7 Hilariously Simple Ways You Skipped a Whole Level

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[Music] some games feature exploits or secret shortcuts that let you skip past a whole level thing is this usually requires skill and timing like how you can skip straight to the fight with bowser from the start of super mario 64 if you know to just infinity backwards long jump after glitching through the wall at exactly this spot hmm the speedrun folks made this look a lot easier but occasionally it's possible to skip a whole level boss fight or entire stretch of a video game with almost no effort exploiting a level skip so hilariously straightforward we can't help but chortle thinking about all the difficult bits of the game we just bypassed in mere seconds stopwatch is at the ready for some of the easiest funniest ways you ever skipped a whole level the wear spoilers for the following [Music] oh my life is relentlessly unpleasant for physicist gordon freeman who probably thought he would be spending his late twenties running experiments and peer reviewing papers not shotgunning intradimensional beings in the face and being murdered by automated defense turrets the half-life stage we've got hostiles is typical of the violent nonsense gordon must endure so he'd be delighted to learn there's a simple way of bypassing the whole sorry chapter in about 20 seconds the secret lies with this scientist who you'll encounter right at the start of the level demonstrating how the keen academic mind confronts a crisis that scientist wants the silo door behind him opened and no wonder because it leads to the next level as you'd expect though opening that door is no easy task ordinarily requiring you to venture deeper and deeper into black mesa confronting any number of horrors until eventually you are spat out on the other side of the glass and can open the silo yourself their idea ordinarily that is instead why not run right up to that panicky scientist and spam the interact button which makes him follow you magically forgetting how terrified he is lead him to the security door and cheers mate though if you had access to this room why will the panic in the first place you know what doesn't matter the main thing is now you can hit the silo door button that should be inaccessible until the end of the level and stroll to the next chapter blast pit hilariously simple better yet having spared the scientist you can bring him along with you fulfilling his dream of making it past the silo doors at last dreams can come true good afternoon sir can i help you the name's bond james bond ah mr bond we have a safety deposit box waiting for you the world is not enough lets you imagine your james bond suave british super spy or at least get as close to that as possible bearing in mind this game was on the nintendo 64. so everyone has lumpy faces and bon's smooth moves mostly involves sprinting around with his fist held out electrocuting people the game's opening level sees bond sent to a bank in spain to meet a swiss banker and at first offers very simple objectives start by getting some equipment including an appointment card for that meeting from a safety deposit box and avoid civilian casualties easy enough especially when the box is right by the start of the level of course having picked up your equipment you are immediately given a new objective then more and more as the level unfolds into typical bond fare that is to say cracking safes destroying files and shooting an unconscionable number of people in the process i mean if you have a license to kill you're just wasting it otherwise unless of course you exploit a trick at the start that skips this level entirely because if you deliberately set off the convenient alarm right next to the safety deposit box the game assumes the whole mission is a bust so when you pick up your equipment from the box the game never gives you your next objective which means you can waltz right up the bank the way you came in and the poor confused game has no option but to declare this a victory seeing as you didn't hurt any civilians and you did collect your equipment from the safety deposit box which technically at this point were your only tasks [Music] i mean presumably em is going to tear us a new one in the debrief but hey maybe write more specific objectives next time m also you never specified an upper limit on the number of times a guard can be watched tasered i mean if you got a license to taser you're just wasting it otherwise [Music] doom 64 like so many games in the venerable doom series is a non-stop heart-pounding onslaught of demonic carnage where almost every second is spent violently dispatching hordes of demons with the only respite coming when you occasionally die and even then the makers of the game mock you with sarcastic messages on the game over screen hahaha yourself i'm about to skip a whole level in your game this via an exploit in the penultimate level of doom 64 called no escape usually this grueling stage involves a typical gory sprint through a series of tunnels and open areas fighting demons and searching through rooms for switches with enough effort and blood spilt you'll ultimately find a switch that opens a cage back at the very start of the area but as if that wasn't enough this cage contains a hulking great cyber demon who having burst out will fight you to the death very possibly your death if you can beat it in mortal kombat however victory is finally yours because the level ends when that cyber demon [Music] dies now maybe we just have slaughter fatigue but that sounds like a lot of effort so alternatively walk right up that end of level cage right when you start the level and find the tiny gap between the bars through which that final cyber demon can be seen and wouldn't you know it our shotgun fits right through the gap from this sneaky angle you can blast away at that final cyberdemon at your leisure with no chance of it being able to hit you back seems a bit cruel but hey it's a demon he gets it we've no idea whether the makers of the game were aware this was possible maybe it's a deliberate treat to reward curious players or maybe they were so busy thinking of side splitting burns for the game over screens they forgot to bulletproof the cage doors properly well who's laughing now we are because remember the hahaha thing from before [Music] maniac mansion is one of those vintage adventure games that strictly adheres to what experts call point-and-click logic this is a lot like regular logic except for instance if you wanted to open a garage door instead of using a key the solution would be to click use on a hunk-o-matic exercise station to get strong enough to force it open how's he lifting that with his arms by his side hang on not sure i want to know so the very last thing you'd expect is for maniac mansion to all of a sudden adhere to any kind of real world logic and yet it not only does that it does so in a way that lets you skip a huge chunk of complicated point-to-click chicanery the proper way into dr fred's basement lab is to use paint remover on a paint blotch to reveal a hidden attic find the broken