7 Starter Weapons That Were the Best Weapon in the Game: Commenter Edition

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not so long ago we revealed the starting weapons that turned out to be the best weapon you could get in the game but then you the commenters like neo preparing for a jaunt into the matrix summoned up rows upon rows of deadly weaponry all of which you can get the start of a game and all of which will comfortably see you through to the end credits here then are your picks of starter weapons they're the best weapons in the game but we're spoilers for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in 2003 action game Jedi Academy you play as a young Jedi so talented you've been able to craft your own lightsaber with no training a feat only achievable by truly prodigious force users or anyone at Disneyland with $200 with lightsaber crafting in your backstory it's not surprising that your Jedi Academy adventure begins with a glowing Star Wars beam sword in your inventory and it's not likely to ever be replaced as commenter bulla samu recalls best starting weapon the lightsaber in Jedi Academy if I remember correctly you can choose two extra weapons other than your lightsaber at the start of every mission but you will never use them it's true that's hilariously Jedi Academy does offer you a choice of blaster weapons to breakout mid-mission as if that's something anyone wants to do having had the legendary and iconic lightsaber pressed into their sweaty palms at the start of the game because only with the lightsaber can you truly unlock the potential of a force user with incredible abilities like boomeranging your lightsaber into any chump in your path deflecting blaster fire doodling on walls when you're ready gene go through that door slow-mo annihilating citiots crushing yourself to death by accident great let's go okay these aren't the most responsible uses for a laser sword but when a game has lightsaber combat as satisfying and well regarded as Jedi academies the last thing you'll want to do is play responsibly or switch weapons ever even if your allies probably wish you would come on friends let's duel [Music] [Applause] [Music] this kick-ass starting weapon is your constant companion throughout the game until that is your lightsaber is destroyed and you are forced to get to grips with the game's range of projectile weapons hull just kidding you make a new lightsaber and it can be like Darth Maul's on one hand it's a shame that none of the other varied and interesting blaster weapons ever really gets a look-in but on the other this may be the closest you'll ever get to living the Star Wars Jedi fantasy and who among us hasn't seen the movies and dreamed of doing something like this all this okay maybe that's enough lightsabers for today [Applause] Bioshock is a game that explores themes of Randy and objectivism which is a philosophical theory presumably centered around braining people with a wrench because that certainly seems to be mostly what's happening here great now I don't have to read Atlas Shrugged that wrench is the first weapon you find in Bioshock as you stumble blindly into the Art Deco city of Rapture and undersea utopia which doesn't look at all like it did in the brochures the wrench however very much works as advertised especially when combined with electro bolt the first DNA altering plasmid power you unlock in the game or as common test island gaming puts it the wrench and lightning power from Bioshock zapman Wacom is a tactic I used throughout the entire game and it was so hilariously effective every time that it never really got as boring as I was expecting it would zapper man Wacom or as Bioshock also calls it the one-two punch involves stunning an enemy with a blast of electricity before doming them with the wrench it consumes no ammo it's elegant and really doesn't get any less fun more to the point however in a game bristling with different guns the wrench packs the highest damage per second of any weapon you can find providing you power up your one-two punch with certain physical and combat tonics so not only is the wrench fun to use this starting weapon is objectively the strongest weapon in the game wait is that what objectivism means wait now we get it the wrench must symbolize the government's bludgeoning attacks on free enterprise while this splices blood represents the ambition of the scientist now set free from the skull of petty morality man this game is so smart Dark Souls as a series isn't known for doing its play as many favors unless you count the loading times after you die being generally quite reasonable but you can give yourself an edge in the game by choosing one starting weapon in particular as a great great many of you pointed out in the comments of our last video night of intrigue summed up the general sentiment when they said Dark Souls 3 cell soared twin blades in four playthroughs never failed me once the cell sought twin blades are as the name suggests paired scimitar z' and can be yours before you've even spied your first enemy if you choose the mercenary class when creating your character these blades which can be wielded single or double handed turn you into a veritable whirlwind of pain with a notoriously high damage output that makes them a frequent weapon of choice among