7 Genius Ways Games Justified Videogame Mechanics

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as in most of his videogames are there's always something to remind you that you're playing a video game out of place puzzle and obtrusive heads-up display or someone saying something really appalling about your mother on voice chat look I'm busy I'm introducing the video also no she didn't but there are some games that try to preserve the illusion for as long as possible introducing in universe explanations for common game mechanics thereby trying to preserve the fourth wall against the immersion breaking sledgehammers of game systems for as long as possible here are seven x games did just that enjoy and beware spoilers for the following right now that's over listen here you my mother is a an upstanding member of the community she does a lot of charity she's a a former educator which is really important because you're really shaping the future of our our children you know I think that deserves a bit of respect from you xx Snipes elites 12x eggs oh sure what our country I'm working on a project photography yeah I guess there of course Red Dead Redemption 2 is a beautiful game for sure with a whole world of natural splendor for you to enjoy it's always someone who ruins it thanks a lot pony soprano and such it's natural that you'd want to photo mode so that you can capture some of the breathtaking vistas you come across or maybe just to take pictures of Lenny to show people if you ever lose track of him in a bar again most games would just add a photo mode and be done with it but this is bred dead redemption to a game in which we remind you your horses testicles will react realistically to the weather they're gonna go the extra mile even if that extra mile means that your character a rough-and-tumble outlaw who spends most of his time sleeping outdoors being shot at or falling into rivers is always carrying a primitive 1890s Kodak with him that requires being set up on a flimsy telescopic tripod if you want to take a selfie don't get me wrong it makes for some lovely pictures but I think collectively we're capable of these suspension of disbelief required for a standalone photo mode without having to imagine Arthur leaving to box up his camera and send it off to the codec company by Pony Express every 100 photos to have it developed as people used to have to do in the 1890s steel it does make for some fun photo ops right Micah oh that one's a keeper who builds this [ __ ] the Resident Evil series is almost as well known for bizarre home security choices as it is for zombies there's the Spencer mansion from the original game with its age-based stained glass window slash colored spotlight lock system the Raccoon City Police Department with its various statue puzzles and the door in a house in code Veronica that required you to play a creepy music box to open it [Music] all of which seem like they would be pretty annoying in your actual home where you live and just want to go to the bathroom without having to solve a sliding tile puzzle to unlock the door or your place of business where you have to let visitors know that to get into your office they'll need to collect four elemental crests and put them in the right order or else have flames through our trap might go off which if we're honest it's probably going to lose you this woman's account which Ruth in sales would just love wouldn't your roofs but hey it is a video game and we've made our peace with the endearingly baroque security solutions in resident evil nevertheless the makers of Resident Evil took it upon themselves to deliver an in world explanation for this stuff in Resident Evil 7 in which you find yourself exploring the Baker family residence a dilapidated yet grand plantation house in Louisiana this particular dilapidated four house contains lots that are controlled by you manipulating objects to cast shadows of certain shapes something which I'm pretty sure a doesn't exist and B never would because it's stupid rather than leave this all unexplained and mysterious Capcom decided to explain why the house was so weird and full of puzzles this took the form of an invoice for building work that you find in the Attic later in the game the invoice is for the shadow puzzle locks in question and it turns out that the architectural firm behind them is Trevor and Chamberlain construction this tells us that the shadow locks were built by the same people who built the Spencer mansion from the original Resident Evil game and that the Baker family need to file their financial records more securely there's a little bit of this in the Resident Evil 2 remake as well with the chess piece puzzles in the sewer be explained away as a quirky eccentricity of a construction company that is absolutely obsessed with chess so there you have it all those weird locks and doors are just the result of deeply deeply strange construction companies that keep getting lucrative high-profile work for some reason I feel like now I understand less about Resident Evil and Construction Companies and chess miss Monroe we have isolated your team members life signs they appear to be trapped in the tertiary power modulation chamber rescue them at any cost tersh earring what in first-person shooter games one of the things we've all collectively agreed to turn a blind eye to is how your character is able to carry pistols shotguns rifles rocket launchers and chainsaws all at the same time without it slowing them down ruining the line of their cool armor or requiring a separate shopping trolley to keep them in some FPS is have decided this is a bit much and limit you to a realistic amount of weapons at any one time like the Call of Duty series one game however decided that it wanted you to have loads of weapons at once and for there to be a semi plausible in-universe explanation for how that was possible no matter how convoluted luckily that game was a Star Trek game and if there's one thing Star Trek knows it's semi plausible in universe explanations for things no matter how convoluted the game in question is Star Trek Voyager Elite Force Elite Force is a sci-fi shooter in which you play as a Starfleet and some battling borg klingons and other alien races using weapons such as an arc welder a personal photon torpedo launcher and the classic Star Trek phaser rather than have you lug all this around on your person however looking like some kind of one-man band made of guns instead of musical instruments the game offered up a sci-fi explanation as to where your weapons were when you weren't using them according to the game your character has something called a quote transporter pattern buffer this keeps all of your gear in a suspended transporter beam like the ones used to beam characters on and off ships in the various TV shows as such whenever you switch weapons was actually happening is that the weapon you're currently using gets beamed back into the pattern buffer and the one you want to use gets beamed into your hands you can even hear a brief snippet of transporter noise whenever you switch weapons just to underline what's going on so elite force is harnessing the awesome power of the Heisenberg compensator to do a matter energy conversion on your guns well it was that tall the shopping trolley and where are you gonna get one of those in space exactly me be careful come on I always am aah I did not see that contrary to what videogames would have you believe getting shot isn't the sort of thing you can just shrug off if you go and crouch behind a wall for 10 seconds