THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON IN FALLOUT 4 - Fallout 4 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits!

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back into the Glorious world of Fallout 4 yes it's just over that little hedge you can see it the wastelander weits and we are joined by a wonderful character today say hello to Ru kees this is the very distant cousin of Keanu Reeves the internet's favorite wholesome boy Keanu Reeves is not wholesome no Keanu Reeves is the Devourer of video game worlds this is by far the most power video game character ever created you should be scared of him as you cannot outrun him but first our esteemed sponsor Opera gx's back and wants me to remind you the default browsers are boring and stinky instead with Opera GX you can customize keyboard sound background music sounds for messing with tabs goodbye for now welcome two time themes colors make modifications to a near endless quantity of custom wallpapers and best of all it's easy to access thanks to the Opera GX store I even have my own theme which you should download and use as it will subliminally remind 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previously in his Fallout 4 Adventures he has created an array of incredibly overpowered weapons like the most powerful stabber this is a weapon that defies reality it has one of the highest DPSS in the game and is effectively some levitating Rockets attached to a blade that beenin so fast it has gone invisible It's very effective however I could do better and so I made the power of York sh te this is a pipe gun but it is a special pipe gun as well as uses regular pipe gun ammunition it converts them into nuclear bombs yes that's right it is indeed perfectly balanced for a demonstration of this I have found myself a mole rat yes it's very dangerous and what we can do is oh oh dear we appear to have died now you might have seen that weapon and gone oh my goodness spiff how on Earth have you made it what on Earth are you doing surely you are using mods but no this is a weapon you can make in the base game of Fallout 4 the only problem is is it's very likely going to kill you when you use it so us you could make this by exploiting the very many broken systems of Fallout 4 you probably shouldn't because it will just blow you up and that takes us to today's Quest ladies and gentlemen we're going to take ranu kees here and we're going to craft the most overpowered weapon in Fallout 4 a weapon to surpass Metal Gear a weapon to defy the gods a weapon to turn against this land and finally show the American the true meaning of the pain they inflicted upon me by dumping tea into the harbor all those years ago so with this little fireworks display let's get off into the Wilderness I say so first things first what is the exploit we're going to be abusing today well it is the weapon mod transfer glitch you see in Fallout 4 you can create customized weapons you can take this 10 mm pistol whack on an automatic receiver and oh it suddenly shoots really quickly however what you can't do is Mount the MV launching attachment from a mini nuke and slap it onto a pipe pistol except you can and in fact we can even add an automatic receiver into the mix to allow us to turn this gun into something even more stupid say hello to this yep that's even better amazing I love customization thanks Todd so yes if we can put any mod onto any weapon that allows us to break a huge amount of the codes and checks and balances that the developers have snuck into the game game and allow us to craft some truly broken weapons now you can pull off this exploit on Console that's what makes it so wonderful because for our poor friends playing on Xbox and Playstation they don't have access to the developer console which means that they're unable to place down a very large quantity of ghost CHS okay this is actually quite terrifying so what's the first item we're after ladies and gentlemen well it's going to be Lorenzo's artifact so let us travel off into the Wasteland to get to this location this here is habit house ladies and gentlemen it is quite a lovely little Posh residency it is a private area of course where they keep out any Ruffians using uh I think they meant to be using these uh these lovely Sentry Bots unfortunately they've all died these things can happen of course and once you arrive at the door you simply need to Riz your way past the guard and there we go anyway hello there take it easy my friend now I'm not looking for trouble I'm just looking for an overpowered gun so in order to get this incredibly overpowered weapon we need to do a special delivery Quest and find a missing package this is a mission that can simply be abbreviated to [Music] this so after completing the entire Quest slide Jack CET here is ready with a special weapon for us good news what is it ah yes he's activated the artifacts telekinesis effect and what we now have is Lorenzo's artifact gun a very special silly little weapon that comes with the unique mod Lorenzo's artifact this means that any bullets fired from it are affected by this weird scarby looking thing and we mess about with the physics now Lorenzo's artifact gun is pretty cool but it only has