Let's Speedrun Mario Party 9 (All Minigames)

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today we're speedr running every mini game in Mario Party 9 now our speedruns going to start with the very first mini game buddy bounce and for this one what we're trying to do is bounce off the cpu's heads that way we can get higher balloons like the 10 one it's very important to get as many of those as possible I'm trying to get on Luigi's head right here finally got him and that's going to give me tons of points because the other point values are just going to be 1 and three so pretty much anytime there is a 10 we're going to want to go for it and yeah it's not the hardest mini game you just have to deal with these CPUs try their best just moving back back and forth sometimes it's a little annoying but we got 80 points right there so pretty good start and of course for this speedrun we can't only complete each Min game we do have to get first so that's going to be our first first place next up we have the log mini game for this one this little guy is going to take out a log and we have to hit it first before anyone else does sometimes he can also take out a bomb so we have to be careful about that then we can duck and you'll see that everybody else didn't duck so I just get a free log to myself then we're going to all be here for the very last one for the speedrun I want to get all three right away which is going to be perfect and yeah none of these other guys even stood a chance right here and now we have our very first RNG Min game which is going to be pinball fall and I mean it's not completely RNG but basically what you have to do is choose which pinball you think is going to make it to the end first I usually choose this one all the way to the right as long as there's nothing too bad in its way and yeah we're just hoping that people like Yoshi get stuck right there thank you very much dude and we can just barely Dodge that H ourselves we will get another one but but it's not too hard to get out of it all you have to do is shake your wi mode a little bit and finally we'll make it over to the end so yeah another first place we just have to wait for second and third and Peach will just be off the podium crying don't worry Peach you're all going to have a chance to be sad now on to launch break this is a pretty simple mini game where all we have to do is Mash buttons as fast as possible it is a little bit weird when you're doing it on the Wii remote just because the buttons are definitely not the best I guess it's better than doing it on like a switch joy-con finally on this last one I'm just shaking my we remote back and forth to get as much fuel into my rocket ship as possible and then we get a nice little break where we get to see who wins because yeah we're all blasting off to outer space right now and whoever did the worst bashing you'll see that they're going to get way less distance so I am very much in the lead right now and we'll hopefully be able to keep that up Peach is doing a much better job this time than she did last Min game finally for this last one this was the shaking part and we can see that they are running out of fuel hopefully they aren't just you know trapped in outer space for the rest of their lives but that's also not my problem because hey I'm going to take my win so Goomba Village time and this one is a little scary because what you have to do is count how many glomas go into each one of these houses but you can't really count five different houses at the same time so what I'm doing is pretty much just keeping my eye out for the ones that I think have the most Goombas and just hoping that we'll keep getting more going to a specific house like right now one house I'm noticing is the pink one that got tons of glomas so I'm going to take it before anyone else can but sometimes these games can be very close so we have to hope that I did not mess that up and yeah we just get to watch as the Goombas keep hopping out it will finally start slowing down and we'll see that Yoshi got fourth peach got third the blue one was after me and I just have to beat Luigi and perfect that's what I wanted to see and we actually had a good amount of more Goombas than Luigi so I will take that feels good because that is a pretty stressful mini game to get through now on to skipping class and I actually love this mini game because all we have to do is press the right buttons in order that is going to be down down too and then Mario just did a backflip while he's jump roping this man is like the most Nimble man in existence I guess to be fair everybody's doing these tricks and they're all really impressive tricks you have to think this is while you're jump ring I don't even know if this is like physically possible could somebody do this stuff in real life I kind of hope not because that's terrifying but we are getting way ahead of all the competition and we just have to get a couple more I will do that Mario dabs as he throws his jump rope up he's just completely destroying the competition we'll finish it out with one more of those and yeah we obviously annihilated everybody else now it's time for sky jins for this Min game you have three different lives so if we do fall off it's not the biggest deal in the world and probably some of the CPUs are going to fall off but I usually don't and it's always going to be exactly the same thing like the path you take doesn't actually switch up so as long as I'm taking a pretty good path I'm not too worried we already see that peach is just gone little embarrassing not going to lie me and Luigi are staying alive for the most part Yoshi goes away Luigi will you be able to make it to the end I really hope so for his sake I mean it would be kind of embarrassing if your brother just completely destroyed you but all right at least he got second place you know he can appreciate that he tried Peach and Yoshi though that just wasn't good now we're on to chain event where what we have to do is Dodge these spiky balls but you don't Dodge them by just pressing like the d-pad or anything like that what you have to do is actually shake the Wii remote back and forth to dodge and go to the other side so it's kind of annoying this was definitely one of the eras where Nintendo just added in a ton of motion controls to things that didn't really need motion controls I mean it is the Wii so what else can you say Wii though amazing console one of my favorite consoles of all time to be fair but anyways once I do get my first place all the rest of these guys are just going to get perfect at this mini game maybe they're throwing to make me feel better about myself which hey I appreciate they're going to stop throwing soon though because some of these mini games are bad next one though we have P pool and I enjoy this one I always like seeing a pi because I did grow up with Super Mario Sunshine we have to hope that we're able to grab the golden hula hoop for the first one peach was right by there so I just took a pink one but for that second one we were actually able to get the gold which is going to give you more points and yeah this is a minute long mini game so Luigi I did not want you there and Yoshi also takes one as well okay this is not the greatest looking thing in the world not a great start and then Peach gets another golden one just completely lucky yeah I'm a little bit behind Peach but as long as we can get this one thank you now do not go to the pink one peach just keep messing up I really would appreciate it Luigi pushed me over there thank you very much we're back ahead yeah that almost went extremely badly but thankfully the pan is actually putting it in a spot that I want so we will grab that peach almost grabs one as well but I'm just not going to let her we're going to completely destroy her and yeah that could have went a lot worse next up onto speeding bullets this is one where again we do have to use motion controls where I really would have just preferred using the d-pad to be completely honest it probably would have felt a lot better especially because the motion controls in the Wii days were not nearly as good as the ones in the switch days still we're able to keep some pretty good speed I'm just trying to maintain that red bar so we can play pretty perfectly we have to dodge all these piranha plants that are coming through and oh we almost did the perfect run I mean we still will take it it's not going to cause us to lose or anything but you know actually one thing that was great during the Wii days using the wi wheel for Mario Kart I used to think it would make me a better driver you know when I actually started driving I don't think it did it might have made me worse but you know we don't have to talk about that so on to another completely luck based mini game this is going to be Mecha choice now what I want to do is get it down to just me and one other CPU so I'm going to try to go with Luigi it looks like we didn't but we will see that both Luigi and Peach are going to get destroyed so that's pretty good for the first time and there's no real way to tell where you're supposed to go I was trying to go in the same door as Yoshi right