet in the icy region of Snowdon named papyrus [Music] [Applause] [Music] the virus might seem stuffy at first but it's hard not to fall in love with this skeletal goof who at first seems like your enemy but who you soon learn would rather be your bestie and indulge in bestfriend activities like competitive dating [Music] hard to hate a character who says Wow II in earnest and even harder to kill them as comment Akron oculus correctly notes why is it that everyone thinks for number one saddest boss fight in undertale is sans papyrus is truly the saddest because even when you are about to kill him he still believes in you killing papyrus is necessary though if you want to see everything undertale has to offer by completing what's known as a genocide run in which you kill everything that moves and papyrus moves alright he moves us to tears with his conduct in the fight against him because it's clear from the very start that he doesn't think you'll be wicked enough to do it true T is trusting nature papyrus won't attack you and as such is easily killed with just one attack because bless him he was never very strong but his final words are what hurt the most on the edge of oblivion he still thinks you have it in you to be better and now I'm crying over a pixelated skeleton named papyrus thanks undertale what kind of name is that all sans for that matter did you all know this it's normal for siblings to fight it's just not usually with lightning but that's what goes on in one of gaming's most famously tragic boss showdowns as commenter new-age bound hippy remembers how the hell do you do a list of heartbreaking boss fights without mentioning masked man in mother 3 mother 3 which has never been released outside of Japan but has been translated into English by enthusiastic fans tells the complex story of Lucas Lucas is a young boy who sets out to save the world with his friends and thwart the ambitions of the mysterious masked man who looks a little bit like Luke Skywalker when he's just about to hop into an x-wing you know let's just pretend it is Luke Skywalker it would make this a lot less harrowing because in the course of your final battle against the market man it's revealed that he is none other than your twin brother Klaus turned into a slavish machine by the real villain of this piece the final clash against your brother is interspersed with flashbacks to your shared childhood [Music] before it turns out that cloud can't bear to fight his own brother so he sends a bolt of lightning straight at the badge you're wearing that reflects fatally back on him Klaus dies in the arms of the brother he was fighting just a moment ago lost forever but refined in his humanity at the last so he's actually a lot more like Darth Vader wait there's a fan theory in this to be corpses philosophical fighting adventure near automata is a game you must play multiple times for no other purpose we assume than to making cry multiple times this is because there are a lot of heart-wrenching fights in this game however one particularly guilt-ridden boss fight is suggested by commenter dogs rule NWO 8 who wrote the opera singer from Nier automata Beauvoir literally makes me sad every time I fight her fat and the awesome soundtrack Beauvoir also known as simone after french philosopher Simone de Beauvoir is an opera singing nightmare machine hidden away in an abandoned building of an amusement park decorating herself with dead androids and using them to try and blast you to smithereens she's initially not someone you have much sympathy for as she tries to murder you with the metal xenomorph hidden under her skirt well that's my nightmare for the next 10 years however her screams of Rage challenge the machines don't have feelings mantra of the yo ha Androids you players and upon defeating her an image flashes up suggesting that there's more to her story than weird metal skirt aliens when you return a second time playing as 9s you uncover more with his hacking skills showing a sad tale of a robot that desperately wanted to be loved by a machine figure in a top hat but as you hack even more you find out her efforts seem to be ignored which is incredible seeing how extreme they were upon defeating her a second time you're treated to even more of her sad backstory in her final moments as the words are slowly revealed you see the story of a machine who completely lost herself chasing the affections of a machine that didn't even acknowledge her back each poor Simone and it's made even worse when you talk with the tophat guy named Jean Paul after philosopher jean-paul sartre Simone's lifelong partner IRL and find out he's an insufferable philosophy snob who treats everyone who likes him like garbage [Music] I can't believe he Descartes people's feelings like that it seems that he's learned Foucault from his experience I'm sorry philosophy Jase Durham Yolo greetings one danique I am Paarthurnax who are you what brings you to maestro MA my mountain it's hard to trust dragons even when they seem friendly what you think the luckdragon never burned a village to the ground come on so when you manage to make a genuine dragon friend in the Elder Scrolls Skyrim that partnership is to be treasured especially in the game where dragons mostly seem to strongly dislike you and we mean strongly unlike his scaly brethren though Paarthurnax is a pretty chill dragon who mostly enjoys meditating atop the mountain where he lives and teaching you to breathe fire which come on puts him in pretty strong contention for best friend ever as it says on the reclaimed wood sign hanging on my wall friends don't let friends not be taught how to breathe fire by those friends it's a big sign all things considered then you'd be hard-pressed to find a reason to enter a boss battle with Paarthurnax and yet fighting you must if you want to stay best friends with the blades a tiny gang of dragon hunters who demand you slay Paarthurnax for atrocities against humans he allegedly committed back in the days when dragons were in charge when he was working for the biggest baddest dragon Alduin together we're going to stop these dragons if we have to put every last one of them back in the ground as commenter Sam silver notes Paarthurnax the big friendly guy just meditates and goes about his life he even helps you to banish Alduin across time because he knows it's for the greater good he doesn't deserve the fate that befall him the fate that befall him is of course you betraying him and fighting him to the death all to satisfy the blades and their unbending hatred of all dragons little wonder that Skyrim's modding community has gone to extreme lengths to alter the game so that Paarthurnax can be spared after all putting the blades firmly in their place still they were wrong on this occasion but generally don't trust dragons why do you think Puff the Magic Dragon this by the sea he drowns people so those are just some of your suggestions for the boss battles that make you breach think box of tissues stop because that would be like crying a lot and really hard yeah everyone do it it's only natural it's fine mm-hmm anyway if you want something a little bit more upbeat and talking your beats there's their bosses you'd like to sing they they're good they're good and then also there's some funny glitches and stuff that made it into actual video games as features over on outside Xbox and if you should ring the bell and subscribe here and yeah yeah thumbs up [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,806,858
Rating: 4.8262601 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, Jane douglas, outsidexbox, outside xbox, Doc oc fight, Otto Octavius, Marvel's Spider-Man, Spider-Man PS4, Hollow Knight, Roxas, Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Final Mix, Papyrus Undertale, Undertale, Claus, Mother 3, Beauvoir, Simone, Nier Automata, jean paul, Paarthurnax, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, skyrim, the elder scrolls, sad boss fights, sad boss battles, heartbreaking boss battles, heartbreaking boss fights
Id: Uychp4y_93Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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