eight rounds not exactly enough to Revolution Iz combat now I can demonstrate the current power of Lorenzo's artifact gun on this group of Raiders in front of me I can shoot them once in the Torso and they get staggered a little bit it's pretty decent but hardly going to uh change the world and on this difficulty level yes I will die so we need to make this much more powerful ladies and gentlemen I have a wonderful opportunity to you I've just been speaking to ranu kees and he's told me that the first 15,000 people who like this video will not be getting visited by him tonight in their dreams that's a wonderful offer because I promise you you definitely don't want to be visited by ranu KES at night this is the most powerful being in the known Multiverse so like the video and stay safe anyway onwards with the madness right now that we have Lorenzo's artifact weapon we need to find a weapon to actually Mount this modification too and generally speaking we wanted to be a legendary weapon something with a powerful modifier unfortunately Fallout hands these out rather intermittently but there is a way way in which we can manipulate the system to work in our favor step one is to take yourself over to an area where legendaries spawn the easiest location for us is the conord Civic access drop down a save out here in case you have to start again but most importantly put a quick save right here at the entrance if you see Fallout has three types of saving the hard saves that you can always return to Quick saves for your quick loading and auto saves for when you enter a new area now what we're going to do is enter into this new area and kill all of the enemies inside upon us entering the loot is locked into place and by that I mean any legendary enemies that are inside of here if they're going to drop say a legendary plank then they will drop a legendary plank however the modification on that legendary is not permanently set and is in fact only set once we murder them right now none of the rad roaches we encountered were legendary but each of them has a chance Upon Us entering to be a legendary rad roach and that is what we're here to farm here we go fantastic we got ourselves a legendary radroach so we kill our legendary rad roach and all what is this a poisonous double barrel shotgun now this is an okay weapon but not what we're actually interested in but we'll be using this bad boy to demonstrate how this actual glitch works if for example we did actually want a double barrel shotgun but we didn't like the poisoners modifier what we can do is back on out press escape and load the autosave of our arrival this means that the rad roach that we are going to kill is going to be the exact same and we kill him and we're bam it's another double barrel shotgun this this time it's penetrating decent but not for me of course I don't want a double barrel shotgun so instead of loading the auto save of us entering into this environment we will load the quick save of before we entered this way we will then reset all of the enemies we fight some of them will be legendary some of them won't be legendary and any items they're going to have on them will also be modified it's a very cheesy exploit that is absolutely critical to use if you're intending to not lose your mind finding the perfect combination of weapons six and a half hours later okay we've finally done it I've actually found the item I want I don't even need to load the quick save in order to change the effect this is the effect I want and whilst it's not the perfect gun it will do this right here is a NeverEnding double barrel shotgun never ending basically means it has unlimited ammo capacity which is pretty darn good it means I can simply go Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam it's practically a fully automatic weapon it's perfect so with this bad boy now secured we can head back on out into the Commonwealth and mount our unique modification onto this shotgun yes our never ending shotgun here is pretty good because it does not need to be reloaded but we can make it oh so much better you see we are going to do something very special step one is to take the two weapons we're going to be exploiting and naming the weapon that we're going to upgrade 01 whereas the weapon that we're going to be pulling a modification from 0 0 then what you're going to want to do is to take the upgrade you actually want and take it off of the ual weapon so I've added the standard dish rather than Lorenzo's artifact next up what you want to do is to scrap and modify the destroyable weapon at the same time you basically just want to press R and E very quickly this works on consoles as well then you'll get into this entertaining menu where you can scrap the item but you're also inside of the weapon from here you want to be careful we're going to press enter to scrap the item and then everything else shall be done using the arrow keys so we press enter then we want to go into standard receiver by pressing the right arrow key then press e to attach the Lorenzo artifact mod to this shotgun quite suspicious indeed the shotgun now looks a little bit funny but it has the Lorenzo's artifact added it still fires shotgun shells but these shotgun shells are