it's one of the most common sights in gaming however you're entirely human non-superpowered hero taking shots like a groom at a bachelor party and being totally fine seconds later probably unlike a groom at a bachelor party obviously this is necessary because big actually shooting games where you die after being hit by a single bullet would be how do you say terrible and short so in most games just accepted as a part of being a shooter and move on usually sideways while firing two assault rifles at the same time not the Uncharted series however which decided that its wisecracking hero Nathan Drake was a human being dammit and would react to being shot like a human being by dying see according to a developer on the series when Nathan Drake is being shot at he never actually takes bullet damage the red damage indicator that starts creeping onto the screen really represents Nate's luck running out so that he never actually gets hit by any bullets until the one that kills him which is pretty damn lucky probably the universe balancing out the fact that 70 to 80 percent of the objects he touches immediately fall apart I'm lucky train seat you just got Nathan Drake I chose the impossible I chose [Music] one of the hardest illnesses to get better from is being dead very low recovery rate and yet it happens all the time in video games you die and then respawn close to where you left off with a full complement of health ready to okay probably die again if we're being honest but it's an accepted part of gaming that respawning exists because otherwise you die once and then the game would be over forever which I mean no one tell the Dark Souls developers it will give them ideas one game which wanted a little more context for its respawns however was Bioshock which introduced the world to the concept of vitae Jambres these art-deco phone booths actors resurrection points so if you die in combat you'll pop out back at full health and with a little Eve boost and the most recent vitae chamber you passed in the fiction of the game vitae chambers were developed by Ryan industries and use plasmids reconstructed within a quantum field entanglement to bring people back to life hey Star Trek listen up this is good stuff that being said even though there were fighter trimmers all over the place in rapture the only people they're designed to work for is Andrew Ryan or someone with similar DNA to Andrew Ryan aka you which is a super dick move when you think about it but then I mean so is building a huge Objectivist city full of super-powered drug addicts at the bottom of the ocean so it's on brand later on you introduce Andrew Ryan to the business end of a 9-iron and ironically he doesn't immediately pop out of the nearest fighter chamber this is because he deliberately deactivated it because he was trying to make a point about free will or golf I wasn't really listening [Music] they certainly helped us out a lot thanks ma'am you might say he's feeling below par I told you I wasn't listening 9s the commanders put me in charge of your maintenance ma'am that means I'll be performing regular checks on you from now on I see oh don't worry we 9s models are the best around you now though I suppose we're not exactly known for our modesty a heads-up display or HUD is the information on screen that tells him everything you need to know when playing a game like how much ammo you have left or when you have a skill point you need to spend I'll do it in a minute most of the time this is just displayed as an overlay on the screen but there have been games that tried to do something more immersive with their HUDs such as guns with digital ammo indicators or weird tattoos on your chest that show you how much health you have left heavier than a third less common that one when it comes to explanations for why you have a bunch of useful info on your screen however 20 17s Nier automata really goes the extra mile by having it all linked to a series of chips installed in your Android player characters robot brain taking a look through the plug-in chip system menu reveals that pretty much every element of your heads-up display is governed by a chip from showing enemy health bars to displaying the mini-map to displaying how much health you have left - even showing you where you can save your game it's all there because of a specific chip plugged into your androids motherboard and you can plug in or remove chips to customize this set up however you want just don't try taking out the one label though s believe us it does not stand for original soundtrack follow me and do so without hesitation show this full night what it is to have no fear go to God games that are told in flashback present a unique problem for the developers of that game how do you explain it when a character who is clearly still alive dies because of the idiot playing them aka us most games either ignore this problem entirely or add in a bit of hand-waving dialogue where the character telling the story says something like oh wait it didn't happen like that so the game can continue wait wait wait that's not how it happened now where was I not the Assassin's Creed series however which applies the same amount of scientific rigor and accuracy to this problem as it does to the rest of its story which is to say not much but it sounds good in the Assassin's Creed series you're not actually playing as the assassin on the box rather you are playing as one of their ancestors or sometimes a white-collar office employee who is reliving that Assassin's memories using a machine known as an animus as such when the simulation aka the game you're playing says that legendary pirate and assassin ancestor Edward Kenway started off the Crowsnest and was eaten by a shark before he could father any children the memory sequence your plane will desynchronize because of course that's not what actually happened similarly if Renaissance playboy assassin Ezio Auditore da Firenze er just start stabbing people in the street at random the simulation will also D synchronize because no he didn't do that either when you think about it this is a genius way of keeping players on the straight and narrow that makes total sense can't be bothered to skin the animals you kill Connor definitely would have so ready up the desync trying to sail out of bounds Edward never went there so here comes the D train also I guess I'll tell you never went in water it's genetic memories woo oh hey is that a piece of Eden those were the things that probably games didn't really need to explain but I'm gonna explain a little thing about YouTube to you if you enjoyed this video it's super helps us out if you watch some more so up here we have a video from us about the most extra uses of magic and video games down here we've got a video from Isis to channel outside extra about super annoying enemies that we will curse with our last breath but you subscribe if you enjoy this we'll see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,701,488
Rating: 4.8937678 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, countdown, list, top 7, top 10, 10 things, 5 things, 7 best, best, worst, star trek voyager elite force, uncharted, nier automata, nier automata HUD, nier automata removing OS, resident evil 7, resident evil 7 shadow locks, bioshock, bioshock vita chambers, assassin's creed desynchronisation, red dead redemption 2, red dead redemption 2 photo mode, red dead redemption 2 camera, funny, funny moments
Id: _romeQ1px-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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