there but he just switches it up on me last second so that's not fun but if I do tie with Yoshi it still will count as a first place so I'm trying to do that but he really doesn't want to you are terrifying me dude okay Yoshi just hear me out we both go to the same door you're going to one nope you're going to two I saw you I'm not letting you get away from me and there we go perfect that's actually preferred too that we both die because then it's going to take less time and we both get a first place now on to jigsa Jumble and for this one what I'm going to do is pretty much just guess what pieces they are I don't really want to pay attention to what they actually are and you know take that time to figure it out that sounds like it would use way too much brain power so I just pick up random pieces move them over towards the puzzle and I mean it sometimes works out it did not work out for that one but we only have one more and that was actually my first try so perfect in only 20 seconds and then we just have to wait for Luigi and Yoshi to finish as well and pretty good time now we're on to growing up pretty much all this is is press the right button so we see it's the d-pad right there and we just have to press it which is going to grow our Vine now you do want to be the first person to press each button so that's not the hardest thing in the world to be completely honest with you but yeah I'm just paying attention so we can make sure we get that that's going to be an aess Peach and Luigi also get it Yoshi is doing a terrible job right now honestly kind of embarrassing I hope he's able to hit at least one of these Yoshi please have you ever played a mini game before Yoshi I believe in you just press the B button there you go we're all proud of you buddy I mean took him a while but he did it at one point so that's got to count for something and got two in a row okay maybe this is the Yoshi comeback I'm just saying got a third time in a row he's definitely going to compete with everybody else because now at the end we get to watch everybody climb up and yeah Yoshi a little too little too late finishing out with a very large vine you don't even see anybody else at this point now we have upward mobility and this is just a good feeling mini game because at the end of the day it's just platforming all you have to do is platform from one of these to the next you just have to keep pressing the two button that way you get a super jump and yeah it's a pretty easy string of jumps you have to do like it's really not that bad so I'm just going to keep this up trying to time my current record even though it doesn't actually have like a time record which would have been nice but I guess once you do it perfectly the first time you can't really speed it up in anyway either way there's Yoshi and Luigi as well Yoshi finally trying to make up for how bad of a performance he had in the last Min game now we got some ring leader where we're all riding Dolphins so I mean that's a pretty fun time and all you have to do is jump up and grab the different rings I'm just going at a slightly different time as everybody else but I mean also at the same time I'm actually grabbing the Rings while they're not doing the best job in the world but then you also sometimes have to sink down by pressing the A or B button I forget which one cuz I just hold both of them and then what you can do is get a super jump which gives you a lot more points you usually because that's usually where the yellow rings are going to be and we should be about done with this super jump then a super jump into a red ring as well and finally finish out with one more Super Jump getting all the yellow rings and a perfect score of 40 and Yoshi's really starting to come back you know I got to appreciate it he had the worst performance I've ever seen but now he's bringing it back hopefully he won't keep that going here in Smash compactor though cuz this is actually a pretty difficult mini game I mean it's not the most difficult it's more like if you just make a small AK things can go very wrong get out of here Yoshi as I go and get in there Yoshi and Luigi are trying to fight each other but unfortunately Yoshi goes and dies and yeah that is just so sad he turns into paper and flies away but I mean he's not dead so he's got that going for him I will let Luigi go down that one hit Peach out of the way I don't care if you're the princess and that is another one done which means it's just me and Luigi so with this guy I got to make sure he's not in my way and yeah that's all right there are going to be some mini games that you do lose all right try number two it's me and Luigi again this time Luigi just lets me have it maybe he felt bad right there he was nowhere near that light but you know what I appreciate it bro and yeah another one for us now on to Peak Precision another one of my favorite mini games where all we have to do is press the correct buttons and it does get a little bit confusing every now and then like how they're switching up the ones in twos and all that but I'm usually pretty good at this mini game and I actually beat my old record so that's pretty cool then we just just have to wait for Peach and Yoshi to finish as well Luigi's just going to be stuck there on that mountain for the rest of his life kind of a sad existence but all right now it is time for 10 to win and I hate this Min game because not only is it completely luck based but it's also very long so first of all it's going to choose who it wants to go first which is going to choose Yoshi and now Yoshi can choose which card he wants to pick and we will see that that's o plus two I'll take that not the worst thing in the world and that's going to move us all up we each have to make it to 10 and the first one who makes it to 10 is going to win but there we go I actually got an insane run right there with plus three I will take that we're now winning by a good amount but I have to wait a while until I can go again so now we can see Luigi he's going to pick you plus two all right Luigi I didn't want you to get that one but I guess that's fine I'm still winning then Princess Peach is also going to get a u plus two this is not the greatest stuff in the world and when it's Yoshi's time he actually gives us Rivals plus two thank you so much Yoshi you are the most generous person in the world so what I need right now is a u plus 3 but I get a Rivals plus two yeah that was probably the worst thing I could have gotten right there and will Luigi take home the win that's the one I needed so yeah we have to restart and this mini game can sometimes take a bit a couple more tries later and we have the most interesting board right now it really just comes down to what is left which I'm not exactly sure about there's going to be an all plus two first of all which is going to get us very close and it all comes down to what this last card is which is going to be Rivals plus three thank you very much Peach I really appreciate that so I'm going to share the win but I'm going to take it literally everybody except for peach wins that one that's a bit sad now for this next mini game we are basically just going to be tugging plants so what I'm doing is just shaking my R remote back and forth while pressing the A and B buttons and that pretty much just gives you tons of whatever type of play this is and yeah we even beat our old record and completely destroyed the competition kind of embarrassing how little vegetables they have in their basket not going to lie then we have card smarts and this is an interesting one because what we want to do is each round we want to have the highest value cards so for the first round I pretty much always go for five that way if anyone else does a five we will both share in the win like I did with Yoshi right there Then for this next one we have to decide if we want to do a high number or a low number I went with four unfortunately Peach does win but I still do have a four then for this third round I'm going to go for a two right here which is actually going to win it for me and at this point we just got to pretty much go for the win which I am going to use another four and get the first place now we just have to wait for everybody else to win and see how they're going to do Luigi gets his win right there he does still have a five which means he does have the advantage uses a two right there which might have been pretty smart could Luigi possibly beat both Peach and Yoshi he uses the four right there absolutely genius move and Luigi is able to get the second place that was kind of crazy he was down by far compared to both Peach and Yoshi but he was able to take home the silver now on the twist ending basically you can only move the lock in One Direction and if we go past it then we have to go all the way back through so I am going to be pretty careful with this we have to move it over to the right again I slow down once we get to the final little bit that's going to be the second chest done and then finally for the gold chest it has a lot more of these spots we want to SL slow down right at the end and I somehow accidentally made a mistake which could cost me with Yoshi