a little bit different where's that Raider where are you I see you somewhere right so now instead of shooting shotgun shells we now shoot this yes it's an instant death Cannon and it's highly effective indeed we can blow up cars pretty much instantaneously and any physical weapon hit by the force of this is flung very f away this effectively makes it the Fallout 4 equivalent of forro Dar and of course our gun fires relatively quickly we can make this a fair bit better however for example we could change the receiver on this shotgun to fire very quickly in order to build this I'm going to need a little bit of extra adhesive which isn't challenging at all but I need to level up so that I can unlock the gun nut perk so it's time to take my wonderful murder weapon on a quick tour of the Wasteland as we mop up some enemies in order to harvest some EXP experience all right bam here we are at the National Guard training yard I'm definitely going to have some enemies here there is of course a machine gun turret there luckily for us our gun is pretty darn good into the facility we go all right there we go there's an enemy there oh my goodness it's a legendary wered feral ghoul and it's dead and it's been scattered into a bajillion pieces hello you your legs are going to get blown off wow none of them have arms anymore I'm sorry friends oh dear I guess I can just punch you a bit the only challenge is is um working out where the loot is because the bodies are kind of split into a million pieces there's some enemies there we go oh a legendary wered feral ghoul how spooky and of course we can just do a little bit of a vat on OTE he has no arms he has no legs but he's still there my goodness what suffering have I caused upon you oh dear oh feral G Roma you're not exactly very fancy can I do a critical hit I don't even know what that would look like okay not much different all right there we go you've been blasted wam oh my goodness I think his head split into two in that oh hello legendary glowing one okay now we finally have something spicy okay you're just going to get blasted over and over again oh my goodness we're just going to remove your limbs if that's okay sir what do you still have you still have an arm okay not anymore and you're gone my goodness that was effective eventually welcome back you lovely Majestic sausage es I have taken ranu kees on a glorious Journey where we massacred our way across the Wasteland in order to generate experience now I want to improve this wonderful shotgun so we're going to do something very specific I finally leveled up enough where I can get the gun nut upgrade and so we shall be whacking in an advanced receiver into this weapon look at it it's now so much better an improved rate of fire glorious to us next up we can have a full stock for some improved recoil control now we're not going to to modify this shotgun any further because this is British Perfection we now have much less recoil to worry about and a much higher rate of fire but what is the most powerful weapon in the game well we're going to go and try and collect it you see over here is a lovely Vault and inside of the vault is a weapon called The overseers Guardian normally this weapon isn't anything too special however it has a modifier that allows it to shoot an extra shot now when we combine this with other upgrades like say the beam splitter we can potentially extrapolate the amount of bullets being fired from a gun to a very silly level and that's exactly what we're going to do right now the weapon is for sale in a shop in the vault over here which should be quite easy to get to oh is there a Super Mutant brute nearby there's a blooming suicider luckily um we don't have to be that accurate because we can kind of just blow people up from afar oh there's a mutant Hound it's dead this weapon is good oh it is very good ooh a legendary Super Mutant brute you're kind of spicy unfortunately my shotgun is very good oh dear right okay I'm back uh the game crashed who could have seen such a thing occurring uh but we're back in the vault all right I've made my way over to Alexis in Vault 81 and here it is the overseers guardian a very special rifle that shoots an additional projectile when fired very fancy indeed of course it does cost £22,000 and there we go fantastic we've finally been able to buy it we did have to sell quite a lot in order to get it but this weapon is going to change the world world and with it secured we can now say goodbye to this Vault we never need to come back here again which means we could murder all of these people is exactly what you expect me to do because that's exactly what I would have done in the past but I am a changed man who would never do such a thing or would I right back to the red rocket we go as we're going to craft what should be by far the most powerful weapon in the Commonwealth so step one we're going to need two items we need to make sure that we have crafted a beam splitter which you can do if you have access to any laser weapon and then next up you need to make sure that you're able to craft the wonderful targeting computer which in my case I need a few more resources for but we can go collect them shortly for we need to make the first major