speedrunners who need absolutely everything in front of them to die fast [Applause] with two blades equipped it's not possible to block incoming attacks but that really isn't much of a problem if the enemy in your sights barely has time to raise its eyebrows and alarm before you've spiralized its health down to zero the ludicrous damage output of these swords which grows even greater through the game as you level them up means they'll even make quick work of bosses unless the boss were to do something totally unreasonable like turn into a dinosaur but what are the chances of that Dark Souls after seeing how immensely strong the twin blades are you might be resenting haven't chosen a different starting weapon for your own Dark Souls 3 playthrough perhaps like me you chose the night class and have regrets but never fear the twin blades can actually also be found relatively early in the game not just as a starting weapon and getting them is simplicity itself just follow along with me ok right first head to an area called undead settlement by passing through this door oh hang on what's this now okay so first kill this boss you just need to stay behind him again if you do that it's easy oh ok so go through the door and you're gonna want to raise your banner what yes oh go get the banner raise it run through the undead settlement to the road of sacrifices now here's a little tip you could actually run past most of the enemies it's much faster and you okay so just run to this castle and here's the twin blades now once you got him it's worth sticking around to kill this Black Knight why because he has a chance to drop a rare armor set that oh ok so you got the twin blades now I recommend equipping them two-handed to begin with because the moveset is who hurt you Dark Souls to make you this way we'll have to find a balloon halo combat Evolved drops you into the middle of an interplanetary war with all the exotic alien enemies vehicles and weaponry that entails so it's weird that the very first gun you're given is the only one you will ever need to use as common to Bruce maximum can attest I recommend the m60 Magnum from halo combat Evolved that pistol could take down hunters grunts elites light aircraft tanks honestly with enough ammo I think we could have drilled through the ring anyone who's played a first-person shooter or two you will know that the pistol is often only useful as a backup weapon to be used in extreme circumstances by which we mean when you've run out of ammo they're good guns and so you could easily assume that halos m60 Magnum is similarly not worth your time but pass over this starter weapon at your peril because it's absolutely bloody lethal the Magnum despite its diminutive appearance and lack of glowing alien bits is very powerful ferociously accurate and best of all comes with a powerful zoom meaning you can bull's-eye covenant troops before you're even a bright green blip on their alien radar capable of bringing down heavy enemies or even vehicles with just a few well-placed shots the alarmingly powerful Magnum will carry you through the game admirably despite looking like a puny discount squirt gun in Master Chief's oversized hands although truly a spectacular starting weapon there are a couple of downsides to the Magnum one it's such a ludicrously clinical killing machine that you might start to feel bad about how easily you're laying waste to these hordes of alien grunts and - although the Magnum has a generous ammo capacity stranded as you are in an alien landscape there's a chance you'll run out of ammunition for human weapons I mean unless well sorry soldiers this space war is all about sacrifice oh hey look there was aa way right here about that [Music] in 1999 shooter Syphon Filter you play as hero gabriel logan a man not afraid to charge headfirst into danger or plate glass windows as a special agent recruited by the US government to stop international terrorist Eric Romo you can imagine that Logan has plenty of weaponry at his disposal but you'll only need one weapon the Taser which can be found in your inventory at the start of the first mission copy I'm on my way you might assume the Taser is a boring weapon compared to all the guns Logan has to play with and it is boring specifically it's boring a probe one inch deep into a victim's body before transferring half a million volts along a wire but these details aren't what made this starting weapon beloved by Syphon Filter fans rather it's the weapons other attributes that commenter cute bunny ears recalls it automatically hit and if you held the button down for longer than really necessary the target would burst into flames where it really excelled is that the devs forgot to limit the range so rooftop snipers were easy prey for an infinite ammo infinite range 1 hit kill taser oh how I miss it indeed lock on with the Taser and Syphon Filter let you launch that electrified probe into your enemies from all the way across the level at which point it was up to you whether to hold down the button long enough to deliver a fatal electric shock or long enough to deliver a fatal electric shock and then caused your victims body to burst into flames I [Music] mean which would you choose while undoubtedly hilarious using the Taser on every enemy and you will use it on every enemy does slightly