but there we go and I was able to take him the win that was a little too close for comfort but you know it worked out and we can just watch while both Yoshi and Luigi are able to get their second and third places now on the tumble Temple this one can be kind of annoying sometimes because these balls can go in very random places based off what they hit so I'm just kind of sticking to one corner hopefully staying pretty far back and we just got to hope that somebody else gets hit before I did how did nobody get hit there and oops you know attempt number two is still pretty good and this time hopefully somebody gets out before me that was the cleanest Dodge of my life there's going to be this big one it's going straight towards me somehow Peach goes into it there's going to be that big one which takes out both Luigi and Yoshi I will take that win kind of scary but that miname pretty much always is going to be now on to Goomba bowling and I'm going to be honest it's been a while since I practiced this one so my hope is is that I can see what other people do first and then I'm just able to copy what they did or improve on it so first we have Peach who's going to move it a little to the right and has absolutely the worst throw I think I've ever seen in my life that was a little embarrassing phach 5 hopefully after saying that I can actually do better but now we have Yoshi who does maybe even a worse throw no I think that was more than five six seven all right good job man then for me what I want to do is kind of give it a bit of an angle and we're going to wait this out a little bit cuz I do want make sure I get a good score and Luigi could still come home with an amazing score not the greatest Goomba bowling I've ever done in my life I'm not going to lie but it's still 12 so it all comes down to if Luigi is going to actually try here he what Luigi all right that was that was crazy and we'll take home the win obviously not a very greatl looking win but it was a win so we're on to Polar extreme and for this one we just don't want to go into the ice water because if we do go in there it's an insta death you don't multiple lives so I'm going to stay pretty far up and hopefully these guys will die there goes Yoshi we just have Luigi with me and I'm just going to try my best to stay up as far as possible and we see that Luigi dies now at this point I probably could just go into the water and still get a first place but I want to make sure so we're actually just going to make it to the ship it's not that much F farther away and we see okay yeah I should have just died after Luigi did that would have saved a little bit of time but I'll still take the first better save than sorry now on to Toad and go seek for this one we get to see Toad and and he's going to go in a certain place I can see by the map he's over towards the top of the map and he's in a pink house by a green one so right away I'm just going to go upwards I see a pink house by a green one and I'm pretty sure that's actually exactly the house so we're going to knock in there right there and see yeah that's toad so pretty easy stuff Peach is going to take second place Luigi sees Peach right after and Yoshi's like hey what about me I also want to get in there and he's never invited again I guess to our party unlucky man which leads us to manner of escape and in this one only one of these doors is going to lead you downwards so we basically have to pay attention to our surroundings see what doors other people are entering and choose the one that's actually going to lead us down so I saw that that one was right there then we're going to go to the right right away see that that's actually the perfect door I don't know why Yoshi didn't come in after me but I'm not going to complain and we will check a couple of doors I'll go into this one next which we will then be able to process of elimination that and go right to the last door making it out first and after you do make it they just right away know where to go which is always kind of funny just watching them play perfectly after not playing perfectly for so long so next up is player conveyor now for this one what you want to do is check both the pipes so we will check this pipe first see where it leads us and with that one we can actually see that that was the correct pipe and make it over there way before anyone else one of the pipes is always going to be the right way to go Yoshi almost got it right there but just completely left that was kind of weird okay he figured it out eventually and Peach looks like she did as well sorry Luigi but you're going to have to stay there forever now got pretty lucky with that one I appreciate that next up is ballistic Beach for this one we have to hit these Balloons by moving this up and also to the side we get our first one right away now I'm going to do a couple of shots just to see if we're in the right area and after that it only took us three shots pretty perfect round then we'll just wait for everybody else to hit their balloons as well and that's another one done but oh no now now it is time for bumper bubbles I do not like this mini game and that's because what we have to do is grab as many of these balloons as possible and then not hit the spikes at all because if you hit one of the spikes you don't just lose some of your balloons you lose every single last one of them so the CPUs have very much a reason to try to hit me into the spikes and I just have to make sure that doesn't happen because now I'm back to zero and this is also a minute long mini game so it lasts a really long time things can change up extremely fast right now my strategy is is just to hope that I can get Luigi into one of these spiky balls we're trying to get him over there but Yoshi is able to steal from me I'm in a pretty good spot with Yoshi though I just have to make sure I don't hit anything and I still do need a couple of balloons I'm just trying my best to stay away and yeah we can maybe get this to work if we can kill Yoshi somehow but that's not going to happen we're going to have to start over with how many mini games we have to play for this speedrun it's just kind of inevitable that some aren't going to be first try but this time around I'm in a pretty good good spot Peach just got destroyed and I'm just going to stay up near the up left and then we're going to move over to the right hopefully Dodge Yoshi that was absolutely terrifying they are gunning for me right now Yoshi knows that's his only way to win and it looks like I am alone in this area so we should be good to finish this out Peach was coming for me but we did take home the win now we're on to flinger painting and for this one we want to cover as much of this canvas with our blue paint as possible so what I like to do for this one is is basically just do these big charge shots because usually that does a lot better than just like spamming shots and right at the end I'm going to hold one last charge shot and try to do it as soon as the timer is out that way we get a lot of paint right at the end since I took over 50% there is zero way for anyone else to win pretty close and who is getting second place though so we're on to bomb barge and this one is actually pretty scary because these bombs are going to explode and try to knock you into this poison water why are we playing this by poison I don't really know but yeah it's kind of scary I'm just going to try to kick away the bombs before they deal with me I'm not going to worry about kicking these into Peach just cuz it's usually not worth it and she's going to get taken care of by yourself anyways which leads us to don't look as you can see there are going to be multiple arrows on the screen and we just have to make sure we don't look in the direction of one of the arrows this one pretty easy Yoshi what what are all of you doing guys do you know the name of the game come on okay that was a little embarrassing for everybody else but this time just don't look down guys just don't there you go Luigi you know you're a little smart next up it gives us two places I will look up right here again Luigi's doing well peach is also doing pretty well Yoshi I don't know what's wrong with you you are having some really good games lately but it's not going well for you anymore and for this next one we can look up Yoshi come on get a single win I'm rooting for you then for this one it's still only two arrows Yoshi you look down let's go all right that's basically as good as a win you got to admit and then for this one I okay well embarrassing you know it is kind of hard all right especially as this gets faster but I am going to look up I did that very last second because these arrows they're just confusing to deal with sometimes and yeah oops that's another loss I mean it's not really a loss because we're going to win at the end anyways and I will just look up I was kind of just spamming look up because I already knew even if I lost that round we'd still beat Luigi got to love seeing the two brothers at the top of the leaderboard on to snow go this is another one where we have to use motion control and basically just try to get on that boost pad you can see that