upgrade in order to do this upgrade you're going to want to leave your mouse hovering here as this is the wait why can I hear explosions I can hear a nuclear bomb what the hell what the hell is going on there they could have attacked my shaes welcome back ladies and gentlemen to full 4 the following footage you're about to witness is footage that is lost to time this is because we had a Fallout 4 crash that was so powerful it destroyed my entire recording software so allow me to explain what I got up to after taking the overseers guardian back to our lovely base what we're going to do is destroy the power of Yorkshire te by taking the mve launcher off of it we then slap this mve launcher back onto a fat man before using the scrap exploit to mount the mve launcher onto the overseer's guardian this now creates the most overpowered nuke firing weapon in the game because it fires twice the results are very impressive indeed ah look at that lovely flaming protection and of course this weapon needs a glorious name and so it is the power of Yorkshire gold for this is the power you receive upon drinking Yorkshire gold oh my goodness it has burnt out my retinas Splendid power indeed but this weapon is purely a means for an end because my goal is to use it to defeat a very powerful enemy the Myer Queen We need to defeat her so that we're able to take control of the castle as in this location is a glorious weapon that I want now in this footage what I do is I fast travel over towards that area and I blow up a bunch of myu using this incredible weapon it makes most combat very simple indeed anyway we will now return to where we currently are in Fallout 4 about to face down a Myer Queen oh have I just summoned the queen myar I believe I have yep there she is found fantastic right she's a perfect Target for the power of Yorkshire gold hello there friend oh got to be a little bit careful when firing this oh my goodness right hello there my queen time for you to die did we even hit it no I think it went underground yep it dodged most of my attacks right let's run this way a bit hello there myo Queen there we go this should do the trick Splendid lovely jubly The Fortress has been been saved right okay after unlocking the workshop what you want to do is to head into this room and then you can make your way down into the castle tunnels now of course as great as our lovely nuclear bomb launcher is I think it should be pretty obvious that firing it inside of these tunnels is a bad idea allow me to demonstrate all right fantastic I found one of the potential items I am after a laser musket oh dear there's sge lovely a Sentry bot uh that is going to probably try and murder us luckily for us he can just be blown up nice and simply oh and he also exploded into money fantastic thanks Sarge and after blowing up Sarge we now have everything we needed as well as a little bit of extra damage because this laser musket whilst it might seem like one of the worst weapons in all of Fallout history it's actually pretty darn good so back out to the surface world we go all right with this step complete we can now make our way back over to the lovely red rocket and craft ourselves the Ultimate Weapon right now it's finally time for us to create the Ultimate Weapon uh which I can gu oh although there does appear to be a raid coming our Direction okay well we can deal with that the way we normally do with a little bit of British Perfection there we go just send everything flying yep I definitely aimed some of those shots oh and an explosion Splendid right we are ready to do a little bit of creation now we're going to need a couple of very glorious and broken items before we begin namely the power of York gold we're going to be modifying it even further and the main thing you have to make sure for this test is that you have no other weapon in your inventory so we drop down our quick save and we get ready to destroy this weapon make sure to of course hover your mouse over where the beam focuser is located and then perform the scrap modify glitch then we're going to press enter simply press right and mount the beam splitter to this combat shotgun we are mounting it in the sighting category don't question it I'm sure it's completely fine there we go we press enter to scrap and then we simply press e to attach the beam splitter mod to this lovely weapon with that completed we now have a beam Splitter on top of this combat shotgun right now is where we're going to completely destroy the game we're going to take this scatter shotted laser Gatling gun and get it to shoot rockets in order to do this we need ourselves a missile launcher with a targeting computer once you have that constructed make sure to once again of course have it not be equipped to the gun and then what we're going to do is pull off this glorious exploit however we need to to get a little bit creative here because we're aiming for the second slot on the gun for us to pull off this exploit we need to do scrap modify at the same time as we move our Mouse in getting the timing route on this is a nightmare it will take a lot of practice and it makes this stage of the exploit impossible to pull off on Console unless you've plugged in a mouse and there we go if you