wires repair the wires with tools from the trunk of the car in the garage you access with strong arms after having another character turn off the circuit breakers then with the wires fixed dr fred will play an arcade machine and the high score he gets well that's the code [Music] or i mean walk straight to the door and try code zero zero zero zero that's right until dr fred plays on that arcade cabinet the code is just four zeros doubtless the default code that the manufacturer left it set to when the door installation team put the dang thing in [Music] seems lazy but maybe after also installing the hunco matic they were just keen to get the hell out [Music] [Music] back in the olden days of video games boss fights used to be scarier and this despite the fact that those bosses tended to look like they were drawn in hammer beads [Music] why because this was the era of having finite lives which meant if a boss killed you it made it massively less likely you'd successfully finish the game as such if there was a way to weasel out of a boss battle my god you would take it double dragon on the nes provided one such golden opportunity at the end of the second stage a slog through what looks to be a construction yard maybe a factory i don't know it's hard to tell when you're focused on not getting a cardboard box thrown in your face ah the corner got me in the eye at the end of this gauntlet and upper series of ladders is chin a purple head martial artist who'll have your health bar in half if you don't have your wits about you one option to defeat chin is to get really good at double dragon but a more realistic and hilariously simple way is this as soon as he appears backtrack down the ladders until he's pulled off screen at which point the poor nes with the object permanence of a newborn presumably can't hold chin in its minuscule memory because it deletes him and you win the mission all right this trick doesn't skip a whole level exactly but it does get you past a dangerous opponent in approximately two seconds and without having to punch or kick even once unless you count punching the air in glee irl when chin gets vaporized by the console itself [Music] maybe learn to climb a ladder next time chin how long have you been stuck up there dark souls is a game that isn't known for making things easy for its players as the chosen undead you must reach the two bells of awakening and to get to the first bell requires you fighting your way through the beautifully named undead berg this hellish area has you wade through a bunch of the undead before you come up against the taurus demon aka a very angry minotaur and if that wasn't stressful enough you then have to get past this massive dragon who wants to set you and everything within 30 miles of you on fire so imagine how mad you'd be if you found out you could have skipped all that and even more undead burg horrors just by selecting the right freebie item in the character creator very i'm guessing very to drastically reduce the number of bosses you need to fight you can start the game with the master key which opens up any doors you find with a simple lock to do this you either play as a thief or select the key as your bonus starting gift it's that simple oh okay you look real angry now the master key opens up a shortcut right underneath the first bit of lordran you come to firelink shrine [Music] head down some stairs down a lift and open this gate and hey presto a direct and enemy free route to the tunnels of blighttown an area you wouldn't otherwise get to until much later from here you've got routes to both bells of awakening giving you the option to skip not only the undead berg but two other key dropping bosses too there's the capra demon in the lower undead berg who was found in a really tiny room with a really big sword and two very angry dogs [Music] and the uh gaping dragon a boss in the depths with more teeth in its torso than there are bricks in the great wall of china the master key opens up tons of workarounds that make your journey through dark souls a lot quicker and again i stress all you need to do to unlock these workarounds is press down on the d-pad six times and here you are in blighttown only 10 minutes after you began the game hooray hmm i'm starting to see what the whole first bit of the game was for [Music] sonic the hedgehog aims to do only one thing go fast and stop dr robotnik which is one thing if you do it fast enough which sonic does so you might say sonic is in fact duty-bound to take the fast way out of any level he comes up against and that in fact it would be a total abandonment of his principles to do otherwise and if you agree we've done enough to center this next level skip as a morally righteous act then we can continue this infamous shortcut allows sonic to bypass not just any level but the final level in the game and arguably the toughest the savagery that is scrap brain zone act 3. in this miserable labyrinth players will encounter laser fire enemies leaping out of the floor and the thing any sonic player fears above all else the drowning music [Music] so the smart thing is to skip all that unpleasantness by sprinting off from the start of the level fast enough to drop under this bridge before it finishes moving [Music] congrats you are now right by the end of a level you would have had to take a lengthy circuitous route to finish with perhaps less than a minute's worth of patient platforming standing between you and the final boss of the game the irony is that the only way you could miss this shortcut is if you weren't constantly making sonic travel as fast as possible so while you slo-mos in the slow lane of picking your way through act 3 like slow babies we're already done and ready to serve final boss dr robotnik with sonic's own brand of fast justice [Music] okay game over but um at least we got there fast so those are some hilariously simple ways you skipped a whole chunk of a video game can you think of any other examples do let us know in the comments below and thank you for not skipping any of this video and getting all the way here you are amazing why not give yourselves a thumbs up down below yeah that's honestly you not us honest um and maybe hit subscribe if you haven't already that'd be cool because we do we do other videos like we do load smallest videos like this and like fun quizzes and crafting and we do uh dungeons and dragons and blades in the dark and look i'm just excited please thank you for watching and we'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,230,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, outside xbox, outsidexbox, jane douglas, andy farrant, mike channell, cheat, glitch, level skips, skip, funny, hilarious, n64, half life, gameplay, james bond, the world is not enough, doom, doom 64, maniac mansion, double dragon, dark souls, ds1, dark souls master key, master key, dark souls location, location, blighttown, firelink shrine, bonfire, capra demon, boss, gaping dragon, sonic the hedgehog, sonic 1, scrap brain zone
Id: _VRfC_VM1Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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