Luigi was taking a while to try to get on that boost pad and now he's directly in front of me Luigi come on man you're not supposed to do that but anyways it's not the hardest thing in the world as long as the CPUs aren't getting in your way we just have to follow the same general path and I say that this has definitely not been my best time doing this by far but we still will take home the first place now on to piranha patch there are going to be these flowers that appear and they can either be flowers that we want to pick pick up or piranha plants that will make you lose points so you kind of want to be a little careful about making sure you don't go into one right away and also once we get to around 15 seconds there is going to be a golden flower that always shows up inside this grass area and there will be a couple more someone else was able to take that one but I do have most of the points even if they are able to get a few of these golden flowers I still have 18 so we can take it home then on to plunder ground so we have multiple chests and there are going to be some Monty moles that come out and then Star Bits that go into the chest that the Monty moles are holding so basically what you want to do is just pay attention to one of the chests it doesn't really matter paying attention to all of them especially playing against these CPUs because as long as I'm spamming the two button I'll be able to pick it up first that is going to be the first round but for round two it's going to get a bit harder because there are only going to be two of these guys but again I'm just going to pay attention to pretty much just one of them and hopefully be able to keep track of where he is again it's going to be in this top area everybody else can take their chest and we'll see that we again got some Star Bits And then for the final round there's going to be two chests that get Star Bits but one of them gets a lot more Star Bits than the other one so we want to pay attention to the one that got all the Star Bits they are going very fast at this point but we will be able to see that it's over to the left and yeah even though Yoshi did get some we got twice the amount next up is earn it and this one is actually pretty stressful so we're going to see this NN and we have to make sure that we select the correct pattern I was able to see that there were triangles on it so we were able to pick the middle one and since we picked it first we're going to get 30 points then it's going to go right into round two for this one we can see that it's the one on the right because it has like those diamond shapes and we will see that we got that correct everybody else is also going to pick it but again we're going to get 30 points and then for the final round since I won the previous two rounds I'm going to be pretty careful about this one I think it is going to be yeah it's the middle one I should have know that one a little bit sooner but even so we still are able to take home the win just as we did the other two rounds so well little bit close for comfort with how close Yoshi was getting but I'll still take it and now onto the swamp room for this one we just have to dodge the THS now there are going to be these CPUs that kind of try to push you into the THS at least sometimes but I'm just going to pay attention to myself we'll see that guy we'll move Luigi out of the way keep paying attention make sure we don't jump because I don't want to be closer to the THS and there goes two of the people and then Luigi just runs into him directly not the greatest move in the world bro but you know I'm not going to complain so on to pit or platter for this one we just want to keep this ball on our plate and then get it to go towards the light if you're making sure it's always on the plate you're going to keep getting five points and if it gets off the plate you go back down to one so more than anything I'm just focusing on keeping this right up at the top and it's really hard especially with the Wii motion controls it's very easy to lose control of how your ball is going but I'm just going to make sure that we are good maybe I can beat my record and we tied it I'll take it I very much could have beat that one but played a little too badly next up is ballistics for this one we're going to have bullet bills coming at all of us and somehow they both got taken out Luigi I would appreciate if you did as well thank you a 6sec mini game we love to see those but okay now it is time for another completely RNG level peer pressure for this one it's going to be another really long and really RNG Min game where basically what we have to do is just guess which one of these fishing hooks to pick and right away I gu get the wrong one you love to see it there are a lot of very RNG mini games in this game so that's why I didn't do all the RNG mini gamess right at the start because I would have just been there forever and it would have been miserable but we got the sea urchin again all right I'll just let you know when we're on a better run okay so this Min game not my biggest favorite in the world but we've been here for a while if Yoshi somehow gets the wrong one thank you we are finally done yeah this mini game all the RG stuff just kind of hurts but we're on to something that at least isn't RNG at all Goomba spotting so I get to count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 4 35 easy okay let's see how everybody else did I got 35 there's two 39's and 140 and it looks like we did that about right so we just have to wait for all these little glomas to hop up and yeah it is definitely 35 so yeah perfect Yoshi you just did one too many you would have tied with everybody if you just played a little bit better now we have magma Mayhem for this one we are on this place which is right by magma and we just fell through at the beginning that was a really hard push that peach did I didn't even know that peach could push that hard but anyways what we have to do is punch our friends into the lava literally murder them and see you later Yoshi you know I had to do what I had to do and look at how I'm cheering Mario is literally so happy that he just killed all his friends then we have pizza me Mario get it because like the pizza anyways what we have to do is throw our pizza topping on each of the blank slices so what I'm doing is just trying to time these not my best job on those two right there but I can get that one one last and we're able to finish out the pizza I mean everybody else did a all right job but that is not going to be the greatest Pizza it's pretty much just pepperoni and for our very last mini game that is four players we have fungi frenzy which for this one all we have to do is hit the mushroom blocks and try to get the ones with three mushrooms before anyone else can get them and we got a pretty good score so far I'll take that one as well which it is 10 the next one after us is Yoshi with five we'll see that there are a couple of these I'm going to go for this one with three first then we can go downwards just get that one and pretty much since we're at a really good spot right here I'm not even trying to get like the highest value ones I'm more just trying to get all of them done as fast as possible so we can move on to the next stage but now for the final round I will just take all this stuff I accidentally just moved Luigi out of the way my bad dude that was a little rude but we will finish out with that get our 34 mushrooms which that is all the free-for-all mini games done now we're going to do some Bowser Junior ones and how the Bowser Junior minii games work is basically it's going to be me and a partner versus Bowser Jr so for this one what we have to do is Swing the Re remote one at a time not do it at the same time as Luigi and then once we get here we have to do a jump then we're going to try that again I accidentally messed up just a little bit and once we get a little bit closer to Bowser Jr he's actually going to speed up so we're going to have to catch up to him do a jump right there and completely launch him that guy is dead now but also not my problem we are able to get the wi sorry Bowser but your son is no longer alive anyways time for Bowser pop so here what we want to do is pop these balloons using the power of teamwork so first I will move us over to the left then we're going to the right Luigi can keep moving over as well accidentally messed that up a little bit but not the biggest deal in the world because I should be able to get these last two which is going to get all the balloons done but now Bowser Jr himself comes down but he is not the greatest in the world at stopping us accidentally didn't hit the thing right there but anyways what I was saying was it's very easy to get him like he's not moving fast at all so so not even a problem then we have double pounder for this one we have to pound the same switch at the same time so we'll see that I'm going for the green one first Luigi will go there as well now I can go over to the blue one and the CPU is pretty much just going to follow what you do so if I go over to this red one then Luigi's going to be like oh I'll do that one when I go over to