get the timing right you move your mouse over so that it successfully has the standard sight slot selected from here we then once again perform the exploit by just simply scrapping the missile launcher going on into the SES and equipping the targeting computer there we go we now have a missile targeting computer and a beam Splitter on this insane weapon this is going to be my magnumopus and so it shall be called ru's Triumph quite possibly the greatest weapon anyone is ever going to create inside of this game allow me to demonstrate why I have just locked on to sha with this missile targeting computer from this perspective I can now spin this bad boy up and shoot a very large amount of missiles at the boy this weapon is now quite ridiculous indeed because what I've have managed to create is a minigun that is able to fire multiple missiles and these missiles are split even further by the beam splitter so one single shot of this bad boy is enough to create eight missiles out of th air and of course it shoots rather quickly we can use this to say hello to our Super Mutant warlord friend and just spin up this weapon and watch as he gets evaporated anyway let's quickly fire that bad boy off they're all dead head oh dear their body parts have gone flying right now I've made my way over to the Airfield where not only do you get to look at the missing textures of the Fallout world you also get to find yourself some relatively high level enemies way over there in the distance is a level 96 CH feral ghoul whom I can lock onto the right leg of and then fire for critical hit let's give it a try this is all firing missiles my goodness wow it's very effective oh my goodness and the missiles are still going around right you you're going to die then there's you and your friend is dead as well oh and don't forget you oh no more charred feral ghouls luckily I can put one shot into you and one shot into you that should be enough bam you're dead then you there's one in front of me luckily I can just fire this okay don't fire the gun at Point Blank Range all right now what we're going to do is to spoil in a worthy opponent this opponent is Liberty Prime who I've just accidentally dropped right onto me uh the best way to deal with him is to whack some jet so that we can absolutely ye ourselves away at a very high speed so that's exactly what I'm going to do we're going to run in the opposite direction from Liberty Prime because the boy is a communism death machine who literally froze mini nukes in fact that's exactly what he's doing uh we are going to stop this before it gets out of hand by firing a near continuous perfect quantity of missiles at him it it did the job it it did the job really easily actually wow I that was quite a bit of overkill on my end yeah that's a dead Liberty Prime nice now I personally like a challenge so what I'm going to do is spawn in multiple Liberty primes and there we go I have now spawned in five Liberty primes right we have used our lovely ability to get out of the range of the Liberty primes and now we shall destroy them all with a fiery glorious range of missiles and just like that we've actually murdered every single Liberty Prime in existence oh I've become death destroyer of worlds dispenser of missiles I cannot be defeated it and so we get to the end of today's episode it's been absolutely wonderful having you along for the ride ladies and gentlemen but all good things must come to an end just like the diamond City Marketplace for this is their end and I shall not be saving them goodbye everyone yes yes Splendid glorious power I can't even control The Recoil all the game for that matter W it is powerful am I firing I don't know the game is ever so slightly broken and before everything comes to a crash thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you've enjoyed the show and there we have it ladies and gentlemen Fallout 4 has been broken once more but there is an Infinite combination of broken weapons that can be made with this exploit if you've cheesed it yourself then let me know about the incredible combinations you've made and if you'd like to see me push this exploit even further in the future and let me know in the comments section of course thank you for watching thank you for subscribing and a special thank you to The Majestic sausages who make up our channel members and patreons thank you very much for your funding as always thank you very much for watching I'll see each and every one of you in the next one and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 432,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout, fallout 4, fallout weapon, fallout 4 most powerful weapon, THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON IN FALLOUT 4, fallout 4 is perfectly balanced, the spiffing brit, fallout 4 best weapons, bethesda, fallout 4 guide, fallout 4 update, game, gameplay, exploits, bug, glitch, fallout gun, fallout 4 weapon, rpg, skyrim, fallout 76, reanu keeves, fallout tv, fallout 4 weapons, overpowered, fallout op, rare, rare loot, fallout 4 legendary weapons, video game, fallout 3, fallout 4 mods, spiffing
Id: MUcdkvi75a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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