7 Bosses That Were Immediately Killed by a Much Scarier Boss

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Haven't watched it yet, I'm predicting Tiso from Hollow Knight just based on the title

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Reletr 📅︎︎ May 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

I was stunned to see my name pop up on one of the suggestions. I’m internet-famous!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/NotACyclopsHonest 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies
we recently discussed the video game phenomenon whereby a scary Boss shows up only to be immediately obliterated by a much scarier boss who you now have to fight good luck [Music] turns out this is even more prevalent in video games than even we initially suspected as you the dashing and debonair outside Xbox viewers had plenty more suggestions of your own for tough looking baddies we never got to fight because they got smashed flat by something much much worse he then presented for your enjoyment are seven of your most popular suggestions enjoy and beware spoilers for The Following games foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Souls if you encounter a fog door you're in for a bad time that's because Behind These fog doors like bosses bosses such as leech Monger who is not as his name suggests a merchant who will provide you with a nice pound of fresh leeches at market price but rather a horrible pile of thousands of leeches that wants to kill you and maybe put a sign outside clarifying that next time anyway it is with Justified intrepidation that you might find yourself approaching this fog door in the tower night Archstone area of the boletarian palace because anything could be back there a cosmic horror that cannot be comprehended by the human mind a haunting allegory for the death of a beloved family member armed with a chainsaw a big dog honestly with from software it could be any of them therefore it's a massive relief when you do Traverse the fog to discover that the fiendish enemy waiting for you on the other side is a fat guy in a top hat yes he's got an ax and looks mean but even so there are tons of these guys just running around outside they're easy maybe from software is finally taking pity on us and giving us a break oh yes this guy lost all of about four seconds before he's impaled by yep there he is the real boss a much more terrifying Knight armed with a big sword who is called let me just check the name here penetrator do I want to know how he got that name it's not my favorite choice for a bodyguard but oh well no need to worry he knows who his Masters are as everyone who has played one will know the most precious Commodities in Resident Evil games are guns and ammunition they're so in demand that people are practically breaking down the doors of gun shops to get at them as you can see that's why bosses in Resident Evil games are so traumatic I mean sure they're traumatic because they're horrible gross tooth-filled bio weapons with way too many eyeballs but also because you have to pump an ungodly amount of your precious precious ammunition into them before they'll leave you alone that's why it's such a rare treat to see the scenario that a few of you suggested from Resident Evil 2 when Mr X the tyrant in redditor Cosplay has been stalking you throughout the entire game gets neatly bisected by William Birkin one of the game's other bosses foreign leaves meaning you don't actually have to fight him score much more typical of the series however is this example from the much more obscure Resident Evil Outbreak file 2. an early online Co-op multiplayer game set in the Resident Evil universe that sees your ragtag group of survivors briefly team up with a tyrant the type R Who You release to act as a kind of bodyguard As you move through one of the series many Hunter infested bio labs Kevin surprise surprise however the Tyrant stops being friendly after about 10 minutes and it's back to fleeing in panicky Terror it's clear from this point on that a boss fight against this guy is inevitable so it's somewhat Bittersweet when he turns up for the final confrontation all shirtless and bristling with new claws only to be immediately absorbed into the body of a much bigger much weirder much grosser bioweapon known as Nyx [Music] and bad luck you do have to fight this one I hope you brought a rocket launcher okay well I'm out of ideas [Music] very you got me [Music] the last Conker's Bad Fur Day is rare's parody of their own mascot Platformers and as such they were free to come up with more unusual and ridiculous bosses than you'd normally expect in this kind of a game that makes it [Music] the jury is still out on whether this was a good idea or not a more traditional enemy is the Panther King who sounds like a Netflix documentary about a man who owns and mistreats way too many Panthers but who is actually the game's main antagonist he's a Regal jungle cat who comes up against everyone's favorite foul-mouthed squirrel because his table is wonky and his top scientist comes to the conclusion that the best replacement leg would be a red squirrel like conquer get me these great squirrels hey whatever man you're the panther King at the end of the game you finally come face to face with the panther King and it's looking like it's going to be an epic emotional Showdown especially after his weasel henchman guns down Conker's girlfriend Barry [Applause] hey my wish Barry but right after this bafflingly graphic bit of violence the panther King starts to feel ill remorse perhaps for his crimes guilt gnawing away at his insides nope it is in fact a chess burster from the Alien films gnawing away at his insides in a much more literal and graphic sense [Music] this xenomorph is incredibly the game's actual final boss and we don't get to fight Panther King at all his corpse is instead ejected into outer space along with pretty much everyone else who isn't conquering this anymore so good luck with that conquer it's not like you've got a power loader rig like Ripley did in Aliens foreign [Music] carry on then [Music] [Music] Metal Slug was a series of side-scrolling Shooters in which you ran through battlefields mowing down enemy soldiers and occasionally mummies because I guess you got most somewhere back there foreign in the first Metal Slug game your main enemy is General Donald Morden the leader of the Rebel Army you've spent the whole game fighting and who serves as the game's final boss it's a tough encounter in which Morden is armed with a bazooka and an attack helicopter using both with deadly efficiency to try and get revenge for all those mummies you slaughtered they belonged in a museum as such when playing the sequel Metal Slug 2 later released in improved former's Metal Slug X you might think you know exactly what to expect when you reach the end of the game and are greeted Once More by General Morden who is laughing atop a tank shaped like a hat this is the point at which you're expecting a rematch with the general unless you've read the title of this video or watched any of the three preceding entries but even if you had done that you still might not expect what happens