the yellow he goes for that one and yeah pretty easy stuff probably easier using a CPU than it would be another person but now we have zoom room so what we want to do is make it over to Bowser Jr and kind of corner him so want to take two different paths kind of going in the same area I will be trying to go over to him not exactly sure where he is on my map I'm not going to lie and I'm kind of messing this up I'm not going to lie Luigi this is my fault I am so sorry dude but all right Luigi you have to go the other direction please stop following Luigi please stop following me yeah we're going to restart that one look I'll take my part of the blame for that one but at the end I do not know what Luigi was doing but this time what we will do is I see he's moving him over that way and yeah he just can't Escape that was so much better so time for cage match where it's one of these Min games where you can be either on the foreground or the background and you just have to hit those different parts of the cage to do so so I'm going to let Luigi go over there first he can start chasing after Bowser Jr and I'm just waiting for Bowser Jr until he goes and does that I can stun him and then get him myself pretty good teamwork honestly the two brothers are doing amazing then we have pedal to the paddle and for this one we just want to make sure that this keeps moving over towards the right which the best way I found is just keep keep doing these small jumps and there's not really too much of a problem you can also see Bowser Jr in the back kind of slowing down every once in a while meanwhile we are a mean machine just going through not even stopping at all and finally once we make it over to this platform we're good to go we can then hit that button which just completely murders Bowser Jr yeah he did not survive that fall and we couldn't be happier up next is Pair of Aces and in this one we just have to hit Bowser junr with cannonballs so we will aim for him he's going to move pretty evasively out first but then he's going to stop and he pretty much always does that he's also going to sometimes try to shoot Fireballs but he's aiming for Luigi which I do appreciate he goes for me but I can dodge it by just pressing B and we just have to hit him one more time actually easiest non-moving Target of my life so next up we're on to sand trap and for this one we have to ground pound these things at the same time to get them to collapse so it's kind of annoying sometimes with the CPU because if I was with a person I would just say all right 3 2 1 go something like that but I'm just trying to deal with the CPU what are you doing man but basically what we can do is just get him to be caught on one of these things and then just hit it at the same time please Luigi that was a little embarrassing but we got it done we did that next up it's time for bumper Sparks and all we have to do is hit Bowser Jr over into the electricity so me and Luigi can just work together for that kind of hit off each other that way we get a super boost and finally that should be really easy in less than 10 seconds now for our very last Bowser Junior mini game we have Crossfire Caverns and for this one we have both me and Luigi and we're just trying to move towards Bowser Jr which I just made a mistake I was looking at Luigi's screen instead of my own and then went the wrong direction but we don't have to talk about that we can also use our cannons to hit away these rocks which is sometimes pretty useful but we just have to hit him one more time kind of completely missed my shot right there but I just have to time this correctly and that's perfect and he also falls off again to his death they really like killing Bowser junr in this game which means that's all the Bowser junor mini games done and now we have the versus Rivals mini games so basically it's a 1v3 we're going to start out with this one where I am in the car and sometimes I am going to choose to be the one person and sometimes I'll choose to be the three person also this one of course is going to be motion controls so kind of messed up there but I do have to take out the dry bones as well we don't just have to take out the people so I'm going to aim for them first then I can go ahead get Luigi and Yoshi Princess Peach is the last one so I'll be coming for you and we're much faster than her so we can take her out next one is Hazard hold and we have three different hazards we can use to try to attack the different people and what I'm trying to do is basically just aim to use my fire into the electricity and hopefully get them hit by one of them we can also use our air cannon every once in a while but it's not the hardest thing to Dodge in the world in general I'm just trying to use all this stuff we're able to get our first one right there with Yoshi and that electricity gets both of them right there so perfect it felt pretty bad at the beginning but I guess they got tired of jumping around now we're on to Line in the Sand where we just have to draw all lines in the sand we're able to get Princess Peach the first time then I'm trying to grab either one of these guys thank you for stopping moving Yoshi Luigi just barely got out of it it's kind of hard with the we motion controls but we're able to get it so not the worst I do not miss the sensor bar days now time for block and roll where we're going to try to move three of these blocks across the stage while all three of these guys are throwing Boulders at me what did I do to you people to you want to kill me like this and Yoshi did hit us the first time kind of a bit of bad playing by me but here I can dodge that and I think we might have just been able to go to the ending but I was playing a little bit safe and we can get our first block over there now we're a lot faster when we're not holding a block so we can go straight back Yoshi is kind of dumb and uses a boulder right away thank you very much Yoshi you're actually making this very easy for me I can go right between those two and we're able to get our second block then we just run straight over here again Yoshi again is just going to very dumbly use that block right there he could have waited a little bit longer and maybe actually made me lose some time but we're just able to walk completely past them and get all three which reveals A New Path and we can go into whatever this is I think it's a temple or something like that next up is tackle takedown where there are going to be these three people trying to tackle me and I have to make it over to the goal line and I have three charges that I can use to do that and yeah it's a pretty easy Min game barely even had enough time to explain it next up is Mob sleds and for this one I actually like being a part of the team rather than the solo person so we're going to try try to work together to Corner Luigi and Yoshi that is not where I needed you to go but that is fine we'll knock into each other stop each other and okay that's kind of my fault right there I'm not going to lie but Peach and me we can maybe Corner him not the best stuff in the world Peach please move out of the way okay you guys you got him you don't even need me right here I believe in you thank you Yoshi I did not even help with that Min game but we still get the win on to pix fix we're back to being solo and we just have to rotate the different parts of the picture so they're actually correct I'll start with the top left it's a little bit annoying to rotate with the wi remote but we're able to get it after that just line up Mario do this last little bit and we beat them by far lot better to do this by yourself than with a team not going to lie and then it's h Hog's time where we're coming after our friends with a hammer for some reason and they're also going to be Monty moles in these holes that they're popping their heads out of now what they're trying to do is hold their heads out of the holes long enough for them to get a point but what I have to do is just hit them with a hammer and stop them from doing that yeah a little bit messed up what we're doing to our friends but you know what happens and I'm just going to keep hitting with a hammer Peach did get the first point right there little impressive but yeah they're not going to get the 10 points that they need as you can very clearly see we'll finish out with a couple more hits and yeah they got one point I mean that's got to count for something but it does not count for a win now for Spike and span what we want to do is jump into this Boulder and use it to hit them they can try to move around it and all that kind of stuff but but we have them all in the same corner I'm going to wait this out Yoshi gets hit right there I can hit it and good job guys good try that was so fast and for our final 1v3 miname we have weird Wheels where for this one I just want to press these things in the right order unfortunately I have to use the d-pad I would much prefer doing one one and two like they are doing but you know the d-pad isn't the worst thing in the world I just have to pay attention and we are way far ahead of them right now we can hit that one right there and perfect timing which means that's all the 1 