7 Times You Got Mocked for Trying, So Never Try Again

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games are all about overcoming challenges like can you beat your time on this course can you get through this level unnoticed can you die in dark souls without bursting into tears this time and we trust that games in return for our efforts will reward us appropriately perhaps with cool items and achievement or even just a pat on the back to say you did it buddy but very occasionally this sacred pact will be broken and you'll find a game outright mocking you for putting in the hours hey I worked hard to complete this game why is Jeff Goldblum now on a beach picking on me these are the times that games made fun of us are even trying now we know it's not to try for we're minor spoilers for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what kind of game would you make out of Jurassic Park sequel movie The Lost world I know I know a role in tempo dating Simba forget it he's married to the hunt anyway perhaps not high on your wish list would be a side-scrolling adventure in which you play as five different characters two of which are boring humans and three of which are actual dinosaurs in a platformer game that ditches the plot of the movie entirely in favor of leaping around as Compsognathus and what we have to assume is a scientifically accurate portrayal of what t-rex got up to swallowing Raptors whole and platforming over sulfurous puddles to be fair that's all I do if I was t-rex so upon release the game was criticized for its high difficulty but nevertheless if you were truly committed to seeing everything the game had to offer you could attempt to play through in which you picked up every single collectible DNA token finding all these bonuses was no mean feat especially in a game with no save functions instead offering struggling players only occasional passwords to rescue their progress but if you battle through who boy was it worth it a rhetorical question of course because the answer is no because I finished the game getting every piece of Dino DNA and your reward in Stegosaurus sized air quotes was a bonus cutscene in which actor Jeff Goldblum reprising his role as dr. Ian Malcolm offers his personal congratulations and by personal congratulations we mean Trice's hardest not to actually burst out laughing that you spent so long completing this game well you are something thank you thank you for for sticking with it for not giving up that is really something now you know what you should do turn the thing off for heaven's sakes and go outside you know breathe the air take a walk call a member of the opposite sex you know what I'm talking about you know you have a whole life life out there get the stink blown off here just just go go really turn off just adding get the stink blown off you to the list of things you never want to hear your on-screen idles say about you it's not normal for a Zelda game to poke fun at you it's far more usual for them to say terrify you yeah that's what's normal under this very specific set of circumstances but 2017 s breath of the wild doesn't play by many of the Zelda rules established over the decades hence you get a link who climbs jumps and isn't limited to the same old set of green hero's clothes for better or worse you also get a game that rewards your hard work with poop C scattered throughout breadth of the wilds vast vast open world are concealed crocks cheerful forest creatures that hide behind simple puzzles and love to say twee hee upon being discovered Couric's will give you a cork seed which can be traded for increased inventory space when brought to us to a giant giggling turnip brought to life for most players this will be enough but for the truly devoted there's always the option of going out and finding all 900 cork seeds expect to devote dozens if not hundreds of hours to the search for all 900 seeds which is by far the most challenging trial in a game already packed with side quests and bonus goodies to hunt down [Music] but if you stick with it and can stop yourself from crushing your controller in anger every time a karach chips up with it's infuriating giggle there it is you will eventually collect all 900 seats at which point you can trade them to test you for your big reward which is yes friend that's a golden turd it doesn't do anything but the in-game description confirms it smells pretty bad thanks breath of the wild way to repay my loyalty in an interview with game sight IGN breath of the world's director explained this a differ was included because they thought it would be funny confirming that the core exceeds you'd been collecting all along were also khorog poop to be fair it is pretty funny in fact I feel like doodling tweeting hee [Music] if the king of all cosmos asks you to do something it's probably best to toe the line less Steve don't teleport your butt to another universe or something and in 2005 s wheel of Katamari for the PlayStation 2 the King absolutely loves giving orders but mostly those involving rolling around a katamari a sort of sticky ball to collect objects of increasing size this after all is the point as the katamari games and as you play through this one you'll no doubt be thrilled to just do whatever it takes to please a charismatic and popular leader like the king hey anything for you your highness who kind of looks familiar here wait a minute cool upon completing the game however the King presents you with one more challenge roll around in a series of randomized stages and collect a million roses players will quickly realize that in a few hours it's only possible to get a few thousand roses so getting a million would genuinely take months but come on this is the king can't let him down let's do this guy's to make the ludicrous task more manageable some players tried using desk vans or elastic bands stretched across the Playstations analog sticks to automate the rolling process other strategies include focusing on certain stages that offer denser rows clusters and I guess having a lot of fun stamina and if you do collect your 1 million roses what's the King's first reaction to your show of devotion anyway then the King throws your ball of roses into space [Applause] [Music] and your reward is some roses on the homescreen oh and now the loading icon' is a rose also so who cares what you say King it was all worth it oh how can I get some ice for this ha it all started so simply I had just finished my usual morning routine of nude FUNKER sighs fired up the Barcalounger grabbed a quick bite to eat and prepared to wash some serious - there are only three 90s gaming mascots whose opinion of me I respect Mario Sonic of course and cool spots because he's cool so the last thing you're ready for is to have your personal life choices taken apart by gex the mouthy gecko who got sucked into his TV in 1994 jump-starting a series of platforming adventures [Applause] if you wanted you could complete gex the regular way beating every level and then the final boss but for the truly bold the game concealed an extra hidden ordeal that is to say besides listening to gets repeat