undermine Gabriel's heroic credentials unless you like your heroes to look on creepily while their enemies have roasted from the inside out like a barbecue chef waiting for the exact right moment to pull a burger off the grill wait for it wait for it okay now he should be good to eat the Taser never runs out of ammo and makes clearing out large numbers of enemies even distant or high up ones a total breeze and ten we say it looks pretty cool to boot check this out over the shoulder trick shot the only thing to be careful of is that you don't stand too close to your burning victims and catch fire yourself although I mean that's just karma really isn't it goldeneye double-oh-seven is an n64 spy thriller in which super agent James Bond has to stop Boromir from living in a satellite dish or at least that's what we think the story was because who wants to follow the plot when blasting through waves of baddies feels this satisfying in one of the most famous first-person shooters ever there are plenty of memorable weapons but none is so useful as the one you start the game with as common term ochita notes the pp7 silenced pistol from Goldeneye double-oh-seven should be on this list headshots are plenty the pistol is arguably the best weapon in the game for three reasons first it has incredible range and accuracy able to bull's-eye a single pixel if your aim is careful second being silenced the pistol is useful for stealth which isn't a concern the first time you play Goldeneye and don't have to do much more than kill everything that moves but becomes vital on harder difficulties when you actually have objectives to complete and would rather guards didn't freak out and set off alarms and thirdly the pistol is iconic being the gun James Bond has in a lot of the cutscenes and a bear in mind this was 1997 so we use the term cutscene loosely throughout the game there are plenty of more powerful weapons that Bond can get his rectangular mitts on but none that offers the precision or sneakiness of the silenced pp7 RCP 90s and assault rifles are all very well until you accidentally spray so many bullets into a situation that you end up blowing up some mission-critical equipment whoops oh no Jack Wade sorry who's Jack Wade again I've really haven't been paying attention here's your grappling hook to get inside the base take that gun out Just Cause 2 is a game that escalates quickly because the first few minutes are a not very exciting plot setup about Rico Rodriguez tracking down a potential rogue agent on the dictator led island of Pinal that really is only interesting if you imagine that when they say Sheldon they're talking about young Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory spin-off Sheldon was trying to figure out his agenda when he disappeared so what he's gone dark before not like this worst-case scenario he's gone rogue so what's in it for him I don't know Rico but if he has turned you got to take him out that's a bitter pill okay Sheldon taught me everything I know but then moments later you are instructed in the use of your first weapon the grappling hook and everything changes has come into Simon Briggs notes does the grappling hook in the gist course series counts I mean that thing is over half the fun of wrecking stuff and smiting baddies the grappling hook now a staple of the discourse series but introduced in Just Cause 2 attaches you to things or things to you or things to things and by things we usually mean people do I though highly versatile the grappling hook is often far deadlier than any gun and always more hilarious you're the boss [Music] although Rico is armed to the teeth with c4 grenades and automatic weaponry it's the grappling hook that is undoubtedly the best and most memorable offensive tool in the game there's just something about this sort of thing that's well hard to forget we're not being deployed for life-ending purposes the grappling hook is a traversal tools letting you move quickly around the island of Pinal and ensuring that no mountain valley or blimp is ever outside your grasp [Music] but it's the deadlier applications that have made the grappling-hook famous here for instance we could probably shoot the tires out of these enemy vehicles or something but come on there must be a better way about you but if I was in that last car this is the point where I hit the brakes no bazinga as rogue agent young Sheldon would undoubtedly say so those were some of your suggestions for the best starter weapons that you can get in videogames can you think of any more seriously there's loads of them let us know in the comments below and if you enjoyed this maybe give us a thumbs up and hey maybe you can subscribe and hit that Bell button to be notified of future videos and we do loads of live streams and loads of Chatty videos more list videos over here and on outside Xbox you should give those a watch because you know we like to talk about video games and hopefully you like listening to us talk about video games so yeah that'd be cool all right teeth why
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,478,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, starter weapons, dark souls 3, ds3, gameplay
Id: Tnz9m0WEiCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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