V3 done so on to the final few mini games which are going to be the boss battles and these ones are fun starting out with our first boss battle is going to be litu and he's going to throw his little spinies down to try to hit us and how these boss battles work is we're all working together but we want to be the person who gets the most points now how you get points in this one is you hit litu with some of these bullet bills if you're the one who hits them with those you get the points awarded for that and you also want to do three at a time I haven't done the greatest job so far and Luigi just completely got in my way but I will take a two right there and you'll see off to the right there is going to be the boss's health bar so we just have to get that all the way down to zero I'm able to get a three right there we get another three right here and he's going to go down half for pretty much all the bosses once they get halfway down they're going to do something different for this guy he throws a gigantic spiny which actually hit me for two points not the nicest thing in the world but I'm way ahead of everybody else right now so pretty much my only objective is to just get three of these in a row if we're able to get the three bullet bills we'll be able to take him out pretty fast so that's going to be a three and that is going to finish him off I also got the final attack so that's another plus three but we didn't even need it we won by far and yeah these boss battles are just super cool I wish they were in later Mario parties hopefully they add them back to Future ones now next up is wamp Stomp and for this one we have this huge wamp who's going to hit one of us and we have to rotate this thing by choosing one or zero and basically if everybody chooses one it's going to move four times if only one person chooses one like Yoshi did right there it's only going to move a single time and then the wamp is going to attack which means the other three of us can actually attack the wamp so what I'm going to want to do is just Spam the a button and you're usually able to get in three attacks before it finishes off there so next one again we just have to choose if we want to go for one or zero everybody else is going to do the same and it looks like all four of us did very surprisingly that was kind of insane which means yet again Princess Peach is going to be the one that gets attacked kind of unlucky but like with before we are just going to keep attacking this I kind of wish I was the first person like Yoshi was because I might be able to get out four attacks instead of just three but hey that is going to speed it up because now we're halfway through and this time the wamp is going to jump on this and move the number so it's already something right now it's two so I have to be smart about this and I do not want to be the person under the wamp because that surely will be a loss but again we somehow get four Peach is the most unlucky person in the world for the third time in a row Peach just got attacked and yeah we're going to come through you already know the drill we're just going to try to hit this as much as possible get some points up and yeah this is really close all right this time he's going to hit it again for two times and I just have to make sure that I am not the one that gets hit by this so we will all choose our options I did not go through and it was somehow yet again four how how does that happen that is like the most lucky thing I've ever seen but will I be able to get the final attack or will Yoshi that's the most important thing so I'm going to try my best and thankfully I was able to get it which wow that was such a close Min game for everybody except for Princess Peach I have never seen that before and I probably never will again so we're on to deck Dry Bones which yeah it's the dry bones boss fight and I love Dry Bones so much just all the noises they make but what we want to do for this is memorize what the cards are going to be some of them are going to be red some green I can memorize that that one that I'm on right now is green the one to the right of it is is going to be red and we can choose the green one right away which once that gets shown we know that it is actually going to attack the dry bone and do some damage to him giving us three points then for this next one yet again it's just red and green so I'm just going to pay attention to two of these cards just keep them in my mind we can go for the green one immediately this time it's going to be three attacks and that is going to get us up to six then for the third attack it's going to add in a few more colors so you have to be very careful about keeping track of which one is which and we are are going to see it is red which is going to be this one thankfully it was on the one that I was very sure about because some of them I was a lot less and that is going to be three attacks again which does a good amount of damage at this point Dry Bones is going to be very upset and he'll come back down and we will get some more cards we have to memorize what these are going to be but this time how it switches up is he will actually run through the cards and put them in different spots and I'm not actually sure where the yellow one is so yeah little bit of an elk but that's fine because as long as as we get this one we still should be able to beat Princess Peach I just have to pay attention to which one is which I'm going through that's none of the ones that I was paying attention to we see that it is green which is going to be that one and will Princess Peach tie with me it looks like she actually will but still a tie is going to be a win we both get the final attack so we're both going to get the final attack bonus and yeah a little too close for comfort but still win leading us to cheap cheap shot for this one we have a gigantic cheap cheap and we also have these shells that are going through the water now we want to grab one of these shells and then throw it at the cheap chep so I will just go for that they kind of do have a little bit of auto aim on them so you don't have to be perfect with it you just have to be in that General vicinity and then you can make sure that the shell actually hits him and get some points we don't want to get hit by him like there because obviously we'll lose one point but so far not the worst thing in the world we have 10 we are winning I'm going to aim for this shell right here and now the cheap chep is actually going to jump out of the water thankfully you can actually see a shadow though so it's not the biggest deal in the world and we'll use that make sure we hit him the first time then we'll go for the second one he's going to charge in but before he does I am able to get another Shon and yeah just focusing on getting as much damage as possible that is going to be 18 points for me I think we can hit him another time he's probably going to try to jump out of the water soon and there he goes but I should be good no matter who gets the final shot so I'm just going to focus on getting him as soon as possible hit him with one more and that's going to be another win and another final attack I'll take it and now we're on to spike strike and this one's a pretty fun one so we have Spike jumping down we're in another lava area I don't know why this game loves its lava so much but he's going to throw these spike balls down at us and we have to select a hammer so we're able to hit them back now what we really want to focus on is getting the golden Hammer because that's going to give us three points instead of just one then he's going to do this a second point I just keep my Wii remote pretty much in the center then as soon as I see that golden color I'm going to hit it we are able to get another three and that's also going to get him to halfway so like usual he's going to get a little bit angry and now he's going to move up the lava so we have a little bit less time to actually choose our Hammer but not the biggest deal in the world because I pretty much just choose it immediately Yoshi thought he might have been able to get my golden Hammer it's not going to happen and somehow I was the only one who got a hammer there then for this next one we're looking around it's bright at the bottom left I'm not letting anyone else take it Peach thank you for doing your job as well and they almost all have zero points this is kind of insane but I'm able to select the golden Hammer One Last Time Luigi was able to get second place with a single point that's kind of funny now we have King Boo's puzzle boss fight and for this one it's pretty much just move these over and yeah have them go in the right direction not really the most that you could say about this we just want to get a lot of damage as fast as possible and yeah it's pretty much just keep going through I'm able to get some lightning right there which does a little cool effect gives me 10 points which I definitely will take and after we get him to halfway of course he's going to get a little bit angrier and start throwing a boo which is going to move throughout the map and try to hit us and steal our points I'm not the most worried about it I'm not