the same handful of wry pop-culture witticisms time and time again hey where's James under every single level concealed a tricky bonus stage that if completed perfectly owned do a piece of the Planet X remote no simple task but get all the pieces and you could play this extra hidden stage comprising eight levels complete all of these and by this point you'll definitely be ready for a a lie down and be a hearty well done from the game to acknowledge your patience and skill so let's see the hidden credits that await yeah we're the greatest right on ah well thanks that's very kind Cheers sounding a little sarcastic now to be honest hey I have a life I have a strong drive to complete tasks assigned to me some would consider that a very positive quality I dispute that well has you have a heat allergy so you know what gex you haven't earned this you're not cool spot what do MMORPGs and fishing have in common neither is ever the best use of anyone's time nevertheless when now-defunct online game Final Fantasy 11 offered up a rich world to explore millions of players were only too happy to jump right in especially when it transpired the game would offer up plenty of waterside opportunities the in-game fishing a pastime the series has been and remains weirdly obsessed with [Music] pretty sure that squealing guitar would scare away any fish thought it's worth in final fantasy xi some prime fishing was to be found in the port area of the kingdom of San Doria in this stony waterside region to NPCs Gally Jo and rule a would each challenge you to help them gather a whopping 10,000 carp a process exactly as time consuming as it sounds and for which your reward was a fishing rod and mockery in the form of this testimonial found in your inventory this certifies that you have gathered no less than 10,000 cup please spend your time in a manner more beneficial to society your achievement is noteworthy for its utter lack of meaning with heartfelt disapproval Gally Jo Andrew Leigh Wow why does hurt so much [Music] who doesn't love it when a game rewards you with clothes it's good practice for a real life where you work all month to get those sweet new socks wait there's no one else get paid in socks there's one title however that takes unlockable clothing too far and uses this most hallowed of gaming traditions to make fun of the player and that game is grand theft auto vice city despite hailing from all the way back in 2002 Vice City which saw you tearing around Miami is protagonist tommy vercetti is a pretty huge game with a ton of stuff in it and if he wanted the bragging rights are saying you'd completed it entirely that meant doing every story mission side mission find a hundred hidden packages ramp off a bunch of jumps be a firefighter buy every safe house robbed all 15 stores you get it the standard 100% completion package this was needless to say an even bigger undertaking than the undertaking required to give all of tommy vercetti him a proper funeral upon finally hitting that 100% score players were informed that ammo was now unlimited their vehicle health was doubled and that new clothes had been delivered to their estate interesting what clothing reward could adequately reflect the amount of time put into the game let's find out [Music] I completed my city and all I got was this lousy t-shirt well joke's on you game because I actually love it [Music] fate handed me amazing powers and I made a promise to use those powers to help people with great power comes great responsibility no matter how much I might wish things were different there's only one Spider Man in the world of nerd fandom two fictional characters stand especially tall spider-man because he too is an outsider grappling with his sense of identity in a complex world and ash from Evil Dead because he has a chainsaw for an arm so imagine our pure-hearted delight upon discovering that bruce campbell the actor who portrayed ash had once again lent his talents to a spider-man game and not just any spider-man game 2004 spider-man 2 up until recently considered the best spider-man game ever made Bruce could be heard delivering handy hints to play as whenever they stepped onto one of the game's several hundred hint markers offering up tips that ranged from the genuinely helpful between swinging zipping while sprinting and poor swinging you should be able to stay off the ground and travel stylish Lee all over the city to the downright bizarre okay here's a little piece of advice hi oh hang on I need to get that hello oh hey baby well no I haven't forgotten no listen baby it's not like that mm-hmm look I'll have to get back to you later this might be a lot weird but hey the more Bruce the better right which is exactly why one hint marker in particular was so intriguing after you find every hint marker in the game they'll all reset only this time they'll all say something different seriously this was all it took for many players to take on the challenge and hunt down all 213 hint markers scattered around the games version of New York in order to hear the different things Bruce would say even though to be taking this on you were likely so far through the game or even well beyond finishing it that you no longer had any need of Bruce's gameplay hints dodging is really important it's helpful against thugs especially the ones with guns nevertheless for those driven by a thirst for completion and Allah of mr. Campbell's honey smooth vocals this arduous task could eventually be completed at which point incredibly the game delivered on its promise because now when you visited a hint marker Bruce said something different mmm yeah well I'm ready to play something different how about that something different so those were the times that video games mocked you for even trying you did all the things that you thought you supposed to do and then they were like ah were you thinking yeah and you're like can you think of any other examples that put them down in the comments below and then we can offer you as well for being subjects or these mean mean games but also you got to the end of this video as well thinking maybe we can trick you into watching some more videos for us up hit scam downs they were super stress on down here over and outside xbox our cheat codes that change your life forever on don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell button
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,421,120
Rating: 4.8947515 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, mocked for trying, never try again, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, The lost world, Jeff Goldblum, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, korok seeds, korok poop, hestu, We Love Katamari, roses, katamari roses, gex, Final Fantasy 11, final fantasy fishing, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, gta vice city, vice city, lousy tshirt, 100%, Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man 2 something different, something different, bruce campbell something different
Id: usQAnr6f7cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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