next several aliens appear and kill modern's henchmen and then a giant UFO flies into frame blows up his hat tank sucks the General in with the tractor beam and then immediately starts to kick your ass with high-tech alien weaponry [Music] as if that weren't enough and it absolutely were if you defeat that UFO a second even larger UFO that fills the entire screen shows up and then you want to fight that as well look I get these are arcade games designed to Hoover coins out of children's Pockets but this is getting ridiculous luckily the alien Mothership has one weakness being shot loads of times by you so you're able to eventually take it down at which point there's one final humiliation in store for General Morden [Music] [Applause] looks like he got more than he bargained for I'm pretty sure he's dead look we all grieve in different ways okay Eerie hard as Nails platformer Hollow Knight is a game about exploring a decaying insect Kingdom kind of like when I have to go behind my TV to get at the HDMI cables along your journey you'll run into various NPC insects some of whom are there to help you out others who seem like they might have more Sinister intentions one NPC who is very upfront about what he's up to is tiso a proud looking Warrior who just will not shut up about combat and glory and how he will absolutely kick your ass if you ever dare cross him tiso is seeking the Colosseum of fools so that he can prove himself through brutal combat and warns he to stay out of his way lest you once again get your ass kicked by him [Music] tiso is so into fighting that he even hates things like legs because they're too peaceful so it's pretty clear that the game is setting up a showdown between you and tiso and indeed that does appear to be what's going to happen when you run into him in the pantheon of God Nest a Boss Rush Arena where you face a gauntlet of tough enemies he even teases his moveset letting you know that his pill bug shield contains a deadly surprise oh speaking of deadly surprises foreign yes regrettably tiso gets Sat On by a big bug called a brooding Morlock and dies so we never get to face him instead we have to fight the brooding more leg who to be fair to tiso is actually a lot scarier and pointier and fires lava out of his head which I mean I don't know what tricks tiso had up his sleeve but I doubt it was that still at least that wasn't a peaceful death hey tiso so you know Silver Linings as you may know the opening of the first Vault five years ago triggered a chain reaction that revealed more from Pandora you don't want to hear about that Vault Hunter you want to hear about Loot and PEX and explosions are torque and I'm here to ask you one question and one question only explosions in the Borderlands 2 DLC Mr torg's Campaign of Carnage your Vault Hunter enters a combat tournament in uh let me just check my notes Here the badass Crater of bad attitude sounds badass the way the tournament is structured you have to go up against the higher ranked badasses starting with badass number four pyro Pete guess what his thing is here we go and continuing on to badass number three motor mama I'm so glad you could make it I'm gonna kill you and make sandwiches out of your core she seems nice with this pattern firmly established you are introduced to the second ranked Gladiator flyboy a 16 year old with a jet powered gunship and an abundance of youthful arrogance and weird slang if all Hunters are all news I'm the new hotness I'm just gonna kill you Ray so hard you bring me to syitf as you make your way towards flyboy everyone tells you how much of a noob he is so by the time you get there you're prepared for a pretty straightforward Showdown I heard of this flyboy guy he's a noob just stick to the fundamentals I taught you and you're gonna be ace even his boss intro graphic tells you this won't take long this is where it hates you TBR I'm gonna DT my Buzzard with your goddamn spine graphic you don't know the half of it that's because seconds later a rocket comes well rocketing into frame blowing up flyboy's gunship and sending him crashing to the ground below damn it just murdered flyboy surprise now you've got to fight this deadly deadly murder blimp piloted by piston the number one ranked gladiator who is significantly more terrifying than flyboy on account of being an adult talking in normal sentences and oh yeah being armed the teeth with turrets and bombs [Music] outrageous what would fly boys say probably something like piston hits different No Cap Geet skirt skirt all right okay foreign Butcher on account of her being called Zenobia the butcher you don't get that kind of nickname by doing charity work with sick orphan puppies but we were even more worried when we read the description of the mission the game gives you to fight her where it describes her as an undying monster driven by an intense loathing for all that lives and asks you to go to the scene of her foulest atrocities it also asks you to expunge her taint which I mean I didn't think this was that kind of game final fantasy 13. anyway decide that yes this is something you're keen on doing and head over there and it looks very much like you're going to have a bad time on account of Zenobia being a crimson crystalline monster with horrible flailing tentacles for arms so you and your party ready yourself for battle when something unexpected happens a small turtle with a lantern runs in from off screen stabs a nobier in the ankle and then she immediately and theatrically dies which could be seen as something of a relief if you don't know what a tonbury is yes if you're thinking this little guy doesn't look that scary then you're obviously unfamiliar with the Final Fantasy enemies known as tonbury's who are notable for two things shuffling towards you like a tiny reptilian Michael Myers and stabbing you with their knives for a devastating one-hit kill and now he's murdered Zenobia he's turned his attention to your party [Music] so now you've got to expunge this guy's taint which I mean I wouldn't even know where to start is there a shell under that robe [Music] that's it video done thank you so much for watching it please do like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video if you'd like a bigger scarier video to watch uh we've got one up here from us at outside Xbox and one down here from outside extra our sister Channel and hey if you like what we do and you'd like to support us uh please do join the ox supporters Club at patreon.com Ox Club we'd love to see you there bye
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,313,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, bosses, demon's souls, demon souls, Tyrant Type-R, Resident Evil Outbreak: File 2, resi, tyrant, Panther King, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, General Donald Morden, Metal Slug X, Tiso, Hollow Knight, Flyboy, Borderlands 2, Mr Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage DLC, Zenobia the Butcher, Final Fantasy XIII, top ten, top five, top 10, top 5, list, countdown, best, worst, bigger, scarier, boss
Id: r6KGx4PWROs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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