going to lie it's coming towards me but I was able to get some attacks in so not the biggest steal in the world and we are completely destroying everybody at this point I just have to focus on getting a couple more of these matches so we can finish it out fast that should be it probably no Luigi okay with that one that's going to be it didn't get final attack which that final attack was actually worth 10 but we're still way ahead of everybody else and we're able to take home the first again now to the king bomb boss fight and this one can go very well or very badly so he shows us four different bombs and we can choose which one we want to go for I decid to be greedy at first and yeah none of us got any points because if you go for the same bomb as somebody else then neither of you is going to get to attack him so I'm pretty much always going to be pretty greedy just cuz Hey I want to win and at least right at the start my greed is working out for me we like to see it there's two medium bombs one small one one big one again this time again we're going going for the big one and everybody but Yoshi isn't able to get anything kind of sad now there are going to be two bigger bombs so there is a couple of selections that you can choose from we just have to hope that we don't choose the same one as somebody else but of course Luigi why'd you do that to me yeah this one is both balancing luck and also your greed I don't actually know if the CPUs go more likely for the bigger bombs it kind of feels like they do because Luigi is completely destroying my game plan dude stop that but of course King bomb is now going to get angry and this time when we choose a bomb like right there and we don't get it he's going to throw a bomb back at us and make us lose a point so yeah not the best thing to happen I am very much behind so I really have to hope for a good Strat I'm just going to keep going for the big bomb because surely someone isn't always going to go for okay that is what we want to see we're able to get some points in still behind Peach but tied with Yoshi if we're able to get this last attack then that would be a good thing so I'm going to go here both of us did that not great look for everybody right there not going to lie then for this one it's still kind of about trying to get that last attack trying to predict what other people are going to do so I went for the second one and again everybody's greed caught up to them you could have literally went for the big bomb and just won right there that's kind of sad yeah this mini game is kind of infuriating sometimes I'm not going to lie it Luigi please man okay guys just hear me out let me get the big bomb I can't let somebody else get it because then they're going to get the last attack and probably win but of course Peach is going to go for it why wouldn't she we are almost all at zero points right now this is the worst boss battle I have ever seen you already know I'm going for the first one but of course Luigi does as well yet again come on man we're now all down to zero points you already know what I'm going to choose is it going to work of course not and Yoshi just won with that one yeah I'll let you know when we're on a good run for this one yet again we've been here for a while but I think we just won with the luckiest thing in the world because we got that final attack I think we actually tied with peach that is insane I knew there was a very small chance I was going to win that time and I cannot believe it actually worked out let's go so that is another RNG miname done we still have one more that is very RNG but now we get to hang out with wigler and I love that guy in fact I love him so much that I'm going to bounce on him and ground pound him basically what you want to do for this one is aim for the red part because that's going to give you three points instead of just one but if we can only hit one of the purple points that's still going to be worth it because along with trying to win this mini game we're also just trying to go as fast as possible so any hit on him is going to be worth and there we go we're able to get him to halfway now he's turning red and we are way above everybody else but he's going to move a lot faster at this point going to try to get in one last attack there unfortunately other people jumping on me but I will still try to aim for the red part if I I can but you know at the end of the day purple part is still going to do some damage to him so I'll take that too and with this last little bit we should just have to do a couple more attacks and that is going to be it perfect win and look at him after we take him out I kind of feel bad with how sad he looked on his face but you know we had to take him the win then we got Diddy's banana blast and this is a super fast miname where right away we just want to make sure we get as many bananas as possible I'm going to aim for one of the multiple banana parts and I was able to get a good amount of points right there now we're just aiming for more multiple bananas at this point things are going away extremely fast and you can see just how quick this mini game is it's literally only 30 seconds so we're going to try to get as many bananas as possible I probably could have gotten some more right there but we still are able to take home the win little stressful but we're good to go and now time for our last full RNG level Bowser Junior's breakdown I do not like this level man and the reason for that is it's 100 % decided by dice rolls you have absolutely no way of choosing what's going to happen but you'll see that peach got a three right there that got her onto one of the Star attacks it's going to be the least value one but it still gets her some damage and some points then Yoshi will come through he gets a five which means he's not going to be able to attack and all of us celebrate while he's really sad so on to me I'm just going to try to hit it right away I get a four which is actually a great start we're able to get a nine and with that we're able to do three different attacks on Bowser junr here so feels pretty good good start and it is going to be a while before I can attack next but it is going to be Luigi he's also going to be able to get a three so that is going to be one attack getting Bowser Junior's Health down I'm really hoping that peach doesn't get anything here and that is going to be a four that's what we like to see now Yoshi you as well just get nothing that's all I'm saying going to be a two that is going to be some damage but hey it's better Yoshi getting it than Peach getting it and that should put Bowser Jr down to halfway so we're going to have to really hope we can get some good attacks right here especially now because Bowser Jr is going to add more bombs to the board and if you hit one of those bombs you're actually going to lose some of your points so they're not a good thing now not the greatest start for me so far but if it can go all the way back to me I could get the 15 points unfortunately Luigi is able to take home a three not the biggest deal in the world though I'm not too worried about it that does some damage to him now Peach I wouldn't mind her getting a six right here wouldn't be the worst thing but that's going to be a two okay okay and now Yoshi please do not go crazy maybe even hit the bomb that is going to be a three okay this can go very well or very badly I could get a six or a nine or one of the bombs and I have equal chances and of course it's a bomb yeah that's nice and fun and it's also going to do the maximum amount of damage to me that is going to hit me four different times he comes in with hammers just keeps slamming me on the ground and I lose tons of points still very very winnable if things work out Luigi's going to get a three right here which puts him onto the bomb as well and he's also going to get four Bowser Jr does not like us and I think this is almost certainly going to be a loss right here but we will try it out just because we're pretty far into the game and if somehow both of them get small numbers nope there peach goes I think it's still technically maybe possible to win no it isn't okay yeah we're restarting I was thinking with the final attack maybe I could have won but it just wasn't going to happen got to love RNG mini games okay we are at a pretty good spot right here where we have 15 points Luigi goes for that he isn't able to take out Bowser Jr now if either peach or Yoshi is able to get this it will be completely fine I just can't let Luigi hit something so I'm actually kind of rooting for Yoshi right now he goes through is able to get the too thank you Yoshi that was actually exactly what I needed we look sad on our face for for a second but we should not have been sad at all Yoshi just gets a final attack bonus of three it doesn't even matter and we explode Bowser junr yet another time that we murdered that man but feels good because that was a long mini game so onto our final four boss mini games we have the blooper one and here we're just going to keep shooting this guy in the face that's pretty much all you have to pay attention to he's going to keep jumping out of the sky but as long as we're aiming for his face whenever he does jump out we're able to get a little bit of damage and also a plus one he's also going to sometimes throw these sea urchins at us and they're going to switch with who they're aiming towards so you want to make sure that you hit that before it makes it over to you if you don't want to lose a point I mean it's not the biggest deal for us especially because we're winning by a good amount so far but I do pay attention to it because if I did start playing sloppily I probably could lose this mini game but that's going to be halfway through the fight of course and now this guy is going to speed up start hitting us with a lot more of these sea urchins and also hit us with goo that's just all over the screen it's like Mario Kart but in this it actually kind of affects the game in Mario Kart it really doesn't that badly but here it could be in some annoying spots especially if some of the sea urchins are coming after you but we should be finished off in a second hit him with one last attack Yoshi takes that one and the blooper is very sad and just dies three more to go then we have the chain Chom mini game and this one really fun mini game so what you have to do is pay attention to the cannon that you want and how the rails are going to move so I can look at the direction of the Rails see that the one that I'm going to want is the second cart and everybody else is going to choose their carts as well they're all going to go across the rails and then we all get to shoot the chain chomp one by one doing some damage next up it's going to introduce the golden Cannon which is going to do more damage so I'm going to pay attention to that one I know it is going to be the fourth we can see that I have to press B for that and that of course is both going to do more damage and also give us more points so it's always the one we're going to want to go for Yoshi also little embarrassing man how you just completely mess that up but they're going to do their attacks I do mine too good amount of damage done now for this next one there isn't actually going to be a golden one so we'll just pay attention to any of them for this one I am going to pick the fourth rail again and we all landed on a correct one we're able to do some damage and that's going to get him to his halfway point so of course he's going to get angry just like usual and now there's going to be two rails that are going to be bad and there's also going to be the Golden Rail back here which that one yet again is going to be the fourth rail we've been going for that one a lot this game and just looking at what it's going to be Yoshi yet again dies he's trying TR his best even though he does have zero points but that's going to do a good amount of damage for me and now we just have to finish this out which it doesn't really matter if I do get the final attack this time so I'm just going to go for that one which is going to be the second cart Yoshi come on man come on I mean maybe he's going for the other ones at first but he just isn't fast enough either way I'll hit him right there Peach gets the final attack it doesn't really matter since it's only going to be three points and now we only have two more and the first one of those two last ones is going to be Bowser block battle and in this one Bowser is going to throw a bunch of these blocks down which can have any one of our faces on them and we want to get that onto our face now what the CPUs are going to do is they're always going to focus on the Bowser blocks first and not even pick up the ones with the faces so what I can do to get my advantage is pretty much only throw the face ones and hope that they get on me unfortunately not the best start that's Luigi 5 so I'm actually going to restart here not waste time I just didn't want Luigi to have such a good head start but this time I I'm hoping that I'll get a few more on my face we have a couple so far and we'll just keep aiming for these unfortunately there is a luck based element with it where you can't really choose what face it's going to be but Peach is going to get four right there that does some damage and I'm going to be able to get three then with the three Bowser blocks Bowser is actually going to get them and use them as Fireballs which we can get hit by anyways we're back on to here where we're going to want to throw these dice I'll just keep going hopefully finding some Marios not the Great start so far and yeah that's not awesome I mean it's going to be three Peach three Yoshi that is a lot for peach but not like the worst amount and I still will be at four so we're going to keep it going now Bowser can do his two Fireballs we'll just move out of the way not a problem at all and all right gab you have given me such bad luck this run please just give me some good luck I see a fair amount of Mario faces so far so we'll just keep going for him try to throw these last few and that's going to be five Mario faces I believe right there thank you so much gab that's exactly what I was asking for which is going to get Bowser onto his next face where he's going to grow and get a lot bigger but of course Yoshi still has to do his attack he'll hit him right in the face he has two of these Bowser attacks those like usual are going to be the Fireballs which we'll try to dodge but then Bowser is going to throw his big dice block and this time it's going to be the wiggler and that's going to send a different one of the bosses out that just comes through and attacks everybody these people are kind of terrible at dodging wiggler I'm not going to lie but I'm also not going to complain cuz we're now way ahead of everybody else so I do appreciate that and come on game just give me what I need give me a lot of Mario faces right here and we have a good amount so far we'll get Luigi we'll get that Yoshi one and that's going to be four Marios okay I like that there is four Luigi's too but I mean Luigi's at zero he needs something at least and also two Yoshis which means there were no actual Bowser blocks yeah Bowser is not the happiest about that but you know what happens man hey you still do get to use your regular block right there which is going to be the blooper and in this one the blooper is just going to jump down and try to throw these spiky guys at us so you just want to try to stay away from them keep moving around these guys are not the greatest at dodging we are way ahead of them at this point so I really just want to get the win because we are so far ahead of everybody else so I am going to go for these Bowser blocks instead of going for anyone else even if Yoshi got like tons of points right here he still wouldn't be able to win and yeah I don't think my face was on there a single time but it doesn't matter that should finish out this boss fight they both are able to get the final attack and Bowser goes off to wherever that is and then explodes so he might very much be dead I guess we don't care though cuz that's still going to be a first place only one more mini game to go and our very last mini game is going to be DK's banana bonus which like the Diddy Kong one is going to be very quick and we just have to hope we get lucky so we want to get into that Barrel and hopefully get the big banana Luigi did miss that one I launched myself too soon though and Luigi's going to take it home yeah no it's not going to happen all right second times the try we'll hopefully be able to get in there peach I hate you and gets it right away I mean still doesn't have the most amount of bananas so it could still happen I can actually launch myself up there get a couple of those bundles of bananas and I think we're in an all right spot as long as Luigi doesn't take anything oh my gosh photo finish yep I'm just really great at ending my speeduns what can I say please just give me the big banana thank you that's going to be so much and can I go for another they're all going to be over there didn't get anything this one's actually going to be a lot closer than it should be hopefully I can get the barrel Luigi please get nothing they're all going to be gone for you and there we go that is exactly what we needed 28 points all right that could have went a little bit better but we are able to get our first place and end time right there which is going to be a 20341 and that's going to be a world record since no one else has done this speed room before all right subscribe if you enjoyed bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 402,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, mario party, mario, speedrun, mario party 9, speed run, world record, wr, speedrunning, speedrunner, mario party speedrun, mario party world record, mario party speed run, mario speedrun, mario speed run, all minigames, all bosses, mario party 9 all minigames, mario party 9 all bosses, mario party 9 minigames, mario party 9 bosses, mario party bosses, mario party master mode, super mario, mario minigames, eazyspeezy mario party, eazyspeezy speedrun
Id: PeP7QpyrgYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 31sec (3751 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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